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    Babysitting the Rich


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 318
    Guild : Divine Calamity (Co GM)
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    Experience : 2,761,571

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    First Skill: Physio Manipulation
    Second Skill: Mania
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    Babysitting the Rich Empty Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Trinity 11th June 2020, 1:44 pm


    1167/1167 WORDS
    I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.
    Aeron could think of few things more annoying than what she was about to partake in. She disliked being social on the best of days, even with her own guildmates. People were irritating and stupid at best of times, dangerous and backstabbing at the worst. She couldn’t abide spending time around them more than she had to, and unfortunately she was being required to do so a lot more often as of late. Ever since Thana had signed them up to join the Elysium guild, Aeron had been much less alone than she was comfortable with, usually forced to put up with the company of at least a couple people most days. Usually it was Janet, their guildmistress, who often had tasks and assignments for her to complete as one of her aces. After her was typically Odhran, another ace, and his plethora of aggravating summons that he always let run amuck.

    She’d been getting a little better, if only slightly. It wasn’t too long since Janet had sent her to survive alone out in the wildernesses for a few days, a task that had nearly sent Aeron over the edge of her anger and paranoia. She’d been livid about being tossed out in the dangerous wilds, terrified by the extreme dangers that awaited her there. Ironically, it had been Thana of all people that had managed to talk some sense into her. Normally, Aeron didn’t listen to a single work that cracked sociopath said, but somehow what she’d said to her… well, it had made sense. Aeron had been resentful for days at Janet for what she’d put Aeron through, but Thana had told her that the guildmaster had done it because she had faith in Aeron’s abilities, faith that Aeron herself didn’t have, faith that she wanted Aeron to have. It had left her with a lot to think about, and ever since she had at least tried to do better, if begrudgingly and only with Janet at the moment.

    And it was out of that interest of respect toward the guildmistress that Aeron had found herself here, at one of the few docks that existed in the infested country of Sin, waiting for a very literal entourage of people to arrive. For whatever reason, there was a group of rich assholes from Fiore that had decided their idea of a fun vacation was taking a tour through the near uninhabited wasteland. Why in the world anyone would think that exposing themselves to certain death was fun was beyond her, but of course they couldn’t just come on their own. No, they wanted the thrill of the danger without the actual threat of it, so they’d hired a protection party to essentially babysit them through the trip, and since Elysium was the only group of people insane enough to actually live in Sin, they were the obvious choice to serve as guides and informants.

    Aeron had more or less been volunteered for this role, given her status as an Ace as well as having already proven her ability to survive the dangerous wilds alone. Thus she waited, grumbling to herself and making no effort to hide the irritated scowl on her face as she watched the horizon impatiently for the “guests” to arrive. She wondered for the thousandth time that day why Janet had agreed to such a venture, particularly when they knew that the escorts the tourists had hired were Rune Knights that viewed Elysium as both a dark guild and a threat. Aeron was paranoid over the possibility that they were going to try and arrest her, despite not being in Fiore and despite not being a known criminal. The only security she had was in the knowledge that this was a job all parties had signed onto together, with full knowledge and agreement on who would be involved, and thus there was at least an unspoken agreement of some kind that Aeron’s freedom wouldn’t be in jeopardy just because she was a member of Elysium.

    She glared at the ocean water as it lapped against the shore and the docks, occasionally looking over her shoulder every time she thought she heard a noise or movement of some kind. The entourage was expected to arrive at this location sometime today by boat, having taken a ship from Fiore to Minstrel, and then from Minstrel across the ocean to Sin -- a quicker route than simply boating around the coast of Ishgar or traveling by land up and around through Bosco to go through Bellum or Desierto. The brunette didn’t know who to expect other than at least one, if not more, Rune Knights, and a gaggle of snobby rich folk that would probably turn up their noses at doing any work and at slumming it in the badlands.

    At least Thana wasn’t here, for once.

    She was dressed in a more rugged outfit that was a bit on the grungy side and more suitable for a life of being outdoors for the next few days. A brown sleeveless vest covered a black sleeveless shirt, leaving her arms bare and the hawk shaped tattoo on her left shoulder visible. A burgundy pair of pants mostly covered her lower torso, though one of the legs had been cut short and rolled up. Leather greaves adorned her shins, with matching leather boots and vambraced gloves to complete the ensemble. Her brown hair was cut extremely short, and she had a piercing cerulean gaze that held a near constant scowl. A pink tattoo in the semblance of her guild was barely visible poking through the top of her shirt on the top of one of her breasts, leaning toward the inside of her cleavage, and a simple leather choker was wrapped around her neck. She wore a second necklace as well that was a simple chain with an amethyst colored gem dangling from it. The only visible weapon she carried was a gun holstered to her hip.

    They’ll be here soon. Darius’ voice sounded clearly in her mind’s ear, causing Aeron’s scowl to deepen.

    “How do you know?” she asked, unworried about replying out loud since there currently was no one around to hear her anyway.

    I always know.

    Aeron rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, infinite wisdom and knowledge or whatever bullshit. Fine. How far out are they?”

    About half an hour. You should see them on the horizon soon.

    “About fucking time. I’m tired of hanging around this place.” Aeron waited until she could, indeed, see the outline of the ship out in the ocean waters. Then, she came out from the safety of the spot she’d been hiding in to make her way down to the dock where they had agreed to meet, hands in her pockets and looking the very picture of a woman that wasn’t all that excited about this little venture.
    Please forgive me if I don’t talk much at times. It’s loud enough in my head.


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Babysitting the Rich Empty Re: Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 17th September 2020, 6:02 pm

    1174/1174 words || @Trinity  || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    This was a bad mixture of elements and Mythal didn’t like it one bit.

    Sin, by itself, was as much of a hellscape as any actual hell dimension that may have existed. It may have lacked the overarching theme that came from the underworld but it was ripe with nightmares and terrors that could cause the same kind of trauma. Truth be told, Mythal hadn’t known a whole lot about Sin before this job had somehow wound up his responsibility. He’d heard of it, back during his wandering days. Plenty of homeless and vagabonds alike had told stories and urban legends remarking on the terrible land, plagued with monsters and death. Anyone that wandered there without direction was apt to perish and he’d always been warned not to poke his nose where it didn’t belong.

    That wasn’t a problem for the Darkness King, at least back then. He was more than happy to stay away from Sin, though the promise of being away from humanity was enticing at the time. Yet being in such close proximity to Pergrande, wall or not, was a big no-no as far as he was concerned. But upon the deposit of this particular job, the Rune Knight Director decided to do a little bit of digging and learn more about the wasteland. And boy, was it’s actual history nearly on par with all the legends surrounding it. How such a fucked up place like Sin was allowed to exist was beyond him but then again, the kind of corruption that began the land was ancient at this point. Trying to cut out those roots would be nigh impossible without sacrificing hundreds of lives.

    And now he was venturing right into it. It wasn’t by choice, of course -- some looney group of tourists had decided that they wanted a violent, painful collective death and made the choice to arrange a tour of Sin. While such an arrangement should have been impossible, they had found a means and method and had run into it full speed without pausing to think. The Rune Knights had been asked to accompany the group by a third party, to ensure the safety and security of the group. Such a large loss of life due to negligence would look bad on pretty much every country but Fiore most of all. Unfortunately, agreeing to the task brought Mythal to the second element that made the entire job stink.

    Elysium. There could not be a worse guild to be acting as the official guides to… well, anything. While the guild presented itself as a benevolent institution, bent on the betterment of the world, the numerous rumors of their treacherous deeds and members was hard to miss. There was no better evidence for their emboldened and dark nature than the fact that they called Sin their home. Only monsters lived in Sin and that included the humans that had established the guild. Whatever their goal was with acting as tourism guide to the poor, hapless idiots that had taken a suicide pact couldn’t have been good. There was no way in hell that the Rune Knights, nor Mythal, was going to let them run off with citizens unattended.

    That’s how he wound up on the ship, sailing across the ocean towards the unfathomable destination of Sin. There weren’t many hospitable places in the wasteland but there were a few docks used by sailors for trade and transport. The tourists had chartered a captain to take them over the ocean because, as they put it, they were hoping to see some sea monsters as well. It was a wildly suicidal plan at every turn and honestly, Mythal wasn’t sure how well even he would be able to hold up in Sin. He sighed softly as he leaned against the cabin of the ship, hands buried in his pockets as he watched the group of tourists fluttering about on the deck. They were already energized, squawking at one another about this and that, running from side to side and snapping pictures with their cameras. As the shoreline started to come into view, they all seemed glued to one side of the boat, intent on not missing anything as they came to port.

    Finding absolutely no delight in watching the group drool over the railing of the boat, Mythal opened the door to the cabin and stepped inside, trying to hide his disgust. “Not a fan of sailing?” The captain asked him, chancing a glance at the Rune Knight.

    “It ain’t the sailin’ that’s givin’ me the sour mouth,” the Darkness King grumbled as he walked up to the front of the small room. He looked out the main window, watching as the land of Sin grew larger and larger with every passing moment. “I ain’t a fan of idiots doing idiot things for the sake of ‘feelin’ alive’ or whatever it is.”

    The captain chuckled. “Oh, so you aren’t an adrenaline junkie then? Not salivating at the prospect of facing unlimited, unending peril in the land before us?”

    “I lived long enough on the edge of life and death. I ain’t in a hurry to rush back to it,” Mythal replied simply. After a moment he looked over at the captain. “How ‘bout you? You make this trip for the excitement or whatever?”

    “Not quite. Rarely am I asked to make this trip but the pay for it is always good. Not many sailors are willing to float this close to Sin, let alone park. Any amount of jewel I ask is never too much, it seems,” the captain replied, flashing a toothy, impish grin. “But as long as you don’t linger too long, you don’t have to worry about too much.”

    “Not even sea monsters?”

    “I’ve been coming through these waters for years. I’ve yet to have any problems with sea monsters,” came the proud reply.

    “Never say never,” the Darkness King retorted softly. Gods knew how many times he had assumed one thing, only to be painfully reminded that nothing was ever as it seemed.

    Soon enough the boat tugged its way up to the port, slowing down to a floating trot. The captain got out and jumped onto the port long enough to haphazardly tie a line, sturdy enough to keep the boat from floating away but not too tight that he couldn’t make a quick getaway. Mythal followed after the group of tourists, their excitement as palpable as the stench that floated off the lands of Sin. A woman was standing in the middle of the pier, looking about as excited as he was to be there. As the group made their way to her, Mythal slipped ahead of them, putting himself between them and her.

    “Mythal Ragnos,” he said quickly to the woman as they came to a stop in front of her. “I’m assumin’ yer the rep from Elysium?”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 318
    Guild : Divine Calamity (Co GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,761,571

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Physio Manipulation
    Second Skill: Mania
    Third Skill:

    Babysitting the Rich Empty Re: Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Trinity 20th September 2020, 11:46 am

      sanity calms
    but madness is a little more interesting.  
        1585/2752 Words

    @Mythal Ragnos
    This was just going to be awful.

    Aeron watched as the ship got closer and closer to the shore, annoyance and aggravation building up at a steady incline within her bones. She truly hated people. She hated being around them, having to interact with them, having to put up with their constant nonsense, but more than anything she loathed the idea of having to be responsible for them. It was hard enough being an ace with the guild, making her someone that the members looked up to as an example and went to for advice or guidance. But now, she was being put in charge of an entire gaggle of people out of Fiore, the very country where the Magic Council was based, and having work beside their Rune Knight dogs that were probably otherwise actively hunting Elysium members down.

    The most she could do was hope that they would stick to the temporary amnesty that had been agreed upon when she’d been elected to take on the job. She wouldn’t know until things got started, though if she had to venture a guess she imagined she would be safe until the job was over and it was time for them to leave. The Rune Knights would need her at least until then.

    It didn’t take much longer for the ship to reach port and for the people to disembark. Aeron stood there a ways back from the ratty, run down dock, hands shoved in her pockets and not bothering to hide the misery on her face. The people ambled down the gangplank, chatting eagerly with each other, pointing this way and that at the port that had once been a small seaside town before it had been destroyed long, long ago by the monsters released into the country. One of them broke away from the rest of the group to get ahead of them, making his way toward her. He wasn’t wearing any kind of uniform, but Aeron could only assume that he was the Rune Knight that had come along with the group to work with her.

    Thankfully, she wouldn’t have to wait long for that assumption to be affirmed. He stopped in front of her and introduced himself as Mythal Ragnos before inquiring as to if she was the one sent for them from Elysium. “Can’t imagine anyone else would be stupid enough to be hanging around here,” she told him grumpily. It seemed to be less of an attack of his question and more a criticism of the guild’s chosen location for a home. Then her cerulean eyes went wide and snapped over to the rich folk gathered about, realizing that such a comment could have easily been misconstrued as an insult toward them. Granted, while such an insult would have been more than fair and deserved, it probably wasn’t a good idea to get on the bad side of these people immediately upon meeting with them, particularly since she was supposed to be spending the better part of a week trapped with them all.

