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    Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra)


    Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra) Empty Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra)

    Post by Guest 23rd October 2022, 11:44 am

    Of all the human celebrations, Halloween was by far her favourite and as Medeia glanced around at the festivities, she could not help but smile. It was the one time of the year where the witch actually fit in and she had spared no expense in creating a costume for herself. She was decked out completely in the garb of a traditional witchcraft user, a black hat perfectly placed on her head. Truthfully, she was having a good time so far and was looking forward to taking part in the festivities. She had been a bit slow during her first festival to get into the swing of things but not this time. Already, her eyes were on the lookout for a lovely treasure that she might just claim for herself. She was always on the lookout but given the vibe of the place, it made sense for her to act in her usual manner. There were many monsters that were supposed to lurk at this time of year and she was just another, even if she did not appear to be by appearance.

    As usual, she had decided not to come by herself and had asked a rising star of the guild to accompany her, Addre. It was so rare for her to spend so much time in the company of a male but ever since she had invited him into Errings Rising, she could not help but admire his will to succeed. He had the inner drive that would push him far and by taking on the challenge of wielding all three types of slayer magic at the same time, she was convinced that he would go on to do great things, terrible but great. There was a great deal of work that was still ahead of him and mastering Dragon, God and Demon was no easy feat but she had faith in him. If not, then she had little doubt that the magics would end up devouring him, as such powerful magics tended to.

    Standing by a large cauldron, Medeia would peer inside at the oddly coloured liquid that was being stirred. Knowing enough about witch’s brew to last a lifetime, the Warlord would give it one sniff and raise an eyebrow, her gaze focusing on the woman stirring it, a pretty woman who was dressed in a similar fashion to her. “So what happens if I take a cup of this? Am I going to turn into a toad or perhaps have my hair turn green?” It was said in a light tone, being in the good mood that she was.

    “Maybe or maybe you will be lucky for the rest of your life. A lot of people have drunk today and no two people have suffered the same fate. Have a taste and see what happens.” The woman replied, a grin growing across her face. “Unless you are chicken, of course.”

    “You are the one who is lucky. Normally, I would not take an insult like that lightly.”
    The angel answered with a smile. “Fortunately, I find you adorable.”

    There was a voice in the back of her mind that was telling her that this could come back and bite her but pushing that thought aside, Medeia would take a cup of the liquid and drink it in one go.

    (554 Words)

    Last edited by Medeia on 24th October 2022, 11:55 am; edited 2 times in total

    Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra) Empty Re: Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra)

    Post by Guest 23rd October 2022, 11:45 am

    I swear if this is a 3...

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    Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra) Empty Re: Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra)

    Post by NPC 23rd October 2022, 11:45 am

    The member 'Medeia' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra) Die_04_42161_sm

    Lineage : The World Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 229
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 17,909

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer (Unseen Gen.)
    Second Skill: Solar Dragon Slayer (Unseen Gen.)
    Third Skill: Clear Demon Slayer (Unseen Gen.)

    Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra) Empty Re: Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra)

    Post by Addre 25th October 2022, 10:30 am

    Addre remembered Halloween. Therefore, he also remembered to come dressed for the occasion – Halloween was a time of horror, so the theme and dress code was to cater to that category. And what in Earthland was more horrifying than a man with eyes full of intent like his, so sharp and enraged despite no source of annoyance being nearby… accompanied by a long, black suit under a black cape with a red underside. At last, his canines were surprisingly longer as the topping on the cake.

    Addre was dressed as a creature of the night, in a rather gothic attire or… wait, no, it wasn’t gothic enough. Argh, nevermind. He was a vampire, those entities who walked in the dark of night, cold-skinned, beautiful, powerful and with an insatiable thirst for human blood. Fairly enough, blood was not something that he could control or manifest as an external source of power… but if he faced a vampire, then he believed himself to be capable of removing them from the equation.

    He was yet on his path, his own little mission to master the three branches of Slayer Magic. For that occasion, he still wore the Triad – the circlet of gold and silver, carrying the small head of a feminine entity up front, the head of a scaled dragon on the right, and the head of a ram-horned demon on the left. Tugged nicely atop his silvery hair, his costume was complete!

