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    Toy Trouble

    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Toy Trouble Empty Toy Trouble

    Post by Kit Kerrington 3rd February 2016, 7:09 pm

    Apollo sighed as walked closer to the village. It was a nice day for a walk as they went down the dirt path. Tree branches hung above them creating some shade as they walked closer to the village. They had walked the whole way here because Gamon was the Metal Dragon slayer and he knew that he would have motion sickness if he road in the cart to get here. This was fine it wasn't very far from Magnolia but he had to walk none the less since they get motion sickness or something like that. Apollo looked at Gamon as they walked wondering what he was like. Apollo had a very rough ideas since he has seen him around the guild hall but nothing much more then that. Plus Apollo was always keeping himself busy on jobs and the like so he hardly had time to talk to his fellow guild mates and see how they were doing which is why he was happy that Gamon had asked him to do this job with him. He gave a small sigh and kept walking with him then looked over deciding it was time to end the silence. "So Gamon can you tell me a bit about yourself?" he smiled at him a little more a little nervous in fact. Apollo had no real reason to be nervous other then to him he was a new face. Well again he wasn't new but the idea was still there. He waited for his reply as they got closer to the village. Apollo started to wonder what was going on and why they stopped making toy's out of the blue. Apparently several people pulled in this request for it to be investigated. He thoughts were broken as Gamon began to speak to him.

    OCC and job info:

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Nature's Blessing
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    Posts : 287
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Metallicana
    Experience : 1581.25

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    Toy Trouble Empty Re: Toy Trouble

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 4th February 2016, 2:24 pm

    Gamon walked down the dirt road, thankful he didn't have to ride in any type of vehicle. Vehicles and Dragon Slayers have never mixed well. For some odd reason Dragon Slayers are severely prone to getting motion sickness. Thankfully Apollo knew that, and didn't force him to take a ride in a wagon or something like that. If Apollo had an exceed, like Tykva, then they probably would have been there by now. Gamon's thoughts quickly cleared. He began to think of what he actually knew about his fellow guild mate. After a few minutes of serious contemplating he came up with only a few fact about Apollo. Gamon knew what type of magic he used. He was almost certain he felt it first hand, but other than that he didn't really know much about him. It always seemed like the two never had time to actually sit down and have a conversation.

    The silence was broken when Apollo inquired to know more about Gamon. He slowed down his pace. He wasn't to sure what to say. Sure Gamon had plenty of stories to tell, but which ones would he want to hear? Which stories would be appropriate or not to tell? He looked at Tykva who walked only a few feet infront of him, trying to see if she could help. Sadly she was no help to the Dragon Slayer at this point. Tykva seemed to be in a completely different world as she slightly skipped down the road. 

    "Well... Lets see where should I begin? Umm, well as you probably already know I am the Iron Dragon Slayer. I was partially raised by Metalicana, the Iron Dragon. Um... I meet Tykva after my Dragon dad disappeared. Tykva and I have been together ever since. That was about three years ago." Gamon said trying his best to leave out boring or too personal information.

    "That's right." Tykva chimed in. "He saved my life, you know. But I'm pretty sure I've saved his skin way more than that." She turned around and stuck out her tongue at Gamon. He did the same thing back, but making a weird face as well. 

    "Yeah that probably true." He turned back to Apollo. "I hoped that was a good enough answer, I'm not to sure what else I could tell you. Unless you have a certain question about my life. What about you, I don't know much about you. Why don't you tell me about yourself."


    Toy Trouble Te9PCpv

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    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Toy Trouble Empty Re: Toy Trouble

    Post by Kit Kerrington 6th February 2016, 5:35 pm

    Apollo listened as they walked looking at him. as he listened he had remembered seeing that exceed around the guild hall before. He then mention his father going missing and looked down for a second. then looked up once he said the him and Tykva had been together ever since. Apollo nodded. Apollo smiled at them already able to tell that they made a good team. Apollo then nodded "sorry to hear about your father being missing." he sighed not knowing what to say then he heard Tykva speak up about how she has saved him more then he did. Apollo chuckled at this nodding again. he then let a sigh out looking up and kept listening he then inquired more about him. Apollo stopped looking at him and sighed a little. How much did he want to know about him he didn't particularly like to discuss his past much or at all but then shook his head. this was part of being in a family...being able to trust again.

