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    Now, To Defrost..!

    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
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    Now, To Defrost..! Empty Now, To Defrost..!

    Post by Saffron Remington 14th August 2021, 2:12 pm


    Saffron sighed happily, a large smile upon her face. “Now this is what I’m talking about!” Another festival had arrived, but this one was far from lame like the Valentine’s one had been. There was just nothing like a trip to the beach. The salt water air was fresh and crisp in her nostrils, the sand was hot on her bare feet. The bright sun warmed her skin even as the cool wind tossed about her mane of hair. There were absolute throngs of people all along the coast taking part in games and contests, splashing about in the ocean, fishing off of piers. The scent of freshly cooked fish and barbecue was as alluring as ever, and practically everyone was half naked and enjoying themselves.

    After a week of being up in a frigid, snowy mountain, this was heaven. At least, as far as she was concerned. Saffron had been more than ready to strip down and enjoy a well earned day to have a little fun. Sporting her favorite yellow bikini and aviator sunglasses, the young Bosconian surveyed the area. “What cha wanna do?” she asked her companion, who was getting just as many stares as he typically did in public, but in Saffron’s usual fashion she didn’t appear to be in the least bit self conscious about running around with an alien. “There’s always a ton of stuff to do at the beach. We can go swimming, do some fishing… Let’s see, looks like they’ve got…. Some volleyball, that’s a pretty fun sport. Uh… I think I see a horse shoe stand… The people bending themselves in two to walk under that pole over there, that’s limbo. It’s simple, but fun. Definitely challenging…”

    She had elected to bring Hosrius along with her once again, wanting to take him some place that would have a lot more to offer than Mount Hakobe. He hadn’t needed to come with her to help her train, so Saffron was intent on thanking him by taking him some place a lot more exciting. Considering the last event they had met one another at was filled with tacky romantic nonsense and far too many nauseating couples running around being… well, couples... this was quite the improvement, and Saffron thoroughly hoped he would enjoy himself as much as she planned to.
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 387 | TAGS: @hosriuscamnus


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

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    Now, To Defrost..! Empty Re: Now, To Defrost..!

    Post by Xavier Clarent 14th August 2021, 2:45 pm

    Hosrius Camnus "The Dark Angel"
    Job Log #9747

    To be honest, Hosrius actually felt more comfortable in the cold mountainous region he had accompanied Saffron prior to this.

    It wasn’t that he was uncomfortable with the beach; he’d seen oceans and sandy beaches on several different planets and spent an exorbitant amount of time on or near them. But the heat wasn’t his friend; he was very particular with his level of warmth and the late summer afternoon was no friend to him as they strode onto the sand. He groaned slightly and turned his head up to look at the sun, frowning as the unbearable rays beat down on him and activated his sweat glands almost immediately. “At least one of us is comfortable with it,” he muttered, still loud enough for her to hear but not nearly as important as other things he omitted.

    Humans also had a fascinating way of dressing for the beach. Saffron was a prime example; she was wearing two separate pieces of cloth that seemed water absorbent. He didn’t understand why anyone would actively wear anything that would help them get weighed down after it had swallowed its fill of liquid. It also left very little to the imagination while still managing to cover up the more important bits. The males simply let their chests show while covering their lower half. Being the curious alien that he was, his gaze was transfixed on her bikini top as he finally pulled his attention away from the hellish ball in the sky. He narrowed his gaze at it before he looked up at her. “Tell me, why do the females of your kind cover your breasts? The males don’t seem at all embarrassed of flaunting their bare chests. Is there something about a human woman’s body that is offensive?” He’d spent enough time with women of all cultures and plenty of them had larger chests but that was simply for the sake of feeding a newborn babe. They served no other purpose beyond that and, as such, plenty of other culture’s females had no issue with displaying their chests. In fact, it almost seemed a point of pride.

    And Hosrius had seen plenty of women on Earthland that dressed scandalously but based on what he’d observed, men and women liked to put on outfits that teased bits of their flesh. It was clearly a motive to attract a mate and he wouldn’t even deny that it had worked on him twice-fold. After losing himself to his curiosity, he heard her question and shot her a puzzled look. She must have realized that asking such a sweeping question to an alien wasn’t going to get them anywhere so she opted to list off several different attractions to the seasonal celebration. There was always swimming and fishing, two of which he knew and understood. There was also something called volleyball, to which Saffron didn’t provide further detail but insisted it was a fun spot. There was also a stand where horse’s shoes were apparently set; maybe humans liked to dress their equestrians formally? She pointed out some people that were trying to lean back and walk under a lowered pole, several of them falling over in failure.

