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    Wherefore Shall I Catch A Break?

    Francois Prideheart
    Francois Prideheart

    Lineage : Champion of Spirits
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    Posts : 98
    Guild : Rune Knights
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    Wherefore Shall I Catch A Break? Empty Wherefore Shall I Catch A Break?

    Post by Francois Prideheart 14th July 2022, 1:25 pm

    It had been too long since the prodigy had truly taken a break. A very long one, in fact. As dedicated as he is in his work, his comrades were worried that he might be burnt out, just from the fact that it didn’t seem that Francois never took a vacation. That’s the point, for him at least, that his dedication to his work involves not taking a vacation. He doesn’t look burned out because he isn’t. He had sufficient rest every night and his routine guaranteed him to be in tip top shape just in case he needed to be sent out immediately on a mission. This didn’t stop them from persuading him to relax a little, and with older sibling’s insistence on attending a festival, he can’t help but say, “Fine. But if there is an emergency back in the HQ, I want to be there.” He said, his comrades happy and relieved he’s finally taking a break. It can be said that some of them are happy they got rid of him if only for a few days, but all of them were concerned.

    Well there he is, in his most casual and festival appropriate attire. He wore a white long sleeved shirt underneath his brown vest, black leather belt securing his pair of purple pants, and a pair of brown leather boots. He sports a black beret, a pair of black sunglasses, and some bracelets to complete the look.

    It was a little windy in Era, where he and his siblings are celebrating the Festival. The sky was clear as the lustrous sun bathed the land in warmth and light. Not a single snow in sight as the temperature thawed the winter snow. Birds flew overhead and bees were busy, probably from the abundance of flowers in the city. With this much preparation in the city, it could only mean one thing - the Spring festival, held to celebrate the changing of seasons. Obviously, there are food stalls and their aromatic delicacies luring in the passersby. There are games, yes, and the stalls are lined with interested players.

    It was family tradition to spend the day attending the festival. But unfortunate encounters and work stopped them from doing so for the past few years. Michael, his twin brother, is sick at the moment, so he’s out of the picture. Ozwald and Cinna are celebrating it somewhere else, and Olaf doesn’t want to leave the house. He is unsure what Zander is planning, but he trusts that he’ll be able to get them to celebrate it here, though they’d be a little late for most activities. Oh well. Meanwhile, he is celebrating with his older step brother, Anton.

    But where could he be? Francois was already at the rendezvous point but he’s nowhere to be found. “Hm… I may have been a little early.” He mumbled to himself. It’s not unheard of for him to almost always be the first one at the venue as he took great lengths to not be late. At best, he’s always 1 hour early. He’s THAT patient. At least, the both of them would be meeting up in the Menagerie, a fancy cafe he highly recommends to his peers and higher ups. “Might as well partake in some coffee.”

    An hour or so later he saw a familiar sight - a figure with what could only be described as a humanoid owl wearing a simple white shirt under a red sleeveless jacket, a pair of blue jeans, and red trendy shoes. Like his older step brothers, he retains his short stature, though he’s a little chubby. The figure looked around before facing Francois' direction, his eyes widened and smiling as he finally found his brother outside the establishment. “Heya Franz! It’s been awhile!” The owlman greeted as he approached the Rune Knight who, after a sip of his coffee, smiled back and waved. “Indeed it has, Anton. Pity we can’t celebrate it together as a family.”

    “Yep. That sucks. Hey! I did meet Michael in Hargeon a while back.” The brother said as he sat down the opposite of Francois’ table, talking face to face after being separated for a long time due to work.

    “Oh? Was he on a mission?”

    “Yes he was! He was protecting some cargo or something like that. It was a success, I heard.”

    “And then you never saw him again.”

    “Well, I did stop by our home and saw Mike. He’s a little sick.”

    “I see.” He said. He’d be lying if he said he isn’t worried because he’s confident his brother can get through some sniffles. It could be a sign for something far worse, or it’s just the literal spring fever washing over him. Nothing to worry about for now, he thought. The silence was cut short when Francois spoke up. “Say, what’s the first thing on our agenda?” He asked, eager to spend the rest of the day doing everything else other than work.

    “Well, there’s the egg hunt. We ALWAYS do egg hunts first, remember? And you’d almost always end up finding the most eggs. It’s been awhile since I saw you play this game.”

    “Yes, because I was a kid hellbent on winning. And isn’t this a child’s game?”

    “You’d be surprised there’s a separate egg hunt for adults like us. Come! If we’re lucky we can still catch up.” Anton said as he sprung up from his seat. Luckily the rune knight just finished his coffee, so he set his cup down and stood up. “Alright, lead the way, Mr. Tour Guide.” He said as he started following his older brother.

