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    Unintentional Trouble

    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 218
    Guild : Confidence International (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,714,115

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Symphonic Savant
    Second Skill: Champion of Bastet
    Third Skill:

    Unintentional Trouble Empty Unintentional Trouble

    Post by Xavier Clarent 15th February 2022, 2:32 pm

    Hosrius Camnus "The Dark Angel"
    Job Log #9747

    “Heh heh heh. Now this is a party!”

    Grubar Waxx was doing very little to disguise himself, though that would hardly surprise anyone that knew him. A brash, brazen and verbally dominant creature, the Scengar had finished a few independent jobs to earn himself some jewel, the local currency. With more than enough to spend on food and supplies, the alien decided to get just the tiniest bit careless with his monetary surplus and spend a little bit more than he usually did.

    Hosrius would disapprove no doubt but since when did Grubar do what Hosrius thought was best? He’d found a lively bar on the outskirts of the city -- some town called Cedar, if he recalled correctly. It was loud and energetic, a throbbing, thumping music playing through the entirety of the establishment. It was surprisingly active and full for a middle of the week night but that wasn’t going to bother Grubar none. He pushed his way through the crowd, the sea of people moving eventually once they noticed him. Of course he drew attention, a few gasps and a few people practically running for the door. But overall, the crowd settled down after a bit, content not to mess with the giant lizard-looking alien.

    Grubar made his way to the bar and rapt his knuckles on the smooth surface, hard enough that it shook the entirety of the immediate area. The bartender glanced over at what could be causing his bar to move around and his eyes turned into large, round plates at the sight of Grubar, grinning down at him. Gulping, the man glanced over at the other two tending bar, both women as stunned as he was. Finally finding some resolve, he approached the alien. “How can… I help you?” he asked loudly over the beat of the music.

    “Yeah, listen,” Grubar started, leaning down so that the poor human could hear him better. “I ain’t exactly the best at knowing what booze you humies got and how it compares to what I’m used to drinking. I’m looking for something that can cause a deep, lasting burn. It should be able to peel paint off a gaerotracker… er… or rust soft metal.” He had to remember that humans didn’t have all the technology he was used to interacting with either.

    The bartender looked perplexed. “Well uh…” He wondered, looking back at the wall of alcohol they had presented. Of course he had no idea of what was going to garner the exact taste this massive alien was talking about but he seemed to want something very, very strong. Rust on soft metal… well, there was something but it was lethal to humans if they drank it without mixing it. He walked over and grabbed the bottle and turned around to look at Grubar. “This is Pure Blood. It’s straight alcohol, one hundred and sixty proof. We can’t serve it without mixing it with something else.”

    “Pure Blood, huh? Sounds intriguing. Poor a shot of that,” Grubar said, chuckling.

    “Are you sure? There are laws preventing me from serving it as straight shot. It can kill a person.”

    “Trust me, kid, I ain’t a person. Go ahead.”

    Well, he was being insistent. With another gulp, the bartender took out a shot glass and poured the pungent liquid. Even to his nostrils, it burned and caused him to lean his head away from it. Holding it carefully, he placed it on the bar in front of Grubar, who proceeded to pick it up and throw it back without a second thought. He mouthed the taste for a moment or two before humming approvingly. “Not bad. Still ain’t the strongest thing I’ve had but that’s pretty damn good. I’ll take the whole bottle.”

    Unfortunately for the bartender, it wasn’t exactly expensive. But a sale was a sale and so he told Grubar the price and was swiftly paid in the exact amount of jewel. Watching the alien stomp through the crowd away from him, he half-chuckled in amusement and amazement.

    Now with an appropriate drink, Grubar found himself a corner booth that didn’t have a table. Otherwise he would undoubtedly break something. Getting comfortable, he leaned back in the chair and took a bigger swig from the bottle, chuckling and grinning as he watched the feeble humans dancing.

    TAG: @Mercury Arseneault @name WORDS: 720 000 NOTES: bleh

    MEL @ WW


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 687
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,124,425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Unintentional Trouble Empty Re: Unintentional Trouble

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 6th March 2022, 2:33 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Finding the Scengar had not been difficult. Reports and sightings of giant bipedal lizard men didn’t often get mixed up with other searches on the lacrinet. Manipulating the events around him to get him where she wanted to go, however, had been a much more involved task that had required a bit more careful planning and patience, skills that Mercury had in abundance. And now that he had made his way over to the bar she needed him to be at, all the pieces were finally falling into place. Not only that, but she was set to accomplish multiple objectives in one fell swoop; always a plus!

    She had made sure to set herself up in the bar early, so that she would already be in place by the time he arrived. Currently, she was perfectly blended into the crowd of people dancing to the thumping base and seemingly minding her own business with drinking and cozying up to the men and women around her. She was dressed very much like she belonged in a club, with a high waisted denim mini skirt that barely covered her ass, and a black halter top that hugged her stomach only with fishnet style material. She wore black, platform gothic boots over bright pink stockings, with an assortment of jewelry and lightly tinted sunglasses that she wore even inside. She had a beer bottle in one hand and lit cigarette in the other, and anyone looking at her would just see a young woman enjoying the atmosphere and grinding up against all the various people packed in around her.

    While she danced away to the music seemingly without a care in the world, Mercury was very much keeping an eye out around the room and beyond for everything she was waiting for. While she was looking to meet up with Grubar, Mercury was also working on a job. In fact, she had been hired by the owner of the bar to help with some criminal elements that had taken residence in his back rooms some time ago that he was hoping to finally get rid of. She already knew that her primary targets were in the back, out of sight of the rest of the crowds through a door where two bouncers stood in idle vigilance. All she needed now was for Grubar to show up.

    And when he did, she was not disappointed. His presence brought the entire room to a stand still for a brief moment, with a couple of more weak willed people outright bolting out the door without a moment’s reconsideration. But soon enough everyone was back to what they had been doing before, many of them parting out of the alien’s way to allow him to approach the bar. Smiling to herself, pleased as ever when a plan came together, she continued dancing and drinking for the time being to give Grubar enough time to get his own drink and settle into a corner booth where he wouldn’t cause too much damage with his mass.

