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    The Cottage

    Lyra Karant
    Lyra Karant

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Christmas Event Winner- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Mercy's Grace
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 231
    Guild : Luminous Rose [Ace]
    Dungeon Tokens : 1
    Mentor : Faulkners
    Experience : 830,971

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Aurora Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: Sky Demon Slayer
    Third Skill: Crystalline Panoply

    The Cottage Empty The Cottage

    Post by Lyra Karant 23rd October 2021, 4:24 pm

    Lyra Karant
    In The Tiny Cottage

    Sometimes, you found yourself in extremely odd-- but not unwelcome-- situations. In Lyra's case, this definitely counted. In no simple consideration of time had she thought that she'd end up sharing tea with a lovely old lady, but here they were anyway.

    Today Lyra was sitting down with a lovely lady named Olivia, who was previously a legal mage as well - much like Lyra, she had been prone to adventure and certainly saw her fair share of it in her younger years. As such, a simple request had come to the guild: go and spend some time with this old lady, learn her stories, and ensure that they were not lost to the ages. Lyra was entirely willing to do something that wasn't fighting for a change, given how much of it she'd beeen doing recently. Therefore, she was more than happy to go and spend some time in a cottage near the sea with someone who was wonderful company. Olivia was bright and cheery enough, with plenty to talk about. This gave Lyra the drive to sit there, converse with her, and the extra cookies were a bonus on top.

    Olivia had ulterior motives for Lyra being here, however, which was nothing new at this point. Being an experienced adventurer and mage brought its fair share of enemies, and the older woman knew deep down that one or more of them were planning something. That, likely, would all come to a head here and now, and so she'd put out a call to Luminous Rose; they seemed like a good sort when the Rune Knights were far too politically-minded and driven by military action to send someone around for a more casual discussion. Besides, this kid seemed nice enough anyway. She was certainly polite enough to be pouring Olivia the tea and not the other way around, which was a welcome surprise. If she could hold her own in a fight, then great. The older mage was all for that.

    What Lyra didn't know was that the enemy was willing to pay others - and that Lyra knew this enemy all too well. There was a rather sizeable hit order on Olivia's head, one that had been orchestrated by one of her enemies from the days of yore. That assassination request was going to be filled, of course, by someone who was rather good at what she did. The cottage was down a well-beaten path overlooking a cliff by the sea, with a small grove of trees the only barrier between the city itself and the cottage on the cliff. There was only a single path up the cliff that was easily traversable, but the patch of trees provided plenty of cover for anyone who wished to approach. This would give any would-be assassins somewhere to hide if absolutely necessary.

    Pouring the both of them another cup of tea, Lyra took a seat across from Olivia at her table, unknowing of the danger that was about to come through - and there was going to be a lot of it. Chaos was about to bloom, and the pink mage was all the more unknowing of that which was about to unfold in front of her.

    TAG: @Rela WORDS: 538 TOTAL: 538/5000 JOB: Link
    MEL @ WW


    The Cottage AKPhYOh
    +100% Jewels In Effect - Lineage

    Lineage : Cursed Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 35
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Trinity
    Experience : 1,800

    The Cottage Empty Re: The Cottage

    Post by Rela 11th December 2021, 3:48 pm

    Don't  Yuck Someone's Yum
    Rela hated waiting.

    More specifically, she hated waiting in an old lady’s cabin, living off stale rations as she waited for the right moment to strike. The virtue of patience ceased to exist when it came to a job…or anything, really. But Rela wasn’t stupid. Impatient and stubborn, but not a fool. It would be easy for her to slip out and slither away to the next available - and quick - job. No one would know, and the old hag she’s been spying on wouldn’t suspect anything. Perhaps if she were a quitter, Rela would do just that. She’d rather stumble in enemy territory drunk out of her mind and holding hands with her hallucination than to quit.