    She felt her face get hot with panic as a slight blush rose to her lips and quickly decided to barrel past the statement, hoping no one read into it too much. “I’m uh… I’m Aeron. Ain’t got no last name. I’m one of the Aces of Destruction with Elysium.” Well, it probably hadn’t been a great idea to admit the fullness of her title, but Aeron was clearly anxious about all this. Just about anyone could look at her and know that. She was doing her best to cover it up with talking, a skill she wasn’t great at even when she wasn’t fully on edge.

    Opening her mouth to once again try to move past her awkwardness, she was interrupted by one of the tourists that had been listening. “Oh, an Ace of Destruction, you say? I’ve always wondered how dark guild hierarchies were laid out. What did you have to do to earn that position?”

    Aeron blinked, clearly shocked by the boldness of the question and the man’s shameless interest in asking a question that he was surely expecting a graphic answer for. “Uhh..” the stammered dumbly, taken aback and not entirely sure what to say.

    “Oh, oh!” another tourist piped up, this one a woman looking very much like an eager child in a candy shop. “Will we get to visit the Elysium guild hall while we’re in town? I’ve never been to a dark guild before.”

    “I don’t think that’s--”

    “Can we get a chance to meet your guild master? It would be such an exciting opportunity to meet a famed and illusive Warlord.”

    “She doesn’t exactly--”

    “Oh, if you’re an Ace of Destruction, you must have some powerful magic right? Could you destroy something for us?”

    “Hey, I’m not some fucking clown here for your amusement,” Aeron snapped, finally finding her voice and some semblance of confidence as she glared at the small crowd. “I was hired to protect you here, not perform tricks.” Either they were in the midst of rethinking their strategy of annoying the known dark mage in their midst or they were busy being utterly flabbergasted at the audacity of this woman to talk back to them. Either way, Aeron had at least bought herself a moment of silence.

    Deciding not to waste the opportunity, she turned her gaze back over to Mythal. “Hey, you’re a Rune Knight, right? Can we talk for a second, like… over there.” She nodded to a spot a couple dozen meters off, still plenty in the open where they could be seen and where the people were still well within few, but with enough space between them and the tourists that they could speak privately.

    Presuming he agreed, she led the way over, more than happy to get some distance from the others. Once they were in relative privacy, Aeron looked up at him with an expression that was half annoyance, half pleading. “Okay so… we’re both in agreement that this whole thing is fucking stupid, right? I can’t be the only one looking at this and recognizing what a giant clusterfuck this is going to be.”

    With a nervous gaze flicked back to the crowd momentarily, she sighed and rubbed her temples like she was getting a headache. “I just.. I need some kind of reassurance here. I’m not good with people, and I try to spend as little time around them as possible. I get that I live here and all, and that that makes me one of the most qualified people to navigate this place safely, but there isn’t any place in Sin that’s more or less safe than anywhere else in the country. We’re not even safe standing out here at the coast.”

    “I know I’m a dark mage and shit, and that means you probably wanna… I dunno, arrest me or kill me or who knows what. I can’t imagine you trust me, and I ain’t asking you to. I was assigned to this job and I’m going to do everything I can to keep these people safe ‘cause gods know that the last thing I want is the Rune Knights and the Magic Council and whoever else these people are rich enough to hire hunting me down for getting someone killed. But even I don’t know what all kind of monsters roam this place, and there’s only so much I’m gonna be able to do to protect people that clearly don’t care about their own well being, and with no offense to you or anyone else, I ain’t gonna risk my own life trying to protect someone from their own stupidity.”

    It was honestly the most that Aeron had said to anyone, ever. Not that Mythal would know that, of course. But there was no mistaking that this job scared her a bit, mostly because she was only one woman and she was clearly terrified -- and rightly so -- that one of these idiots was going to get themselves killed in the middle of some ill advised stunt performed in the name of thrill seeking. Aeron wasn’t happy about being here, but she was still here and being honestly enough about what she was, as well as to her intentions on performing this job to the best of her ability and not shirking her duty on keeping people safe.

    But it wasn’t fair to her, or really even to Mythal, for these people to risk both of their lives just because they want to experience very real danger and treat it like some kind of daredevil experience. There was a very real chance that someone could die on this trip, including herself, and while she was willing to put her neck on the line to do her part, she didn’t want to get herself killed because some idiot decided to go searching for a near death experience. In the same vein, she didn’t want anyone trying to blame her for things she had no control over. Aeron wasn’t an idiot. She was the dark mage here, and thus the obvious scapegoat should anything go wrong, and she was terrified that something was going to happen and she was going to be blamed for it.

    “I just wanna get through this week and get these people out of here alive and in one piece so I can go back home and not have to worry about being held responsible for things beyond my control.”

     template by punki


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Babysitting the Rich Empty Re: Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 20th September 2020, 4:20 pm

    1476/2650 words || @Trinity  || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    Something felt wrong here. More wrong than he had even suspected.

    For one the Elysium agent looked like she was looking forward to this venture about as much as he was. While that was almost a relief on several levels, it spoke against the fact that her guild's home was here in Sin in the first place. It was a shithole filled with monsters, sure but shouldn't she be somewhat comfortable? That wasn't to say she wasn't -- maybe it was less the environment and more the people?

    But even then, one would think she would look forward to putting the tourists in danger. The Darkness King could only conclude that it had to be because he was there. Adding a Rune Knight had thrown a kink into the plans. Now they had to play nice or else face his and his organization's wrath. Well, Mythal couldn't deny feeling that, if that were the case, a bit of relief knowing he was making matters complicated.

    As he asked her if she was the member they were meant to meet, she replied with a short, dry answer that lacked all sense of the word mirth. She wasn't trying to be snippy with him but she clearly wasn't happy with the state of the situation. But for some reason, her eyes widened in shame and she became agitated. She introduced herself as Aeron, lacking a family name and announced herself as the Ace of Destruction. Mythal sighed softly, shaking his head. “Destruction. That's perfect," he grumbled. Because that's just the kind of person he needed on a mission of escorting rich punks through a deadly wasteland. Though he supposed that Elysium lacked an Ace of Happy-Go-Lucky Tourist Guide.

    But for someone who had such a lofty and dangerous title, Aeron seemed… more nervous than violent. Maybe the presence of a Rune Knight had knocked her off her game? Before they could continue any means of neutral communication, the tourists swarmed around him and directed all of their attention to her. It was something that Mythal wasn’t expecting but probably should have. For the first thirty minutes to an hour after he’d arrived to meet the tourists, they had rained all manner of questions at him in an attempt to sate their curiosity. With the same gusto, they shot questions off at Aeron, surprising and flustering her more than she already was. Mythal could literally watch as anxiety raced over her features and through her bones, electrifying her nerves beyond compare.

    Finally she snapped, though it was not in the manner that Mythal had prepared himself for. If anything, he kind of… agreed with her? They’d demanded answers from her and even gone as far as to inquire on a demonstration of her ‘destructive’ abilities. That’s where Aeron drew the line, firmly stating that she wasn’t there to appease them with tricks and grandeur and that her only task was to keep them alive. The crowd around him seemed shocked that she was speaking to them so carelessly, mistreating her clients that had paid good money to go on this ridiculous tour. “You heard the woman,” Mythal followed quickly, glancing back at the muttering and displeased group. “Dark mage or not, she ain’t here to be your amusement.”

    With that settled about as well as it was going to be, Mythal was preparing to announce their intent to depart when Aeron drew his attention back to her, asking if they could speak to one another. He was honestly surprised that she wanted to separate herself from the group, assuming that she’d want as many innocents around her to keep Mythal from being able to threaten her or even hurt her. Tactical advantage or whatever. He didn’t see any reason to turn her down so he gave her a nod, glancing at the tourists quickly. “Stay put. Do not wander off. That is an order,” he told them firmly. Within the eyeline of them or not, he wasn’t going to take any chance for any rogue richie-riches to go off on their own little adventure.

    One they had separated themselves enough, Aeron turned back to him and stated what he’d already been thinking -- this entire debacle was a fucked up mess. She needed to know that they were on the same page, understanding that the situation was as messed up any one could get. “No, yer right,” he said with a soft sigh. “This ain’t exactly my idea of a vacation and I imagine even for you, wanderin’ around Sin ain’t the highest of priorities.” Or so he assumed.

    He was actually a bit floored that she was so out of her head on the situation, almost like it was equal parts bothersome and terrifying. She seemed wanting -- almost needing -- of some kind of stable foundation of reliance. She even stated as much, explaining that she wasn’t a people person and tried to limit her interactions with them. She continued, saying that while her living here gave her an inner-most knowledge for guiding them, there was no place in the land that could truly be considered safe. It was a monster spawning cesspit and no matter the case, danger awaited them on every fragment of dirt and grime.

    She acknowledged that her being a dark wizard immediately set her apart from the group in a negative light, understanding that Mythal sought to stop her no matter what. There wasn’t any trust there but she wasn’t looking to earn any either. She simply wanted to get the job done to the best of her abilities. But she needed him to understand that in this land, there were things that they simply couldn’t be prepared for. Adding in the fact that the tourists were practically throwing their lives away for a bit of adrenal excitement and she made sure he understood that she would only go so far before endangering her life. She didn’t want to get on the bad side of him or the Rune Knights as a whole but she had her limits, as did anyone. It was… an honest and open dialogue, which was bewildering to Mythal as he listened. No lies came from her and it seemed that she truly didn’t want to be here out of concern for her own personal reasons. And her words about being willing to protect people were true as well. To say the least, the Darkness King was a bit humbled by her revelations.

    All Aeron wanted was to complete the job and get these assholes out of Sin. And she didn’t want to suffer the consequences for someone’s untimely death if they brought it upon themselves. She didn’t believe it was right for her to be held responsible for that. “I understand,” Mythal said, giving her a soft nod. “I ain’t gonna pretend that I’m gonna be your friend here. Your guild pretends to play nice but even half-wits can smell the rot in the core of it. But I ain’t here to pass judgement and give you flak that you pro’lly deal with day in and day out. You want to get the job done, so do I. As far as I’m concerned, these people are asking to be killed by even considering this for a vacation but they have the money to convince people far more influential than us. So long as yer serious about doin’ everything you can to keep them safe, I ain’t gonna hold you responsible for anythin’ that can and pro’lly will go wrong. I ain’t here to paint any scapegoats -- I just want to keep these idiots from bein’ torn to shreds because they don’t know their brains from their asses. You got my word on that. We gotta work together this week, no matter what and with us havin’ the same idea here, at least we’ll be able to work together.”

    He didn’t approve of Aeron’s status as a dark wizard but he also understood that, underneath the title, she was still human. How she had earned her place was beyond him and he didn’t much care at the moment. They had one singular goal and it was to keep the tourists alive. Anything beyond that was just filler. He gave her another nod of solidarity before he glanced back at the group. “A’ight people. Aeron here is in charge o’ leading ya so that means yer gonna listen to everythin’ she says. Step out of line and yer gonna answer to me. You want your little safari through Sin? Then you better obey the rules. There’s a whole lotta monsters that are lookin’ for fresh and stupid meat that’s wandered away from the pack.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 318
    Guild : Divine Calamity (Co GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,761,571

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Physio Manipulation
    Second Skill: Mania
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    Babysitting the Rich Empty Re: Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Trinity 20th September 2020, 6:41 pm

      sanity calms
    but madness is a little more interesting.  
        1779/4531 Words

    @Mythal Ragnos
    She was more than a little surprised when Mythal spoke up to support her resistance to the tourists demanding information and displays of power from her. Aeron had honestly expected the scruffy looking man to chastise her for yelling at everyone, but instead he made his opinion sternly clear that she was in the right to deny their ridiculous requests. Frankly, Aeron had spent more than enough of her life being treated like a spectacle for amusement, and she wasn’t about to return to that life any time soon, not even if she was actually getting paid instead of being a slave.

    He seemed a bit surprised that she asked to talk to him alone, and that made sense. Hell, even Aeron would never have thought herself capable of ever requesting a one on one chat with someone like him. But, he did acquiesce to the request and followed her the few feet over after making it clear the group was to stay exactly where they were. Thankfully, he seemed to have a bit more of a commanding presence than she did so hopefully that meant he would be more of a help in keeping everyone in line, presuming that he wasn’t more focused on harassing her than watching the upper class.

    It was a concern that she wouldn’t need to worry about, as it turned out. Mythal wasted no time in agreeing with her sentiments with a small sigh, admitting that he was about as pleased by all this as she was. To his credit, he listened to her entire spiel in getting her anxiety off her chest without interrupting her once, simply listening in attentive silence even as she admitted that she was, essentially, a criminal. Sure he had no proof that she had ever done anything evil, but there was no hiding that she was a leader within a community that the Rune Knights had their eyes on. Surely that alone would have been enough for him to dismiss her or at least treat her with some kind of disdain or holier than thou attitude.