    When she was ready, she got a replacement bottle of beer and sauntered over to where he was. Hopping over the back of the seat in front of him, she sat on the back of the booth with her boots on the padded cushion where people were supposed to actually sit. She leaned forward comfortably, one elbow propped on a knee as she held her cigarette to her face while her other elbow rested on the other knee, carelessly holding her beer by the bottle’s neck near her inner thigh. The lavender haired woman didn’t seem to care that, at this angle and with her legs comfortably spread, that the alien was getting a fully unobstructed view of her underwear beneath her skirt. Raising her cigarette laden hand to her face, she gently tapped her glasses down her nose so she could eye him openly over the rims with a grin that was a mixture of mischievous and flirtatious.

    “I don’t know what you are, but what I am is interested,” she told him outright. “You got a name to go along with that over abundance of rippling pectorals, or should I just pick something that sounds good when moaned out loud?”

    WORDS: 709 | @hosriuscamnus
    Serilda Sinclair


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 218
    Guild : Confidence International (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,714,115

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Symphonic Savant
    Second Skill: Champion of Bastet
    Third Skill:

    Unintentional Trouble Empty Re: Unintentional Trouble

    Post by Xavier Clarent 6th March 2022, 7:24 pm

    Hosrius Camnus "The Dark Angel"
    Job Log #9747

    Grubar was a mercenary and, with that, came a sense of caution and preparedness at all times. Though Earthland was about as far away from the intergalactic community as a planet could get, that didn’t mean he could just let his guard down. After all, his target was connected, if his sources were to be believed, and most likely had amassed a following at that point. And with their special magic, it was more than enough to make the Scengar think twice about playing it cool and casual without the least bit of concern. But Grubar was also a veteran and knew better than to look like he was on the defensive. A cool, almost whimsical mark drew in confident predators thinking they could catch him off balance. And that’s when they had lured themselves into his own personal trap.

    Since the Scengar did very little to disguise his appearance, he was sure that rumors about him had spread far and wide. If only the bastard would make a move already, he could claim his bounty and rub it in Hosrius’ face. Easing himself down onto the oddly comfortable cushioned seat, the alien crossed a single leg over the other and began to partake in the hearty alcohol he’d purchased. The music was something else but the people seemed to enjoy it and he wasn’t going to complain about watching the women dance about. They may have been small and squishy but there was something about that softness and the way their bodies curved that made him wish he wasn’t three tons. Even if he wasn’t, most women wouldn’t physically be capable of accommodating him. Ah well, maybe he’d find one that was too curious and wanted to at least fool around. He’d give anything for a decent hand-

    His thoughts cut off as a woman slid herself over the back of the booth and sat herself on the top of it. Her legs placed where people were usually supposed to sit, she seemed very unfazed by the fact that, with her legs the way they were, he had a clear view of under her skirt. And Grubar wasn’t polite enough to avert his eyes right away, taking in the full gallery before lifting his gaze up towards the woman’s bespectacled face. She reached up and dropped her glasses just enough to flash a pair of bright green globes, giving him a hearty up and down before grinning. She spoke finally, her voice loud enough to reach over the throbbing music, stating that she had no idea what he was but referred to herself as interested. She then asked him his name, wondering if a true title went along with his physique or if she should just come up with one that was worthy of being ‘moaned’.

    This was a very aggressive woman and that’s where it got confusing. Any decent information his target could have gotten on him was that he was more into the timid, bashful women, or at least that’s what Grubar allowed to get out and spread. It made it that much easier to spot someone who was trying to fool him. In truth, he much preferred the boisterous, confident bratty types… and it seemed he had found himself just one. Maybe these ‘gods’ the humans kept talking about had seen fit to grant him a gift. He cackled heartily before grinning. “Hell, I kinda want to see what ya pick. I’d be even more impressed if ya moaned it loud enough to hear over the music,” he teased her back. “The real question is if there’s a name to go with those legs and that tight body? I can think of a few off the top of my head but they ain’t exactly classy.”

    All the while, he took his time looking her over. The depths of her skirt aside, the amount of clothing she was wearing was so minimal, it was practically a joke. A high-rise skirt, a black top that clung so tight it was as if it was wet and a pair of heeled boots that would probably crush a human man’s foot with one stomp. Oh yeah, she spelled all sorts of trouble -- the kind of curious woman that saw what he was and felt something awaken in her. He’d seen the sort before and while he knew it wouldn’t amount to the fulfillment he would definitely want, he was sure there was some fun to be had.

    TAG: @Mercury Arseneault @name WORDS: 747/1467 000 NOTES: bleh

    MEL @ WW


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 687
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,124,425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Unintentional Trouble Empty Re: Unintentional Trouble

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 13th March 2022, 5:53 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Mercury had of course done her research into Grubar, and in so doing had come across quite a bit of supposed “evidence” that would lead one to believe that he was more into docile, submissive type women. And perhaps under any other circumstances, she might have put enough stock into that to at least explore the validity of that information. However, the little she had heard Hosrius speak of Grubar lead her to believe that the Scengar was genuinely interested in quite the opposite. In fact, she had a feeling that she herself was exactly the kind of woman that he would be drawn to, and it seemed she was correct. The large alien laughed heartily at her forwardness, not only encouraging her to be creative with what she would call him, but also challenging her to make good on her threat to moan it.

    Oh how her grin widened, the lavender haired woman’s excitement evident in the cheekiness of her expression, even as he turned the inquiry back around on her. “Lucky for you, I ain’t exactly a classy woman,” she quipped back. Then, she raised her cigarette to her mouth and took a drag from it as she gave him a considering look. “Now let’s see… What kind of name vibe do you give off? Hmm… How about Aaron? Nah, that’s boring. Maybe Dick? Mm too on the nose. How about…” She paused in thought before grinning like a cheshire cat. Throwing her head back and fully committing to the challenge, she raised her voice far above what one might expect from a woman of her size.