    He scratched his chin, once more oblivious to the people staring at him. That wasn’t quite right; he was well aware of all the people staring at him, the eyes shocked at his very being multiplied given his current dress. Deciding to partake in the event along with the humans, he had dressed down and found himself a bathing suit that suited his needs. Now without his armor, it was clear as day how well toned the Jirian was, as well as providing a clear view of how truly alien he was. The patches of scales that covered portions of his body shimmered lightly in the sunlight as he rolled his shoulders slightly. “You’re the one that asked me to come. I figured you’d be the one providing some kind of guidance,” he teased her as he smiled down at her. “Fishing perhaps, to start? That’s something I can safely do without having to study for any length of time. Plus it’ll give me time to observe the other events and prepare myself accordingly; if only to rob you of the chance to laugh at me as I fail wonderlessly.”

    TAG: @Saffron Remington  @name WORDS: 722 000 NOTES: bleh

    MEL @ WW


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
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    Now, To Defrost..! Empty Re: Now, To Defrost..!

    Post by Saffron Remington 14th August 2021, 3:25 pm

    Rolling for fishing..!



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    Now, To Defrost..! Empty Re: Now, To Defrost..!

    Post by NPC 14th August 2021, 3:25 pm

    The member 'Saffron Remington' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Now, To Defrost..! Die_06_42164_sm
    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
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    Now, To Defrost..! Empty Re: Now, To Defrost..!

    Post by Saffron Remington 14th August 2021, 3:34 pm


    “You know one of these days, I’m gonna take you somewhere and for once it will be a place you’re genuinely excited about.” She smirked up at him, teasing over his comment about not being comfortable out in the hot climate. Though it was true; Saffron greatly enjoyed Hosrius’s company, and she assumed he enjoyed hers cause he kept letting her drag him around places, but in some ways it seemed like they were complete opposites of one another. Not that that was going to get her down. She knew he liked to tease a lot, and oftentimes like her he would complain or make remarks but he didn’t always mean them, and it didn’t always stop him from at least trying to enjoy himself. Still, whenever Saffron tried to introduce him to things and help him experience the fullness of Earthland’s various cultures, she often felt like she was missing with her swings.

    She wasn’t going to give up, though. Saffron was nothing if not persistent, even if her attitude often suggested otherwise, and the young woman was determined to get the Jirian out someplace where he could really get into the setting. As the woman panned her gaze around to see what their options were, without really doing a whole lot to extrapolate on them, her friend had apparently become transfixed on her chest. Or at least, the garment that covered it. He asked her why women covered their breasts around here, particularly when men felt free enough to expose themselves, wondering if there was something obscene about it when it came to women.

    It was a loaded question, one that a lot of other women would likely stammer over. Saffron was not most women. “That is actually a fantastic question. Even we ask ourselves about that a lot. It’s a hot topic for debate around here. But mostly it boils down to the fact that many men and women find breasts sexually appealing and because of that breasts are viewed as private sexual organs… despite the fact that their only purpose is to feed kids.” Saffron shrugged. “Honestly, it’s a whole lot of double standards. Men can run around strutting their stuff because it’s okay for them to show off their goods, but gods forbid women do it. That makes us sluts, and it’s up to us to not do things that might tempt the menfolk instead of teaching them to keep their hands and eyes to themselves.”

    Saffron wouldn’t have to take her sunglasses off for Hosrius to sense that she was rolling her eyes heavily. The patriarchy was full of shit. “Not all of Earthland views it the same, I will say that. There’s plenty of cultures that aren’t as tied up about it and women can run around topless as much as they like. Fiore just happens to not be one of those places. Sometimes the sexuality’s not always the reason, though. Big girls like me, we need a little more support sometimes.” Reaching up, she shamelessly cupped her chest and gave them it a little shake. “You ever had to run around with two big sacks of flesh hanging off you and flapping every which way? It’s not exactly comfortable. Plus, you can’t deny the girls look pretty great like this.” Shameless to the last, yet not in an overly sexual way. Saffron was just very secure about her body and she didn’t really have an issue with people ogling her.