    But, he didn’t. In fact, he told her rather solemnly that he understood where she was coming from. He certainly wasn’t going to pretend to be her friend here, and gave his thoughts on where her guild as a whole stood with him, but he wasn’t here to make her life harder than it was already going to be. In every other respect the two of them were enemies, but here on this job, they were on the same page. Mythal admitted that all of these idiots were practically committing suicide by planning this trip and following through with it, but he’d had about as much control as she did in stopping it. They had the money to convince the right people, and unfortunately money was the single most powerful lubricant in the world. As long as Aeron was true to her claim of wanting to do her part earnestly and honestly -- which she was -- then he wasn’t going to hold her responsible for anything that these people seemed likely to bring on themselves.

    Truthfully, she was a bit astonished at how frank and crass he was, even going so far as to insult their intelligence with a bit of coarse language. She had expected a Rune Knight to be a bit more… well, dignified? Uppity? Weirdly enough, that wasn’t the impression she was getting from him. He seemed more down to earth like she was, and even gave his word that he would work with her and not let her be held accountable for anything that truly wasn’t her fault. Not that anyone’s word necessarily meant much to her, let alone that of an enemy, but despite everything Aeron felt herself relax a bit from his reassurance. Though she was still clearly displeased and nervous about this entire thing, she was visibly calmer in knowing that there would be someone there to back her up in all of this.

    “Thanks,” she told him a bit awkwardly, feeling about as humbled by his attitude toward her as he was feeling for the reverse. Aeron wasn’t exactly well versed in showing appreciation, but even she could recognize that it was appropriate here. He nodded to her to silently confirm their agreement, causing her to flush and look away in another small wave of embarrassment, before he turned to speak with everyone once again. Mythal laid down the law, so to speak, telling everyone in no uncertain terms that they were to obey Aeron’s directions around here and that any failure to do so would result in them answering to him directly.

    Aeron didn’t too much like the idea of being the one in charge, but she had known since being given the assignment that it was going to be the case. She scratched the back of her head a bit awkwardly. “Yeah, so.. uh... “ She started to address everyone only to realize from a few of their squinted looks and craned ears that she was speaking entirely too softly for them all to really hear her. Clearing her throat and cursing her existence and lack of exposure to public speaking, Aeron tried again with her voice a little better raised. “The route we’re going to take is gonna stay mostly coastal. I ain’t gonna keep us on the beaches, cause I know you guys want to get into the mainland and actually see all the monsters and shi-- stuff.”

    She quickly corrected her language, not entirely sure if she needed to watch her words around these people. Though at the end of the day, they’d probably just find it exciting to be around someone ‘rough and tumble’ like she was. “But the farther inland we go, the more likely we are to come across things that even I can’t defend against, and I’d rather keep us within a reasonable distance of the ocean so we can have it to protect our backs if we need to make a speedy retreat to the coast.”

    “Per the agreement you made and the funds you paid, Elysium has provided all the basic supplies you’re gonna need for the next few days. However, you’re gonna need to carry them yourselves and you’ll be responsible for your own supplies. It shouldn’t be hard; everything has been magicked to be compact and lightweight when not actively in use. If any of you are mages or use weapons, I’m not gonna restrict your use of such things. Getting through here in one piece is gonna be a group effort, and I know most of you are itching to fight some of the monsters here anyway. Just don’t do anything to draw attention to us unnecessarily, and if I tell you not to pick a fight with something, then leave it alone.”

    Her voice was already getting tired. Aeron wasn’t sure she’d ever spoken this much in her entire life. Still, this was her chance to get some words out and make some things clear, and out of an interest of self preservation and covering her own ass, she was going to force herself to speak up. “Listen, I know you guys are all excited about working with a dark mage or whatever. It ain’t like Elysium is tight lipped about who we are and what we want, so I am willing to answer some questions if you’re really fixated on hearing more about us. But I ain’t about to spill guild secrets, or do or say anything that puts my members’ wellbeings on the line, so if I say I ain’t gonna answer a question, then I ain’t gonna answer it and that’s the end of that.”

    Not wanting to give them an opening to rail her with questions again right away, she motioned with her head. “Alright, we’re gonna get going. The supplies are tucked up on the other side of one of the buildings here. I’m gonna get those passed out and then we’ll be on our way.” With one last, somewhat dismayed, glance toward Mythal, she trudged along the unkempt road and led the way around the side of the building she’d been waiting near before they arrived. There sat a small trunk of packs, each of which contained basic camping and survival needs, including waterskins that had been magicked to always be full with fresh drinking water and charms that would help everyone find one another if anyone got lost or separated, and also provided some moderate level of physical and magical protection. Aeron made it clear that these charms were to be worn at all times, with she herself even wearing one.

    There was some grumbling at first as people realized that their expedition was going to be spent walking rather than riding anything, but Aeron staunchly explained that no sane, safe mount would follow any direction to walk these lands, and anyone who was unhappy with walking could go back to the ship at port and wait there for the rest of the trip until everyone else came back.

    Once she put her foot down on that and everyone at least stopped griping about it, they were off. As they started on their way, Aeron gave Mythal a crude but adequate map of the route she planned on taking, something he could use to keep the party moving forward should something happen to her, or to use to regroup with her on the off chance that the party got separated into two groups.

    They hadn’t even been travelling more than an hour or two inland before they came across the first monster sighting. Aeron stopped everyone and motioned for them to be quiet so she could figure out what it was. Thankfully, it was one of the more common beasts of Sin. “Duskbroods,” she muttered, though not speaking so quietly that Mythal and the others wouldn’t hear her. It was a pack of the creatures, that appeared very reptilian like in appearance but with a long spinal fin of sorts along their backs and postures that more closely resembled that of jungle cats than lizards. They were a little ways off, but sniffed the air heavily. Clearly they already had the humans’ scent, they were just trying to pinpoint them.

    “Well, if you guys are gonna cut your monster hunting teeth on anything, Duskbroods are about as good a start as you’re gonna get. Their biggest strengths are their numbers and their speed. Their noses and hearing are good, but eyesight is poor for the daylight. They ain’t got any magic to speak of. Just watch their teeth and claws.”

     template by punki


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Babysitting the Rich Empty Re: Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 21st September 2020, 11:26 am

    1655/4305 words || @Trinity  || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    Well, it seemed that Aeron and him had an… uneasy agreement. It wasn’t hostile or awkward, for the most part, but it certainly wasn’t the groundwork for a blooming friendship or anything. They simply understood where the other stood and their end goal, at least for this job, was clear for both of them. They had to keep the idiots alive and in line as best they could. How well that was going to play out was still to be seen but at least they wouldn’t be butting heads and causing further issues. Honestly, Mythal felt a kind of… familiarity to the girl that he couldn’t quite explain. It wasn’t just her demeanor that suited him better than most other people, he almost felt like he knew her. He couldn’t quite put his finger on what it was that made him feel that way and so, without truly knowing, he decided to leave it alone. It would come to him in time, maybe.

    He decided to provide her a founded means of establishing her authority, telling the group that Aeron was their guide and, therefore, was in charge. There were a few amused and disinterested looks from the rich folk but none of them spoke out of turn or snuck any comments to earn a deeper focus. He had a feeling that Aeron wasn’t exactly going to be a fan of having to speak at length but, unfortunately, it was practically required of her in this instance. She started softly, causing the group to lean in collectively to try and hear her before she cleared her throat and spoke with more dignity. She explained that their path was going to bring them along the coast. They wouldn’t simply stick to the beaches, as the jewel paid had been in hopes of seeing just a bit more than sand and ocean. But the far more treacherous beasts of Sin lay deeper in the lands and going too far would put them all at a disadvantage that even Aeron couldn’t protect them from. Having the beach at their backs provided a reliable line of defense, should they run into any trouble.

    Should probably could have been switched out with when.

    Aeron continued, explaining that part of the payment plan included basic survival supplies provided from Elysium. Each person would be responsible for their own supplies, a statement that earned an audible groan from some of the members. Clearly they had figured that servants or slaves would have been provided to hold onto carry-ons and such. Aeron clarified that everything was enchanted to be as lightweight and easy to travel with as possible but the look of disgust from the rich folk still remained. They could be as sour as they wanted -- that wasn’t going to change anything. As long as none of them tried to act as if they were more important than the rest, they shouldn’t have a problem. Working together was the key to survival out here.

    Aeron decided to touch upon the status of the benefit that came with working with Elysium. She made it very clear that she could and would answer a few questions that were put to her but not all of them and especially ones that were considered confidential. If they asked a question and she didn’t like it, they wouldn’t get an answer. It was as simple as that and even Mythal could understand her stance on that. Dark mage or not, she was dedicated to her guild. There was something to say about loyalty, even if it was ill-placed. With that out of the way, she directed them to the building and to where their supplies were. It took a couple of minutes for everyone to get a pack and sort themselves out with the provisions and the charms but with that all said and done, they were ready to go. It was, at the very least, quite amusing to see the faces of people realizing that there were no steeds or carriages to ride on -- all they had was their feet. Their guide provided a map to Mythal that was hastily created but it gave him an idea of what to look out for upon the lands. Should the worse arise and they got separated, he would be able to track and find his way about. Granted, he’d be able to do that better than even she understood but it wasn’t in his interests to explain too much about his abilities. She’d know about a few of them soon enough.

    After an hour of walking, Aeron came to an abrupt stop and gestured for them all to be quiet. One could feeling the excitement radiating off the bodies of the tourists, each one of them gripping their cameras and iLacs in preparation for pictures. After a moment, she confirmed that some monsters called ‘Duskbroods’ had appeared. Mythal could feel their movements slightly; their shadows provided a sensing point but not a lot. Aeron stated that these were a good place to start when it came to monster hunting. They had strength in numbers and were quick but other than that, they seemed pretty easy to bring down. Mythal waited patiently as the group nodded and… then did nothing. Actually, that wasn’t quite true. They turned and looked between Mythal and Aeron expectedly.

    “Well get on it,” he said, gesturing in the direction of the creatures. “We’ll make sure nothin’ hurts ya too bad.”

    “W-What? No, you misunderstand,” a woman spoke up, her voice posh and annoying. “We don’t want to actually fight those monstrosities. You two were hired to do that. What we’re going to do is edit ourselves in after the fact so it looks like we did the work.”

    “Are… you serious?” Mythal asked slowly, clearly unwilling to believe such a ridiculous statement.

    “Well that is what we paid money for. All inclusion monster hunting services provided by our guides,” she explained, sounding rather smug about it as well.

    Mythal growled between his clenched teeth before letting out a soft sigh. “Aeron, stay with them. Gods forbid another pack sneaks up behind them while we’re busy,” he said, though he honestly sounded more intrigued with the idea than bothered. He reached behind himself and pulled Curse loose from its resting spot, unfolding it out into a sword. He hopped up on top of the hill, putting himself in a more obvious place for the Duskbroods. He waited for a few moments while the vision-lacking creatures sniffed the air a few times before they all turned towards him, snarling. Slowly they approached him, fanning out so they had a full line ready to leap at him from all sides. The Darkness King started walking towards them slowly, blade turned outward and at the ready.

    When the first Duskbrood leapt at him, he was ready. He swiftly stepped to the side and swung the sword, easily slicing the creature in two. He planted his foot and spun around to slam the end of his handle into another one charging him, planting the blunt tip into its stomach and sending it rolling across the ground. Mythal pushed off the ground and twisted through the air as a pair of Duskbroods slashed and snapped at the air he had just taken up, landing behind one of them and slamming his sword through its tail and into the ground. It squealed in agony as the Darkness King tuned around and threw a punch at another creature, his hand quickly being overtaken by a black gauntlet. The monster’s teeth gnashed against the pitch metal but found no give, even as Mythal turned his body with the Duskbrood still hanging on. In fact, the Rune Knight’s hand opened up slightly to grab the creature’s tongue, ensuring that he would hang onto it even if it released its jaw. Now brandishing the living, thrashing weapon, he slammed it down onto another beast charging and then spun and swung at another, using the held Duskbrood as a makeshift bat. He then turned and, with all his strength, released the creature from his grip and sent it flying off into the air. It rapidly disappeared into the horizon, doomed to a falling and most likely painful death.

    Mythal extended his hand and summoned his blade to him, releasing the other Duskbrood from its capture. He twisted Curse through the air in a semi-circle, carving up another rushing monster before he let the blade free from his hand, now floating in the air of his own accord. He kicked it back at the Duskbrood with the injured tail, burying its blade deep into its head, before it came swinging back around towards his hand. In an instant it unfolded into a scythe and as Mythal stepped to the side to avoid a jumping monster, he twisted the weapon in a circle, splitting the beast down the middle like a log to a saw. The last creature made one final attempt to get to him but the Darkness King sent Curse flying once more, now spinning like a boomerang while in its scythe form. It easily hacked through the monster’s head and decapitated it, killing it instantly.