    They arrived at the venue of the egg hunt, where the adults came to compete for the prize. It’s mundane and Francois isn’t really competing to win the prize. He just wanted to have fun with his siblings. Good ol’ fashioned fun, just like the old days when they were just kids running around their manor finding decorated eggs. The venue of choice is interesting, situated near the forests of Era where eggs can be hidden anywhere. A barrier prevented them from moving past it, so his concerns on the venue were dismissed. They had it all planned out, it would seem. He wasn’t paying attention to the announcer. He’s already familiar with the rules.

    And off they go! Francois was just taking his time looking for eggs, while Anton was running around to locate them in a hurry. “Someone’s in a competitive mood.” He said as he scoured the trees and bushes for eggs.

    ⚜ Post Word Count - 1097 ⚜

    ⚜ Total Personal Word Count -  1097 / 2000 ⚜


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    Francois Prideheart
    Francois Prideheart

    Lineage : Champion of Spirits
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    Posts : 98
    Guild : Rune Knights
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    Wherefore Shall I Catch A Break? Empty Re: Wherefore Shall I Catch A Break?

    Post by Francois Prideheart 14th July 2022, 1:38 pm

    Rolling normal dice for activity result!


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    Wherefore Shall I Catch A Break? Empty Re: Wherefore Shall I Catch A Break?

    Post by NPC 14th July 2022, 1:38 pm

    The member 'Francois Prideheart' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Wherefore Shall I Catch A Break? Die_04_42161_sm
    Francois Prideheart
    Francois Prideheart

    Lineage : Champion of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 98
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 11,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Chivalrous Magic
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    Wherefore Shall I Catch A Break? Empty Re: Wherefore Shall I Catch A Break?

    Post by Francois Prideheart 14th July 2022, 2:32 pm

    He took his time, confident in his ability to perceive his surroundings. It may be unfair because he’s trained to perceive everything clearly, but it is what it is. He just wants to have some fun, and everyone seems to be having just as much fun as he was. “Look! I got plenty!” The owl man approached him with his basket full of decorative eggs. In contrast, his basket isn’t overflowing with eggs, mainly due to the fact that he isn’t running around like it’s a competition to see who has the most eggs. That, and it’s easy to spot eggs laden with gilded decorations due to the reflected sunlight. “I got the pretty ones.” He said, content with what he had.

    In the end, neither of them one. A woman with a pair of circular glasses won, with her basket overflowing with eggs, a couple of times more than what Anton had. They did get a Small Easter Egg, though. The one Francois received was a purple egg with golden decorations. His step brother got a painted egg in the likeness of an owl, much to their amusement. Though they’re not real eggs, and resemble more of a plastic token.

    “Well, that was fun! How come you didn't get more eggs than me?” Anton asked the rune knight out of curiosity, because he knew him to be the competitive type and he’d do his best to win. “Anton, I’m just here to relax, not to compete. And I had fun! That’s all that matters.” Francois was satisfied at the trinket he received, and not stressing about winning put his mind at ease. He didn’t need to think about optimal strategies to acquire the most eggs out of all the participants, and he didn’t need to waste his breath running around finding eggs. In the end, they are left with happy participants and without someone in a tantrum because they lost.

    “Alright, well I’m glad you had fun. Now, I kind of wanted to go to where the long tables are because apparently, there’s free food promoted by a popular chef here in Fiore!”

    “And you’re not eating because you’re gathering information to usurp his throne?” The prodigy asked, already knowing what his older step brother was thinking. Considering that Anton is a chef, it’s only natural he’s looking for even better recipes so he can cook even better meals.

    “...nooo?” He lied as easily as he breathed, and obviously Francois caught on as he crossed his arms and giving him a disappointed look.

    “Okay, okay! I won’t cause a scene. I just wanna taste their meals. And besides, it’s free food!”

    He scoffs. “Hmph. Well it’s too early for me to eat lunch and-” he was cut off as Anton said something interesting. “There’s drinks there if you prefer.”

    “I’m in.” He said immediately just as he said ‘drinks’.

    The duo took their time and walked towards the venue with the long tables. There, the streets are decorated with marvelous flowers, and the tables are lined with various foods. Of course, Francois isn’t here to sample the meals and delicacies and is more interested with the drinks. He’s always looking for some fine wine to buy for when he returns home. Anton, on the other hand, is drooling at the diverse food options. And he can sample all of them in one sitting! With his magic operating on calories, it goes without saying that he will have a lot of food on his plate. “I… will be right back.” The owl man said as he darted off to sample the dishes. Meanwhile, Francois was left to approach the bar near the long tables. Contrary to previous festivals he’s been through, there’s no magic coming from the drinks this time. Great, he thought, as gimmicks like these would invite angry participants. “Greetings. Can you recommend some wine for this season?” He said to the bartender, who happily obliged to his request. “Ah, yes, certainly! For this festival, there is dandelion wine available.”