    Opening the door for him to voice what he might be interested in doing, he teased her about being the one to bring him there and guide him. “Nah, I’m here for chaos. I just wanted to toss you in and watch you flounder for a bit.” After the brief playful exchange, he opted for some fishing which was at least something he was familiar with and wouldn’t need explained to him. In the meantime, he’d be able to observe more about the other activities so he could try to prepare for them a bit, if only to be less of a source of hopeless entertainment for her. “Aw come on, failing’s half the fun!”

    With a grin, she led the way to the pier where there were attendants passing out fishing poles and bait to anyone who needed them, as well as flower leis. Once they were stocked up with everything they needed, they’d find an open spot and Saffron plopped down on the edge before hooking some bait on the needle and casting out the line. From there, she took some time to better explain the various activities to him, pointing out each one and giving him a better idea of what each was like as they simply relaxed and waited for the fish to bite. Unfortunately, that particular moment never came with Saffron. No matter how many times she recast her line, rebaited the hook, or changed where she tried to fish, she caught absolutely nothing. “Man, what is up with the fish?” she asked in annoyance, reeling the line back in to try again.
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 846/1233 | TAGS: @hosriuscamnus


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

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    Now, To Defrost..! Empty Re: Now, To Defrost..!

    Post by Xavier Clarent 14th August 2021, 3:49 pm

    Rolling for fish



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    Now, To Defrost..! Empty Re: Now, To Defrost..!

    Post by NPC 14th August 2021, 3:49 pm

    The member 'hosriuscamnus' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Now, To Defrost..! Die_04_42161_sm
    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

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    Now, To Defrost..! Empty Re: Now, To Defrost..!

    Post by Xavier Clarent 14th August 2021, 4:21 pm

    Hosrius Camnus "The Dark Angel"
    Job Log #9747

    “I was genuinely excited about helping you train your magic on a mountain. I enjoy the colder climates, though perhaps a bit warmer than near a snow-fallen peak. You’re just hoping there will be somewhere you want to go that I will also be as enthused about.” Hosrius was quick to tease her back, giving her a sideways glance. It was in that time that his curiosity over her bikini top drew his attention to her covered mammaries and after a moment of consideration, he decided to speak his question aloud. Apparently he had asked a fantastic question, as Saffron put it, and expressed the curiosity that women themselves had on the topic. Before he could give her an even more confused look, she broke it down for him as simply as she could. It seemed, on Earthland, men and women viewed breasts as a sexual organ, their own desires overwriting the basic, evolutionary reason for the flesh in the first place.

    She continued, explaining that it was an operation of double standards; as he could very well see, men had no problem or shame running around with only a single garment of clothing on. But if a woman did it, it made her a ‘slut’. He recalled, as he had studied the language of humanity, that the word ‘slut’ was a derogatory term for a prostitute or a street walker. It was also used to craft the image of a woman as openly wanting and desirous, since that seemed to be a ribbon of shame that others could pin upon others. As Saffron put it, it was the woman’s responsibility to protect the men’s purity by not tempting them rather than educating them to control their urges. The way she said it was sarcastic so, clearly, her opinion on the matter swayed more towards the latter.

    Frankly, so did Hosrius’s but it was something that carried itself throughout the galaxy. Though many had the freedom to showcase their bodies as they saw fit, it seemed to be a genealogical factor that most men believed they were superior to women. A ridiculous sentiment, if one were to actually tally up the challenges and triumphs women experienced throughout a lifetime. Saffron further explained that there were cultures on Earthland that were not as restricting but it seemed that the civilizations with vast, complicated infrastructure were the difficult bodies, including Fiore. There was a personal choice in the matter though; Saffron stated that girls with larger mammaries often needed support and having some kind of article of clothing aided in the comfort. To showcase this, she reached up and gave her chest a shake and then asked if he’d ever had to run around with large, fleshy growths weighing him down and bouncing of their own free will, stating that it wasn’t comfortable. She finished her educational sidebar by stating that even the Jirian couldn’t deny that they looked good in the bikini top.

    “Sure. They looked marvelously covered and secure, I guess,” he attempted a compliment, still actively staring at her chest like a scientist might a new discovered creature. “I’d say that this further makes humanity fascinating but frankly, it’s a bit unimpressive. You haven’t developed genetic stimulants to strengthen the back muscles to help women with the weight of their own bodies and so you’re reduced to wearing these colorful, strappy triangles of cloth. Though, admittedly, other race’s breasts aren’t as… engorged in comparison to their bodies. Even if they were, there’s stimulants that would help with the uh… flapping.” Finally he pried his eyes away, if only because he gave a shake of his head. “Truly a shame. Though it does make me wonder how much of your planet’s money I could make by selling basic genetic enhancers to women around the globe. You’d never have to worry about back aches or bouncing, giving women everywhere plenty of stability to kick the men right in their virac,”. He looked at her with a grin. “That means balls.”