    Cursed returned to him for one final time, swiftly retracting back into just a handle. He stuffed it back to its resting spot on his lower back and walked over to the group once more. “Hope ya managed to keep up wit’ that,” he remarked idly, his sarcasm quite heavy. All in all, the battle had taken only about a minute and frankly, he was pretty sure it moved too quickly for any of their cameras to capture. He verified this by the sour look on several of the faces when he returned, managing to keep his smirk on the downlow.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Babysitting the Rich Empty Re: Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Trinity 21st September 2020, 7:49 pm

      sanity calms
    but madness is a little more interesting.  
    2924/7455 Words

    @Mythal Ragnos
    If Aeron thought she hated this job before, it was nothing in comparison to what she was going to be feeling by the time the first monster encounter came around. Duskbroods were pesky, annoying creatures that were a bit horrifying in appearance but at the end of the day weren’t all too much of a threat for the average mage. She had fought plenty of them during her solo stint out in the wildernesses, when Janet had sent her out to survive for almost a week by herself. Or well, mostly by herself. Thana had been there for part of it but she’d disappeared after the first night and the rest of the trip had been a blur that she honestly didn’t remember much of.

    She’d hated that trip, but even she had to admit it had ultimately done wonders for her self confidence. Fighting for survival was the story of her life, and not her favorite activity in the world, but she was good at it. The Duskbroods had intimidated her once upon a time, but now they were little more than a bother. In fact, she’d be happy to just deal with those creatures for the rest of the trip, though the chances of that were astronomically slim. Aeron explained a bit about them and their strengths and weaknesses, so the group would know what to expect and how to move forward with their desired foray into monster hunting.

    But apparently, her understanding of what this group was here to do was completely wrong.

    Her and Mythal both waited for the tourists to get going, except that they never did. The Rune Knight was the first to speak up, giving them the more straightforward permission to get going that they were clearly waiting for. Except, that wasn’t what they had been waiting for at all. A woman spoke up in surprise at the insinuation that she would possibly be expected to do her own fighting, stating that part of what they had paid for was for the Elysium and Rune Knight representatives to take care of that for them. In fact, all they wanted was footage from the many cameras they had out so that they could crop themselves in later to make it look like they’d fought when they hadn’t.

    “You have got to be fucking kidding me,” Aeron muttered in the same breath that Mythal incredulously asked them to confirm the sincerity of the claim. Oh, and she did, stating rather proudly that it had been part of the “all inclusive” expense that they’d paid, which Aeron highly doubted. Not once had anyone at Elysium informed her that she would be expected to do all the fighting, else she would have put up more of a fight in telling them to shove the job listing right up their ass. In fact, she was getting ready to make a similar request to the crowd about their cameras when Mythal spoke up with a sigh, telling her that he would take care of the beasts himself, asking Aeron to stay with the group just in case.

    “Yeah, alright…” she grumbled, casting an annoyed look at the rest of the group. At this point the monsters seemed like less of a headache. Then again, this poor dude had already been stuck with them for at least a day or two during the trip to Sin and would have to stick with them a bit longer even as her portion of the job ended. She supposed he probably could use the temporary relief in taking some aggression out on some monsters. Aeron wasn’t typically much for empathy, but despite her nature she couldn’t help but feel it for him just now. Besides, it would be good to watch and get an idea for how he worked and fought.

    With Darius there to alert her to anything else coming up on the group, Aeron followed the fight along with the clients. Mythal started with a large sword that looked far too heavy to wield efficiently, but he managed to do so rather easily indicating that he was either much stronger than he looked or the sword itself wasn’t as heavy as it appeared to be. She figured the former was the more likely option, particularly after he brought out some rather subtle magic that encased his hand in something akin to a black gauntlet. Aeron had flinched at first upon one of the Duskbroods clamping its jaws around his limb, thinking she was about to have to jump in to help him, but she quickly realized he’d allowed it to bite him on purpose.

    She couldn’t help but be a bit fascinated as she watched him go, somehow clamping onto the monster from inside its own mouth and whipping it around like a club, beating members of its own herd to death with it. Ultimately, the beast was sent quite literally flying through the air and far out of sight where there was no mistaking the fall would kill it instantly. With his sword back in his hand, he somehow got it to hover near him outside of his immediate grip where it acted of its own accord to attack the remaining monsters with him. She was further shook when the weapon extended into a fully realized scythe that he continued to wield with expert ease. It was a complex and versatile weapon, one that made the plain gun on her hip look boring and limited by comparison.

    All in all, the battle lasted hardly longer than a minute or so. Aeron had been able to keep up with watching most of it and had truthfully been paying very little attention to the tourists themselves, so she almost missed the annoyed looks on their faces as they checked their cameras and confirmed the man had moved far too fast for their devices to efficiently capture. He even spoke up in a dry, sarcastic tone about hoping they had gotten what they wanted when he very well knew that they didn’t. Aeron didn’t even realize she was grinning  with open amusement at the comment, quickly covering her mouth the moment it dawned upon her. Another embarrassed flush took over her face momentarily. When was the last time she’d smiled? Even she didn’t know. The expression felt weird, and she hastily squashed it.

    “Alright, well, uh… guess we’ll move along then. There’s a cave I wanna make it to by nightfall.” Back to leading the charge, Aeron moved them along again. Over the course of the next several hours they ran into quite a number of strange and gruesome looking beasts that all seemed quite content on tracking the group down. Between her and Mythal, the vast majority of them were taken down rather quickly, but it was only going to be a matter of time before they ran into something a little harder to deal with. They were much further inland now, and the encounters were happening more frequently as time went on. For the most part, Aeron kept to using her gun rather than any obvious magic, looking to preserve her strength for more wearisome fights that were sure to come up.

    It was Darius who alerted her to the danger ahead. Waving for everyone to be quiet and stay where they were, Aeron quickly sprinted ahead a bit and eased her way up a rock formation, crawling along it on her belly to peek over the edge into the small ravine beyond. There, loitering just outside the cave that Aeron had been planning on setting up camp at, was a Tusked Umara. It was a creature covered head to toe in dirty white fur that almost resembled a cross between an ape and a wild boar, and it stood over twice as tall as any of the present humans. “Well, that’s just great,” she muttered to herself.

    Slipping back down from her perch, she quietly made her way back to the group. Talking in a soft tone, she informed everyone, “Well, the good news is we made it to tonight’s camp. Bad news is there’s a Tusked Umara making itself comfortable down there. They’re pretty nasty. Hides are super thick, and they only got a couple of weak spots. I should be able to handle it but, uh… it ain’t gonna be a pretty fight.” Glancing to Mythal, she said, “They can watch from the ledge where I was if they keep low and quiet. I’ll let you know when it’s safe to make your way down.”

    Presuming that was agreeable, Aeron allowed herself a resigned groan before hurrying off to the right, down the path that would eventually lead everyone down into the ravine. Before she could rush out of view, her body disappeared as she turned invisible, the only clue that she was still moving forward being the continued appearance of her bookmarks in the dirt until she turned a corner past a rock and her tracks were obscured out of sight. Aeron slowed her gait  when she got within range of the beast’s exceptional hearing. It was hunkered over a kill of its own, having stripped nearly all the meat off its dinner and leaving an array of bones scattered about the place.

    Tapping into a bit of her magic, it began to rain in the ravine, despite the fact that there were no rain clouds in the air. Mythal and the rich idiots would be too far up to feel the liquid themselves, but they would easily be able to see it with the naked eye, as well as the little tendrils of smoke that started to rise up from everything it touched. The muscles on the creature began to twitch irritably until it eventually started fidgeting and spinning around in pain and confusion. It may have had skin thick enough to make piercing it with a weapon difficult, but it could still feel the burning agony of acid when it was being rained upon its body.

    It growled and threw itself around frantically, trying to find a place to get out of the rain, and that’s when Aeron made a more direct attack. She had used its own noise making to cover up the sound of her approach and seemed to materialize out of nowhere right underneath it. Her arms had changed completely, no longer appearing human but rather looking more like a monstrosity herself, sullen and gangly with dull grey flesh that hung loosely over more bone than muscle. Her fingers were grotesquely long with sharp nails more akin to claws. Before the beast could recover from her sudden appearance, still too preoccupied with the acid rain to notice her, she put several deep gashes along the Umara’s soft and unprotected underbelly.

    It went appropriately ape shit.

    Screeching in pain, it made a mad swipe at her with one of its thick arms, looking to backhand her across the ravine. Aeron quickly shrunk the size of her body down to that of a pixie, causing the creature to miss her by a wide margin. She reversed the size change almost instantly as soon as its arm was swung, latching on the limb with her own arms and, with a loud grunt of effort, hucking the hulking beast across the ravine floor and into one of the walls of the cliff. It hit with such force that several rocks shook loose from the wall above it and pelted its head, which really only made it angrier.

    It surged to its feet in a rage, snatching onto one of the small boulders that had dropped from the wall. Aeron knew immediately where this was going. “Oh shit,” she said, eyes wide as the beast reared back and hurled the rock at her. It was too big for her to avoid by shrinking again. Morphing her arms back to normal, she braced herself with her arms out and caught the rock with her bare hands, her boots scraping against the rocky floor as she was pushed back by the impact. With a growl she deposited the boulder in front of her only to turn and see the Umara leaping down at her from over the top of it.

    Aeron threw herself to the side just in time to avoid being crushed under its body, scrambling quickly, if not gracefully, back onto her feet. The beast was just as quick to recover, coming at her with arms raised and ready to pummel her under fists about as large as her own body. Thankfully, Aeron was much stronger than her thin frame suggested. She reached up her hands and caught the Umara’s fists much in the same manner that she had the boulder, the two wrestling for dominance.

    Finally, Aeron managed to get enough leverage and the right angle to pull herself up over the things arms. With the sudden loss in resistance, its fists slammed into the hard ground leaving a couple small caters. She quickly scrambled up one of his arms and onto its back where one of her arms elongated itself enough to stretch out and around the beast’s neck until she had the thing in a full chokehold. It raged and tried to pull her arms away from its neck to no avail, even as she poured spell after spell into boosting her strength until the hold got tighter and tighter against its windpipe. When pulling at her limbs didn’t work, it resorted to trying to slam her up against the ravine walls pinning her between the coarse rock and its back and dragging her along it. The pain sucked but she’d certainly had worse and somehow managed to hold on.

    After close to a minute, the Umara finally started losing the battle for oxygen and slumped to the ground, fighting the impending unconsciousness the whole way down until it was fully prone and no longer fighting. Aeron groaned and rolled off the thing, landing on the ground with an unceremonious thump. It wasn’t dead yet, but it was at least not thrashing at her anymore. Dragging herself to her feet with all the gusto of someone that looked more annoyed than physically impared, she took her gun out of its holster. “It will be a good opportunity for you, Aeron,” she muttered, either forgetting or not caring that the acoustics of the ravine allowed her voice to carry quite easily up to the listening ears above. “Show them our hospitality, they said. Show them how we want to make the world a better place, they said. Build up your social skills. Build up your confidence.”

    Clearly, she was grumbling about all the various ways that she’d been talked into taking the job. Several more sarcastic quotes escaped her lips even as she pulled one of the Umara’s arms away from its head. Pressing the barrel of her gun right up against the hole that served as the creature’s ear, she unloaded several rounds of ammo into the small space where it immediately broke through the thinner flesh and fragile bone to pierce the brain directly. Once she was sure it was no longer breathing, Aeron finally turned to look up. “Alright, it’s dead.”

    Presuming everyone made their way down, she pointed out the rather large cave where people could set up their tents, by which all they really had to do was toss the equipment on the ground and the tents would set themselves up instantly. Figuring since her current outfit was already fucked up, she decided to get to work making dinner. Which, coincidentally, happened to be the Umara. Anyone that expressed uncertainty in eating the monster was met with a shrug as Aeron explained that it was perfectly safe to eat, and tasted more like wild boar than anything else. She also reminded them that part of her job as their guide was to show them what in the wilds of Sin was and wasn’t edible.

    Thankfully, they didn’t argue with her too much. Most of them seemed quite interested in trying an “exotic” meal, especially since she said they could keep pieces of the thing’s pelt and teeth as souvenirs if they wanted to. Getting a knife out of her pack, she turned the thing on its back while the tourists set up their sleeping arrangements and made themselves comfortable after a long day of walking-but-not-fighting, and used the soft belly of the Umara as a starting point to skin the thing.

