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    C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina]

    Ray Jyx
    Ray Jyx

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    Lineage : Seal of Balance
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    C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina] Empty C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina]

    Post by Ray Jyx 18th November 2022, 8:14 am

    Make no mistake, Raynelle Jyx was seething with rage. It permeated every pore and was ever present in the back of his mind. And yet, he was restrained, even pleasant as they entered the foreign nation of Fiore in search of answers and revenge.

    He could bury things very deeply. Perhaps he was compartmentalizing.

    Ray had been to Fiore before for quite some time, though he had been a different man back then. Navigating himself and his traveling partner, Trina, around was no big deal. Currently, he was heading toward a sleepy town situated in the middle of a lake. Clover Town, it was called. And though nothing much went on there, given its large population of retirees, Ray seemed to be brimming with excitement. Now and then, one of his lengthy, pale rabbit ears would give a little twitch. His lips were pulled into a smile and his peridot eyes were bright behind his round spectacles.

    Was it because of the Halloween events going on in the various Fiore towns? Absolutely not. Anyone who knew him at all knew this specific type of hyperfocus and bounce in his step could mean only one thing was on his mind. Something he loved more than anything. A pastime capable of derailing even the more devastating of missions in the direst of times.


    Fishing in the lake that surrounded the island was just a chef's kiss. It was peaceful. Quiet. The waters brimmed with a variety of freshwater fish, unlike most other places. Ray had already delayed their trip through the countries on their way to Fiore by at least a month because he kept stopping in exciting places to fish, and today was no different. Avenging the people of Felidae had no expiration date, so he'd take his time. Since becoming a farmer, his way of life had changed. Even as he came out of retirement, some changes truly stuck.

    "Last time I was here, I caught a golden trout half the size of my body. I let him go since he was such a fighter, but I've regretted it ever since," Ray chattered, adjusting the trusty rod on his back and then snapping his suspenders against his wine-colored button up. "It didn't count for my log. I've gotta catch him again."

    Well-worn farmer's boots, still caked in the dried mud from his farm near Felidae, took the pair through the town positively buzzing with spooky games and costumed folks dancing. Mr. Adventurer of Legend could not have cared less. A hand reached into one of the deep pockets of his cropped khakis for a can of worms, as if he was going to count how many worms he had to work with.

    "Hm, I might need more than this," he fretted, his ears sagging low in concern. A good fisherman was always prepared, and he'd already sacrificed a small army of worms to the fish gods. "Trina, do you have any worms on ya?"

    If Trina wanted to enjoy anything other than fishing tonight, she'd best drag him into the Halloween fray now. Once he started, literally nothing could stop his one-track-mind.

    [wc: 524 || total: 524/4000 || preemptive roll for Witch's Brew incoming!]


    C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina] Jkp0PmI


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    C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina] Empty C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina]

    Post by NPC 18th November 2022, 8:14 am

    The member 'Ray Jyx' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina] Die_05_42162_sm
    Trina Kassia
    Trina Kassia

    Lineage : The Killer Kitten
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    C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina] Empty Re: C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina]

    Post by Trina Kassia 18th November 2022, 12:52 pm

    Trina Kassia
    Let a Man Fish!

    In the mind of the eternally joyous Trina, there was now a grand dilemma. Her feline eyes had spotted in the distance a grand parade, a festival of riotous colour and sound that was blaring in the distance to the extent such that she was wanting to go and see what the cacophony of light and sound was all about for herself. It looked fun! Ever so fun! More fun than whatever they were doing here. She wanted to go over and see the sights and hear the sounds and dance with the people. If they were dancing. Oh, Trina hoped so much that they were dancing. She wanted to go and dance, and to bring him with her!