    She supposed this is how she got here in the first place. Drunk in one of the many taverns and laying in the dark entertaining the hallucination of Gem. He led her to the job board, he convinced her to look, he argued the old mage in a quaint little cabin would be easy enough and pay twice as much as the others. In hindsight, it was her hallucinations fault.

    Two days later, Rela still believed that.

    Two bloody days in this disgustingly lovely cabin. Two days of what is supposed to be observing a little, old lady, only to be met with silence and absence of her target. Rela was beginning to think the job had either been incorrect or this supposed mage no longer lived here, when she was roused from her slow drift into slumber by a loud creak to the entrance. In her hiding spot on the upper level behind a stack of barrels and crates, Rela readied herself. Take a peek, jump over the railing, and ram her sword in the mage’s chest. Simple; in and out. As she ran her fingers over one of the two swords strapped around her waist, Rela paused as she heard voices. The old lady was talking, grateful to her companion, and the other…the other sounded younger, oddly familiar.
    Rela peeked around the corner and -

    Son of a bitch.

    You rang?

    Rela whipped her head to the side. Her eyes landed on the black-haired male leaning against the wall to the far left. She glared, and in return he raised an eyebrow.

    What? Your foolproof plan isn’t working? He grinned.

    Shut up

    Those are some fearsome words. I’m shaking.

    Rela clenched her jaw and looked back at the entrance. Anger and annoyance bubbled deep inside, and it took her everything not to jump down and use both her swords.

    What was Lyra doing here?
    WORDS 436

    Last edited by Rela on 21st December 2021, 6:40 pm; edited 1 time in total


    The Cottage Fshukj10
    Lyra Karant
    Lyra Karant

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Christmas Event Winner- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Mercy's Grace
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 231
    Guild : Luminous Rose [Ace]
    Dungeon Tokens : 1
    Mentor : Faulkners
    Experience : 830,971

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Aurora Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: Sky Demon Slayer
    Third Skill: Crystalline Panoply

    The Cottage Empty Re: The Cottage

    Post by Lyra Karant 13th December 2021, 6:13 pm

    Lyra Karant
    In The Tiny Cottage

    In the pit of Lyra's stomach, there was an odd feeling that something was going on. It wasn't anything specific; it wasn't a feeling that could be put into words in any way. All it was, was the dark and foreboding feeling that something was about to go horrifically and terribly wrong, when as her current condition stated there was no real reason for that to happen. She could not detect any presences here other than herself and Olivia, even in full range of her senses that were currently sweeping the area at the thought of something being even slightly off about the situation here. There was, in theory, nothing to worry about.

    "Lyra, dear. Is something the matter?" Olivia prompted, seeing that Lyra was visibly on edge. Her eyes were darting around quickly and it seemed that paranoia was starting to take a hold on her. By contrast, Olivia was the picture of patience; she could not have cared if things were off-kilter. Nothing here was bothering her in the least. She was calm, moving around her tiny house with little more than refined grace as if nothing were wrong. To her perception, nothing in fact was wrong at all.

    "I think it's just my mind playing tricks on me, Olivia. Maybe I'm just... tired. I don't know."

    The older woman offered the young mage a warm smile. "It certainly seems like it. You haven't touched your tea, and it almost looks like you're expecting trouble." Never mind that Olivia knew exactly what it felt like to be constantly searching for danger over your shoulder. There was a certain expectation that, at a certain point in your career, there was going to be something that did in fact keep hunting you down - this was not it. Lyra was getting to that point. She was not a strong mage, she was not an experienced mage in the real sense of the word. However, Olivia had been through hell and back, which was now rather evident when it showed through her totally relaxed demeanour. Nothing could faze her.