    It wasn’t long before an ample amount of meat had been cut out and cooked over a number of small personal fires that were enchanted not to have any smoke. Part of the tourist’s packs had been supplied with a number of spices so they could flavor the meat however they wanted. For her part, Aeron made no attempt to sit with any of them, wanting as much distance between herself and the rich folk as possible. She had set up her tent closer to the entrance of the cave against one of the walls, with a small fire where she sat in relative isolation from the rest of the group. Eating her food without any added spices, Aeron made no attempts to socialize with anyone, her gaze only panning over to the group from time to time as they laughed loudly or otherwise did something to draw her attention. Otherwise, she simply sat in silence as the daylight waned, looking about as miserable as she had at the start of all this.

     template by punki


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Babysitting the Rich Empty Re: Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 22nd September 2020, 3:55 pm

    1783/6088 words || @Trinity  || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    Mythal was not there to be entertainment either. There was a reason he was all supportive of Aeron’s detest and disagreement to perform for the rich folks and that was because he felt exactly the same way. He’d come here to make sure that the idiots didn’t get themselves killed or frankly their guide killed along the way. His goals were simply and easy and they did not involve putting on a show for the rich and famous so that they could exploit it for their own arrogant egos. If they wanted him to remove the creatures, then he would and with gusto he did. But he wasn’t going to slow down and make it easy for any of them to record what he was doing or awe and gasp at the splendor of his movements. His movements and actions were surgical and precise, bringing an abrupt end to the group of creatures in a matter of a minute. The Darkness King took only long enough to swing his blade violently through the air, cleansing it of the blood that had stained its metal form, before he made it back to the group. They were not pleased -- well, most of them weren’t at least. Aeron showed a bit of amusement, a smile that betrayed how entertained she was at his actions. But it very quickly was hidden away, apparently too showy for her tastes.

    With that out of the way, Aeron announced they would continue on. She apparently had a planned cave to set up camp and she wanted to ensure they made it with plenty of time remaining before the sun set. With a grumbling, annoyed group they continued, marching through the wilds like their own pack. They encountered several other manner of creatures along the way but nothing that Aeron or himself couldn’t handle. Interestingly enough, she didn’t even seem to need to use any magic she had -- she utilized her firearm rather easily and without issue. She was probably hoping to keep her strength in case they ran into something more tiresome. An effective strategy, one that he too had followed suit and allowed only Curse to kill what got in their way. No doubt worse monsters lay in the land beyond -- best not to blow one’s magical load too early.

    They’d made it fairly far along the coast when Aeron, once more, gestured for them to keep quiet and still. A few of the tourists fidgeted in annoyance -- they hadn’t gotten a sliver of content for their records and it was starting to wear on them. A few of them had a look in their eyes like they were going to simply ignore Aeron’s order. Mythal was weighing just how hard he’d have to shut down the rebellion when Aeron returned, softly moving between the rock formations to get back to them. She informed them that they’d found the cave but there was currently a Tusked Umara holding its own little pow-wow there. Their names sounded tough enough but the Elysium mage let him know just how much of a fight this was going to be. She rationalized that she could handle it solo, though it didn’t sound anywhere near easy. Unfortunately he couldn’t exactly offer to help -- keeping the group of brainless dolts alive was still a primary directive. She gave him a quick glance and let him know that they could watch from the edge of the ravine so long as they remained quiet. He gave her a nod and off she went, using a bit of her magic to turn completely invisible. A neat trick -- especially for a dark wizard.

    I want to watch from up close,” one of the women stated with a loud and aggravated snort.

    “Tough shit,” he hissed back before he gestured towards the rock formation, urging them to move forward.

    Once he had the audience all set up and delivered glares that told them to keep their traps shut, the Darkness King set himself up on a portion of the ridge. He could see the monstrous creature  in the cave, its massive, hulking form moving about as it ripped and shredded its dinner into bite sized globs. It sure wasn’t pretty, that much was sure. As they all watched, there was a sudden emergence of rain over the ravine itself, the liquid quickly cascading down from a summoned cloud. A cursory glance was enough to tell that this wasn’t any normal kind of storm and the soft sizzling and thin trails of smoke told the whole story. Summoned acid rain; yet another crafty tool. Mythal snorted softly, admittedly impressed. The burning shower had quite the effect on the creature, causing it to panic and seek some kind of sanctuary from the pain. It was then that Aeron appeared once more, directly in front of the creature and with--

    His magical senses exploded like alarms and his eyes went as wide as saucer plates. The image of the grotesque arms she now bore gave off a distinctive magical signature and, with them, the smell returned to the forefront of his memory. He had thought she seemed familiar but he couldn’t put his finger on it. He’d been willing to leave it alone, more focused on getting through this week than on the dangers it could bring. He’d been disarmed by her nearly harmless, blustering nature. Because of course he was! That was her entire plan, wasn’t it? Throw him off guard, lower his defenses and then she would strike. It all made sense now -- there was simply no denying it.

    This Aeron was the woman that had murdered the senator. She had blown up the function room and attempted to murder so many innocent lives right after. He had thought her dead but then she’d appeared once more on the cover of Sorcerer’s Magazine, boldly announcing her survival with such bravado. And now here she was, undercover once more. Trinity -- he’d only learned her name after the fact but it had stayed in his mind, like a hot brand imprinted on his brain.

    Suddenly he realized how treacherous the situation was. Peeling his gaze away from the battle, he looked over at the rich Fioreans, all watching in awe as Aeron took on the giant creature. He could create a portal to get them out but he’d have to find a focal point nearby. He’d never ventured to Sin before so there were no connections to Kingdom Darkness that he could pull from to just craft an escape there and then. His best chance to get them out before things went shit over hand was right now and yet he knew that there was nothing he could say or do to get rid of them. Whatever warning, whatever concern he conveyed about the danger they would in would only thrill them further. They were traveling with a murderous dark wizard?! Oh how absolutely naughty -- imagine what the other rich bitch friends would say.

    He hissed between clenched teeth. If he was honest with himself, Mythal also knew that he had no intention of running away from her either. No, his own selfish desire to understand how this woman had survived his attacks was far too strong to simply abandon the job now. She’d been clever to pick a new disguise to hide her true form but he already knew that she could morph into humanoid shapes as well. Then again, maybe she was hoping for that. Gods, there was no telling what that psychopath intended for the lot of them. All he knew was that he couldn’t let her follow through with any of them. Seemingly lost in his own thoughts, he managed to shake himself out of them and turn his gaze back, having missed a good portion of the battle while his revelation had played out. By the time he checked back in, she had managed to bring the beast down, knocking it unconscious after having cut off his oxygen. Her complaints echoed up through the walls of the ravine but even that couldn’t alleviate the tension in Mythal’s body. Yet he took several deep breaths over the next few moments, drawing in air and letting out his anxiety. He couldn’t show his cards yet. Not here, not with all the people in the immediate area.

    Aeron took a couple of moments to complain before blasting off a few shots from her pistol into the creature’s head, ending its life for good. She called out to them to let them know the obvious and Mythal led them down into the ravine, putting on the facade of being completely normal. “Could’ve been worse,” Mythal said simply to her as he passed back, glancing at the creature. After that, it was time to make camp. The rich folks started to pitch their tents which was, for the most part, entertaining. They attempted to wrangle Mythal into doing it for them and when that didn’t work, they tried to band together and figure it out themselves. The end results were less than ideal for them, no doubt, but it would have to do. Aeron took to cooking their dinner, preparing the slain monster for their meal. Mythal watched her carefully as she went about her skinning the creature, managing to keep his attention split between her and the group. By the time the meat had been handed out and placed on the personal fires, the day was already beginning to wane.

    His meat went ignored as he waited until the tourists had settled into a comfortable circle of conversation. Aeron had secluded herself away from the group, looking about as excited to exist as she had all day. Taking a moment to look once more towards the tourists, he finally pushed himself off the wall and walked over to the Elysium mage, putting himself between her and the group. “You and I need to talk,” he said softly, somehow managing to keep his composure. One hand was behind his back, gripping tightly to Curse’s hilt in preparation. Images of their last encounter played in his head, how she had taken on the form of Serilda and mocked him. His anger had been so overwhelmed then that its effect had practically been lost but now, in his right mind, it bubbled deep in his stomach. “And I ain’t gonna abide any lyin’. You’ve been playin’ a game since the moment I got here. I don’t know if you thought I was some kinda idiot that wouldn’t pick up on the clues you left. How yer alive is beyond me but it ain’t gonna matter. I know who you are, Trinity. The ruse is up.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Babysitting the Rich Empty Re: Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Trinity 22nd September 2020, 7:12 pm

      sanity calms
    but madness is a little more interesting.  
        1596/9051 Words

    @Mythal Ragnos
    If Aeron thought he seemed to be acting differently toward her after the fight was over, it didn’t show on her face. Given that one only needed to spend about five minutes with her to know that masking her emotions wasn’t exactly a strong suit, Mythal could reasonably conclude that he was doing well in keeping his insecurities and revelations to himself. She continued to grumble after he offhandedly remarked to her that the fight could have gone worse, though the mutterings were quieter than before. He was right, after all. Tusked Umaras were a right pain in the ass but she’d certainly faced nastier and far more terrifying beasts in Sin. So, she set about doing her skinning and getting dinner prepared, hoping that the tourists would more or less leave her alone as long as she was keeping herself busy with getting their meals ready.

    She’d been right, thank the gods. Outside of their interest in getting pieces of the thing’s pelt and holding onto some of its bones as trophies -- presumably to act as evidence later of their “kills” -- they more or less left her alone. Even once all the meat was cut up and cooked and dished out they allowed her to retreat into her corner, all too happy to finally get some time to gab with each other over the fights that day without having to keep their voices down. It left her plenty of time and space to brood as she usually did, wallowing in a near palpable misery and self pity over her lot in life.

    Of course, it was only a matter of time before someone would decide it was time to come pester her, though honestly the last person she’d expected it to be was Mythal. He seemed as interested in keeping to himself as she was, yet after things had settled down and she was digging unceremoniously into her bland meal, he quietly made his way over to her. The brunette blinked up at him when he told her in a rather quiet voice that they needed to talk. At first she thought it was something related to the group or the job, but if that were the case why was her hair suddenly standing on end? Why did she suddenly feel like she was backed into a corner by a predator?

    She became visibly anxious as she took in his posture, her blue-green eyes darting to the hand on his sword several times. He launched in saying that he wasn’t going to put up with any lies from her, which shouldn’t have surprised her. He viewed her as a criminal which meant that he didn’t trust her as far as he could throw her, though admittedly he could probably throw her pretty damn far. But considering how oddly well the two of them had managed to at least get along for the sake of the work ahead so far, it was a little unexpected. He claimed she’d been playing some kind of game since the beginning with him and started acting like they’d met before, that he hadn’t put it together until enough of her clues had been dealt.

    Aeron was looking more and more confused with each word he spoke, like he’d accused her of kicking a puppy in front of him. And supposedly they had fought? Supposedly he was supposed to have killed her? What the hell was this guy on about? What was his problem? Aeron was about to ask all these questions and more when he spoke a single trigger word that unraveled the entire mystery for her.

    “Trinity. Because of fucking course you fought her,” she practically growled, all the confusion and nervousness practically washing from her face. In its place was a visible anger and deep seeded frustration that could only have been born of a very real loathing. “Let me guess: Black hair? Eyes like fire? An obnoxious sense of flair and an ego bigger than any planet? Gives you stranger-danger chills on the level of old priests in musty robes that get a little too close to the altar boys?”

    Suddenly having lost her appetite, at least for the moment, Aeron sighed in resignation and tossed what was left of her meat onto her plate so she could rub her face in exasperation. Gee, Darius, thanks for the fucking heads up.

    Don’t blame me. I would have told you sooner if I thought you wouldn’t lose your cool over it and give yourself away.

    Yeah you better start working up your excuses, cause we’re having a long talk later. Just a heads up: Nothing you say is going to make this alright.

    He had no retort for that, which was just as well because she had a much more pressing conversation to attend to. She had to get Mythal off her back before he tried to kill her right in front of all these people. “Her name ain’t Trinity. It’s Thana. Trinity is just what she calls herself cause she’s… I dunno, dramatic or something. And not that you have any reason to believe me, but me I ain’t her.”

    The truth of the matter was, of course, quite the opposite. She and Thana were the same person, but the personality of Aeron was not aware of that. She believed themselves to be two completely different people, and thus her claim was as true to her as a person stating that the sky was blue or that Ishgar was a continent. As such, she was not attempting to deceive him. “Please, just… leave your sword alone and give me a moment to explain? I’ve watched you work enough today to know that you could kick my teeth out through my asshole with or without the weapon, and you’re making me nervous.”

    Whether or not he complied, she set herself up for a conversation she really did not wish to have. Unfortunately, if she wanted to get back to Elysium alive in a couple days Aeron needed to appease this threat. “Look, I get where your confusion is coming from. She and I share the same magic. We transform into monsters and perform spells that seem to… break the laws of reality or whatever. I hate that bloodthirsty maniac as much as most other people that get locked in her sights. She’s a killer, a sociopath, a rapist, a cannibal… you name it and she’s probably done it multiple times over, and slept like a gods damned baby the same night.”

