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    A Dreadful Dinner

    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,079,192

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    A Dreadful Dinner Empty A Dreadful Dinner

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 5th December 2021, 6:25 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    A Dreadful Dinner RJtajUnz_o
    It had been about a month before Vandrad received anything from Mercury.

    After the introduction of Khelben into her life, it was clear something had changed. The prince could sense it but there wasn’t much he could do to interfere. If she’d wanted him to, she would have found some way to let him know. Vandrad wasn’t the kind to go out of his way to make a scene or demand answers without proper vetting and studying. Of course, he would have to be around his target enough to actually pull off any kind of recon. Mercury had said goodbye that day and then she had gone about her business without him. No doubt Khelben was with her every step of the way and, if his assumptions were correct about his position, she wanted to keep the prince as far away as possible.

    It was understandable and he did understand it as a tactician. That didn’t mean the adjustment was easy. As much as he hated to admit it to himself, he had grown accustomed to being around her and working with her nearly everyday. Tying that in with his apparent feelings for her and suddenly having her removed left him feeling hollow. He turned his focus inwards, in a veiled attempt to disengage himself from any kind of emotional turmoil. He continued to study his engineering and craft devices for his own benefit. He continued to train, sans the Silver Wolf ace, working with his guild master and other Fairy Tail members that had inadvertently joined in on the morning and evening sessions. Plus his responsibilities as an ace himself did keep him busy with organizing schedules and paperwork. To say that Vandrad had free time to wonder and -- Arcanos forbid -- miss Mercury would be a stretch. But never meant she wasn’t on his mind; each and every day he expected her to come through the door, arriving in the same flourish she seemed to love to invoke.

    A full month passed by in a flash before he received a notice. It wasn’t much to go on but a note had arrived in the early morning delivery, addressed to him. It lacked any kind of explanation but it did have a location and a time. Boomslang. 7:30 PM. To a more irrational person, this would be evidence of answers finally coming his way. Mercury had finally found a way to veer away from her shadow and was prepared to give him an explanation and, hopefully, a game plan. But it was too… neat. Too clean, fit too perfectly in the missing gap of his emotional and mindful puzzle. As if a set amount of time had passed by to the letter and now he was being granted a reprieve. No, it was far too convenient. Something was amiss with it and he was preparing himself to run a thorough analysis when his iLac had begun to ring. Bringing up the answering hud on his visor, he found the number to match that of his uncle.

    "Simon,” he greeted the man.

    “What, no uncle Simon? Nephew, I’m hurt,” his uncle complained, feigning his pained feelings.

    "I’m in the middle of something, can this wait?” Vandrad’s infamous impatience bubbled quickly to the surface. As much as he wished to show his uncle proper attention, the mysterious letter had caught every bit of his focus. Already he was bringing up his network and preparing an analysis.

    “It’s nothing important, nephew. I was just wondering if Bartrand had contacted you yet?”

    An interesting question. Vandrad’s attention pivoted slightly. "About what?”

    “It seems he was quite moved by your dedication to remaining in Fiore. That and I think Mercury may have ensnared his… interest,” Simon said with a chuckle. “He decided to take a vacation there. I know he was planning on heading there a couple of days ago and was planning on catching up with your fairly soon after. He’s quite excited to get to know the lay of the land and perhaps get some lays in the land.”

    Repugnant jokes aside, Vandrad was surprised… and a bit annoyed. "Bartrand was coming to Fiore and none of you thought to give me a heads up?”

    “He wanted it to be a surprise. I believe he said something along the lines of ‘I’m going to really shock him this time’! No doubt he’s planning one of his attempts to scare you. I know he’s staying in… I believe it’s pronounced Crocus? The capital of Fiore.”

    Indeed, as a younger child, Bartrand was obsessed with scaring Vandrad. The prince was always stalwart and firm, unflinching against most anything that came his way, even when entertaining his cousins. The boisterous, excitable son of Dudley and Everance had sworn from a young age to get a wild reaction out of Vandrad and had failed in every attempt to date. Vandrad gave a small sigh as he looked at the note once more. This was not some nefarious scheme but rather his own family member trying to get at him. It made sense, given the timing. Too distracted to think overwise, he leaned into the assumption as he ran a name search for Boomslang in his visor and found it an establishment in Crocus. "It seems I’m to meet him tonight,” Vandrad said as he casually tossed the note on his workbench.

    “Maybe this time you could give him a break and actually act scared?”

    Vandrad snorted. "No, uncle, if he wants to get a reaction out of me, he has to earn it. I don’t give handouts.”

    “Ah well, can’t say I didn’t try. Take good care of him, nephew. Maybe bring Mercury along to pick up his spirits when he fails to scare you,” Simon said with another chuckle.

    The prince shook his head softly. "Yeah. Maybe I’ll do that. Give my best to mother.”

    “I’ll do that. And have fun!” The iLac clicked off, a finger pressed on the disconnect button on Simon’s side. But it was not Vandrad’s uncle who owned the finger. The smirking, amused face of Scourge stared down at the iLac as it fully disconnected from the call. “I’m sure I will.”

    Words: 1092 | Tag: @"" | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,079,192

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    A Dreadful Dinner Empty Re: A Dreadful Dinner

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 5th December 2021, 8:01 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    A Dreadful Dinner RJtajUnz_o
    Vandrad had arrived a few minutes early to his meeting with Bartrand. Boomslang was a rundown, hole-in-the-wall kind of establishment that didn’t appeal to the higher class of people that peppered most of Crocus. It was a place that the degenerates drank and feasted, boasting of their criminal activities and hoping to earn more opportunities. It was a place that Vandrad, were he part of the military or the Rune Knights, may have scoped out to follow leads to illegal activities. But it was also the kind of place that Bartrand would use to try and keep Vandrad off kilter, in hopes of evoking a show of emotion. There wasn’t much for waiting staff, the atmosphere more along the lines of finding a place to sit without aid. Deciding to make Bartrand’s opportunity even more complicated, the prince marched through the bar and found himself a corner stall, seating himself flat against the back of it so that he could look out at the entirety of the bar.

    There he remained, folding his arms over his chest, until a waitress came over. “Whatcha want?” she asked him, not bothering to offer any kind of menu.

    "Water,” he stated dismissively.

    “We’re outta water.”

    The prince narrowed his eyes. "You’re out of water?” What a ridiculous idea, that an establishment could be out of water.

    “Yup. Only got beer and hard liquor.”

    "Beer then.” With his order placed, the waitress disappeared towards the bar. Being a Saturday night, the bar was busier than it might have been on other evenings. People were talking loudly, music was playing at a decent level and there were even a few dancers in some of the wider gaps between tables. Vandrad scanned each and every person slowly, using a mixture of his visor and magical senses to try and detect his cousin. Unfortunately, he found nothing. After several long minutes of waiting, the prince sighed softly and lowered his head slightly, looking down at the table in front of him. He would have to explain to Bartrand why Mercury hadn’t come along… or, at the very least, he’d have to come up with a clever ruse. No doubt the young du Wolff was hoping to ladle the Silver Wolf ace with compliments and flirts more than anything else. That wasn’t going to be possible -- he wasn’t even sure if it was right to bring Bartrand to Silver Wolf. As much as he tried to disguise it, he was bothered by her being gone. He could shove whatever activity or focus he wanted in the gap but nothing quite fit the same.

    The waitress returned and placed two mugs of beer down, each one filled to the brim. Vandrad glanced at the two cups and then up at her. "I said one beer.”

    “And one is for you. The other is for your guest. Thank you, dear,” a voice spoke as a figure moved from around the side of the stall. Sliding into the seat to Vandrad’s right was Caecilius Moriarty -- or Hasan, as Patricia knew him -- smiling earnestly at the maid and offering her a hefty tip in jewel.

    Vandrad’s blood ran ice cold and his eyes widened as he took in the sight of the man that had infiltrated his family’s home, had been stalking him for longer than he could tell and had infected himself into everything about the prince’s life. There was the sound of popping, followed by a raw crackle of magical energy as Vandrad’s power began to surge to life, brought on by his inflamed anger. "What have you done to Bartrand?!” the prince hissed between clenched teeth.

    “Your cousin is safe and sound in Bellum. In fact, all of your family and friends are completely untouched right now. Do not think me foolish enough to come here and begin by threatening your family, Vandrad. I’ve seen the remains of those that have crossed you,” Caecilius said with a chuckle.

    "And give me one good reason why I shouldn’t add you to that same list,” Vandrad snapped.

    “Well, for one, I’m here offering answers to almost all the questions you’ve been asking lately. Two, I highly doubt it would reflect well on Fairy Tail’s management if one of their aces vaporized a poor, innocent man in the middle of a crowded bar. And three… well, an attempt to end my life may very quickly change the status of all your family and friends. Oops, looks like I accidentally threatened them anyway.” The Dread Master smirked as he brought up his mug of beer and took a sip. “Interesting what passes for beer in a place like this. Might as well be pig swill.” He settled his gaze back on Vandrad, who was still seething. “Do try and calm down, won’t you? You’re likely to set the walls aflame, the way you’re giving off heat.”

    Vandrad considered his options rapidfire. Despite the man’s warnings, he still very much felt the desire to extinguish Caecilius’ life right there and then. But -- and it was an unfortunately large but -- it did present more complications than resolutions. Wrangling his overflowing emotions and wrenching them inwards, the air around Vandrad began to cool and settle until it returned to normal. Letting out a shaky breath of air from his nostrils, the prince resettled his hateful gaze on the Dread Master. "Well then. Get on with it.”

    “Well done, your highness. I just won quite a bit of jewel from my coworkers. But I digress. You might recall that I introduced myself as Caecilius the last time we met. And as you know, some know me as Hasan. But for the sake of setting aside fallacies and deception, you may call me Scourge.”

    Vandrad snorted. "Ridiculous. Your other names, at least, weren’t as presumptuous.”

    Scourge chuckled. “I quite agree. But Dread Masters give up their legal names once they join the brotherhood and I was born into it. I’ve had my fair share of aliases over the years but Scourge is the one underneath it all. Not quite as grandiose as Marka Ragnos,” the Dread Master gave Vandrad a wry smirk. “Quite the figure, isn’t he?”

    "How would I know?” Vandrad retorted.

    “Come now, Vandrad, I am being open and honest with you here. The least you can do is give me the same privilege and not lie to my face. I know that the Ataxian shard showed you a glimpse of your forebear. And you know I know. You’ve figured out quite a lot about our organization in a short amount of time. More than was anticipated by some of our greatest minds.”

    "Like the Engineer?” the prince shot back. "Did the all-knowing extraterrestrial not calculate the possibility of you all being dragged out into the light?”

    Scourge grinned. “Now that’s more like it. No, the Engineer was quite surprised that Doctor Patricia Reeves was not only capable of deceiving him but even undermining his work. I must say that he was quite annoyed -- enough so that he was ready to strap her to a chair and dissect her, if only for his own amusement.” The Dread Master let that bit of knowledge hang in the air for a moment before he continued. “Despite all your best efforts to make her seem the victim, I am not as easily deceived. And considering Mercury’s… flair for the dramatic, it was not hard to put the pieces together. But… I did not share this knowledge with the Engineer. No, I was far too busy being impressed by the efforts of your partner and yourself. He discovered her deception himself. Instead of letting her become yet another victim of his experiments, I released her from her contract with us and swore the Dread Masters to a pact of nonviolence against her. After all, she’s done more for us than she ever truly understood.”

    It was infuriating to know that, despite their effort, their ruse had been discovered, even if it went nowhere. Why Scourge had kept the truth of it a secret was beyond Vandrad but he also had a sneaking suspicion that he would soon learn the reason, given the Dread Master’s hanging last words. "And what might that be?” he asked.

    Scourge gestured to Vandrad. “You. Think of all the information you’ve gained about us in the last few months. From what I imagine you gleaned from the Order of Souls to the knowledge revealed from the Ataxian shard and Doctor Reeves. Everything about us has come to the surface for you to understand and take in. Now you know our intent.”

    "To steal from gods and demons and take their positions for yourselves,” Vandrad hissed.

    “To empower humanity so that it can protect itself against forces far beyond our mortal means,” Scourge shot back. “People seem to think that magic is the key and answer to everything, that it’ll provide us the means to safeguard our race from extinction. Meanwhile, these immortal creatures trample us like ants and think nothing of it, leaving countless bodies in the wake of their neverending existence. Do you think we judge solely based on a selfish desire to rule above everyone else? That was Marka’s dream, that was his legacy but it is not the Dread Master’s. We do the research, we experiment and branch out to any means that can provide an alternative method of survival. Research it for yourself, Vandrad; humanity has peaked. There is no longer an evolutionary line for us, while other manner of creatures continue to grow and ascend beyond their former selves. And if we sit stagnant in a pacifist, preventative state, we will be pushed to extinction.”

    "Pretty words, Scourge. But you forget that I’ve been in war. I have been in the thick of battle, with blood and sweat soaking me to my bones. I have seen the worst of humanity, witnessed the worst of what they can do with the unnatural power they already possess. You talk about giving them the ability to reshape reality however they want -- that is what will lead to our extinction. Self indulgent genocide.”

    Scourge shook his head. “Humans kill other humans because we are predators, Vandrad. We are constantly seeking prey and find our slightly different reflections just strange enough to count as victims. Were we to bind together in a goal against a greater foe, it would create a paradise of understanding and unification that other civilizations can only dream about. The gods and demons craft themselves hierarchies while we, united as a people, will share in all the splendor of their gifts as one community. If we were not meant to fell gods and demons, we would not be able to. But it’s clear that, with enough spirit and determination, we can rise above all and take our rightful place as the apex creatures of our world and beyond.”

    Vandrad considered his words for a brief moment, silently rolling over them in his head. "Your dream is bold, Dread Master. But it is not achievable.”

    “Not without you.” Scourge’s face had lost its amusement and settled into one of seriousness, his callous attitude all but a memory. “Your magic, your very existence, is evidence that humanity is more molded for superiority than the immortals. You use your ‘Energy Monarch’ for such base means but you do not truly understand its strength, its capabilities.”

    "And why would that require me? As I’m told, you’re capable of using the exact same magic.”

    Scourge stared back at Vandrad for a long moment. “I cannot lead as you could. Despite his perverse goals, the name Ragnos carries great strength and commitment among the Dread Masters. One cannot rule with strength alone, they must have the allegiance of the people. You are a natural leader; together, you and I can help humanity ascend its limits and become beings unrivaled throughout the cosmos. And with the power of the Ark, we can bring down the ones that stand in our way and take their power for our own.”

    It was the source of why Scourge had arranged the meeting -- a pitch unlike any that Vandrad had ever received. It was an opportunity to join the organization his ancestor had created, a place among the annals of an organization that sought the ascension of humankind. Vandrad could feel how earnest and genuine the Dread Master was, no hint of deception or lie within his words. In fact, throughout the speech, it was clear that Scourge truly believed in what he said. He didn’t view his actions as selfish but rather the stones to help other humans become greater than they were. And the prince couldn’t help but reminisce back to the fight with Faera, the Divine inhabiting the body of Mythal. The strength that he had felt from her was beyond measure, reaching into levels that he could only fantasize about. And what he now knew was that there were more like her; stalking in the shadows and going about their lives with nary a care for humanity. In fact, it almost seemed like they already believed themselves rulers over the mortals that inhabited the planet. There was no denying that Vandrad had every intention of helping Mythal slay Faera once and for all. But taking her power could help ensure that the rest of her kin didn’t make a move against his family and friends.

    Vandrad’s eyes refocused on Scourge. "No.”

    The Dread Master seemed taken aback. “No?”

    "I will not deny that your intent is pure -- or, at least, you seem to believe it is. But magic has already made man a very dangerous species that barely holds any kind of peace it crafts. Given the powers of gods and demons… we would raze this world to the ground and worlds beyond it. You said it yourself, Scourge. We’re predators and eventually we’ll need new prey. And if one group covets the power of gods and demons for themselves, the rest will die out. Eventually the Dread Masters will become as corrupt and oppressive as the immortals they sought to undo. I will not be a part of that and I will do everything I can to keep you all from achieving any more than you’ve already succeeded. You’ve proven you cannot operate with the best of intentions or else you would have summoned me here directly. I have no reason to trust any intention you or your kin claim to bear.”

    Scourge shook his head softly. “I beg you to reconsider, Vandrad.”

    "You’ve watched me long enough, Scourge. You know once I’ve set my mind to something, I do not give up on it until I’ve achieved my goal,” Vandrad replied coldly.

    The Dread Master nodded. “Aye, that I do. This was my last opportunity to bring you to our side before things got messy. I had hoped you’d see the opportunity before you. But it seems I expected too much.” Scourge downed the rest of his beer and placed the mug on the table. “Best of luck in the coming weeks, your highness. They will be tumultuous for us all.” The Dread Master got up to leave, turning his back to the prince.

    "Scourge.” Vandrad’s words stopped the Dread Master. "If you bring any kind of force against my family -- any and all of them -- there is no hole in this world that will hide you from my wrath.”

    Scourge smiled softly. “Spoken like a true du Wolff. ‘Fear the jaws of the wolf, where treachery and malice die’. You should ask your mother about that.” The Dread Master glanced back over his shoulder at Vandrad and gave the man a short, two fingered wave before walking towards the bar.

    Vandrad didn’t wait long to follow after, weaving between the bodies of the patrons. He trailed after Scourge as he headed towards the rear entryway, at least twenty or so yards behind as the Dread Master disappeared outside. As he burst out the door, he found himself in a dank and dark alley. But Scourge was gone, having completely disappeared. The prince cursed softly as he glanced down either way the pathway led but found nothing but shadows.