    Lyra sighed, shoulders drooping as she did so. However, in that moment and at the quiet prompting of her companion, it was as if she could feel the tension running away from her as she breathed out. Had she been holding that in the entire time? It was absolutely possible that Lyra was losing it and was now searching for trouble over her shoulder. Truth was, since her last conversation with Rela, things seemed different. Like her perception of danger was spiking and she had to search out places that she did not know just in case the blade was waiting around the corner for her and she needed to fight it. Rela's blades were in fact that dangerous, that fast, that there was no "I am. Truthfully, the last time I ran into someone I really thought I could consider a friend for a long time, I... things went poorly, and I regret it a lot, because I exploded on her. I think about it all the time. Trouble is, she's so dangerous that..." Another sigh. "I've made a very deadly enemy. I wish I didn't."

    Little did Lyra know that said enemy could hear every word, see every sigh. It would have been so, so incredibly different were Lyra to know that fact. Gosh, would it have been so unbearably different.

    At that, Olivia rose to go and fetch them another pair of cups of tea from the still-warm kettle, decanting over her freshly-plucked tea leaves into the wonderfully polished and patterned cups forming the tea set. Once prepared, they were placed on the table at their seats, to which Lyra murmured her thanks and contemplated the swirling cup of amber liquid before her. It was beautiful, fragrant, delicious - things all good tea should be. It was a welcome distraction from the storm that was brewing inside her mind, one that threatened to rage and consume her senses as she searched for things that were simply not there.  

    "Was she important to you?" Olivia asked, raising the cup to her mouth, ostensibly to take a sip - but to mask her face as Lyra answered. This was a very measured response to the young lady whose inner conflict was now beginning to show itself. She was intereted, curious; this was something that mirrored her own growth as a young mage, many moons ago. Everyone had their own fair share of enemies, and obviously she was no exception; this was just Lyra's way of learning the importance of being able to handle proper conflict. Olivia was more than glad to lend a willing ear and listen to her burdens. It sounded like she'd been carrying them for quite some time with no real outlet.

    "She was important to me. Not the other way around. I considered her a friend for a long time, but I guess I learned that she didn't feel the same about me. Honestly, I..." A pause. "I know I'm foolishly naive sometimes, and this is certainly one of those times. She'd laugh at me for saying it, because as far as she's concerned I'm as foolish as they come."

    Oh, Lyra. If only you knew.

    Olivia's cup lowered, tapping gently against the china of the teacup beneath it. "It happens to everyone," she bagan, preparing to drop a gentle truth bomb on the pink-haired girl in the middle of her own internal struggle. "There is no shame in trusting the people you surround yourself with. The only shame is not adjusting your expectations after that trust is broken."

    That was sufficient to give Lyra pause and reflect back upon how she'd handle that situation. On one hand, could she consider herself having adjusted those expectations of Rela? Surely, knowing the truth of her nature, she could at least say that she wouldn't just let her back into her life and her heart so easily. They come into conflict far too much morally for that to happen-- surely. Yet, there was still just enough of a shred of doubt in her heart that she'd want her friend back...

    Lyra sat motionlessly, staring down into the cup before her. She had not taken a single sip of the liquid. All she could do was cast her emerald eyes down at it, knowing full well that her weakness here was going to be her undoing.

    TAG: @Rela WORDS: 1077 TOTAL: 2101/5000 JOB: Link
    MEL @ WW


    The Cottage AKPhYOh
    +100% Jewels In Effect - Lineage

    Lineage : Cursed Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 35
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Trinity
    Experience : 1,800

    The Cottage Empty Re: The Cottage

    Post by Rela 21st December 2021, 6:36 pm

    Don't  Yuck Someone's Yum
    At the sound of a familiar voice that could only belong to the one person Rela knew - and at one point tolerated rather well, in her opinion - she let her head fall forward and lightly bonked on the railing. She cursed herself for earlier when she sarcastically wondered if the job could be worse as she ransacked a crate of stale food. Of course it could. It was a job, after all, and Lyra always showed up unexpectedly when it came to jobs, whether as interference or as assistance, the latter being rare.