    The ire and fury was building up in her eyes the more she talked about the woman, leaving no room for confusion on just how much Aeron loathed Thana’s very existence. Then she sighed, as though all that anger was lost in the face of… helplessness? Resignation? “Unfortunately, I can’t seem to get rid of her. She’s been with me my whole damn life, dragging me into her reckless schemes and putting my own life in danger on a near daily basis. Everywhere we go, everything is always about her, and she ain’t having any fun unless she’s torturing or manipulating some poor son of a bitch. I can’t tell you how much of a load off my back it would be for someone to just put her out of all our miseries once and for all. Given how little regard she has for even her own safety, I truly don’t know how she hasn’t been killed yet.”

    “But I ain’t like her.” There was a softness, perhaps a vulnerability to her tone, that Aeron wasn’t accustomed to. She was so nervous about this confrontation that she couldn’t even look him in the eye, ashamed to even admit that she knew the woman. “She quite literally gets off on killing people and bringing their worst nightmares to life. Me? I just… I just like keeping to myself. If I ain’t bothering people, then they ain’t bothering me. If I stay away from them, then they can’t hur--” She swallowed the word down, though not all the way before it was too late. A deep blush of embarrassment and anger rose to her cheeks. “If I stay away from them, they ain’t a headache. I told you: I don’t like people. I’m not good with them. I’m not comfortable around them. I ain’t gonna say I haven’t hurt anyone before. We all do what we have to to survive. But I try to keep trouble as far from me as possible.”

    Aeron finally looked up at him, still a bit nervous. “I promise, I ain’t here to hurt anyone. I haven’t lied to you. And whatever you wanna know about Thana that will help convince you not to punish me for her crimes, I’ll tell you as much as I can. I still ain’t about to give away any guild secrets or sell out my members, but hell knows that I ain’t a fan of that woman and she ain’t done me many favors over the last like…. I dunno, twenty years. She saved my life and got me a freedom I never thought I’d have, but that’s little in comparison to the rest of the shit she’s done, both before and after…”

    If he had questions or wanted to know more about the woman he actually wanted dead, now was the time. Aeron was willing to give him answers, at least as much as she could without getting in trouble with Elysium… but it was probably still more than he was going to get anywhere else.

     template by punki


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Babysitting the Rich Empty Re: Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 23rd September 2020, 4:29 pm

    1470/7558 words || @Trinity  || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    There were a lot of ways this ‘conversation’ could go wrong. Frankly, Mythal wouldn’t have taken the risk of confronting her so close to the group of tourists but attempting to lead her away could put them in danger all the same. At least with them nearby, he could have a better chance of defending them compared to if he couldn’t see them at all. It wasn’t the best place to be in but he had very little choice in the matter. If he didn’t reveal to Aeron that he knew her true name and nature, he and the group could be led further into her trap. No, this was the only moment he had to turn the tables on her and get the advantage. And he had to be ready for anything. She already seemed to be rigid with tension as he approached her, having sensed something wrong. His hand tightened around his sword more, preparing for the absolutely worst scenario. Movements and tactics ran through his head at an alarming rate as he sorted through possibilities for what was about to happen.

    What he didn’t expect was a kind of third person acknowledgement mixed in with aggravation. Aeron repeated the name and growled in frustration over the revelation that he’d encountered the woman. This wasn’t the tone of someone who was about to reveal some grand trick; Aeron was genuinely upset and did very little to hide the hatred in his voice. She continued speaking, listing off several details that added up to the psychopathic woman Mythal had fought in Era. The Elysium mage wasn’t lost on who he was talking about, that much was sure. He gave her a small nod; acknowledging that everything she had said to him was what he had been expecting. He’d honestly been standing there, waiting for Aeron’s face to melt away and the twisted, evil facade of Trinity to appear before him.

    Instead he got Aeron throwing her food back onto her plate and grumbling. It was almost like he’d told her some inconvenience to her day, some added annoyance that was going to make things harder for her. It wasn’t altogether untrue but considering the topic, he’d expected that she would have had, at the very least, a bigger reaction. He continued to stand there, prepared to swing Curse around in an instant, as she rummaged through her head for some kind of explanation. After a moment to settle herself, she started her explanation. Apparently Trinity was just an alias used by the monster truly named Thana, a means to present herself as someone grandiose. The kicker was that Aeron stated that she wasn’t Thana… and she was telling the truth. Now Mythal never claimed that his ability to sense the truth out of people was always one hundred percent accurate. And there were times when he couldn’t read a person’s words at all. But when the truth was spoken before him, he could feel it deep in his soul. And there was little doubt that Aeron was not attempting any kind of deception on him. Her word was law on this matter… which frankly just made things even more confusing.

    Aeron begged with him to leave his sword be, at least until she was able to explain. But already his grip on the handle was loosening, after the profound realization that he wasn’t dealing with Thana. He didn’t wait much more than a beat to let it go and drop his arm down by his side, showing that he wasn’t on the verge of cutting her down. “Sorry,” he said simply, his mind all aflutter with questions and concerns. Now that he knew the truth, standing there in a threatening stance seemed rather ridiculous. “Please, continue.”

    With his stance relaxed, she got into the thicket of her explanation. Apparently Aeron and Thana shared a magic and, as such, could easily deceive a person into thinking they were one in the same. But she certainly didn’t care for Thana, citing only a few of her less-appealing traits as reasons to outright hate her. He’d already known that Thana was reprehensible at face value but hearing all the added details only made things worse. But for the moment, he remained silent, listening to Aeron spew her hatred for Thana verbally and in probably a rather cathartic manner. She continued to explain that Thana had haunted her all her life, following her around and dragging her into situations that put Aeron’s life in constant danger. It was like Thana was a hurricane and Aeron was the eye, trying to move through life without conflict but finding only devastation from the deadly force that went with her everywhere. She wished that the psychopath was dead, as it would make everyone else’s lives better.

    Yet Aeron explained that she was not like Thana and in her words was an… innocence, of sorts. Perhaps that wasn’t the right word -- it was more a deep exposure that she clearly wasn’t comfortable or used to. She separated herself from Thana, citing her desire to simply be left alone and steer clear of people while Thana did everything in her power to get close to others and ruin their lives. There was a moment where Aeron almost revealed a bit more of her history before she edited herself, unwilling to go any deeper than she already uncomfortably had. She was a survivor and she had no desire to hurt others unless it came between her own life and theirs. Her gaze lifted to meet his, a smidge of confidence echoing out of her. It was her attempt to make him see that she was telling the truth. She didn’t want to hurt anyone and she insisted she hadn’t lied to him. She even offered him the opportunity to ask about Thana, willing to provide more answers that didn’t break the line of betraying the guild. Two decades Aeron and Thana had been circling around one another and while the latter had saved the woman’s life, there was no bill to be repaid when stacked against the atrocities that the psychopath had enacted.

    “It’s fine, I believe you,” he quickly said, letting out a small exhale of air and feeling all of the anxiety rush out with it. “I’d know if you weren’t, ya know, tellin' the truth. Weird side effect of my magic allows me to… I dunno, sense when people are lyin’ to me and shit. I uh… appreciate that you told me all that though, even if you didn’t need to. And I’m sorry that this Thana has caused your life to go through so much shit. I happen to understand what it’s like to have your life ruined by a murderous, psychopathic bitch.” Didn’t he know it well enough? The comparative lines that could be drawn between Faera and Thana were terrifying, to say the least. “I thought I had killed her back in Era. I literally sent her flyin’ through the air. Gravity shoulda put her out of her misery but if her magic is as strange as you claim it is, then she musta found a way.”

    “But there’s a couple’a things that don’t quite add up,” he admitted, bringing his arms up and crossing them over his chest. “The only reason I knew that Thana was still alive was because she was in the Sorcerer’s Magazine, interviewed for it. News dogs’ll do anythin’ for a story nowadays. But she said that she was an Ace of Elysium as well -- ain’t it odd that you both wound up as Aces of the same guild? But the more pressin’ issue is the fact that when we met a couple’a hours earlier, I thought you seemed familiar. It ain’t just your magic but your scent as well. I know that’s a strange thing to hear but I have… Slayer abilities so my senses are always kinda dialed to eleven. And you and Thana smell exactly the same.” Two massive mysteries, as far as he was concerned. But he wasn’t accusing Aeron of bending the truth; he was simply sharing his observations with her. No, it was obvious he believed her fully and was willing to put aside his former tensions.

    “I’m sorry ‘bout comin’ in all hot like that. With her, I had’ta be sure -- as I’m sure you get. But still, wasn’t right that I came down on you like that. I uh… well, I understand what it’s like to not really like people. Truthfully, I ain’t a big fan of most people either. I spent a long time keepin’ myself secluded from ‘em and hatin’ them from afar. I’m less like that now but only by a little. I’ve seen some of tha’ worst things that humanity can do. And it ain’t pretty.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Babysitting the Rich Empty Re: Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Trinity 23rd September 2020, 6:21 pm

      sanity calms
    but madness is a little more interesting.  
    1245/10,296 Words

    @Mythal Ragnos
    Once again, Mythal listened to her without interruption aside from a quick apology, and when she finished dragging her way through an explanation he assured her that he believed her. According to him, he had the ability to tell whether someone was being truthful to him or not. A handy trick, and one that Aeron was more than a little jealous of. Then again, she supposed Darius could perform that same feat for her if she asked him to. But what would happen if she ever lost him? No, it was a skill she’d feel more comfortable having for herself, with or without the disembodied wizard.

    Mythal thanked her for telling him more than she really needed to, and expressed his empathy and condolences over having to deal with Thana. Apparently, he’d experienced a similar interaction with someone in his own life. He explained that he thought he had killed Thana back where they’d fought in Era, that he had launched her into the air high enough that the fall alone should have killed her. It was going to take a lot more than that to put the woman down, of course, and Aeron was about to voice as much, but Mythal continued with a few inquiries. Or rather, statements regarding things that didn’t quite make sense to him.

    He said that he had learned Thana was alive due to her recent feature in the Fioran magazine where she had also claimed to be an ace of Elysium. He found it odd that they both wound up as aces together at the same dark guild. But, more than that, he said that apparently the two of them had the same scent. It was something he was able to confirm through the use of the slayer powers he apparently had that heightened his senses. Aeron frowned at that slightly, perplexed by the idea that the two of them smelled the same and racking her brain to try and come up with an explanation for it.

    The Rune Knight apologized for coming in hot at her, explaining that he had only done it because it was the only proper thing to do when coming face to face with Thana herself. Aeron nodded her agreement when he implied that she likely understood exactly what he meant. He wasn’t exactly great with people either, and had similar tendencies to keep them at arm’s length. Over time he’d gotten a little better about that, it seemed, but he was more than well aware of the kind of horrific shit people could do to other people, and he sympathized with her on a level of understanding that could only come from personal experience.

    Honestly, it was the nicest thing anyone had ever said to her. “It’s, uh… it’s alright,” Aeron told him, doing her best not to be flustered by the weirdness of feeling like she was actually getting along with someone for a change, let alone a fucking Rune Knight. “She’s a monster. I get it. I’d have done the same in your shoes. Well, actually, I probably would’ve done worse. I don’t think I would have kept my cool as well as you were.” Even Aeron knew she was terrible at keeping her face in check. Her emotions were typically written all over it, with no room for misinterpretation. “Besides, that’s more along the lines of how I’d already been expecting you to treat me at the beach, so I was somewhat prepared for it.”

    She scratched her short hair awkwardly. “Honestly, the Ace thing ain’t so difficult to piece together. Like I said, Thana and I have been together practically our whole lives. She and I were both slaves in Bellum. We were sold real young.” Aeron didn’t say as much, but anyone who knew anything about child slaves in Bellum knew that it was typically parents trying to dump magickless children to protect their reputations. She was blushing heavily as she said it, but continued on anyway. “If it weren’t for her, I’d still be there. And as much as I hate her, I’ve always been safer with her than without her. I can’t get rid of her because she won’t go the fuck away, but I also can’t get rid of her cause… as fucked up as it sounds, she’s the only source of normalcy and security I’ve ever had.”

    “We wandered for almost a year through Ishgar trying to get away from Bellum and find somewhere else to settle, and we’ve been hunted ever since we left. Our handler would love nothing more than to get his hands on us again. But nothin’ ever felt right until Thana found Janet. That’s our guildmaster. She was getting ready to start Elysium, and invited us to help her. We joined together, and once Janet got to know us a little better she offered us both Ace spots. Thana performs with a little more gusto than I do but… Elysium is a home for me, now. A place I feel protected and accepted, where I don’t have to worry so much.”

    Aeron had never had that before. Elysium was a guild advertised as a home for the outcasts, for people that had been shunned and kicked around by society. Yes, they were a dark guild that did a lot of evil things, and there was no denying that -- but that didn’t mean that it wasn’t also what they advertised themselves to be: a place of refuge and security for people just like Aeron, who had been failed and abused by literally every system and had nowhere else to go. “As far as the smell thing… Sorry, I don’t got an answer for you on that one. You’re the first person who’s ever mentioned it. Maybe it’s cause we’ve been together so long? Can people’s smells like… merge with one another or something? That’s the only thing I can think of.”