    Screw Khelben and whatever he was here for; Vandrad needed to contact Mercury right away. As he adjusted his visor to bring up the communications hub, a splash echoed out from behind him, as if something had stepped in a puddle. As he turned to inspect what it could be, he was met with a searing, blinding pain stabbing into his stomach. A hard, sharp object had invaded his torso and as his eyes adjusted through the blinding white pain, he started to take in his surroundings once more. A woman with harried, messy hair stood just below his chin. The black follicles looked worn and greyed, as if they were dying out. His eyes continued downwards to find a sword impaled in him, having broken through his armor and flesh with ease. A low, manic chuckle escaped the woman as she lifted her gaze up to him. Horror rushed over his face as the familiar visage of Sabine looked at him. Her flesh was pasty and splotchy, her eyes bloodshot and almost… cracked. “VandradVandradVandradVandrad,” she whispered quickly, her voice haggard and dry.

    “If you can’t be mine, you can’t be anyone’s” Sabine’s body shifted and the sword twisted violently with Vandrad, tearing at his insides. The prince gasped, bloodied spittle flying from his mouth as he tried to reach down and grab the Midian princess. But his strength was waning and it occurred to the prince that he couldn’t feel his magic working. Normally an injury such as this would already be receiving replenishing energy but nothing was coming. Worse yet was he felt his vision beginning to blur. Sabine giggled again as she pushed on the sword’s handle, releasing it from her grip. Vandrad stumbled backwards, somehow managing to stay on his feet for a moment before collapsing to his knees. His hands wrapped around the handle of the blade, trying to find the strength to remove it. But darkness was creeping into his conscious mind. Blood rushed out from the wound in his chest, pouring out over his cracked armor and legs, drenching the ground beneath him. With what little focus he had left, he tried to order his visor to call for help.

    "Call….M…” was all he managed to get out before his energy evaporated. Left with no strength to do anything, Vandrad’s last rational thought was that he was dying… and there was so much left unsaid.

    Words: 3105/4197 | Tag: @"" | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
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    A Dreadful Dinner Empty Re: A Dreadful Dinner

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 8th December 2021, 8:12 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    It was amazing how quickly she had fallen back into old habits and mindsets. The last time she had seen Vandrad, Mercury had spoken to him as if it were the end of any other mission where she would see him again the next day, but in reality she had told him goodbye. The reveal of Khelben’s identity had shattered the veil of the fantasy world she had been living in, an end she had always known would come around eventually and yet she had still allowed herself to become enthralled by it, caught up in it… attached to it. To him. She knew she was, and she knew it was wrong, but all she wanted for once in her life was to feel like something in her life had substance and meaning, however fleeting it was, and there wasn’t a single moment of it that she regretted.

    Unfortunately, now that she knew what it felt like to have some kind of meaningful relationship, the void that had always been there felt much bigger than before. She felt numb, empty -- like a shell of herself, worse than before the prince had become a part of her life. And it wasn’t just him, but his family as well. While Mercury didn’t talk to most of them every day, she did talk to most of them at least once a week and it was hard to keep up that appearance now that she was trying to keep Khelben as far away from the du Wolffs as possible. Worse yet was Gren, the only other person that she talked to as much as Vandrad, nearly every day. She’d pulled away from him too, albeit more slowly than the prince. She had a job to do, and it was time to get back at it and to let go of the silly notions of freedom that she’d allowed herself to toy with.

    And to his credit, Khelben did not chastise her about any of it. At least, not much. It was odd to think, but she was almost certain that he was convinced of how deeply she had formed attachments on this planet, and yet he seemed driven by some kind of… compassion? Understanding..? In simply letting the matter drop, so long as Mercury took steps to move forward. As much as his presence angered and frightened her, there was no mistaking that he felt bad about what he had to do. And why wouldn’t he? He was a slave as much as she was. It wasn’t like he truly wanted her to be miserable. Surely he longed for freedom as much as, if not more than, she did, considering he was old enough to have known a life before tyranny.

    So while his position as a Collector was stressful and frustrating to her, he seemed to have softened up a bit over the last month since their last mission with Vandrad. He was still quite focused and relentless in keeping her on task, but he made an effort to be sympathetic as much as he could be. There were days that Mercury wondered if it had something to do with that haunted mansion and his temporary foray into being a true magician. From time to time, when he thought she wasn’t looking, she could see him flexing his hands and staring at them as though he were trying to see if he could summon flames again, or at the least remembering how it felt to do so. He had gotten a taste of power, true power, and while that seemed to have frightened him at the time it had also intrigued him.

    Presently, they were out on a scouting mission late at night in the central plaza of Aurelia in Bosco, the heart of technological might on the continent of Ishgar and one of the few places of note that she had yet to visit. Typically a city like this would have her buzzing with excitement and curiosity, but as it was she was barely even paying attention, going through the motions of examining the layout, the people, the wares and all the city had to offer without really putting any thought behind it. Her mind kept drifting back to the prince as she wondered how he was doing, what he must think of her. Surely he was smart enough to have figured out that the distance she was keeping wasn’t really her choice, as he made no effort to contact her, but that didn’t stop her from feeling guilty. And she worried… she did her best to try and keep an ear out for movement from the Dread Masters, anxious about what kind of schemes they were plotting around her once partner that she was no longer privy to. While Mercury knew that he could handle himself just fine without her, that didn’t mean that she didn’t feel some sense of responsibility in helping to protect him from the elusive group’s machinations.

    Luckily, the existence of the Dread Masters and the Order of Souls was right in line with the kind of shit she was supposed to be looking into as a spy anyway, so that was an easy topic of conversation to bring up with Khelben. She figured, if she could rope the male Xocili into at least some of the loop on that matter he would have a great interest in helping her try to expand her research on the groups, and thankfully her assumption was correct -- even if his interest in it was for different reasons than her own. It was a lot to go through, and there were parts of the stories that he clearly couldn’t comprehend, a confusion of which she herself was very familiar. She couldn’t help but wonder if this is what Vandrad and Gangting had felt like when trying to explain religion to her.

    “Well,” Khelben told her softly as they walked along the boardwalk, “I guess I can’t say you haven’t been doing your research.”

    “Yes, it’s almost like this isn’t my first time on the job. Like I’ve been doing it literally my entire life, one might say,” was the dry, disinterested response.

    Khelben didn’t say anything right away, letting her have her moment as he often did these days with her bitter commentary. “So, have you reached a conclusion yet on magic? Is it what you think they would consider organic?”

    She sighed wearily, shoving her hands in her pockets as her shoulders slouched in defeat. “Honestly, Khelben, I have no idea. It is certainly a natural phenomenon for this world, but… at this point, I’m not sure there really is a way to properly define or categorize it. The possible manifestations of it are seemingly infinite, and it comes in forms that are both organic and not. The only thing that I can say is that it is powerful and dangerous… and at the end of the day, I think that’s really all that will matter to them.” Mercury paused for a moment as a brief silence fell between them, both aliens walking leisurely in plain sight among the natives. Flicking her gaze up to him from the corner of her eyes, and with some slight hesitation, she asked, “So… what was it like? Xocil?”

    The man blinked at her, seemingly taken aback by the question. For a moment she thought he wasn’t going to answer, but then he relaxed. “I forget, sometimes, that you were born after it was destroyed. It was… stunning. I’m honestly not sure I could do it justice with words. Massive trees with rich orange leaves, their trunks so thick that you could link a dozen people by the hand and still not reach all the way around. The grass was the color of Earthland’s red roses, slightly more burnt, and felt like satin to the touch. We had deep mountain ranges with the most incredible caverns of crystals and ore. Our oceans were not dissimilar to what they have here on Earthland, actually: Varying shades of blue, teeming with life. Ours was a relatively peaceful society that had, for the most part, long since weeded out desires of corruption and personal gain to focus on fostering and advancing the strength and prosperity of the community as a whole. In fact, we had pretty much done away with all forms of currency, opting to share what was available with one another or, when necessary, bartering with trades.”

    There was a soft, sad smile on his face as he reminisced, a sure sign of how much he missed his home. “It sounds… well, too good to be true, if I’m being honest.”

    Khelben chuckled. “In many ways it was, I suppose.”

    Another lull in the conversation swept on by as they comfortably moved along before Mercury spoke up again. “I know you said already that your parents are gone. Did you have any other family? Siblings, aunts or uncles..?”

    With only a moment of unsurety or hesitation that Mercury couldn’t quite read, the man continued to humor her. “I was an only child, so no siblings. My mother had a sister and a brother, and my father also had a sister. I had a couple cousins by them. Only one of my cousins is still alive that I know of. Helix. He was in the army with me, and like me he was assigned a post as a Collector. I haven’t talked to him in over a decade, but as far as I’m aware he is still alive.”

    Mercury nodded somberly. “I never even got to meet my parents. Not really, anyway. I have some vague fleeting memories of my mother before she died, but that’s about it. You’re actually the first I’ve ever truly met… you know… of our race.”

    He cast a small glance toward her, a gentle pity in his eyes. “I’m sorry.”

    “Don’t be. At least I grew up not knowing what I was missing, y’know? Hard to be broken up over things I never had. Made my work that much easier, though I assume that was the point.” And boy didn’t that just make her think of Vandrad again.

    Khelben continued to look at her for a long moment. "Are you alright?"

    “I'm fine. Honestly I just want to get through all this so we can be done and I can go back to doing my job. The sooner you realize that I'm not going rogue, the sooner you leave and I'll be more than happy if I never see your face again. No offense."

    "None taken, I suppose." With a wry smirk,  he turned to face forward again. "You hungry?"

    “Sure." she really wasn't but Mercury didn't care enough to press it. They stopped and got in line for a street vendor that was selling food out of a lacrimavehicle, and she ordered the first thing she saw on the menu without really stopping to read it. Shortly after they walked away, food in hand, Mercury's cell phone started ringing. Her breath caught when her internal HUD told her who was calling: Themscycia. “I have to take this." Khelben nodded, knowing he was going to be able to listen to every word of the conversation anyway through their linked systems. Mercury took a breath to steady herself and get in the mind frame, pulling out her phone and putting it to her ear, if only for appearances sake for those around them. “Hey there, mommy! I've been wondering when I'd get my next booty ca-"

    "Mercury." There was something in the tone of the woman's voice that stopped Mercury dead in her tracks, a sharp sense of foreboding swirling in her core. "Vandrad has been hurt."


    "He was attacked, and is in critical condition. The doctors managed to stabilize him for now, but…"

    “But his magic…?"

    "Something is wrong with his magic. It's not healing him like it should. He managed to get a call out to Mythal, somehow. He and Serilda got him to the Crocus Medical Center in time, but he…" Her voice cut off as her anxiety overcame her, the Ashen Dread crying softly on the other line, a sound that broke Mercury's heart. The knowledge that Vandrad wasn't healing had all but paralyzed Mercury in place, leaving her completely speechless as Themmy collected herself and continued. "Once they got him to the hospital, Serilda stayed to oversee things with his medical team and Mythal left to get the Rune Knights started on an investigation before he came to collect us. We're all here in a private waiting room. The doctors, they… they don't know if they will be able to help him. Whatever he was stabbed with, it had some kind of… poison or curse on it that's making him like this, but they haven't been able to identify it."

    There was a brief pause as the duchess gave room for Mercury to speak or ask questions, only to find the other line silent. The gentle background noise of the people around Mercury would ensure the older woman that the call was still connected, Mercury simply was so overcome by shock that she couldn't even talk, her mind drawing a complete blank for words. The Dread Masters got to him. It had to be them. Who else would be capable of attacking him so precisely, with such intimate knowledge of how to bypass his abilities?

    "It was Sabine."

    Whatever emotions Mercury was feeling, whatever thoughts were scrambling aimlessly about her mind came to a screeching halt. Themmy's voice was trembling, low and dangerous as she provided more details. "The preliminary reports from the Rune Knights indicate there was a witness that saw Vandrad get taken by surprise by a dark haired woman that stabbed him with a long sword of Midian make. They gave enough of a description for me to know it was her. I don't know how she got her hands on power enough to do something like this… but she will not get another chance to do so again." There was a terrifying calm to the information as Themmy delivered it, almost like there was an unspoken directive being placed before the Xocili… and Mercury understood the assignment.

    With a gentle click, the lavender haired mage ended the call. The world around her was quickly being swallowed by tunnel vision, the din of the crowded boardwalk swallowed by the ringing in her ears and the audible throb of her blood pumping in her head. Even as she stood there, silent, her gaze transfixed on a spot ahead of her, she could feel something bubbling to the surface: an unyielding rage the likes of which she had never felt before, the emotion settling on her with such clarity that suddenly the world -- no, the universe -- seemed like such a simple place.

    "I'm sorry about Vandrad, Mercury." To his credit, he did sound like he meant it. Unfortunately, she wasn't listening to him. He frowned. "I am sure this isn't easy, but you need to…"

    “Shhh…" She raised her hand, shushing him softly with a finger as a single thought finally cemented itself in her mind: It was time for Sabine to die.

    Mercury turned on her heel and started walking away. Khelben's hand reached out to snatch her firmly by the wrist to stop her. "Where-"

    It was the only word he would get out. Quicker than he could even fathom, Mercury turned to him with wide eyed fury, her body cloaked by an intense aura of prismatic light, not unlike the kind of auras that Vandrad sported while empowered, the magic energy dancing and twinkling with a rainbow of colors that winked in an out of sight. Her arm was already cocked back, and with the added strength from the energy pouring violently out of every pore of her body, Khelben could only watch in blank shock as she punched him so hard into the ground that it formed a crater beneath him. Struggling to get his bearings, somehow miraculously still conscious, Khelben gasped for breath as the people in the square around them turned to watch the spectacular sight of Mercury shrouded in her power where she stood, towering over the fallen form of her companion.

    She looked down her nose at him with a determined glare as he finally began to see straight again, staring up at her in horror. “That is the only warning you get. From this moment, consider yourself stripped of your membership with Silver Wolf. I don't recommend returning to the guild for any reason, as we will not stop the wolves from having their way." She released a small spell of light on him, aimed for his guild tattoo, and before their eyes it vanished from his body. At the same time, she severed his connection to her systems so he could no longer monitor her from afar. “We are done. I don't begrudge you or your reasons for being here and doing the things you have done… but if I ever see your face again, I will kill you."

    Mercury leveled her gaze at him long enough to let him know just how deadly serious she was. Then, without giving him a chance to say anything, she whipped out her translocation ray, looked up a set of coordinates nearest to the Hotoi estate in Midi, and teleported herself out of sight, Bandit quickly flying through the gateway after her.

    A couple hours later, Mercury was lounging in what the Hotoi clan had tried to pass off as a throne room, of sorts. Or at least, as much as one could hold a throne room without actually being the emperor…. Or anywhere near the emperor’s seat. Nearly every surface of the room was covered in blood. The once pristine wooden floor had practically become a shallow pool of crimson ichor, which continued to drop from the ceiling where the recently deceased members of the Hotoi clan hung upside down by large meat hooks that were chained to the roof. She had strung them all up one by one – over two dozen men, women, and children – and slit their throats, hoisting them up to the ceiling as they bled out like stuck pigs, their blood raining down upon her head and coating everything in the room. There were large tears in their flesh near the hooks that indicated how much they had struggled to free themselves, only to cause further injury and agony to their own bodies. Littered along the ground, too, were the bodies of the guards that had tried and failed to get in her way, their corpses riddling the floor and adding to the thick stench of rusted copper and decay. It was a truly horrific sight, one that would draw a visceral response of nausea from even the most staunch and veteran of murderers and police investigators.

    She sat sideways in the throne chair, one leg kicked up over the arm rest as she leaned back comfortably. In one hand, she lazily twirled about a bloodied dagger, while her other hand gently went back and forth passing a cigarette to and from her lips. Upon her head sat the small circlet that Sabine’s father wore as a sign of his authority over the house, the thin gold band resting lopsided upon her smaller brow. She was absolutely coated in blood from head to toe, her clothing ruined, her hair matted and sticky, and for once in her life she really didn’t seem to notice or care how filthy she was. Bandit sat atop the high seat back of the throne where he hopped back and forth, fidgeting in his spot and cleaning the blood off his own feathers. He had taken a few pecks at one or two of the Hotois as they died, being the scavenger that many crows were and electing to get a free meal out of the road kill that was being presented to him.

    It was here that Mercury waited patiently, her anger tempered for the moment after having gotten a great deal of initial anger and energy out on Sabine’s family. Yet the true source of her ire, the princess herself, was nowhere to be found. Anyone else may have been upset by this but Mercury had a hunch that Sabine would be heading this way. She had learned from the family before they died that the Midian princess had never come home after her trip to Bellum. That was several long months ago, nearly a year at this point. Where had Sabine been all that time? Lost? No, it had to be more than that, especially if the princess had acquired some power that even Vandrad had been at the mercy of. Someone got a hold of her, and Mercury had a very strong theory as to who, but first she would continue to wait patiently for the princess to make her long awaited home coming.

    And then, the real fun would begin.

    WORDS: 3514 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    A Dreadful Dinner Empty Re: A Dreadful Dinner

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 8th December 2021, 10:24 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    A Dreadful Dinner RJtajUnz_o
    “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?”

    The sound of the sliding glass door was rudely interrupted by the demanding and vexed voice of Scourge. On his face was written a tale of fury, his usual cool features flared. It was not a look he liked to bear but there was little denying he had earned the right. The laboratory was surprisingly busy, for such a late hour, with several scientists in the middle of experiments and projects. All action came to a sudden stop when the Dread Master entered, eyes turning to look at him and then, slowly, making their way over to the target of his ire.

    Maker didn’t even bother to lift his head as he tinkered with a device under a series of magnifying glasses. The only indication that he acknowledged the other man’s existence was the slight pause he gave between sequencing a circuit before returning to his work. But given that the rest of the room was, apparently, waiting for him to say something -- anything -- he gave a small sigh. “Is there something wrong, Hasan? You seem unbelievably angry for some reason.”