    Medeia had already been drawn towards a cauldron tended to by a witch-clad gal, which ended up drawing Addre towards the same booth. He could smell… foul… foul… foul energies in that cauldron. Very foul, but also very intriguing. At first, he simply witnessed Medeia’s taste of its contents, unsure if it would even affect someone as otherworldly as her. Maybe it wouldn’t do anything… she commanded powers of curses far beyond what a mere local cauldron could manife-

    … Oh, wait, she had actually taken some kind of effect from the potion. The cauldron’s contents had turned her… t-transparent? Addre released confused grunts at the scene, his eyes widening a little bit – he did not expect that to happen to someone like her. How powerful was that potion?!?!

    She didn’t look hurt or anything, though… and the local witch girl found it amusing. Maybe it wasn’t harmful at all… but he kind of wanted to see what it would do to him. Walking up to the cauldron, his veiny eyes glared straight at the witch of the booth… and once he found out that she couldn’t really tell what exactly he wanted (as he came off as intimidating at first, perhaps an angry customer who was dissatisfied with Medeia’s new condition), he simply held up his index finger and pointed at the cauldron. First then did she catch his desire and poured punch into a new potion vial for him to drink.

    With a thankful nod, he emptied the vial in one slurp… wait…

    That scent! Was Kyra nearby-

    WC: 501


    Me - Venom GS - Sun DS - Clear DeS - Lineage - Bank - Char Change (15-07-2021)
    Addre's Battle Theme:

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    Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra) Empty Re: Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra)

    Post by NPC 25th October 2022, 10:30 am

    The member 'Addre' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra) Die_02_42159_sm
    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 142
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra) Empty Re: Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra)

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 25th October 2022, 12:42 pm

    Gonna start wit two rolly pollies, first one for witch's brew 'cuz everyone else is doing it and the second for field of screams


    Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra) ULxbPj2

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    Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra) Empty Re: Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra)

    Post by NPC 25th October 2022, 12:42 pm

    The member 'Kyra Velkhomme' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra) Die_04_42161_sm Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra) Die_05_42162_sm
    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 142
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra) Empty Re: Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra)

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 25th October 2022, 1:14 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Kyra took a deep breath. It was weird for her to be at a festival outside of Reinford, but she really just needed to get away from Errings Rising, and if she went to the one that Rio, Demi, Tegan, and Father hosted, it would be way too obvious that she was there. She had thought about going alone, but the youngest of her many siblings, Alisa, insisted to go with her, saying that the relaxed island town was an ideal place for such a relaxed visit.

    "...plus I don't want Liz to get on me for not wearing one of her costumes," she explained to Kyra as they walked through town.

    Kyra nodded absently, taking a look at her elder sister. It certainly was a more...unique look than the rather generic vampire costume the next sister in line had made. "It was a very pretty outfit, though," Kyra mumbled as they neared a stall at the entrance to town with drinks lined up. "Lisbeth always makes very good outfits. I wish-"

    Alisa sighed. "Oh hush now, Ky. I know that you keep saying that you wish you were us, but at times there's points where we think the same of you. U-uh, th-that is that we want to be you. I mean, from what Tegan tells me, you're super popular in your guild!" Her voice went to a hush. "Even if I'm not the biggest fan of your guild, I'd rather you be safe there and have a bunch of friends than anything else. I'm just being an overprotective big sis." She smiled, going to ruffle Kyra's hair before blushing as she realized that Kyra was wearing a hat as part of her costume. "W-well, want to have a drink?"

    Kyra hesitated a moment before taking a sip. "It's nice of them to have drinks ready for everyone coming into town," she said, trying to get off of the awkward topic of herself and her association with the Dark Guild Errings Rising. "A-and it's nice getting to hang out with you, Alisa. Tegan can be a lot and she clings on to me and-"

    Alisa gave out a little laugh. Kyra always felt like she got along best with Alisa, maybe just because the two of them were a mere year apart. If not Alisa, it would have been Kairi, but she insisted on going to a Halloween party in Ace of Spades, part of some relationship Tegan wanted with Sabertooth. "I know, right? I don't know how Ri managed to always deal with her. Oh well, they got their own parties." She looked around, Kyra noticing Alisa's eyes unfortunately meeting the corn maze. "Ooh, a corn maze! Let's see if there's anything super duper fun and fancy in there!"

    Before Kyra could say anything, Alisa had grabbed her hand and the two had dashed off towards the corn maze, with Alisa going in first. Before Kyra could follow suit, the man at the start of the maze, a gruff, bearded man, stopped her.