    “Ohhhh, Klauuuus!”

    She had picked one of the most ridiculous names she could think of, something that clearly didn’t fit for a man of his size and was an almost painfully human name. Regardless, quite a large portion of the people in the bar stopped what they were doing and turned to look at her with a mixture of concern and curiosity. When she was done, she leveled her gaze back at him with a shit eating smirk. “There you go, bruiser. If you want to hear more than that, you’re gonna have to earn it.”

    The look on her face very much suggested that she was curious to see if he would, in fact, attempt to earn more out of her. “Name’s Mercury. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you’re not from around here. You some kind of alien or something? Always wanted to fuck an alien. Sorry, meet an alien.” She corrected herself casually, but the smirk that lingered on her face suggested that the first version of her statement had been quite intentional.

    WORDS: 448/1157 | @hosriuscamnus
    Serilda Sinclair


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 218
    Guild : Confidence International (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,714,115

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Symphonic Savant
    Second Skill: Champion of Bastet
    Third Skill:

    Unintentional Trouble Empty Re: Unintentional Trouble

    Post by Xavier Clarent 13th March 2022, 7:15 pm

    Hosrius Camnus "The Dark Angel"
    Job Log #9747

    A woman who claimed not to be classy. Her outfit was deceiving enough on that front, though perhaps it was more that her sense of flair wasn’t aligned with her morality. Or perhaps he was putting too much stock in thinking about a gorgeous human woman that was clearly feeling very courageous and bold. Deciding to stop overanalyzing, a feat that Grubar more often than not partook in, he grinned at her as she drew from her cigarette and gave some serious consideration to what to call him. She came up with some fairly basic human names before finally coming to a conclusion. Sucking in air and lifting her voice far above the music, she gave a vibrating, chill-inducing moan to the name of ‘Klaus’, which was a ridiculous name by any standard. Grinning wide as the audience in the near area turned to look at them, he waved them off. “Ain’t nothin’ to see here, boys and girls. Just a woman doubling down on a dare in style.” It certainly wasn’t a lie by any stretch.

    With that performance complete, the woman insisted that if he was going to want to hear more, he was going to have to earn it. “Earn it, huh? I ain’t usually one to wager or barter unless the deal is sweet and boy, you are sweet, ain’t ya?” he chuckled, taking a sip from the bottle and eyeing her once more. She continued, naming herself Mercury and stating the obvious by mentioning his clear lack of blending in. She asked if he was an alien, insisting that she’d always wanted to screw an alien before correcting herself, though it was clear she had stated her honest thought first. He cackled. “I am from off your world, that’s right. Dunno how you were able to figure me out -- was it the clothes I was wearin’?” he asked teasingly, pulling slightly at the armor he was in. “You’re very forward, Mercury. And as much as I would love to fulfill that little fantasy of yours, I imagine we’ll have a few physical problems that’ll keep us from going the fully monty. But that is not to say that I ain’t interested in tryin’. An’ just to prove it, as well as ‘earn it’, like you said…”

    Grubar took a deep breath in, the actual suction so intense that the air in front of him almost seemed to bend visually. After he had filled his lungs to the brim, he finally spoke, his voice much louder than before. “TAKE THAT SCENGAR SHAFT, YOU DIRTY HUMAN WHORE!” His voice was far louder than she had been, if only to make a point. In fact, it had been so loud that everyone in the entire bar had heard it. The person playing the music put a quick stop to the sound, silencing the entirety of the club as every eye turned to look at him and the woman he was yelling about.

    Grubar cackled in amusement. “What, ain’t any of you played the ‘penis’ game before? What’d I tell ya before, nothin’ to see, go about your gyrating and whatever.” He completely dismissed the bar and after a few moments, the DJ put the music back on, though the crowd didn’t immediately get back to their dancing in earnest. Eyes continued to watch the pair, now more weirded out than anything else. That didn’t bother the Scengar, who was wholly focused on Mercury. “The name’s Grubar Waxx. As in when Waxx is on, you can Waxx me off.” It was a horrendously corny line, even he knew that, but he said it with the utmost confidence and understanding of how cheesy it was. In fact, it would be evident that it wasn’t the first time he had said it and given his smirk and proud demeanor, it had probably paid off more than a few times.

    TAG: @Mercury Arseneault @name WORDS: 648/2115 000 NOTES: bleh

    MEL @ WW


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 687
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,124,425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Unintentional Trouble Empty Re: Unintentional Trouble

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 3rd April 2022, 8:37 am

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    He certainly seemed to appreciate the show, which Mercury was all too pleased with herself over. If it hadn’t been obvious from the start, she was quickly realizing that not only was she going to greatly enjoy the Scengar’s presence, but it was a bit of a toss up as to who was going to get the other in more trouble by the end of the night – though Mercury had a feeling she was going to be the greater enabler in the end, if only because that’s how she liked to plan these things. Grubar grinned and waved off the people that had stopped to look, informing them that there was just a dare going on before turning to her and admitting that he rarely made wages unless the reward seemed to be worth it. And as far as he was concerned, it seemed Mercury might fit that bill.

    With a grin, Mercury fully removed her glasses and tucked them in the pouch that was strapped to her thigh. Now that the game had started, it was only a matter of time before stage two took place, and even though she could easily craft a new pair of them with her magic she just didn’t feel like wasting the pair she already had, and she had a feeling that anything not tied down was going to get broken very quickly if things continued at their current pace.

    He gave her a hearty laugh of amusement before confirming that he was an alien and teasingly trying to question what had given away his secret. “It was definitely the clothes,” she told him with a sober nod that was betrayed only by the glint of mischief in her gaze. Grubar went on to let her know that he was all to willing to help her out with her sex fantasy, but he came right out with admitting that there were some physical traits that would prevent them from completing the horizontal tango in full. Her grin deepened but before she could make any remark on it he continued, electing to prove his interest by calling her prior bet. Sucking in a deep breath through what had to be a massive pair of lungs, the man roared out some delightful dirty talk so loudly that even the DJ stopped the music as the entire room turned to stare at the pair outright.

