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    Do not underestimate a slayer!


    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 265
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Experience : 879,612

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 1st gen iron dragon slayer
    Second Skill: 2nd gen rimefrost dragon slayer
    Third Skill: Inner dragon

    Do not underestimate a slayer! Empty Do not underestimate a slayer!

    Post by Thatcywalker 8th February 2022, 7:01 pm


    The morning would begin with two letters sent over to one Mercury Arseneault, the first showed it's return address comes from Silver wolf's legal department. The letter begins as followed;

    Dear Ace Arseneault

    I hope this message finds you in good health.

    Recently we have had a couple of issues with one of our newer members Reina Darksteel. We have gotten some complaints from her work done in previous jobs due to her, we will call it excessive force. While this has fallen under reasonable grey area, her most recent incident has drawn some ire from the magic council. Specifically, before the tragedy of Felidae city, she was sent their to help local law enforcement. While she did successfully stop this and even put an end to a bombing plot, she also reportedly shown a lack of concern for civilians caught in the crossfire, not only once but twice casting spells into a crowded area. It's however the statement she issued in response to the incident that brings up our concern, and I quote; "[In response to captain's chip reminder that they value keeping their civilians out of any fights.] “If they were really worth living, they would have cleared out before the fight began.”

    This statement has drawn considerable ire from the magic council in wake of Felidae's tragedy, and briefly Reina was considered to be involved with it. Fortunately we over here have been able to clear any involvement in the matter. However, this along with prior incidents, we have concerns that she may not fully understand the delicate balance we at silver wolf have to maintain to keep our neutrality. As such we would like you to remind her of this and the laws she has to follow while in service of our guild.

    With warm regards,

    The second letter was more simple, a simple notice that one Reina Darksteel has requested to be evaluated for the next mage rank.

    WC: 323
    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 687
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,124,425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Do not underestimate a slayer! Empty Re: Do not underestimate a slayer!

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 12th February 2022, 4:28 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Truth be told, Mercury didn’t particularly care for having to actually act in the capacity of a superior. It was one thing to be a guide and a mentor to the members of Silver Wolf, especially those of her Scholar branch that spent much of their time in the labs and library with the ace there to help them solve educational enigmas and decipher magical artifacts. It was another entirely to have to reprimand a member of the guild for reckless behavior. Most of the time that wasn’t really an issue with the guild, as most of its members were fairly mild mannered and more interested in their work than on causing problems, but apparently they had at least one troublemaker in their midst, one that was drawing some negative attention from the wrong people.

    Normally, Mercury would have preferred to pass along a task like this to Leona, but the guildmistress was out on a job that day, leaving Mercury the only one in charge. Not a day went by that the Xocili didn’t wish Aspen and Theo were still around; Aspen at the very least would have been more than happy to handle this particular scenario, but alas Mercury had responsibilities and this was one of them. After having received both the message from Clarence and the notice that Reina was requesting an evaluation, Mercury sent a note to Miss Darksteel requesting that she meet with her in one of the offices.

    Mercury tinkered with a magical artifact at the desk while she waited until Reina arrived. “Oh hey, come on in!” she greeted the woman, giving her a friendly smile and setting the device aside. Not being much for formalities, the ace invited the mage to take a seat and jumped right into it. “I got your request for your evaluation. Leona and I will get that put together for you soon, I’m just waiting for her to get back from her job so we can finalize the details and then we’ll get you squared away.”

    “Before we do that, though, there is something else I needed to bring up with you real quick. I’m not gonna drag this out, but we’ve been getting a lot of reports about some destructive actions on your part lately. Honestly, we tend to look over a bit of mayhem here and there. It’s not like we’re the most law abiding guild in existence. But it’s important that we remain an independent guild that’s not viewed as a threat to the Magic Council, so we can continue doing business without being hounded by the Rune Knights and shit. And unfortunately, it seems like some representatives of the Council took exception to a few things you said and did while out in Joya.”

    Mercury shrugged a bit. “Whatever is going on, I’m not going to sit here and try to tell you what you can and can’t do in your free time. But, I do need you to start being a bit more mindful about getting caught and bringing that negative press back to reflect on the guild as a whole. We’re not interested in risking being put on some list and having our every move watched like a dark guild. So just try to cover your tracks a bit more, would you?”

    WORDS: 551 | @Thatcywalker
    Serilda Sinclair



    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 265
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Experience : 879,612

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 1st gen iron dragon slayer
    Second Skill: 2nd gen rimefrost dragon slayer
    Third Skill: Inner dragon

    Do not underestimate a slayer! Empty Re: Do not underestimate a slayer!

    Post by Thatcywalker 19th February 2022, 12:23 pm

    Reina was very bored for the day. It wasn't the fact that she had nothing to do, surely she could had continued sharpening her skill crafting metals or do another run around the mountain area. But after she had turned in the request for her rank up exam and she couldn't quite focus on anything else. Sure, if it was one of the humans who would host it then their would naturally be no issue. However if it was Yuvon, she would need to bring her best, only dragon kin knew how to make a good challenge. So she was in the middle of polishing her scalemail for the third time that day when the notice came in, or rather scratching. 

    Reina would look and see that it was one of the wolves of the guild. Reina wasn't exactly sure how to feel about them still. Sure, they were inferior in everyway to a dragon and dragon kin, but their was something about them that she couldn't shake, a small comfort in looking at them. It looked expectantly at her as if wanting her to follow, the note tied around it's neck. Reina took the note and told her that mercury wanted to see her. Mercury? She wasn't too familiar with the name, but she followed the wolf with haste, equal parts ready and energized to face what's next.

    The wolf would lead her to a different section of the guild she had not ventured to before. The unknown aspect fueled the energy in her. Nervous perhaps, but a dragon would never admit that. She opened the door and was...disappointed. The figure before them was not Yuvon but a stranger except in name, Mercury arsenal...artenaut...ariel? Confusing last name aside, Reina knew her as a guild ace and nothing else, so she was cautiously optimistic. The ace welcomed her into the office, and Reina walked in, unaware of what would hit her. Her nose was usually able to pick up on subtle hints of a creature, especially magical ones. But here it was overwhelmingly sharp, made it feel like tendrils tickling the inside of her nose. She sneezed and sat down, the smell in the air bothering both her nose and Reina herself, being unable to place the scent.

