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    Together, Again

    Uriel Tyrae
    Uriel Tyrae

    Lineage : The Young Phoenix
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 65
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,687

    Together, Again Empty Together, Again

    Post by Uriel Tyrae 9th January 2022, 2:32 pm

    Uriel Tyrae
    United Again

    It was yet another blissful, beautiful day in Hargeon Town, one of the primary incoming and outgoing ports of Fiore; the amount of ships that sailed in and out of the harbour on a daily basis was mind-blowing. Everything from fishing vessels to luxury yachts and single-man sailing sloops came in and out at an alarming rate, even for someone who was used to the comings and goings of seabearing ships. Uriel Tyrae was one such creature, who took solace in staring out into the ocean and seeing a ship catch its sails into the wind and felt the breeze across his face as a marvel of human ingenuity and engineering took hold to cross the seas at amazing pace. A true Ca-Elian born man, his life was the ocean. Her salty spray, the uncertainty of footing on deck, the dangerous rush of a sudden squall or storm - this was what he had been born into, bred into, was ready to face at any time. Therefore, for him to be on the docks to watch the ocean? This was absolutely normal. This was his happy place, his joy, his moment of quiet reflection and happiness. To him, there was nothing better.

    However, by some dint of fate, today’s trip was not solely for meditation’s sake. Today, Uriel came to Hargeon with glorious purpose. One of the most glorious purposes he could have possibly visited.

    You see, Uriel’s lifelong friend, fellow birthday companion, and all around wonderful human being Morgana was due to arrive here any minute. As always, they had exchanged messages back and forth, debating the path they were going to take. Even before Uriel’s family had been informed of the Tyrae scion’s intent to leave Ca-Elum on his quest for adventure, Morgana had known. She had been his most ardent supporter in the decision, even after his parents had come to terms with it. Uriel, unflinchingly, had done it because she was happy with that decision.

    For her to make the decision to leave the motherland and come with him had been nothing short of a shock to his system. One that, in hindsight, he had absolutely appreciated. One that he loved, one that he was so thankful for. To have her here in Fiore, which was still a strange land to him, was a decision that Uriel was so blessed to have received.

    So, he stood on the docks, waiting for the same vessel that had bore him here. The Indefatigable, a merchant ship, made a routine monthly trip to Hargeon to deliver supplies. Sure enough, there it was in the distance, flanked by a pair of Ca-Elian naval warships that were due to drop anchor a few miles offshore in order to respect the sovereign waters of the foreign power. On that ship was the one woman who knew him better than he did. Its shape was unmistakable, given that he had spent so much time on it himself, and now all he needed to do was wait for it to arrive in port and offload its most precious cargo.

    His heart felt like it was going to beat out of his ribcage. Gods be good, it was going to be incredible to see her again.

    TAG:@Morgana WORDS: 542 TOTAL: 542 JOB: Link
    MEL @ WW



    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 47
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,537

    Together, Again Empty Re: Together, Again

    Post by Morgana 9th January 2022, 2:35 pm


    Notes \\ Words 564 / 1106 \\ Tag @Uriel Tyrae

    Whether it was stupidity, bravery, or a newfound determination that led Morgana to leave the safe and luxurious comforts of her home in Ca-Elum, she couldn’t say.

    The emotions she felt crashing over her like consuming tidal waves as she boarded the Indefatigable were a mix of hot and cold to her nerves. Incredulity and fear tried to take hold and root her in place, whispering lies and tempting Morgana to turn back and return to the familiarity and safety that has housed her since infancy. The excitement and a new feeling she has never felt before, the feeling of having a purpose, overwhelming exceeds the fear. It was the warmth that vanished the cold, and yet did not vanish entirely. Walking in the dead of the night to the docks, cloaked and shielded from chilled wind with only a single bag slung over her shoulders, offered perhaps too much time to dwell in those racing thoughts trying to dissuade her from this path. Surely, she thought, this was some sort of madness. What person in their right mind – a noble no less – would wish to walk away from such a comfortable life? A life without fear, full of luxuries and grand balls and extravagant gifts, and a belly full of food. No sane person, that was for certain.