    She did her best, but for someone that was wholly unaware of the truth of her predicament, Aeron was at a complete loss for an explanation there. Her eyes flicked around the cave, too embarrassed after talking so much about herself to meet his own. The tourists seemed to have gotten comfortable enough that they felt no need to interact with their guides for the rest of the night, which Aeron was grateful for. They seemed to have been satisfied enough with the Umara meat, as most of what had been cut out was gone.

    “You really should eat something, you know,” she told him gently after her gaze caught that he hadn’t touched any of his food. “I know monster meat ain’t the most appealing sounding thing, but it don’t taste so bad. Food is food. The further inland we go, the worse things are gonna get. You’ll wanna keep up as much of your strength as possible. I got some extra here if you want it.” She nodded to the stakes jabbed into the ground around the fire, each with a slab of cooked meat on them. “I sure ain’t gonna forgive you if you wind up dead and leave me alone with these morons.”

    The joke slipped from her lips before she really had time to realize what she was saying. Even Aeron looked a little surprised at herself. Humor wasn’t something she ever really took part in, either in the receiving or the giving, and the sheepish look on her face betrayed it.

     template by punki


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Babysitting the Rich Empty Re: Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 23rd September 2020, 8:35 pm

    1296/8854 words || @Trinity  || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    Well, considering how it could have gone, the current state was actually… well, better. He wouldn’t go as far as to say that they were on any kind of steady street to becoming friends but perhaps the lowest moment had come and gone. Not that anyone could be in a worse situation than to be mistaken for Thana. Luckily she wasn’t the kind of person to take offense to his actions and immediately shut down any means of communication. He’d been sincere in wanting to just focus on the single task at hand and her involvement with Thana had nearly upended that completely. But things were fine now or about as fine as they were bound to get.

    She accepted his apology, speaking with about as much grace as he had in the situation. She admitted that Thana was a villain and if the roles had been reversed, she would have done something similar, though she may not have been able to hold her emotions in check like he had. The comment earned her a small laugh from Mythal as he rubbed the back of his head. Truth was he had only barely been able to keep a lid on the whole matter without exploding. It had taken a lot of fortitude to keep the inner volcano from erupting. Apparently that was the attitude she had been expecting from him right from the start so she, at least, had prepared for it. “Well, not all Knights simply jump to a conclusion and operate off of that without reason. We have to keep an open mind and act when we see evidence of shit. Simply assumin’ is what gets us in trouble.”

    She continued, remarking on one of the odd connections he made that didn’t add up. She could see the correlation, as her and Thana had grown up together and were sold together as slaves in Bellum. It didn’t take a genius to understand what she was making a point about. Anyone that was enslaved in Bellum lacked magic and was basically treated as cattle. A lot of families with honor and respect would sell away their magicless kids to save face, removing the stain that could ruin their reputations permanently. It was a shit way to live but Bellum had always prioritized magic above everything else and anyone who felt differently -- or worse, was born differently -- became obsolete. Aeron explained that while she understood that Thana was terrible, she had been reliant on the psychopath. She had established some sense of normalcy and protection through the years. It was understandable, if a little sad as well.

    They hadn’t truly found a home until they found Janet, the guildmaster of Elysium. Under her tutelage, Aeron had found a place that she could truly call home. There was a connection there that established safety and comfortability that she hadn’t really known. Yet another understandable but depressing situation. It made sense, given her life had gone, that she would find some kind of security in the welcoming arms of Elysium. All they sought was to bring people that had been mistreated into the fold and embrace them in confidence. Were they around when Mythal was still wandering about the world, even he could see himself resorting to looking into joining. Perhaps even more than Fairy Tail.

    “Before I was a Rune Knight, I was in Fairy Tail. It wasn’t something I really decided for the betterment of my life; in fact, I basically pulled the first thing out of my ass while tryin’ to get a passport. I was plastered at the time,” he explained, smiling at his own idiotic past. “I’m a bit of a broken toy most of the time and I was worse then. I only joined Fairy Tail because I was out of jewels and needed to make some quick bucks to buy more booze. I had no intention of hangin’ around for long or makin’ any friends. But alas, life ain’t exactly there to play by your rules. Everythin’ changed once I was a member of the guild and I finally understood what it was like to have people around that cared about me. I hadn’t known what that was like in a long time.” He sighed softly. “So I get it. I may not agree with Elysium’s methods or goals but their message of wantin’ to accept the people that have been mistreated… that I can get behind. Unfortunately, I just don’t like that all that negativity is turned into a vengeful wave to try and fill the hole in our souls but… I can’t tell people what will make ‘em feel better. They gotta figure that shit out themselves. I just gotta be there if that answer is tryin’ to hurt other people.”

    It would be fairly obvious that, while he was a Rune Knight, Mythal wasn’t what many would see as a traditional officer of the law. A man that had seen both the darkness and light in the world, he saw the world through several shades of gray rather than on one single spectrum. He could understand most sides of things and sympathize but at the end of the day, he still had to do what was right for the safety of other people. After a moment, Aeron commented on the smell aspect he had mentioned, coming up with absolutely no explanation for that whatsoever. Apparently he was the only person that had ever brought it up. “Unless you and Thana have been shackin’ up and bumpin’ uglies daily, it ain’t like two people to smell the same…” But all he could do was leave it there. There really was no viable explanation for why both Thana and Aeron had the same natural musk but it was curious. He made a mental note of it.

    After another short burst of silence, she spoke up once more, commenting on the fact that he should really eat something. His gaze followed hers over to his food, that was still resting untouched and probably ice cold at that point. She understood that monster meat wasn’t exactly the most appetizing but food was food and they couldn’t pass up the chance to regain any energy when they could. Then, after offering some of her leftover food, she made a casual joke about not forgiving him if he perished and left her to babysit. It was surprising that she had decided to crack such a witty remark and as he looked down at her, he could see even she had surprised herself with it. He snorted and smirked. “Hate to be the bearer of bad news but I ain’t that easy to kill. I’m as stubborn as a mule. Besides, even I wouldn’t curse my worst enemy with playing escort to these morons,” he said, gesturing towards the group still hooting and hollering.

    He reached down and picked up one of the stakes still in the ground, silently accepting her offer for food. Truth be told he was quite hungry. “Besides, I had to make sure you weren’t gonna stick a knife in my back before I could eat anythin’,” he remarked, his own dark little joke added to the pile. “Now the next task is makin’ sure this group somehow survives the next few days. I just know one of ‘em is gonna try and take a selfie with a monster and get their head chomped off.” As if to bookend the comment, Mythal immediately took a large bite out of the meat and began to chew on it, as if he was mimicking that exact situation for her.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
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    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Babysitting the Rich Empty Re: Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Trinity 24th September 2020, 1:46 pm

      sanity calms
    but madness is a little more interesting.  
    1345/11,641 Words

    @Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal seemed to find her blunt honesty about herself a little amusing. He chuckled a little as she admitted that she probably wouldn’t have been able to stop herself from exploding if she’d been in his shoes. When she admitted that she’d basically been waiting all day for him to approach her with such aggression, he told her that not all Knights would be outright aggressive to her just for being a member of a dark guild. They needed evidence first of wrong doing, and needed to keep their minds as clear of biases as possible, because making assumptions is where they were bound to fuck up. Aeron supposed that made sense. If they upheld the law, they needed to subject themselves to it as well, right? The problem was that Aeron didn’t have a whole lot of faith in law enforcement actually holding themselves accountable.

    The brunette talked a lot more than she’d ever meant to about her history and how she’d wound up with Thana. Aeron had never told anyone about anything in her life before, always intent on keeping her secrets and her story to herself. Her pain and trauma and struggles was no one’s business but hers, and anyone who tried to pry could sincerely fuck off. Yet here she was, opening up without true prompting. It wasn’t like he was asking her, but there was something about Mythal that made her feel weirdly… comfortable. Like she could talk about the darker pieces of her life without being judged, like he would understand it, despite him being a Rune Knight and an enemy.

    Still feeling more than a little awkward about speaking out so much, Aeron was a little surprised when he reciprocated with some honesty of his own. Cerulean eyes flicked up to watch him as he explained that he had been a member of the independent guild Fairy Tail before becoming a Knight, and the only reason he’d joined in the first place was because he’d been desperate and drunk. Mythal described himself as being a broken toy that just wanted more money to feed his addiction to alcohol, and that he’d not been interested at all in making any friends or getting comfortable in the guild. Fate had intervened, it seemed. Despite his best intentions, he wound up making friends anyway and finding people that genuinely cared about his well being, which he hadn’t known for most of his life.

    Aeron gulped slightly, a bit thrown off by how similar his experiences were to her own. Aside from the drinking part, at least. She’d always been afraid of alcohol, having seen how easily it impaired people. Mythal assured her he understood. He did not like Elysium or agree with their methods, but he did respect their desire to help those who had nowhere else to turn to. It was just how that was all fueled into a negative light with so many abused and traumatized people fighting so violently for what they believed would be a better future for all. And if that was what she needed to have a safe and fulfilling life, then who was he to say she couldn’t have that? It was just his job to make sure that other people weren’t hurt in the process. Of course, Aeron couldn’t guarantee that. She had certainly hurt a fair number of people in her life, and not all of it was necessarily out of self defense. She’d been paid to do some bad things before, and while she hadn’t necessarily taken pleasure out of it like Thana usually did, she had still done it and not lost any sleep over it.

    She voiced her lack of an explanation on the fact that she and Thana smelled the same, offering the only thing she could come up with being that they had been together their entire lives. Mythal commented that such a thing would only make sense if the two women were having sex together every day and swapping bodily fluids. Aeron couldn’t stop the stomach acid from immediately surging to her mouth, quickly covering the orifice and doing everything in her power to force herself not to throw up the dinner she’d just finished eating. It wasn’t enough to stop her from involuntarily gagging a couple times, though. She was so disgusted by the very idea that she couldn’t even say anything, the pale grin tinge to her face and her twitching diaphragm doing all the talking for her.

    Swallowing down the bile, she collected herself as best as possible and quickly changed the subject, suggesting that he get some food in his belly. The last thing she needed was him getting wiped out from an empty stomach and leaving her to wrangle a group of snot nosed Fiorens by herself. The unexpected slip of humor drew a snort and a smirk from him before he told her that he wasn’t that easy to kill. He was beyond stubborn, and wouldn’t wish the responsibility for this group on even his worst enemy. Still, he seemed to have taken her suggestion to heart, reaching down and plucking a skewer out of the ground to eat, in the same breath mentioning that he had needed to wait before consuming anything to make sure she wasn’t going to stab him in the back first.

    Aeron blinked at him, trying to wrap her mind around the joke that also clearly was not a joke. It was funny, in a morbid way, she just was so unused to having a sense of humor that it was like her body didn’t know what to do. Nothing really came of it until he turned the topic back to the task at hand, commenting on how they needed to make sure everyone survived this trip despite knowing that someone was probably gonna get eaten trying to get a picture up close with a monster. It was him poignantly and aggressively gnawing off a bite of the meat as if recreating the imagery for her that drew an almost sputtered laugh from her, which she quickly covered with her hand, yet another blush rising to her cheeks at the unfamiliar expression.

    This time, unlike before, the smirk remained on her face even after she put her hand down, though it still looked like she was fighting it. And clearly losing. It was like something new had been awakened within her, perhaps not in any kind of full force but it was perhaps the beginning of being able to appreciate moments of lightheartedness. “If any of them tried that, I think I would be too dumbfounded to stop them from trying. Besides, I don’t have any knives to stab you in the back with. Poisoning you with monster meat none of you have built up an immunity to isn’t as messy.”

    It was her first conscious attempt at a joke, and frankly Aeron thought it wasn’t half bad. If he was willing to make light of them being enemies, then she was free to do the same, right? It wasn’t like he would think she was serious, not when he could tell if she was trying to deceive him. “Oh, I forgot to tell you something. The charms I handed out? They’re linked to the ward I’m gonna set up across the front of the cave before we call it a night. If anything tries to go through the warding, you’re gonna get a real loud alarm going off like… in your head. And that’s for anything coming in or going out, so if any of them try to sneak off while we’re asleep we’ll know immediately. And so will the rest of their buddies, who I can’t imagine will appreciate the rude awakening.”

    If anything, she seemed quite excited over the idea that one of them might try and wind up getting all their friends angry at them for interrupting their beauty sleep. And from the somewhat wicked glint in her eyes, Aeron didn’t exactly plan on warning anyone else about the effect.

     template by punki


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Babysitting the Rich Empty Re: Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 24th September 2020, 6:10 pm

    829/9683 words || @Trinity  || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    Mythal never claimed to not have a dark sense of humor. In fact, that seemed to be right in his wheelhouse. For almost two decades he had suffered being homeless and a nomad, roaming across Earthland in a daze of liquor, drugs and altogether refusal to deal with responsibilities and consequences. He had seen some shit and he was quite upfront about that. After one had been through such traumatic experiences, it was completely natural that a sense of humor about it could be formed. It was the only way to properly handle the darkness from his past and move past it, or so he told himself. He had a feeling that Aeron would partially understand that, though she seemed more confused by the fact that they were exchanging such pleasant remarks. Maybe like him, she hadn’t really developed a sense of humor yet. It had certainly taken him a long enough time to crack wise… at least on purpose.