    The partial dismissal was enough to spark further anger in the Dread Master. “You think this is the time to be clever? To play coy when you’ve royally hindered -- possibly even destroyed -- everything we’ve been planning? You’d best drop the attitude.” With a wave of his hand, magical energy was released from his hand. It slashed through the closest table, slicing it in half and depositing everything on its surface to the ground. The loud clattering of glass and heavy equipment was pulled in concert with the frightful yelps of the scientists that had been at the table, just managing to jump back in time to avoid being bisected.

    Maker sighed once more and finally lifted his gaze to look at the furious Dread Master. “Is this about the tool? I do hope my readings were correct; she did manage to attack the target, didn’t she? I would hate to have to attempt another reprogramming -- that mass that was once her brain can’t take much more punishment.”

    “Oh she found Vandrad alright. And nearly killed him! He would have died had I not intervened.” Indeed, Lord Scourge had used his own variation of Energy Monarch to meld into the shadows of the alleyway, escaping the prince of Bellum’s gaze. Though he had no intention of attacking the man, he’d opted to wait and watch to see what Vandrad did. Imagine his surprise, just as he was planning on slipping away, when Sabine showed up, the tortured woman using some kind of sword to impale Vandrad. The Dread Master had been surprised and aghast -- this was completely against the plans. He’d nearly stepped out of the shadows to intervene when Sabine had made her escape, the Dread Master’s attention completely on the dying prince. Acting as quick as he could, he slid back into the bar and, once again, utilized his abilities to implant the sight he’d beheld into the closest person. Then by quickly guiding them outside, he had planted a witness, in hopes of saving Vandrad before it was too late. Then he retreated, his anger already beginning to swell.

    It had reached its breaking point by the time he reached the hideout. Walking swiftly over to the table that Maker was working on and slammed a fist into it, crafting a dent around his hand in the once polished metal. “I was there to talk to him, nothing more! The attack wasn’t for several months and it was meant to allow Vandrad victory.”

    “Yes… that was the original plan, wasn’t it?” Maker asked, undeterred by the show of force. “But of course, you were also supposed to meet with the prince and inform him that he was to surrender himself to our forces or else his family and friends would suffer. Yet that wasn’t quite what you spoke about, was it? No, you, instead, used this as an opportunity to make a sales pitch -- to attempt to bring him over to our side and gain a greater portion of control over the Dread Masters. Now, I don’t think the rest of our organization would appreciate what could very well be viewed as a hostile takeover… or even a coup.”

    “You dare speak this way to me, in front of all these witnesses?” Scourge hissed.

    Maker’s eyes lingered for a moment on the Dread Master before sliding over to look at the stunned faces of the other scientists. “Fair enough,” he said with a shrug. Then he brought his hand down and pressed something underneath his sleeve. The instant it was pushed, the scientists violently jerked at different angles, screams crushed in their throats before they could escape. Each one was able to twist their bodies twice before they fell limp to the floor, blood pouring out of their ears, eyes, nostrils and mouths.

    Scourge looked around, once more surprised. “What did you do?!”

    “Liquified their brains. After our little debacle with that human Patricia, I took the time to install countermeasures should anyone attempt to usurp my projects again.” Maker explained, settling his gaze back on Scourge. “Now then, as I was saying. You co-opted that moment for your benefit and, considering you decided to go off script, I decided to do the same.”

    “How did you even know what I was saying?” Scourge demanded.

    “Did you honestly believe I was going to let you go into that establishment without a tail? We are a shadow organization, working beneath the eyes and ears of every political and militarized powerbase in the world. Distrust among comrades is practically the first rule to follow. And you’ve been acting strange as of late. The Scourge that recruited me wouldn’t have batted an eye at turning that Patricia woman into a bloody smear on the wall and yet you insisted that I let her go without punishment. Worse yet, you talked down to me over the subject, as if your word was law and I was beholden to it. You forget, Scourge -- I am here for my own benefit and experience. Your natural ‘magic’ is a phenomenon worth studying and homogenizing into my own work. In exchange for the opportunity to study and experiment to my heart’s content, you Dread Masters gain the advantage of my scientific breakthroughs, both for your own magical strengths and from my own wares beyond the stars. I am no one’s lackey, least of all a man whose allegiance I am now firmly under the impression is wavering.”

    There was no time to act as Scourge’s hand rose into the air and a pink blade of magical energy cloaked over his hand and extended out. With a perfect, violent arc, he brought it down through Maker’s neck, divorcing head from torso and causing both to seize and tumble to the floor. And yet where there should be blood pouring out, electrical sparks crackled out. Wires and metal poked out from the neck and under the jaw, sizzling and hissing from the sudden intrusion of a magical weapon. Grinding his teeth, Scourge swung his hand back around and turned to face the door opposite where he’d made his entrance, blade at the ready. A second later, the door beeped and opened, revealing a new, intact Maker.

    “And now you’ve caused me further hindrance by destroying one of my automated workers. Did you think that would affect me with commitment to you?” the newly arrived alien asked, almost amusingly.

    You forget, Maker. I am capable of sensing where you really are. One quick shift of magic and you’ll experience the very real sensation of magic cutting you open.” Scourge warned.

    Maker raised a single brow and then an enthused smirk tugged at his lips. “Look at that. The old familiar Scourge I knew. Menacing and willing to kill at the drop of a dime. You’ve so much of your mother in you.”

    The fury in Scourge came to a screeching halt, his eyes widening slightly and his mouth dropping open just a bit. Maker continued to smirk. “Seems you’re not the only one that goes poking around where he doesn’t belong. How about you keep that knowledge to yourself and I’ll keep your recruitment attempt a secret. Quid pro quo makes the world go ‘round, as you humans say.”

    Scourge’s teeth had moved once more, grit and grinding as annoyance boiled back up in him. But with that particular move on what had been a game of verbal chess, they had come to a draw. Dispersing his magic blade with an annoyed wave, Scourge crossed his arms over his chest. “Recruiting you is causing me more pain than benefit,” he stated dismissively.

    “And I shall continue to do so, Scourge. Moving forward, I’ll be conducting my experiments when I like and where I like. You have no claim over being my superior and, as such, I will not run my operations by your timeclock. If I see an opportunity that benefits my research, then I’ll partake wholeheartedly. If not, then you’ll be on your own. I, of course, will still provide my resources to the cause -- if only to see how you humans use them. Now where is the tool? I half expected you to drag her back here yourself.”

    It was Scourge’s time to smirk. “Funny that. After I assured Vandrad’s rescue, I tracked her down. She was burning quite a bit of the power you imprinted on her. I stopped following her when she passed out over the ocean, continuing to head south. I can only wonder where she would be headed.”

    Maker’s smirk dropped and a deep frown set in. “So a portion of her remained then. A pity. All that work and now she’s traipsing about the world wildly. Did you at least recover the sword?”

    “Oh no, she still had that on her person. Quite the interesting blade you managed to craft there. Capable of nullifying magical healing instantaneously, even for a magic as strong as Vandrad and I’s. One might ponder why you opted to create such a weapon.”

    “One might. But you said she is heading south. Do you mean that she’s heading…?”

    “Home. And by the way she was babbling, I don’t think it was to give her family a hug.”

    If the devastation of her house meant anything to Sabine, she didn’t show it. The experiment slunk through the main hallway of her family home, just barely glancing about to see the destruction and carnage that ransacked the place. It was only when she arrived at the throne room that her near trance lifted, if only enough for her eyes to rise up and partake in the bloody sight before her. Gruesome didn’t even begin to describe the gory sight before her, with the entirety of her family hung from the ceiling like slaughtered swine, blooded and cut to drain onto the walls and floor. The guards hadn’t fared any better, failing in their duty to protect the family and falling before the enemy that had stormed the building.

    And speaking of the enemy, Sabine’s eyes finally fell upon Mercury, looking as casual as she had been in Bellum the days they had spent together. Covered in red ichor herself, it seemed she had been waiting for someone to arrive -- no doubt for the Midian princess. Sabine’s shoulders drooped slightly before rising and then rising again. From her cracked lips, a dry laugh escaped and then another. Her chuckling grew louder and wilder, flinging her arms out as her entire body shook with amusement. “How exciting. I thought I’d have to track you down after I butchered them. These weak pissants that stepped all over me and acted better than me. I was hoping to slice them up and bathe in their blood myself. But oh, pink, pink, pink, you just had to, once again, ruin my fun. Ironic. Ah well.” She lifted the sword in her hand up, the blade coming close to her mouth. “Guess I’ll just have to get my fill with Vanny’s blood. Mmm so delicious. I tapped it, right from the source, like maple syrup.” She slid her tongue along the blood-stained sword, the ichor translating over the wet appendage.

    “I wonder what your blood will taste like.” Sabine started to cackle again. The ribbons on her torn and frayed garment began to rise up behind her, her unimpressive magic activating. Six long ‘arms’ of ribbon blossomed out from her back and then, in a flash, were overcome with energy not unlike the one Vandrad used. Now the ribbons were crackling with power, jagged and unraveling like the Midian’s princess’ mind. With a screech she charged up at the Silver Wolf ace, the lethal ribbons leading the charge, with the cursed blade not far behind. Sabine’s eyes were wide, filled with mirth and violence and unrelenting insanity as she focused on Mercury. Whether she understood how outmatched she was or not, it seemed she was going to go out swinging.

    Words: 2185/6382 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    A Dreadful Dinner Empty Re: A Dreadful Dinner

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 9th December 2021, 8:27 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Mercury’s sensors beeped silently when the slow moving figure slinked toward the house, and she knew her patience had paid off. In walked the long lost princess, her shoulders hunched from the heavy droop with which she walked, like the very act of holding her body upright went against the laws of nature.

    Without shifting from her spot or even really turning to look at her, Mercury continued to smoke quietly from her cigarette while Sabine paused and surveyed the scene before her crazed eyes lit on the woman in her father’s throne. Her voice was hoarse and cracked as she spoke, the woman clearly having already suffered some kind of traumatic break as she gleefully expressed her surprise in not having to track Mercury down. In fact, it seemed that she had simply planned on making a pit stop to kill her own family first, describing them as weaklings and bullies that had supposedly abused her for her entire life. And maybe that was true – maybe that’s why Sabine had turned into such an awful, self entitled little prat. However, Mercury didn’t really care.

    The princess went on about getting her fill of blood lust from Vandrad, raising the weapon to her lips that Mercury could only assume was the one that had mortally wounded the Bellum prince and licking what remained of his ichor from the blade. With a crazed giggle, Sabine voiced her curiosity over what Mercury’s blood might taste like, raising some of the ribbons from her ridiculous magic, the threads crackling with energy that did not belong to her. Leading with the sword, she bolted toward the lavender haired mage in the chair, looking to cast upon Mercury the same judgment she had rendered toward Vandrad. Before she got even halfway through the hall, she would find a thick metal collar materializing around her neck and snapping into place, fixed to a long chain that was bolted to the floor and, much like a dog on a leash, if she didn’t stop her momentum in time she would find herself getting violently yanked back as the slack ran out. The instant the collar was around her neck, she would also feel her access to her magic completely cut off, leaving her totally powerless.

    Mercury would continue to sit in silence for a few seconds more, giving Sabine a chance to process how royally she had overestimated her own abilities. Then and only then would she finally turn to look at the woman, her easy, careless smile back in place, exactly as Sabine would remember it from the ball and breakfast the next day. “Consuming my blood would kill you, actually. And while the thought of letting you drink it so I can watch you poison yourself to death is both tempting and entertaining, I’d sort of already settled on the manner of your death and… well, quite frankly, I just don’t have the energy to go through that whole creative process again.” She flapped a dismissive hand toward Sabine, flicking some of the ash from her cigarette in the process.

    Swinging herself around in the seat, Mercury brought her legs down to the floor and leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees as she smirked at Sabine. “So tell me: How are the Dread Masters doing these days?” Raising her cigarette up for another puff, she blew the smoke out to the side and gave Sabine a thorough look over, taking in the woman’s physical and mental state. “I suppose the only logical conclusion here is that the elusive Engineer had his way with you. He does like to leave his mark, it seems. I have to say, I do rather enjoy studying his work. It’s quite good, most of the time. Lacks refinement in many places and sometimes his experiments are a little short sighted, but I do find myself excited by the idea of going toe to toe with someone that can almost keep up with me in the science department.”

    Mercury could only assume that, like with Patricia, the Engineer had placed some listening devices on the woman. Whether or not the princess had removed them herself at some point was another matter altogether, but better to play it safe than sorry. Plus, the thought that the Engineer might be listening in to Mercury patronizing him behind his back made her giggle. While there certainly had been no reason to suspect that Sabine had been the mysterious subject of the Engineer’s experiments back when Patty was telling them about the Dread Masters, looking at the disheveled princess now there was no doubt in her mind that this was the woman the Engineer had been torturing.

    “You know, you’re awfully cocky for a woman that hasn’t actually managed to kill anyone yet today. I admit you pulled a fast one on Vandaddy, and to give you due credit that is no easy feat to boast, but apparently no one taught you to double tap. That’s like… Murder 101: Always confirm your kills. Too bad you’ll never get the chance to try again.” With the flick of a wrist, the chain attached to the back of the collar around Sabine’s neck dragged her backward, pulling her down to the ground with a violent yank off of her feet and onto her back. As she fell, two more chains would snap out and shackle her by the wrists and ankles, binding her to the blood soaked ground in a prone position, unable to more than squirm fruitlessly.

    Standing to her feet, Mercury practically sauntered over to the woman. She placed her foot upon the mysterious sword and carelessly kicked it away for the moment, the blade sliding easily across the slickened surface of the ground. Turning to look down at the woman, Mercury stepped one foot over her body before slowly dropping to a squat over her, practically straddling Sabine without actually sitting on her. “You know,” she told the woman, taking another puff from her death stick and blowing it gently in the Midian’s face, “It’s a shame, really. I was looking forward to being the one to break you myself… but honestly, that’s on me. I dawdled and procrastinated instead of following up right away. More important things to do, you know?”

    She reached down and took Sabine by the cheeks, turning her face firmly this way and that, studying her body for any scars or signs of the Engineer’s work. “But that’s alright, I guess. The Engineer still left you alive for me to kill. Very thoughtful of him, really. I’ll have to remember to send him a gift basket.” Swapping the settings of her vision to xray mode, she noticed a number of inorganic modifications to the inside of Sabine’s head, spanning between her brain, eyes, and ears. With a pleased smile, she looked Sabine directly in the eyes with a knowing glint that was aimed for someone else entirely. “You hear that, darling? I owe you a gift basket. Don’t let me forget.”

    Giving Sabine a rough pat on the cheek, she took her knife and stuck it without hesitation into Sabine’s chest, careful not to hit her heart or any major arteries. After all, she didn’t want the princess to die too quickly. As she continued to talk casually, Mercury carved a shallow trench down Sabine’s torso all the way down to her pelvil and began skinning her like a deer, peeling her flesh back to expose the organs and bones beneath. “Anyway, this reunion has been delightful and all, but I’m afraid I have some other engagements to see to, so I can’t really have as much girl time as I would have liked. So let’s go ahead and get this wrapped up, shall we?”

    Putting her cigarette out on Sabine’s spleen, Mercury stood and wandered over to the blade. Playing it smart, she dismissed the knife from her hand and replaced it with a flexible metal glove, using that to pick up the sword by his handle rather than her bare palm. As she studied the weapon carefully, a small commotion was heard in the distance, the sound growing louder as it got closer to the building. The noise was reminiscent of some form of animal, and before long the distinctive oinking noise of pigs became clear even as they were herded inside by a couple of Mercury’s clones. From her prone position, Sabine wouldn’t be able to turn enough to see the pigs or the clones, but she would certainly hear the animals that were part of the many herds of various cattle that her family had owned.

    And as they came into the room and started sniffing around, the very scent of blood and carnage inciting them with ravenous hunger, Mercury summoned a small metal fence to trap them in the area around Sabine’s open body. “Farewell, Sabine. It’s been a treat, as always.” It didn’t take long for the pigs to find the woman’s body and, true to their insatiable and indiscriminate appetites, the moment their large snouts found her flesh they began consuming her alive, tearing through her insides without reservation while Mercury watched with a satisfied smirk. She let it carry on for several long minutes until she was satisfied and then, whether or not Sabine was still alive or not, she would reapproach the body and use the sword to cut the Midian’s head clean off her shoulders, securing the woman’s death once and for all. Summoning a large metal box, she placed the decapitated skull within before dismissing it into the ethereal realm where her magic allowed her to store items. Then, she collected the rest of her things, fiddled with the dial on her translocator to open a portal to Crocus, and stepped through.

    She emerged just outside the main doors of the hospital. Without second thought to her appearance, she strode inside and approached the desk, practically oblivious to the stares, gasps, and even quiet shrieks that the people inside gave when they saw her, the crowds parting to give her a wide berth. “Vandrad du Wolff,” she told the woman behind the counter, who was gaping at her in horror and reaching for the phone to contact an emergency response crew to see to the Silver Wolf mage.

    “I need a medical team, stat! We hav-” The woman was cut off by Mercury reaching over and pressing down on the button, hanging up the call and causing the nurse further distress. “Miss, please! You need to see a doctor! Look at all that blood..”

    “Oh, don’t worry about that. It’s not mine. Now are you going to tell me where they are keeping my best friend or do I need to call Marshal Sinclair or Duchess du Wolff to come collect me personally? Because I promise neither of them will thank you for making them leave the waiting room.”