    "'Ey kid. You're the lucky li'l lass. This maze i'n't one you can just sit back and relax in. There gets to be a nice li'l killer on the loose. Play, 'f course. Anyways, you get to hunt down all the folks in there. Seems like y' got an advantage, too."

    Kyra folded her arms across her chest, a bit concerned. Did this guy somehow know about Kyra's nature? Her hands then moved to her face, where she noticed she could see through them. What the heck? Since when had she become translucent?! Nonetheless, the man gave her a mask and a foam knife, telling her to go out hunting.

    At the prospect of a hunt, a grumble came into the back of her mind. The voice. That damnable voice that wanted Kyra to slaughter. To make this play hunt, this halloween attraction into a bloodbath. With Alisa here, they could survive a while, but after that? No, Kyra wanted no such thing. The roaring of the beast gnawed at the back of her mind. It strained against her, even with Kyra being able to sense the magic diffusion within the field. She shambled through the maze, not even noticing a pair of small children who shrieked in fear at the sight of the shadow - bathed, masked, shambling Kyra with a knife. The children sprinted out, crying.


    "N-no..." she mumbled, soon being found by Alisa.

    "Ky? You okay?" she asked.


    "A-Alisa?" she said, a bit panicked as she flailed her arm out, tagging Alisa with the knife, causing it to light up red.

    Alisa was silent and stunned for a moment, before laughing aloud. "That was amazing, Ky! I heard that Tegan was doing something like this, but I didn't know that other places would have a killer game! You completely faked me out!" she kept laughing for a bit before holding her jaw. "Ow...those drinks were spiked with magic, and it made me into a vampire. Guess Liz won out in the end, huh?"

    Kyra's heart rate decline as she started to laugh. It was... strange. Someone had managed to calm down the beast. She was having fun. The two of them eventually left the maze, Kyra only managing to tag Alisa and getting a token as a reward. The two of them continued to laugh, talk, and walk for a while until a tingle went down Kyra's spine. "Oh no..." she said.

    Alisa tilted her head questioningly. "What is it, Ky?"

    Kyra blinked and sighed as she looked ahead, seeing a similarly translucent Medeia and a strange companion for her mentor, a boy named Addre. Just as she wanted to get away from Errings Rising for a time, it always managed to find a way to stumble into her life.
    WC: 0977 | TWC: 0977

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra) ULxbPj2

    Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra) Empty Re: Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra)

    Post by Guest 26th October 2022, 5:01 am

    The drink tasted quite nice to be honest and Medeia did not feel anything other than a slight tingle in her hands and feet. There was no pain in her stomach or dizziness and when she looked up to the brewer, she simply raised an eyebrow at her again and smiled. “I do not feel any different. Are you sure that you got the recipe right?” It was only when she looked down at her hands that she answered her own question, her hands having turned player than usual and oddly enough, see through. She must have looked like a ghost and a chuckle escaped her lips then. “Alright, I suppose you did. I hope that is not permanent, as I do have a lot to do later on.”

    “I would not worry about that. You will still be able to interact with others, which I get the feeling is what you find more important than anything else.” The brewer replied with a smile, her gaze almost inviting the dark haired mage to do something. “I have some free time after the event and I would like to get to know you better.” She was attractive indeed and her green eyes were rather dazzling.

    “Then I will make sure to return but if I find that you have gone off with someone else then I am going to be annoyed.” Medeia answered with a smile, before turning away as she heard something else.

    A few familiar grunts had reached her ears and sure enough, Addre was gazing upon her, his eyes widened as though he had seen…well, a ghost. It was only fair that he would be a little shocked by her appearance and she said with a soothing tone. “Do not worry, I am absolutely fine, this little minx just has a knack for her brews having some odd effects.” For a moment, she thought that Addre was annoyed but after seeing his hand gestures, Medeia understood his meaning and moved out of the way so he could drink. The witch brewer did not seem to mind and smiled at him. Unlike herself, he did not seem to be affected by the drink all that much and with another small laugh, she simply stated. “I suppose you got lucky, unlike me.”

    She was about to set course for another game when a familiar scent and sight caught her eyes, causing her smile to widen. Standing in a rather familiar outfit to her was her sweet mentee, Kyra, standing beside a second woman, who was wearing a rather revealing costume. Medeia was willing to wager that she was another sister of Kyra’s and without any hesitation, she would wander over to the pair, expecting that Addre would probably follow. She could not help but notice that he seemed to perk up at the mention or appearance of her mentee and Medeia could not help but ponder if there was something deeper there. A thought for another day perhaps.