    Alright I will tell you about me just don't tell anyone else alright some know but i don't really like talking about it." he sighed a little and kept walking. “My parents passed away when I was a good along with the rest of my family...thought so you get a clear understanding. “ He side of his silver pocket watch with the doves on it placing it on the bar. “When I was 8 years old my grandmother died of old age, when I turned nine my grandfather died trying to stop a fight he got stabbed him..they were never caught, at the age of ten my mom died of a mysterious illness that not even the best healing mages could figure out next at the age of eleven Next was my little sister she had an accident and fell down the stairs in my house and died hitting her head, still at eleven then- then was my little brother he killed himself do to being bullied all the time. then at the age of twelve my dad died returning home from a job to feed me, then at the age of thirteen after my dad’s passing I went to live with my oldest sister were moved out… But she got killed by a dark mage… At the age of Fourteen I was put into an orphanage and I met a girl name Eliza and over the years I found love with her… She gave me a pocket watch it was the only thing she came into the orphanage with One day at the age of eighteen we left the orphanage determined to join a guild but we want to go out into the world and get some experience first… Then a dark mage using the same magic to kill my sister Eliza in front of me and I had to carry her body back to Magnolia.. She’s actually buried here in the prairie just outside town.. I vowed to join a guild become a saint for her sake, but now I got a new family…”

    He then looked over at him nodding a little giving a small smile. "That's why use shielding magic so I can protect those around me...so I can protect my new Family which is why i will never tolerate anyone hurting any of you" he sighs then looks up figuring how stupid he must sound. "Sorry i probably am talking to much and i probably sound foolish thinking i can protect everyone but i dunno" he sighs a small tear in his eye. he then wipes it away. "let's keep going alright" he nodded smiling "Thanks for asking feels nice to talk about it again if you have questions feel free to ask as we walk.

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Nature's Blessing
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    Posts : 287
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Metallicana
    Experience : 1581.25

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    Toy Trouble Empty Re: Toy Trouble

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 7th February 2016, 1:29 pm

    Gamon thought back to his short time with the Iron Dragon. He wish he had more time with Metalicana. Gamon felt like there was still so much he needed to learn. He looked at at Apollo with a slight smile on his face. "Eh, it's fine. I am pretty sure he had to go for some reason and besides it is not like he was real dad or anything." 

    Gamon interest was peaked by the way Apollo started off telling about himself. He was not sure what to expect next. Gamon thought his past was pretty bad. If it was anything like his past, then maybe Gamon could maybe help Apollo out some how. Another thought popped into the Dragon Slayers head. Wait, why is he telling me this? I mean I'm practically a complete stranger to him. Gamon kept his mouth shut and his ears open. If he was going to be one of the few to know Apollo's backstory; then he would be kind enough to listen to the end. He sure hoped that Apollo does not start to cry. Gamon wasn't sure if he could keep himself composed as well. Sometime crying seemed to help Gamon feel better about everything though. 

    Gamon listened to his fellow guildmates heart breaking past. He had nothing to say. All he could do was nod to show that he was following along with his story. This poor boy lost everything that was dear to him at such a young age. He then went onto talk about why he uses shielding magic. It made sense to Gamon now. After Apollo was completely finished with his story there was a moment of silence. Neither Tykva nor Gamon knew exactly what to say. 

    A few minutes passed before someone broke the silence. "You can count on us. We won't tell anyone." Tykva said with some tears in her eyes. She flew up and landed on Apollo's shoulder. "Gamon and I have also lost our families. So we know how you feel." Gamon nodded, "Yeah, it's true I lost my actual parents when I was thirteen. That was before Metalicana and I met. So, if you ever need some one to talk to about it we are all ears."


