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    Sea Snakes

    Kismet Clover
    Kismet Clover

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 62
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,011

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Zangan Way
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Sea Snakes Empty Sea Snakes

    Post by Kismet Clover 22nd October 2021, 5:02 pm

    Magic Sensory150
    Passive Buffs: 75% Melee Damage, 135% Technique Damage


    Kismet Clover, Zangan Style Magic

    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    In her hotel room, Kismet awoke. She had already completed her morning routine, which included practicing her martial arts, performing yoga, and eating a nutritious breakfast. She left her room, the hotel, and walked to the dock to meet with a guildy. It was her first work with a guildie, and she had no idea who she was going to meet. All she knew was that she was a powerful member of the guild and an Ace.

    Because the work didn't appear to be simple, they most likely matched her with someone more experienced. The Sea Snakes, a notorious pirate fleet, needed assistance transporting one of their ships into Joya to deliver stolen cargo. The pirates allege that the Minstrel officials have blocked the canal leading to Joya and that they need help getting through the roadblock. They were supposed to board a small Minstrel navy ship and take its flag in order to sail through the naval checkpoint on their way to Joya. It was hoped that they would be able to get around the checkpoint this way.

    Kismet would lean against a pillar near the Sea Snakes ship in the harbor, inhaling the sea air. They were currently flying a different flag and impersonating a commerce ship. She'd kick a crab off the deck as she pondered the various scenarios that could occur on the job. There would almost probably be a lot of fighting unless her guild mate was stealthy and possessed the necessary magic to avoid it. She prayed that wasn't the case; she'd recently been promoted to C rank and was eager to put her newfound skills to the test.

    She smiled as she watched the shipmates went about their business. Kismet was the closest thing to a pirate she could think of. Her ambition in life was to become a great mage with a flying ship and the title of Queen of Thieves. She'd fly around robbing places, pursuing the noble elite before assisting the oppressed. One would mistake her for a Robin Hood-like figure, except that she had no qualms about killing if necessary to achieve her objectives. Even now she knew the ship they were going to remove the flag from was condemned to sink. A Dark Mage's life is like this.

    Kismet would board the ship and introduce herself to the Captain, wondering if she had missed the woman named Medeia.

    "Hello, there, cap. Kismet is my name. I've come to do the job you hired us to do. The one who will be joining me should be here soon, If she isn't already here, I feel we will be ready as soon as the other arrives."

    WC: 446 | TWC: 446 | @Medeia


    Sea Snakes Empty Re: Sea Snakes

    Post by Guest 23rd October 2021, 6:13 am

    The thought of spending time on a crusty old ship with an even crustier crew was not one that Medeia would usually entertain but the pay was reasonable and it did give her the chance to meet a new member of the guild. A lovely woman by the sounds of her and the angel had to admit that she was a little peeved that she had not already come across her before. It was rare that she missed out on meeting a beautiful female of Errings Rising when they were inducted into the guild and she mused that perhaps she was becoming a little negligent. Oh well, she would make up for that today and the thought of killing a few filthy pirate males only made the job more appealing. It was common knowledge that she had no time for men in general and those with the manners of pigs? Well, they did not tend to survive longer than five seconds.

    Rather than travel by foot, the holy being had desired to fly instead, her large purple wings easily making light work of the swift breeze fighting against them. The smell of the sea was soon attacking her enhanced slayer senses and so she assumed that she must be close to her destination. The job had stated that she and her guild mate would be working with a band of cutthroats known as the Sea Snakes, a group that she had honestly never heard of before. Pirating was not truly something she cared much about although she would be lying if there were not parts of it that she could get behind. Gold and kidnapping were both interests of hers and apparently they were hallmarks of a pirate's life.

    As she flew over the harbour, her eyes turned downwards in order to find the right ship. There were many, each sporting a different flag and even with her incredibly keen eyesight, it took a minute or two. In fact, it was not even the sight of the flag that captured her attention but that of a beautiful black haired woman who had just boarded one of the ships. She fit the description of the one that she was supposed to be aiding with the job and that was more than enough evidence for the holy being to descend, landing gracefully beside the woman and the captain.