    Regrettably her irritation was only to be added on. She was told that she'd have to wait for this Leona to come back from some job, which who knows how long that would be. But then the guild ace brought up Joya, the accursed place worth too many headaches. She crossed her arms and looked noticeably annoyed as the guild ace continued, reprimanding her for her actions? She rolled her eyes at this, Reina was already done with this conversation. When mercury was done with her lecture Reina began by speaking in her draconic tongue, more aloud to herself then to the guild ace across from her. "The hell's wrong with this place?! They want me to do work for them and surprised when a dragon wrecks their puny objects?! It's not my fault most of their craftsmanship is poor at best and mud at worst. And damnable Joya!"

    Reina had actually gotten up mid rant pacing around the room, which she paused and switch to the common tongue of Fiore, now speaking to mercury. "Listen, you tell those in-com-pe-tent mongrels in Felidae and Joya that if they didn't want their pillars of salt and sand knocked over then they shouldn't hire a dragon's aid! It wouldn't surprise me if their whole land would one day vanish in ashes and dust given how fragile they treat it!" She sighed in frustration as she sat back down, "Now, my time is valuable so tell Leona to hurry, making a dragon wait is unwise." 

    She tried to calm herself down, breathing through her nose...which made her sneeze again. She would mutter a curse in draconic before turning back to mercury. "Actually no! Your a ace of the guild, you make it happen now. And if I have to see you during it then wash up properly! Your kin are unpleasant to smell to begin with but you are especially aggravating to my nose Mercury Arsenal!"

    WC: 701/1,024

    Last edited by Thatcywalker on 13th March 2022, 11:57 am; edited 3 times in total
    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 687
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,124,425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Do not underestimate a slayer! Empty Re: Do not underestimate a slayer!

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 27th February 2022, 8:33 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Oh ho ho! This was a feisty one.

    Reina went on quite the self absorbed rant after Mercury finished what she had felt was a very reasonable and casual confrontation. She had never really met or worked with Reina directly, though her position as second in command of the guild meant that Mercury certainly did her research into each new member that came along. Mercury knew that Reina had a bit of an obsession when it came to dragons, and believed herself to be a descendant of one. And from what she had gathered, pretty much the only person in the guild that Reina seemed to get along with was Yuvon. But reading reports about the behaviors of certain guild members and witnessing those behaviors with her own eyes were two completely different things, and it seemed that Reina thought so highly of herself that she felt she had the right to call the shots and make demands over her superiors.

    Mercury was silent for a brief moment after Reina finished speaking, having let the woman talk on and on about herself without interruption, despite how much Mercury wanted to giggle at the comment about Mercury smelling even more abrasive to Reina than her “kin”. Though it was impossible to tell merely by looking or interacting with her, Mercury wasn’t human or even from Earthland, which was probably why her natural scent was more irritating to Reina’s nose. However, Mercury managed to keep her humor in check. Her emerald eyes were narrowed slightly on the guild member with an even and studious expression that did little to give away Mercury’s inner thoughts on the outburst, though there was a slight sharpness to her gaze. The tension would build for several long seconds, and most people in Mercury’s shoes likely would have gone off the rails at the disrespect and arrogance.

    However, the Silver Wolf ace was not like most people. She thrived on conflict, and there were few things she enjoyed more than putting people like Reina in their places and taking them down several pegs. So instead of being overwhelmed with anger or indignation, Reina would instead find herself being greeted with a very friendly and accommodating smile. “Yes, of course. You’re right! How silly of me to keep a mighty dragon waiting. We can certainly proceed with your trial right away, and I think I have just the test in mind. Please, follow me.”

    Scooping up the documents, she placed them in one of the locked drawers on the desk and led the way out of the small office down into the labs and work spaces where only the guild members were allowed. Picking a large room with lots of space that wasn’t currently being utilized for any research or experiments. “I would rather not waste anymore of your valuable time, and with your talents I am sure you would breeze through anything I put before you with little effort, so we’ll make this real easy and simple. After all, for someone as exceptional as yourself, this is really more of a formality than an actual challenge.” With a quick scan around the room, Mercury selected an item at random – a large magnifying glass – and set it on an empty table in the middle of the room.

    Then, she took a few steps away toward Reina before standing at ease between the dragoness and the glass tool. “Alright, so all you need to do is just get past me to pick up that magnifying glass. You can utilize any of your skills or as much of your magic as you’d like to do so. Just take that glass, and I’ll consider it enough to bump you up to the next rank of mage, simple as that. Oh, and just to make things more interesting and give you a chance to really shine…” Reaching into the leather pouch that was belted to her thigh, Mercury withdrew a large orb made of pure iron and tossed it gently to Reina. “If I recall correctly, you have some affinity with metal, so feel free to use that however you see fit.”

    WORDS: 692/1243 | @Thatcywalker
    Serilda Sinclair

    Last edited by Mercury Arseneault on 14th March 2022, 7:26 pm; edited 2 times in total



    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 265
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Experience : 879,612

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 1st gen iron dragon slayer
    Second Skill: 2nd gen rimefrost dragon slayer
    Third Skill: Inner dragon

    Do not underestimate a slayer! Empty Re: Do not underestimate a slayer!

    Post by Thatcywalker 27th February 2022, 9:56 pm

    Reina only looked briefly surprised at the guild aces response, as it wasn't a common one when she demanded her way. But it was a welcomed one, clearly she understood the importance of matters when dealing with dragons. As she followed mercury out of the room the realization hit her that she would have to put up with the irritating smell, and sneezed before she crossed the doorway. 

    The two walked through the main guild before heading downwards. Reina did not recognize the place at first, but soon knew they were in the lab area of the guild. Reina only knew that they did a lot of research, a needed necessity given how most of the members were fragile and easily broken. Though she was surprised to be led here, last time she was down here they weren't happy with her eating some two-bit iron sculpture, claiming it was a artifact. But the thing wasn't magical! Just real old iron that had been run down from age over decades, if not centuries of existence. A researcher in a lab coat eyed Reina with suspicion as she returned it with a glare, but didn't attempt to stop her as she continued to follow Mercury.