    Back to the celebration, he gave her grief about inviting him and then expecting him to choose one event or another. She teased him right back, declaring herself an agent of chaos and wanting to watch him suffer. In the end, he decided that fishing suited him better, giving him a chance to study the other events and give himself an edge, to which she insisted that failing was half the fun. “I doubt you’d feel that way if you failed by getting caught breaking into a fortified headquarters,” he gave it right back to her.

    With his choice made, they headed over to the pier. Several attendants were pointing out the rules for the contest and handing out fishing poles and bait. They each got their rods and were adorned with a flowery necklace, called a lei, before heading over to an open spot. He attached his bait and tossed the line in, settling in for what would most likely be a wait. In the meantime, Saffron took pity on him and explained what some of the other events were, getting into the finer details that he would certainly need to know to take part in. As Saffron floundered in her attempts to wrestle in a fish, Hosrius managed to hook one halfway through. After a short battle, he pulled up the decently sized fish, the scaly creature still twitching. “I don’t seem to be having a problem,” he teased her as an attendant came over to measure his fish. It wasn’t anywhere near the top of the list but still impressive, nonetheless.

    “Well that was my choice. What are you interested in partaking in next?”

    TAG: @Saffron Remington @name WORDS: 946/1668 000 NOTES: bleh

    MEL @ WW


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
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    Now, To Defrost..! Empty Re: Now, To Defrost..!

    Post by Saffron Remington 14th August 2021, 4:35 pm

    Rolling for surfing!



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    Now, To Defrost..! Empty Re: Now, To Defrost..!

    Post by NPC 14th August 2021, 4:35 pm

    The member 'Saffron Remington' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Now, To Defrost..! Die_01_42158_sm
    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
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    Now, To Defrost..! Empty Re: Now, To Defrost..!

    Post by Saffron Remington 14th August 2021, 5:04 pm


    Marvelously covered and secure? “Boy, you sure know how to make a woman wanna jump right out of her panties, don’t you?” she teased with a snort at his attempted compliment. After that, she listened to his thoughts on the matter and how he was curious as to why Earthlander women hadn’t evolved to have better support. In fact, it seemed he had stimulants that could possibly help with something like that, enough that their chests would be secure even while inciting violence against men that hadn’t learn to be respectful. “Virac. I’m gonna start using that. And hands down, you’d probably make a killing. Humans are obsessed with their body images, especially women. You should start a business! Who knows, maybe you’ll make enough money on the side to go toward your debt.”

    They moved on to the fishing contest, to which Saffron was having absolutely zero luck. Hosrius managed to catch a decent sized fish though, and while he didn’t win it was definitely more exciting than what she had accomplished. She rolled her eyes when he teased that he was doing just fine, but her grin betrayed her amusement. They passed the equipment back to the staff and from there the Jirian asked what she wanted to do. “Definitely surfing,” the blonde told him without hesitation. “Since I wasn’t catching anything all I could do was sit in the hot sun and watch all those people out there having a good time and cooling down in the ocean. You ever done anything like surfing before?” She couldn’t imagine that surfing didn’t exist on other planets, which surely had beaches just like theirs.

    As it turned out, there was a contest for surfing coming up in a bit, too. Always up for a challenge, Saffron threw her name on the roster and then went to collect a board. Before she got in the water, she opened up a compartment on her metal arm and tucked her sunglasses inside of it, not wanting to lose or damage the tinted spectacles. Then, once Hosrius was ready, she raced out into the water with an energized hollar, diving right into a wave and soaking herself from head to toe. When she surfaced, she shook the water from her face and hopped on top of the board to paddle further out into the water. If Hosrius had never surfed before, she would take the time to teach him the basics. Even if he wasn’t very sport minded, there was a lot of technical tactics to surfing that she felt he would catch onto rather quickly, as she explained about the pull and propulsion of the waves and the balancing one’s center of gravity when standing. Would that make it easy for him to get up and do it right away? No, but perhaps it would better prepare him so he would know what he was aiming to accomplish.