    The crew seemed a little startled by her appearance but one look at them with her purple eyed gaze was enough for them to focus back on their work. Her attire was always fairly revealing and today was no exception, a skintight outfit that only just hid her more private parts. It was her usual combat gear, inspired by her Desertian routes and although it hardly suited the swashbuckling theme, it mattered not to her.

    A smile did cross her features as her gaze turned towards her guild mate though. The information she had been given was clearly accurate as her partner was most certainly beautiful and judging from her well toned body, was certainly a melee type fighter. Medeia was quite looking forward to seeing her in action. “Hello there. You must be Kismet, yes? I am Medeia, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I have heard so much about you, my dear.” Briefly looking the woman over, her eyes briefly glowed with desire. “I do hope that we get along well.”

    Turning to the captain, her polite and friendly tone seemed to fizzle away to nothing, replaced by a far more authoritative one. “Are we prepared to set sail, Captain?”

    (600 Words)
    (1046 TWC)
    Kismet Clover
    Kismet Clover

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 62
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,011

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Zangan Way
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Sea Snakes Empty Re: Sea Snakes

    Post by Kismet Clover 23rd October 2021, 8:32 am

    Magic Sensory150
    Passive Buffs: 75% Melee Damage, 135% (220%) Technique Damage


    Kismet Clover, Zangan Style Magic

    Damage Taken:N/A
    TP Used:45
    Buffs:85% Technique Damage (6 posts)
    Other Notes:N/A

    Kismet wasn't expecting someone to just appear out of nowhere. She'd never seen somebody fly before with wings. She'd look at her with big eyes, envious. Her martial skills would prevent her from flying. Because of her special sort of magic, she didn't have nearly as much mana as she used to. Regardless, the woman who landed in front of her was even more stunning. Kismet had slept with several women in the past, but none were as lovely as she was. Here was a woman who was as lovely as she was and also preferred to dress in a revealing manner. As she posed as a formidable beauty, thoughts ran through her mind. Perhaps she'd have to either conquer her guildie one day or be conquered. It would be a fantastic experience in either case.

    It was as simple as that. The seductive beauty would raise her ferocious eyes and address the captain. Kismet couldn't help but adore Medeia. She was quite a sight to witness. Kismet would smile with the same smile that had felled of so many others before her.

    "Good day, Medeia. In this scenario, I believe the pleasure is entirely mine. I really like your clothing, and your eyes are stunning! Please accept my apologies. For a brief moment, I was taken aback. Yes, I'm Kismet. I'm excited to work with you on this."

    The captain would shuffle out after being put in his post by Medeia, and they would set sail. It was amusing to see this rugged man, who smelled like cheap rum and fish, bend so swiftly to his guild mate's tone and stare. Kismet had fantasized about having such power, but knew that if she just kept working at it she'd get there.

    Kismet would ultimately approach Medeia on the ship and speak up as they set sail for a bit, the dock and city eventually vanishing from sight.

    "I'm sorry we didn't get together sooner. To be honest, I got a few low-rank jobs and left after receiving my guild mark. Since then, I haven't even returned to the guild hall. I was thinking of staying there after this trip and possibly getting a nice apartment down below the hall in the city. That way, I'd be able to get to know everyone better, and run amok whenever the urge hit."

    If she was in the mood, Kismet would continue to converse with her guild mate. She'd ignore all the stares and men working nearby because they didn't pique her attention at the time. Besides, she had more refined tastes than a filthy pirate, despite the fact that she kind of was one herself in heart.

    The ship they were on was a trimaran, which was designed for speed. The vessel was a multihull vessel with a main hull and two smaller outrigger hulls (or "floats"). This resulted in faster speeds and maneuvers. This would make catching up to the merchant ship, as well as flanking it for boarding and firing magic cannons through holes in the lower deck, much more easy.

    It would take several hours, but they would ultimately see their target. It was time to get the party started as they got closer. In a circumstance like this, there was no sneaking on board. Kismet believed you had to just boarded and fight.

    "If it's not too much trouble. I'll go in and take on those on top. Because I lack wings, would you be willing to fly up and take the flag? Don't worry, I'll take care of myself."