    The two had traveled enough to where they stopped in a research room with nothing going on in it. Only equipment laid randomly around the place, and mercury walked over to examine some of it. She then began to explain why they were there, and Reina had to agree with what the ace said. In a way she was glad, after all the faster this exam was done the better. She even smiled at the guild ace admitting her shortcomings in comparison to Reina, perhaps Reina had misjudged mercury. Mercury then found what she was looking for...a magnifying glass?

    Reina looked with confusion as Mercury moved it to a table in the middle of the room and left it there. She then proceeded to stand between Reina and the table, explaining the task at hand. Get past her and retrieve the magnifying glass, and she would had passed her exam. Reina only smirked. She wanted to ridicule Mercury for the simple task but was interrupted by mercury retrieving something from a leather pouch, a iron ball. She tossed it with ease at Reina who caught it and looked down on it, Mercury wishing to help her out. 

    Reina held the ball in silence before breaking it. "Why would I need this to shine?" She looked irritated, and it seemed to grow the longer she spoke, "I am dragon kin human. I need no additional help to express my power. The fact is you should feel lucky I even bother with these customs! But since your so insistent on seeing my full fury I will oblige you, if only for you to understand your own folly!" she finished by swallowing the iron orb whole, entering a fighting stance. Then her stomach dropped.

    Reina's posture noticeably changed as if winded. Her breathing became faster, and she had dropped her glare from mercury to stare at the ground in front of her. Was it poison? Sabotage? No, though it felt like some creature had seized her stomach, she felt something else. The feeling grew more and more until it suddenly released. She took a gasp of air, unaware she had been holding it. Adrenaline flowed through her as she felt it flowing through her body. Small hairs standing on their ends, muscle and flesh feeling a power she had not felt before...No. She had felt this power only once before, even if this time it was so much more. 

    "I get it now, I understand why you presented me with such a boon." She would say returning her sights on mercury, scales slowly becoming prominent as they showed themselves on her face. A small aura of raw mana would begin to manifest around her, soon becoming dull grey waves of visible magic. Her eyes suddenly became silts as she spoke in draconic with a chuckle, her tone noticeably had grown deeper. "You wanted to know your place." The aura suddenly grew in strength, Reina appeared to struggle briefly as the aura changed it's shape, it's form cracking from mana rising like smoke, turning traces of a fiery red before dissipating into the air. Her skin began to change a dull grey, before suddenly becoming covered in a layer of thicker more prominent dragon scales. Struggling with something, she finally seemed to get past it, roaring outward into the air. A large dragon's head formed in the aura behind Reina to join her in chorus, the roar itself would had traveled even up to the guild's ground floor.

    Done with the roar, their was only a second of silence in which Reina set her sight back on Mercury. "TREMBLE!" She roared out, sending herself forward in a single leap at the guild ace, fist ready coated in both scale and metal. Fully drunk in her power, she would not have stopped at the first blow, quickly following with one after another. Building so much momentum, Reina  would became fully engrossed in her attack, unaware of anything else.

    WC: 867/1891

    Last edited by Thatcywalker on 13th March 2022, 11:59 am; edited 2 times in total


    Do not underestimate a slayer! Darksteel

    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 687
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,124,425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Do not underestimate a slayer! Empty Re: Do not underestimate a slayer!

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 5th March 2022, 10:17 am

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Ah, so she was a slayer. How interesting. Mercury watched, her deep curiosity veiled by an impenetrable poker face of geniality as Reina accepted the bauble of iron, albeit with irritation. The redhead rebuffed Mercury’s words, stating that she needed no assistance with showing off how mighty she was, as dragon kin were allegedly above all. Mercury hadn’t spent too much time around any dragon kin save for Serilda, so the data she had to compare such claims were minimal. Then again, Serilda was pretty much the only person in the entirety of Earthland – maybe even the whole universe – that Mercury was scared of due to the woman’s insane power that put her on par with even gods… but Mercury had a feeling that the Rune Knight’s power had little to do with her lineage and more to do with her disciplined training. So, it was difficult to know how Reina would truly compare, and to that point Mercury was more than a little excited to find out.

    Reina consumed the sphere, which was packed with a lot more power than she seemed to be expecting. At first it seemed to have some kind of ill effect and Mercury wondered if she had just poisoned the woman by accident, a possibility that the lavender haired woman honestly wouldn’t have been that choked up over. However, it seemed that Reina’s body just needed time to adjust to the overwhelming might of the orb’s influence. Within moments, the state known as dragon force overcame Reina, her flesh hardening into scales as a dull grey aura began to surround her. The eyes of a predator found their way toward Mercury once more as Reina expressed her understanding of what Mercury supposedly wanted: to be put in her place. And with a brilliant display of dragon shaped ethereal energy and a roar, she demanded that Mercury tremble before pressing her attack toward the Silver Wolf Ace.

    Unfortunately for Reina, not only was Mercury much stronger than she let on, with certain genetic traits that allowed her to process the world around her at computerized speeds, but she also had spent the last couple years training with people that far exceeded Reina in both power and discipline. Mercury simply let the blows land without resistance, her body calculating the strength of each impact and the speed between strikes, running the literal numbers in her head and reading them on her internal HUD. And to Reina’s credit, they were impressive strikes for a woman of Reina’s skill level. She was certainly not a novice… but frankly, she wasn’t worth all the bluster she gave herself either, as far as Mercury was concerned. While the Xocili certainly felt the blows, and they were painful to a point, it wasn’t anything she couldn’t endure and the strikes didn’t even force Mercury to move, her feet grounded to the floor.

    Thus would she stand, patient to wait out Reina’s barrage and to see how she would react. Would she change tactics once she realized the assault was doing next to nothing to her opponent? Would she simply keep attempting to pummel Mercury until the inevitable fatigue from her force state kicked in and reduced her to the strength of a piece of wet tissue paper? Either way, the results would be enlightening to say the least. “Yes, very good! Keep it up. You’re doing great.”

    WORDS: 568/1811 | @Thatcywalker
    Serilda Sinclair

    Last edited by Mercury Arseneault on 14th March 2022, 7:26 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 265
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Experience : 879,612

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 1st gen iron dragon slayer
    Second Skill: 2nd gen rimefrost dragon slayer
    Third Skill: Inner dragon

    Do not underestimate a slayer! Empty Re: Do not underestimate a slayer!

