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    On The Prowl (Anastasia)


    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Guest 1st October 2021, 6:39 am

    Solemn Park. A name that seemed to be rather inappropriate in her view. There did not seem to be anything solemn about the lovely area at all and Medeia had quickly come to feel a certain fondness for the place. It was quite peaceful and quaint and as the purple eyed mage surveyed the park from her position among the trees, it was just the kind of place where she hoped that she would find some company. The Errings Rising Ace would admit that she was feeling rather lonesome, with her maid currently recovering from her injuries and her mentees out on their own missions. She could have simply lollygagged around the guildhall but that had never been her way. No, if she wanted some entertainment, she would go out and find it and fortunately for her, she had just the perfect disguise for such a scheme. Her magic gave her many abilities that she adored and this one in particular was one that was fairly new to her but one that she had come to swiftly love. The ability to polymorph had been a type of spell that she had only been able to cast on another for so long and yet after practicing for a great deal of time, she had finally mastered it herself.

    So there she was, a black furred house cat, laying on a branch of a tree and watching the park below her, violet eyes always on the lookout for someone to keep her occupied. She had been there for quite some time now and as of yet, no one had truly captured her attention, much to her frustration. Most of them seemed to be mages who were unaligned to anyone, which was fine with her but unfortunately, they were all blasted males. The witches' view of them was well known to anyone who knew her and the Ace’s tail lashed out in annoyance. Her fight with the Guildmaster of Fairy Tail was still in the back of her mind, a fight that she had won but had also only increased her hatred for the male gender as a whole. He had dared to not only interfere in her business but attack both herself and her maid. She was still enraged by the memories of the encounter and god help him if she came across him again. Soon enough, she would Magnolia and start abducting their lovely female members but for today, her motive was companionship, rather than vengeance.

    “Do no women visit this park?” She uttered to herself grumpily, her voice slightly more high pitched due to her cat form. “I come all this way and find myself watching a group of ego obsessed males with faces that only their mothers could love. Perhaps I should just level the place and look elsewhere…”

    For the moment though, she simply continued to quietly ramble to herself, hoping beyond hope for someone to catch her eye. It had been too long since she had last had someone new in her clutches and that was going to change.

    (513 Words)

    Lineage : The Heartbreaker
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 50
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty Re: On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Amaryllis 12th October 2021, 3:00 pm

    If her eyes could've been any wider at that point, they would've been. That's how astonished Anastasia was when she'd first walked into the Talonia of this world-- unlike the ruins she remembered, this Talonia was still bustling with all kinds of people, all living their seemingly worriless, magical lives to the fullest. Even though she wasn't watching this moment through eyes of her own, but that of the other soul's vessel, it was still a sight to behold. One she couldn't help but gawk at like a tourist visiting for the first time. All she remembered from this particular town were the ruins of its once bustling glory back in her own world; now, seeing this entire city alive and overrun with people once more, she could hardly believe her eyes. If anything she'd become almost emotional at the very sight, actually staring at the infrastructure, its people, and the silly little things that made the city so unique; all as if she were but a foreign tourist. There was no danger here, no need to run and hide for potential threats hiding behind every corner… no, this peace she'd been thrown into was something she had to get used to again.

    So why was it that despite all this happiness she was feeling, the pure awe, she still felt extremely anxious? The people didn't pay her any mind, and still she was on edge, waiting for someone to turn on her. Anastasia huffed softly, rubbing her arms almost instinctively as she moved away from the crowds and towards what seemed to be a park of sorts. Her old body would've shown disfigured skin riddled with scars, but this one was pristine, untouched and pure… feeling it was just as strange and foreign as this world sometimes felt to the young woman. Swallowing a lump Anastasia wandered off further into the park, the buildings and overall rowdiness making way for the serenity and quiet of nature. It still took her a few more minutes of wandering before she fully started relaxing again, her shoulders slumping ever so softly as she stopped at a quaint little bench and sat down. The bench had been put against a rather large tree, which provided passersby and those seated upon the bench with the necessary shade whenever the sun was at its harshest, just like it was today.

    With a deep sigh Anastasia relaxed, allowing her host’s body to lean back, long chestnut hair cascading down far down her back. Her gaze wandered up, eyebrows raising in surprise as she noticed a black cat lounging on one of the branches above her, somehow eliciting a smile from the young woman as she closed her eyes for a moment. By the looks of it she wasn’t the only one seeking some peace and quiet…. though little did she know back then, how wrong she was..

    Wordcount: 481
    Thread Wordcount: 994



    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty Re: On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Guest 14th October 2021, 10:20 am

    The eyes of the cat did not leave the woman and Medeia briefly stretched on the branch she was on, perfectly balancing herself upon it. Her waiting had finally paid off it seemed and the beautiful brunette below her was absolutely perfect for what she had in mind. She could sense magic coming from the woman but it did not seem to be all that potent. Perhaps she was new to the world of magic or something like that? A beginner starting out on her journey? Something that maybe Medeia would inquire about later, once the lovely lady was in her arms. There was not the slightest doubt in the angel’s mind about whether she should take her and after having been forced to wait for so long, the holy being was far more eager than usual. Her mind was already beginning to form some rather unangelic images and thoughts, ones that would probably make most people blush. She wanted this woman and Medeia had never been one to take no for an answer. The dark mage desired to explore every line, every curve and learn everything there was to know about the individual below her. Just what secrets did she have for Medeia to discover?

    Yet, despite her eagerness, she was willing to play around just a little with the brunette and it was that impulse that caused her to jump from the tree and land on the bench. Her landing was as agile as one would expect from a feline, poised perfectly on the back of the wooden piece of seating equipment, rather close to the woman’s relaxing form. As a friendly cat would, she would then hop down onto the seat itself, rubbing her head and body against the woman’s form, an incredibly lifelike purr emitting from her. There was very little to give away the fact that she was not a feline by nature and she did her utmost to keep the illusion going for as long as possible. Toying with her prey had always been a bad habit of hers and one that she always enjoyed. She was a patient hunter and had no real desire to jump straight to the capturing part just yet.

    Being so close now to the woman gave the witch a perfect glimpse of her and Medeia had to stop herself more than once from saying something. The brunette was gorgeous and the temptation to utter a flirty or perverse remark was strong but she was able to bat that impulse away and simply continued to amuse herself, attempting to lull the woman into a false sense of security. Oh, she could probably overpower her victim through force but that did not appeal to her and honestly, Medeia did not seek to truly harm the woman. Well, not at least she wanted to be harmed anyway. She had been with many in her time and some had been almost as lustful and perverse as she was. That was part of the appeal of all this for her. Everyone was different and no two captives were the same.

    (518 Words)
    (1512 TWC)

    Lineage : The Heartbreaker
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 50
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty Re: On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Amaryllis 16th October 2021, 8:30 am

    A soft thud alerted her of something moving beside her, causing the brunette to slowly sneak a peek through half-lidded eyes. To her surprise the black cat that had been lounging on the branch above only moments ago had hopped down, seemingly having decided on keeping her company during her much-needed break. Another smile followed as she watched the elegant feline settle on the back of the wooden bench, perfectly balanced despite the reasonable height it had dropped from. Interested by the smooth-furred creature Anastasia straightened herself a bit, turning to face the black cat and watch it closely, secretly hoping the feline was domesticated enough for her to pet it. The way its fur gleamed and shone made her suspect the cat was all but feral; and seemingly used to humans being closeby, as it did not shy away from her. On the contrary.

    Much to the girl’s delight the feline started purring as it got closer to her, rubbing her head and body against her thigh. It wasn't hard to imagine how much she was glowing when the nimble thing graced her with attention for the sake of attention, rather than a bite out of her flesh like most life forms in her old world's reality would. She tried to pet it, caressing the soft black fur if she was allowed to, and actually looked at the cat with equal excitement and gentle adoration, eventually picking it up to place it on her lap. Anastasia had to keep herself from smooching her face into its fur in all her excitement and tried to feign composure for as long as she could. But in the end she was just a sucker for cute and soft things; cats even moreso.

    "Well aren't you a little cutie~" she cooed at the small creature on her lap, glancing at its bright clear eyes. It had a clever look to it, the same way one could notice the smarts of their pet in the way they looked at things, and for a moment she noticed the exact same in her gaze. Although it was silly to believe, Anya secretly hoped the feline understood her every word, so she'd at least have an innocent ear to listen to. She let out a soft breath, and smiled once more as she scratched behind the cat's ear. Silly thoughts from a silly girl, she deemed. "You know, little kitty, you're actually the first one to keep me company ever since I arrived in this world… kinda sad, don't you think?" she muttered softly as she kept on petting it, unaware of who exactly she was talking to. She was just grateful for the attention, not even realising she was craving it until she actually felt the loneliness seeping in. She'd been too busy staying out of people's way and shunning busy places, too afraid of her past. But this was not her old world; this was her vessel's world. Although it looked similar it had taken a different path than hers, and had yet to meet its dooming end.