    As the abs on her stomach began to flex and reveal their definition, Kismet would stretch a little and do a couple jumping jacks in preparation. Kismet would charge ahead as the plank landed, only to be met by a recruit with a gun levelled at her. As she ducked and triggered her technique Summersault, the magic bullet would go past her head. She'd leap forward at a faster pace, landing her right foot on the guy's knee and then completing a backflip somersault on him. As his skull broke backwards and blood splattered around from his mouth and nostrils, the attack was more than enough to kill him. She was emboldened as a benefit of her attack, and her future attacks would be more effective for a while.

    She braced herself as she noticed more merchant fighters approaching.

    WC: 732 | TWC: 1778 | @Medeia

    Last edited by Kismet Clover on 23rd October 2021, 4:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Sea Snakes Empty Re: Sea Snakes

    Post by Guest 23rd October 2021, 10:19 am

    The trip was by no means an interesting one but spending time conversing with Kismet made the time fly by quite quickly for the witch. There was a confidence in the dark haired woman that Medeia admired and although her aura was not all that strong as of yet, the angel did not doubt that with time, Kismet could become one of Errings Rising’s rising stars. It never took long for the Ace to take a liking to someone and that was definitely the case here. Her desire to watch her new ally work increased by the moment and Medeia admitted to herself that she might just have a little bit of trouble focusing on the job rather than her beautiful partner. Still, the job truly did not appear to be all that difficult and while a good test for Kismet, was most likely little more than an exercise for the powerful dark mage. Mind you, the chance to show off her own powers was an opportunity that she always grabbed with both hands. Perhaps if the two caused enough chaos then a new legend could be born? Pirates were always so obsessed with mythology and tall tales, after all.

    Soon enough, the ship that they were required to steal the flag from came into view and Medeia listened to the request that she was given by her guildmate. Usually, it would be her giving the orders but she had no real issue with what she was asked to do. It made sense and leaving the majority of the peons to Kismet would be an effective warm up for her. A sigh did escape her though as she saw the first opponents, all male and smelling of alcohol. She supposed that was what the majority of people who sailed the seas must have been like but there was still a part of her that hoped that there would be a few women too. Wishful thinking, she supposed.

    With a slight nod of her head and as her wings once more grew from her back, she would briefly wrap her arms around Kismet’s waist before her guild mate charged into battle. “Show me what you can do, Kismet. Bring hell upon them.” There were no further words and Medeia let go immediately after speaking them, spending a moment or two watching the beautiful woman as she leapt into battle. She was truly fearless although that could come with a price if it turned to recklessness but that was something that Kismet would have to discover for herself.

    As for her, Medeia would launch herself into the air and head for the flag, the sounds of battle and the wind filling her ears. Most of the crew were too occupied to pay her any mind but a couple of the minions were foolish enough to raise their weapons and try to shoot her out of the sky, much to the angel’s irritation. Briefly turning around to face them, she would click her fingers, resulting in a tornado of sand to burst from the ground below and raise them into the air, shredding them to pieces. It was a violent display and one that the two imbeciles had no hope of surviving, their bodies turning to little more than the sand that surrounded them. Any of her spells would probably have killed them but there was a point to using one such as this. It would no doubt have an effect on their allies, demoralising them and eroding their confidence. They were in a fight that they could not win and now, they were more than aware of it.

    Her gaze would briefly fall upon Kismet, who was in the middle of her enemies, attacking with powerful strikes that were both beautiful and deadly. The sight brought a smile to the angel’s face, approval written all over her face. With that, she would turn and rise to the top of the ship to find that one of the grunts was defending the flag, his gun pointing at her. Recklessly he fired at her but his aim was so poor that he did not have any real chance of hitting her and in response, she created a small fireball which she kicked in his direction. It travelled fast and struck him hard, launching him from the crow’s nest and down to the deck below, landing in a horrible and painful crunch.

    Satisfied, she would pluck the flag from the peak of the ship and make her way back down, to where the main battle was taking place.