    “You should have told us that you wanted to attend, Kyra, we would have happily let you join us.” The angel brightly said as she reached the pair, giving her mentee a look. She was not aiming to be intimidating with it but she never had to with her delightful student. Kyra was so nervous that it never seemed to matter how Medeia spoke to her. “Unless you were trying to avoid us…” She trailed off, a ghost of a smirk crossing her face.

    Her gaze would then turn towards Kyra’s lovely sister, offering her hand. “Hello there. I do not believe I have had the pleasure of meeting you before. I am Medeia, Kyra's mentor.” It was difficult for her not to ogle the woman, wearing such an outfit but the Warlord was already close to Tegan and Medeia had no desire to cause any issues with her.

    She would then encourage Addre forwards and add. “This is Addre, one of the newest members of our guild, he is a Slayer like Kyra and myself.” Somehow, she doubted that the young male would refuse the chance to spend some time with the Velkhomme’s, especially Kyra.

    (694 Words)
    (2726 TWC)

    Lineage : The World Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 229
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 17,909

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer (Unseen Gen.)
    Second Skill: Solar Dragon Slayer (Unseen Gen.)
    Third Skill: Clear Demon Slayer (Unseen Gen.)

    Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra) Empty Re: Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra)

    Post by Addre 6th November 2022, 1:21 pm

    … Addre was somewhat in a state of panic. His eyes yet widened, but they began looking everywhere but Medeia… for he could see… people! OTHER PEOPLE!

    As a matter of fact, it wasn’t that big of a deal – they looked like ordinary people, but many of them had just teleported into his field of vision the moment he finished the potion. Odd effects, huh? Was this some kind of fever dream? Even after taking a few sniffs, Addre didn’t register any scents from many of these people. It was as if they weren’t actually there, even though he saw them clear as day.


    He did catch the scent of Kyra. He never forgot her scent, and she wasn’t alone… a similar scent meshed in with hers. Turning his head, ignoring the ghastly apparitions trying to communicate with him, Addre followed Medeia and approached the sisters with plenty of serious intent in his widened eyes. He was looking straight at Kyra… her appearance calmed his troubled heart down. He felt at ease again.

    … For a brief moment, just an instance, he felt a pull of a string on his eyes, pulling them over to the blonde. Yet, his gaze returned to Kyra once more, turning him silent as he always was – what was he supposed to say now? Even Medeia had encouraged him to, at least, present himself… but if she said so. He’d walk forward in his classical vampire outfit, nod gently and reveal himself; eyes slightly veiny from a constant strain, yet… he moved with an odd calmness that betrayed the look on his face. Slowly, he tried to relax his eyes some more, but his heart wouldn’t stop racing… it was difficult.

    He didn’t utter a single word. He just kept looking at Kyra’s adorable face, entranced.

    WC: 302
    TWC: 3028


    Me - Venom GS - Sun DS - Clear DeS - Lineage - Bank - Char Change (15-07-2021)
    Addre's Battle Theme:
    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 142
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra) Empty Re: Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra)

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 18th November 2022, 8:47 am

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Alisa gave a soft smile, shaking the hand of the raven-haired lady. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, both of you. I am Alisa Velkhomme, Kyra's youngest older sister and CEO of Saria Technologies. I think I've heard Tegan talk about you a few times." She turned then to Addre. "And to you as well," she said with a small nod, then turning to Kyra. "And Kyra's a Slayer? This is the first I've heard of that!"

    "W-well..." Kyra said, embarrassed and turning away. "I-I managed to come across a Slayer lacrima, a-and it made me into a..." she paused a moment. Alisa could not know the truth. Her true nature, the beast within, it needed to be quiet. She could not let it be known the monster within. "...Ice Dragon Slayer."

    Alisa gave a small happy noise before hugging her sister. "Oh, Ky, I'm so proud of you! I know you were always so sad that you couldn't use magic like the rest of us! Though, I'm not too familiar with Slayer stuff, so you'd have to ask Tegan, Demi, or Rio for help with that. O-or your friends, I suppose!"

    Kyra hesitated another moment. "Y-yeah." Her voice went to a barely audible hush. "My friends..."

    "Well, I suppose if we're all together, why not spend a little time to just sit back and relax? I think we all got a bit bitten by the weird party drinks. I saw a little music area around here. Could be good to wait out however long this takes. Vampire teeth hurt."