    Wordcount: 514
    Thread Wordcount: 2026



    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty Re: On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Guest 16th October 2021, 2:11 pm

    The dark mage made no effort to prevent the woman from petting or moving and her and Medeia simply reacted as a friendly feline would. She purred continuously, rubbing her head against the woman’s hand whenever she got the chance to, playing her role to the best of her ability. In a way, it felt rather strange for her to be the one receiving affection rather than giving it and if she were in her human state then there would have been little chance of that happening. Still, for the moment at least, she was quite happy to remain in the girl’s lap, meowing with pleasure at the attention that she was being given. It was quite nice if she was honest and a part of her wondered if perhaps her transformation magic was having an effect on her personality. She had not honestly used it all that much and to say that she had truly mastered it would be a slight lie. Medeia was unsure of how long she could keep her feline form active for but what she was certain of was that it was bound to be long enough to achieve her aims here.

    The woman’s words were rather depressing to hear and the holy being could understand the sentiment. Loneliness was a constant companion of hers and that was probably more than anything the reason why she took part in these games of hers. The life of an angel was long, perhaps too long and Medeia knew that she could no doubt outlive those that she cared about. She had come to terms with it by now of course and had taken the view to make the most of the time she had with those she cared for but during those times alone, the loneliness did return.

    Not only that but she was rather intrigued by what the lovely woman said regarding being new to Earthland. Just where had she come from and why? Her curiosity began to churn even more inside her black furred form and although she managed once more to prevent herself from blowing her cover. She was taking a liking to this woman incredibly quickly, as the dark mage tended to and the desire to simply jump to the next part of the game was becoming harder to deny but for just a little while longer, Medeia would act as a cat would.

    As she was stroked behind the ear, the cat purred deeply, her paws briefly flexing with delight at the sensation. It felt amazing and for a moment or two, she almost lost her composure but once the phenomenal fussing came to an end, the witch would lick the woman’s hand, her tongue rather rough. Her eyes would brightly look at the woman, head tilting to the side, giving the impression that she was listening to every word that was being said.

    She could not help but smile inwardly about what was to come and the angel was looking forward to returning the affection although whether the woman would think of it as such was hard to tell. To each their own.

    (522 Words)
    (2548 TWC)

    Lineage : The Heartbreaker
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 50
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty Re: On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Amaryllis 20th October 2021, 3:44 pm

    More giggling ensued as she watched the feline enjoy the soft scratches, the content purring vibrating through her hand. The subtle flexing of her nails against the fabric of her pants. Oh, how she'd missed moments like this. Back at home, before the crisis hit and the outbreak happened Anastasia used to have a cat just like this one, safe for those beautiful violet eyes, as those of hers had been golden, reflecting the sunlight itself whenever it came trotting over. It were good times way back then… and now she was out here in a world that had never been tainted before by this horrible secret she carried… in all honesty, it made her a little bit homesick. For a home and last she'd never be able to get back to, even if she managed to return to her own world.

    In her spacing out the brunette hadn't even noticed how she'd started clinging to the cat until its rough tongue demanded her attention, realising the odd sensation had been merely gentle licks. And when its head tilted, hers did as well, almost automatically. "What…? Don't tell me you'd like to know about all that?" she asked softly, as if the world wasn't allowed to know she was trying to have a proper conversation with the feline on her lap. Well, not that it wasn't strange to begin with, but then again she could just pretend she was doing so as a sign of affection to animals instead. Nobody would be none the wiser if she did. Gods, she truly was starving for attention, wasn't she? "Silly~" she muttered softly, bending over to give the feline a smooch on her forehead. "You're such a sweetheart." Anastasia smiled anew, gently stroking it as her eyes moved away from it for a second, a glint of crimson and gold washing over the emerald of her irises before it returned to its original color anew.

    "There's a world similar to this one, almost exactly the same even, with magic and people, and cute little kitty-cats like you," she gently poked the nose of the black feline on her lap as her attention shifted back to her. "That's where I come from. I wasn't planning on coming here but let's just say fate thought differently about that… Yet, this world baffles me more than my homeworld does. There's so much color and happiness present, vibrant and full of life… all so much unlike mine. Things happened there that rid the world of its chance to be like this one. And it's all because of me. We don't know how it started exactly, but they know the cause lies within my blood… and that scares me. That I'll do the same to this world. If it had been my old self I wouldn't even be here with you right now, little one. I guess I just got lucky on that regard, for once… although the thought still scares me a bit." she sighed deeply, giving the cat a few extra pets for staying attentive. "But hey, those are worries for another day. Right now I got your company to get me through the day~" she mused softly, the latter seemingly brightening her mood a bit more.

    Wordcount: 542
    Thread Wordcount: 3090



    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty Re: On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Guest 21st October 2021, 6:28 am

    The woman before her was certainly affectionate and the raven haired angel was beginning to enjoy the pampering more and more, as though her mind was almost starting to revert back to one of a friendly feline. Whether it was because of her lack of experience with the form or perhaps just a natural occurrence, she truly had no idea but it was somewhat of a warning that she would have to revert back soon. It was a shame if she was honest with herself, as being pampered by such a beautiful lady was so pleasurable and caused Medeia’s heart to beat a little faster. Perhaps she should let others take the reins more often and allow herself to be led rather than being the one in top. An interesting thought but one that she knew would never truly sit right with her. She had only survived for so long by taking life by the scruff of the neck and never letting go and her desire to control was simply too strong. She knew what her role was in this world and it was not one of subservience.

    She listened keenly to the story that was being told to her, violet eyes never leaving the woman’s face as she spoke, her attention fully upon her. It was a tale of misery and woe which only stirred up emotions inside the witch that she had long since buried. To find yourself in a world that was not your own was a sensation that Medeia had experienced herself although rather than a different timeline, her home world was sitting above them among the stars. She had been cast out and sent to rot on the Earth but in the end, the dark mage had the last laugh and had returned home to end her angelic kin. A bloody affair indeed but only then was she truly free of her past. Now, there was nothing holding her back and her future was in her own hands, as it should have been all along.

    Her curiosity was aroused even further as the woman spoke about the idea that she herself was the reason that her world was in the state it was. It sounded to Medeia like the corruption that had spread through her own kin but perhaps her mind was just too quick to jump to such things. Perhaps the lady was a carrier of some disease and required healing? A profound healer herself, the angel pondered over the idea that maybe she could aid the traveler with her problems. Of course, there would be a catch if that was the case, there always was when Medeia was involved. She was fully invested in the woman by this point and the time had come for the Errings Rising mage to make a move, even if a part of her was a little reluctant due to just how sweetly she was being treated. The holy being would be feeling the lips of the woman on her forehead for quite some time.

    “...And I have a lovely new friend to bring back home with me.”
    The cat purred in response, breaking her cover, while her purple eyes began to release a hypnotic burst of magical energy as she gazed at the woman, attempting to immobilise her. It was not one of her most powerful spells nor was meant to do any real damage but if successful, would be enough to paralyse her target for long enough so that Medeia would be able to complete the next part of her plan.

    (596 Words)
    (3686 TWC)

    Lineage : The Heartbreaker
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 50
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 150

    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty Re: On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Amaryllis 21st October 2021, 7:40 am

    Nodding softly, the woman replied almost instinctively to the voice that resonated. "Heh, well, you could say tha--" The brunette flinched midway her sentence, suddenly realising there wasn't supposed to be another voice coming from this closeby. There was nobody here except for the cat on her lap, and to top it off the voice had come from somewhere below her… Anastasia's eyes warily shifted to the feline on her lap, capturing the bright purple eyes staring at her as if they were trying to see right through her. Oh. Oh no.

    Panic flickered in her eyes as she felt the all too familiar stiffening of her limbs spreading throughout her body. Memories of a bright, white room, sharp stings and the tormenting pain of strange substances being injected in her bloodstream and creeping through her veins caught up to her, and a sense of fear rushed her heartbeat into overdrive. She was expecting the pain to kick in any moment now, but much to her surprise -and confusion- nothing happened beyond her body refusing service. Anastasia wanted to call out to anything, anyone, but found herself unable to even move her tongue, or part her lips any further than a visible stripe. Etched into her memory were those purple eyes, mesmerizing yet dangerous, albeit her having noticed far too late.

    There was a curiosity brimming somewhere among that fear. Why didn't it hurt? Why did the black cat she'd dubbed her companion talk… was it a unique ability part of their species? Or did she just walk into a trap with eyes wide open? Her heartbeat was still racing even if the fear lessened ever so slightly, but the emerald eyes that gazed upon the talking cat on her lap were still filled with wariness and panic. Worry. There was nothing she could do here… nobody that could help her if she was truly in trouble. All she could do was wait.