    (763 Words)
    (2541 TWC)
    Kismet Clover
    Kismet Clover

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 62
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,011

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Zangan Way
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Sea Snakes Empty Re: Sea Snakes

    Post by Kismet Clover 23rd October 2021, 5:24 pm

    Magic Sensory150
    Passive Buffs: 75% Melee Damage, 135% (220%) Technique Damage


    Kismet Clover, Zangan Style Magic

    Damage Taken:150
    SP Used:135
    Buffs:85% Technique Damage (6 posts)
    Other Notes:N/A

    Kismet had spent her entire life manipulating, seducing, and putting her social abilities to the test. Medeia knew she had her pegged correctly as someone with comparable interests when she wrapped her arms around her before soaring away. Even though Kismet didn't look at males the same way she did, she didn't seem to be wholly different. Even yet, the act was enough to light a fire under Kismet's belt and make him show off. That was until Medeia performed her own spell. Kismet completed the splits and punched a man in the groin while ducking his punch, only to be shocked by Medeia. Her magic was so powerful that it shook everyone's foundations, including Kismet's.

    She was enraged, biting her lower lip. She was well aware that there were individuals stronger than her, yet she maintained the delusion that she could still defeat them. Medeia just made it plain and clear that she was entirely mistaken about that. Power could be overwhelming at times. Of course, she reasoned to herself. She aspired to be the Queen of Thieves, a position that no one could take or depose. To do that, you'll need a lot of power, enough that no one can take it away from you. How could she be so blind and arrogant at the same time. But she was stubborn and while the lesson was there, it only made Kismet want to try hider to prove she was right and could take on anything anyways.

    Spinning onto her back, she would raise her arms, bend them back, and rest her hands on the ground near her head. She'd pull her legs up and kick out as she kipped up onto her feet, using her core. It was time to intimidate by raising a hand in the air and pointing at Medeia.

    "You plebes, never forget and always remember me! You're up against the great Pirate Queen, who has complete authority over the angels! Fear her strength as much as you fear mine!"

    Of course, it was an obvious deception designed to confuse and intimidate people in positions of lower power, such as basic ship mates. She hoped her guild mate would be fine with it. If she didn't, she'd have to discipline her later, which made Kismet blush a little. Pushing that thought aside she'd have to concentrate on the task at hand for the time being. Her bluff was successful, but not to the extent she desired. After feeling the magic that had just been used, the recruits on the deck were on the verge of passing out anyways. All Kismet did was give them the little push they needed to start to abandon ship on lifeboats.

    Kismet almost felt sorry for them, so she let them flee. She didn't feel compelled to kill those who were running from her. At that moment, they were no longer entertaining. It wasn't until the door to the cabin burst open and an amazonian woman dressed as a captain walked out. She must have been 6'5" tall, with a broad physique and an ornate paddle oar. The woman would raise her eyes to Kismet and then lower them. Her proclamation had apparently been enough to irritate the captain, as she was hurried in by her. When the oar cracked on the side of her shoulder, she was carried into the air and to the side, nearly over the edge of the ship.

    Kismet coughed up blood, having never experienced a strike as powerful as the one delivered by her master, Zangan before. She stood up and wiped the blood from her mouth with her deviant eyes. She raced in, one step forward, two steps back, then three steps forward, attacking the captain. She started off with a right jab, an uppercut, and a few additional attacks while using her Beat Rush. Kismet wouldn't stop there; she'd raise her leg in a flexible manner. As she used her Waterkick, water bubbles formed around her leg and trailed behind her. She'd finish her combo by bending her knees, jumping up, and giving a grand uppercut as a dolphin appeared with her assault, causing the captain to waddle backwards from the assault.

    Despite her strikes, it appeared that they had done almost the same to each other. Kismet was up against someone who was bigger, more experienced, and had amassed enough wealth to become a ship's captain. The primary distinction was that Kismet was running out of stamina while the other had barely used any.

    WC: 753 | TWC: 3294 | @Medeia


    Sea Snakes Empty Re: Sea Snakes

    Post by Guest 24th October 2021, 5:21 am

    A raise of the eyebrow was Medeia’s only real reaction to Kismet’s declaration and she was rather amused by the gall of her guild mate. It was not often that she came across someone quite so daring but that was by no means a negative. On the contrary, it only made her appear more appealing in the eyes of the angel. By now, the holy being was used to most of her female companions behaving in rather subservient ways to her. It made sense, given her power but she had to admit that there were times that she desired a few more outspoken companions. Kismet could perhaps scratch that particular itch and Medeia made a mental note to teach her a little about the chain of command later, among other things. Her reputation around the guild was fully established by now and there were very few female members who had not found their way into the holy beings arms at least once. Some might have complained at the time but that was never the case by the time that they parted. She supposed it was her way of getting to know people. Natural to her but not so much to others. The ways of a more enlightened being, she assumed.