    By the time the contest started, she was raring to go. Waiting for the right wave, she picks up on a rather large swell that was building and quickly started paddling herself into position. Sure enough the board caught on the current and she expertly leaped to her feet, riding the wave all the way to the shore and event twisting and turning her board this way and that along the ride to show off her skill. In fact, she did so good that when everyone had gotten the chance to give it a shot, she was awarded first place! Grinning like the mischievous scamp she was, she waited until her companion was ready to try something else. “Alright, Hos, your turn..!”
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 608/1841 | TAGS: @hosriuscamnus


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

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    Now, To Defrost..! Empty Re: Now, To Defrost..!

    Post by Xavier Clarent 14th August 2021, 5:50 pm

    Hosrius Camnus "The Dark Angel"
    Job Log #9747

    Well the idea of starting a business on Earthland sounded a bit complicated, especially considering how little he knew about starting up a corporation on any planet. And without any intention of staying on the planet, it would be foolhardy to begin an enterprise he couldn’t properly manage for the long run. Either way, the idea was entertaining. The pair headed over to the pier to partake in the fishing contest, to which the Jirian was able to place but not win. Meanwhile, Saffron came up completely empty and could only roll her eyes at him teasing her over it. After they returned the equipment, he offered her the chance to pick the next activity and she immediately went for surfing. While she was busy not catching anything, it gave her plenty of time to look out at all the other people enjoying the water and cooling off. She turned a question to him, asking if he’d ever done anything like surfing. “Personally, I haven’t. But there are plenty of surfing-like events on other planets. Most of them don’t even involve the ocean -- there’s a big following behind solar surfing.”

    Nonetheless, that’s what she wanted to do. They were apparently holding a contest for this event as well and Saffron was right and ready to take part. Hosrius declined the opportunity, more interested in just learning how to surf than to compete. The human woman took off running, launching herself into the water and disappearing beneath the surface for a moment before reappearing. The Jirian chuckled as he followed after, making his way into the ocean much slower than she before he dunked himself and surfaced again. “Chillier than some of the other places I’ve been,” he remarked as he climbed up on the board and paddled after her, watching her method and imitating it. Once they had made it out, Saffron gave him a rundown of what he needed to do to properly surf. Surprisingly, she went into great detail about it; educating him much like a real teacher would. He was impressed, to say the least.

    He practiced a few times, understandably having time balancing at first. But soon enough he managed to get on the board without issue and then he was able to simply follow her teachings to figure out the rest. He was even able to catch a large cave and surf in for several yards before he leapt off into the water. By that time, they were calling for the start of the contest and Saffron moved into position. Hosrius slowly made his way out of the water, turning to watch as she caught a large wave and surfed it in, turning her board each way to show off. As she made her way onto the shore, she was announced as the winner. “Hardly a surprise, for such an expert like you,” he remarked as they were each given another lei. She insisted that it was his turn next and the Jirian grinned as he pointed over at the limbo pole. “I’m curious to see just how flexible you are in comparison to me.”

    Admittedly, it wasn’t so much watching Saffron as it was some of the other women. As they walked over to the limbo spot, a woman was busy trying to slide herself under the pole carefully. As she was facing the two of them, it gave the Jirian a well earned view of her body and he quietly admired it until the poor woman lost her balance and fell over. The attendant pointed at him to see if he was taking part and he gave a nod. He turned to Saffron and gave her a quick wink before he stepped forward. Without taking a moment to consider, the Jirian started to bend backwards, becoming almost perfectly horizontal to the ground. He easily slid under the bar but then stopped right in the middle of it. “How about you drop it down two spots?” he asked as he slid back out. The attendant cocked his head slightly but then shrugged. The pole moved down, now making it nearly impossible by human standards. But Hosrius slid his legs out and locked them and carefully crawled underneath the pole. He caught the eye of the woman that had fallen just before him and gave her a wink, earning a nervous giggle out of her and a blush that was nearly as vibrant as the sun. He popped back to his feet, earning applause from the crowd around him. He took a few bows before he held his hand out to Saffron, inviting her to go next.

    TAG: @Saffron Remington @name WORDS: 772/2440 000 NOTES: bleh

    MEL @ WW


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
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    Now, To Defrost..! Empty Re: Now, To Defrost..!

    Post by Saffron Remington 14th August 2021, 6:46 pm


    Saffron practically snapped her neck in an effort to turn and look at him. Solar surfing?! What the hell, I want to try that... “ Suddenly, Earthland was starting to sound a little lame.