    Wherever she turned, Lyra was there. It seemed as though they were destined to run into each other no matter how much Rela detested it and purposely chose more dangerous jobs to increase her chances of not seeing her. Thank the gods her bars were left untouched. She should have known better, though. As a young slave, the first rule taught to her was ‘Suspect everything. Anything can and will go wrong if you let it’.

    And she had foolishly done so.

    Rela needed a drink.

    Already?” prompted a mocking voice. “But you have done so well! Two whole days without wine is truly an accomplishment to be proud of.

    Rela closed her eyes. Go away, go away, go away…

    And why would I do that, love? I think I’ll stay a while. I like your company.

    Focus, Rela. Focus on the job. On the target. He’s nothing more than a figment of your imagination.

    Has anyone told you that, Rela?” A mocking laugh to match his tone. “Likely not. I can’t fathom anyone paying you that high of a compliment.

    Compliments are weak flatteries. You know this, Gem,” Rela muttered.

    In all his casual, tall and broad stature and raven black hair fallen over the side of his face, Gem only offered a hum. Wordlessly, he sauntered over to Rela’s side and peered over the railing. His eyebrows rose and let out a low whistle. “She’s cute.”

    Interesting.” Rela pulled out a long dagger and worked on dipping the blade in a vial of poison she procured from her leathers. “I don’t remember you having a thing for old ladies.

    The one with the pink hair, smart ass. I’d like to see what kind of alcohol she can hold.” He smirked. “And other things.”

    That wasn’t saying much. Gem would bed anything with a pulse.

    "In any case - "

    Rela held up her hand. "Quiet," she shushed.

    "Rude," Gem huffed.

    "I'm trying to listen. Now quiet."

    From where Rela kept herself in the little hiding spot she chose hours ago, she had a clear view of Lyra and the old mage, sitting together and...drinking tea? Typical of Lyra to get lost in quaint luxuries. She strained to listen, not that it took much. They were so close that jumping over the balcony is all it would take to land right on that table.

    "She was important to me. Not the other way around. I considered her a friend for a long time, but I guess I learned that she didn't feel the same about me. Honestly, I..." Lyra paused. "I know I'm foolishly naive sometimes, and this is certainly one of those times. She'd laugh at me for saying it, because as far as she's concerned I'm as foolish as they come."

    Lyra was...talking about her. Well done. Venting to old ladies now, pinkie?

    "What did you do to the poor girl?" For once, Gem was serious. Rela ignored him.

    And who's the old lady?

    Do you ever stop talking?" Rela sighed as she rose to her feet.

    Her answer was a snort.

    Gods, save her.

    WORDS 613

    Last edited by Rela on 22nd December 2021, 8:39 am; edited 1 time in total


    The Cottage Fshukj10
    Lyra Karant
    Lyra Karant

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Christmas Event Winner- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Mercy's Grace
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 231
    Guild : Luminous Rose [Ace]
    Dungeon Tokens : 1
    Mentor : Faulkners
    Experience : 830,971

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Aurora Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: Sky Demon Slayer
    Third Skill: Crystalline Panoply

    The Cottage Empty Re: The Cottage

    Post by Lyra Karant 22nd December 2021, 4:51 am

    Lyra Karant
    In The Tiny Cottage

    There was a moment of thought that Lyra had, like a flash of inspiration. It pulsed across her mind and was gone again, bright and beautiful for an instant, before it vanished into the aether. With the distraction that her mind was bringing, and the fact that Lyra was feeling so terrifically introspective, there was a real chance that this could have belonged to someone else - but no. It felt familiar. Like she’d been there a hundred times before.

    “Hold on, Olivia, I’m sorry, I…”

    There was a long, pregnant pause as Lyra cast her glance around, that nagging feeling in the back of her head a reality that she simply couldn’t ignore. These senses had not sent her wrong in the past, but quite frankly if there was even a shred of a single moment that Lyra could have possibly been right then she could never take the risk of ignoring this. It wasn’t anything her real senses were saying. In all honesty, Lyra wasn’t sure. She felt as if she was imagining things, truly. However, if she was right...