    Wordcount: 324
    Thread Wordcount: 4010



    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty Re: On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Guest 21st October 2021, 9:28 am

    Her spell had worked perfectly, as had the rest of her little scheme, which brought no shortage of pleasure to the purpled eyed witch. The woman would not be able to move so much as a finger while under the effect of her ability and Medeia could not hide a slight hint of lust in her gaze. It was not there for long but enough that perhaps her captive would be able to pick it up. She was such a gorgeous woman and now that she was ensnared and helpless, there was no further need for the angel to play the role of the friendly cat any more. Saying that, she had to admit that it proved to be an incredibly effective means of luring her target in and she made a mental note to use it again in the future. There was a human expression regarding crossing the path of a black cat and it appeared that she was a perfect example of that adage. She certainly had claws although in general, Medeia saw no reason to use them. There were far more fun tools at her disposal.

    Jumping off of the woman’s lap and onto the ground, the angel would then slowly start to revert to her human form. Her paws turned to hands, her fur becoming the angel’s long and raven coloured hair and her body changing to that of an ample and rather revealingly dressed woman. Conservative was a word that she cared about and her dress was all the evidence that was needed to express that. The one part of her body that changed little though were her eyes, which were as obsessive and keen as they had been when she was a cat. She looked her victim over with a small smile. “Forgive me for the deception, my dear, but I could not help but play the role of the kitty cat. You were so desperately in need of someone to talk to and I was hooked on your every word. I sympathise with your situation and can understand how it must feel to be in a world that is completely new to you.” She was not expecting a response due to her spell being in effect but felt the need to speak anyway. “I will be happy to help shed some light on the subject later but we do not have the time for that now. I must get you properly prepared for our trip.” There was no seeking of consent or approval. This was happening, whether the lovely lady wanted it to or not.

    Clicking her fingers, Medeia would summon a coil of purple coloured rope that fell neatly into her hands.“I do not want to hurt you but if you start struggling once my spell wears off then I might have to.”

    Approaching the paralysed woman, she would then proceed to bind the woman’s arms and legs, rolling her over and moving her limbs when necessary. She was gentle and although her knots were tight and tied expertly, they were not meant to pinch or irritate the woman’s skin. Her rope was made from her own form of magic, a silk like substance that was meant to stimulate and draw pleasure from those wrapped in it. For the time being, she kept her ties simple, going for comfort rather than being provocative and overly restricting. Of course, if the woman desired it or became a handful then Medeia had no problem with taking things to the next level.

    By the time she was done, there would not be a lot of wriggle room for her captive and Medeia would take a few steps back to survey her work. With her spell no doubt fading soon, it was impeccable timing. “They suit you, my dear.” She commented with a chuckle.

    (638 Words)
    (4648 TWC)

    Lineage : The Heartbreaker
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 50
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty Re: On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Amaryllis 21st October 2021, 1:26 pm

    When the dark-furred feline morphed back into a dark-haired beauty, Anastasia sat flabbergasted; as far as a paralysed person could show that expression on her face, that is. The fierce blush that would've otherwise crept upon her face too remained hidden within her paralysed body, yet the embarrassment that followed in its wake was more than obvious as she regarded the woman's less-than-conservative outfit. In her current situation staring was all she could do, even if she wanted to avert her gaze she could not, merely trapped in the motionless lump of flesh she'd call her body. Although she had to admit there could've been worse things to stare at in her situation, and in all the current turn of events had caught her so off guard that even her panic and fear had dared loosen their grip upon her mind. It didn't actually help either that she recalled that subtle hint of lust sparkling in her eyes earlier. Of all things she did notice, it had to be that.

    As the purple-eyed stranger started an explanation that bordered on an apology -but not quite- Anastasia couldn't help but think of the replies she would never say. Not because she physically couldn't, but because she also lacked the bravado to do so. Thinking however never was an issue. Or maybe it was just a well-timed monologue in disguise. "Sooo… in other words, it was a trap. Glorious. Anya, sweetheart, you fucking did it again!" There was a mental facepalm somewhere among those words, but the rest of her speech actually settled her into a more guilty headspace. True, the way things had now turned out were far from optimal for her, but the woman had taken the time to listen to her, heard her woes and actually believed them-- be they but a summary of the entire issue she struggled with. And she said she'd help… "Will she really though? I mean, people have offered to help before, and you know very well where that got us in the end… 'helped' wasn't part of it. Not for you at least." Confusion flickered in her eyes as Tsuna's voice chimed in on her monologue, granting her the grim reminder that even the most kind of people could turn on her. It had happened before.

    Anastasia shushed Tsuna's voice away. Perhaps. But there was something about this woman before her -aside from her beauty- that seemed to be more then she appeared at first glance. Call it instincts, if anything. But if there was anything she had learnt in her post-apocalyptic world, it was that those instincts had saved her numerous times. Had kept her alive. And right now, although wary, they called for her to trust the woman in front of her. Even though she had to swallow a lump when the coil of rope appeared after being told she had to be "prepared" for the trip. And this time around, the blush did appear on her face.

    What kind of preparations did she mean? And where was she even being taken to? She would tried to clear her throat if she could have when the beauty mentioned she did not wish to hurt her, but would if she started struggling once the spell wore off. And she did notice what she meant with that, as slowly but steadily she started gaining control over certain parts of her body again. Emerald eyes followed the raven haired woman as she started tying the brunette with a slightly disturbing amount of skill. Had she done this before? Was she just an expert kidnapper… or… or did she become proficient through other means. She was boasting fiercely red cheeks in silent reply by the time she was fully ensnared by the ropes. Although they weren't fully restricting her now she could move again, she realised that actually moving was out of the question. Unless she was planning on rolling her way out of the woman's grasp, escape was not an option. Even more curious was the fact that there had been literally nobody passing by during the entire debacle; not a single soul at all. Not even in the distance. Or maybe they had, watched the scene unfold and just gotten the wrong idea about it all.

    Oh god.

    "T-thank you?" she replied shyly when she was complimented about the rope. Not quite what she'd been expecting, but at least it didn't hurt. "Uh… I guess since I'm not quite getting out of here yet… or at all," she tilted her head to gaze at the purple-eyed woman with a mix of confusion and wonder, as if she herself was only half-realising that this kidnapping had a curious twist to it. "W-where are we going?" Yes. Of course. 'Where are we going?'. Not 'Where are you taking me?'. Somewhere in the back of her consciousness she could feel her host's personality starting to stir, throwing a fit about her way of handling the situation. Naïveté sure was a delightful thing in the right hands.

    Wordcount: 886
    Thread Wordcount: 5534



    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty Re: On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Guest 22nd October 2021, 5:24 am

    For someone who had been captured, Medeia had to admit that the brunette woman was taking it awfully well. There did not seem to be much in the way of fear or at least what the angel could detect. It was as if her captive had just accepted the inevitable and judging from the look in her eyes, she seemed more curious about what was to happen rather than dread. It spoke volumes about her and the raven haired beauty was certainly not unhappy with that reaction. A fearful captive had her charms but there was something more alluring when she was almost intrigued by it or that was how Medeia tended to think anyway. The dark mage had been right to wait for so long in that tree for the lovely woman in front of her to appear, that much was most definitely for certain now. This encounter had already been rather fun for the witch and she was rather thankful to the woman for treating her well while in her cat form. Now she could return the favour, in her own way.

    “Home. As I mentioned before.” Medeia replied softly, moving towards the bound woman and sitting beside her on the bench. “I am afraid that I cannot tell you more than that since I must keep my base of operations secret but do not worry, it has everything we need. I will be able to take good care of you there.” There was no menace in her words and she spoke with the same gentleness that she had spoken with all along. If anything, she was trying to calm the woman and help her adapt to the situation. Oh, she was a predator and her actions had already clearly demonstrated that but the angel prided herself on being one of a different sort. She hunted for company rather than game and an upset companion was not something that she enjoyed in truth. An encounter was always more pleasurable when both sides enjoyed it, after all.

    She should probably have flown off with her captive then and there but Medeia had never been one to rush a conversation and frankly, the odds of anyone coming across them who could challenge her were incredibly slim anyway. The holy being knew her own strength and it was formidable enough to challenge the strongest of her fellow mages. So, with all that in mind, she would instead gently place the tied up woman into her lap, easily moving the brunette with her considerable physical prowess. She would then wrap her arms around her captives waist, uncaring as to how it might look to outsiders, embracing her from behind. “It has been a long time since I have come across someone as lovely as you,” she complimented, her tone of voice almost sounding as though she was a cat again due to it almost sounding like a purr. “You do not have to be afraid of me as I truly do not mean you any harm. My previous words were completely genuine and if it is in my power to aid you, then I will do so. I can feel the loneliness that is pouring from you like a tide and I know better than anyone about just how miserable a sensation it is. What is going to happen is this. I will take you home with me, we will spend some time together and then I will let you go. It is as simple as that. Who knows? Perhaps you might just take a liking to how these ropes feel?”