    Toy Trouble Te9PCpv

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    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Toy Trouble Empty Re: Toy Trouble

    Post by Kit Kerrington 13th February 2016, 6:07 pm

    He smiled at Gamon and the Exceed and nodded understanding what they were going through and knew they could relate to a degree. He couldn't place it but he felt safe talking about this with the two of them. Was it because they were members of Fairy Tail or maybe it was something more but Apollo felt at ease around them both. He smiled walking as they said this he knew he had picked the right guild but he then looked back seeing them walking. He had to wonder what made they were nice to him somewhat but then again they were all family and that's what they did. He chuckled to himself as they walked. He looked at him and the Exceed as they walked and he sighed a little. He checked his pocket watch seeing they were still on schedule to reach the village before noon. He though about what they had with them. they had Apollo's shielding magic, Tykvra's exccedness he wasn't sure if the exceed had powers like rose or not, and last but not least Gamons metal dragon slayer magic

    He then looked over at Gamon specifically. He was the metal dragon slayer. Dragon slayer magic always fascinated Apollo since it was a one of a kind magic in the world. So powerful and on top of that it was in harmony with the specific element adding to the magic and being able to devour metal without any effort was incredible. He looked at him his curiosity triggered. "Hey Gamon can you tell....me about..Metalicana..." he said as the town cam onto view. Apollo was shocked the whole town looked like a gigantic play set in a kids bed room. "Hold that thought Gamon." he said not because he didn't care but this was bizarre. "Come on Gamon lets get going" he said looking around as they entered "What do you think happened here?" he said looking shocked there was no way this town was just like this some magic was the cause but what could do this.

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Nature's Blessing
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Metallicana
    Experience : 1581.25

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    Toy Trouble Empty Re: Toy Trouble

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 16th February 2016, 6:04 pm

    After Apollo asked about Metalicana, Gamon thought back to the short three years they had together. How Metalicana would make him train for days on end. The beginning of their time together was rough. The dragon made him eat iron, which took awhile to get used to, but Gamon didn't give up. He owned Metalicana his life. Gamon was about to talk about Metalicana and their adventures together. He was completely unaware of how close the group was to the city. He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted before he could began his stories. Gamon looked to where his fellow guildmate was looking at. It looked to be a jungle gym for giants. It was an odd sight to said the least. Could that be where they used to make the toys. It sure did look like a place that a kid would want to come and play at. 

    They walked through the large gate. It was two large toy soldiers crossing their swords above the middle of the walkway. Gamon looked around at the place. It was pretty magical. The whole place looked like large toys. Buildings looked liked larged dice and others looked like building blocks. Gamon then realized it was almost completely empty. Other than the three members from Fairy Tail there was no one in sight. "I don't know what happened here but I don't like it." He began to spout out possible scenarios. "Maybe everyone went on vacation? Or... or maybe they are all hiding and this whole thing was just for them to throw us a surprise party." Tykva decided to chime in on the nonsense. "Oh, maybe they all went on vacation. No, I got it, we are just in the wrong place." Gamon looked at Apollo. "Do you have any theries of what might be going on here?"


    Toy Trouble Te9PCpv

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    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Toy Trouble Empty Re: Toy Trouble