    Now, to be fair, the Joyan refugee knew that the only thing that brought Ray the most joy in this world was fishing. He was a fisherman through and through - it was his life’s work, his passion, the greatest thing he could do with his hands – well, the second - as far as she was concerned. It was no secret to anyone that knew him that he was a man of the earth. Farming, fishing, living off the land - all of these had come so naturally to Ray for far longer than Trina had ever knew the man who once could have cleaved the world with little more than a thought. She knew that he had turned to the idyllic lifestyle as respite and escape from the bloodstained past he had wrought for himself, and the kitten knew even more that he needed to be on his ascetic path instead of fighting infinite wars lest he slip back into a mindset that would set the world ablaze again. Therefore, she was only too happy to support all of his endeavours.

    This time, however, it was not the case.

    Sinking to her knees for a moment, Trina pushed the tips of her fingers into the earth, unafraid to get herself dirty as she genuinely made an attempt to look for worms on his part, having just patted down the pleats of her pastel violet dress to show that she did not in fact have any worms about her person. Pushing the dirt apart, she looked up to her companion with burnished orange eyes and frowned.

    “No worms. Hey look over there! That’s a whole party going on! Let's go see!”

    The whiplash was entirely real.

    Springing back to her feet, she joyously reached for one of his hands and began to try and drag Ray out towards where the festivities were kicking off. Yes, she was a tiny kitten, but there was real strength in her body - which, partially, came from all the physical labour that Ray had her do by virtue of the fact he made requests that she was all too happy to acquiesce to - and she was going to do everything in her power to get him to come to this thing so that they could find out whatever it was that was going on. She definitely wanted to know, and there would be literally nothing that stopped her trying to find out what was happening. Besides, if Ray got into fishing now, they’d be there all day.

    “I’ll get you another golden fishy later I proooomiiiiiise, Ray!” she said by way of afterthought. She did listen to what he said. For real. She always did. Whether she commented on it in a timely fashion, however, was another deal. And maybe she actually would try to get him the golden fishy, even if water was icky and she didn’t want to get in it.

    TAG: @Ray Jyx WORDS: 611 TOTAL: 1,135/4000 JOB: Link
    MEL @ WW
    Ray Jyx
    Ray Jyx

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Summer Special Participant- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Seal of Balance
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    Posts : 1460
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    Second Skill: Fantasy Requip
    Third Skill: Treasure Dragon Slayer

    C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina] Empty Re: C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina]

    Post by Ray Jyx 18th November 2022, 6:17 pm

    Ray should've learned by now that her thought processes were more like the flight path of a butterfly rather than a bird or any other more linear traveling thing. In this regard, he thought she'd make a better batgirl than a catgirl. Erratic, at best. And yet, he was still thrown for a loop when, as she was actively digging through the dirt for fresh worms, Trina settled her focus on the exact opposite vibe of fishing.

    He should've known she'd be a magnet to the party's fridge. If only him ignoring it had caused her to do the same, but alas, their brains were quite separate.

    Trina's joy swelled just as his died on impact. "I already saw it..." Ears and mouth-corners drooping, he begrudgingly pulled his pining green beads from the lake practically wetting his hook to the chaos pulsating in the usually scenic streets. The bunnyman was not a party person. Well, he could be, just like anyone else could enjoy something once they were in it, but he didn't wanna right now. Once upon a time he might have even sought it out, but at his big age? After all the raucous life he'd lived before retirement, he was more of a fan of watching the grass grow while sipping some tea.

    However, though he put up a small resistance to her strong dragging hand, it was more of a tease than true refusal. Ray might want to fish really bad, but he wasn't selfish. Trina was a blessing to him, possibly more than she was aware. Her constancy and consistency had pulled him out of the festering grime when he'd returned to Joya. It didn't go unnoticed how keen she was to help when he asked, always with a smile, so the least he could do was check out a holiday party simply because she wanted it. Though at times he seemed begrudging-- that was part of the game-- Ray would go above and beyond to please her. Trina deserved happiness far more than he.

    With a dramatic and heavy sigh, he pretended she had worn him down just as they entered the crowds. "Fine. I'll catch him later, but we can't leave until I do, okay?"