    The nurse’s jaw dropped as she opened her mouth several times to speak, only to come up with nothing. Mercury was about to speak up again, until another voice called out to her. “Miss Arseneault!” She turned to see a uniformed Rune Knight walking briskly toward her. While he did seem momentarily distracted and concerned by her bloodied state, he brushed it off with better control and composure than the nurse had. “The marshal told us to keep an eye out for you. Please allow me to escort you to the medical suite.”

    “Thanks.” Leaving the flabbergasted nurse behind, Mercury followed the knight into an elevator, where he entered a security code and pressed a button to one of the restricted floors at the top that were reserved for the well off patience that could afford their own private medical and waiting room suites without having to deal with the chaos of the rest of the hospital. The man was thankfully silent for the entire ride, and when the door opened he did not exit with her, instead pointing her in the right direction and giving her the suite number. The Xocili nodded silently, a numbness settling in on her as she walked through the hall, feeling very much divorced from her own body like a spirit watching from the outside.

    She paused only briefly outside the door, taking a small gulp. It had been hours since she’d gotten the call from Themmy. For all she knew, Vandrad had died during that time. Mercury shook that thought from her head. If he had, someone would have called her. He had to still be alive and at least nominally stable. He had to be…. Cause she didn’t know what she would do if he wasn’t.

    Gently, she pushed the door open and strode almost timidly into the waiting room, stopping just past the open doorway. Her emerald eyes panned over the familiar faces inside the room. Serilda and Mythal were there, the marshal gasping lightly in shock at the Silver Wolf Ace’s appearance. Gren was there, as were every single one of the du Wolff’s. Her eyes rested last on Themmy. Raising her chin with a bit more confidence, she crossed the room to the duchess and offered her the two bloodied crowns in her hand, the circlet that had been worn by Sabine’s father and the smaller, more dainty one that had been worn by the Midian’s mother.

    Then she raised the sword to show it to Themesycia, careful not to let the woman touch it – just in case. “This is the weapon she used. I think it’s best that the doctors examine it immediately. It was created by a very intelligent, dangerous scientist whom I have no doubt installed contingencies in case it failed to make its way back to him.”

    WORDS: 2297/5811 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    A Dreadful Dinner Empty Re: A Dreadful Dinner

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 9th December 2021, 11:38 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    A Dreadful Dinner RJtajUnz_o
    Sabine would not make it very far before a collar would appear around her neck, snapping tight and stopping the wild woman in her tracks. The instant it locked in, the magical ribbons that were waving violently behind her began to dissipate. But for a brief few seconds, the woman snarled and the ribbons seemed to keep their composure, even glow a bit brighter, as if her sheer will was granting her the ability to circumvent the sealing process. They attempted to move forward, to swing at the collar and slice it to ribbons but before any real damage could be done, the vast gap in strength between the two women overwhelmed Sabine and her creations faded into nothing. Now trapped and locked in, Sabine’s eyes narrowed slightly as Mercury finally spoke, informing the Midian princess that drinking her blood would kill her but that wasn’t the way the Silver Wolf ace wished to end her life. As she turned to face the princess, she asked how the Dread Masters were doing and for a singular moment in the history between them, they shared a knowing smirk between the two of them, though no verbal answer came from Sabine. Mercury continued, taking the time to both deliver the author of her pain, the Engineer, some backhanded compliments while placing herself on a higher pedestal.

    The Silver Wolf ace used the opportunity to inform Sabine that her attempted assassination attempt had been a failure, though there was no telling if she was fibbing for the sake of trying to put some dirt in the princess’ eye. She chastised her for her lack of foresight and knowledge on killing and still the smirk remained on Sabine’s face. “There’s more than one way to kill a man like that,” she said softly, her voice oddly monotone considering the situation, both around her and inside her head. It was all she managed to get out before Mercury manipulated the chain and yanked the princess backwards, pulling her down to the ground. As she slammed hard into the bloodied surface, more shackles appeared to lock her into place, trapping her entirely and preventing her from making any kind of attempt to escape. From there all she could do was watch as Mercury approached her, kicking the sword out of hand, walking over her trapped body and squatting over her. As the smoke billowed into her face, the Midian opened her mouth and sucked in, capturing some of the drifting smoke. Holding it in for a second, Sabine grinned, the dissipating vapors flowing out between the cracks around and in her teeth.

    Mercury expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to kill Sabine herself, thanking the Engineer for his kind gift. After a moment she seemed to address him directly, looking deep into the princess’ eyes and perhaps even past them. Sabine continued to grin, the manic expression on her face unflappable against the unbridled but silent fury. After a pat hard enough to redden her cheek, a knife was unceremoniously jabbed into her chest. As soon as her skin was pierced, the princess’ eyes seemed to widen, her smile spread further to inhuman lengths. Giggles bubbled up from throat as the blade sliced through her flesh easily, flaying her alive with slow, meticulous cuts. She just laughed and laughed as Mercury lamented the lack of time and insisted they finish up. The giggles from Sabine had begun to get louder and stronger, her body quaking with amusement, causing her bare organs and chest cavity to quiver. Tears rolled down from the corner of her eyes, a sign that somewhere, deep beneath the madness, the real Sabine was there and she was relieved to finally, finally be set free from her tormented life.

    She was laughing at full volume by the time Mercury’s clone had brought forth the herd of pigs. Her eyes had glazed over, lost in her own insanity as her laughter echoed throughout the gory chamber of the throne room. Everything that occurred around her had faded away, even as the pigs were caged in with her, even as their snouts sniffed out her freshly peeled insides and began to feast, even as the organs keeping her alive were munched on, crunched on, chewed and swallowed by the wild animals that had once helped her family garner so much respect and power. And somehow the princess was still alive by the time Mercury decided to show mercy, using the very sword Sabine had wielded against Vandrad to remove head from neck. What was perhaps the most haunting was the small specks of laughter that bubbled out from her open, bloodied mouth as she was locked into the metal box.

    Darkness was the last thing that Maker saw on the screen before him, the connection to Sabine’s head lost for the moment. He sat there, staring at the screens with an amused smirk. He flexed his hand and rewound the recording, fast forwarding over the gory bits and back to where Mercury had placed herself above Sabine and looked right into her eyes. He then brought up another small menu and flipped through several filters, scanning the image in real time through a number of different settings. It only took two for him to confirm his suspicions and his smirk deepened even further. “Oh but my dear… you’ve already provided the gift,” he spoke to the captured image of Mercury, interweaving his fingers together as new thoughts and plans began to form in his head.

    The tension in the waiting room was thick, so dense that the air might as well have been made of ichor. No one spoke, no one moved -- it was as if everyone was frozen in time, unwilling to break the static setting for fear of what it could cause. But as was her nature, Mercury was the one to break the status quo, emerging from the hallway and covered in so much blood, she was practically glowing crimson under the ceiling lights. Mythal and Serilda both looked astonished to see her in such a state, as was Gren but for the du Wolffs, there was a near-menacing neutrality in their looks. It was clear that they all knew where Mercury had gone -- or rather been sent to -- and had been waiting to see the results of her trip. Themesycia slowly rose from her spot as the Silver Wolf ace approached, looking at the woman and the trophies that she had brought with her. Slowly she reached out, taking the bloodied crowns from Mercury’s hand. Her attention turned to the sword as it was raised up, her eyes narrowing at it as Mercury offered what little explanation she could.

    “Then we have little time,” Everance spoke up, rising to her feet and moving over to Mercury and Themesycia. Magical, circular runes appeared over her hands as she reached out and placed the sword in the gap between her appendages. Her magic spread out and wrapped around the sword, covering it in a film of white and blue magic. She had just managed to completely cover the weapon when the sword began to sizzle, a cutting red flame emerging from its core. The metal reacted almost instantly, becoming molten and then melting away, as if it had been made of ice the entire time.

    “What do you make of it, Ever?” Themmy finally spoke, her voice worn and exhausted.

    “Nothing,” Everance said as she clapped her hands together and then separated them, bringing forth a generated image of the weapon. “It’s material is unknown, the magical properties are… Earthland based but they’ve been manufactured, warped even. I’ve never seen a weapon like this before. I’ll provide this to the doctors but…” She didn’t finish the sentence. Everyone would understand that it didn’t seem like it would provide many answers. Still, the effort Mercury had made was beyond the measure of expectation and Themescyia pulled the Silver Wolf ace in for a tight embrace, unbothered by the blood on her person.

    Ever disappeared behind some doors and emerged several minutes later and, once more, the room fell back into its former state. Themmy didn’t let Mercury get very far, practically clinging to the woman for support, despite her stony facade she put forth. A full hour and a half would pass before finally, thankfully, a doctor would emerge. With scrubs nearly as gory as Mercury herself, he walked through the door, his gait slow and weary as he pulled down his face mask. Themesycia was on her feet and before him in an instant, even as the rest of the room reacted to the sight. “Tell me he’s alive,” she said, a statement, an order -- not a question.

    The man sighed. “He’s alive.” One could feel the tension in everyone’s body release, a collective heave of relief erupting from all present. Themmy’s hands quivered slightly as her nerves came to life once more before she squeezed them closed, steeling herself as the man looked ready to deliver more news. “The damage done was… it was unlike anything we’ve seen before. We’re still in the midst of analyzing the results your sister provided but we’re looking at data that is… well, completely unknown. What I can tell you was the blade managed to miss most of his organs but it cut several veins and opened up his stomach and large intestine. We’ve managed to minimize the damage on those…”

    “What is it, doctor?” Themmy insisted.

    The man frowned. “We can’t… repair the damage done. Whatever the weapon was made of or was coated with or enchanted with, it caused near instant necrotic damage. He’ll recover enough to function and move but he’ll be dealing with issues from those wounds for the rest of his life. A lot of management and spells will be required to keep the injuries from opening back up. Physical exertion will need to be carefully monitored and, best case scenario, he won’t have to be put into a lacrimachair for a couple of decades.”

    Themescyia shook her head. “I don’t understand. Why isn’t his magic healing him? I’ve seen him recover from worse injuries in a matter of minutes.”

    The doctor’s head dropped slightly. “I’m afraid that’s the worst news. We believe the weapon was made to injure magical cores. As I said, it causes near instant necrosis and Vandrad’s magical core was pierced fully through. It vaporized all of the magic inside, which is why he wasn’t able to recover. It’s why he almost died -- a sudden drain of magic like that is near-lethal to magic wielders. We’ve seen no rising levels of magic power. It’s still too early to tell but… I’m sorry, Miss du Wolff but I believe Vandrad will never be able to use magic again.”

    Once more there was a collective reaction but it was one of horror and anguish. Themesycia’s hand rose to her chest, as if she had been dealt a blow directly to her heart. Her eyes closed as she lost herself in the moment, her lips quivering as her emotions overwhelmed her. “Your son’s a fighter though. I don’t think anybody else would have come out of this alive. And even more surprisingly, he’s… awake. He’s quite upset that we’re not allowing him to leave.”

    Themesycia let out a shaky breath. “Yes, that sounds quite like him,” she said softly.

    “It might do him some good to see family, if you’re up to it. I came out here to inform you about his state but my fellow doctor is there now, telling him the same thing. I’m sure he’ll need someone there to keep his spirits up.”

    The duchess nodded gently. And then she turned her gaze to Mercury. “You should go and see him. Above all else, I believe he needs you the most now.”

    “Uh… well, I meant actual family and someone who isn’t covered in--” The doctor started.

    “She is family,” Themesycia cut him off, her words quick and to the point. “And her state isn’t any concern of yours. You will let her in.” Once again, she spoke directly to the doctor; not a question, not a statement but an order.

    The man looked back at her and then nodded before looking at Mercury. “Head through the doors. He’s the second room on the left.”

    Words: 2058/8440 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    A Dreadful Dinner Empty Re: A Dreadful Dinner

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 10th December 2021, 2:47 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Themmy took the crown from her wordlessly her eyes narrowing on the weapon even as Mercury explained what little she could about it. Ever stood and joined them at the knowledge that they may not have much time, summoning some of her magic and using it to examine the blade. And just in time, too. No sooner had she taken a full reading of the blade than it melted away in Mercury's grip, the Xocili glaring at the item until it was gone without leaving so much as a pile of ash. Luckily, Ever had managed to make a three dimensional render of the blade with her energy. She and Mercury both studied it together, the two technologically adept women practically burning the item's make and structure into their minds. Unfortunately, Mercury was so exhausted physically and emotionally that she really wasn't much use in that regard for the moment. Ever seemed more than eager to step up to the plate, however, likely itching for something to do amidst all the waiting and brooding that had surely been driving the whole family nuts.

    Mercury's mind was practically blank at that point, the surreality of the situation landing hard and causing her to almost be not present as she stared off in a neutral expression toward nothing at all. She was only brought back around by Themmy pulling her into a tight embrace, the Xocili blinking slowly as she stood there, arms loose at her sides like the act of the hug hadn't reached her brain receptors yet. Then, she carefully raised her arms and returned the gesture numbly. From there the Xocili would allow herself to be maneuvered to a seat near the Duchess, who seemed to want to keep her close by. 

    Mercury was dead silent the entire hour and a half until the doctor emerged. She said nothing, looked at no one, and sat almost perfectly still as time seemed to crawl by. From time to time her face would twitch with a brief look of frustration or contemplation, the expression often gone before anyone would really get the chance to observe it. A great number of feelings warred within her without any of them really sticking. Though she wasn't consciously aware of the fact, the reality of the situation hadn't really hit yet. Everything around her felt like a dream, like any minute the prince would walk through the door with the doctors chasing after him, begging him to sit his stubborn ass down with him staunchly refusing the entire way, insisting he was fine. Everyone would do their best to encourage him to listen before caving and letting him make his own decisions, knowing that none of them would change his mind anyway. 

    The long waiting period gave her plenty of time to think about what had happened with Khelben, too. He knew that she had magic now, knew that he would be under orders to bring her back to the flotilla immediately. He would come looking for her, despite her warning, because he feared what would happen if he did not. Mercury was in very serious trouble, and yet she felt almost no emotion at all as she thought about the consequences of her actions. Why should she care? What could he or the Nazru possibly do that was worse than this moment? Nothing. Maybe tomorrow the fear would set in but for right now she just couldn't be fucked to give a damn about any of it: Khelben, the Nazru, what remained of her oppressed people… it was all meaningless.

    Eventually the doctor returned, looking like he had just swam through the river of blood that Mercury had left behind in Midi. Themmy stood, leaving Mercury where she sat to demand the medic tell her that her son was alive. When he confirmed that Vandrad was still stable, a collective sigh of relief was heard through the room from everyone except Mercury, who was still having trouble processing everything and maintaining a present state of awareness. She was, however, listening as the man explained that the injury Vandrad had sustained wasn't like anything he had seen before, and in fact none of them had been able to heal it. Whatever had been on that blade, it had forced necrosis onto not just Vandrad's body but his magical center. The prognosis was that the prince would be struggling for the rest of his life, and would likely need a wheelchair after a couple decades, even with physical therapy. 

    And he would never have access to his magic again.

    The words had a visceral response all around, with Mercury curling her hands into light fists, her eyes boring into her lap. There was some good news, however: namely that Vandrad was awake. And, to no one's surprise, angry and demanding to be released. There was a short back and forth as the doctor recommended he receive some visitors, particularly given that another doctor was currently giving Vandrad the same set of news. He felt that it would be prudent for the prince to have some company to keep his spirits up. Mercury was only mildly surprised when Themmy turned to her and suggested Mercury go first, alone. She didn't raise her gaze to meet the duchess' or even really react as the woman argued with the doctor about Mercury's visitation rights and physical state. While Mercury felt it was more appropriate for Themmy and Greb to see their son first, she understood why Themmy had made the suggestion. Vandrad needed someone he could open up to, and the only person who fit that bill was Mercury.

    If he still trusted her.

    In a way, maybe this was better. If the reunion went sour and he demanded her dismissal, well.. at least he would then have his family there for him afterward. With a silent nod of agreement, she stood and walked in the direction the doctor had indicated, stopping only to give Themmy another hug, this one a little more firm than before as though some semblance of feeling had returned to the younger woman, however muted it was. Or maybe Mercury just needed the encouragement. She wasn't sure how much of Vandrad's family was aware that she had disappeared from his life the last month, how many of them knew that she had abandoned him and left him vulnerable to an attack such as this. Would they hate her if they knew? Or had Vandrad voiced any suspicions he might have had to them? She didn't know. A part of her really didn't want to find out.

    The walk down the short hallway was the longest of her life, and when she found herself outside the door Mercury paused, her feet suddenly glued to the floor as her body refused to open the door and walk inside. She couldn't sense emotions, so to speak, but she could read his vitals from where she stood, his heartbeat and breathing running at a pace that betrayed his anger and pain. Could he sense her outside the door, she wondered? Or had his magical awareness been erased along with everything else? More than anything, Mercury wanted to go back to Midi and find a way to force Sabine back to life so she could kill her again, this time more slowly. Or maybe she would just save that energy for the Engineer and Hasan, and the rest of the Dread Masters.

    Somehow, she managed to find the strength to reach up and knock timidly on the door, waiting a breath or two for a response before she quietly opened the entryway and stepped gently inside. Closing the door behind her, Mercury forced herself to look at him where he laid on the gurney. He was heavily bandaged around his midsection, and he'd lost so much blood that he was ghostly white. He may have been alive but he looked like death was still waiting at his door, and the very sight of it caused her gut to wrench. Before she could even process what was happening, there were tears streaming down her face as she openly cried for the first time in a long, long time. She did her best to keep herself in check, keeping the act to small sniffles and quiet, shaky gasps, but still the moisture poured from her eyes, moved to emotions that she had never felt by the mere sight of him in his current state.