    Post by Kit Kerrington 21st February 2016, 1:43 pm

    As Apollo listened to them talk it became quite clear that non of thoses could be it for a whole village to up and leave was highly doubtful especially if they were as big as they were. no something else happened he just didn't know what. Apollo looked around the village carefully sighing shaking his head. "No i have no idea what could have-" he was cut off when two people jumped down from roofs. they looked like twins kids looking at them both. "what do we have here brother?" one said in high playful voice. I "dunno bro but they look like fun we should play with them don't you think" the other said in a deeper tone. Apollo took a step forward but before he could say a work there was a flash of light that came from them both of the twins that was blinding. It was a strong magic pulse that came from them both. Apollo briefly looked over at Gamon barely seeing him before the light took over. when they could see again every thing around them looked bigger Apollo quickly looked around seeing Gamon and tykvr next to him still. "what on earth..did we shrink?" He looked around seeing the the building all around them but the twins were gone. Apollo looked around briefly. Gamon are you alright?" he said walking over to his fellow guild mate and tykvr wanting to make sure this didn't hurt them to much though he felt fine after all of that. He then looked around not knowing exactly what was going on but he knew they would have to be careful what they did if they were indeed smaller they were now on there home feild which was never a good thing. he then looked back at Gamon and sighed shaking his head. "Sorry about that" he rubbed his neck over his guild mark sighing a little.

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Nature's Blessing
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Metallicana
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    Toy Trouble Empty Re: Toy Trouble

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 23rd February 2016, 4:13 pm

    Apollo was in the middle of answering Gamon's question, when he was interrupted by two kids. They jumped down from the roofs and landing before the group of Fairy Tail mages. There seemed to be something off about the two of them. Gamon was unable to figure out what it was though. They twins talked to each other. Then all of a sudden a bright light came from the two brothers. It was a strange feeling. The light felt like it was compacting their bodies, making them small almost. It was obvious that the two brothers possessed a powerful magic. Gamon hadn't seen anything like it in his few years of traveling. After the light vanished, so did the twins. Gamon looked around. First, seeing if fellow guildmate and Tykva was okay. They seemed to be fine, beside Gamon went through the same thing and he felt pretty okay. Next, he began to look at the surrounding around him. All of the buildings seemed to have gotten bigger. 

    Gamon heard Apollo ask if they were shrunk. "It sure does seem like it or the light made the building and everything else bigger." Gamon said. Gamon started to walk towards Apollo, who was walking in his direction. They met in the middle. Apollo apologized for what happened. "Hey, don't worry about it. We just have to get to the bottom of this." Gamon chuckled a little, "Cause it sure will be a lot closer than getting to the top." Gamon looked between Apollo and Tykva to see if they got it. "Hardy Har Har. I think it might be too early to joke about it right now." She quickly replied. Gamon bowed his head in shame. It always seemed that no one appreciated his humor in a time like this. "Ugh, fine. I'll be more serious." Gamon looked around once again. He looked for any possible clues that would help them get back to normal size. He also looked for a way into one of the buildings. The closest building seemed to have the door ajar. Gamon pointed in the direction of the open door. "Look over there. It looks like that door is open. Maybe we should go in there. We might get a better idea of what happened to us."


    Toy Trouble Te9PCpv

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    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Toy Trouble Empty Re: Toy Trouble

    Post by Kit Kerrington 7th March 2016, 3:39 pm

    Apollo sighed looking around then saw Gamon point out an open door saying they should investigate in there first. Apollo nodded, it wasn't as if he had a better idea what to do in this situation plus they needed to make some progress or else they'd be stuck like this. Apollo looked at Gamon and sighed. "here let me go first alright" he said looking at them both. He then retracted quickly. "not saying anything of your skill just so I can block any attacks you know" He rubbed his neck sighing then turned to the door. The building looked to be a dark pink color with vines all around it looking very Omanis and spooky for being a playhouse. "I'm pretty sure this set up would scare most kids away..." he shook his head then looked a Gamon. Apollo walked up with Gamon and pushed open the door into the dark looking house. As they walked in it was pitch black. They walked in slowly it was dark and quiet the only sounds were there foot prints as they walked deeper into the house. The floor boards creaked with each step they took and even though it was pitch black it felt darker as they went on forward. Then the door slammed shut violently making Apollo's heart race a little bit but not showing his fear. then the sound of children laughter echoed around them. He looked back at where Gamon was barely able to make him out. It got more intense then the words "Play time was chanted. "Gamon stay close..." he said before the lights in the room blasted on the light blinding almost since it went from pure darkness to the room being fully lit. As they came to he could tell an ambush was happening.