    Hosrius didn’t sign up for the contest, but he was interested in trying some of the surfing, so she did her best to give him tips that would actually be helpful. Then, she waited nearby as he practiced, keeping an eye on his movement and his form so that she could make suggestions for adjustments if necessary. He picked it up pretty quickly, which was no surprise. While he wasn’t a master by the end of it, he still made a lot more progress than most newbies did and even managed to ride a wave or two for several yards before diving back in for a swim. Each time she cheered him on loudly, pleased to see him catch on so well.

    When it was time to move on, Hosrius suggested the limbo game, claiming to want to see how flexible she was. “Bring it on! I can be all sorts of bendy.” Off they went, both of them waiting for their turns while watching those ahead of them. Actually, Hosrius was watching some of the women rather intently, which Saffron found amusing -- even though she was kind of eyeing some of the people around, too. Soon enough it was Hosrius’ turn, and Saffron was more than ready to observe this tall, gangly dude from outer space try his hand at bending under a pole.

    And damn if he wasn’t a natural. He scooted right under the pole like it was nothing before arrogantly asking the attendant to knock it down not one, but two pegs. It was so low to the ground at this point that most of the viewers were watching with rapt attention, curious to see if he would make it. He lined himself up almost perfectly and even managed to wink at a woman while in the process of crawling beneath, causing her to turn beet red. “It’s not a mating ritual, you know..!” she called out with a grin. When he made it through the other side successfully, everyone applauded with enthusiasm, including Saffron.

    Then it was her turn, with him gesturing for her to step up. “Not gonna lie, you really set the bar,” she told him, shamelessly leaning into the awful pun with a cheshire grin. “But it’s a lot easier when you’re thin and flat chested.” To emphasize her point, she lightly rapped her knuckles against his chest as she walked by. “Lemme show you what being flexible is really about.”

    The attendant was getting ready to lift the bar back up when Saffron waved him off. He looked at her like she was crazy but stepped back all the same. Saffron stretched her neck side to side, loosening her body up a bit. With a smug smirk, she flicked the compartment open in her arm and slid her aviators back on, completing her hot cool girl look once more. Approaching the bar, she widened her stance and sank down nearly to the ground, centering her body so that she could crawl forward with her feet bit by bit. The legs were always the easiest, and they got under no problem. In fact, it wasn’t until she got close to the chest that one would start to factor the improbability of the trajectory. Saffron was very well endowed, so getting the rest of her under without touching the pole or the ground was going to be a feat and a half. Luckily, this was not her first time limbo dancing.

    Bending her back a bit, She raised her shoulders so she could sink her chest down, inching her chest just past the bar with barely a hair’s breath of space to make it through. The attendant was watching carefully, however, and could see that she was not touching the pole. But now the real trick was there: She had bent her body in a particular way to get her chest lower, but now her face was in danger of hitting the bar and if she reverted back to the normal stance her breasts would pop right back up and tap her out. Still moving carefully and slowly, she tilted her head back and raised her hips up instead, causing her back to be curved in a baffling angle that allowed her to slip her face under the bar without hitting it with her chest. And then, she was back on her feet and the crowd once again burst into cheers.

    “Yes, I know. Thank you, thank you,” she told them with a cocky grin, throwing some finger guns at a couple of attractive ladies. The attendant gave her her lei and then she reunited with Hosrius. “How’s that for flexibility?” With a chuckle, she nodded for him to follow her. “Come on. All the surfing and exercise has worked up an appetite. Let’s see what they got to eat.”

    Making their way over to the feast, they got in line -- and got more leis. Saffron grabbed a plate and started putting some stuff on. If he needed help deciphering what anything was, she was sure to explain any dishes that were presented before them, helping him avoid anything she had a feeling he wouldn’t like based on what she’d been able to observe his tastes were like. “Oh, you should try that, though,” she said, pointing to some small bowls of ice cream that were kept cold and prevented from melting thanks to the enchanted bowls they were in. “I know you haven’t been a fan of our desserts so far cause of how sweet they are, but you might actually like ice cream. It’s not as overly sugary as other stuff you’ve tried, especially certain flavors. You might like that pink colored one -- it’s strawberry flavored.” He had liked the strawberries at the Valentine’s festival, and that one wouldn’t be too overpoweringly sweet. Once they had full plates and a place to sit, she wasted no time digging into the food.
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 1027/2868 | TAGS: @hosriuscamnus


      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 9:46 pm