Fairy Tail RP

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    Main Account- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Eevee- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Christmas Event Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25,299

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lineage Magic
    Second Skill: Cavern Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Eggtastrophe Empty Eggtastrophe

    Post by Magicite 1st November 2021, 12:47 pm

    Spirit seemed to have made a name for himself among the guild. He hadn't even been a part of it for a year when word arrived that he was up for the A Rank examination. He knew that once he got there, he'd be there for a long time. It was one thing to swiftly advance through the ranks, but it was quite another to surpass veterans. He was fully aware that some were more strong than him. But, before he could advance, he needed to demonstrate his worth. Mysie had hired him to look for pink crystal eggs in the highlands between Desert Village and Morgate Town. His mission was to find them and keep them safe. He was additionally warned to be aware that there will be groups of other individuals attempting to obtain them, so be wary and be safe.

    He had to leave Emerald behind because the task was only for him. She didn't want to do it, but she'd go play with the crystal fairy they'd befriended in the interim. Spirit was able to honor his commitment to her as a result of this.

    He began scouring the highland, singing a melody as he went, using a map he had been provided. Not only that, but he'd use his slayer senses to smell for crystals as well as his ability to perceive magic if they radiated any.

    Eggtastrophe 1f3b6  Eggtastrophe 1f3b5 The oracle man says it's the end of time
    And the Morgate River, she's a-goin' dry
    The interest is up and the mage market's down
    And you only get mugged if you go downtown
    I live back in the woods you see
    My woman and the kids and the dogs and me
    I got a magic spell, a dragon and a high wing wings
    And a country boy can survive
    Country folks can survive

    ... more singing continuesEggtastrophe 1f3b6  Eggtastrophe 1f3b5

    Quieting his voice, he'd reduce his speed and come to a halt when came to a new area that the map lead him too. He was in a sparsely forested region not far from a desert town, although there were a few cacti trees in the vicinity. He smelled crystal as well as something other, something alive. After some searching he'd come to a crack into the ground. Inside he found a bed of dry grass and pink crystal eggs. He would have missed them if he hadn't possessed the capacity to smell crystals. They were adequately hidden but seemed to be defenseless. His curiosity was piqued as to what could and would hatch from such an egg, but that knowledge was not made available to him. The job seemed simply and easy. All he'd have to do now is use his Circle of Recall Spell to transport himself back to the guild hall and be done. That was if his spell was working. Casting the spell would create a portal in front of him but when he tried to walk through it with the eggs he was stopped. The portal would form around him like a film but he couldn't penetrate it.

    Three individuals clothed in pink feather capes appeared in a rush of wind. Spirit was immediately placed on high alert because he hadn't sensed or seen them approaching. It was a first for him, as his greatest distinguishing characteristic was his ability to sense magic. Now that they were in front of him, he could see the power within them, as well as the residual energy that had brought them here. It appears they were all users of wind magic, and the emotions of their magic were tinged with want, hunger, and danger. They clearly intended to kill Spirit and seize the eggs for themselves. Spirit would guess that they wanted to eat the eggs because they were displacing hunger in their emotions, which they would have to do without as he wasn't going to give them up.

    Two of them posed no threat to Spirit, he could tell by looking at them but the one in the middle displayed strong magic. The mans face was like wet porcelain cut with a steak knife. A wide glistening mouth pulled into a lopsided scowl and his cheekbones were too pronounced. His nose was broken and healed in an ugly zig-zag, his eyes were heavy-lidded and suspicious and his long, stringy hair looked like drizzled clay. He stood there in his pink feathered cloak hunched and thick. His robes were mottled compared to the other two, and it was impossible to tell if they'd once been red then splattered with bleach or had once been white then splattered with blood.

    Speaking with a croaky voice "Ahh. You found our eggs and then tried to leave with them. You shall go nowhere as I have blocked your silly spell. It is sealed for some time. Now gives us the eggs and we'll let you live."

    Even the way the man spoke was a hideous as he was and his words held no truth to them in the end. They were going to kill him regardless, or try. Shaking his head Spirit would cancel his Circle of Recall Spell. Now that he looked closer another's magic was intertwined with it. It wasn't just negated but sealed and would be for a bit. "I think you have me confused with your friends there. I am no idiot and these eggs aren't yours. I found them and therefore they are mine. Seriously, are you human?"

    The insult enraged the guy, prompting him to cast a spell that formed a circle of wind about him. It would operate as a barrier, slicing up anybody and everything in its path. His own minions were caught up in the spell and cut up into bits, making the two-fold spell spectacular but dumb. Spirit felt a tinge of nausea come up on him at the sight of the other two men being sewn around the area. The spell was strong, and he didn't want to be trapped in it.