    Even as the Scengar once again did his part to shoo off the onlookers, Mercury threw her head back and let out a thorough cackle of amusement, not even a little bothered by the fact that everyone could hear her without the music playing. Soon enough the club was back up and running, though by this point everyone was far more invested in the weird interaction going on in the corner than on actually dancing and drinking. Finally, Grubar introduced himself by his full name, following it up with a rehearsed line about how she could wax him. Mercury genuinely choked on her beer as he delivered the line, having to pull the bottle away quickly and cover her mouth with her forearm as she struggled to prevent herself from spitting the liquid out with her laughter.

    “Shit. You and I are going to get along a little too well, I think," she admitted with a grin after she managed to get her involuntary reaction under control. Now recovered and back to form, her eyes traced over him once more in slow, considerate fashion for a moment or two before she took a final draw of her cigarette and flipped the butt carelessly onto the floor. Standing to her feet, she stepped down from the chair and sauntered leisurely toward him, stepping on the cigarette on the way to make sure it was out without taking her eyes off of him. “Well, I tell you what, Grubar Waxx… I know just the spot around the corner where we could sneak off to have a little fun without being interrupted by all these nosy nitwits, buuut you may have to give me a hand with getting us in.”

    She nodded very subtly toward the door in the back where the two bouncers stood on either side of the threshold, preventing access to the room beyond where she knew that her criminal targets were currently gathered around a poker table with one another. Stopping in front of him, she lifted one of her legs to plant her boot on the seat next to him, putting herself in such a position as to be half straddled over him without actually sitting on his lap. With an impish smirk, she casually reached down and took his free hand, turning it over in her own and tracing the lines of his palm lightly with her nails as though taking a moment to appreciate just how massive his hand was, particularly in comparison to her own.

    “So if you can get us inside…” Her eyes flicked back up to his as she set his hand on her knee and guided his palm slowly along the outside of her thigh until his fingers were fully under her skirt and all but on her ass. “...I’ll get you inside… And just to sweeten that pot even more, I’ll bet you ten thousand jewel that I can handle anything you’re packing.”

    WORDS: 892/2049 | @hosriuscamnus
    Serilda Sinclair


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 218
    Guild : Confidence International (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,714,115

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Symphonic Savant
    Second Skill: Champion of Bastet
    Third Skill:

    Unintentional Trouble Empty Re: Unintentional Trouble

    Post by Xavier Clarent 3rd April 2022, 10:21 pm

    Hosrius Camnus "The Dark Angel"
    Job Log #9747

    Ah that one always killed.

    It was horrendously corny and there was no denying that it was borderlining on cringy. But with a last name such as his, he had to embrace the jokes by making them his own and turning them on their head. Plus there were still plenty of females in the cosmos that had their defenses lowered by a good laugh at the comment, so bemused at the insanity of it that they seemed to forget just how terrifying he looked. Mercury wasn’t one that was intimidated or scared by him at all but that just meant that his suave comments would probably land with a sincere amusement at how utterly ridiculous they were. She’d already been greatly entertained as he called her bet and rivaled her sexually fueled noise with his own filthy exclamation but his introduction nearly made her spew her drink everywhere.

    She mused over the fact that they would probably get along a little too well, a comment that earned her an impish chuckle from the Scengar. Flipping her cigarette to the ground, she walked off the couch and towards him, making sure to put out the butt as she kept a consistent visual connection with him. Jumping right to the point, she stated she knew of a spot where they could have some private alone time without interruption but it was going to require a bit of work. Mercury nodded towards a door near the back, the Scengar shifted his head just enough to catch sight of it along with the two guards standing on either side. But his attention was pulled back to her as she planted her boot on the seat and then leaned forward just enough to practically be straddling him without actually making contact. His eyes snapped down to the open part of her skirt once more, even as she reached down and turned his hand over, tracing her nails over his palm.

    She spoke once more, while at the same time bringing his hand over to run up the outside of her thigh and get a full grip of the flesh that was there and hidden under the skirt. He was all but cupping her ass as she stated that if he helped her get through the door, she would, in turn, ‘let him inside’ and insisted that she’d put money down that she could handle whatever he was packing. Well this woman certainly didn’t play around, did she? Grubar looked her over once more, playing at facade that he was mulling it over. “Ah hell, you can read me like a book, can’t ya?” he asked with a smirking grin. “Alright toots, you’re on. But just so you know, my race is known for two things outside of violent behavior; ridiculous stamina and two sets of balls. I’ll let ya math that out for a moment while we head on over there.”

    Taking the initiative, he pulled his hand gently back from her thigh, only to shift slightly forward and give her ass a smack. It was just hard enough to make an impact and sound but nowhere near hard enough to damage her, though he understood very little of how much punishment she could take. He pulled the bottle to his lips and downed the rest of it, wiping his mouth and casually dropping the bottle on the couch. As he stood up, he rose to his full seven foot height, towering over the smaller woman nearly like a full constructed tower.

    He twisted his neck to either side, cracking the muscles beneath before he moved through the crowd with her in tow. The faces of the bouncers as he approached was both hilarious and priceless; at first they seemed in disbelief that he was coming towards them and then, upon realizing he was, there was the always amusing panic and consideration of what to do next.

    Grubar stopped before the two of them. “Listen guys, we can do this the hard way or the easy way. I know y’all might have some pretty ‘magic’ or whatever it’s called but I’m a Scengar. My carapace is thicker than most spaceship bulkheads. So easy way; you both go for a stroll and let me and my lady friend go through this door so we can get down to our own business. Hard way; I put you both through the door and we get down to business on top of your unconscious bodies on the floor.”