    Holidays were weird in Joya. Some places, like Felidae, had parties for them every year, while the tribes dotted along the rest of the country were more hit or miss whether they observed or celebrated or not. Ray's rabbit tribe had been the type to keep non-Joyan influences out of their culture, which was likely the reason he'd been so enamored with them once he started adventuring. This one in particular was fun. Halloween was for tricks, treats, and usually getting so plastered that the costumes started to seem a little too convincing. Gregarious and garish, it was a time for indulging while disguised, without the pressure of gift-giving. Though he was pouting over fish right now, the long-eared man would shape up soon enough.

    That said, a little hooch never hurt to liven up the placid farmer. His hand tugged hers back a little as he paused at a table manned by a gaudy robed dude stirring a cauldron with a bedazzled rod. He was handed a little potion bottle with some questionably colored fluid nearly vibrating with some sort of magic. Ray only paused to stare at it for a single second before throwing it back. Though he didn't drink alcohol very often anymore, he still knew how to take it like a man.

    Even as his canines started to elongate and hold more true to their name, Ray seemed unfazed. He slowly turned to his kitten companion, expression deadpan as he bared his vampire teeth so she could see them and give her opinions.

    [wc: 630 || total: 1765/4000 || 1/3 skulls - Witch's Brew]


    C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina] Jkp0PmI

    Trina Kassia
    Trina Kassia

    Lineage : The Killer Kitten
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 43
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    C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina] Empty Re: C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina]

    Post by Trina Kassia 18th November 2022, 6:34 pm

    rolling for punch, and also whack-a-ghoul for later

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    C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina] Empty Re: C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina]

    Post by NPC 18th November 2022, 6:34 pm

    The member 'Trina Kassia' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina] Die_02_42159_sm C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina] Die_03_42160_sm
    Trina Kassia
    Trina Kassia

    Lineage : The Killer Kitten
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 43
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 2,250

    C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina] Empty Re: C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina]

    Post by Trina Kassia 18th November 2022, 8:20 pm

    Trina Kassia
    Let a Man Fish!

    And with that, welcome to the party!

    The sudden pull of Ray's hand on her arm was enough to immediately cause Trina's head to swivel and turn in the direction she was being pulled; her attention was drawn to the forming queue and the man behind it with a giant bowl of drink. If that was what Ray wanted to do, then so be it, Trina was all on board for that. After all, anything to get him involved with whatever it was that was going on, right? It was the easiest-- and best-- way to get him to cooperate with the world.

    So, first, he took a drink, and she watched him expectantly, gauging his reaction with effervescent expectation - and hands curled into fists under her chin as she watched on to get the response that she was hoping for. He took that drink like a champ - and hey, it had bonus side effects! "I like your teefs," Trina remarked. Even when they were technically alone, there were too many people around, and she reverted to the childlike mannerisms she'd adopted to hide her true feelings. Actually, to be totally fair, the more she adopted that particular style, the more real it became for her; so much so that she took a couple steps up towards Ray and, while his fangs were bared, she prodded one very gently. They were totally real! She fished her own teeth out and, as her kind were wont to have, only two of her teeth were sharpened and slightly elongated; her people seemed to have a more dramatic set of the omnivore's teeth, where their canines were longer than a normal human's. However, she lapsed into giggles a moment later, thoroughly entertained by the fact that her companion had way more interesting teeth than he did a moment ago. It was enough to inspire Trina to look down at the bowl of punch and at the warlock who was preparing more beverages. This time, she got a good look at him; clad in gray, frayed robes, he was preparing drink after drink for any passerby who wanted one. Having just finished one for Ray, Trina looked the bowl. The man stared at her, expectantly.

    "Hmmmmm. HMMMMMMM."

    Hemming and hawing gets you nowhere, cat.