    She tried to speak, but the very act caused her voice to catch in her throat and her tears came in more force as she fully broke down in front of him, clutching her arms to herself and sobbing where she stood. “V-Vandrad…"

    WORDS: 1461/7272 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    A Dreadful Dinner Empty Re: A Dreadful Dinner

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 10th December 2021, 3:40 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    A Dreadful Dinner RJtajUnz_o
    The first thing Vandrad felt was pain. A searing, sharp pain that seemed to ebb and twist within his gut. As his consciousness was lifted out of the dark and his eyes fluttered open, the pain only intensified. He tried to move his hands towards it, trying to figure out what it was that was hurting so bad. But hands took hold of his limbs and guided them back down, a voice talking at him but the words were muddled and cacophonous. As he continued to gain clarity, the words came clearer and were quite emphatically telling him to remain calm and to try and rest. His vision sharpened and he realized he was looking up at doctors and nurses, one and two respectively, keeping him steady.

    All at once his memories came crashing back. The meeting with Scourge, his attempt to follow after. The reappearance of Sabine and the sword she had shoved in his gut. His head lifted and his eyes trailed downward to see the bandages wrapped around his midsection, the top most layers stained with his blood. The prince of Bellum was no stranger to pain; in fact, one might say they were as friendly as the dearest of friends. But aches and agony didn’t remain long after the initial hurt, healing quite quickly thanks to his magic. This was constant, consistent pain that he hadn’t felt in years. Flashes of his childhood, of knives twisting into his flesh and his grandmother’s disgusted face ran rampant in his face as he recalled the times when he cuddled pain close.

    Of course he tried to get up. Stubborn man that he was, he refused to be coddled like a child, even in spite of the injury that was remarkably not fading away. He wanted answers, he wanted explanations and he wanted revenge. Sabine had managed to get around his senses, slip in past his radar and deal him a blow only truly powerful enemies should have been able to pull off. And all because her romantic notions had been spurned? No, he’d let her go once and hoped that bygones would remain bygones. But now it was time to make her pay. The doctor shut him down immediately, telling him that he was in no state to be moving around out of bed, let alone going out anywhere. The prince continued to rebel until another doctor arrived, this woman looking him dead in the eye and telling him to listen to what she had to say, the tone of her voice conveying a much deeper concern than just his livelihood.

    For a man who had cultivated physical strength and magical power most of his life, his prognosis was as good as a death sentence. He sat in the bed, stunned as the words sunk into his mind. The sword had damaged his organs so fully that he’d need assistance for the rest of his life. Worse yet, it had ripped through the heart of his magical core, splitting it open on two sides and dissipating all of the stored strength within. And based on their initial scans, they weren’t picking up any residual ethernano returning to him, essentially marking him as magicless. His stare was beyond that of the room around him, the weight of the news pushing down on him so hard that he felt like he couldn’t breathe. Everything he had worked for, every trial and challenge he had overcome to prove that he was strong… it had all amounted to nothing.

    The doctor didn’t really have much more to say to him, understanding that he needed time to process. But she did insist that his family and friends were waiting outside and would be glad to hear he had survived. He gave a small nod, the only movement he could spare given his thought process, before she departed. Then he was alone, left with the pain in his stomach and the void of his mind. He felt like he’d been pulled into a blackhole, stripped of his former self and left a shade, cursed to wander the land as an example of what he used to be. It was selfish and stupid to miss being powerful, he understood that, but it had been a part of him for so long.

    But his self-centered thought process vanished as his thoughts turned back to Sabine. Was he the only one she had gone after? What about his family? What about Mercury? Vandrad figured the doctors would have told him any additional news but what if they didn’t know it? What if Sabine had surprised the Silver Wolf ace, like she had done him? Mercury was in the middle of a troubling time, what with Khelben there. Would she be too distracted to be keeping an eye on her surroundings? Now he absolutely needed to get out of bed or, at least, have someone he knew there. He had to know, had to make sure she was okay…

    The rap on the door drew his attention and as he pushed himself up into a more sitting position. A moment later and the entryway opened, revealing Mercury, who was absolutely coated in blood and gore. But to Vandrad, the sight of her had never been more relieving. Letting out a deep sigh, he allowed himself to come down from a near panic attack, even as the Silver Wolf ace began to cry softly. It was… well, it wasn’t the first time he’d seen her cry but it certainly was a sight to behold. As she attempted to speak, her emotions caused her to break down harder, her voice barely managing to let out his name.

    "Mercury, I’ve been in much worse straits than this. Don’t be suckered in by these idiot doctors -- I’ll overcome this like I’ve overcome everything else,” he told her, his voice dry and tired. It was hard to tell whether he believed his own words or not. "I can’t imagine all of that is Sabine’s blood. Did you take out her captors as well or did others try and get to you?”

    And then, for once, Vandrad shut up. He was acting and talking like it was any other time, like they’d survived a mission or settled down into an experiment. He was acting like a tactician, already planning out the steps based on the evidence she would give him and what his own experiences could add to. It was his own form of denying what was happening around him, of pushing down the reality of the situation by looking beyond it to a future he couldn’t quite fathom. He gave a small shake of his head, knocking himself out of his head and out of his place and reaching down deep -- to the emotional core that only Mercury managed to see, every now and then. "Come here,” he said softly, extending his hand out to her. "I’m fine. I’m… alive. And I’m… I’m just happy to see you’re alright. I started to fear the worst.”

    Words: 1172/9612 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    A Dreadful Dinner Empty Re: A Dreadful Dinner

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 11th December 2021, 5:19 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    The prince let out a sigh, his shoulder relaxing with relief at the Silver Wolf mage’s presence, though Mercury could barely take that in. She was too busy trying to process the sight of the prince looking like death incarnate, and finding herself opening up to emotions that she didn’t really understand. Or rather, not being able to fight them. The stress of the last month finally bubbled over and once the water works started there was no stopping them. All she could do was stand there blubbering while he talked to her like this was any other day, assuring her that he had been in worse situations and entreating her to pay no mind to the prognosis.

    But it wasn’t like any other day, and they both knew that. The news had to be devastating to him. Infuriating, even. Vandrad was such a prideful man that had worked his ass off for four decades to turn himself into the man he had become, and it had all been washed away in a single blow by a scorned, self entitled little princess that was nowhere near strong enough by her own merits to have earned such a victory. It wasn’t fair.

    Vandrad quickly deduced at least part of the story behind why she was covered in so much blood, fishing for details on who else Mercury had killed besides Sabine. And while Mercury wanted to give him the details, she just couldn’t bring her crying under control enough to talk, merely standing there as her tears carved streaks out of the crimson ichor that had dried to her cheeks. Sensing that this was not the time to be brushing the matter aside, the Prince held a hand out toward her and beckoned for her to come over to him, doing his best to assure her that he was okay, all things considered, his biggest concern in just knowing that she was okay. It took another second or two for her to find her momentum, but she did eventually find the strength to put one foot in front of the other and walk slowly over to him, taking his hand in her own trembling one.

    Her eyes were drawn to his gut and the thick bandages that were wrapped around him. The top layers of the cloth were already stained crimson from the blood that he had still been losing even after having been brought to the hospital. Gaze almost transfixed to the spot, her chin quivered as she sat gingerly on the very edge of the bed. “They need to change these again,” she mumbled. “You’ll get an infection…”

    Raising her free hand to her face, Mercury wiped her tears away, the act only resulting in further smearing the plasma. “I should have been with you. If I hadn’t left… I’m so sorry.” She had failed him as his partner, leaving him behind for weeks without any communication during a time in his life where a dangerous organization had been stalking him for months, potentially years. She left him vulnerable, lacking the backup of someone he could trust, and while Mercury knew that she wasn’t responsible for his current state she couldn’t help but feel like she shared in some of the blame.

    “I killed them all,” she told him, gathering her composure enough to get the words out without stuttering over her tears, though she did need to stop from time to time to suck the snot back into her nose so it wouldn’t run down into her mouth. “Her family, the guards… anyone that got in my way. And then when she got there, I cut her open and fed her to their cattle…”

    Her anger started to show through the tears, a bitter, deep seeded fury and hatred clawing at her insides like a fever. “But it’s not enough. It was the Dread Masters who really did this. The Engineer put her in that state, forged that cursed blade and put it in her hands. There was hardware in her brain, and I know he was watching and listening to me as I killed her. He did this to you. They did this to you. And I am going to personally tear their organization apart piece by piece, person by person, until even their gods look merciful by comparison. And you are going to be there, too, because if they think that they can kill you or steal your magic or… or leave you crippled for the rest of your life, then they clearly haven’t been watching you hard enough because you are Vandrad du Wolff, and I refuse to believe that anyone this cowardly could ever do anything more than give you a temporary set back.”

    WORDS: 790/8062 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    A Dreadful Dinner Empty Re: A Dreadful Dinner

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 12th December 2021, 12:31 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    A Dreadful Dinner RJtajUnz_o
    Vandrad managed to pull himself back from trying to act like everything was okay. It was a defensive measure that he defaulted to, one that he wasn’t always actively aware of. But looking at Mercury and how torn down she was, how upset she had become at the sight of his injuries, gave him pause enough to break down some of his fortifications. He expressed that he was just relieved to see that she hadn’t suffered an attack of her own, given that all he saw was human blood and none of her own. It took her a moment to finally take his hand but when she did, she eased herself carefully on the edge of his bed. Her eyes were on his stomach, the bloods-soaked rags about his stomach fresh and bright as his plasma continued to seep out. She remarked about them needing to change the rags, worried that he could become infected in the meantime. "I imagine the doctors used practical magic spells to keep the wound clean, stemming any attempts at an infection spreading. Though… well, given the nature of the injury…” It was easy to assume that healing magic could keep an infection at bay but, then again, his wound was something unseen before. The necrotic damage changed things and no doubt he would be learning right along with the doctors just how well his body would manage moving forward.

    She took a moment to wipe some of the tears from her face, smearing the blood that adorned her features into wet, crimson streaks underneath her eyes. Mercury stated that she shouldn’t have left, theorizing that if she had been there only for her thought to fade into apologies. Vandrad shook his head. "There’s no way you would know what could have happened. Things could have been much worse. What happened, happened.” He was telling himself just as much as he was telling her. Regretting the way the events had transpired wouldn’t help with moving forward and the prince was a man that always looked ahead rather than behind. He liked to think that he took the lessons from his bad experiences to heart and this, too, would serve to educate him on how to be prepared moving forward. "It wasn’t your fault. It was my own. I let my guard down for a moment and it gave that witch the perfect opportunity to strike.” It was easier to lay the blame on his own inaction, especially considering she had been dealing with extraordinary circumstances herself.

    The loss of being able to sense her emotions was a strange one, now that he’d grown accustomed to it. Tied in with that was the loss of his ability to sense other’s magics, meaning that he couldn’t count the people in the next room, down the hall or just in the building in its entirety. Thinking on how Mercury had been preoccupied made him wonder if Khelben had come with her, both to seek vengeance and to the hospital. It didn’t seem in the Silver Wolf mage’s nature to have stuck his neck out so far for Vandrad, especially given how uneasy it made Mercury. The Silver Wolf Ace opened up on the details of her state, claiming that she had slain everyone. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that she meant Sabine and her family and Mercury filled out the details further, stating that she had slaughtered anyone in her way and then saved the worst for the prime offender, feeding her to the family’s animals. It was a gruesome thought but not unlike what Vandrad had been thinking of doing as well. Terrifying how similar their process of punishment operated.

    Yet Mercury wasn’t satisfied, her anger flaring up once more as she recalled further details. As she put it, the Dread Masters were the ones that were truly responsible. The Engineer had been the one that had taken Sabine, twisted her and then put the weapon in her hands. He’d even hardwired her brain for his own purposes, giving him opportunity to watch and listen as Mercury did the deed.  As far as she was concerned, he and the entire organization needed to be punished and she would make it her personal mission to rip it down to its foundations. And she would have him there too, refusing to believe that they could even accomplish killing him or weakening him. She stated that he was Vandrad wu Wolff and she wouldn’t even let the thought settle in that anyone like the Dread Masters or Sabine was nothing more than a speed bump on his life’s journey.

    It was an oddly inspiring speech, even if it was fueled by rage. And through it, Vandrad was reminded of just how much he truly did love her -- as infuriating and frustrating as it was most of the time, there was no denying that she had captured him like no other. She had stuck by his side through thick and thin and when she hadn’t been there, she had slaughtered an entire family line to pay them back for what they did. And now she was there, having faith and belief that he would surpass this supposedly crippling injury and prove everyone wrong. It was a funny thing, even as his mind wrapped around the very real experience of almost dying. He’d almost been robbed of his life and because of it, he’d never gotten a chance to tell her the truth. A woman that would start a war just to deliver payback in his regard. "I…” he started, his voice still weak and dry. He swallowed hard and began to open his mouth again. But a thought popped in, one that he couldn’t bypass without clarification. "What about Khelben? Does he know about this?” he said, looking down at her blood-covered self. Though he didn’t say it, it was clear he had surmised the role he took in her life without explanation and he was concerned about what her current state meant for what Vandrad assumed was her commanding officer.

    Words: 1013/10,625 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    A Dreadful Dinner Empty Re: A Dreadful Dinner

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 12th December 2021, 2:08 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    He did his best to assure her that he wouldn’t get an infection while in the hospital and that the doctors were using every skill set, both magical and non, to aid him. It was the best anyone could do. While Mercury was first and foremost a scientist, and there were some chemical compounds and other such alchemies she had learned over the years, her primary expertise was engineering. Maybe with time she could sit and pour over the blueprints that Everance had gathered to put together some kind of curative that might restore his magic and body. Surely, between her, Ever, and the rest of Silver Wolf they could come up with something. But right now she didn’t have those answers, and trying to forge them would mean leaving his side again for a time… something she simply wasn’t ready to do.

    Mercury made her apologies and expressed her regret at not being there when he needed her most. He assured her that there was no way she could have known what was going to happen, and all things considered it could have been worse. She continued to wipe at her face as the prince reminded her that none of this was her fault, putting the blame on himself for not staying alert and giving Sabine the chance to make her move. Mercury could only imagine how upset he was at himself for letting Sabine, of all people, get the drop on him and she held his hand a little tighter, though whether that was for his sake or her own was anyone’s guess.

    Not sure what else to say or really how to break everything to him, Mercury elected to launch right into what had happened, skipping over a lot of the gorey details and giving him the broader story about the fate of the Hotoi clan. She imagined at some point he’d see for himself what had become of the family, either through her own personal recordings or because it was an incident that was surely bound to make the international news in some form. Mercury also informed him of her confirmation that Sabine had been tied to the Dread Masters and experimented on to turn her into what she had become. She didn’t go into detail about how cracked the woman was because she was sure that Vandrad had gotten a glimpse of it himself while being attacked. However, she did make it very clear that she had taken this entire incident as a declaration of war, and the Xocili was ready to throw down without a second thought.

    As she worked on collecting herself, her little speech having help her to ease back the crying for the most part, Vandrad opened his mouth to speak. He hesitated for only a moment before asking about Khelben and whether he knew about any of this. Mercury drew in a deep, slow, shaky breath through her nostrils. She had known the subject would come up eventually, not that she could blame him. She’d have had the same question in his shoes, but it was clear that she wasn’t entirely confident on that particular topic. “He, um…” the lavender haired woman started, looking practically everywhere but at Vandrad. “He knows you got attacked. He was listening in when your mother called me to tell me what had happened. And to his credit, he wasn’t… careless about it. He did feel bad, but he… he still expected me to… to, you know… stay focused on the job…”

    Boy, this was hard. She was clearly struggling with treading the line of telling him what had happened without revealing too much of the truth, of all the things she’d kept hidden from him all this time. But just as clearly as her struggle was the knowledge that she wanted to tell him more than she should, that she was breaking a lot of training and orders to give him as much of a real answer as she could. “I sort of… snapped, I guess. As soon as your mother told me that there had been a witness that had gotten enough of a description to confirm Sabine had been the one to attack you, I left for Midi almost immediately. Khelben, um… Khelben tried to stop me, and I blindsided him with my magic.”

    Mercury lowered her head with a sigh, raising her free hand and wearily rubbing her temple, anxiety written all over her face. “He made me link our system before you met him. That’s why I couldn’t really… give you any warning about him. But I severed that connection and left him in Bosco. I also stripped him of his membership with Silver Wolf. I’m sure I’ll have to face consequences for that eventually, but… I don’t really care about that, right now.”

    Taking another small breath to keep herself under control, she finally managed to make eye contact with him with a slight frown. “How did Sabine manage to pull this off? I would have thought that your magic would have alerted you to her presence before she got anywhere near you… what were you doing?”

    WORDS: 858/8920 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    A Dreadful Dinner Empty Re: A Dreadful Dinner

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 12th December 2021, 5:19 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    A Dreadful Dinner RJtajUnz_o
    Not that Vandrad would have a real problem with it but he deeply hoped that Khelben wasn’t out in the waiting room. As much as it pained him to admit, he had a feeling if he was, Mercury was only here for a temporary stop. After all, the last time they had seen one another, she had said goodbye to him with such conviction, he was quite sure she was giving him a real parting for good. He’d gone a month without seeing her, without even communicating with her, and now that she was here, when he was most vulnerable, he couldn’t imagine losing her again. It was a bit crazy just how much his mind was focusing on her, was taking in the sight of her and mixing in with all the information she was giving him and just… losing himself. Maybe he was just delirious from losing all of that blood.

    She started to explain about Khelben, her eyes finding comfort in anything else in the room but his gaze. Apparently the Silver Wolf mage was aware that Vandrad had been attacked, as he had been listening in on the call. He had expressed sympathy for it but had insisted that Mercury remain focused on her priority and not to get distracted. Even in the way it was explained, he came across as a superior officer. But it turns out, the Silver Wolf Ace didn’t care much for that. She continued, stating that she snapped at the description of Sabine being given to her from Themesycia. She dropped all preconceptions of following orders and headed to Midi, taking down Khelben with her magic. Considering how secretive she was about her magic with the people on this world, Vandrad could only assume that she had hid her magical abilities from Khelben as well. Her concern over her abilities had been an interesting focal point for the prince but one they had never discussed. Now, he wondered if it was not only taboo for her to possess that kind of unearthly power but a true damning issue.