    Casting Blinking Star to put some distance between himself and the man while ensuring the eggs were safe and secure in his backpack. He'd wait for the guy to charge him with his magic now that he had some breathing room. He'd quickly cast Combat Clairvoyance once he was in range and then follow it up with a quick cast of Comet of Solaria- Piercing Bullet as he  imitated a pistol with his hand. He'd do this by then bending his index and middle fingers slightly to create a magic sphere in the air from which a powerful penetrating bullet was shot at the target. The projectile was't as powerful as some of his other spells, but it had the ability to pierce armors, barriers, and shields in exchange.

    His opponent would recoil as the magic penetrated his shoulder. Spirit bit the bottom of his lip slightly since he had been going for the man's chest to attempt to stop this, but as a wind mage, it seemed he had some spells to assist him move about as well. Spirit, on the other hand, was considerably quicker, much much faster, so he'd start to circle about the mage utilizing a variety of spells on the mage till he was knocked down. He did this by using his improved speed from the combined power of his magical bestoments and his magic's natural advantages. It didn't matter how powerful he was or how strong his magic was if he couldn't hit Spirit. It was one of the reasons Spirit preferred increasing his speed over increasing the power of his spells.

    Satisfied Spirit would stand there, staring at the body of the guy he had just killed. He didn't appreciate having to kill, but he had no choice. He would have preferred to just knock him unconscious, but it was evident that if he did, he would be hunted later, or the eggs be. As he stood there, he felt the power and then saw the magical signatures of 12 others approaching him. They were around him on all sides in a circle that was growing smaller as they got closer. Their power was earth-like, but more green, like vegetation. They didn't have the same wicked feelings in their magic as the man he had just slain, but it was evident they came for the eggs.

    It appears that the spell was still sealed when he attempted to cast Circle of Recall again. He had thought that the death of the sealer would remove his magical grasp on his spell, but no such luck. He'd have to either stay and fight or try to fly away. Looking around, he'd stare the 12 down while a massive dome of thorny vines grew over them, cutting off escape. Spirit was aware that he could have flown away in time with his speed, but he was more interested in this gathering and what they desired first.

    Pointing to the guy he believed was dead, he saw what looked to be a little quantity of power blossoming within him. His wounds were starting to heal, albeit at a glacial pace. Thinking to himself he was actually secretly glad he was alive he'd speak. "You witnessed what I was capable of doing to this man. He was more powerful than all of you together. Yes, you have numbers, but you can't possibly imagine you have a chance against me. Let us not fight. Let us go our separate ways now."

    "Yes, many of us might fall. But we still might have a chance against you yet. We can't just let you go. You do not know what you hold, we know something is up with those eggs. It's better they come with us, The Pastel Thorns.".

    It would seem one unassuming woman would speak for the group. If anything they all seemed to be rather ordinary and had a tie with nature it seemed. However, he knew the guild gave him this task for a reason and he wasn't going to fail. "I see. I was hoping it wouldn't come to this. Sorry ahead of time for the headache." Casting Unlimited Void Spirit generated a metaphysical environment as all the people near him became constantly bombarded with stimuli and information, restraining their mental processes and behaviors, immobilizing them. One immobilized he'd raise his head and suck in air as he let out a great bellow casting Cavern Dragon's Roar, using the element of rocks to break up the dome of vines. One an opening had been cleared he'd fly out quickly and away from his thirteen adversaries.

    Flying for a while, he'd dash over to Desert City because it was the nearest and he knew the place better. He'd check into a motel and spend the night resting while regaining his power and studying the eggs. They were encrusted with crystal and considerably tougher than any average egg, yet to his eyes, they didn't seem to glow much at all. He was perplexed as to why they were so unique. What may they be used for or what could they contain inside? He wondered on the fact that he had been dispatched to fetch them just for the purpose of eating them. That was a funny concept, but he doubted it.

    He'd sleep soundly that night, knowing that both he and the eggs were protected. When morning arrived, he'd order and, ironically, eat eggs with sausage and cactaupear juice, which he'd never heard of before. It wasn't half awful and left him feeling hydrated, which explains why it was one of the few alternatives available to them. He'd double-check the eggs to make sure he had everything, then cast Circle of Recall again. It worked this time! He found himself outside the halls of Luminous Rose after passing through the portal.

    Proceeding to going inside and look for Mysie he remembered he needed to start spending more time here and less at the shop. Now that he was becoming more known he needed to be more available to help others. When he found her, he'd hand her the eggs, intact and warm from his sack.

    "Oh, do I have a story for you!..."

    Word Count: 2044


      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 11:19 pm