    "Otay, let's do it!" she exclaimed, and a moment later a drink was poured and subsequently in her hand, ready to go. She knew she wasn't going to like it - yes, she was after all old enough to drink - but she'd do it anyway because it made funny things happen, and what else was an over-excited and easily distracted catgirl interested in for that moment other than funny things? It was perfect. The drink was raised to her lips and, without hesitating, she drank the whole thing in two gulps. Her eyes suddenly widened at the burning sensation that followed down her throat, to which she sputtered real hard. That was the strong stuff. She didn't expect the strong stuff at a kid's party, but hey, here we are. The cup was suddenly abandoned in the nearest garbage receptacle, being thrown there with reckless abandon - she didn't want to know another moment of that particular nightmare.

    "Ohmygawsh Ray, how do you drink this," came Trina's only retort, before everything seemed to freeze for her. Suddenly, the world turned blue in its entirety for just a moment - and so did her eyes, which brought them into stark contrast of what they normally were hued. A moment later, the sensation passed, and the kitten cast her glance around the area. Where there was nothing before, there was a whole lot of something - translucent blue figures were beginning to float around everywhere, seemingly unnoticed by the vast majority of passers-by as they went about whatever it was they were going about. However, Trina could see them.

    All of them.


    Ray would see the slits of her eyes as now massive, for she was bugging out and trying to comprehend the weirdness of what she was seeing. The kitten let out a full-blown hiss, and her tail stood on end - she clearly could not handle it. She was not used to seeing the dead, so given that this was a definite curveball thrown right at her head, she could not catch to save her life. Trapped in a daze, Trina wasn't sure where to look or what to do, but oh boy was she having a time of this right now. This was a lot. There were so many ghosts. How did people not see them? She could see them. What about everyone else? Clearly, nobody else was reacting the same way she was. It was definitely time to change venue.

    TAG: @Ray Jyx WORDS: 797 TOTAL: 2,562/4000 JOB: Link
    MEL @ WW
    Ray Jyx
    Ray Jyx

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Summer Special Participant- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Seal of Balance
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    Posts : 1460
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    C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina] Empty Re: C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina]

    Post by Ray Jyx 19th November 2022, 1:23 am

    It probably looked pretty strange for two grown people to be standing at a stall bearing and touching teeth, but here they were. It was cute, so who was he to stop her? Once she was done feeling his, he closed his mouth and smiled, though the action brought a wince. Ouch. They were very pokey and had pinched his lip a bit. Was this what it felt like to be part carnivore? With bunny traits, his natural teeth were normal, perhaps even a little less sharp than the average human's. His species was prey, but Ray had never subscribed to it. Maybe that's why his pre-retirement years had been stained with so much red. Just to prove the world wrong, or maybe to work out some sort of subconscious issue.

    The newly predatorized rabbit man couldn't help but snicker as his kitten companion took her drink not so much like a champ. With a comforting pat on her back, he'd been about to elaborate on how he could drink the Warlock's brew when she went uncharacteristically still. For a fleeting moment, he fretted that she was about to hurl it all back up and prepared to angle her toward the trashcan. Then she reanimated and he saw what was happening, at least, kinda. His brows raised high above his little silver frames. "Your eyes are blue," Ray stated, a simple flat fact, though there was a clear question within the absence of tone. Was that it? Blue eyes? His tongue ran bitterly over his disfigured chompers.

    Trina's sudden screech ended up startling him so badly that his ears laid flat back and he whipped his head around to look through the crowd. Nope, all solid. He saw nothing out of the ordinary. Quirking a brow, he turned back to stare into her blown out pupils, starting to come to his own possibly errant conclusions. "Are you actually seeing ghosts or are you just high?" he wanted to know, but received only a hiss and a floofed tail. Well, magic and/or drugged drink aside, the kitten was certainly seeing something!