    (600 Words)
    (6134 TWC)

    Lineage : The Heartbreaker
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 50
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 150

    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty Re: On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Amaryllis 22nd October 2021, 1:11 pm

    "... Oh. Must've missed it-" Her mouth shut rather quickly as watched the dark-haired woman come closer, the brunette leaning back until she realised her captor was just sitting down beside her. A rather curious thing to do if you were intent on kidnapping someone… was it for sports? A mind game? Not that she wasn't already confused enough as is, much to the dread of her host's personality, who was probably facepalming and cursing the otherworlder for being the stronger one possessing her body at this point. Tsuna would've made short work out of this situation-- hell, she might've even gotten away already too. Anastasia on the other hand…. entirely different story. It was almost bold to ask how she'd gotten away from the dangers in her previous world with this kind of attitude. It was clear the woman had trust issues -at least it was to her host-, but also an incredible sense of curiosity towards… well, let's call it 'unique' things. People and objects that don't follow the usual way things are expdcted to go-- that carve their own path without a care in the world. Not to be confused with bravado, or course.

    Perhaps it were those honeyed words drawing her in, captivating her in a strange sense of safety? This time Anastasia listened carefully, curious emerald eyes sparking that same gold again, only briefly, before dying down again to their usual bright emerald color. That false sense of security she was feeling might've been the only thing that'd kept her from letting out a surprised yelp when arms were wrapped around her. There wasn't much she could do to resist when said arms easily picked her up and returned the earlier favor, this time placing the poor confused woman on the former cat-woman's lap instead, eliciting a fierce blush from the captive otherworlder as she sat there staring at her own feet. Had it been humanly possible smoke would've started circling up from her being due to the cheer heat she was radiating off her face. The compliments Anastasia was showered in too only added to the beet-red face she was sporting, the soft purr in her voice actually leaving the girl speechless.

    It left her with enough of a pause to hear Medeia tell her about all the rest she promised her. Pretty words meant to soothe a naive heart, some forlorn part of her instincts would say, to lure her in. Pretty little lies for the eager to believe. Tsuna wouldn't have fallen for it, but she could only watch helplessly as the words etched themselves into the more brittle mind Anastasia sported; after all, a damaged mind was more eager to absorb pretty words and promises such as that. Her host was just too critical and wary to believe them--- she however, was not. Anastasia wished to believe them. Actually believed them. Once the blush had settled into a subtle fidgeting instead, she finally dared speak up, be it in an incredibly soft voice. "Promise…?" Her mind was still stuck on the part where she'd mentioned helping her if she was able to, about feeling her loneliness and knowing how it felt. She'd be taken somewhere. "Home". She honestly wasn't sure what to expect of that either, and she probably should've shown more worry about the matter at hand entirely, the entire situation even, but she just let it be. As if she'd had worse happen to her than this, and that compared to it this situation was a more preferable one. Her host struggled less as the otherworlder sat there, shy and fragile in the raven haired one's lap; realising that perhaps the naivité flowed forth from a reflex of giving up in situations she could not get out of. Although Tsuna and Anastasia shared a body and most of their minds, that did not mean their pasts too were entirely clear to one another either. Even they still had secrets for each other the other one could not dig into that easily. "B-before we go though…," Anastasia looked a bit timidly as she turned around to gaze over her shoulder. "Can I have your name, at least?" As if knowing would bring her some solace.

    Wordcount: 706
    Thread Wordcount: 6840



    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty Re: On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Guest 23rd October 2021, 5:30 am

    So sweet and innocent, traits that Medeia found to be incredibly appealing. There was an almost childlike naivete to this woman which caused the angel’s heart to actually melt slightly. She could still not detect even the tiniest amount of fear from the brunette and that was rather rare. Yes, the raven haired woman had noticed the increase in her captives body heat and the redness in her face that appeared from time to time but it was just embarrassment, nothing more. That was to be expected of course and it only caused the desire that she felt for her to increase. How long had it been since the angel had come across such an impressionable and precious young beauty? She could not even remember. It seemed that every word she uttered, the brunette believed instantly and it gave the witch a sense of control that she always craved. Control was her greatest need and want deep down, so to come across a woman who was so willing to give her what she craved gave her such a thrill. Medeia never forgot one of her captives and she certainly would never forget the young woman sitting in her lap.

    When the woman suddenly asked her if she promised, Medeia gently nodded her head and leaned in close, her lips right by the woman’s ear, repeating and adding a little more to her previous pledge. “I promise you that I will do everything I can to help you and perhaps together, we can find a way to deal with these issues that plague you so. I can help ease the loneliness you feel, I can introduce this new world to you and maybe, just maybe, solve some of the mysteries of your past. All I ask in return is for you to trust me as without that, this is just not going to work.” Gently, one of her hands would rise up and softly run through the woman’s hair. She was sorely tempted to lean in and kiss her on the cheek right then and there but knew that now was not the right time. Not here, not now. There would be time for that later.

    The brunette would eventually turn around and ask the angel for her name which caused a chuckle to escape Medeia’s lips. “Forgive me, I always forget to do that. My name is Medeia, born and raised high above us among the clouds.” She kept things simple for the time being, attempting to arouse the woman’s curiosity. The dark mage was as much of a stranger to Earthland as the lovely woman in her lap was and it honestly was one of the main reasons why she felt so attached to her. They were similar in that regard, so similar. “It is only polite that I ask you for yours too. So, tell me, my dear, who might you be?” Her purple eyes were dazzling with intrigue, already captivated by both the woman’s personality and story.

    As she waited for an answer, a thought came to mind which caused her to ask a second question after her first. “As well as your name, I am going to need to ask you something else. I cannot allow you to know the way to my home, for my own safety and so we are going to need to come up with a way to resolve that. Either I can blindfold you for the trip or I can sing you a lullaby and make you sleep. I will leave the choice to you.”

    (595 Words)
    (7435 TWC)

    Lineage : The Heartbreaker
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 50
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 150

    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty Re: On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Amaryllis 24th October 2021, 11:01 am

    Despite the entire turn of events being rather easy-going in nature, Anastasia actually feeling surprisingly at ease considering the situations she was in, she still startled when the ravenhaired woman's voice whispered into her ear, so close even that she could feel the heat of her breath rolling up against her neck. Goosebumps rippled across her skin, her body tensing as she fought against the urge to twist and turn towards the woman. Another blush crept on her cheeks as she listened to her words and promises, trying to keep her mind from tracking off in a direction entirely uncalled for at this moment. She hadn't even realised she'd been holding her breath until she exhaled again, her heartbeat audibly booming in her ears as a result. "I… hmmmm," she muttered softly, going silent as sat there and stared at her feet for a moment, then started nodding in acceptance. "I will." The brunette's voice pitched slightly as Medeia ran her fingers through her hair, another wave of pleasant goosebumps dominating her skin. It only made her huddle in closer to the woman, unconsciously allowing herself to ease into her hand before she caught herself and sat up straighter again.

    The soft chuckle that followed was disarming, and when the ravenhaired woman finally gave her name, Anastasia let it roll off her tongue, carving it in her memory. What riddled her more was what she said afterwards, being born and raised high above in the clouds. And then her mid acted automatically. "Medeia." A mere whisper it had been, yet it hadn't even been her intention to say it out loud, but there she was actually saying it rather than thinking. A sharp inhale followed as she realised and abruptly perked up again, hands tucked back in her lap as she tried to keep her gaze pinned on a small pebble in front of her. Oops. Well… as long as Medeia didn't react too much on it she could just pretend she'd never done it. Zoned out if anything. But her focus was called back to the forefront when she demanded payment for the knowledge of her name; a name for a name. Hers, this time. And an additional question almost immediately after.

    The young woman only nodded. "My name's Anastasia… well, the person you're talking to is, at least. This body, my vessel… she's… not. me." she grew silent again, not quite sure how to put it without making herself sound or look weird in comparison. What if it made her act differently knowing the entire story? She'd probably already said too much as is. So when she was asked whether she wanted to be blindfolded or put to sleep for the travel up ahead, Anastasia hesitated. "I… both. Please. But… Medeia... could I ask you to blindfold me only after I pass out?" There was a begging expression in her eyes when she looked at Medeia, seemingly hesistant and wary about the traveling and blindfolding in particular. She did not dare ask questions on how they would travel, but there was a deep-going fear on certain means of transportation she could not get over while awake. If she didn't physically have to go through them while conscious she figured there wouldn't be much harm to it, yet the small chance she'd wake up prior to arrival or didn't fall asleep deep enough during made her wary. "J-just to be sure. I have some bad experiences with both separately…" she muttered softly, looking a bit shameful while admitting so. "But like that I should be good, I think."