    Gods, Lyra did not want to be right about this.

    Slowly, the pinkette stood from her chair, the wood creaking and scraping against the stone floor as she rose, her hands on the table for support as she considered her options and her possibilities. She knew that Rela was possessed of incredible stealth. However, with her power as strong as it was by comparison to the assassin’s now, there was a very real and distinct possibility that Lyra could brute force her way to finding the blade in their midst without having to resort to either violence or trickery. In fact, it was one advantage that Rela did not actually know Lyra truly possessed. Upon their last meeting, Lyra had by chance demonstrated her ability to fly; this was not indicative of the full extent of her dual slayer abilities, but was merely a side-effect of the mutating power that was now coursing through her veins. Rela had not seen any of the later abilities she had gained beyond that, which meant that all of this was incredibly surprising were it to be revealed. This was the best possible piece of ammunition that the fire and wind slayer could have ever leveraged against her opponent; a master of stealth, who favoured the advantage of surprise, taken by surprise herself? It would have been an incredible reversal of roles.

    A long, slow, deliberate exhale followed as Lyra gathered her senses and considered her next move. The Rose mage channelled her energies, her senses swirling a miasma of colours before she expunged herself of needless, tiresome worry and thought to focus all of her energy into her senses - and sure enough, there she was. Unmoving. Perfectly still. Contemplating the truth of the matter before her, it was so unfortunate that it had come to this. Lyra intentionally did not look in the direction of the interloper, for it would destroy the joy of surprise up until the final moment of climactic impact. Unfortunate as such things were, this was now the reality of the moment, and Lyra Karant swore a duty to uphold all things. There was no way, in the back of her mind, that Rela had not been assigned as the blade to execute the hit against Olivia now. Everything was beginning to fall into place, to which Lyra felt only remorse at coming to understand her purpose for being here.

    Today, however, this assassin would fail.

    Exhale. Walk. Get right near her - just short of three metres away. Enough distance to act, if need be. Her eyes cast around blindly, considering the options, trying to keep up the charade - until they finally settled on exactly where her rival’s head would be.

    “Hello, Rela,” came a voice that only betrayed her nervousness once. ”This is your one and only chance to leave peacefully. Take it, please.”

    TAG: @Rela WORDS: 662 TOTAL: 3396/5000 JOB: Link
    MEL @ WW


    The Cottage AKPhYOh
    +100% Jewels In Effect - Lineage

    Lineage : Cursed Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 35
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Trinity
    Experience : 1,800

    The Cottage Empty Re: The Cottage

    Post by Rela 22nd December 2021, 8:41 am

    Don't  Yuck Someone's Yum
    Rela’s eyes fell upon the frame of the little girl that had been nothing more than a thorn in her side for far too long at this point as she stood up to investigate the scene. This, too, could hardly be considered mere coincidence. Lyra was naive, blind - but not a total idiot some days. If she was standing up to investigate little more than a feeling, then there was a real chance that her cover had been blown somehow.

    Oh, did someone mess up?

    Quiet,” was the hissed response, a third time. Rela hated repeating herself, especially for airheaded pretty boys. They didn’t deserve the time of day, but this one couldn’t just be disposed of like some of the rest. Real shame he couldn’t make himself useful right now.

    And how would I do that? Oh, of course. Distract the girl. She’s coming for you, right now.

    Fingers curled tighter around the hilt of the poisoned dagger she clutched, making ready to use it at a moment’s notice. Keen eyes would not bear to pull themselves away from the pink creature as she approached, knowing that to stop watching an enemy was to invite folly.  This was the greatest folly, trusting in the blind senses of a girl who could barely keep her head on straight - and yet Rela knew, deep down, that this was no idle fancy. This was a very real threat.