    Reaching out, he gently took her face between his hands and angled her face up and properly at his own. Idly squishing her cheeks, he sought to focus her by filling her senses gradually, just in case she was trippin' balls. With his fangs, he was in the mood to bite, not to be bitten. "Triiinaaa," he said in a low, calming voice, still smiling. It was no big deal, he could take care of her no matter what happened to her, though he did shoot the punch-slinging warlock a rather hateful glance. For whatever reason, the warlock responded by sliding two skull tokens toward them.

    "Let's forget about the ghosties, alright? Why don't we try a game? Wouldn't that be fun?" he asked, but the request was firm. They were going to find something to distract her, which usually was easier than breathing.

    Removing his hands from her face, he snatched the strange tokens and then took her by the shoulders. They angled toward a nearby game called Whack-a-Ghoul. His ears perked up. Yes, that should do nicely. It was a table and should fill her vision and attention. "How about this one? You can whack the... what are those?"

    [wc: 551 || total: 3113/4000 || 2/3 skulls - Witch's Brew x2]


    C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina] Jkp0PmI


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    C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina] Empty Re: C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina]

    Post by NPC 19th November 2022, 1:23 am

    The member 'Ray Jyx' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina] Die_04_42161_sm
    Trina Kassia
    Trina Kassia

    Lineage : The Killer Kitten
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 43
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    C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina] Empty Re: C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina]

    Post by Trina Kassia 19th November 2022, 5:33 am

    Trina Kassia
    Let a Man Fish!

    Honestly, if Trina was tripping balls, it would have been a massive improvement to this particular situation. As it stood, she was mainly just looking around, trying to see if the ghosts were real; the fact that Ray was doing his very best to try and orient her to reality and have her senses calm the heck down was probably a good move on his part. She was a little biut out of it, and not because she was high - the fact that she wasn't sure how to deal with suddenly seeing apparitions that had not been there thirty seconds prior was a little tough for everyone's favourite hyperactive ball of fur to deal with. The warm touch of his hands against her skin was enough to bring her tail down, and her heartbeat began to slow down, resuming her body's normal operations - or as close as a heightened state of terror would allow. His words were enough for her to follow, and there was a surprising meekness with which she nodded and followed his instructions as she struggled to find her bearings. She acquiesced to his instructions and took after him as he pointed out a game, which made her ears perk just a little, until her eyes finally settled on that which he wanted her to see.

    This thing had lights and flashing colours and lots of sounds - which meant it was absolutely perfect for the villainous purpose Ray had in mind of distracting the kitten.

    "Ohmygoooosh YES." Trina's sudden response came, starstruck by the game - and lucky thing nobody else was in line to play it at that moment in time, else she was about to push them out of the way so that she could get a turn. This was a wonderful distraction for the catgirl and she was going to take this in stride. Her eyes cast over the game and how it worked in its idle exhibition mode, to which the bright flashes of red and yellow were enough to keep her focused on it and not the millieu of spectres around her.

    The hyper-kitten switch had been flicked. Distraction successful. Nothing else mattered in this moment.

    "Ghouliiiiiiiiies. I'ma hit 'em!" Trina said, entirely suddenly dedicated to the new cause, the ghosties now forgotten as she was handed a rubber mallet with which to strike her newfound enemies. The mallet, padded in red, was taken into her right hand; she had been training plenty of weapons with Ray to the point that she felt confident enough to go after the heads that were about to pop up and make themselves targets. The young man behind the game, servicing it in case some mage went off the deep end and cracked the game board, was explaining something - but every single word he said was falling upon Trina's deaf ears.

    "So they'll get faster, and you have to keep up!" he said encouragingly, unsure of how well she was going to do, but with that being said, Trina was also entirely confident that she would do well. Whether that confidence was warranted was another story entirely. The first head popped up from one of the nine rings of the game board, and Trina was off like a rocket, slamming down on the monster's face at full speed. The head retracted straight back down, only to be replaced by a second one. She hit that one, too. Her free left hand went in to hold the edge of the table to support her, but in her hyper-fixated state she wasn't about to let this slip by.