    Wordcount: 600
    Thread Wordcount: 8035



    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty Re: On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Guest 25th October 2021, 5:52 am

    Her beautiful captive was enjoying the occasion. It was not a theory, just a simple fact. She was just so at ease with it all that Medeia could not help but come to that conclusion. Her reaction to the angel’s hand through her hair was what confirmed it, as not only did she not flinch but actually pressed her head against Medeia’s hand, huddling closer to her. It had been difficult enough for the angel to keep her hands to herself as it was but now that want and desire to touch her captive was only becoming stronger. She wanted it and if her reactions were anything to go by, so did the brunette, much to Medeia’s pleasure. This was how she wished it always was whenever she came across someone she took a liking to. So many reacted with fear, flinching away from her, scared out of their wits. What they did not understand was that what she truly wished to spread was not fear during these encounters but pleasure. That was what she was an angel of, pleasure and lust, not fear.

    “Anastasia.” She repeated quietly as the woman finally introduced herself. “That is quite the lovely name, my dear. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Late to say the least but that did not bother all that much. Etiquette was quite easy to forget, after all and she did so often. She listened keenly to Anastasia’s explanation regarding her intriguing circumstances, resulting in a raise of the eyebrow from the angel. It may have sounded strange to most but to Medeia, it sounded incredibly familiar. She was dying to learn more about the girl’s own experiences and story but that of course would have to wait until they were safely in Medeia’s room back home, where they could finally have some true privacy, without the possibility of someone possibly overhearing or getting in the way. “You will have to tell me more about this arrangement of yours later, as I can understand more than most how strange it is to be in another’s body. We are not so different in that way. In fact, I think we are similar in quite a few ways. I hope so anyway.”

    She was rather surprised by the look in the woman's eyes when she turned and almost begged her to both blindfold and put her to sleep. There was clearly something amiss and the angel pondered briefly about just how much this woman had already been through in her life. How much pain and torment had she been forced to suffer through? Another question to be posed to Anastasia later, she mused although she would try and ask in the gentlest of ways naturally. Medeia wished for no more pain to be brought upon her brunette captive. “As you wish, my beautiful new friend. Lay back against me now and focus entirely on my voice. Let my song softly carry you off to the land of sleep and before you know it, we will be many miles from here, safe and sound inside my home.”

    Her left hand started to stroke the woman’s hair again softly, an effort to help her relax, before Medeia briefly tapped into her magic and began to sing, a beautiful and soul stirring melody emanating from her. It would surround Anastasia and then move beyond, travelling through the trees and causing all those who heard it to become drowsy and fall into a deep sleep. As she sang, one of her hands made a brief gesture, causing a purple coloured blindfold to emerge. Yet, sticking to her word, Medeia would wait until Anastasia fell asleep.

    (612 Words)
    (8647 TWC)

    Last edited by Medeia on 25th October 2021, 9:19 am; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : The Heartbreaker
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 50
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    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty Re: On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Amaryllis 25th October 2021, 7:16 am

    The surprised flicker in Medeia's reaction to her begging somehow aided in strengthening the sense of caring and ease inside of her, enough so that when she asked her to settle in against her, Anastasia actually did so almost automatically. Although it took her a bit of fidgeting to find a comfortable position in her tied situation, the brunette soon enough followed through in obeying her request, still embarrassed despite how easily she was going along with everything. Giving the park around her a final look Anastasia closed her eyes, trying to will away the fierce blush on her cheeks when the ravenhaired one started stroking her hair again; not willing to admit how soothing the gesture was to her.

    Soon enough Medeia's angelic voice captivated her ears and mind alike, gently tugging at the strings of her consciousness with a tenderness that made her unwilling to fight against the drowsiness that followed in its wake. Where she'd otherwise fight it until fatigue claimed her, today she'd willingly lay herself in the soothing embrace the raven-haired woman's voice offered her and drift off into sleep, forgetting the fear her dreams usually brought her. In a matter of moments her eyes fluttered shut, her body fully relaxing against the angel's front, and her breathing reduced to a soft rhythmic tune. She looked peacefully asleep in that moment, and would be…

    Until the memories of her past would creep up on her.

    Wordcount: 241
    Thread Wordcount: 8888



    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty Re: On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Guest 25th October 2021, 10:28 am

    For the first few moments after Anastasia fell asleep, Medeia simply just held her softly, admiring the park briefly as the woman dozed in her arms. Just how fortunate had she been to have come across someone as sweet and innocent as her? If the angel had hand made the perfect captive then she could not have done a better job. A smile crossed her features once more and she continued to stroke the woman’s hair for just a short time longer, her mind briefly returning to more adult thoughts. Oh, she had meant every word regarding her promises to the girl and Medeia truly did wish to hear her tale and help her if possible but she was who she was. Her eyes then looked over Anastasia’s gorgeous face and body, her limbs tightly bound by the angel’s purple coloured rope. The bindings only made her more attractive in the eyes of the holy being and as that thought struck her, she took the blindfold in hand and tied it around the eyes of the girl, blinding her to the world.

    Gently, Medeia would then briefly move the girl off of her lap so that she could return to her feet, before turning her gaze back to the sleeping brunette. Her purple orbs would fall upon the bindings and after a few further moments of thought, she would summon another coil of rope and move forwards towards Anastasia. The trip was long and should the girl awaken and start to panic by instinct, that could lead to a rather unpleasant ending to their meeting. To be on the safe side, she would not only tighten the bonds that she had already made but then proceed to further bind the woman’s body and legs, making it even more difficult for her to move. For the most part, her ties were purely to restrict movement but she just could not help herself from tying an additional few knots around the girl’s lovely chest, which were tied simply for Medeia’s own pleasure.

    When she was finally satisfied with her work, the angel would then softly take the girl into her arms, carrying her in a bridal carry of sorts, before spreading a large pair of purple wings and taking off. The woman was practically weightless in the arms of the powerful dark mage and Medeia easily flew through the sky without any problems at all. She had taken so many lovely maidens in her time that she was actually more used to flying with a passenger then she was without, a thought that made her chuckle to herself slightly. For now, Anastasia seemed to be at complete ease in her arms although as the temperature dropped and the mountains came into view, Medeia tightened her grip on the woman slightly and started to emit a warm pulse of magical energy, enough to hopefully keep Anastasia nice and toasty.

    Their destination? A lovely building that was owned by her guild, which the Ace had come to call her own.

    (507 Words)
    (9395 TWC)

    Lineage : The Heartbreaker
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 50
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    Experience : 150

    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty Re: On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Amaryllis 25th October 2021, 2:39 pm

    Once the darkness had claimed her Anastasia seemed to have found limbo, a moment of silent peace and tranquility among a most turbulent few days. Unknown to the angelic being that the sleep she'd granted her victim was the first proper rest she'd had ever since arriving here, the brunette never having gotten any more than a handful of hours of sleep at most. And when she got more, it was usually cut short by a series of nightmares haunting her subconscious; memories of times before her escape. If they weren't grievous or tormenting in nature they'd soon turn that way, whether she wished for it or not, and every time again she'd wake up grasping for things that weren't there, gasping for breath as if something had been choking her all that time.

    Sadly for her, even this precious moment of tranquility would soon be disrupted with the thing she feared so badly.

    The warm embrace of Medeia's arms would vanish entirely, a streak of cold air brushing past her bare back. It stirred the young woman, who frowned deeply as the cold persisted upon her back… that wasn't supposed to happen, she recalled putting on a tight-fitting shirt and air-resistant coat, so she shouldn't be feeling anything on her back. Opening her eyes brought her little more explanation, as the darkness around her settled in like a void. And then suddenly; a blinding flash of white light illuminating the void, followed by a hair-raising growl rolling past the edges of the twilight that bordered around the illuminated part of the void she now found herself in. The gravel and bench previously underneath her had disappeared, making way for cold, hard white tiles and the scent of sterile equipment penetrated her nostrils. It made her cough, and as she tried to cover her mouth found herself staring at scarred hands. Anastasia gasped in horror as she backed away, staring at the rest of her arms and body in disbelief. This wasn't Tsuna's body, nor were these the clothes she'd been wearing only moments ago. The tight, purple ropes too had vanished, instead replaced by iron chains and shackles clattering around her wrists. The all too familiar situation made her perk her ears; light-brown furry ears flat against her now pale, white hair. "Nonono, this can't be true…!"

    A soft whimper escaped the brunette as she squirmed ever so softly in her binds, her face contorted in a fearful expression, while she silently whispered inaudible words. It would seem obvious to the other however that whatever was plaguing the young woman was all but pleasant.