    Her eyes narrowed. No. This couldn’t be happening. Her stealth was supposed to be nearly flawless.

    Ah, but there’s the fun of it, Rela! Nearly.

    A grin, wide as the cheshire cat’s. Gem could hardly contain himself.

    Just like you’re nearly good enough to beat her. But not enough. Not any more.

    Then she spoke. Those accursed words, ringing in her ears, the mark of failure. Wasn’t it enough that this accursed figment was the very picture of vicious mockery, but now Lyra too? This was unacceptable. This was too much. This was little more than an absolute failure, and to be discovered by her, of all people. What a shame this was. How abhorrent. How disgusting.
    Repulsive. Like her. Gods, repulsive didn’t even scratch the surface for how she felt about Lyra freaking Karant at this moment in time.

    However, this could be salvaged. Possibly turned around. Yes, Lyra knew she was there. But that didn’t mean she knew what was about to happen next. There was work to be done and this was her one opportunity to do it.

    In the next moment, the poisoned dagger flew from Rela’s fingers. The promise had been made moons ago, that this fight would be coming. Go ahead, Lyra - try. But this knife was not bound for the little mage, no - it was bound for her target. A single glancing blow would be enough to render her catatonic before she entered toxic shock and her organs shut down. Perhaps with the shock element of surprise, this job may just pay off.
    WORDS 500


    The Cottage Fshukj10
    Lyra Karant
    Lyra Karant

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Christmas Event Winner- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Mercy's Grace
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 231
    Guild : Luminous Rose [Ace]
    Dungeon Tokens : 1
    Mentor : Faulkners
    Experience : 830,971

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Aurora Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: Sky Demon Slayer
    Third Skill: Crystalline Panoply

    The Cottage Empty Re: The Cottage

    Post by Lyra Karant 22nd December 2021, 3:48 pm

    Lyra Karant
    In The Tiny Cottage

    Olivia’s reflexes were, unfortunately, not as good as they once were, and it seemed her senses were becoming dull in her old age. At this point, there was merely a moment between when Lyra announced the presence of the intruder and when that intruder decided to attack her. Her eyes widened in realisation of what exactly was about to transpire, the cold steel of the dagger glinting as sunlight poured in through the window, knowing that she had stupidly allowed her guard down to let an assassin into her home without realisation. That blade, on a perfect arc for her face, would be the reaper’s final gift, and that this may just end. Her arms were barely coming up while everything seemed to move in slow motion. Was this to be the end?

    It seemed the pink girl had other plans. Her eyes locked firmly on Rela as she acted, Lyra was already primed to strike. Channelling the depths of the howling gale that raged inside her, it formed a tempestuous shell around Lyra, who simply moved into the way of the blade with little more than a step that brought her in front of Olivia and into the path of the knife that would have sounded abject death. The wind bubble that surrounded Lyra was strong enough to deflect the poisoned blade, sending it flying upwards into the roof where it stuck fast into the masonry, the poison oozing from its edge as Lyra stood fast against the enemy who had just disobeyed the singular order that she had been given. Gods, Lyra really didn’t ever want it to have come to this. She had given Rela the ultimatum, but it was no longer sufficient to simply give words. It was now time to act.

    Forgive me for this. For what I must do.

    In the next instance, now that her new wind powers had been divulged, Lyra could just show the truth of where Rela lay. However, it was not going to be as simple as that; Lyra did not wish to damage Olivia’s home in the melee that was unfurling around them. Instead, she had a very simple plan - casting a gust of wind, Lyra bade that the wooden door to the cottage opened for them, before the girl wind-stepped her way outside in the next instant - and turned, casting the aspersion of her brand-new wind chain launching forth to find purchase in Rela’s shoulder - and pull. Time to extricate the foe and bring her into the open where Lyra had absolute advantage. There would be no fighting inside to damage the home.