    Post by Thatcywalker 13th March 2022, 6:17 pm

    What felt like forever was only a minute of non-stop punches, stopping at the end as she breathed heavy. Despite surely having enough power to pulverize a building to sand and wood chips, her opponent still stood. Worse was as Reina examined her opponent, she realized that she looked no worse for wear. Taking opportunity of her stopping the ace...encouraged her?

    No, she encouraged her as much as a captor told their prisoner to run as they had the bow and arrow in hand. Reina could feel the smug aura coming off of her, and clenched her teeth in renewed anger once more. She hardened her leg in a solid rod as she aimed a kick at mercury's intending to send her off balance with little result. Seeing this, she snarled with hatred as she clashed her fists together, a harsh screeching noise erupting from the clash that would crack the window in the room. Hoping the noise would throw her opponent off balance, she would then lunge aiming for Mercury's head and neck, aiming to grapple and throw her to the ground.

    Reina however was unaware of a audience of scholars outside the window. They had begun to show up after Reina's first war cry and were taking notes. After all, how often did one get to see a slayer enter force with such a willing test subject to let them go all out on? The cracked window from the harsh screech noise did little to hamper their studiousness, each bringing out earplugs to share around. One of the scholars would then walk up to the glass and draw a sigil on it, a form of glass make that he used to create a means to communicate inside. 

    "Mercury? If you get a chance during this exercise, can you launch a metal projectile at her with adequate enough force? We would like to see if during force a slayer is able to receive more punishment from their preferred element in such a state. If needed, one of us out here can supply the stimuli if you can...er, persuade Reina to hold still for it." Though given Reina's aggressive nature at the moment, one may had better luck of convincing a rampaging bull to calm down.

    WC: 376/2267


    Do not underestimate a slayer! Darksteel

    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 687
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,124,425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Do not underestimate a slayer! Empty Re: Do not underestimate a slayer!

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 14th March 2022, 7:28 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Well, this was not going at all how Reina wanted. The dragoness had been throwing blows at her for nearly a full minute only to pause, winded, and observe that her opponent was no worse for wear. It was by this point that the shoe was beginning to drop and there was no need for Mercury to maintain any false pretenses about it. As such, when she spoke up to “encourage” the woman, there would be simply no mistaking the condescension in Mercury’s voice. Unsurprisingly, this only made Reina all the more angry from being mocked, and nine times out of ten people like her in this position would react erratically, furthering only to make themselves look more the fool.

    The woman attempted to kick Mercury with added reinforcement from her magic, but the ace stood her ground, unmoved by the attempted trip attempt. At that point the dragoness at least attempted to throw Mercury off by slamming her fists together hard enough to cause a physical reverberation in the room that broke the window where other members of the scholar department had long since gathered to observe and take notes of the fight. To Reina’s credit it was quite loud, and given that Mercury was a slayer herself her hearing was quite sensitive, causing her to wince, though the expression was more out of annoyance than pain.

    Unfortunately for Reina, it wouldn’t be even close to enough to gain the upper hand on the guild leader. As the redhead charged Mercury, the ace waited until the opportune moment before she finally made a move other than simply standing there and tanking the attacks. Stepping to the side, the lavender haired ace snapped out both of her hands at lightning speed to counter Reina’s attempted grapple. The first hand slapped one of Reina’s arms out of the way, deflecting the limb entirely. In the same motion, her other hand reached out and snatched Reina’s second arm by the wrist, pulling her back and using the dragoness’ own momentum against her to yank her off her feet. With a quick spin, Mercury twisted around in a single complete circle before releasing her, hurling the woman effortlessly across the room back where she had started.

    As Mercury stood there, watching Reina with a studious and amused expression, one of the scholars outside the room utilized some magic to speak to her through the window asking if Mercury could help them run some tests to help them collect data while they watched. Normally Mercury would make an effort to get permission from someone before using them for research, but the ace wasn’t feeling particularly giving toward Reina at the moment. The slight smirk on her face widened into a grin as she smiled at the other members gathered outside. “I do love multitasking. And I think I have just the thing to show you. Pay close attention now, everybody..!”

    Reaching into her pouch, she withdrew a single dagger that had a black and white damascus design to it, the blade a mixture of holy and unholy based steel that she knew for a fact Reina would have difficulty with should she attempt to consume it. The real question was: how much did Reina know about her own dragon slaying powers… as well as her limitations? Twirling the blade expertly between her fingers like a drummer with a stick, she waited to make sure Reina was back on her feet before flinging the weapon toward her, eager to see what the woman would do. It wasn’t thrown at Mercury’s full strength, so there was a possibility that Reina could catch or deflect it somehow, rather than just dodge it. And while Mercury held some theories as to how Reina would respond based on their interactions thus far, she was keeping an open mind to see if the woman would surprise her or not.

    WORDS: 649/2460 | @Thatcywalker
    Serilda Sinclair



    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 265
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Experience : 879,612

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 1st gen iron dragon slayer
    Second Skill: 2nd gen rimefrost dragon slayer
    Third Skill: Inner dragon

    Do not underestimate a slayer! Empty Re: Do not underestimate a slayer!

    Post by Thatcywalker 19th March 2022, 2:26 pm

    Reina was momentarily confused for a moment. Given how the fight was going, a small part of her was surprised that Mercury actually made a move. Though she didn't have much time to dwell on what that could mean, one instance her hands were about ready to grapple the ace. The next, she found herself flying in the opposite direction of her as she flew through the air. With as much grace as a rock falling down a mountainside, she hit the floor with a thud and rolled before stopping herself, nails carving into the floor slowing herself to a stop. She quickly stood up though, and was about to make another attack before noticing the twirling dagger.

    Reina having a moment of clarity in her frenzy registered the dagger as metal, and a small part of her was wary with what mercury was going to do with it. She set herself in a defensive pose, ready to receive the first real hit of the fight. But to her surprise, mercury just threw it? Had she forgotten who she was dealing with? Reina waited for the dagger to come close before swallowing it whole in a way where a sword swallower would be impressed. For a moment she was ready to move forward, but on her first step she paused, a confused look on her face.

    "The dagger was a metal one, why is she stopping?" One of the scholars asked, another answered.

    "It was from mercury, perhaps it's too much magic for her to handle?"

    "Do we have any records of mercury's magic?"