    He gave them a moment to consider. Obviously the hard way sounded truly awful but they were both contracted to do a job and it seemed that they were both, unfortunately, quite loyal to their careers. They both looked at one another, gulped individually, and then puffed out their chests slightly as they moved together to block the door. Grubar sighed. “Ah well, it was worth a shot.”

    A moment later, the door would burst inward as the two bouncers were unceremoniously thrown through, the two men flailing as they bounced off the dented doors and landed on the ground. Grubar marched through, lowering his head just enough that he would break through the door frame without getting dust in his eyes, and stood at the opening. “Well… this is far less private than I was expecting,” he remarked as he looked around the occupied room.

    TAG: @Mercury Arseneault @name WORDS: 898/3013 000 NOTES: bleh

    MEL @ WW


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 687
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,124,425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Unintentional Trouble Empty Re: Unintentional Trouble

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 16th April 2022, 5:16 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    There was a brief moment where Grubar seemed to make an effort at making it look like he was going to take a moment to mull her proposition over, but he dropped the facade almost immediately, realizing that it was useless as she clearly had already had him pegged. She merely waggled her eyebrows at him with a very self-satisfied grin without denying his claim. The Scengar agreed to her terms, taking a moment to warn her that his race was as much acclaimed for their stamina and increased scrotum capacity as they were for being violent, and Mercury merely smirked. “Two sets, eh? Good. That's twice more than most of the men around here boast.”

    He gave her a firm slap on the ass before she pulled back, giving him room to down the rest of his bottle and stand up. Mercury was practically giddy as she followed behind him through the crowds, almost walking on her toes with barely contained excitement as she waited for him to put on what was sure to be quite the show. It did not take the bouncers long to figure out where the pair was going and there was a visible panic that washed over them as their confidence wavered before the colossal figure that loomed over them. Grubar gave them the standard choice: The easy way or the hard way, explaining that even if they were in possession of magic the chances of their abilities actually being able to affect him were slim to none. As he elaborated that either way he was going to wind up in the back room to do unspeakable things with Mercury, the petite woman gave the two men a bright smile, waving her fingers at them impishly as if to emphasize her companion’s point.

    And yet, they chose wrong.

    “Ooh, show time!” Mercury coo’d as the men attempted to block the door, clapping her hands together lightly as she stepped back to give Grubar space to move. After what was an unsurprisingly quick brawl – if one could even call it that – the way was now clear for the pair to pass through, though Mercury was more than aware that what laid in wait on the other side was not what Grubar would be expecting. As they walked past the fallen bodies, Mercury carelessly stepped on their bodies like they were little more than lumpy rugs. “Just remember, boys: you did this to you.”

    And then it was time for the real games to begin. Mercury made a show of following after Grubar like an eager teenager sneaking out of the prom with her boyfriend when the teachers weren’t looking, taking his hand and giggling merrily from the thrill of being somewhere she knew they weren’t supposed to be. Yet that all supposedly came to a halt when they got into the other room and there was a group of men loitering in the space around a poker table that sported a mixed pot of jewel and valuables. Mercury was only a beat behind Grubar as she stepped in next to him, the look of excitement on her face quickly dropping to be replaced with confusion, and then apprehension. “This… is not a storage room…” was her only slow response as she looked around at the obvious mob members who’s complete and undivided attention was now upon the intruding pair.

    As the men began to stand and pull out a variety of weapons and magical auras, Mercury shrank a little closer to Grubar, her hand seeming to hold his a little more tightly as the sudden realization of impending danger became a little more tangible. Her emerald gaze seemed wide with fear as she looked back and forth between the mobsters, but in truth she was simply scanning the room to find what she needed. The room was filled with crates that were mostly closed up, but in the back there were two men that set down the obvious pillows of drugs they had been packing up. There was a small makeshift station in the corner where a lactop was set up, and there was a map pinned to one of the walls with various pegs and routes marked onto it. Mercury took it all in, staying quiet and leting Grubar take up most of the space and attention to give him the chance to be the big hero for the woman he had been hoping to hook up with while she tried to blend into the background unnoticed.

    “Well, you two sure chose the wrong back room for a hook up, now didn’t you?” One of the men toward the back that was smoking from a fat cigar spoke up, clearly the leader of the little group. “That’s too bad. I’m sure you kids would have had quite a bit of fun, considering that she’s got to be a little bit of a freak to want to get together with…” He paused for a moment to scrutinize Grubar. “...whatever the hell you are. Unfortunately, now that you’re back here you won’t be leaving this room alive. Can’t let any authorities catch wind of our little operation here. You understand.” With the wave of his hand, the men all raised their weapons or began charging spells, a split second away from mowing the couple down…

    WORDS: 891/2940 | @hosriuscamnus
    Serilda Sinclair


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

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    Unintentional Trouble Empty Re: Unintentional Trouble

    Post by Xavier Clarent 16th April 2022, 5:53 pm

    Hosrius Camnus "The Dark Angel"
    Job Log #9747

    Well he’d sure stepped in it now.

    Grubar didn’t believe that a show of force was necessarily the only way to make a woman’s panties drop. Sure, for the Scengar, a good ol’ fashioned beatdown was practically foreplay. But most races didn’t subscribe to the same sense of attraction as his species was. Sometimes it was just having the confidence to back up the brutality that made the difference. But there was little denying, in the brief moment that the poor human bouncers decided to stand their ground, that Mercury was the kind that got enjoyment out of a show of force. With a brutal throw, Grubar sent both men careening through the door leading to his destination. Triumphant and puffing his own chest out, Grubar stepped in, happy to take the human woman’s hand and ready to lead her to a dark corner where he could do a little exploring himself.