    As soon as that chain reached the end of its reel to bring her in, Lyra cast her arm wide, throwing forth the might of her air slash, designed to wither and break an opponent’s ability to harm others. If it hit, Rela would know the truth of Lyra’s growing power, and would be forced to realise that this was no longer a viable fight, or so the theory went. Lyra was putting on an absolute show of power for a very good reason at this point. The rose mage could not help herself, or her feelings. Were Rela to flee, now, she would let her go willingly, having cowed her opponent so; a broken enemy was sufficiently cowed that there would be no point chasing her down. Besides, the danger would have passed. It would have been the end of this. If Rela was to fight on, then Lyra would have no choice.

    She promised to put her down. Lyra did not break her promises, ever.

    TAG: @Rela WORDS: 607 TOTAL: 4503/5000 JOB: Link
    MEL @ WW


    The Cottage AKPhYOh
    +100% Jewels In Effect - Lineage

    Lineage : Cursed Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 35
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Trinity
    Experience : 1,800

    The Cottage Empty Re: The Cottage

    Post by Rela 22nd December 2021, 3:58 pm

    Don't  Yuck Someone's Yum
    This absolute farce had gone on long enough. Rela realized she knew she’d messed up when Lyra, of all of the damn people on this stupid planet, was actually showing some spine for the first time in her life and actually making a mess of this job in ways that she’d never expected. What a total mess this was. Rela cursed her luck for the second time - of all the people to show up here and now in this stupid little cottage - that this job wasn’t going to go the way she’d expected.

    Two days. Two entire days of planning and work! Down the drain in three godsdamned seconds because of Lyra godsdamned Karant.

    Boy, you really hate this little girl, don’t you?” Gem quipped with excitement.

    An animal growl rose from the depths of Rela’s throat, with pure rage behind it. To hell with words. They didn’t do enough justice. She wanted to scream.

    But more importantly, she wanted to flay Lyra alive for this.

    Oooh, someone’s upset. Too bad. You were doing so well keeping under control, too. You must hate yourself for this!” A cackle, before Gem’s ethereal form flickered away into nothingness.

    He was right, too. Damnit. Damn everything to the deepest hells. Not that absolute trash piece that wasn’t even real!
    Then, a second later, she felt something sharp bury its way into her shoulder. A single glance told her what she needed to know - a long, spiked chain, its links formed of purest wind, now had her under its thrall, and Lyra pulled her in, reeling her in like a fish caught on the end of a line. Eyes wide in horror, Rela realised now that Lyra wasn’t just spouting trite crap when she’d made the threat she had.

    Damnit. She was stronger than ever. Damnit.

    It was the only word playing in the back of her head, infinitely, on loop. The shame rising through her body, her hands went to the hilt of her swords so that she could draw them and slice at the little girl before she could make even more of a mess than this already was.

    However, when she felt the blade of wind bury itself into her sternum, she knew that this wasn’t going to happen. Pain coursed through every inch of Rela’s body, and the magic woven into that zephyr was enough to prove that Lyra wasn’t playing around any more. That hurt more than she realized– and was that blood she felt trickling from her arm? The warmth that she felt, an entirely familiar feeling, was a shock. And Lyra was doing this.

    Rela knew that she had two options. Gut her like a fish, or get out of her and come up with a better strategy. Out here in the open, where Lyra had plenty of space to unleash whatever magical bull that she had in her arsenal, the assassin was at a disadvantage.

    No. This wasn’t worth it any more.

    I’m going to kill you one day,” Rela growled, a promise sworn.

    Then she smiled. It felt like Gem’s smile was suddenly plastered on her lips.

    But what I do to you before that will be so, so much worse.

    With that, Rela vanished into the shadows. She’d failed this job, to her chagrin. What she had learned was sufficient intelligence about Lyra - and perhaps how to take her down a few pegs in the future. Vengeance would be the sweetest thing.

    WORDS 583 / 5086


    The Cottage Fshukj10

      Current date/time is 18th October 2024, 1:30 am