    "If we did I don't think we have access to them, my best theory is she has Requip. And given her position, maybe its a specific spell to deal with metal slayers?"

    Their conversation was interrupted by the sudden clang of metal. The scholars turned their head to see Reina was now on the floor on her arms and knees. The group ventured closer to the glass as they watched the dragon slayer in force brought so low. Reina herself was struggling to breath after her fall, before beginning to retch. Soon she began to vomit about a blue slurry substance in front of her as it spread across the ground and around her. This would proceed for a full minute before Reina began to cough up the last of it, now having a red tint to it. One of the coughs would be so violent that she lost her balance and collapsed into the puddle of her own making.

    Reina's head was not in the best of places. It was home to a ocean of words and thoughts, all jumbled together and unable to register anything in her current environment. Soon though, clarity would return to her, even breaking through her prior bloodlust. With one limb at a time, she would had begun to get up, liquid ethernano dripping off of her as she stood up. What felt like the longest minute of her life, she was finally able to stand herself upright once more, her eyes to the floor in front of her. It would be apparent to all that despite the vitality that force offers a user, Reina was noticeably looking drained, as if that dagger had sapped some of her life from her.  

    Of course, only Mercury knew the truth to that statement, much to the scholar's annoyance. Still they continued their note taking save for two scholars nearest to the window. While Reina was focusing on the task of breathing and cleared some of her own vomit from her face, the mage with glass make muttered something to a scholar near him. She wasn't pleased from what was said, but with a understanding nod she hurried away. After watching her leave, he would return his sights on Reina before noticing the aura around her suddenly shift. 

    The aura prior was stable and shrunk a little after Reina's consuming of the dagger, but now it began to bubble and break once more. Reina's own hair at this point began to raise slightly from the mana in the air. Weak, you are weak. You are small. How could you represent me? How could you be me? The thoughts echoed in her head faster and faster in a whirlwind, each time the words felt like daggers stabbed into her. Each time infuriated her, enraged her as red hot anger filled her veins. Unlike the prior bloodlust, this had a goal, a purpose. 

    "MERCUUUURRRRYYY!" She cried out in hatred as she charged forward, her right arm had layered over and grew to three times it's original size, formed into a fine point. Her intention was as obvious as the anger on her face, teeth bared in a snarl with veins noticeable even from her layered iron scales. If her initial charge failed, she would had done any and everything to inflict wounds on the guild ace using what she had. Spells, claw swipes, bites; whatever little control Reina had previously was now all gone. She only had one goal in mind now.

    WC: 847/3114


    Do not underestimate a slayer! Darksteel

    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
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    Do not underestimate a slayer! Empty Re: Do not underestimate a slayer!

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 26th March 2022, 10:24 am

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Mercury tossed the dagger in Reina’s direction and then waited to see what would happen. Predictably, the woman recognized the weapon as metal and consumed it without a second thought for its appearance, which told the ace everything she needed to know. Reina took a step as if to continue but then had to stop, leaving the researchers to scramble for some explanation of her reaction. Mercury simply waited patiently for the shoe to drop and it did so in the form of Reina collapsing onto her hands and knees with a metallic clang until she began to retch the contents of her stomach onto the floor.

    “So! Who can tell me what happened here? Anybody?” she asked pleasantly, turning to the scholars on the other side of the glass and electing to treat this as any other academic endeavor. After a brief pause when no one could give her an answer, Mercury continued. “Well, let’s look at the data, then. Reina here is a metal slayer, as all of you are no doubt aware by now given the way she deep throated that dagger. Specifically, she is a dragon slayer, which allows her to create metal based spells and consume most items of metallic origin. Most.”

    The ace turned to look back at Reina as the woman continue to hurl blue color bile onto the floor for a solid minute, giving Mercury plenty of time to educate the members. “Dragon slayers are indeed quite powerful and they are a force to be reckoned with, but they are not the only kind of slayer out there – and compared to other types of slayers, dragon slayers are really quite basic. They can consume their respective elements to gain power, yes, but only if those elements are in their natural forms. In Reina’s case, this means traditional metals like the ores you would pull from the ground, or even natural metal crafted from magical spells. However, metals that are imbued with the magic of gods and demons – holy and unholy magic as it were – those kinds of metals are simply too much for a mere dragon slayer to handle. As you can see, it acts like a poison to them. Not a fatal one, typically, but a poison nonetheless.”

    Reina had slipped and fallen into the puddle of sick she’d made on the ground, causing Mercury’s nose to wrinkle in disgust. For all of Reina’s earlier claims that Mercury smelled, the ace was actually a woman that kept herself almost meticulously clean, who showered every day – sometimes twice a day – and absolutely hated to be covered in filth. So the sight of someone else caked in their own bile was quite unattractive. She watched in calm silence as Reina did somewhat impressively drag herself back to her feet, drained and ragged. Now would be the telling moment. Would Reina submit? Continue to fight? For all that Mercury knew the woman wasn’t a match for her, the ace had spent her entire life for as long as she could remember being dragged through the darkest and cruellest corners of the universe under the banners of war and tyranny and oppression. She had fought and killed hundreds, if not thousands, of people directly, and was responsible for the loss of more lives than she would ever be willing to admit…

    So she knew that right here, right now, was when Reina was at her most dangerous. She was a wild animal backed against the wall with nowhere to run, seemingly powerless against her opponent. How many times had Mercury herself been in this exact situation, against an enemy that had every intention of killing her, and through unpredictable desperation she had found the strength to overcome the seemingly insurmountable and prevail as the victor? No, now was not the time to take Reina lightly. Mercury was confident, sometimes even arrogant, but she knew better than to count her winnings before the chips had finished falling. She had no doubt in her mind that at this point Reina would try to kill her. The dragoness’s pride had been absolutely torn to shreds in a matter of minutes, before a live audience no less, and given how little regard Reina had held for Mercury or really anyone up until now the ace simply had no reason to believe that the redhead would hold back in what was surely her final stand.