    But Morgana had never been the one to follow the norm.

    She did not belong to that life. Deep down, she has always known it. She loathed the life and did not worship the Queen as everyone else did. Enough incidents have given Morgana the title as Lady Infidelity known all throughout the court for her lack of enthusiasm and support of their “great” ruler. A title that was certainly not well received by her family. If she had been a proper lady, Morgana would have cared. She was not a proper lady, and therefore, did not care. It was not her life or lack of success in the court that led her to the decision to leave; life in Ca-Elum’s court brought ample supply of amusement that it would have sustained Morgana for years to come. Something called to her, something greater than the mundane life of a noblewoman. She wanted to do more – needed to do more than be a pretty lady whose only purpose was to bear heirs. She needed to escape the heavy cloud of her family’s disappointment, their sheer embarrassment of her mere presence in the court.

    Now here she was, on the blessed ship that is bearing her to Hargeon Town. Though unfamiliar with the threatening presence of fear looming, there was one detail about Fiore that would not be unfamiliar. The thought brought a smile to Morgana’s face as she idly ran her fingers over the hem of her velvet cloak, a birthday gift from a beloved friend who waited for her on those docks. An exchange of letters was all it took for Morgana to be convinced to go through with her plans. Just as she had supported his departure from Ca-Elum, he too supported hers. Truth be told, if he were not in Fiore, she would not have even considered the town as her first option. What she believed to be unfamiliar and frightening, and very alone, would now not be so, and she was more than eager to see him again after so long.


    Last edited by Morgana on 9th January 2022, 2:38 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Together, Again Ueel9f10
    Uriel Tyrae
    Uriel Tyrae

    Lineage : The Young Phoenix
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 65
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,687

    Together, Again Empty Re: Together, Again

    Post by Uriel Tyrae 9th January 2022, 2:35 pm

    Uriel Tyrae
    United Again

    There it was. The Indefatigable was already starting to pull in and, as it approached, Uriel was given a moment to take stock of the situation and consider everything that was about to transpire here on the shore. There was no way in the nine hells that he was going to let whatever opportunity that was being offered to him pass him by, and the fact that a certain someone was now consuming all of his thoughts was almost not surprising. She had always been that way, as far as he was concerned. Uriel thought about her frequently and often? How could he not? Morgana had been a part of his life for so long that he just couldn’t even really remember a time before her.

    The day they had met had been his eighteenth birthday, ten years prior. At the Queen’s behest in court, their birthdays had been announced - they locked eyes across the room as the assembled nobility clapped politely to celebrate their coming of age. She was turning sixteen. It was awkward as all hell for the two of them in that room, but there had been no mistaking as to the fact that they had both been called out for this purpose. An awkward conversation later, and they’d made the first move towards being friends. By the next year’s announcement, they had already been seen doing just about everything together, no matter what that entailed. They had bonded hard - over family, over friends, over the politics of court drama; between all of the things that they saw and experienced together every day, they had formed a friendship so powerful that the rumours that floated around their heads were as crashing waves upon the shore.

    However, the ship was now taking that moment to pull in towards the dock. There he stood, his cape cast firmly over his shoulders - it was a brocade pattern velveteen of the finest tyrian purple, trimmed with gold, the outline of his family’s crest upon its back. It was likewise a gift from her, and entirely practical in its use. They were nothing if not intelligent for such things with keen eyes for gifts with practical purposes.

    The ship slowed its movement to an absolute crawl and from the capstan room they began to drop anchor. The gangplank was going to extend from the ship any second now, and from it would be the blonde-haired woman that had taken his eye for a decade–

    What would be the first thing he said? The thought was idle, a fleeting fancy. It was like they were meeting all over again, and he was a nervous child of eighteen with no idea how to talk to this woman. The smile on his face seemed plastered there as if by will, but the fact was, he wished nothing more but to see her walk down that ship’s ramp. It was a long time coming.