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    Toy Trouble Empty Re: Toy Trouble

    Post by NPC 7th March 2016, 3:39 pm

    The member 'Nadarr' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    Toy Trouble StrongMonster


    #2 'Monster Dice' :
    Toy Trouble Boss

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Nature's Blessing
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Metallicana
    Experience : 1581.25

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    Toy Trouble Empty Re: Toy Trouble

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 13th March 2016, 11:59 am

    Gamon followed Apollo as they made their way to the open door. The building looked like it belonged in a cheesy horror movie. Vines seemed to have overrun the once friendly pink exterior, and replaced it with a creepy run down look. The building was out of place for for being in a children friendly place. Gamon agreed with Apollo that the building would most likely scare the kids away. 

    They group of Fairy Tail members walked into the dark, creepy playhouse. Apollo took the lead, Gamon and Tykva followed close behind him. The room was dark, the only light that shined in was the light from the open door. It seemed to get darker and darker as they made their way deeper into the room. Gamon had a bad feeling about the whole situation. Something seemed to be off about it. The large room was silent. The only noises were the ones that the group was making. All of a sudden the door slammed shut behind them. Tykva let out a frightened scream and flew over and clung to Gamon's back. The sound of children's laughter filled the room. Gamon wasn't able to pinpoint where it was coming from. Then the lights came on, flooding the room with blinding light. 

    Gamon scanned the surroundings for any possible threats. He couldn't see any, but he had the weird feeling that he was being watched. "I think maybe we should make a break for the door while it is still calm," Gamon suggested. He turned and started to run towards the door. He only made it a few feet before a bullet landed in front of him. Gamon looked behind him, where the bullet came from. From on top of a chair he could now see the enemy. A pirate held a smoking pistol grinning creepily. The buccaneer jumped down from the high ground, landing with a large thud. From out of the shadows more toys joined him. Four more sword and pistol wielding pirates. Gamon heard movement from behind him, and turned to look to see what made it. Three toy wolves had gathered. The small group was surrounded.


    Toy Trouble Te9PCpv

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    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Toy Trouble Empty Re: Toy Trouble

    Post by Kit Kerrington 18th March 2016, 3:50 pm

    As Apollo looked at the bullet hole he looked at Gamon. It was an ambush set up by the twins and they walked right into it. He had to do something to get them out."Promotion to Knight" he said spinning the cylinder of checkmate. He felt a rush of energy and his reflexes sharpened. He then looked at Gamon again "Get ready to fight i'll turn this fight to our favor..." He said looking around. Escaping the room he though was pointless right now he had figured that the twins had thought of this before hand and already set up or knew so he could only assume it wouldn't open for them. "I'll deal with the soilders and support you you handle the wolves ok...Transit Armor.." he said quieter. The he saw gamon glow as he placed the armor on him. Then as the armor glowed. The wolves howled and readied to charge . The toy solders pointed there guns at them both. Apollo took a moment to think of what to do he could just throw a shield up but he needed to turn this somehow and while he knew Gamon was the metal dragon slayer he didn't know his abilties in full which made it a little harder. He then smiled rembering about his new spell. Apollo looked at Gamon and gave a small smile then a nod. "Fairy's Mist!" he said as glows for a brief second then a blast of mist appears from his body and covers them in a blinding mist preventing anyone from seeing through it....well almost everyone. Apollo looked around being able to see perfectly as if the fog and shining glitter wasn't there, and so could Gamon and Tykva. Along with creating blinding light and fog it lit the room up. Apollo then saw the pirates shoot towards them he hen covered Gamon with his body looking away getting hit by his natural protection since he couldn't see it coming only getting hit by one bullet then he dashed towards the pirates firing check mate three times at one of them knocking on down closing the gap on them "Call out if you need help!" he said engaging the solders preparing for a fight.


