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    Hunt for the Emperor of Financial Gain- Beginnings(W.I.P)

    Gilderoy D. Portgas
    Gilderoy D. Portgas

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
    Position : None
    Faction : Rune Knights
    Posts : 161
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,599

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Chronos
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    Hunt for the Emperor of Financial Gain- Beginnings(W.I.P) Empty Hunt for the Emperor of Financial Gain- Beginnings(W.I.P)

    Post by Gilderoy D. Portgas 20th August 2022, 10:26 am

    Job Title: Hunt for the Emperor of Financial Gain- Prologue

    Alignment: Good

    Rank: B-rank

    Job Type: Character Job

    Job Location: Reinford 

    Solo Word Count: 2,500 words

    Group Word Count: 5,000 words

    Additional Requirements: To complete the mission players must preform successful dice rolls as detailed within the “enemies” section. 

    Job Description: An unknown informant has provided a valuable tip to the Rune Knights- information on the operations and whereabouts of a known Underworld Emperor Associate. 

    A man known as Jaguar has managed to garner control over a village with his faction of dark mages, who follow him in hopes of a good paycheck. Jaguar owes a debit to the Underworld Emperor of Financial Gain and has started a protection racket within the village of “enter name here”. Jaguar has corrupted the local Rune-Knights of the area, turning them into enforcers, and tasking them with arresting threats, and those who do not pay their debts. These rune-knights are nothing more than thugs and bandits in disguise. 

    Players will immediately notice that the town is in a bleak state. There is certainly a tense atmosphere that has settled within the town, and as the players progress into the town they will notice that a man has been crucified in the town square. The man has the head of a wolf, and the body of a human. Players can choose to help this man, if they do, he will ask that you help him get his weapons back from the Rune-Knight barracks; these weapons would be a magic rifle and a sword. This man will then help the players, using a holder magic that is focused on his weapons. 

    Whatever the case, the players must beat the corrupt Rune-Knight Captain, and the Jaguar Mozart to finish the mission. The wolf man whose name is “Beowulf” can then direct the players to the whereabouts of Jaguar Mozart. Alternatively, this information can be found through other means, alongside, the knowledge of the corruption of the local rune-knights. Either way, the players will raid both bases regardless of how they get there. 

    Enemies: The players must follow these rules: one each post only four spells can be cast, only one of these spells can be H-rank, and only two of these spells can be S-rank. Furthermore, for every attack that negatively impacts an opponent, they must roll a dice to determine the outcome. The following chart lists the dice roll and their outcomes: 
    • 1: Miss, nothing happens.
    • 2-3: Grazing Hit, the spell only deals 25% of its damage and no effect occurs.
    • 4-5: Normal Hit, the spell hits, and acts normally
    • 6: Critical Hit, the damage of the spell is increased by 50%

    Note the following dice rolls are only required for "Bosses" and "Mini-bosses". Non bosses will be referred to as "obstacles" and require a number of successful hit or miss saves. A monster die is used for the enemies and obstacles. Players must undergo three different encounters for both for the corrupt “Rune-Knight Captain” and “Jaguar Mozart” to show up. (Three for the Captain and Three for Jaguar, six encounters in total).

    Rune-Knight Barracks Enemies: 

    Soldiers 5x per player: Basic warriors within the Rune-Knight action. These soldiers are merely protecting the barracks and preforming their duties, following orders and whatnot. Some of the soldiers are genuinely corrupt, having either been recruited by the corrupt Marine officer, or implanted into this portion of the rune-knights by Jaguar. Whatever the case, they wield a variety of magic, usually elemental in nature. To successfully beat this obstacle, each player needs to make three successful “Hit saves”, they receive B-rank failure upon each failed save. After beating this obstacle, they can move to the next.

    Reward: (This is where you detail what each participant will receive for successfully completing this job. Please refer to the Tables and FAQ for the acceptable range of rewards. Rewards are strictly limited to either Jewels or a rank-appropriate piece of custom Equipment corresponding to the rank of the job. Plot rewards are acceptable, as long as they are classified as such. This is also where the link to the next job in a job series or quest line will need to be placed. Note: Please do not place EXP rewards here, as those are universally calculated based on job rank according to the Tables and FAQ section and applicable bonuses upon job turn-in)


      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 10:36 pm