Fairy Tail RP

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    Trina Kassia
    Trina Kassia

    Lineage : The Killer Kitten
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 43
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,250

    Fun-Tastic! Empty Fun-Tastic!

    Post by Trina Kassia 4th December 2022, 4:55 am

    Trina Kassia

    What could possibly go wrong when a cat got on the wrong side of the law? Actually, for once, it wasn't all that bad. This time.

    Trina had been taking a walk. A very normal walk, as far as the blue-furred catgirl tended to go; while she liked to go exploring, she really liked to go far and wide. Curiosity always managed to get the better of her for some reason (a great mystery why that is, of course) and she absolutely just had to go out and find out thigns and learn what the thing that was going on around her was. Or just to see somewhere new. Or to see what kind of shinies she could procure when she went out on adventures. After all, Ray-- her lifelong partner-- liked shiny things almost as much as she did, and that meant that at any given opportunity, Trina would collect said shiny thing and present it to him for his perusal. Now, couple this with a brand-new fun thing that had been announced, and Trina would absolutely go there to see what shiny things they had!

    Said brand new fun thing was Meliora Vitae's newly-announced island, Maclean Park. One part amusement park, one part nature reserve, it was promised as a brand new resort for everyone to come and have a lovely time! This sounded like a great place, of course. Trina loved fun! Fun was the best! Besides, this was a fun park. Nothing could pawssibly go wrong.

    Therefore, Trina had managed to stow away on the next boat from Fiore's mainland to the island resort, where thousands of people were already thronging in order to see this fun new attraction. In times of war, people needed such distractions. Things were awfully dreary, and the escapism from reality helped to keep the morale up so that people could live out their lives, contribute to a functional economy, and at least have somewhere to go while they earned money and were unable to travel across the world. It was good money for research into animal protection and rehabilitation, which was a thing that everyone liked to contribute to. This seemed like a great place.

    What Trina knew was that every one of these sick, unworthy Fiorean scumlords-- the killers of her people-- didn't deserve the escapism. But we don't tell them that because cute kitty cat time!

    As the Joyan refugee got off the boat, she marvelled at the sights; her orange eyes lit up with excitement as she clapped her hands together, looking at the giant rainbow-lit ferris wheel and rollercoasters. She looked the massive slides, and the dizzyingly tall resort buildings, and the tower rides - everything here looked so amazing! There were teacups and carousels and bumper cars and (ew) water rides - just about anything one could wish for on this side of the forest, where lovingly-crafted pathways led deep into nature reserves kept specifically for the preservation of animal species. This was a magical place. It had to be.

    So, oblivious to the world around her, Trina skipped her way through the crowds, excited to see what this place had to offer. Dressed in her typical purple skirt and top, she was an overly-cutesy sight; she got a lot of looks, all things considered, for her furry ears and tail were enough to draw the attention of far too many people. However, she was used to the attention now. She didn't have to like it, but she was used to it. Besides, who knew who-- or what-- she'd run into here? Including trouble. It tended to follow her.

    TAG: @Iroha Ikegami WORDS: 605 TOTAL: 605/--- JOB: Link
    MEL @ WW
    Kotomi Kadenkouji
    Kotomi Kadenkouji

    Lineage : Unyielding Upset
    Position : None
    Posts : 147
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Experience : 18,025

    Fun-Tastic! Empty Re: Fun-Tastic!

    Post by Kotomi Kadenkouji 11th December 2022, 10:16 am

    Normal people went to amusement parks. They enjoyed doing amusement park things such as: eat the popcorn (salted, buttered or caramel all acceptable), yell loudly during the tall ride, smile and take picture with large-headed mascot, not be disturbed by large-headed mascot. And so on.

    Therefore, on this excursion to the new amusement park and nature preserve that she had been researching in excruciating detail, Iroha Ikegami was determined to do as many of the things listed as possible. She did, in fact, have an itinerary to ensure that she could do several of these things. She wasn't foolish, however, as she was aware that amusement parks were busy and loud and therefore the itinerary had several trees which could be altered and changed as necessary.

    The ride was fine. She stayed in the corner, staring at the surroundings and mentally going over her itinerary. If the rides were closed, she wouldn't be able to yell loudly (vital distinction between scream and yell had been noted). It would then be removed from the list but not because she couldn't do it. She briefly considered riding an elevator and yelling at the top floor, but social nuances indicated that this was likely a poor idea and would attract attention rather than be acceptable. Yelling places were special.