    Kyra gave a demure nod as she followed her sister, the quartet making their way towards the music pavilion. The place was quite adequately Halloween-themed, with decorations spread all around the area. Stations for games and face painting covered the outskirts of the music area, each one adorned with different cliched Halloween themes. Skeletal decorations dotted the area, not too dissimilarly to the maze Kyra had found herself in not long ago, and pumpkins dotted each and every table. People danced all over the place, dressed in different costumes, with the DJ at the head of the area having a large jack-o-lantern on his head. A bored-looking woman in a zombie costume handed the four a token as they entered, but quickly a mob of people barged through separating the four from each other.

    Kyra found herself alone, surrounded by the noises of people, when a tall man dressed as a ghoul approached. "Is the little kitten lost?" he asked, a distrustworthy venom in his voice. "Maybe you need to find your way back home, but until then, I can help you out. Just come back to my place."

    "N-no thank you," Kyra said, looking down at the ground, even as the hum of the Beast began vibrating in her ears.

    "It'd be a shame to see a gal like yourself hurt, wouldn't it be?" he asked, forcefully grabbing Kyra by the shoulders. "Come on back to my place. You look like a tea drinker. I'm damn good with a brew. So if you're feeling a bit uneasy-"

    The man was cut off by a extending boxing glove contraption hitting him below the belt, before a pair of handcuffs locked around his wrists, Alisa showing up shortly after. "Damn creep, stay away from my sis." she said, showing a bit of genuine hatred that Kyra had rarely ever seen from the sibling one year her elder. "Come on, Ky. Let's go find your buddies."

    Kyra gave a soft smile, taking her sister's hand as they went out in search of Medeia and Addre, lost in the crowd of people.

    WC: 0611 | TWC: 1588

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra) ULxbPj2

    Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra) Empty Re: Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra)

    Post by Guest 18th November 2022, 10:00 am

    The witch had always found the dynamic of Kyra’s family to be rather intriguing. Medeia knew that Kyra despised her magic but to lie to her own flesh and blood? Well, that was something else entirely. For the time being, the angel made no effort to break the illusion or cause her mentee to squirm and simply let it go. In fairness, it was never all that difficult to make Kyra uncomfortable and her eyes did briefly focus on her delightful student. Despite all the struggles that the fluffy haired girl had gone through, Medeia still had faith that one day Kyra would overcome them all and master her magic. It was not going to be easy and her student would have to come to terms with the beast that lurked with her but still, there was hope for her, even if the girl did not believe it herself.

    She was happy enough to agree to the idea of moving as a foursome but unfortunately that idea did not last all that long as the witch became lost in the large crowd. It was an irritating situation and some of the males that she walked by were getting a little close to her. Medeia was never the most tolerant person when it came to such scenarios and her good mood began to sour after some time. As good as her slayer senses were, it was still difficult to detect any of her guildmates, which only added to her frustration. Yet, the dark mage did not want to spoil the occasion by losing her composure and dealing real harm, so instead she waited for the opportune moment to do so in a less grandiose manner.

    It came soon enough, as she felt a foreign hand suddenly reach for her waist, a clammy and unpleasant hand that she instantly reached for in return. Her grip was like a vice and she could hear the voice of the man as he realised his error, an apology that she could just about pick up on. Medeia did not let go and the hand that she was gripping him suddenly turned purple for a second, as her magic channelled into him. Letting go of him then, the angel would simply walk on, as the stupid fool polymorphed into a rat, leaving him wide open to be trampled on by the crowd. There were so many people walking by that no one noticed and a smile crossed her features once more then, as pleased as punch once again.

    Eventually, she reached a second rest stop and finally managed to free herself from the crowd. The witch would take a seat at one of the tables and order a glass of wine from a waiter who walked past her. With that, she would simply wait for the others to find her, unleashing a little bit of her magical power to hopefully attract their attention. She had faith that they would sooner or later and the angel had all the time in the world.

    (506 Words)
    (4145 TWC)

    Lineage : The World Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 229
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 17,909

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer (Unseen Gen.)
    Second Skill: Solar Dragon Slayer (Unseen Gen.)
    Third Skill: Clear Demon Slayer (Unseen Gen.)

    Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra) Empty Re: Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra)

    Post by Addre 19th November 2022, 3:34 am

    So this sister of Kyra’s was Alisa Velkhomme – a CEO of her own damn corporation? That was praiseworthy! Kyra, obviously, had a solid and successful family behind her back, and it warmed the Hybrid to be knowing of this now. Addre did have an inkling – inkling? Wait, no, understanding – of how businesses could be… say, demanding, and the fact that she took time off to hang out with the trinity of Slayers present was a huge plus in Addre’s book. A wonderful sister-in-law, someday…

    … is what he did not have the courage to fantasize about right now. Not in front of the Angel of Sin, for even though it was never specifically informed to him, Addre had gotten an understanding that Medeia’s relationship with Kyra was an especially potent one… and despite his outlook, Addre did also possess a bit of self-awareness. He looked scary by nature, and he damn well knew it – he didn’t desire to make Medeia worry for Kyra’s safety one bit in the presence of his. Hell, no breath in the heavens or on earth would harm Kyra without gutting him first, if he had a say in it! No, not even if he didn’t have a say! He’d find a way to tear the world asun- wait, where was everyone?

    He'd been so deep in his own thoughts that he got separated from the rest of the ladies. The buzz of random people did mess up his senses first, but Addre was able to block their sounds off and simply catch on to any bursts of mana in the air. At first, it was Medeia’s – hers was the easiest to lock onto, as she possessed the most dense magic power yet. Truth be told… he felt a little bad for her. She held back a lot.

    He didn’t dare to know the full extent of her power, but by the shivering of his knees, he could tell that she was likely the closest thing to a divine intervention that Earthland had to offer. How ironic that would be, he also had yet to know the full story of… but either way, he found her very quickly. Even stepped on a random rat on the way to her.

    … Wait, where was Kyra, then?! He could’ve sworn that she was by Medeia’s side, or maybe she was still out there with Alisa! Addre’s face turned to fear and turned from side to side in an attempt to trace her down, even leaping up in the air to get a good very over the pavilion.

    Hopefully, Kyra and Alisa could see him bouncing up in the air and towering over the folks temporarily.

    WC: 447
    Thread TWC: 4592


    Me - Venom GS - Sun DS - Clear DeS - Lineage - Bank - Char Change (15-07-2021)
    Addre's Battle Theme:

    Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra) Empty Re: Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra)

    Post by Guest 28th November 2022, 5:01 am

    The music was not all that bad, even if Medeia was used to more classical pieces and it was not all that long before she relaxed. None of the locals bothered her at this point and she was left pretty much to her own devices, which was perfectly acceptable. It had actually been quite a while since she had been able to relax. There was so much work to do in her position and there was always someone who wanted training or another matter that she had to deal with. The holy being had come to terms with it though and for the most part actually enjoyed her role. When she had joined the guild, the thought of running it alongside the Queen had not been a notion that she had pondered about for a moment but it was a surprise that had delighted her. As commanding and domineering as she was, it was only natural that she would one day be standing on the top step. From member, to Ace, to Guild Mistress, each position being just another step on the road to power in the guild.

    Soon enough, the waiter returned with her drink and the witch sat back and took her time drinking it. The texture and flavour was alright although she had tasted better but what did she honestly expect from a festival? In a way, she was surprised that they even had any wine at all but it was a pleasant one. To amuse herself, she would occasionally cast a spell in order to bewitch someone who caught her eye. It would only last a moment but enough that they would suddenly look around once the spell had faded, much to the bemusement of who they were walking with. There was no real malice from Medeia and she was just teasing with the mortals as they walked past.

    Eventually, she caught sight of Addre, who was performing some kind of mad jumping spree in order to search for Kyra and Alisa or at least that was what she assumed. Medeia could hardly have missed his attraction to her fluffy haired mentee and she found it quite sweet in a way. She knew better than most though that he would be in for a tough time, given how nervous and timid that Kyra was. That being said, if he could bring some happiness into the girl’s life then the Guild Mistress was not going to stand in the way of that.

    “Use your slayer senses, Addre, let them lead you to her.” The angel advised. “Think of it as a test. Go into the crowd, find her and her sister, then bring them back here. I am certain that you can succeed if you put your mind to it.” She had faith in his growing skills and why not use the festival as a means for him to put his new talents to use? There was no reason why he should fail, as long as he did not get lost again himself.

    (506 Words)
    (5098 TWC)

    Lineage : The World Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 229
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 17,909

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer (Unseen Gen.)
    Second Skill: Solar Dragon Slayer (Unseen Gen.)
    Third Skill: Clear Demon Slayer (Unseen Gen.)

    Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra) Empty Re: Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra)

    Post by Addre 28th November 2022, 3:16 pm

    Slayer Senses… oh yeah., he could still smell her. Kyra’s scent was such a pleasant one – sugary sweet, to an extent, but spiked with something… spicy. Now, it might’ve sounded weird, but Addre could’ve sworn that Kyra smelled like finely grilled poultry. Y’know, the strong and hallucinating aroma of barbeque- shit, he was getting a bit hungry just thinking about it. How come, though?

    Still, this scent of his had locked onto her location in no time, no less thanks to his strange circumstance. It took him but a few seconds of registering the scent one more time for him to have gathered the courage to mesh into the crowds once more, not afraid of pushing other people to the sides in order to reach up to her… uhh…

    That guy looked sorry as hell. Did Kyra’s sister beat him up or something? He was on his knees and all… or maybe Kyra beat him! Way to go, girl! Don’t let anybody mess with you, Kyra! You rock!

    Now, while the guy on the floor looked like he fully, 100% deserved whatever had just occurred, a group of three other dudes approached him from the crowd now. They had kneeled down to the other guy in pain, and Addre sort of understood what was going on – friends, allies of this douche, and they were not happy to see one of their own in agony like that. Just by looking at their burning eyes… it triggered something in the Hybrid. There they were, clear signs of aggression and hostility, in the presence of his dear Kyra…

    All the signs were clear as blitzing light. He could not allow them to scratch even a single hair on her head. Addre would shed humanity itself before allowing such a diabolic scenario to occur.

    And it showed. The pitch-black aura had glowing veins beating with burning energy as it soared up in the air at a steady but surprisingly calm pace. A terrifying silence spread over the crowd as all looked at Addre, teeth digging into his lower lip in sheer insanity. Who wouldn’t lose their shit like this? In order to protect the one he…

    Woah… he really liked her a lot.

    A-Anyway, in order to protect someone so darn precious to him, who wouldn’t give into their inner animal? The generational instinct to guard one’s residence and family was at its peak with Addre, but…

    WC: 403
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    Me - Venom GS - Sun DS - Clear DeS - Lineage - Bank - Char Change (15-07-2021)
    Addre's Battle Theme:

    Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra) Empty Re: Halloween Town (Addre, Kyra)

    Post by Guest 29th November 2022, 5:22 am

    The anger that was pouring from the young male was incredibly easy for Medeia to detect, as attuned to the emotion as she was. It was the anger that one would have towards someone who was threatening their family or lover. The angel knew that it must have been Kyra that Addre was trying to protect and while the witch could have intervened, she did not and simply let him handle the situation in his own way. Why? Simple. It would be a learning experience for him and more than that, it would help him in discovering just how deeply he cared for Medeia’s sweet mentee. Again, the angel had no issues if he felt deeply for Kyra. The Warlord might have taken the girl under her wing but their relationship was not and had never been romantic in nature. Medeia’s job was to help Kyra discover her true strength and to get over her nervous and timid nature, which was easier said than done.

    As the confrontation grew more tense, Medeia began to feel more individuals approach, seeming with a fair amount of anger within them too. Perhaps they were friends of the ones that Addre was staring down? Well, the Guild Mistress was not having that and as they rushed past her, Medeia pointed a finger towards the ground, causing the area in front of the charging men to suddenly turn to liquid gold, plunging the group into the horrible mess. They splashed around in panic, trying to fight against the incredibly heavy liquid but there was nothing that could be done and soon they would vanish beneath the sea of gold, drowning in the space of a minute. The people around the pit ran as quickly as their legs could carry them, desperate to get away from it, lest they end up suffering the same fate.

    With them out of the way, she would simply watch her guild mate as he faced off against his opponents. He would obviously win against them and Medeia was curious to see just what he had in store for them. Addre was unique among slayers, being able to use all three types and with such a combination, it would be difficult for anyone to fight him, once he had grown in power. It was unusual for her to take such an interest in a male but there was a kinship between the two. He wielded god slayer magic, as she did, which was enough to have caught her interest. She was naturally drawn to those who wielded such power and Medeia believed that it was her duty to help them home their powers, particularly those in her own guild. The Warlord had become a matriarch of the guild, being one of its longest serving members and most powerful one too. There would have been a time where the thought of staying in a guild full of mortals would have made her violently sick but times had changed and Medeia had matured, which was saying something at her age.

    (507 Words)
    (6008 TWC)

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