    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Nature's Blessing
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    Posts : 287
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Metallicana
    Experience : 1581.25

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    Toy Trouble Empty Re: Toy Trouble

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 1st April 2016, 10:42 pm

    there’s a line that we’ll cross and there's no return
    Gamon nodded his head at Apollo's instructions. The wolves seemed to be hungry, and ready to tear into the wizards as a light snack. Unfortunately for them they wouldn't be able to bite through the slayer's iron. Not many things have the ability to pierce or even dent a Dragon's Slayers iron. Gamon was about to call upon his iron dragon's scales, when Apollo casted a spell on him. His body started to glow, as piece by piece, a set of armor was placed on his body. The orange armor looked almost exactly like glass, but it was flexible and glowed slightly. It seemed strange to Gamon at first, but he quickly accepted the extra protection from his ally. Gamon into a fighting stance and cleared his mind for the upcoming fight with the toy wolves. The wolf pack looked ready to lunge at Gamon. Then all of a sudden they seemed to be blinded by something. Gamon looked back to Apollo. He had cast a spell that somehow blinded the enemy, but not the user or those the user deemed worth. Apollo kept his promise of turning the battle in thier favor. Now it's time to use this to thier advantage.

    The slayer quickly turned back to the wolf pack. They all struggled to keep thier eyes on thier target. "Iron Dragon's Sword!" Gamon would yell as his arm would quickly transform into a large, jagged broadsword. Gamon took off in a full sprint at the closest wolf. He would stop short of his target, at the optimal distance for a full strike of his sword. Gamon swung diagonally upwards slicing the toy wolf. He quickly spun around using the momentum of his first swing. This time he would slice downwards in the opposite direction, finishing off the wolf. Gamon darted of to the next enemy. He sliced horizontally, cutting deep. Gamon struck downwards, next. Instead of hitting the wolf, he smashed the floor boards. Somehow the wolf was about to move out of the way of Gamon's attack. Maybe it was able to sense his next attack. Maybe it was just reflex reaction. The force of the strike caused the sword to get lodged in the wood. Gamon struggled only a little to get the sword out. With the blade free he went back on the attack. The remaining two wolf had closed the distance between each other. Both of them were now in swing distance. Gamon would would slice in a "V" shape cut both of the wolves. He was able to take out the one wolf. "Tykva! Little help!" He called to his furry companion. She would swoop in and grab Gamon. The black exceed flew straight up letting go at an appropriate height. Gamon came down right on top of the last wolf, and dealt the final blow. 



    Toy Trouble Te9PCpv

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    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

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    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Toy Trouble Empty Re: Toy Trouble

    Post by Kit Kerrington 9th April 2016, 1:39 am

    Apollo looked at Gamon as he finished off the wolves and he finished off his soldiers. He looked at him and Tykva and nodded happy they were able to handle themselves. He then walked over rubbing his neck carefully sighing. He looked around the room then back at them. "Good job Gamon, Tykva we keep this up we be fine" he said giving them a nod then they turned to the door then in unison the twins spoke up. They're voice taunting but also menacing at the same time. "Cheaters cheaters Why won't you play nicely you get a time out so stay then we can play!!!" they howl the last part then the voice dissappers. Apollo shutters a little at the voices they were creepy and unsettling. Apollo groaned then looked at Gamon. "Apparently we cheated but we should get out of here and search for more clues or the twins so we can get changed back." He says looking at himself then up. He then started to lead to the door though he had a vary unsettling feeling about it. He looked back at his guild mate feeling more and more uncomfortable about it, but trying not to show it. As they reach the door the voice's howled again this time they were still menacing but more chipper. "Don't leave your not suppose to your in time out remember!" they yell more. then the voice's dis sapper and Apollo simply looks back at Gamon. "Gamon I got a plan...and feel free to say know because it could be risky." He paused for a moment. I can only assume that they are waiting for us out there or they have a trap set up." he then looks at his glowing body. The armor you are wearing will protect you form on attack of any variety once if you go out then you can draw out the bait and i'll be able to ambush and you can get the upper hand on them, if not then i should go first so I can shield us." he said he didn't know how he felt about this plan and he didn't want him to be in any danger but he knew he'd be safe and was ready on standby if anything.