    Light flashed once more, and an additional part of the void suddenly lit up, revealing a cage with four shady individuals, their growls audible but their focus elsewhere than on the young woman near them. Instinctively Anastasia backed away further, banging her foot into a cart with equipment that toppled over, creating a loud echoing ruckus. The individuals turned, revealing rotting skin and horrible deformations, all different except the feral glare in their pupil-less eyes. They'd now taken note of their prey, who looked terrified as she tried to clamber over the mess she'd made. The poor girl tried to look for a way out, yet found that the void has suddenly created walls. No windows. No doors. Just her and the rotting, living corpses now snarling at her from across the room. Desperately her eyes searched above her, noticing the large glass section 20 feet above her, faceless shadows watching. The glass had been blurred so she couldn't see who was behind it, yet she didn't have to-- she knew who was watching her. Why they were watching her. "Please! Please, I beg you! Not again!" She pleaded, almost yelling, her voice pitching in panic. The same, dreaded click of something unlocking resonated through the room, and she turned back towards the living dead to see their cage had opened up, allowing for them to roam the room freely.

    To hunt her, freely.

    Time had passed after her first whimper, the brunette having grown silent and tranquil once more. Yet when the cold shifted, the young woman stirred once more, her hands clinging to the angel's body and clothes almost frantically as she started shivering. Even the warmth of Medeia's magic wouldn't help in lessening Anastasia's shivering, who instead tried to curl up even closer in her arms. Fear was the true reason of her shivering, she'd soon realise, not the cold. And this time, more audible whimpers continued. Understandable words, this time around. Begging. "...Stop… please…" After which the young woman's clinging only intensified, a single tear rolling down her cheek before she sunk back into the silent torment of her nightmare. Slowly strands of her hair had started losing their color, until a good inch or three had turned stark white before it ceased.

    They'd surrounded her by now, fresh cuts on her body stinging viciously as the infection tried to settle in but was rejected by her blood instead. Yet the undead feasted on its every drop. They'd grown more feral, had turned against each other in their greed for it, and the strongest survivor now held her down among the rubble, holding her arm in an iron grip as it bared its fangs. Anastasia tried to fight, pounding on its head with anything within reach, even her fists, yet it did not feel fased at all. Pulling her arm in an attempt to free it, yet the zombie's grip didn't lessen in the slightest, instead dragging her closer. She was crying now, manic tears coursing down her face as she thrashed about, all to no avail. She knew how this would end. How she would never be able to escape this torment unless someone saved her from it. Her screams had died down into frantic whimpers as she made peace with her fate, and the sharp teeth that would add their mark to many scars already present on her arms.

    Anastasia woke up with a start, jolting upright while trying to grasp for something in the air above her. Her face was wet with tears, eyes blood-red from all the crying she'd done in her sleep, and she only realised she'd yelled something upon awakening when she swallowed afterwards, only resulting in more soreness in her throat. Fearfully she tried to look around her, her sight too blurry to see any details in the room around her, yet it dawned upon her just as quickly that this wasn't the white, sterile room from her dream. Here, wherever "here" was, was warmer. Purples and reds instead of whites, warmth instead of cold, and a homely scent rather than disinfectant. Anastasia coughed as her irregular breathing tried to settle down, her chest still heaving violently as she quickly looked back and forth, looking for something. Someone. Anything.

    She hated these nightmares, and hated being alone after having them even more.

    Wordcount: 1159
    Thread Wordcount: 10,554



    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty Re: On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Guest 26th October 2021, 5:34 am

    The yell was more than enough to attract the attention of the angel, who was sitting nearby in a large armchair, a book in one hand. Her expression was one of worry, disturbed by what she had heard during the journey. Anastasia’s sleep had been anything but blissful and Medeia could not help but dwell about just what she had been dreaming about. She had heard every word that the young woman had uttered while under the effects of her spell and not one of them had been comfortable for the dark mage to hear. Generally, her sleep spell tended to bring blissful dreams to those who fell under its power but apparently the brunette’s nightmares had been strong enough to break through its influence. Numerous times had Anastasia reached for her during the journey, gripping onto her with a strength that had surprised the angel. Not only that but the woman’s appearance had begun to change too, resulting in Medeia musing that perhaps that was to do with what the brunette had mentioned before about the body she was in being a vessel rather than her true form. Was the white hair that was beginning to streak from the woman a part of Anastasia’s actual appearance?

    Without any hesitation, Medeia placed her book down and headed over towards the large bed where she had placed the brunette. The holy being had hoped that by placing her there, she might have finally been able to relax but that was now obviously not the case. Clambering onto the bed herself, she would scooch over to the petrified woman and gently pull her into a warm embrace, resting Anastasia’s head against her body. “It is alright now, Anastasia, they were just  bad dreams.” Her tone was as soft and soothing as ever, her hold on the girl equally as gentle. “There is no one here but us and you are perfectly safe. I must admit that you had me worried at times. You were shaking like a leaf and holding onto me for dear life during the trip.”

    There was a hint of concern in her voice as well. It had been a long time since she had ever felt such fear herself but she knew what it was like to experience it. There were periods in her life which had caused her to almost be driven mad by it. How long had she spent in that dark prison, unable to see, speak or move? She had never truly discovered the answer to that but it had felt like an eternity, which had been the plan of her father from the start. It was only thanks to her own vessel coming to save her that she had managed to escape and carry out her vengeance against her angelic kin.

    It was those memories which caused her to sympathise with Anastasia so strongly and as she held the brunette close, she quietly asked. “Listen. I know how it feels to be so petrified by fear that you cannot do anything but quake and shudder. It is a horrible sensation and causing you more pain is the last thing I wish to do but now that we are alone and away from the eyes and ears of others, perhaps you will tell me a little more about where you come from? You can take it from me that bottling up such feelings will only cause you more anguish and perhaps by talking about it, the nightmares may just go away.”

    (587 Words)
    (11,141 TWC)

    Lineage : The Heartbreaker
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 50
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 150

    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty Re: On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Amaryllis 27th October 2021, 7:33 am

    Details would not settle in her eyes, her sight remaining blurred even though she tried to get it to clear up. As she moved her hands she realised most of the ropes binding her had been removed, safe for the ones keeping her wrists together in front of her and attached to the ones on her chest, making it so that she could move her arms but not far enough to gain full freedom. It was enough for her to wipe the tears from her eyes though, and as she sniffled heard rustling from nearby; a figure drawing close and sitting down beside her. Before she knew it she'd been pulled back into the warm embrace that had kept her earlier, a soothing voice telling her it was alright, that everything was fine now. She was safe here, safe with her. Flashes of the nightmare made her flinch, hiding her face closer into Medeia's embrace. It was funny how the stranger in such a short time had already become the most recurring constancy in her time here in this new world.

    When she was told she'd been shaking all the way here, and clinging onto the ravenhaired woman to boot, she nodded softly, about to mutter an apology for the rather embarrassing behavior. "I'm sorry, it just hap-". Her apology was cut short by Medeia telling her she knew how she felt. The fear, the pain she felt through these memories and nightmares all at once, how it petrified her and messed with her mind… that she understood. And that maybe it would help her to give it a spot if she wanted to open up about it. The brunette dared peek up from the safe warmth of their embrace, sighing softly as she nodded quietly. It was only when she noticed the reflection of white on her chestnut hair that she quickly coiled out of the woman's embrace, immediately putting an arm-length of distance between them; even though it was obvious that she didn't want to move away from her, the sudden fear in her eyes and form made it obvious that there was more to it. Way more. "I… guess with this, I can't really hide it anymore, can I…?" she muttered softly, moreso a statement than a question as she lifted her hair, holding the white strands upwards. Another sigh, defeated this time.

    "These nightmares… I don't think they'll go away. Because they're not just nightmares, they're memories. My memories." she started, her shoulders slumping as she rested her hands in her lap. There was hesitation, but eventually she continued. "This white hair is what I believe to be remnants of my actual body seeping through my vessel's… Tsuna's body. Which is weird, because it's not supposed to do that at all. It… my body got destroyed when I came here. It's why I came here, actually." Anastasia inhaled deeply, straightening her back and looking at Medeia with an intent gaze, the vibrant emerald shifting and disappearing into a soothing gold instead, accentuated with faint dashes of crimson. The young brunette had no idea this was happening however, but somehow the angel was triggering her body to return from the beyond. Her original body, and all the issues that came with it.