    Unfortunately, whatever hint or rumor or clue she had gotten about the privacy of said room turned out completely false. Rather than a private little corner, they found themselves in the middle of an obvious center of operation. And given the thuggish faces of the men that stared in surprise at the sight of the intruders, it wasn’t the legal kind. Weapons were drawn, along with several different shows of magical power. “Ah hell,” Grubar grumbled, now more annoyed than anything else. All the build up only to lead into some kind of illegal operation. Mercury sank close to him and he put himself slightly more in front of him, acting as bodyguard against the now impending danger. Luckily he was a far bigger target but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t be taking shots at her as well.

    The chief of the operation spoke up; a rather confident man sporting a cigar, taunting them over their miscalculation. He was amused at how freaky Mercury must have been, considering she had chosen Grubar as her focus of attraction. The Scengar scoffed as the man made it clear that neither of them were leaving the room alive, so as to keep the operation under wraps. “Says the guy about to unload firepower while there’s an open path to a club right there,” Grubar remarked, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder towards the doorway. As he lowered his hand back down to his side, he casually grabbed the palm-sized box from his hip, seamlessly holding it against his hand without giving it away. “Stand behind me, sweetcheeks,” he told Mercury. “The minute I move, you find a good place to hide, got it?”

    The moment the first shot rang out, Grubar pressed a button on the box in his hand. His arm came up and his armband activated, opening up a glowing blue energy shield. It was in the shape of a tower shield but given his immense size, it easily towered over most other shields that could be formed. In his other hand, the box unfolded into a shotgun, pieces clicking into place relatively quickly as the Scengar’s shield absorbed the attacks. He brought the barrel of the weapon around and pushed it through the shield, pulling the trigger and unleashing a wide spray of energy flechettes. That would be enough to take down the closest thugs.

    Then with a roar, Grubar charged forward, the shield leading the way. He crashed into the next closest thug, using the full force of his body in motion to practically bury him in the wall. Pushing off, he swung the shotgun around and let off another shot into one of the thugs, eviscerating him. A torrent of flame was unleashed from one of the gang members, managing to swallow up the Scengar for a brief moment. Then he was bursting through the inferno, grabbing the man’s wrist and breaking it with a twist of his hand. He lifted the screaming man from the ground and swung him like a bat at the next target, sending both flying off.

    Then all that was left was good ol’ cigar. Grubar chuckled as he wiped the soot from his face and neck. “Pretty impressive operation,” the Scengar complimented him as he marched towards him, deactivating his shield and storing his shotgun. “But a smart businessman makes an offer to the towering alien that busts into his hidey-hole before deciding to try and blast him.” Grubar’s hand snapped out and grabbed the man by the neck, lifting him up. His other hand came up and pried the cigar from his mouth, bringing it up to his own face and sniffing it. “These things smell like ass. You humans don’t have good crop. Ah well; even us advanced species know… smoking kills ya.” Grinning, the Scengar turned the cigar around and pressed the lit end against the man’s forehead, twisting it to truly bury the burn into his flesh. When he was sufficiently finished punishing the boss, he tossed him against a wall like a sack of nothing.

    “Well shit,” Grubar said, reaching up to scratch his head. He turned back towards Mercury. “Sorry about that, toots. I imagine that was a bit of a mood killer.”

    TAG: @Mercury Arseneault @name WORDS: 859/3872 000 NOTES: bleh

    MEL @ WW


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
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    Unintentional Trouble Empty Re: Unintentional Trouble

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 17th April 2022, 7:54 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    It was so nice when a plan fell into place. Grubar was being as protective as she’d hoped he would be, stepping up to take charge – and the limelight. He chastised the mobster for threatening to open up gunfire when they claimed to want to stay out of public sights. Maybe later Mercury would point out to him the lacrimas in the corners of the room that would prevent any sound from escaping outside. In truth, the room was actually a lot better protected than it looked. It simply wasn’t set up with sophisticated enough protections to keep her out, which was hardly their fault.

    Grubar told her to stay behind him, instructing her to find cover as soon as he started moving. “Y-yeah, okay,” was her only wary response, putting on the facade of a woman that was clearly in over her head but doing her best to keep up a brave face. The second shots started firing, Grubar used some of his tech to activate an energy shield and a shotgun, both items of which were clearly superior alien tech. Mercury would have to convince him to let her take a look at the items later, like she had done with Hosrius’ weapon. For now, she had other matters to attend to. Once he was armed and ready, Grubar let out a roar that shook the room before charging into the fray.

    At the same moment, Mercury dove behind a crate and rushed around the perimeter until she could dive and roll to a spot right next to the computer station. Blowing her bangs off her face, Mercury’s demeanor pulled a full one eighty now that she was out of sight. Practically lounging where she was laying on the ground, she reached up and pulled the laptop down from the table. Conjuring a small wireless device out of thin air, she plugged it into the computer and got to work hacking it, humming quietly to herself with one particular ear worm that had gotten stuck in her head after she’d heard it earlier in the club, the noise drowned out by the sounds of gunfire and chaos around her.

    At one point one of the gangsters came crashing over the crates beside her, having clearly been tossed by the Scengar across the room. Mercury blinked at the man while he shook his head to clear it only to notice her hanging out with their computer out of sight. The two stared at one another for a moment before Mercury pulled her knee to her chest and snapped her foot out, kicking the man hard enough in the face to cause his neck to twist in a most unnatural fashion, killing him on the spot. Then, she went right back to what she was doing.

    By the time Grubar had more or less put most of the room out of its misery, she had already completed her task and put the laptop back where it had been before, exactly as she had found it. It was only a moment later that one of the remaining men in the room discovered her, clearly having decided that a fight with Grubar wasn’t worth it and looking to snatch the computer and make a break for it while he still could. Instead he saw Mercury sitting there and decided that she would serve as insurance to guarantee his escape. Reaching down, he dragged Mercury to her feet and right at Grubar turned around to look at her he wound find her being held captive with a gun against her temple. Her eyes were wide with panic, her breath quickened from supposed fear and adrenaline as she seemed to be giving Grubar a pleading look for help.