    The battle was quickly turning in their favour and the raven haired woman curiously watched as Kismet allowed most of the crew to escape. That would not have been her method of doing things but since this was a test of her guild mate, she did not interfere and simply let them go. Well, almost. For a few of the sailors were stupid enough not pay attention to what had happened previously and attempted to shoot Medeia down again. The look of amusement in her eyes faded away and the moment she turned to look down upon them, they knew that they had made a grave error in judgement.

    Making a swiping gesture with her right hand, the deck beneath them would start to turn to liquid gold, resulting in the three starting to sink. They screamed, hollered, begged for their lives but it all fell on deaf ears although the dark mage would fly down and hover before the trio, her voice filled with menace. “My guild mate gave you the opportunity to run and how did you repay her kindness? By shooting at me? A being who could destroy this ship with a motion of her hand? How foolish. You can drown in my liquid gold, a fate which is more than the three of you deserve. Hell is waiting.” With that, she would simply watch as the three descended lower into her trap, their faces each etched with mindless fear and terror. The gold was simply too heavy for them to escape and soon enough, the three would disappear completely into the pool, their lives expiring soon after.

    Once it was done, the pool would disappear into nothingness and the angel would turn her gaze towards the fight between Kismet and a rather tall amazonian woman who she was battling. A fierce struggle indeed and the purple gaze of the Ace quickly became enamoured by what she was watching, Two strong and powerful warriors, battling tooth and nail for supremacy. She could have got involved but again, this was all part of Kismet’s test and if she truly wished to grow and reach her full potential then she would be victorious.

    (575 Words)
    (3869 TWC)
    Kismet Clover
    Kismet Clover

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 62
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,011

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Zangan Way
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Sea Snakes Empty Re: Sea Snakes

    Post by Kismet Clover 24th October 2021, 9:12 am

    Magic Sensory150
    Passive Buffs: 75% Melee Damage, 135% (220%) Technique Damage


    Kismet Clover, Zangan Style Magic

    Damage Taken:300
    SP Used:285
    Buffs:85% Technique Damage (6 posts)
    Other Notes:N/A

    The sweat on Kismet's body was being kissed by the wind on the boat. As the hit to her body began to shake her, blood dripped down the side of her lip. She had waited a long time for this. Moving up, she'd place a foot on the side of the amazon's face, retaliating with a punch to the stomach, which pushed her back a little. The fact that she was taller, heavier, and had a longer reach than the other Kismet was giving her a run for her money. This added to the enjoyment of the event, but she was beginning to tire and the tell from her previous massive attack was evident. The skipper would elevate the oar and charge Kismet, which would send her flying once more.

    It didn't soften the blow of the onslaught much, but knowing it was coming gave her time to prepare. In an acrobatic maneuver, she'd flip in the air and land sideways on the ship decks. As a result, she was able to return to the amazon like a torpedo in the air. She'd twirl and fling her leg at the captain as bubbles erupted in the air. She'd land after a Waterkick and perform an upcut with her Dolphin Blow. As the captain's head slammed back, she'd do a Summersault with one foot on her knee. To finish the combo, she'd twist and move behind her, pulling up the opponent in a vertical suplex stance and slamming her to the ground.

    The sound of the waves, screaming, and cannons firing at lifeboats could all be heard, but the snap of the amazonian captain's neck as she landed from the suplex was audible above all else. The floorboards had been pierced by her head. Kismet sat on her knees, holding a bloodied and battered piece of her garment. Her gaze was drawn deviantly to the captain's body. Many, if not most, people would be unaware that she was completely unconscious. Kismet wasn't sure when it happened, but she had lost consciousness during the launch from the side of the boat after being hit by the second oar attack, but her fighting spirit carried her on.