    (OCC if your character wouldn't be good with it assume i'd go first using my trinity shield to block any attack https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17978-apollos-magic)
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Toy Trouble Empty Re: Toy Trouble

    Post by Kit Kerrington 9th April 2016, 1:40 am

    Apollo looked at Gamon as he finished off the wolves and he finished off his soldiers.  He looked at him and Tykva and nodded happy they were able to handle themselves.  He then walked over rubbing his neck carefully sighing.  He looked around the room then back at them.  "Good job Gamon, Tykva we keep this up we be fine" he said giving them a nod then they turned to the door then in unison the twins spoke up.  They're voice taunting but also menacing at the same time.  "Cheaters cheaters Why won't you play nicely you get a time out so stay then we can play!!!"  they howl the last part then the voice dissappers.  Apollo shutters a little at the voices they were creepy and unsettling.  Apollo groaned  then looked at Gamon.  "Apparently we cheated  but we should get out of here and search for more clues or the twins so we can get changed back."  He says looking at himself then up.  He then started to lead to the door though he had a vary unsettling feeling about it.  He looked back at his guild mate feeling more and more uncomfortable about it,  but trying not to show it.  As they reach the door the voice's howled again this time they were still menacing but more chipper.  "Don't leave your not suppose to your in time out remember!" they yell more.  then the voice's dis sapper and Apollo simply looks back at Gamon.  "Gamon I got a plan...and feel free to say know because it could be risky."  He paused for a moment.  I can only assume that they are waiting for us out there or they have a trap set up."  he then looks at his glowing body.  The armor you are wearing will protect you form on attack of any variety once if you go out then you can draw out the bait and i'll be able to ambush and you can get the upper hand on them,  if not then i should go first so I can shield us." he said he didn't know how he felt about this plan and he didn't want him to be in any danger but he knew he'd be safe and was ready on standby if anything.

    (OCC if your character wouldn't be good with it assume i'd go first using my trinity shield to block any attack    https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17978-apollos-magic)

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    Toy Trouble Empty Re: Toy Trouble

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 18th April 2016, 3:55 pm

     Don't bow down when you could be rising up
    Gamon would stand up straight and stretch out his arms, reaching towards the heavens with his fingers interlocked. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, from the intense fight he had with the wolf pack. Tykva flew up and landed on his shoulder. "We really showed them, didn't we?... Oh, it looks like Apollo dealt with the soldiers, already." At her comment Gamon turned around to see Apollo walking towards the two of them, with his hand on the back of his neck. Behind him Gamon could see the toy soldier lying about. Apollo told Gamon and Tykva that they did a good job taking care of the wolves. "Yeah, it was nothing. Wolves are no match for a Dragon Slayer," Gamon said proudly. Right after he finished his statement the twins chimed in. Their voices echoing through the large room. Gamon wasn't able to pinpoint where thier voices came from. The twins voices were eree. They gave Gamon goosebumps and made the hairs on the Tykva's back stand up. 

    After the twin's creepy comment, Apollo suggested that they leave the room. They needed to find any clue about what happened here, or to find with twins, to hopefully break the spell. Gamon nodded as he and the black exceed fell in line behind Apollo. For some reason he kept looking back at Gamon and Tykva. Gamon just shrugged it off as possibly being a quirk of his. As the group of Fairy Tail mages neared the large door. The twins spoke up once more. Apollo then turned back to face Gamon. He made his concerns known. Apollo was right there was a high possibility that outside that door was an ambush. Apollo also gave Gamon an option. To go out first or let Apollo go out first. It didn't take Gamon long before making up his mind. "I'll go first. I'm tougher than I look, you know. And besides I need you to protect Tykva for me." Tykva would nod cautiously, and then jump off Gamon's shoulder landing next to Apollo. Gamon stepped forward placing a hand on the door. Before he exited he looked back at Apollo and the small exceed. He gave a quick nod before stepping out of the room. 