    “One wrong move and the broad gets it,” the mob man informed Grubar, tightening his hold on Mercury and shoving the gun all the harder against her head. She let out a little whimper, her hands gripping the forearm around her neck like she was trying to keep him from choking her. He wasn’t the only one still alive, either. “Now, here’s how this is going to work. You,” he said, indicating Mercury, “are going to grab that computer for me, and then we’re both going to go on a little trip. So pick up that laptop and say goodbye to your ugly friend.”

    For the briefest of moments it would appear that Mercury was too terrified to even move. Then, the oddest thing happened. Her expression shifted as she dropped the damsel in distress act and give Grubar a devilish little smirk, shooting a wink his way. From there, she gripped the man’s forearm around her neck so tightly that his brain errored out in processing the shift. Then, she slammed the back of her head into his face before yanking him violently forward, pulling him up and over her shoulder and slamming him hard enough into the ground to leave a dent. Reaching around and dipping her hand into the hem of her skirt at the small of her back, she withdrew Mercy, the oversized pistol being far, far too large to have been able to fit anywhere under her skirt and yet there it was all the same.

    As the man recovered and tried to bring his own gun around to aim at her once more, Mercury caught the muzzle of it with her hand just as he pulled the trigger. But instead of having her hand blasted off, the bullet met her palm and simply stopped in their tracks. Using her grip on the gun, she bent the man’s arm backward and snapped it at the wrist causing him to shriek with pain. Without even looking up to aim her shots, she fired off two rounds of her own aimed behind Grubar where two more men had thought to try and sneak up on him from behind after letting him presume they were dead, her rounds planted squarely in the head for an instant kill shot.

    Ripping the gun out of the man’s broken wrist, she clenched it in her fist, causing the machine to crumble to pieces onto the floor beside him. Mercury brought one of her boots to rest rudely on his chest, keeping him pinned to the ground, and it was only then that she finally took a true look around the room, her eyes resting on the leader that had been smoking the cigar. “Ah, damn. I was planning on leaving that one alive a bit longer. Oh well. That’s on me, seeing as how I didn’t exactly let you in on the details. Thanks for your cooperation all the same, big guy.”

    Giving Grubar a cheeky grin, she looked back down at her prisoner, pointing Mercy down at him. “So I guess that leaves you as tonight’s lucky survivor. Isn’t that exciting?” Shifting her foot, she moved it up to his face, practically crushing his cheek into the floor without actually breaking him. “Now, I need you to be a dear and deliver a message for me to your actual boss: Tell him this bar and its owner are now under the protection of the Silver Wolf guild. So, I’m afraid he’s going to have to find a new place to operate this branch of his little business here. Think you can do that for me, darlin’?”

    The man nodded his head vigorously, or at least as much as he could with Mercury’s boot smashing it against the ground. “That’s the spirit. Now, be a good little cockroach and scurry back on home.” She pulled her foot away, revealing very distinctive tread marks in his skin from the underside of her boot. Nursing his broken wrist he quickly scrambled to his feet and made a mad dash for the door, stopping only to swipe the laptop on his way out. Mercury sighed wistfully, resting Mercy on her shoulder as the man disappeared through the back door. “Well, I’d say his boss is going to be really angry when he realizes that I planted a tracker on that guy to see where he goes… but they’re never going to find it, and he’ll be far too preoccupied trying to figure out why all of his bank accounts were emptied so suddenly.”

    She glanced back over to Grubar, checking him over to see if he’d sustained any injuries. “So! How much do I owe you for your services?”

    WORDS: 1410/4350 | @hosriuscamnus
    Serilda Sinclair


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

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    Second Skill: Champion of Bastet
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    Unintentional Trouble Empty Re: Unintentional Trouble

    Post by Xavier Clarent 19th April 2022, 8:07 pm

    Hosrius Camnus "The Dark Angel"
    Job Log #9747

    In all honesty, Grubar was not paying attention to where Mercury went. He assumed that she had gotten out of the way like he’d told her to, though there was the smallest… inkling in the back of his head. She had reverted to a scared, almost helpless damsel pretty quickly upon entering the room, clinging to him like he was her knight in shining armor. Then again, that didn’t really mean anything -- she may have been the kind of bold that liked the idea of danger but not really the scary, weapons pointed at you kind of real danger. No doubt she would be quite shaken after the whole experience. Probably wouldn’t want to put out after but that was a concern for later. At the moment, it was time to crush some goons.

    And crush them he did. He dispensed with several of them in a matter of minutes, so caught up in the fervor of battle that nothing could distract him. By the end of it, he was sure he’d handled most of them and the others, if they were smart, would be running for the door after witnessing the carnage the massive alien could dish out. The cigar-smoking boss was the last to be handled, burned and tortured by the Scengar before being deposited into a hole in the wall. He was just about ready to take a look around to make sure the room was clear when something shifted behind him. He turned just enough to look over his shoulder and found one last goon, now holding Mercury by the neck. Ah well, the poor girl got herself caught and by the look of things, she was scared out of her wits.

    The goon warned him that if Grubar made any aggressive move, he would be sure to put a round in Mercury’s head. The Scengar studied him, quiet but glaring at the man as a low growl rumbled out from the back of his throat. But at the moment, the man had the upper hand and realizing that, he made full use of his advantage. He told Mercury that she was going to grab the ‘computer’ that was apparently nearby and then they were going to leave. “Unless you’re plannin’ on going off planet, there ain’t any distance you can go where I can’t get ya,” Grubar told him, his tone dark and menacing. He wasn’t the hero type -- or so he told himself -- but he didn’t like idiots getting a win by taking advantage of someone not even fit… for… battle?

    Even as the words formed in his head, he watched as the fearful look on Mercury’s face completely disappeared. Gone was the damsel and out came the true facade of the woman, satisfied with herself, amused that the idiot had fallen for her ruse. Giving him a wink, she tightened her grip on the man’s arm and while he attempted to rationalize that, she swung him up and over her, slamming him into the ground so hard that the floor dented beneath him. She reached behind herself and withdrew a gun, while at the same time grabbing the gun that was moving towards her. A muffled bang reverberated through the air as the man’s shot came to a complete stop against Mercury’s palm. She twisted the weapon and in doing so the man’s arm before she brought up her weapon. Two rounds discharged, zipping over Grubar’s shoulders and hitting the two men had apparently decided to try and get the drop on him.