    She was reminded of her childhood and the first time she met Zangan while deep within her consciousness. He'd meet with her on a regular basis and subject her to rigorous physical training. He didn't teach her any actually combat arts for a year, and even then, only those that were appropriate for her frame. Because of her "tight muscles," he frequently declared that she had the potential to be the greatest one day. What happened to bring her to this point in her life? She was too weak to withstand a formidable foe's blows, so she was preoccupied with the past rather than the present during the most difficult battle of her life. She needed to learn how to take and throw punches. That is when she heard it, the witches laugh.

    She found herself floating in a river of stars and dust, as if she were in space and water at the same time. She couldn't see anyone, but she heard a voice, and in her mind's eye, that voice conjured up a beautiful woman with flowing red hair, an ancient witch.

    "You yearn for power while turning on your own blood. You, who have the Blood of the Witch, have given up your abilities in favor of skulduggery and brawling. You could have been a sophisticated woman of power and magic but now who is perplexed as to how you ended up here. I could keep you locked away in your thoughts for all eternity if I wanted to. I might release you. Perhaps I should release you but torture you in retaliation for slapping your foremothers in the face.

    Do you realize how fortunate you are to have been born into such a family? You had actual power and were willing to give it up for nothing. You could have leveled a mountain with a single swipe of your hand."

    The witch's voice would fade away, leaving Kismet to ponder and absorb her words. Her mother had instilled in her the Blood of the Witch, but she didn't seem to mind. What impact did it have on her as she grew older? It didn't make her all-powerful; she'd have to work hard on her own to achieve that.

    "So you say, but how did you rise to such great power that your blood would be remembered throughout the ages? You battled for it, and now you have it. You reached out and grabbed one of the stars. Why are you allowed to do so while I am not? Like you, I believe I should be able to forge my own path. to rediscover my inner strength You should be praising it instead of criticizing it. We are, in some ways, the same person if your blood is mine. You live on through others, just as my future children may. In my family, your ancestors aren't extinct. Following in my footsteps is what you should do. Helping me to become stronger and learn something new."

    Before the witch replied, Kismet floated for what felt like an age.

    "Very well child. Your offer is accepted. I'll evolve for you, giving you the power you need for your style, your brand of so-called magic. I'll be defense now, where I was previously power. I'll take on the role of the shield you lack. You keep forging your strong path."

    Kismet didn't know what she meant by her words but she'd have some time to think on it until she woke up again.

    Sea Snakes NIHTpIT

    WC: 947 | TWC: 4816 | @Medeia


    Sea Snakes Empty Re: Sea Snakes

    Post by Guest 25th October 2021, 4:59 am

    The fight had reached its conclusion and Medeia wasted no time in flying over to her wounded ally and taking her into her arms. While not the most muscular looking, the angel was fairly formidable physically and it was no trouble for her to easily carry Kismet off of the ship, her enormous wings once more on full display. Her guild mate had fought well and the angel was satisfied with the result. Kismet would make a fine addition to the guild and she was confident that with enough time and sacrifice, the beautiful black haired woman would be able to achieve her dreams. She would make a lovely pirate queen and Medeia secretly mused to herself that she would not mind stowing away on her ship from time to time. That, however, was something for the future and for the time being, her mind sadly had to return to the job at hand.

    Medeia was slightly frustrated that the captain had decided to fire upon the ship while the angel and her job partner were still on the ship but what did she honestly expect from such an idiotic fool? The goal had been to retrieve the flag and yet despite that, he had risked destroying it with his premature cannon fire. The idiocy of some mortals was ridiculous to her and as she descended onto the deck, Kismet lying in her arms, the look that she gave the captain could have melted lead. “Were you born without a brain or was it beaten out of you later?” She sarcastically asked. “Next time, wait until your allies are off the enemy ship before trying to blow it to pieces.” He looked as though he was going to retort for a moment but her powerful purple gaze was enough to stop him from doing so.

    A nervous looking member of the crew approached at that point, seemingly wanting to place the flag in the crow’s nest. Without a word or even looking at him, Medeia would thrust it into the boy's hands. The witch could have simply travelled upwards and placed it up there herself but felt no desire to aid them any further than necessary and with one last scornful look at the captain, she headed for the crew quarters, knowing that Kismet was in desperate need of her healing powers. Her healing senses could detect the damage that her gorgeous partner had taken and Medeia had no desire to see her in such a way for any longer than necessary. Yes, there were no doubt medical experts among the crew but the angel would not allow them to touch Kismet. The well being of her guild mates was her responsibility, after all.