    As she debarked the boat, she looked around and felt immediately overwhelmed. The sights and sounds were so much more intense than they were in her research, possibly because they were very real now. She'd never been to an amusement park and even at the entrance it was just so… much.

    She began to breathe a little heavily and it took her a few intense seconds to calm herself down, locating several objects on which to focus while drowning out everything else, allowing it to fall into the background. It had taken an intense amount of training and practice for her to be able to focus on these things and bring herself back from the brink of a place which would lead to having to go home and rest for a while. It took a considerable amount of concentration for her to suppress everything and remain in control of her reactions. This did, however, leave a blind spot in her otherwise hyper-acute awareness.

    What happened next happened rather quickly. Iroha, experiencing an extreme input overload, was nearly bumped into by another attendee, definitely on accident. However, due to the intense state in which the young Rune Knight found herself, she reacted as though she had been touched without permission, something against which she tended to react overly offensively. This was a primary reason why she remained actively aware of her surroundings, except in this moment.

    And so she reacted. Turning to face what appeared to be another woman who had definite feline features. Before Irona could catch herself, she was pointing a single finger at the cat-girl, charged with blue lightning. Her eyes widened as she caught herself immediately before she utilized the energy which had become charged. She pulled her hand away as though she had herself been electrocuted, "This is a social faux pas and necessitates an apology! I apologize!"

    WC: 528 @Trina Kassia


    Put your dukes up, let's settle this.
    Char. Profile | Erbagos | Lady of the Tome
    | Liber Perditorum |
    Golden Lacrima 9/30/2024
    Trina Kassia
    Trina Kassia

    Lineage : The Killer Kitten
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 43
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,250

    Fun-Tastic! Empty Re: Fun-Tastic!

    Post by Trina Kassia 19th December 2022, 1:20 pm

    Trina Kassia

    To Trina's perception, having just accidentally run into someone which she he not meant to do at all, she immediately took two steps back and put her hands up as if to apologise. There was a genuine look of regret on her face, a little surprise, and a little cute frown that said look at me I'm tiny and adorable and I didn't mean to do that.

    "I'm sooooooorrrrryyyyyy-" she started- but the rest of the words of that sentence did not follow, for the Joyan refugee found herself in a uniquely shocking situation just a moment later.

    As if the person she'd run into had made her own little finger guns, Trina found herself staring down a loaded barrel, wreathed for an instant in blue lightning that coruscated across the pale skin of the woman she'd run into. It was as if the weapon was so perfectly aimed that a real bullet would have drilled her directly between the eyes, and the crackling noise that followed told Trina exactly what it was. The immediate effect of this, however, was not that she was about to be shot-- rather, that she was about to be hit with electricity if she wasn't careful. And what did electricity come with?


    As if on cue, every blue hair on Trina's body stood up on end in unison, the charged energy transferring from Iroha's finger to Trina's body in a way that had not at all been anticipated. Blue hair - from those on her head and her ears to that of her tail - puffed up with a hilarious immediacy, making the catgirl go from looking tiny and adorable to an azure puffball in zero to one second. She could feel the unique phenomenon crawling its way across her body, negative and positive charged ions wreaking havoc with all the grooming she'd done that morning and making her feel like she'd wasted all her time getting ready. Eyes wide, Trina knew exactly what was happening, feeling her hair crawling upwards in a way she hadn't quite anticipated happening today. It also told her that the electrical energy generated by this person in that moment was very, very powerful.

    I mean, it beat being shot.

    The not-so-loaded gun was lowered and Trina just found herself staring at a bespectacled woman, one who was clearly just here to enjoy the place that had now recently opened, just like her. This was a chance, and rather unfortunate, random encounter that had gone a little sideways before it had a chance to go straight at all.

    "W-what's a... fo-pa?" Trina had to ask, having never heard that particular turn of phrase before. Language barriers, kidlets. "But nononono, I'm sowwy, pweasedon'tshootme. I'm Trina!"

    The whiplash was real. Everything she said went from sad to regret to hello I'm cheerful Trina, complete with the raised paw- I mean hand- and one leg lifted off the ground to follow it. Orange slitted eyes followed and studied the woman before her curiously, trying to get her measure other than having an electric personality.

    TAG: @Iroha Ikegami WORDS: 514 TOTAL: 1,647/--- JOB: Link
    MEL @ WW

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 9:05 pm