    She told him that Khelben had linked their systems together, essentially making him aware of everything Mercury received and put out. It was why she had acted so normal on the face of things, while still suffering emotional turmoil within. It also explained why she had never taken the time to find some manner to give him the truth or warn him. Things he had already assumed or at least theorized but had never confirmed. But that link was gone; she had severed it and stripped him of his position within Silver Wolf. There would be consequences, she said, but she didn’t have the mind or emotional core to care about that at the moment. It hit him a bit harder than he expected. She was breaking -- had broken -- protocol so that she could punish the woman that had hurt him. She had put herself in a position of weakness, just for him. He felt a tight knot in his stomach twist and turn, seemingly making the pain in his stomach dissipate, if only temporarily.

    After that admission, she asked about how Sabine had managed to get past his senses and wondered what he had been doing. He scoffed softly, the sound more like a cough than his usual noise of dismissal. "I was led to believe I was meeting with Bartrand. When I arrived, I came face to face with the man they know as Hasan. He identified himself as Scourge -- ridiculous name -- and began a sales pitch to try and convince me to join their ranks. The sad part is, he truly believed in the cause; he wants to help humanity continue to grow and protect them from dangers. I just don’t believe he understands the circumstances and the consequences of their actions. I let him leave, for the sake of treating the meeting as a parlay. But when I followed him out, that’s when Sabine got to me. I didn’t sense her at all, no magical signature whatsoever. She was as good as a ghost, which is saying a lot, considering…” Scourge had given him warning that danger was coming but it hadn’t seemed like he meant immediately. If anything, the Dread Master had seemingly come with a sense of honor in terms of their departure. But it seems that Vandrad had severely misjudged the man.

    His gaze settled on Mercury once more, bringing himself out from the monologue and focusing on her. Once more all the details that she had revealed to him, along with the ones that she had partaken in and showcased, continued to spiral around in his head. And once more, he thought back to the fact that he’d very nearly lost his life only hours ago. They’d been separated for a whole month, not communicating, not seeing one another and this is what had brought them back together. It was truly terrible but it also brought him an opportunity he had truly thought was robbed of him. He swallowed hard, the words caught in his throat, even as the moisture started to disappear from his mouth. But rather than give way to cowardice, he pushed through the fear and found the confidence to speak again. "I love you, Mercury.”

    And like that, it was out. The realization, the truth that he had been living silently for almost a year at that point. Feelings that he had opted to shut down and ignore, not wanting to interrupt the status quo or put any complications in their already confusing relationship. "I know this seems out of the blue. But it’s something I came to realize many months ago. I just had no true idea how to express it, how to… word it. It’s not something I’ve felt beyond that of my family and to be honest, I still don’t know how to properly accept it. Being around you fulfills me with courage and confidence, while also cutting me down and making me weak. You make me stronger while also frustrating me to all hell. But I know that this last month, without seeing you, without even talking to you, has been some of the worst days of my adult life. I felt lost… and I was… scared that I would die, never being able to tell you how I truly felt. Crippled or not, at least I got the opportunity to speak what I feel.”

    "“So there it is. I love you.” The words came flying out of his mouth, now that the mental sealant had been ripped away. His voice was still tired and coarse but it seemed to gain strength as he went, as if he’d found volume in his own admission. Unlike her, he kept his gaze solidified on her throughout his confession, unwilling to let another awkward moment pass between them, at least not on his end of things.

    Words: 1156/11,781 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    A Dreadful Dinner Empty Re: A Dreadful Dinner

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 12th December 2021, 7:37 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Mercury asked about how Sabine had managed to get the drop on him, and he coughed a little before explaining that he had been deceived into thinking that he was meeting up with Bartrand. Instead, the person who had met him was Hasan – or rather, Scourge. Despite the seriousness of the situation, she couldn’t help the grimace on her face at the name. “Well, that’s tacky…” she murmured. Supposedly, he had come under the pretense of what Victoria had originally suggested: that they were trying to recruit the prince to join the Dread Masters. According to Vandrad, it seemed that Scourge truly believed in their cause and thought he was doing what was best for humanity. A naive viewpoint, or so the prince believed. He had turned him down and let the man leave without incident, treating the situation as a neutral meeting of enemies outside of battle.

    But that was when Sabine had struck, seemingly materializing out of nowhere without any warning and running Vandrad through with the blade. Mercury shook her head. “It must have been whatever the Engineer did to her. He must have grafted magic onto her. She was practically burning up her life energy by the time she made it back home. She tried to stab me with her ridiculous ribbons and they were charged with energy of some kind. I probably should have kept her body intact to study it and do some reverse engineering on whatever had been done to her, but… I wasn’t really thinking straight.”

    She scratched the back of her head. “I did keep her head, though. So I’ll definitely be studying that later. I tried to keep the sword for you, but… the Engineer had a failsafe installed. Ever barely managed to make a magical schematic for it before it melted to ash in my hand.”

    There was a moment of quiet that one might even call peaceful. Despite everything that had happened to bring them here, Mercury couldn’t deny how relieving it was to be beside him again. She’d spent the last month feeling like she’d been living in a lifeless blur, an endless dream that hadn’t quite managed to manifest into a nightmare, if only because nightmares involved feelings where she’d had none. But being here now, it was like a spark of life had come back to life within her, even if it was being fueled mostly by hatred, rage, and anxiety. As as she was just starting to settle into not being bogged down by repressive depression, that was when he finally spoke up to tell her outright that he loved her.

    Mercury blinked slowly, her gaze turning to him with furrowed-brow confusion. “W-what..?” she stammered out quietly, not sure if she had really heard him correctly. She continued to eye him with slack jawed shock as he assured her that the confession was not out of the blue, but rather that he had known for several months and just didn’t know how to express it to her. The only people he’d ever loved before was his family, and he was so used to pushing everyone away that even he wasn’t entirely sure how to accept the realization. She was a dichotomy in his life, infuriatingly so at times, always tearing him down and building him up, making him stronger while being the most royal pain in his ass that he’d never asked for or really even wanted. Yet the last month away from her, without so much as a message from time to time to keep in touch, had been the hardest days he could remember since his childhood, and no matter what else had happened to him that day he was just grateful that he was still alive to have the opportunity to tell her that he loved her.

    The further he got into his small speech, the more her body began to tremble. The tightness that she often felt in her chest during those odd moments behind closed doors where he was tender and sweet to her returned, and it had been so long since she’d felt it that she honestly wasn’t sure if it was a heart attack or not. She turned away again, eyes wide as they once more began to fill with tears, her hand clutched to her gut and the deep, intense pain that was rippling in her core. Closing her eyes, Mercury worked up her courage to almost timidly ask, “Is that what this is? Love?”

    In that moment it would be painfully clear that no one had ever told her before that they loved her, whether it be romantic, familiar, or even a platonic love between friends. Sure a passing comment here and there mostly in jest, but no one had ever said it to her in such a way that she truly knew they meant it in the kind of deep, passionate way that made her feel like anyone truly cared about her. As she had explained to him once so many months ago, she had been alone her entire life, with no one to rely on but herself, no one to fall back on when she was hurt or scared or in danger. Every relationship Mercury had ever had had been fleeting, the Xocili moving on before anyone could get too close. But Vandrad… he loved her. He loved her in the kind of way that she’d only ever watched others experience from afar, the kind of way that she’d thought she’d never get to live firsthand.

    And the words hurt more than she ever thought they could.

    “You shouldn’t.” She told him, standing shakily to her feet and pacing back and forth as a very real panic attack threatened to overwhelm her. He didn’t know the truth of who she really was or why she was here. He loved the part of her that he knew, but that would change the moment that he knew the true purpose of her mission on Earthland. “I can’t… We can’t… I’m not.. I’m not what you think I am… It would never be allowed…”

    Mercury was having a full mental break down before him. She couldn’t hold still, moving about the room erratically as she was consumed by her dismay, choking tears once again pouring down her cheeks as she came close to hyperventilating. If she told him the truth, she would be putting a great deal of people in danger. The survival of her race depended entirely on her – on all of them – being obedient. If she stepped out of line, if she rebelled, a lot more than just herself would pay the price of it, and she would be responsible for the suffering and death of the rest of the Xocili, of hundreds of people that she…

    …well… that she didn’t know. She paused in her fantic pacing, staring with wide emerald eyes at a spot on the floor as her head began to swim and it dawned on her. As horrible as it was to say, she didn’t care about them. About any of them. She did to a point, but she didn’t know any of them. The only other Xocili she had ever met was Khelben, but outside of him she’d never spent time with any of her kin and didn’t know them at all. Outside of sentimentality, they meant nothing to her.

    But the people here, on Earthland… they meant everything to her. Vandrad, Themmy, Gren… the entirety of the du Wolff clan… Mythal and Serilda… Tsubasa… Monica, Agatha, Ruzatz… The entirety of the Silver Wolf guild, and even the Fairy Tail guild to a point. Each and every one of those people had taken her in, accepted her despite her secretive and sometimes careless behaviors. They had shed blood with her, encouraged her, trusted her, confided in her even when she was selfish and cruel and distant… they loved her. Maybe not the same way Vandrad did, but even the prince’s one confession, one use of the word, opened up a wellspring of clarity that had been eluding her for far, far too long.

    And just like that, everything clicked into place and she was done living the lie. The fear on her face quickly transformed into grim determination, and with the flick of a wrist she conjured a small knife into her hand. Raising the blade up behind her head and using her scanners to ensure the accuracy of her movement, she carefully began to cut the back of her neck along where her scar was. The pain was excruciating and she whimpered through the entire process, gritting her teeth so hard she was sure they would shatter from the pressure as the black oil that served as her blood poured down her shoulders. Once the incision had been made, she swapped the knife for a large pair of tweezers. With a few shallow, pained breaths through her nostrils, she used the tweezer to grab hold of the foreign matter that was buried there, slowly pulling the piece out bit by bit as agony burned her to near blindness. It took everything she had not to scream out in anguish to the point where doctors or family members would come rushing in, and when she was finally done she collapsed to her knees in exhaustion and relief.

    In her hand was a fleshy, corrupted looking mass of organic substance that Vandrad would not be able to identify. It would look almost like a lump of scar tissue, and as Mercury stared at it she would once more call a knife to her hand only to stab the thing through the center where it oozed a small trickle of a blue, blood like substance.

    “I’m a slave,” she finally told him, her voice strained and broken. “I’m a slave, and I was sent here to spy on this planet and… and send information back so that the monsters that destroyed my home and my people can do the same to yours.” It was unimaginably difficult to finally speak the painful truth, but Mercury knew that if there was any hope of redemption and forgiveness, she needed to tell him everything now. So, she forced herself to continue. “I am exactly the kind of person that the Order of Souls and Dread Masters are trying to protect this world against… and I’ve been feeding back information about Earthland, it’s magic and it’s people for almost two years, now…”

    “B-but I don’t… I don’t want to do it anymore. This is the first place I’ve ever felt like… like I have a home, like I belong, and I don’t want to lose it. I don’t want it to suffer the same fate Xocil did.”

    Hugging herself tightly where she knelt on the ground, she sobbed heavily, tears dripping down to her knees. “I can’t… I can’t be with you, Vandrad. I allowed myself to live a fantasy, and I deceived you. I know how nobility works, and I’m so… so sorry… but if you let me serve your family, I’ll stop at nothing to make sure this world is protected, even at the cost of my own life. I’ll swear my loyalty and give you any information you need about what’s coming, and… and do anything you ask… just please, please let me serve you, instead..”

    WORDS: 1897/10,817 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    A Dreadful Dinner Empty Re: A Dreadful Dinner

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 12th December 2021, 9:10 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    A Dreadful Dinner RJtajUnz_o
    It made sense that whatever the Engineer’s tinkering had done, it had managed to mask Sabine’s magical signature. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense that Sabine was most likely sent to try and take him out, given her ability to hide and the strange sword she had been wielding. A weapon made to deal almost instant necrotic damage was not crafted simply for the sake of amusement. Mercury remarked about how she probably should have kept Sabine’s body intact to study it but frankly, she was too engrossed in her anger to care. He could hardly blame her on that -- were the positions reversed, he would have acted in the exact same manner.

    She’d saved Sabine’s head though and had every intention of studying it to see what she could learn about the Engineer’s style, no doubt. She’d even managed to snag the sword that had been used against him but, once again, the Dread Master’s technical genius had thought of a failsafe for that as well. Everance had gotten a scan of it and no doubt that would offer some insight but alas, it seemed any decent investigation had paused, at least for the moment. That was fine; as much as Vandrad wanted and felt he deserved answers, he was frankly too happy to just have her there with him. And he would have been fine leaving it simple and quiet there, had it not been for the raging emotions inside. Too many thoughts and feelings that had been bottled up for a long time and no, given the situation, there was no stopping them erupting out. And frankly, Vandrad had grown tired of keeping them bottled up. After all she had done for him, she deserved to know how he felt and… well, it came out.

    It certainly was not the most romantic confession anyone had ever given. The prince was not exactly trained in the art of waxing poetic, opting to speak truly from the heart and as bumbling as one without romantic notions would. She looked utterly shocked by the confession, her eyes wide and her jaw hanging off her head as she listened to him. It didn’t slow or deter him, even as her body began to quiver and shake, his words coming out in a constant stream of thought that there was no stopping. And by the time he had finished, laying it all on the line, all she could ask was if love was truly what was being felt. It was an odd question, even as she looked askance and tears began to flow down from her eyes once more. It hadn’t truly, fully occurred to him that the ideal of love would be so strange or unknown to her. It was true, he understood she had been alone all of her life and she hadn’t really connected with people. Perhaps it was his ignorant way of viewing the world, as he’d been raised with love and care from other people that showed him what it meant and felt like. It was as alien to her as she was to most if not all of the people in this world.

    But it was a two-pronged question and one that did not get past him. She wasn’t just talking about what he was feeling but it was almost like an eye-opening event for herself. She was hearing his words and realizing how similar they were to her. She was understanding that the sensations; the aches, pains and warmth that invaded her were the same that dominated Vandrad, despite his best attempts otherwise. She was having her moment of realizing that what she was feeling was love too. The connections weren’t fully there but the gaps were being filled in, right before his eyes. It’d be stupid to say that he didn’t wonder if she felt the same for him but he’d never expected to be witness to her own sudden revelation of it. Nor was he prepared for anything that would follow it.

    At first, she insisted that he shouldn’t. His face froze in confusion, not quite understanding what she was trying to convey. She continued, stuttering over reasons that it wouldn’t work, claiming that she was nothing like what he saw her as. She was on her feet, pacing back and forth as very real, very palpable panic swept over her. He didn’t know what to say to that; what was there to say to that? He knew she had secrets and her reason for being on the world had always been unknown but what exactly was she hinting at? And besides, he’d felt all of the little emotions behind the facade. He’d spent nearly enough time with her to see the cracks form in her practiced deliveries and disguises. "Mercury…” he said softly, easing himself up a bit more on the bed in an attempt to catch her attention.

    Lost in her own thoughts, she only came to a stop once, staring wide at the floor, as if something new had just occurred to her. For one, terrifying moment, he was afraid that somehow Khelben had installed something to gain control of her; a backdoor into her functions that he could access should she act past what he wanted. "Mercury!” he said, a bit more forcefully, his voice still as haggard as before. She still didn’t move and so Vandrad began to, yanking off the blankets and attempting to swing his legs over the side of the bed. But then, before he could fully make the movement, she was acting up. With barely a move, she summoned forth a small knife into her hand. All Vandrad could do was watch as she brought it up and around her head and then slid it into the flesh of her neck. "Hey!” he called out to her, now terrified. She was in pain, he could hear her pained whimpers, and yet her blade continued to slice. His hands grabbed for the sides of the bed as he moved to hoist himself up, only stopped when a flash of pain ripped through his torso from the wound in his chest. All he could do, through the fluctuating pain blackholing his vision, was stare as she dismissed her knife and then took out tweezers. The object was dipped down into the open, bleeding wound and took hold of something. Once it had taken hold, she began the process of yanking it outwards, causing her such intense pain that, even without his empathic abilities, he could feel her pain. Only when she had it fully freed did she fall to the ground, exhausted and worn from the trial. And caught between her tweezers was some kind of organic mass, lacking any real shape or design. It was only allowed to exist in its full form for a few more seconds before Mercury summoned her knife once more and impaled it, releasing a gush of blood-like ichor.

    She spoke up, finally, telling him she was a slave. As he pushed himself back into a sitting position, she went on, stating that she had been sent to Earthland for the sake of spying on them. She would ingratiate herself into the populace, harvest information about them and then send it back to the species that had destroyed her home, so that they could begin planning for an invasion. It was the kind of confession one would expect on one’s deathbed, a startling revelation that turned everything upside down and crushed any and all previous understanding. Vandrad felt like the room was pressing down on him as she continued, saying that she was the kind of target the Order of Souls and the Dread Masters would attempt to stop and that she had been here for two years and had been taking information about his world that entire time.

    But, she said, she was done with that. Earthland had welcomed her with open arms and in her time spent here, she had grown to cherish it like the home she never had. She didn’t want to lose it and she wanted nothing to do with it becoming like her homeworld. She sobbed on the ground, holding herself tight as she explained that she couldn’t be with him. She had gotten caught up in the fantasy of it all, had lived a life of dreaming but the deception was over. She knew where she stood, especially when it came to lines of nobility and all she could be was sorry. But, as she saw it, if she served the du Wolffs, she could make it right. She could help them prepare and would fight against the monsters out in the dark, even if it came at her own life’s end. She would turn herself over to them fully and give them all the information they could ever want, so long as she could just serve beneath them.