    Glancing quickly back at the two bodies dropping to the ground, the Scengar fully turned to face the changed woman and her prisoner. She had pulled the gun from the man’s hand and crumbled it into nothing before she pressed her boot down onto his chest, planting him firmly against the broken floor. As she looked around, she commented on the cigar man’s wall grave, admitting that she wanted to leave him alive longer but that it had been her fault for using Grubar and not giving him an idea of a plan.

    She had used him. She knew that this back area was filled with goons and she needed a suitable distraction to do… well, whatever she wanted to do. It seemed she wanted someone to deliver a message, telling her captured goon that he was going to pass along word that the bar was protected by Silver Wolf, whatever the hell that was. The bad guys would need to find a new hole to operate out of. With a boot now pressing down on his face, he didn’t have much choice and was forced to slightly nod in agreement. With that done, she let him go, watching in amusement as he dashed for the door, only pausing long enough to grab the computer he’d spoken about.

    Mercury mused aloud at the unfortunate circumstances for the man and his boss, stating that she’d put a bug on him to track him. But that was the least of their worries, considering she’d emptied his funds. Finally she turned her attention back to him, asking him what she owed him for his ‘services’. The Scengar had a dark look on his face, one of realization that didn’t seem to weigh very well with him. His body was tense, stiffened by emotions that were definitely going to bubble to the surface in the coming seconds. The only indication she would get was a sound gurgling up from inside of him, swiftly rushing up his throat and expelling…

    Into a laugh. Grubar began to laugh with his entire body, throwing his head back and planting his hands on his stomach as he cackled wholly and genuinely. “Well, damn! he said between his laughs. “If you ain’t like looking in the mirror. Use the big man for a distraction so you can get in and find your quarry. Hell, girl, I thought I was riled up before but damn if I ain’t engorged now!”

    What a minx. Who knew humans could be so crafty? As he calmed down, a wide grin split across his face his face and he looked Mercury up and down again. “Well you were talking a big game earlier about wanting to get with an alien but I don’t even know if that was genuine or not. So I guess I can’t exactly suggest that as payment. Even if I am completely bent out of shape now.” To add a point to his statement, he reached down and adjusted the cup of his armor. “You said something about draining some accounts. Since I was the muscle, I’d say… a fifty-fifty split of that would do.”

    TAG: @Mercury Arseneault @name WORDS: 1115/4987 000 NOTES: bleh

    MEL @ WW


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Unintentional Trouble Empty Re: Unintentional Trouble

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 23rd April 2022, 4:20 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Grubar was intensely silent as Mercury went about her business, putting down nearly all that remained of those who had survived the Scengar’s onslaught and leaving one survivor to bring the news back to the true hub of crime. In reality, she actually didn’t plan on letting any of them off scot free – rather, she let one survive so that they could find the headquarters and it would be at that point that Mercury would notify the Rune Knights through an anonymous tip and let them swoop in to take care of everything else from there. But in the meantime, she’d fulfilled her contract and taken care of what she needed with the help of her unsuspecting companion that appeared to still be processing the dramatic reveal.

    At first it almost seemed as though he weren’t going to be very happy about it, but Mercury wasn’t too worried. She hadn’t talked to Hosrius a lot about his sometime partner, but the few stories the Jirian had shared had led Mercury to believe that Grubar would be more impressed or entertained than anything else. And soon enough she would find that her calculations were correct as the large alien started laughing so hard that he almost couldn’t focus on anything else, throwing his head back and clutching himself as he roared his compliments and admitted that he was just even more turned on.

    Mercury’s grin deepened into a shit eating expression, clearly quite pleased with herself even as she tucked Mercy away, the massive pistol disappearing beneath the hem of her skirt despite the fact that there was absolutely no room for it to fit there. Eventually he calmed down enough to speak clearly once more in order to answer her question about payment. He said that he would have accepted sex as compensation for his assistance, but at this point he wasn’t sure if her interest had just been a ruse or not – despite how much of a fix she’d apparently put him in. So instead he requested an even split between the amount of funds that she’d siphoned from the crime ring they’d just busted.

    “That seems more than reasonable to me,” Mercury informed him, making no effort to try and haggle him to a lower percentage. Truthfully, she hadn’t even kept any of the money for herself. All she’d done was make it disappear. It wasn’t like she had any need for money. She had quite a bit of her own that she’d saved up over the last few years, and now that she was marrying into a very giving noble family finances weren’t much of a concern. “Should that include the ten grand you’re going to owe me in a bit, or should I just hang on to that now?” Reaching into a small pocket, she pulled out her tablet and opened the screen. It was only a second or two later that Grubar would likely receive a notification letting him know that someone had gained access to his bank account, but instead of finding any of his funds being withdrawn he would instead find a great deal of money being funneled into it from a verified but unknown source – likely quite a bit more than he was expecting.

    Flashing him a knowing smirk, she tucked her tablet out of sight. “Now then, I believe we have a bet to settle. Not here though; the Rune Knights will be crawling all over this place soon and I think we’d both prefer to avoid answering questions. So why don’t you let me go collect my payment from the barkeep and then we can go someplace that isn’t littered with quite so many dead bodies?” Presuming he was amenable to the plan, she’d head back into the main floor to speak with the owner of the bar, confirming that the problem had been dealt with and the Rune Knights were on their way to clean everything up. By the time she returned, she had another bottle of the liquor that Grubar had been drinking before and she was throwing her sunglasses back on her face. “Alright, bruiser. Ready when you are.”

    WORDS: 695/5045 | @hosriuscamnus
    Serilda Sinclair


      Current date/time is 18th September 2024, 6:27 pm