    One head, one hit. Over and over. The game sped up, and she was trying to keep up with it - but her reflexes weren't as good as the adventurer lord's, and it did get to a point where she just couldn't keep up with the heads that were jumping in and out of sight beyond that which she could handle. She was only a tiny little baby fighter!

    The game ended, and she was handed a skull token for her troubles - she took the shiny with both hands, clearly gleeful that she had won something. "Look look, Ray! I did it!"

    This was, in fact, an achievement.

    TAG: @Ray Jyx WORDS: 714 TOTAL: 3,827/4000 JOB: Link
    MEL @ WW
    Ray Jyx
    Ray Jyx

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    Lineage : Seal of Balance
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    Posts : 1460
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    First Skill: Forgotten Legend
    Second Skill: Fantasy Requip
    Third Skill: Treasure Dragon Slayer

    C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina] Empty Re: C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina]

    Post by Ray Jyx 20th November 2022, 1:34 am

    Unwilling to pop her bubble that it was likely a participation prize rather than truly winning, Ray's face broke into an almost overly impressed expression. "Wow! You did so good, Trina!" he celebrated with her, affectionately patting the top of her head.

    At least she wasn’t seeing or focusing on the supposed ghosts, for the moment. Or maybe there weren't any ghosts and her drink was just drugged. Who knew? He couldn't see whatever she was or wasn't seeing, but once he thought about the magic that made him into a vampire, it really wasn't that farfetched that she could see the dead. Halloween was wild in Fiore. Ray was just relieved that she wasn't so scared. It was unusual to see her joyful chirping transform into frantic hissing like that.

    The game attendant interrupted their happy moment by clearing his throat. Apparently, there was now a line starting to form behind them. "So... are you gonna go next or...?"

    With a sigh, the farmer took the padded paddle without much thought. He really should've thought about it. Turning to face the table, his eyes sharpened with laser focus behind his lenses and his jaw set. His knuckles whitened. His feet were planted. And this was Ray taking it lightly!

    It started slow just as it had for the kitten and little effort was required. As the ghouls quickened, he easily kept up... until he didn't. Surprisingly, the ghouls popped up faster than he could seemingly keep up with. Ray's movements seemed sluggish, especially compared to Trina's shortly before. The corners of his lips tugged down. He almost missed that last one!

    Because he was holding back. The table didn't look too sturdy, after all.

    Perhaps a little vexed at how fast those little suckers were, Ray let up on his restraint a little in exchange for some speed, but it also meant he was hitting harder. The faster his arm lashed out, the more the table started to bow, jolt, and creak in distress. By this point, though, he was too focused to notice.

    "U-Uhm...sir-" the gamemaster tried to interrupt to suggest taking it easy, but for someone with such big ears, Ray didn't seem to hear him.

    Way before it got as fast as Trina had handled, a ghoul popped its ugly head up on the opposite corner than the previous one, and Ray had to pour on the speed to keep from being too slow and missing it. With a mighty bash, he sent the ghoul back into the hole. And through the table itself. It buried its grave deeply into the ground. The ex-adventurer blinked and broke his focus to stare at the table, which then promptly splinters in half and made itself a messy headstone for the poor buried ghoul. "Uh... oh..."

    Sheepishly, he turned to look at the stunned vendor gaping at the broken game. "I'm sorry..." he offered, "I got a little... er... caught up in the moment. Heh..." Ray cringed, slowly placing the paddle back into the guy's limp hand. Then he turned and started to walk away from the destroyed game and the flustered line of people.

    "Right. Trina, c'mon, let's just... go. Quickly."

    [wc: 533 || total: 4360/4000 || 3/3 skull tokens from Witch's Brew x2 and Whack a Ghoul || Event complete!]


    C'mon, Let a Man Fish! [Trina] Jkp0PmI

      Current date/time is 18th October 2024, 1:50 am