    TAG: @Morgana WORDS: 492 TOTAL: 1598 JOB: Link
    MEL @ WW



    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 47
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,537

    Together, Again Empty Re: Together, Again

    Post by Morgana 9th January 2022, 2:41 pm


    Notes \\ Words 430/2028 \\ Tag @Uriel Tyrae

    Morgana felt like a teenager again. Give or take, that may be dangerous. Granted, at the age of twenty-six years old she wisely and (for the most part) expertly kept her tongue still than she did at the ripe age of sixteen. Suddenly she was there again in that grand ball room of fancy gowns, divine food and beverages and fine orchestra leading the dancing guests. She, a bright eyed and curious young lady, weaving through the crowd as she tried to find an escape to what had felt like an incredibly awkward situation with so many eyes on her. It helped to share a birthday with another, and every year after that became easier to endure with Uriel at her side. Her birthday companion, as she often called him through the years. He never lacked humor for the double celebration and his jokes, though terrible and made her grimace over the rim of her wine glass, were plentiful. A supply Morgana wouldn’t mind being depleted of its source. It was that night two awkward teenagers trying to escape the awkwardness of heavy attention – both bad and with good intent – crossed each other’s path and traded one awkwardness for another, and a friendship so strong and so dearly beloved formed.

    To think an incredibly uncomfortable situation with only a few worded answers has led her to this. Morgana would not change it for the world. Despite the difficulties in court and dealing with the dark burden of not meeting the high expectations of her family, it didn’t matter. It never did. Uriel was there, he had always been there, and the hardships Morgana faced in Ca-Elum no longer mattered as long as he was by her side.

    Now, after so long, it would be so again.

    The docks of Hargeon Town were now in clear view, and soon the ship came to a slow stop. She was the first few to step on the gangplank, an action she may have been deliberately planning since this morning, but the specifics didn’t matter. As she looked to the swarming crowd, setting her eyes to find a certain someone, momentarily thinking how she would damn him if he found himself lost again like that one time, when she spotted a familiar face in the front row of the crowd. Of course he would be just as deliberate. In court, the two of them were anything but unprepared.

    A smile broke out on Morgana’s face, big and bright as the sun shining on them this day, and she bolted straight towards the crowd. “Uriel!



    Together, Again Ueel9f10
    Uriel Tyrae
    Uriel Tyrae

    Lineage : The Young Phoenix
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 65
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,687

    Together, Again Empty Re: Together, Again

    Post by Uriel Tyrae 9th January 2022, 2:43 pm

    Uriel Tyrae
    United Again

    There she was. Bright, shining, resplendent, her golden hair shimmering under the light. Just like her, it was unbecoming for him to have come here unprepared - and as she dashed down towards him, courtly bearing be absolutely damned, he caught the sprinting woman and swept her up into an all-embracing hug so warm and tight that he unhesitatingly lifted her feet from the floor just to hold her close. He could tell she’d been cooped up on that ship for way too long, which was never a good sign - she’d probably gone a little stir-crazy without sufficient entertainment. Being stuck on a ship with nobody to really talk to, well, it wasn’t going to be great for her.

    ”Goddess, have I missed you,” was all he murmured against the crown of her head, eyes shut tightly as he did nothing but feel the warmth of her body against his. It was too good to finally have her here. Though while she had sailed the seas to reach Fiore, his thoughts were nothing but her. It was going to be good to restart life, away from it all, where they could escape the tedium and pressure of the court.

    Finally, after what felt like an absolute eternity, he put her down, and looked down towards those beautiful sapphire eyes, where he held only a wide smile for her.

    ”Come. Let’s find somewhere a little quieter than in the middle of a crowded dock. I’ll explain it all for you on the way,” he bade, offering the water mage his hand - they would have to retreat elsewhere, find a place to sit and talk and eat and replenish their energy for what would inevitably be a long journey to… wherever they ended up going.

    Then, they could walk the path that life put them on - wherever that took them.

    TAG: @Morgana WORDS: 313 TOTAL: 2341 JOB: Link
    MEL @ WW


      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 10:44 pm