    Vandrad was stunned into utter silence. All he could do was stare at her, curled up on the ground, for a long time. A volcano of mixed emotions roared beneath the surface as he looked down at her; anger, shame, disgust and envy. Of course, there was no denying that he was angry at her -- she had deceived her and had acted the spy to get information about him and his family. But that was, interestingly enough, not the most overwhelming emotion. And it was because she had told him, outright, that it hadn’t been her choice. She was a slave; a subservient that had been taken in by a commanding force to serve their needs. They had been the ones to send her to his world, demanding that she gather information for their purposes. Even without his abilities, even without Mythal’s ability to read lies, he knew he was hearing the stark, bare-naked truth from her for the first time. No rational person would panic as hard as she had and then take such a step as to rip out what he could only assume was some kind of tracking mechanism. That only further proved that she had very little choice in the matter.

    And then there was the matter of Khelben. He had arrived and put her on guard, giving her an edge that she cleverly and masterfully disguised. He must have been Xocili as she was and, as such, that meant he was enslaved by this race as well. No doubt they had others that were meant to come in and steer an operation back on course if it hadn’t been heading in the right direction. Mercury had already begun rebelling or so he assumed, to cause this other agent to be sent to watch over her. And she had already thrown all caution to the wind by attacking him and revealing that she had magic power.

    Vandrad’s feet found the ground and, rather unsteadily, moved as he walked towards her. He managed to get to the edge of the bottom of the bed, his hand holding the frame for support, as he looked down at her. In one quick drop, a bit harder than he intended, he was down on his knees in front of her, catching himself from bruising by continuing to hold the bed. But once he was down, he released it. "Who decides that you can’t be with me?” he asked her, his voice soft. "Since when have I ever given a shit about nobility and the rules it carries? So you were a spy -- by the sound of it, you didn’t have much of a choice. You think some alien force from beyond my world’s borders scares me? You said it yourself; I’m Vandrad du Wolff. And you’re fucking Mercury Arseneault. The woman who, despite her position, found love and life on a planet she wasn’t meant to care about. This…is… your home. This world, this place… and this right here,” he said, reaching out and taking her hand so that he could place it on his chest. "I know who I fell in love with, Mercury. Maybe even better than you know. You cannot serve me; I won’t let you be anything else but my equal. You and me, that’s how it’s always been. And that isn’t going to change now or ever. But you will never have to serve again.”

    "You are a slave no more.”

    Words: 2067/13,848 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    A Dreadful Dinner Empty Re: A Dreadful Dinner

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 13th December 2021, 3:17 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Mercury wanted to stop him from getting up off the gurney, not wanting him to further injure himself when he was already a short walk from the grave, but unfortunately once she had started the process of removing the chip she couldn’t stop, not without risking death or paralysis. And once it was finally out and destroyed, she collapsed and finally revealed the horrific truth to him about why she had come to Earthland. She was so scared by the time she got everything out in the open that all she could do was sit there, hoping he didn’t hate her or dismiss her, and for a brief moment it felt like her worst fears were going to come true. She couldn’t sense his anger in any kind of direct sense, but she could read the quickening of his pulse as he struggled with his own emotions. Being panic stricken as she was, her mind jumped to the worst conclusions, especially when his silence and lack of response drew out for quite some time.

    When he finally moved and dropped himself onto the ground before her, Mercury flinched slightly away from him. Then, he spoke to her softly, questioning who had the authority to tell either of them that they couldn’t be together. He reiterated his stance on the expectations of nobility and how little he cared about what was considered acceptable among such circles. Perhaps she had been a spy this whole time, but the way he saw it that wasn’t something that she’d had much of a choice in – which was true. Not only that, but he wasn’t going to shrink back at the thought of some extraterrestrial invasion.

    He rebuked her own fear of what was coming, affirming for her as much as she had for him that she was not someone to be taken lightly. She had come to Earthland under the guise of a phenomenal threat, but despite everything had fallen in love with the planet and its people so deeply that it had become her home where she’d never truly had one before. Not only that, but she had found Vandrad. The prince took one of her hands and put it on his chest, the act finally drawing the woman’s tear soaked face to turn and look up at him. He told her that he knew who he had fallen in love with, and despite not knowing most of her deepest secrets and sins until that moment he felt he had always known who she was, better even than she knew herself.

    And as to the point of her abandoning her mission and running away from her slavers to serve Vandrad and his family instead, the prince informed her that it could not be done. He would not allow her to serve him, not when he viewed her as his equal. That mindset was never going to change, and he would never accept her as a subservient. As far as he was concerned, she was no longer a slave. A wave of relief and emotion swept over her, and after a moment or two to make sure that she wasn’t dreaming, she leaned forward and collapsed against his chest, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding him close.

    “I love you,” she told him, her voice hoarse from crying. “I love you so much. I think… I think I’ve known for a while, and I just… didn’t understand it. I never had hope that I would ever experience things like… like falling in love, or having a home or a family. And for a while, I was content with that, but… the more time I spent with you, and the more I got to know your family… you made me start to want those things. And I kept allowing myself to stray because I didn’t want to lose you or… or let go of you and how you made me feel.  And when I realized who Khelben was, I knew I had to push you away because if I didn’t…”

    Her voice trailed off briefly as she pressed her face against his chest. “The last thing I wanted was to paint a target on you and your family. I had hoped that I could trick him into thinking I was just playing you, convince him that I wasn’t as close to any of you as I had actually become. I don’t think he bought it, though… He’s a slave just like I am. Like I was,” Mercury gently corrected herself, very much sounding like she was trying to convince herself that the words were true. “But it’s not just my own life I’m risking, or even yours… There are only a few hundred survivors and most of them are being used as… as hostages to ensure that the rest of us out in the field do our jobs…”

    She was sure she wouldn’t have to spell that out for him. If she or any others that had been given a long leash elected to test the slack, the fate of the remaining survivors of their race was at stake. “He wasn’t happy about what he had to do. But he’s been alive a lot longer than me, and still has family to protect. I don’t want to hurt him, and I don’t think he wants to hurt me, but… I don’t think he’s going to let this go… and I can’t hold that against him, as much as I want to.” As much as Mercury wanted to accept that she was no longer a slave, as Vandrad claimed, it still remained that this was not over. Khelben would try to find her, despite her warning, because he didn’t have any other choice. And despite how much stress the older Xocili had put on her for the last month, she just couldn’t bring herself to judge him for doing what he felt he had to for the safety of those he had left. She would have done the same.

    “But all I want is to be with you… It’s all I’ve wanted for a long time… and I don’t know what will happen after everything that I’ve done, but for once in my life I know what it feels like to have hope that things will get better… and I will fight tooth and nail to stay with you.”

    WORDS: 1066/11,883 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    A Dreadful Dinner Empty Re: A Dreadful Dinner

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 13th December 2021, 4:06 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    A Dreadful Dinner RJtajUnz_o
    In Vandrad’s eyes, she would never be a slave. Learning the hardships behind her upbringing, discovering her reason for being on the world, was a mind-blowing experience, there was little doubt about that. But it didn’t change the fact that Vandrad knew who she was beneath the facade, had seen beyond the veil of her mask and gotten to know the woman hidden away. It didn’t lessen the hit from the truth but it was defining in that it kept the prince from assuming the worst. After all, he knew what it was like to suffer under an oppressive force, unable to escape and doing whatever they demand of you. It wasn’t quite to the level of planet-scale invasions but that didn’t take away from the connection. And it mattered most that Mercury had done it for altruistic reasons.

    As he kneeled before her and spoke on her confession, it seemed he had broken through her reverie of unwillingness to try and be with one another. She leaned forward and embraced him, the prince managing to keep himself upright, despite how weak he was. His own arms went around her side, holding her tight even as she confessed her own feelings to him. Like him, she had puzzled it out but unlike the prince, she didn’t know what it was; didn’t have the word for it. She went on to talk about how she had never expected to find love or family or any kind of realistic form of settling down and it hadn’t bothered her until she had met Vandrad and the rest of the du Wolffs. They had made her realize that she did want those things and it made her break off from the norm, straying from what was, no doubt, a strict regimen. It had taken Khelben coming in to break the fantasy and once she knew who he was, she had to push him away.

    He nodded softly along, understanding. If the roles were reversed, he would have done the same thing. It was one thing to paint a target on one’s self but putting loved ones in the firing line was too much to bear. She had tried to make it seem like the con was still on with Vandrad but Khelben didn’t seem as bought into the trick as she hoped. He was like her, following orders and duties established by overlords and that meant he had to be as strict upon her as she had been with herself. Because, it seemed, that if any of the agents tried to break free, there were several hundred survivors of her race that were held as hostages; pieces of ‘negotiation’ to make sure no one stepped out of line. Khelben had more experience and years than Mercury and, it seemed, family as well. That meant that the Silver Wolf Ace breaking away endangered people he cared about, people he loved. As much as he hated to admit it, he couldn’t hold it against Khelben either. Killing him seemed less and less appealing, given the circumstances.

    But it also meant that he would be looking to bring her in, most likely. He’d have to make an example out of her, in hopes of earning leniency from the overlords. That was something Vandrad couldn’t allow either. Mercury wanted to stay with him and while she couldn’t predict the outcome of her actions, she finally had hope again and she wasn’t going to let that go without a fight. "Then that’s what we do,” he said softly, giving a firm nod. "We fight back. We convince Khelben that we have the means and the strength to push back against the oppressors. And then we take the fight to them. But you and I… we can’t do this alone. Others will need to know. My mother, my family… Serilda and Mythal. Altogether, we are a formidable force. I told you that you’re not a slave anymore and I intend to keep my word. I will make sure they will never come for you again. And we’ll go and save what people of yours remain.”

    He reached down gently and took her face in his hands, pulling her up to look at him. His eyes canned her tear and blood soaked face as he gave her another assured nod. "There’s no one else in this world and beyond I’ve cared about as much as you. And you aren’t allowed to leave now that you’ve stuck your barbs in. You’re mine, Mercury… for now and forever.” And then he finally leaned in and kissed her, something he’d been robbed of for over a month. The last time she had kissed him, it had been to say goodbye; to separate herself from him for his safety. Now he returned it, letting her know that there was no pushing him away and that he was there to stay, standing beside her, against whatever hurricane and storm came to them.

    Words: 826/14,674 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | © marzia at shine & gs.

    Last edited by Vandrad Ragnos on 13th December 2021, 6:59 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    A Dreadful Dinner Empty Re: A Dreadful Dinner

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 13th December 2021, 5:35 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Mercury had told Khelben that she would kill him if she ever saw him again, but the truth was that she really didn’t want to hurt him. She understood where he was coming from, and they were in the exact same position. The only difference was that he had been fighting this war longer than she had and still had more to lose. The last thing Mercury wanted was to take that from him, but that didn’t mean she should be willing to sacrifice her own happiness and her own chance to have the things he did, the things she’d never had, and as harsh as it sounded she was willing to throw everything away to keep what she had found.

    To no surprise, Vandrad agreed with her. He assured her that if fighting is what it would take, then that’s what they would do. He even expressed his willingness to try to work with Khelben, to convince him that together they could stand up to the Nazru and be victorious. But, they could not do it by themselves. They would need to tell everyone else, including the rest of the du Wolffs, as well as Serilda and Mythal. He meant to keep his word on her freedom no matter what it took, and not only that but to also free the rest of her people. It was a lot to take in, and while it was encouraging, the thought of having to reveal the truth to the rest of the people gathered out in the waiting room was daunting. Vandrad had chosen to forgive her, but that didn’t mean anyone else would, and it was evident by the way that she stiffened slightly that she was afraid of doing that just as much as she had been afraid of telling him.

    “Okay, but… can it wait a little bit? It will take Khelben a while to catch up to me, and the Nazru… that’s what they’re called… they’re not making any plans to mobilize yet. They’re patient, and they have been wanting me to do thorough research on the magic here before they make any plans. We have time… and it’s been a long day and I just… I just don’t want to make things more stressful for everyone than it’s already been. Your family deserves a chance to destress and just be happy that you’re alive.” That was all she asked. A little time to prepare herself to tell her story again, this time from scratch, considering the only other person that knew she wasn’t human was Gren. Or at least, he was the only other one she’d talked to about it. She truly didn’t plan on procrastinating, but right now, after everything that had happened today, it just didn’t seem like the appropriate time to drop that bomb on everyone.

    She didn’t fight as he gently slipped his hand toward her face and pulled her back so they could look one another in the eyes. Vandrad told her that he’d never cared for anyone as much as her, and that was her fault for being damn near impossible to get rid of. Her punishment, it seemed, was that she was not allowed to leave. She belonged to him now, and not even time would take that away from them. Despite how disgusting she must have looked with dried, caked blood all over her face, he still leaned forward and kissed her, a sensation that Mercury had sorely missed. Putting her hand on top of his where he cupped her cheek, she returned the gesture with a tender passion, content to let it linger for some time.

    But they couldn’t sit on the floor and make out forever. Vandrad was still injured, and it had not been kind on his body for him to get down on the ground with her. When their lips eventually parted, she rested her forehead against his own. “We should get you back in the bed… the doctors are going to kill me for letting you get up…” Pulling back, she looked down at his bandages to make sure the wound hadn’t reopened. It seemed okay for now, though it wasn’t easy to tell since the wrappings had already been stained before. She shifted into a crouch beside him so she could help him get to his feet, easing him back over onto the bed and getting him beneath the blankets again. There was a small table near the bed that had a pitcher and a couple cups, so she took the initiative to pour him some water to make sure he stayed hydrated.

    “Are you ready to see your family?” she finally asked him once they were settled again. “Pretty much everyone is outside, including Mythal and Seri. I doubt the doctors will allow the whole crowd in at once, but I could shoot a message to your parents? Your mom sent me in first because she thought you’d need me the most, but… They really need to see you, too.”

    Presuming he was ready, she would shoot a message over to Themmy. He’s ready for you and Gren. I’m going to use the bathroom in here to clean up. Would you ask Ever if she’d be kind enough to conjure up a clean set of clothes for me? Just set them in the bathroom. Once that message was sent, she would lean over to kiss Vandrad one more time, running her hands through his hair and nuzzling her face gently against his own. “I love you,” she told him again softly. “They’re on their way. I’m going to go scrub all this evidence off of me.” Shooting him a soft smirk, a small part of her playful self finally confident enough to return, Mercury ducked into the bathroom and hopped into the small shower.

    There was so much blood in her hair that she had to wash it four times before the water stopped running crimson. The heat ached on her neck, but thankfully her genetics already had the small wound all but closed up. She had made sure to toss the broken chip in with the hazardous waste bin, certain that would be enough for it to be disposed of without anyone else finding it. Her clothes were utterly ruined, though. No amount of blood or magic would remove the stains, and the garments had become so saturated that when the blood had finally dried it had left the outfit stiff as cardboard. She was probably going to have to burn it, though she knew better than to do that here. Instead, she pulled a trashbag out from under the sink and tossed the items in there for now before she focused on scrubbing herself down like a mad woman.

    When she came back out, she found the fresh clothes that Ever had provided: a cream colored tank top with grey striped pants and a pink, collared jacket. There was even a clean pair of boots, which was good because her other shoes were definitely done for. The clothes fit perfectly, though that was no surprise, and soon enough she was stepping back out into the room, finally cleaned up and feeling much more like herself.

    WORDS: 1206/13,089 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    A Dreadful Dinner Empty Re: A Dreadful Dinner

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 13th December 2021, 6:57 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    A Dreadful Dinner RJtajUnz_o
    Mercury only had one demand moving forward and it was that they wait before getting into it all. As she put it, Khelben wasn’t likely to find her anytime soon and the Nazru -- the monstrous aliens -- hadn’t even begun formulating a true invasion schematic yet. They had wanted a full diagnostic of the magic that the planet used before they started building plans. They had the gift of time and frankly, it had been a long enough day for all of them that they didn’t need extra stress and concern adding to the laundry list already established. Vandrad nodded softly. "That’s fair. I suppose a day or so of just cooling off wouldn’t be the worst idea,” he said softly, agreeing to her terms. Once again he was trying to run from one plot to the next without stopping to deal with the issues coming from the first instance. And considering his injury was a rather big focal point at the moment, it was best to have some patience.

    He kissed her as tenderly as he ever had before and she returned the gesture, clear that both of them had missed the connection. After some time, she pulled away and rested her head against his before she insisted that they get him back on the bed, as the medical professionals would have some words if he was found floor-bound. "Too bad, here I was hoping to have a roll on the ground. Nothing like stomach wounds and dried carnage blood to set a mood,” he managed to quip, flashing her the tiniest, if not the most tired, of smirks. Once she had gotten to her position, he used her to help himself get to his feet and then back onto the bed. The prince swung his legs beneath the covers just as she was placing them back over him. She offered him some water and he took it gently, sipping the liquid softly. "I could get used to being nursed like this, save that you get an outfit to match.” It seemed, despite his injury, a more jovial mood had set over him.

    Mercury moved on, asking if he was ready to see his family. It seemed most of them, including Mythal and Serilda, were in the waiting room outside. The space was a little cramped so no doubt not everyone would be able to come in at once. But the Silver Wolf Ace suggested that his parents be the first ones let in, as it was important that they see him too. “I suppose. I imagine mother is going to chastise me for not being on guard,” he mumbled, snorting softly in amusement at his own quip. Mercury sent the message and then leaned over to kiss him once more. He smiled at her as she said she had to go and scrub off the evidence of her actions. "I love you,” he told her back as he watched her depart.

    It was only a moment later that the door opened and in walked Themesycia and Gren. The duchess took one look at him and her face twisted in raw, painful emotion once more. "Mother, grieving is an awful look to you,” Vandrad said, pushing himself up slightly.