    Consumed by her loathing, Reina shrieked out Mercury’s name and charged, one of her arms tripling in size with layers of iron that had formed a sharp point at the tip. And while Mercury was inclined to counter the charge and simply knock the woman out right there and then to keep things from getting out of hand, the scientist in her simply was far too curious to let things play out. As ill advised as it was, she couldn’t help but want to see what Reina was capable of in this broken and desperate state. So, rather than strike back or stand her ground, Mercury simply dodged the incoming charge, deftly stepping out of the way and forcing Reina to have to adjust to follow her. She continued to do this for a minute or two, soaking in data like a sponge as Reina came at her with a full arsenal of spells and abilities. She even allowed a number of strikes to hit her so she could analyze the woman’s strength in this state. And while plenty of it certainly hurt more than Mercury would state outloud, the strikes appeared to do very little to her in the long haul.

    When Mercury was satisfied with the encounter, she determined that it was time to finally put things to an end. Waiting for an opportune moment, the second the ace saw an opening to strike she took it. Without any outward or visible displays of magic, Mercury utilized one of her own spells to strengthen her body. Then, with a sudden burst of blinding speed, she snatched Reina by the fist as the redhead took a swing at her, gripping down so tightly that the woman’s limb would be practically locked in place by a vice, the weight of it threatening to crush Reina’s hand. With a deft pivot, Mercury twisted the limb to force Reina down to her knees. Rearing back her other arm, Mercury torqued her entire body from hip to shoulders and drove her fist right into Reina’s sternum with enough power to break her ribs in one blow, likely knocking not just the breath out of her but her state of dragon force as well as the broken bones pierced into many other nearby organs to cause an alarming amount of internal bleeding.

    Transitioning smoothly into her next attack, Mercury continued her offensive by completing the twist on Reina’s arm and breaking the limb at the wrist and elbow. Then, she crossed her arm over her chest and backhanded the dragoness across the face, sending her broken body flying across the room so hard and so fast that she would likely break through several walls before coming to a stop in a pile of rubble and dust. After waiting a beat to see that Reina wasn’t making any effort to get up, she zoomed her sight in on the dragoness, swapping her vision to its x-ray setting to see her through the debris. Her internal sensors analyzed the woman’s vitals, the radar’s in Mercury’s head feeding numbers to her that caused the ace to sigh. “Well, that was sufficiently disappointing,” she lamented.

    Turning toward the remaining scholars, Mercury began to brush some of the dust off her clothing. “Would one of you go retrieve the nurse, please? Reina needs to be taken to the infirmary. We’ll also need the cleaners.” Luckily anyone who worked in the labs was used to the space being heavily damaged on a regular basis, so a few broken walls really wasn’t much to scoff at. Testing unknown magical artifacts often caused far worse damage than this, and Silver Wolf was prepared with both members and artifacts that could easily repair the damage in a matter of minutes. Mercury would wait to make sure that Reina was brought to the guild’s infirmary and stabilized before heading up to her room to shower off. She was feeling entirely too grimy after all that.

    Several hours later, once there had been plenty of time for Reina to get patched up and recover consciousness, Mercury decided it was time to pay her a little visit. Locating the room where Reina was, she knocked twice on the door to announce herself before opening the door and strolling in as casually as if they had just shared breakfast with one another earlier in the day. “Well!” Mercury said with a small but cheery smile as she shut the door behind her. “You’re back among the conscious, I see. For a while there I was starting to think I hadn’t been holding myself back enough.” Perched on her shoulder was Bandit, her companion crow. The large black bird hopped a bit back and forth where he stood before leaping out into the air and flapping his way up to roost on one of the beams near the ceiling to preen himself.

    Pulling up a chair, Mercury dragged it over to Reina’s bedside and swung a leg around to sit backward on the seat, her arms lounged comfortably over the back of the chair. Her emerald gaze roamed over Reina’s face with a studious, somewhat unreadable expression before she spoke up again. This time, her tone was more sober than before, not necessarily gentle or compassionate but certainly still genuine without any of her teasing mannerism. “So tell me, Reina: where do we go from here? I have some ideas, of course, but I would very much like to hear what you have to say, first.”

    WORDS: 1658/4118 | @Thatcywalker
    Serilda Sinclair



    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 265
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Experience : 879,612

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 1st gen iron dragon slayer
    Second Skill: 2nd gen rimefrost dragon slayer
    Third Skill: Inner dragon

    Do not underestimate a slayer! Empty Re: Do not underestimate a slayer!

    Post by Thatcywalker 2nd April 2022, 6:51 pm

    Reina moved forward like a woman possessed, the point aiming for a torso blow on mercury. She would continue forward even as it was made clear that her initial attack had failed, when close enough she would had suddenly expunged outward a torrent of metal shards and high winds, her dragon's breath. Reina would had continued after her, even seeing her initial breath spell landed on her while successful showed little effect on her form. Swinging wildly with fist and outstretched talon tipped fingers, blow after blow would find no purchase on the guild ace. Suddenly either out of feral rage or epiphany, she then charged mercury once more with out stretched hands. While it appeared like a grapple that mercury had little issue reacting to, Reina would surprise her foe by causing a raw block of metal to jump out of the ground from under her, sending her forward with much more force then expected. Even with this sudden move, Reina was unable to grapple mercury, but she was able to land a bite on the guild ace. Though, either she didn't have enough force or the angle was too awkward, her fangs and teeth only tore and scraped at Mercury's arm as Reina continued her path forward. She would land across from Mercury once more, a pain on her iron fang as it had been shaven from the blow.

    Not letting this stop her, Reina continued forward with another charge, ready to deliver another flurry of blows. The only warning the dragon slayer would had have of what was going to happen next was the sudden flood of magical prowess in the air. Only sensed by her own sensory, if she had been thinking clearly, then she would had recognized it as something terrifyingly inhuman. The next few instances happened too fast for her to react aptly. The first, her fist was caught by mercury. Despite Reina's own improved strength it was impossible to move her fist, under such a pressure that even her own iron was going to splinter. Suddenly the arm was twisted too much, her metal skin and scales bent and broke along the points of the twist, the pain causing her to fall. Barely having time to register herself on her knees, Reina then felt the blow on the front of her chest. The scale mail armor offered little resistance as it crumpled inward, sharp metal puncturing her skin as bone underneath fractured and did the same to the insides of her body.