    Toy Trouble Te9PCpv

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    Toy Trouble Empty Re: Toy Trouble

    Post by NPC 18th April 2016, 3:55 pm

    The member 'Gamon_Kinzoku' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Toy Trouble NormalMonster
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Toy Trouble Empty Re: Toy Trouble

    Post by Kit Kerrington 19th April 2016, 12:08 am

    Apollo Looked at him as as he said how dragon Slayers were tougher then they looked and chuckled a little nodding as the exceed flew down next to him. He nodded at him reassuring him then looked at Gamon as he grabbed the door handle. He readied a shield as he opened the door. As he pushed it opened the door there was nothing in front of them. Apollo looked confused as they walked out of the house back to the eree town landscape. It all looked like one big toy still as they walked more the sky was darker it was as if they were in total control even of the landscape and the area around it. how strong were these two. As they walk to the right he heard the clicking of guns as three of the solders pointed there guns at them. They walked right into a firing line and they were being draw upon then a voice in the air just yelled fire in unison and the soldiers fired there guns at them. Apollo then clasped his hands together and threw them outwards towards the bullets. "Mirror Wall!" he said making a tower shield appear. As the three silver columns appeared and the black vortex swirled inside them the bullets then hit the vortex and got slightly absorbed. They then shot out at them with great force. Then the shield shattered. The bullets all flew back at the ones who shot them. As they hit they all drew there swords charging them to cut them into bits. Apollo raised his gun hoping more didn't come and try to fight them. He looked at them then at Gamon, "Can you hold them off i'll cover you" He said as they got closer. despite his earlier success that was due to them being blinded and unable to fight back. This time they could see him and he was no good at close quarters combat. He then swung his arm firing two shots knocking one to the ground as the other two got closer.

    No Mp used signature spell

    Mirror wall:

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    Toy Trouble Empty Re: Toy Trouble

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 3rd May 2016, 8:13 pm

     Don't bow down when you could be rising up
    Gamon braced himself for a sneak attack, as he walked through the door. To his surprise there was no attack. Apollo soon joined him outside. Something still felt off to Gamon. Like they were being watched or something. That is when he heard the clicks of the guns, coming from the right of the group. Before he knew it the command to fire was called out. Out of nowhere three silver columns appeared. There was a vortex in the middle, that seemed to attract the bullets. It was a sight to behold, as the bullets from each of the toy soldiers, were sent back to all three of them. Gamon was amazed, but not totally surprised. It seemed like Apollo always had something up his sleeve. 

    Apollo then turned to Gamon and asked him if he could take care of the soldiers. Gamon would give an excited grin. "Of course I can. Just who the hell do you think I am?" Gamon would then take a step out in front of Apollo and Tykva. The black exceed took a half step forward and got ready, just in case the slayer were to call for her help. Gamon would look at the enemy before him. Two of them remained on thier feet changing at him with swords. It was almost laughable that they would resort to fighting a iron dragon slayer with metal swords. 

    As they approached Gamon would duck out off the way of the first sword. Standing straight back up he would catch the other sword in his mouth. Biting down on the metal sword, snapping it in half. Gamon would quickly roundhouse kick the one soldier into the other. He then prepared to deliver one of his hard hitting spells. "Iron Dragon's Roar!" The tornado of wind and iron shards hit the soldiers cutting them up and pushing them backwards towards their fallen comrade. He was unsure if he took them down for good but at least they were a distance were he and Apollo could make a plan. 



    Toy Trouble Te9PCpv

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