    Kicking open the doors to the first free quarters she could find, she would proceed to carry Kismet over to the bed and lay her softly upon it, taking great care not to be overly rough with her. When that task was done, she would then channel into her blood powers for a moment and release a stream of crimson coloured magic, which would travel towards her ally and slowly surround her form, repairing the damage done, as well as encouraging Kismet’s only body to regenerate too. Medeia’s healing prowess was considerable and she was fairly easily able to heal her companion, a smile crossing her features as she watched the various cuts and bruises disappear. After a few minutes, it would seem as though Kismet had never been in battle to begin with and taking her chance, Medeia would lean down and press her lips against her sleeping guild mate’s, stealing a kiss from the beautiful dark haired beauty.

    (615 Words)
    (5431 TWC)
    Kismet Clover
    Kismet Clover

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 62
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,011

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Zangan Way
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Sea Snakes Empty Re: Sea Snakes

    Post by Kismet Clover 25th October 2021, 6:44 am

    Magic Sensory150
    Passive Buffs: 75% Melee Damage, 135% (220%) Technique Damage


    Kismet Clover, Zangan Style Magic

    Damage Taken:300
    SP Used:285
    Buffs:85% Technique Damage (6 posts)
    Other Notes:N/A

    As she saw Medeia back away, Kismet's eyes would open. She was feeling better, and she could still feel her guild mate's power running through her, healing all of her wounds. The last thing she recalled was slamming the captain's head through the ship's deck planks, and now she was lying in a bed. The sounds of cannons could still be heard, indicating that the other ship was being sunk and survivors were being slaughtered, giving hint that not much time had gone by. She, on the other hand, felt as if she had been trapped in her own head for quite some time. She didn't feel like whatever the witch's blood inside her meant had taken effect, except from feeling all warm and fuzzy with Medeia there.

    She was biting top of her lower lip. "When we get back to the guild, we should probably continue this. I believe I will require additional healing to aid in my recovery." After giving her a wink, Kismet would sit up. As much as she wanted to stay in the present, the atmosphere was that of a pirate, and his skivvies were destroying the moment for her as she saw them in her peripheral vision. She also wanted to create a better atmosphere and have more durable furniture if Medeia accepted her offer.

    They'd be able to cruise into Joya's port without difficulty. The pirates had a few minutes of quiet anxiety when they passed the port authorities, but all was well when the flag was up. Now that the job was done, all that was left was to teleport back to the guild hall using the power of the guild tattoo. "It's probably time for a shower now so I'm going to teleport back to the guild. I worked up quite the sweat."


    WC: 302 | TWC: 5734 | @Medeia


    Sea Snakes Empty Re: Sea Snakes

    Post by Guest 25th October 2021, 7:25 am

    The job was complete, they had been paid in full and there was little else to be done now besides return to the guild. It had been a successful one overall and Medeia was happy enough with the result although she hoped that it would be a while before she found herself in the company of a group of male pirates again. It would be quite a while before she would be able to get the sheer stink of both them and the ship out of her system and she swore to herself that if she ever saw that captain again then she would bury him where he stood. On the bright side, Kismet had performed admirably and Medeia was more than willing to give her a passing grade for her work. The raven haired angel would definitely be keeping an eye on her from now on and was already looking forward to hearing about her future successes.

    Now with their task done, Medeia allowed her thoughts to turn towards her own desires. She had heard every word that Kismet had said and was under no illusion of exactly what the beautiful woman was suggesting. With a chuckle and before her guild mate could teleport back to the castle, the angel would approach her from behind and spin her around so that they were face to face. “A shower sounds good right about now.” Her eyes twinkling with lust, she would then pull Kismet into a kiss, her arms wrapping around her guild mate’s body, before she gently nudged her job partners tattoo with her stomach, resulting in them both disappearing together.

    A finished job, thousands of jewels and a beautiful new guild mate to spend some time with. What more could Medeia have asked than that?

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