    Reina's only response was the exhale from her body, the air in her lungs and dragon force alike leaving with it as she was forced out of it. Reina couldn't tell if her inability to tell anything around her was from the sudden violence she received or the lack of mana in her system. With not even enough time to breath, Reina felt the bones in her arm snap with ease, more metal shards flew to the ground along with fresh blood. This time Reina did respond, a sudden inhale with a sharp cry of pain as her arm was let go, allowing it to hang limply from her side. Tears of pain coming from her eyes, she only turned to look back up to mercury to feel the blow to her face. And Reina felt no pain, only the sensation of suddenly being in the air until pain registered on her back side. Once, twice, thrice; she had no idea where or how the pain happened, only that she was now resting somewhere. Her eyes were fixated on the floor before her as she laid on her back in the rubble, barely able to register anything as her ears rang. We need...to get back up was the last thought in her head before falling unconscious.

    A few hours 

    The young man made his way through the guild hall in his nurse wear, keeping a brisk but relaxed pace. Reaching the infirmary wing, he opened the door into it, making his way to a room off on the side. Here he began to put his things away, despite being ten minutes early, he still made quick work of gearing himself up for the day. After he was done, and finding time to spare, he would slowly bring out a book and begin to read, finishing the chapter he was on. 

    "And on point, our local Fudanshi is here with minutes to spare."

    He would turn around suddenly, hiding the latest manga in his coat pocket as he saw the doctor walk to her locker. She began to let her blonde platinum hair down, undoing it from it's knot for it to rest on her shoulders. The male nurse could tell that she had recently came from a surgery, the lack of a coat and the faint trace of blood on her shirt told him that it was a rather sudden one. She looked at him with one eye, the other closed to concentrate on something in her hands. It snapped open, and she pulled a cigarette from it, the design on it told it was infused with magic. "Pop quiz leonardo, your currently trying to figure out if you misplaced your pen somewhere when a code blue hits your buzzer. You go to the room where the patient is at, and frankly looks like she's been chewed up and tossed aside. Multiple fractures, metal fragments imbedded into her body across her chest and arms. She has also lost consciousness and her vitals are weak. What to do?"

    Leonardo looked a bit puzzled as he put his book away, and responded. "Well, I would first stabilize her, then begin prepping her body so I know the full extent of her injuries."

    "You do so, and find that it looks as bad as it appeared. Further examination shows that her sternum is broken and eternal bleeding is all but likely. As you begin to get readings you notice her etharno readings are non-existent, barely anything there to suggest she still lives. What then?"

    "Ah...Well it's a bad situation, so I would probably call for more hands. In the meantime though I would begin to get a lacrima prepped for a etharno infusion."

    "She rejects the etharno infusion, what then?"

    Leonardo actually look dumbfounded at that as he thought. A minute passed before he shook his head. "I don't know Dr. Myrrh, usually when a injured mage comes in that has no mana, they need to have a minimum amount introduced in their system. This way any healing magics applied will be able to work as intend without any complications. I have no idea why the body would reject it."

    "Suppose they kicked you out of the school before you could get to that hm?" Dr. Myrrh's tone was a playful one before she fished around her locker, gathering a couple of things. "Well, the event I'm describing while rare can happen. For this example the patient is a slayer that had prior consumed something hostile to their body. Despite a large amount of it was purged initially, trace amounts of it still lingered in their body. Normally this would only take a few hours for it to clear fully. However..."

    She finished grabbing out the things she needed, a lunch pail and lighter. Putting the lighter and cigarette away she continued, "...If the patient were to experience mana exhaustion, their body would be pressed to find any mana in their system to stave it off. Without caring what it would do, the body would take in the poisonous mana. And in doing so it would poison itself. Making the body much more fragile, any healing magics applied then would only further progress the toxin. As such the correct procedure for something like this would be to leave the patient on life support until the toxin can work its course. Once done, then healing magic can be applied. Which is what were working with today." She sighed as she looked aimlessly away before back at leonardo. "I'm on lunch, paperwork on the desk should give you a run down on how to care for our new patient. Also were expecting two visitors for her, one our guild ace Mercury. And the other...well his name should be on the list." 

    A tickle. What a odd sensation to feel in your sleep. Reina felt like scratching away at it but her arms would forbid it. Confused, she then tried to open her eyes to see what was the source. Through great effort, she was rewarded with one of her eyes opening. She could first tell she was in bed with a blanket over her. No, not a blanket, but she was unable to discern clearly what it was. Her eye then picked up movement as she moved look at the figure in the room. She spotted a figure organizing something away from her, only being able to make out thick hair and a chocolate skin with white patches on his exposed arms. Her ears then picked up a knocking noise as the figure went away to open something. From her limited sight, she could see he was conversing with someone out of sight. He then would open the door some more, letting the other figure in before departing. 

    With a dread slowly inching inside of her up that threatened to leave her throat, she recognized the form and clothing of the lady. Her getting close was all that was needed to confirm her identity. Mercury. Her eye widened with recognition, and perhaps something else as she watched her approach. Reina strained her ears as she tried to make out what the guild ace was saying. It wasn't until Mercury pulled up a chair next to her bed that she was now able to see her fully. No more coy or pleasant expressions, just a gaze. It seemed like hours before the guild ace asked her question. And Reina truly had no answer for it. Even if she did not have a oxygen mask on, her mouth felt like the rest of her body. A piece of iron that had been carved, cut, and broken apart. So she could not answer, the only response Reina could give was a small groan. Her non-swollen eye would watch Mercury's every move, much like a fox in a trap watching the hunter come near.

    WC: 1734/4848


    Do not underestimate a slayer! Darksteel

    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
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    Do not underestimate a slayer! Empty Re: Do not underestimate a slayer!

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 3rd April 2022, 5:45 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Mercury didn’t need her internal sensors to tell her that the dragon slayer was distressed by her presence. Granted, the machines that Reina was hooked up to perform the same functions as Mercury’s sensors, the gentle ticking increasing by a noticeable pace to indicate Reina’s raise in pulse. There was a time in her life, not all too long ago, that Mercury would have gotten more than a little cruel enjoyment out of knowing that someone was so terrified of her. To a point it was still something that pleased her, she supposed, but the feeling was far muted from what it would have been even only a couple months ago. Instead, she brushed any fleeting and petty feelings aside to focus on the guild member before her, wanting to make sure that they reached an understanding, one way or another.