    "My name is Anastasia, and I hail from a world not much different than this one, except for the destruction and desolation mine holds. About a dozen years ago my world got overrun by a murderous virus in less than a fortnight, a parasite that shifted the body composition of anyone it infected into a rapidly-decaying state, and strengthened its primal instincts to become extremely violent and predatory, without any sense of morality remaining. A bonafide zombie apocalypse, and the end of times. Nobody knows where it comes from, and they found no cure to it; magic did not seem to work against it and only allowed for people to get infected faster. There were few survivors, and I lost my family rather quickly to those bastards… I managed on my own for three years before I got picked up by a community of said survivors." A short moment of silence followed so she could pick her next words, but also to try and gauge Medeia's reaction to her story so far. Whether she truly believed her, or just found it a tall tale. "With them survival became easier, and life overall too. I became a scout for them, being the more nimble one among their group. I was good at what I did, great even, but over the years that bravado eventually came at a cost… and I got myself bitten." She glanced at her right lower arm and felt her heart sink when the imprint of a vicious bite scar had in fact settled on her skin. Her hands gripped each other as she tried to keep herself from shaking. Only that scar had showed up for now… just one of many that riddled her original body's arms. If it only stays that one, perhaps… The more brave mood she'd been sporting earlier had now turned gloomy, her face grim and her eyes staring at the ugly scar on her arm. It even looked unnatural. "This… is where I should've died. The virus is precise and merciless; it fully turns one within a spawn of 24 hours, sometimes 48 if it's truly slow to kick in. Although orders are to kill any newly infected, my team brought me back anyway and put me in solitary confinement, not wanting to leave me out there alone to die. Days passed by but I never turned or showed any signs of turning… eventually, after a week they decided to check my blood. It hadn't reacted at all to the virus; in fact, it was repelling it. After various tests, thinking I was the cure, I was asked to cooperate in testing it on other infected… but the results there were… dreadful. They turned faster and more viciously than expected. Half of the scientists died to their test subjects during those tests… and slowly it dawned on them that I was patient zero. They don't know how, but the virus somehow started in me, is stronger than whatever diluted version roams within the veins of the rest of the world, but whatever it is, it does not affect me." The shaking quickened as more memories flashed by, but this time her body did not change further. Anastasia closed her eyes to will the tormenting imagery within her mind away, but to no avail. "To keep it short; more tests ensued. Fully humanitarian on the surface… until they betrayed me. One of the scientists was assigned to me to keep an eye out for any anomalies around me, but the trust I gave him was something they abused. I was lured into a trap and forced into becoming a live guinea pig for their sick games… they injected me with all kinds of things to see how I would react, locked me with those- those things to see how they'd react-- How I survived--" Her grip tightened, her face contorted in a mixture of anger and fear. "Whatever became of me physically was of no concern to them, as long as I survived enough for them to conduct their next tests on. And sadly enough I kept on surviving… I couldn't flee, so eventually I just stopped trying… stopped fighting against it. Until a few weeks ago, that had been my life… until the facility got breached. I don't know who or what but I took my chance and fled, tried to escape with one of their transporters even though it was damaged. That was my mistake. Instead of being teleported to another area I got tossed around a mana storm. My body disintegrated and whatever remained of my consciousness and soul was thrown across what I believe to be dimensions… back into Tsuna's body. There's a theory in my world that says one is linked with people on the same mana and spiritual wavelength as you, and that they can be connected when travelling across dimensions. So in a way, I got merged with the "me" from this world… even though we're not supposed to co-exist in the same mortal form." The latter was more an addition to calm herself down than actual knowledge she wanted to share, but nonetheless, Anastasia kept her eyes pinned on the raven haired beauty before her. "I think that's why these changes are showing… but that also means my body is becoming dangerous again, contagious… the virus is contracted by getting in contact or ingesting the bodily fluids of an infected person. Blood, saliva, tears... the moment it gets into your system you're done for. It's why I tried to stay away from people, since I wasn't certain whether Tsuna's body held the same contagiousness as mine now I inhabit her. But with mine chiming through I guess I know the answer to that now…" she fell silent again, already having resigned herself to a solitary life if it meant keeping this world safe.

    Wordcount: 1524
    Thread Wordcount: 12,665



    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty Re: On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Guest 27th October 2021, 10:13 am

    There was not a single word from Medeia for quite some time. She had remained silent for the entirety of Anastasia’s tale, absorbing every word and detailing into her mind, picturing the horrific events of the brunette’s life as though it had been her own. Yet, while she did not speak verbally, her eyes were practically performing the same function. Medeia could feel every trace of fear, anger and turmoil that her captive experienced while she was talking and felt an immense amount of empathy towards her. When Medeia had spoken of knowing fear in the most intimate of ways, she had not been exaggerating and the raven haired holy being truly could understand the terror that Anastasia had bottled up inside of her. The angel’s blood had begun to run hot with anger as the woman spoke of how she had been treated. It was unforgivable and those figures who had performed those tests on her were fortunate to be in another world, for if Medeia ever saw them, they would be victims of the most slow and painful death. Every second of pain that they had cruelly forced Anastasia to suffer would have been repaid tenfold. There was no mercy for individuals who harmed those who the angel was fond of, none whatsoever.

    Did she ever consider the possibility during her tale that perhaps Anastasia was being untruthful? No. The look in her eyes and her body language during it had more than convinced Medeia that she was speaking honestly and from the heart. Truthfully, the dark mage had heard many unpleasant tales in her time, both from her guild mates and others that she had taken. Humans were cruel by nature and there was no greater proof of that then how they treated each other, especially those who were different. Unfortunately, that was a weakness of her kind too and her own treatment from her angelic kin had been just as horrific as Anastasia’s had been by those scientists. The angels, who were supposed to be so pious and righteous, were no better than those who they were supposed to be watching. In fact, Medeia would go so far to say that in some ways, they were no better than the zombies who resided in Anastasia’s world. Monsters of the worst kind.

    Her purple eyed gaze would finally leave Anastasia for a moment and turn towards her scarred arm. It was all the evidence that Medeia needed to understand the brutality of the plague that ravaged the lovely lady's homeworld. Still, that was no excuse whatsoever for the brunette's treatment and the angel was not going to behave in the same way at all. She had promised to aid her in whatever way she could and virus or no virus, that was not going to change. The witch feared no virus and with her angelic blood, the odds of her even being affected by it were slim. Medeia had come across so many young women during her time on Earthland who just needed someone to be with, someone to open up to and she was beginning to realise that perhaps that was her role in this world. Her methods might have been unorthodox but had anyone who had found themselves in her arms ever been mistreated? She might have been a dark mage but even still, she cared.

    Eventually, she would inch forwards on her knees take the woman’s hands in hers, completely uncaring as to the disease that she was carrying. “Listen to me. Virus or not, I am not going anywhere and neither are you until this pain that you are carrying around inside you is soothed. What you have been through is horrible and I feel so much sympathy that I cannot even describe it. How you were treated is precisely the reason why I have so little faith in humanity but I believe that by doing what I do, I can at least try and undo some of the damage that has been done to the neglected and mistreated. The pain you feel is the same that I spent so many years carrying around inside me. I know how helpless and afraid you must have been when they were performing those foul experiments on you but those feelings can be eased with time and someone to share them with. I told you before that I came from above, yes? I was born and raised as an angel, before I was cast out for having different beliefs than my family. They threw me in a prison, buried deep in the sands of Desierto and left me there to rot for eternity.”

    At that point, she inched closer still, until she was face to face with the brunette. “You do not have to be afraid of getting close to me, my dear. With my angelic blood, your virus has little to no chance of infecting me. If your true body wants to show itself then let it do so. I promise that I will not treat you any differently, no matter how many scars you may have.”

    As a demonstration of her sincerity, she would lean down and plant a kiss on the woman’s scar that had appeared on her arm previously. Leaning back up, a smile would cross her face. “Trust me and trust yourself.”

    (892 Words)
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    Lineage : The Heartbreaker
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 50
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    Experience : 150

    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty Re: On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Amaryllis 27th October 2021, 12:36 pm

    Anastasia looked at the hands now clasped within Medeia's, unknowing of what to make of the strange sensations she was feeling in her chest. Disbelief that someone as mighty as her, an actual angel, had gone through similar pain just because she was different too. The kindness she showed the otherworlder something she had not felt in years… it made her feel wanting for more. "Medeia…" she whispered softly, squeezing her hands in return when the raven haired angel inched closer, watching her with a gentleness she hadn't dared use in ages. There was something that made her trust the angelic being almost blindly, and with every added moment like this it only strengthened her resolve. Her kindness and encouragement was something she could no longer ignore… even if she was still afraid to do just that what Medeia was spurring her on to do.