    “And death’s door is not a suitable passage for you,” she shot back. Even as she said it she was moving to his side, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding him tenderly. “I was so worried,” she whispered into his neck, the trickle of fresh tears wetting the side of his head.

    "My apologies for worrying you…” he said back to her.

    “Yer bandages need changin’. They leave any gauze in here, I can take care of it.” Gren asked, his tone gruff but… soft at the same time. It took only a glance from Vandrad to confirm that the large man was hiding his face as he looked around. “Don’t they have anythin’ in here?”

    "Gren,” Vandrad spoke the man’s name softly. When that didn’t seem to stop him, he took a different approach. "Father.”

    That stopped the former Knight in his tracks. Finally he turned to look at Vandrad, his face blotchy and worn from weeping himself. He scoffed and shook his head, reaching up to wipe away fresh liquid from his cheeks. “I just met ya, Vandrad. And when I thought I…” He walked over and took the prince’s hand in his. “I thought I lost ya, boy…”

    "It seems stubborn in the face of death runs in the family,” Vandrad quipped, even as his mother finally lifted her face away from him and wiped her eyes. "I trust you’re the one that sent Mercury on her little errand?”

    “If anyone could track down that Midian bitch in record time, it was her,” Themmy stated.

    “Ya mean… all that blood was…?” Gren asked.

    “Justice. Something I should have handled myself when I had the chance,” the duchess finished, looking up at Gren. “Don’t tell me the Rune Knight disapproves?”

    Gren snorted softly but then gave a shake of his head. “In normal circumstances, I might’ve. But considerin’...”

    Themesycia took out the clothes from underneath her arm and placed them gently outside the door leading to the shower. “Is she okay otherwise? She was quite shaken.”

    "She was. But we’re… better now,” Vandrad said, smiling gently.

    It was a look that Themesycia hadn’t expected, considering. Her brows knit together in curiosity. “Meaning what, exactly?”

    Well, this was terrifically awkward, considering that Mercury had slept with both of his parents. But rather than go into a stance of denial, as he was wont to do, he sighed. "We’ve cleared the air. Communicated everything. Finally on the same page.”

    Both Themesycia and Gren looked at one another and then back to Vandrad. “Vandrad, are you saying that you’ve finally confessed your feelings?”

    "Yes…and she confessed hers.” That was the very least he could give them, leaving the harder, more interesting details for later.

    “Well it’s about time. You both sure know how to play the long game. The long, complicated game,” Gren stated with a raw chuckle.

    “After all you’ve been through -- both of you -- I’m glad you’ve finally opened yourselves to one another. Perhaps there is still hope for Yuna’s ring after all.”

    "What’s that mean?” Vandrad asked curiously.

    “Well that ring was an engagement ring after all,” Themesycia explained. What she chose to not mention to Vandrad was that she had already noticed the Silver Wolf Ace wearing the ring, all those years ago.

    "Oh…I may have already given that to her. I thought it was just part of my inheritance.”

    At just about that point, Mercury was coming out from the shower and grabbing the clothes that had been set for her. Themesycia offered her a warm smile and waited, patiently, as the weight of what Vandrad had revealed and learned hit him truly. Once Mercury had come back out proper, she spoke up once more. “Mercury, darling… are you still, by chance, wearing that ring that Vandrad gave to you?”

    Once Mercury revealed that she was, she turned back to the prince. “So if I’m understanding correctly, you gifted this ring to Mercury and just a few moments ago, you expressed your love to her and what I’m assuming is your dedication to her?”

    "Yes…” The pieces were already starting to click together for Vandrad.

    “And it sounds like you feel similarly about him too, yes dear?” Themesycia asked, looking to Mercury. Once she confirmed, she continued. “Ergo, one could view this as… well, a proposal.”

    The weight of the word immediately impacted the air within the room. “Of course… as long as that’s something you both want.” It was obviously not something that Themesycia was going to push upon either of them. She was laying out the facts for them, simply clarifying details that she had a sneaking suspicion neither of them had thought of.

    Vandrad was quiet for a moment before he finally spoke up. "It is,” he said, looking to Mercury. "I know this is not nearly the most romantic place to do it. But there’s no other woman I love nor want to be paired with for the rest of my days. So… if you’ll have me… I’d love nothing more than to be yours forever. As… your husband.”

    Words: 1388/16,062 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    A Dreadful Dinner Empty Re: A Dreadful Dinner

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 13th December 2021, 8:37 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Well, he was certainly getting back to form pretty quick, quicker even than her. She snorted and smiled lightly at him as he joked about the wounds and blood and gore really doing a number to amp up his libido. Then, once he was on the bed again and she was making sure he was tucked in and had something to quench his thirst, he teased about being able to get used to her waiting on him and possibly getting a nurse outfit to match. That comment truly brought back her grin as she looked down at him. “Careful what you wish for, killer. You just might get it.” He knew she was more than capable of turning a situation around on a dime and was patient enough to wait until he’d all but forgotten about an off hand comment just to shine a spotlight on it in the most embarrassing ways.

    She suggested he start seeing some of his other family members, starting with his parents, and he agreed despite the notion that his mother was going to give him a few thoughts about letting his guard down. “Probably,” she agreed with a small chuckle. The two kissed and exchanged affirmations once more before she popped over into the shower, and a few minutes later she emerged, feeling fresh and clean. The shower water had been loud enough that she’d not heard most of the conversation that was taking place in the other room, and since she didn’t linger to dry her hair like she usually did, there wasn’t much of a verbal exchange to eavesdrop on while she took a minute or two to dry herself off and throw on the clean clothes.

    “Well, this room got about a thousand times more sexy while I was gone,” she remarked upon re-entering the space, giving Gren and Themmy a small but genuine smile that they hadn’t seen from her the entire time she’d been there so far. As Mercury made her way over to the bedside, Themmy inquired as to if the Xocili was still wearing the ring Vandrad had given her. She had honestly forgotten that she’d hidden it since Khelben’s arrival. “Of course.” Mildly confused, but willing to go along with the conversation, Mercury tapped into her magic and the ring melded into existence from the flesh around her middle finger. She watched curiously as mother turned to son and asked for clarity on the situation, confirming that Vandrad had given the ring to her and also that the two of them had only moments ago opened up about their feelings for one another.

    “Oh okay, we’re leading with that conversation already,” was the amused, if slightly embarrassed, response. The two of them had never really exhibited any public displays of affection toward one another for basically the entire time they’d been partners, always keeping their intimate and tender moments to themselves. She certainly wasn’t upset that the cat was out of the bag, so to speak, it was just something she hadn’t been expecting. The prince confirmed his mother’s summary of events, far more conscientious of where this was leading than Mercury was, even as the duchess turned and inquired the same of her. The Xocili’s face turned a slight shade of pink. “Yeah…”

    Apparently, that was all the confirmation Themesycia needed to inform them that they were engaged. Or at least, they were if they wanted to be. Mercury’s brows furrowed, her mouth opening slightly as if to say something and then it shut just as quickly as the weight of the words finally hit her. There was a moment of silence as the newly official couple processed the clarity, with Mercury’s gaze being drawn to Vandrad’s as she noticed him turning to look at her. The prince came right out and told her that an engagement was what he wanted. This wasn’t the most romantic of places for something like an official proposal, but he knew what he wanted, and that was to spend the rest of his life with her as her husband, if that was what she wanted as well.

    She didn’t answer right away, but that seemed to be less from hesitance and more from shock from the rather sudden development. Gren and Themmy may not have fully understood it, but Vandrad would know that it was only moments ago that Mercury had come to grips with and opened herself up to the possibility of having the kind of life that might include something like this in her future, and the future had just come swinging a lot quicker than she’d expected. “I…” she started, her brain freezing temporarily in the face of being put on the spot. With a quiet, deep breath inward to steady herself, she told him, “Yes. Yes, I do want that. More than I’ve ever wanted anything before.”

    And just like that, they were engaged. There were congratulations to be had as both parents happily celebrated the news. She was smiling as she hugged them both, everything feeling nearly as surreal as it had been before in the waiting room, but this time over a much happier occasion. Weary from the day’s events, she once more maneuvered a spot on the edge of the bed beside Vandrad, this time right next to him rather than at the foot of the gurney, and with a smirk she teased, “You just wanted to throw another engagement party, didn’t you?”

    It had been three days since Vandrad had been hurt and Mercury had fled, leaving him behind in a personal sized crater in the middle of a major Bosconian town square. The alien had been stunned, frightened even, as the woman displayed control over the magical power that she had apparently been hiding from him all this time. He had known that she used magical objects, of course. That was literally the entire point of what Silver Wolf did, and anyone could use such items whether or not they possessed innate magic themselves. Hell, even Khelben had used more than his fair share of such products, and despite his mission on Earthland he had become rather fascinated by everything. It was easy to see how one could be attracted to the work and actually enjoy immersing themselves in it to the fullest. Truly, Mercury had picked the perfect group to get in good with to get the research they needed, even going above and beyond to become second in command of the place and having access to their entire databases.

    But this was entirely different from her use of magically enchanted items. She was actually capable of using her body as a medium to channel power of her own, and by the looks of it she was extremely proficient at it. That was no surprise – everything in her dossier told him that even by Xocili standards she was a fast learner, able to adapt to a situation in the blink of an eye without losing steam or progress. He could only assume that she’d had these abilities for quite some time and just found ways to use it without making it obvious. At least, to him. He assumed Vandrad was aware of her abilities as well. Magic was a common occurrence to the Earthland native, so the prince likely wasn’t too bewildered by the information.

    However, Khelben had a hunch that Vandrad knew far more than he had let on during their one mission together. Though Mercury had played her part well (not that she could have tipped her hand on anything while being a chipmunk) and Vandrad hadn’t done or said anything to make Khelben suspicious, the Xocili had a gut feeling that the Prince from Bellum knew that Mercury wasn’t human. It was obvious that he had not liked or trusted Mercury’s “protege” during their little job. Vandrad hid it masterfully behind a grouchy and stern facade, but Khelben had been travelling the universe for almost two centuries at this point and he knew when he was being scrutinized by a keen eye. Even without concrete evidence, he’d have bet money that Vandrad knew exactly what Mercury was – and thus, exactly what Khelben was.

    And now, Mercury had flown the coop, dropping all pretenses at the news that her partner had been mortally wounded. That was more than enough evidence to suggest that she had managed to fall in love with the man. Khelben had almost been convinced after the last few weeks that she truly was just playing the man, but now that her true colors were showing he was frankly a bit disappointed in himself for not sticking to his gut feelings on the matter. He had tried to stop her and she immediately reacted to show how much more dangerous and powerful she had become when no one was looking, meriting every single concern they’d had about her irregular reports.

    What frightened him most, though, was that if that knowledge got back to the flotilla, if the Nazru found out that their kind could apparently learn to utilize the natural phenomena of this world, there was no telling how they would react. The worst case scenario was always playing at the back of his mind. All it would take was one semi decent reason and he knew that the Nazru would finish the work they had started all those years ago. It was already strange enough that they had enslaved Xocil rather than eradicate it completely. The Nazru weren’t known for taking slaves or prisoners. But even the Nazru had been perplexed by the very existence of the Xocili, who were a living, breathing dichotomy of their extreme organic teachings. He did not wish to risk those that were left, fearing that it would be the true end of their race.

    Apparently, Mercury did not feel the same way. She had been crafted as the perfect spy, isolated from everyone and everyone that might have taught her how to live a normal, emotionally stable life, captured along side so many other children at a young, impressionable age that could be perfectly molded to the Nazru’s needs. She wasn’t the only Scout out there with her same story, though she was the only one with a scar – a fact that he was still trying to process. Khelben felt for her, he really did. A part of him was glad that she had found a place and people that she had come to love. She deserved those things; all of them did. And he wanted nothing more than to let her live that life, envious in many ways of what she had found.

    But he couldn’t let her do that. There was too many other lives at stake, and as much as he respected her drive and determination to stand up for herself and fight for her freedom, he was driven by just as much drive and determination to protect the lives of those he had left, and he was not willing to let her put what was left of their people in jeopardy just to trounce off with a man that wouldn’t even live for a tenth of her natural lifespan.

    Yet that left him with a conundrum. He knew that right now, as things stood, he was no match for her. Sure, Khelben could probably find ways to get his hands on enough magical items to give him an edge against her, but he didn’t know what other tricks she was hiding, which made it impossible to prepare for her. And what’s more, she had done incredibly well at making sure there was next to no digital trail of her on this planet, and even the stuff that existed wasn’t very forthcoming with details he didn’t already know. Additionally, now that he was banned from Silver Wolf, he couldn’t get back there to do any proper digging. The spirit wolves would eat him alive, of that he had no doubt. It was a miracle he had gotten as far as he had. The wolves had always made it clear to him that they didn’t like or trust him, going out of their way to try to scare him in the hallways or standing over him while he slept at night. They’d made it clear they were watching him, but since he’d already been made a member they resisted the urge to do something more direct. Now that he had been stripped of that membership, he had a feeling they would not hesitate to make his life difficult.

    Ultimately, he’d had to make the decision to hire someone to handle Mercury for him. Specifically, a mage of some kind that had the power to meet her toe to toe. It was risky, and he didn’t like it, but unfortunately the scout had left him with little choice. He needed to take her back to the flotilla and have her examined before the Nazru found out and started making decisions. So, the last couple days had been spent doing some research and working out how to send feelers out to some of the more criminal elements of the planet without drawing Mercury’s suspicions, as he imagined she would be keeping an eye out for him.

    That was how he’d found himself in this dumpy little bar in Desierto, out in the middle of nowhere. This country was one of the more lawless places on the continent, rife with slavery and lowlifes and plenty of other things that disgusted and sickened him. In fact, he was sickened by the very idea of having to work with one of these people at all, but desperate times called for desperate measures, and if he had to swallow his pride to get what he needed then so be it. He had managed to discreetly put out a few feelers around town that an anonymous individual was looking for assistance with a kidnapping, and it had taken a day or two but someone had found a way to get in touch with him.

    They agreed upon a place and time, and that was where Khelben waited in a seat with his back to a wall, carefully keeping an eye on everyone present. He had hoped to scope out the place ahead of time and wait for his contact to observe them in advance, but unfortunately nearly everyone here looked like they were involved in some shady shit and he had no idea what his contact looked like. So he was stuck waiting for them to reveal themselves whenever they arrived.

    A few minutes past their agreed upon time, the door swung open to reveal an older woman dressed in worn, shabby clothing that looked as though she had been traveling for some time in it, as well as a simple chain necklace with a small purple crystal hanging from it. She had dull red hair that was quickly being overrun by gray with age, and there were a number of wrinkles beginning to form on her weathered skin. She had a somewhat hardened expression as she glanced around the room, her gaze scrutinizing one or two others that were sitting by themselves before it landed on him. After a moment of consideration, she ordered herself a beer at the bar and then approached.

    “I hear you’re hiring.”

    “I might be.”

    It seemed that was enough confirmation for them both. The woman took a seat across from him, adjusting the angle of the chair so that her back wasn’t completely turned to the rest of the room. “Target?”

    Khelben withdrew a printed photo from inside his jacket and slid it across the table to her. “She goes by Mercury Arseneault. Twenty-four years old, stands about five foot six, with some tattoos on her neck and shoulder. I’d say about one hundred thirty pounds or so. She’s second in charge of the guild Silver Wolf.”

    The woman nodded as she peered at the image. “Magic?”

    “She does have magic, yes, but I don’t know what it is. It’s light based, but that’s all I know. That and she is much more powerful than she lets on.”

    “An intelligent target, then. What else can you tell me?"

    "She spends most of her time either at the Silver Wolf guild in the Phoenix Mountains and at the Fairy Tail guild in Magnolia, Fiore. However, she has a gun shaped device she can use to open gateways that allow her to move instantly from one place to another across any distance. She is partnered with a Fairy Tail mage by the name of Vandrad du Wolff, a prince from Bellum that is also very powerful. He was recently hurt and was admitted to the hospital in Crocus, but at this time I am not aware of the extent of his injuries or if he is still admitted there. I suspect she is the one responsible for the Midian incident that was recently on the news."

    She narrowed her eyes at him. "You mean the slaughter of that lower class noble line?"

    Khelben nodded. "A Midian princess by the name of Sabine was the one responsible for Vandrad's injury. That location was her family's estate."

    The woman raised her brows with interest. "That was an impressive display of carnage. So they're romantic, then?"

    "I assume so."


    "Alive and in one piece. Preferably unharmed, but I doubt she will make it easy for you."

    "They never do, but that's half the fun." She gave him a little smirk.

    He did not return the look. "What is your asking fee?"

    "Five million, with fifty percent in advance."


    She raised her brow a second time. "That easy?"

    "Let's just say that moving numbers is not difficult for me, provided you don't care where it comes from."

    "I don't."

    They took a moment to settle the matter of funds, with Khelben wiring half the agreed money to her. Once she checked and confirmed she had received the money, he reached into his pocket again and pulled out a burner phone, sliding it to her. "Contact me when you have her."

    With a nod, the woman polished off her beer and departed, leaving Khelben alone at the table once more with his melancholy thoughts. He sat there for a long moment before he let out a gentle sigh. "Forgive me, Mercury." Standing to his feet, he exited the bar and with a quick glance around wandered out of town.

    Unbeknownst to him, the woman he had hired was watching him from the shadows of a nearby alley. A dark, knowing smirk settled on her face. "She might come to forgive you, Khelben dear…" she said, as her form melted away, revealing a much younger woman with dark hair. Bringing the photograph of Mercury to her face, Thana bit her lip and giggled with anticipation.

    “But Vandrad will not.”

    WORDS: 3151/16,240 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:16 pm