    So she asked her question about where they would go from there, the ace honestly not sure if Reina was even capable of speaking or not. Reina watched her in wary silence for a moment before letting out a small groan, the only verbal response she could muster. After a beat, Mercury nodded gently to convey her understanding toward the woman’s state and that she wasn’t going to get much of an answer at this time. That was okay. It was more important anyway that Reina think about the question for herself, not so much for Mercury.

    “I think it goes without saying that you did not pass your exam. You are a powerful and capable wizard, Reina, but to be perfectly up front with you: your arrogance is not merited. I’m not saying that to put you down or insult you. I’m telling you this because you need to understand that there will always be a stronger mage out there. In fact, after our little fight today I’d wager that more than half of our member base is more powerful than you currently are. To varying degrees, of course. But the fact remains that you move and behave like everyone here is beneath you, to the point where you are shamelessly casual about disrespecting not just your peers within the guild but also its leaders. It is not a behavior that will be tolerated.”

    Mercury fixed her gaze on Reina, the stare of her emerald eyes hardening – not necessarily in a threatening manner, but more so in an effort to make sure Reina was listening and understood that Mercury meant business. “When you came into my office before, I was content to simply ask that you be more mindful of your actions. I like to think myself a fairly lenient ace, and it’s not really my style to throw my authority around and make demands when a simple conversation will do. However, your blatant disregard for both myself and the expectations we hold of our guild members must be addressed, and since you refused to hear me when I politely asked for your consideration earlier I’m simply going to make it clear how this is going to work from here on out.”

    “You will exercise more respect for your peers here within this guild, and I don’t just mean when it comes to the way you talk and interact with them. I also mean how you behave out in the rest of the world when you are serving as an example of Silver Wolf’s member base. I earnestly couldn’t give a single shit what you do with your free time or how you handle your affairs, except when it comes to your actions being a reflection on the guild and its members. Silver Wolf is not a legal guild by any means, but we work very hard to make sure that the Council does not view us as a threat or danger to society. If we get marked as a dark guild, that will complicate our ability to operate efficiently, and neither myself nor guildmaster Leona will permit that.”

    “So if you want to run around killing people on your jobs and flaunting your power toward those you think yourself better than, fine. But either start operating that way under an alias that is not openly affiliated with the guild, or learn to be more subtle and more mindful of how your actions will affect us… because if you start drawing the attention of the Magic Council and the Rune Knights, no one here will protect you. And just to make sure you understand how serious I am: The field marshal of the Rune Knights Serilda Sinclair and her fiance Mythal Ragnos, second in command of the Knights, are both Gods of Ishgar; two of the four most powerful mages on the continent, if not the world. And, they are my future brother and sister-in-law.” Raising her left hand, she made sure that Reina could see the emerald studded ring on her finger that indicated that Mercury, too, was engaged to be married. “If you continue to risk Silver Wolf’s status as an independent guild, I will not hesitate to deliver you to them both, personally. And their power and capabilities far exceed my own.”

    If Reina thought Mercury was intimidating, she was but a candle against the inferno that was Seri and Mythal’s combined might. And more than anything what Mercury felt Reina needed to hear at that moment was that for as powerful as the Silver Wolf ace was, even she was outclassed by a number of other wizards out there. Lowering her hand, she made sure she held Reina’s gaze as she calmly asked, “Do we have an understanding?”

    WORDS: 935/5053 | @Thatcywalker
    Serilda Sinclair



    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 265
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 1st gen iron dragon slayer
    Second Skill: 2nd gen rimefrost dragon slayer
    Third Skill: Inner dragon

    Do not underestimate a slayer! Empty Re: Do not underestimate a slayer!

    Post by Thatcywalker 3rd April 2022, 10:26 pm

    Reina would had held her breath if oxygen wasn't such a demand for her at the moment, waiting for Mercury's response. When it came, it was stern and flowed steadily. Reina equal parts out of fear and curiosity listened to Mercury's lecture. Her first breath, she brought up the obvious; she had failed her exam and that their was stronger dragons then her around...no. Reina knew that she meant other mages, mongrels in the mud, people. Such a thought would had irritated her then and there if it wasn't for what had happened earlier. She finished with pointing out her current attitude to the others in the guild, it being obvious her view on them even with the few interactions she has had with them. While Reina would had responded with how even the strongest person was weaker then the weakest dragon, now she could no longer say for sure. For wasn't she a weak dragon?

    The silence in between breaths allowed for Reina to reflect before Mercury began talking again, Reina's eye trained back on her gaze. She would had shrunk from the look if she could.

    The guild ace then laid out her expectations of Reina; she had to respect her guild mates, period. And to be well aware of what she did as a member of the guild. Reina would be angry at such a demand, and she admitted that she felt a spark of anger deep in her even after knowing the consequences. Such a feeling clouded her thoughts for the moment, causing both the machine to report the increase in activity in her breathing. That was until Mercury raised her hand to show the emerald studded ring on it. It broke through the weak embers of anger and let Reina recall what was said before and now. Their were two other mages, considered 'God's of Ishgar', that Mercury was related to? It was her's last statement though that really stopped Reina's thinking, the words sinking in to her. 

    "And their power and capabilities far exceed my own.”

    A lie. It was a lie. A ugly untruthful lie. Dredged up from the muck to try to convince Reina that she was even less then what she already was. A attempt to crush whatever pride the dragon had left in her undamaged from the last lashing. So blatant, Reina had to get the truth out of her. She would begin to raise her left bandaged arm. It took every ounce of energy she had to even try this attempt, the machine betraying so as it beeped more rapidly. She began to turn it slightly toward Mercury, as if she wanted something from her. But that was her limit, the machine suddenly dipped in activity as her arm fell limply on the bed. Reina's head fell back on the pillow, her unfocused eye staring up at the ceiling as she began to take deep breaths. Slowly her eye would waver, and it was obvious to all that she was going to pass out. And after a minute, her eye would close as she fell into a sleep, the machine reporting her vitals had become stable once more. 

    You have always been weak. Remember that you are no dragon. And much like the maggots crawling in the dirt, the rats in the underground, and the mongrels in the woods, you must hide. Hide away as the truly worthy fly above your head, and pray that in your next life, you can hope to share the sky with them. 

    An ugly thought. But as far as Reina was concerned, it was as real as dragons were.

    WC: 604/5452


    Do not underestimate a slayer! Darksteel

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:37 pm