    No matter how strong or resilient, it was a fear she always held. Always would hold. But the certainty with which she spoke made Anastasia falter, and part of her wanted to try and let her true self come to the forefront, even if she did not know how to make that happen. "I would like to try...I just don't know how to do that. It's not supposed to happen either… once something is erased, how does one make it return? I… I don't know how." she looked desperate, but Medeia leaning down to kiss her scarred arm made it shift into something of an embarrassed blush as she averted her gaze. "Not sure how much trust I should put in myself though…" she whispered softly, trying to grasp that same feeling that brought forth the changes and projected her body onto Tsuna's. Yet no matter how hard she tried, no changes came forth, safe for a massive headache that made her stagger and grab her head, a soft grunt escaping her. Whatever she was trying to conjure there was all but kind to her. "I'm sorry, I don't think I c-ack!" Out of nowhere pain shot through Anastasia's entire body, causing her to bend double, black veins popping up in her neck and swirling further down her throat, a foreign instance forcefully trying to squirm their way through. The young woman gasped for breath, unable to breathe while her eyes tried to look for Medeia's, pleading for help. "Med-... It… hurts-" her voice squeaked with great effort, before another jolt of pain made her curl up further.

    Wordcount: 414
    Thread Wordcount: 13, 971



    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty Re: On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Guest 27th October 2021, 1:48 pm

    An uncharacteristic like hiss escaped the angel’s lips as the virus suddenly burst into life, resulting in horrible black veins to start appearing across Anastasia’s neck and throat. It looked so similar to the corruption that had come to plague her kin that Medeia had to blink twice. Any intrigue that she might have had though was roughly pushed from her mind as the angel swiftly began to tap into her magical powers. The brunette had left her under no illusion regarding just how quick the virus was to infect and cause harm which only spurred her into action quicker. Her hands would turn a crimson red colour, before she forcibly placed them onto Anastasia, channeling her most potent healing technique through her captive. The woman was spasming so much with pain that the angel had to be more forceful than she wanted to but that was the way it had to be. She almost had to pin the woman to the bed in order to keep her still. Her magic would at first just appear around the woman’s upper body but would soon spread to the rest of her form, fighting tooth and nail to remove the foul substance that was invading Anastasia’s body.

    “Stay with me now.” She uttered, her expression as soothing as it could be given the circumstances but over time, it seemed that she was starting to win out against the virus. Her healing magic would start to overpower it, fuelled by the witch’s immense magical strength and will to dominate. It was just like any other battle in reality. Her determination against the invading disease and in the end, there would only be one victor. As time wore on, Anastasia’s entire body would be glowing with the angel’s healing powers, protecting and shielding her from any counter attack from the virus. Eventually and with no shortage of effort, the last of the veins would vanish, removing the last of the damage that the sudden attack had caused. Medeia had to admit that it had been a far more stubborn condition than she had thought and sincerely hoped that it would not be a regular occurrence.

    When it was all said and done, she would then lean over the brunette once more, a soft smile crossing her features as she looked down at her. “It is alright now, my dear. I have managed to fight off the virus and protect you from its attack. You had me worried there for a minute.” As she watched the woman beneath her, the desire and want that had been churning all along would start to increase once more and it reached the point where she just could not hold it back any longer. Softly, she would move in and capture the woman’s lips with her own, showing her affection in the sweetest of ways. Anastasia had experienced true hell in her own dimension but that was not going to be the case now in this one, Medeia would see to that.

    (504 Words)
    (14,475 TWC)

    Lineage : The Heartbreaker
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 50
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    Experience : 150

    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty Re: On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Amaryllis 28th October 2021, 5:50 am

    The moment it happened Anastasia knew what she did wrong. Horribly wrong, even. Rather than trying to drag her own body forth from the beyond, the virus itself had taken its entry within her mortal vessel; alas, this body held no immunity against its deadly poison. For the first time she felt what it was to be infected; the true pain her accursed affliction had been putting the people of her world through. The darkness of her veins felt like daggers tearing through her body, torn apart from the inside while an unbearable pressure made it impossible for her to breathe properly-- if at all. She wanted to claw at her throat to get the thing out, but found herself unable to control her limbs any further than patheticly thrashing about. Her voice refused service after she'd called out for help, her sight making way for void and eerie shades. It scared her further, and suddenly she had wished she'd never survived her innitial transportation to this world. She'd be destroying it all over again if she turned---

    In her coiling, down-spiralling mind Anastasia hadn't even noticed how her body was being pinned down, and how the flashes of red and light weren't part of the hallucinations the pain was bringing forth. Although the pain was still vividly present she could suddenly breathe again. Her arms stung horribly, like they had when she'd first been subjected to the fangs of the infected of her world. Something else was invading her system-- something foreign, but it helped keep the pain at bay. The tearing sensation started lessening and her thrashing slowly ceased while her body desperately gasped for breath. Unbeknowst to her her body had started changing, shifting; the edges of white had now dominated all the chestnut hair once her vessel's, sleek hair making way for wavy, wilder hair. Her arms, once fair and smooth slowly found themselves riddled with more and more scars than one would deem possible. And on her head two small furred ears revealed themselves between her pale hair, laying flat against her head in reaction to the pain.

    When her sight finally cleared she could only see Medeia on top of her, knees and body pinning her arms and waist down. She wanted to say something but found herself breathing too heavily to do so, her chest heaving like she'd been underwater for minutes. She only nodded when Medeia confirmed what had happened, not capable of much more than gasping sounds at this point; she'd been the one to pull her through this. And for some reasons whatever ravenhaired angel had done had triggered her actual body to take over instead of Tsuna's, which she figured was also part of the reason the virus had died down. All she could do was hope that it didn't linger in her vessel's flesh when the change happened anew… she'd never wish for herself or Tsuna to go through that pain again-- let alone with no-one their to halt its advance.

    Promising herself to never try and force her original body to appear again, her eyes darted back to the woman on top of her, managing a soft smile. Despite having been taken off the streets without any choice, Anastasia found herself becoming more and more indebted to the dark mage--- even though she'd technically still been kidnapped at this point. Still… When the now white-haired otherworlder tried to express her gratitude she was a tad bit too late to notice the change in Medeia's eyes and the way she looked at her. It silenced her immediately, an embarrassed blush flushing her face fully red as those mesmerizing purple eyes drew her in. She allowed herself to drown in the softness of the angel's kiss, moments passing in blissful silence before the parted again… and a slap of reality hit the poor girl.

    She was up and about before either could react to it, her hands wrapped around the woman's face and worry visible in her golden eyes. "Why did you-" Searching for signs of the virus trying to corrupt the angel's fair skin, Anastasia was struck with confusion when not a single sign appeared on the angel. She kept holding her face, eyes intently upon her, searching further as a frown furrowed her brow, her animal ears flexing and going flat again. "But why… how… really?" she gazed back into Medeia's purple eyes, realised how closely she'd been holding her, only inches away from her own face with the woman straddled across her lap. Anastasia let go, blushing furiously as her hands dropped once more and her eyes tried to look everywhere but where she'd been looking before. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to… I just… that could've been dangerous-" she muttered, trying to explain herself in all her embarrassment.




    On The Prowl (Anastasia) Empty Re: On The Prowl (Anastasia)

    Post by Guest 28th October 2021, 9:23 am

    A chuckle escaped the angel’s lips as she watched the now white haired woman stutter and mumble, obviously embarrassed by her actions. It only made her more endearing in the opinion of the dark mage and she took a few moments just to admire the true appearance of her captive. She was beautiful and although the purple eyed woman did adore her vessel’s appearance, there was something about Anastasia’s natural appearance that seemed to resonate with the witch. The holy being was not in the slightest bit concerned about the scars that were all over the limbs and body of the white haired woman. They were simply a part of her and Medeia knew that looks were only skin deep. It was the curious and naive nature of the woman that had attracted her in the first place and that had certainly not changed in the slightest. The affection that the Errings Rising Ace had for Anastasia was still growing by the moment and now that she had finally tasted the lips of the beautiful lady, there was no chance that she was going to hold back any longer.

    “The risk was mine to take and as you can see, I am absolutely fine. Your virus does not work on me and there is no reason at all for you to back away. I confess that I do not know how you have managed to regain your old form but I am more than happy to see you at last, the real you.” There was not even the slightest hint of doubt as she gently pulled Anastasia back in towards her again, placing the woman in her lap as Anastasia had previously done with her. “I am not afraid of your condition, Anastasia and I do not care about the scars that you carry on your form. When I look at you, I do not see them, I see the beautiful soul that lies inside you. One that has been through so much pain and torment, yet has not become sour or bitter because of it. You are so innocent and sweet, my dear and I adore you for it.”

    Without any further words, Medeia’s arms would wrap around Anastasia’s body, before capturing her lips a second time. A deeper and more intimate kiss this time as the angel did her utmost to encourage her captive to embrace what she felt rather than try to push the holy being away. She would press herself up against the other woman’s form, wishing to deepen things even more so. Her hands would also move up to the gorgeous ears of the woman and start to stroke and toy with them, knowing just how to treat them in order to draw out the most amount of pleasure. She would be the first to admit that she had a special attraction towards those who bore animal features and the witch had a profound amount of experience when it came to being up close and personal with those lucky few.

    (506 Words)
    (15,784 TWC)

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