    “I’ll have some if you don’t mind.”

    “Alright!” The bartender said as he walked off, coming back with a wine glass and a bottle of dandelion wine. He slowly poured its contents down the glass, and it was bubbly. He examined the wine, smelling it first. One sniff and he was a little disgusted at first. Perhaps it’s like those things where it smells bad but tastes good, those kinds of things. Indeed, and it does have a rich color. And then after a sip from the wine, he was delighted to know that behind this slightly awful stench is a sweet tasting wine, almost honey like.

    …no. He must have something to go with this wine. A charcuterie board, perhaps? It will definitely go well with it, he thought to himself. He examined and memorized the brand of the wine as he is definitely going to get some bottles from them, regardless of the cost. In the end, he managed to enjoy fine wine paired with some good food that complements the drink. He also got another Small Easter Egg! This time it resembles the color of the fine wine with some golden decorations and a purple ribbon. Neat!

    After helping themselves with the meals, they decided to check out the rest of the venue to see if there’s any other thing that’s interesting. “Oh wow. I. Am. Stuffed.” Anton said as he approached Francois, though there’s no noticeable change in his appearance considering the amount of food he’s eating. “So, did you find anything interesting?”

    “So there’s this dandelion wine-” He said, before being cut off by the sound of people screaming. People started to run away as an 8 foot tall rabbit was running amok, disrupting the festival and smashing any stalls and decorations in its wake. The presence of this creature irritated him as he was just trying to have fun. But instead, work came towards him, as the creature continued in its rampage.

    Merde. Well I don’t need to wait for reinforcements now, do I?” He said as he summoned his rapier, preparing himself for combat.

    ⚜ Post Word Count - 1023 ⚜

    ⚜ Total Personal Word Count -  2120 / 2000 ⚜

    Last edited by Francois Prideheart on 14th July 2022, 2:55 pm; edited 1 time in total


    [insert siggy here. heh.]

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    Francois Prideheart
    Francois Prideheart

    Lineage : Champion of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 98
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 11,500

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    Wherefore Shall I Catch A Break? Empty Re: Wherefore Shall I Catch A Break?

    Post by Francois Prideheart 14th July 2022, 2:55 pm

    Question - how did this 8 foot tall easter rabbit get inside the festival undetected? Surely everyone must have seen this, right? Francois could only hypothesize that magic is involved. Firstly, he hypothesizes that the creature is, or was, a normal bunny imbued with wicked magics to turn it into… this. Second, this rabbit is a full takeover spell of someone who clearly hates festivals, and the Spring Festival specifically. Third, it was summoned by someone who hates the festival. All of these involved magic, as he could see that the rabbit harbored vast amounts of ethernanos with the help of his Divine Eye of Arcanos.

    There was panic, so he couldn't ask anyone what had happened. Circumstances as it is, there’s only one way out of this predicament - fight it. “Do you need help?” His brother said, intent on helping him fight that thing. The rune knight shook his head, declining the help offered. “No need. I can handle it.” He said as he approached the creature in the middle of its rampage. He’s still in a safe distance from it, and he waved his rapier around as if he used it as a wand to cast spells. Motes of magic appear around him and pools over towards him, imbuing him with enhanced magical strength. The creature took notice of the approaching rune knight, and turned to attack Francois. In an instant, its sharp claws descended as it tried to rend him to half. Its attack was stopped midway as the rune knight blocked its attack with a barrier.

    Now that he’s taken a closer look, it is not clear what this creature is.

    It’s a full take-over form of an easter bunny. Someone definitely hated this festival. But there’s no use to speculating this man’s reasons to disrupt the festivities. He’s facing a criminal, and as a rune knight, it is his job to maintain peace and order while arresting those threatening to disrupt the peace among the cities. Once more, the creature attacks, but this time, Francois doesn't block it with a barrier. No, he lunged straight forward with such speed, dodging the attack, and moved a good few meters away from it. Magical power pools from him towards the rapier as he unleashes a bolt of raw magic against it. With just one hit, the easter bunny reverts to its original form - an ordinary human, unconscious from this attack. It can’t be helped, he was angry that this man had the audacity to ruin a festival AND ruin his vacation.

    It was only a matter of time before the Rune Knights arrived and apprehended the criminal. Performing his duties while on vacation would certainly look good on his dossier. And with that taken care of, he spent the rest of the day enjoying the festivities with his step brother, and was awarded with another Small Easter Egg trinket - a very decorated one with white shell and golden decorations like the rest of the trinkets he received today.

    ⚜ Post Word Count - 504 ⚜

    ⚜ Total Personal Word Count -  2624 / 2000 ⚜


    [insert siggy here. heh.]

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