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    Not the Drunks! (All Boozed Up!)

    Volac Seihsa
    Volac Seihsa

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 39
    Guild : Silver Wolves
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 850

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    Not the Drunks! (All Boozed Up!) Empty Not the Drunks! (All Boozed Up!)

    Post by Volac Seihsa 27th December 2022, 8:42 pm

    Volac Seihsa
    My heart will be the judge

    Volac let out a tired sigh, slowly dragging his cart behind him down the street, an irritated look on his face. He didn’t mind making deliveries, those were his bread and butter, something that he’d been doing since he was very little… however, he couldn’t stand ones that were going to leave him in some form of danger. Like this one for example. ‘T H W A C K!!’ “Not… for you.” He sighed, having easily knocked away one of the many, many drunkards that had charged up to his cart to try and take the alcohol, or buy it off of him. While the offers were somewhat enticing, he was a professional damnit!

    He’d yet to screw up any form of delivery, and now was not when he was planning on starting that kind of trend!

    Yet another one had trudged up, this one actually looking like they were about to pick a legitimate fight, only for another well-aimed kick to easily dissuade them, the look of irritation on Volac’s face quickly going to outrage. He knew that this was basically the equivalent of a red-light district, but he’d at least figured that people would have at least a little bit of self-control! The delivery place was just one of the local bars who’d randomly had someone come up missing when they were supposed to come make their rounds. And so, they’d made requests to multiple guilds to try and get some assistance.

    The Silver Wolves being one of the many that they’d asked to help.

    The Nightclub in particular that he’d been asked to deliver to was rather well known, and prided themselves on the quality of beers and other types of Alcohol that they served, meaning that this was decidedly NOT a cheap order that he’d been tasked with delivering. Thankfully, he was at least getting paid a decent chunk of change for his time (Which was one of the only things that was making this mess worth it.). Hitamuki was relaxing in their room back at the guild hall, having decided not to go with him on this little adventure. In her words, Snakes and Alcohol did not mix.

    Volac had decided not to question it, and had simply decided to go on the job on his own. The only main issue that the request had really detailed was that there were more than a few people that would be going after him trying to either steal or fight him for the various alcohols that he was carrying within the cart.

    … And Speaking of.

    ‘T H W A C K!!!’

    “Not. For. You.” he growled, pulling away from yet another drunk. This was far from the most annoying delivery job that he’d ever gone on, a few others coming to mind first. Now if he could just make it to the damn establishment without getting his cargo stolen by a pack of thirsty drunks, that would be absolutely lovely. The sound of footsteps filled his ears as he let out a growl of frustration. Looks like some people never freaking learned, did they?

    ‘T H W A C K’

    TAG: N/A WORDS: 506 Total Words: 506
    HP: 525/525 MP: 300/300

    Last edited by Volac Seihsa on 27th December 2022, 10:17 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Not the Drunks! (All Boozed Up!) UOPxmco 

    Volac Seihsa
    Volac Seihsa

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 39
    Guild : Silver Wolves
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 850

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    Not the Drunks! (All Boozed Up!) Empty Re: Not the Drunks! (All Boozed Up!)

    Post by Volac Seihsa 27th December 2022, 8:43 pm

    Volac Seihsa
    My heart will be the judge

    Scratch that, now he was actually annoyed.

    He’d actually made it to the nightclub on time, the patrons cheering when they saw him walking towards the back of the establishment with his haul of cargo. The Employees of the Nightclub had directed him to the back of the building once he’d arrived, explaining that their on-duty manager had to actually sign for the Alcohol so that they could load it into the back of the building where they actually stored their stock.

    If that had been the only thing that he’d needed to do, that would have been more than ok. It was far from the first time he’d needed to get a signature for a particular order, hell, it was one of the most common ways that he’d needed to get verification for his deliveries. A signature, a guild mark, or a magical signature (Aka someone just exuding their magical energy into an MPF-Reader Lacrima so that it could log that the order had gone to the person that it was meant to be delivered to) were some of the most common ones that he’d seen. Volac would have been okay with any of those three things.

    What he was decidedly not okay with, was that the Manager was passed out in the back of the store, completely dead to the world.

    He’d tried nicer methods first, gently tapping him on the arm, to softly asking him if he was okay. The poor guy was probably being overworked as it was, and while he couldn’t be fully angry at the employee for resting, he did have the right to be slightly upset at the lack of professionalism on their part. He just wanted to complete his delivery, make sure that his client was pleased with the swift and careful service, and receive his payment that would be due.

    But unfortunately, that was all dependant on him actually getting to fully deliver the package, and that required for the manager to wake up.

    Volac let out a quiet sigh, before he calmly stood less than an inch from the man’s face, his expression completely blank as he flicked the manager across the forehead rather hard. “Sir, you need to sign for this… I can’t just leave it here.” The manager seemed to finally startle awake once he'd done that, the poor guy's eyes going wide as they flailed around in their chair, fumbling to try and get ahold of a pen so that they could sign for the order.

    Honestly, if he’d been feeling particularly mean, Volac probably would have laughed. But he wasn’t entirely heartless, and they were absolutely struggling to find a pen.

    After a few moments of watching the poor guy struggle, Volac cleared his throat, gesturing to the clipboard that he had with the order, a pen already clipped to the board. The manager blinked at him owlishly, eyes wide. “Sign this… please. I’ll get this unloaded for you... once you do, ok?” “O-oh… ok? Thanks..?” The manager scrawled their signature down, and Volac calmly folded up the signature, placing it within a pocket that was hidden within his coat. “Thank you for… your patronage.” He said calmly, before turning to the wagon so that he could get started.

    After all, all this alcohol wasn’t going to put itself away on its own.

    TAG: N/A WORDS: 553 Total Words: 1059
    HP: 525/525 MP: 300/300


    Not the Drunks! (All Boozed Up!) UOPxmco 


      Current date/time is 19th September 2024, 9:28 am