    He did manage to get her when he dramatically ripped into the meat on the stake, drawing an image of what some stupid tourist could suffer if they got too full of themselves. She tried to cover up her amusement but that made it all the more obvious that she was hiding it. She kept the slightest of smirks on her face, willing to show a partial sign of her better mood. She admitted that if any of the rich folk actually tried to take a selfie in the regard he had mentioned, she was sure she wouldn’t be able to stop it. She’d be too stunned by the sheer stupidity of it. She continued, explaining that she didn’t carry knives to just actively sink into his back -- instead, she mused that it was far easier and less mess to let them suffer poisoning from the meat none of them had eaten before. He paused mid-bite to look down at the slab of food in his hand, brow furrowing slightly at the prospect. Then he shrugged. “Eh, fuck it. Worse ways to go than to be eatin’,” he admitted, having caught onto her joke and opting to go with it.

    He finished chewing long enough to shoot her a bemused smirk, actually surprising himself at how much he enjoyed this… frenemy thing. It was certainly a little strange but then again, Mythal had always gotten along with the stranger folks of the world. As he’d already explained, he didn’t always see things as black and white and that gave him the ability to communicate and interact with people one might not expect a Rune Knight to converse with. He understood that not everyone managed to pull themselves out of the dark; some lacked the means and others found it more comfortable. Would he and Aeron be working together as allies again? He highly doubted it -- even if she wasn’t as bad as Thana, he was sure that she had done things in the name of survival that weren’t legal or all together good. But then again, he’d been the same way back then, hadn’t he?

    As he tore into the meat, she spoke up once more, bringing up a fact that she had forgotten to mention before. Apparently the charms that she had included in their packs were linked to a special ward that she was going to set up at the cave mouth when they finally went to bed. It would act as an early alarm system, ringing loudly in their ears so that they got up in time to see what was sniffing around. But apparently it worked both ways; so if someone was trying to sneak out to have their own adventure solo, the alarms would go off as well. It would wake everyone up and then the poor bastard would find themselves the center of everyone’s ire. He chuckled. “That’s clever. Now I kinda hope one of these idiots tries it. Not that I want my sleep interrupted but for the sake of a good laugh, worth it,” he said. Clearly he felt the same as she -- it would be quite the sight to watch as the rest of the rich folks turned on one of their own for being dumb.

    Mythal finished the slab of meat and planted the stake back in the ground. Now with a full belly, he leaned back against the cave wall and looked over at the group of tourists. They continued to party away, living it up like it was a true blue vacation. He scoffed softly and shook his head. “Y’know, I’ve never been to Sin before. Been all across this world and in most countries but never here. Nothin’ about it ever seemed attractive. Y’all in Elyisum are either brilliant for findin’ the perfect hidin’ place or absolute psychopaths for chancin’ death everyday. But honestly, I kinda geddit at the same time. Just glad I didn’t come here when I was younger and stupider.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
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    Babysitting the Rich Empty Re: Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Trinity 25th September 2020, 4:01 pm

      sanity calms
    but madness is a little more interesting.  
    700/12,341 Words
    22,024 Total


    @Mythal Ragnos
    Truth be told, her face was starting to feel a little sore. The muscles around her mouth weren’t exactly used to smiling, and the result was a weird tingling sensation that made her cheeks feel like jello. Mythal took her joke about poisoned meat in stride, glancing down at the meal warily for only a moment before shrugging it off and commenting that there were worse ways to die. “Ain’t that the fucking truth,” Aeron muttered, shaking her head a little though still smiling. He shot her a smirk and for whatever reason her awkward blush intensified at the look. She quickly covered it by reaching down and picking her own meal back up so she could finish eating it, telling herself it was just to make sure he had plenty of nourishment and was not to cover of the fact that she was acting like a prepubescent teenager around this strange and attractive man.

    Aeron filled him in on some of the precautions she had for securing their safety at night. The two of them, in particular, were going to need all the rest they could get since the rich pricks insisted that she and Mythal be the ones doing all the fighting. Since it was literally just the two of them acting as guides and protectors, it wouldn’t be feasible at all for them to take shifts watching over everyone as they slept to make sure nothing crept up on them. Luckily, Elysium had come up with more than a few tricks to keep people safe at night, and Aeron was secure enough in the precautions that she felt that she and Mythal could sleep through the night without worrying about anything coming upon them. He seemed to appreciate the trick about the alarm as well, complimenting its craft and admitting his hope that someone tried to sneak off, even if it cost him a bit of rest.

    The two of them finished eating in relatively comfortable silence before Mythal spoke up again. He admitted he’d never been to Sin before, despite how much traveling he had done through Ishgar. Sin had just never really been on the list of places he wanted to go to before because there really wasn’t anything here except death and monsters. According to him, that either made Elysium geniuses or lunatics for picking it as their stomping grounds. She chuckled lightly, a short noise that her vocal chords weren’t altogether familiar with how to make. “It wasn’t my first choice, I can tell you that much. I ain’t exactly thrilled about being a boat ride away from Bellum, and I fought and argued with Thana the whole way here when I realized what she’d signed us up for. I was terrified for the first few months that something was gonna overrun the guild hall and eat me alive.”

    “But, we adapted pretty fast. There are definitely ways to survive out here. You just gotta be diligent. And Janet… she’s done a good job taking care of everyone out here. She really cares about us. A bit too much like a mother figure for my tastes, but she’s the only person I’ve ever met that I don’t feel like she’s ever condescending, or like she’s just using me for something. Only beef I ever had with her was one time where she made me to spend almost a whole week by myself out here with nothin’ but the clothes on my back. I was pretty livid but… weirdly, it was Thana that helped me see that Janet only sent me to do it because she knew I had no confidence. I guess it’s still a little fucked up when I say it out loud, but… can’t say it didn’t help me believe in myself a bit more than I used to.”

    “Anyway, it’s… definitely awful out here, and nowhere near an ideal place to live, even for a dark guild. But it’s effective, and we’ve been able to make it work, so I guess I can’t complain too much.” They spent the rest of the evening chatting idly with one another, content to keep themselves isolated from the rest of the group as they waited for the tourists to wind down and wander off to their tents for the night. Aeron took the time to coorden off the entrance of the cave with the wards she’d brought, taking the time to show them to Mythal and make sure he knew how they worked in case he needed to deal with it himself at any point. Then, once everyone else was in bed, she bid him goodnight and retreated into her own tent to bed down for the night.

    They were only woken once in the middle of the night for the alarm, and it was for someone trying to sneak out to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. There was quite a bit of grumbling from the party about the ordeal, and while Aeron wasn’t pleased at having her sleep disturbed either, she did take great joy in their own annoyance as she made it clear that kind of rude awakening was what they could expect if any of them tried to run off in the middle of the night thinking they could go out on their own when she or Mythal weren’t looking. The entire ordeal lasted maybe ten minutes before everyone finally went back to sleep, with Aeron looking more than a little pleased with herself.

    The next couple of days went much the same as the first, though the monsters they encountered were more frequent and more difficult to beat. They started running into things that Aeron had never even encountered before, and more often than not both she and Mythal were fighting at the same time rather than taking turns, if only because there were a great number of monsters that kept trying to get to the group while the other was fighting. At one point, she actually managed to find a nice vantage point for them to watch from a safe distance as two monsters viciously fought one another, ripping each other apart until one proved the victor and got to eating its kill. It was a grotesque scene to witness, but Aeron had seen worse and frankly it was a nice change to have a fight happen that neither of them had to get involved in.

    There were certainly a couple close calls, at least insofar as people getting hurt. The Elysium mage and Rune Knight together managed to keep everyone relatively safe from being killed, but there had been a number of times where the protective charms that Aeron had given everyone had come in handy for preventing the loss of a limb. There had been some mild panic during those moments from the group, as was only natural, but it was quickly replaced with laughter and amusement after when everything was fine and they continued to believe themselves invisible. Still, Aeron couldn’t help but be grateful. They had gotten through most of the week without anyone doing anything too stupid, and with any luck that trend would continue.

    It was the morning of the last full day of the trip when that streak of good luck finally ran out. Aeron woke up early and did her routine check of the area outside to make sure it was safe before coming back and starting to rouse everyone. They got through breakfast and had started packing up their things before Aeron realized something was off. She stood off to the size looking around their current camp with a confused look, like she was searching for something she’d lost. The first thing she did every morning was check the charm around her neck to verify that everyone was accounted for in their tents, and the correct number of dots were present on the back of it. However, as she looked around with a still somewhat groggy focus, there were less bodies in view than there should have been. Two people, a married couple that had come together, hadn’t come out for breakfast. Were they still sleeping?

    Rolling her eyes and hating playing babysitter, she shuffled over to their tent and shook it. “Hey! Let’s go. This ain’t the kind of vacation where you can just sleep in as late as you want,” she told them loudly. No response came. Aeron frowned in annoyance and shook the tent harder. “Did you hear me? I ain’t gonna tell you nicely again!”

    Aeron, they’re not in there. Darius sounded a bit shocked when he spoke up, as though somehow even he hadn’t noticed it until now.

    “What?!” she asked him, so stricken by his words that she didn’t even realize she’d replied to him out loud. Scrambling to get inside, the pulled the zipper on the flap of the tent and yanked it open to reveal that it was, in fact, empty. “MYTHAL!” Aeron called out, her tone ripe with urgency as she practically dove into the tent. How was this possible? How were they gone? They couldn’t have…

    She came out a second later, her face writ with complete and utter panic as she locked eye with the Rune Knight and lifted up the two charms that belonged to the couple. They had taken them off and left them behind in order to bypass the ward without tripping the alarm, and now they were missing.

     template by punki


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Babysitting the Rich Empty Re: Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 28th September 2020, 3:35 pm

    1438/1438 words || @Trinity  || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    The more he got to know Aeron, the more surprised he was that she was in Elysium. It wasn’t a matter of believing or disbelieving that she couldn’t perform acts that would suit her for the guild -- she was a self-proclaimed survivor and everything he read off of her seemed to lean in that direction. To survive, one generally had to take part in things one normally wouldn’t or even acts that they may downright despise. But between giving up and perishing or continuing to claw one’s way through life, breaking a few laws and moral codes starts to look mighty easy. Maybe it was his own way of looking at someone so similar to him and seeing a mirror image of who he was not even that long ago. It’d only been a few years since he had stumbled into Magnolia, hungover and angry at the world.

    But joining a guild in Sin? That was crazy, even for the looney ones. And even Aeron understood that, not enjoying being too close to Bellum along with the impending doom of being eaten by wild beasts. She’d tried to fight against the choice but in the end, had given in and suffered through the fear of becoming a meal. That obviously didn’t happen and she had learned to adapt to the climate. In a way, it was its own kind of test of survival just dialed up to eleven. And despite their stance within the magical world, Janet had become a caring and loving mother to the members of her guild. That was something, surprising even. He always imagined dark guild guild masters as wicked, uncaring shadows in the dark. It just went to show that perceptions always had room for misinformation. “A whole week outside alone?” Mythal repeated her words, obviously stunned by them. “Listen, I ain’t a pushover but even I wouldn’t look forward to that kind of bullshit. But if it made ya more confident, then I guess the results outweigh the means.”

    “And yeah, this place is one crazy hellscape away from being a nightmare,” he admitted, glancing towards the entrance of the cave to the world beyond. “But I bet it’s killer with training your instincts.” An interesting thought, one that had brought to life a seed of a thought and simply laid it into the ground. Satisfied to ruminate on it, he buried it away and instead turned his attention to Aeron once more. They had sporadic conversations throughout the night, a party outside the main hubbub that the tourists were creating. They celebrated hard and fast and soon enough, they started to file away to their tents to pass out. After the noise had substantially died down, Aeron took him to the cave mouth and showed him how she was preparing the wards should worse come to pass. Soon enough it was only the two of them still awake and it was time to sleep. Luckily, there was only one instance where the alarms went off and it was as loud as she had prepared him for. One of the idiots had decided to go and pee somewhere away from the group and now had the entirety of the party glaring at them for their transgression. It was clear that Aeron was amused giving her explanation on how the alarm worked, after they had already hard tested it. He chuckled softly to himself before he went back to bed, certain they wouldn’t have that issue again.

    The rest of the week passed rather quickly, considering. Apparently being in a land where one’s life was on the edge made the day move that much quicker. Monsters came and were brought down, their sizes and strengths ranging all over the place. A handful of them required both Mythal and Aeron to take down, to keep the vast numbers from getting past the single vanguard and taking out the tourists. It had certainly been scary, enough so that several of the rich folk had gotten quite the fright. Though they played it off well, Mythal could very distinctly pick up on the smell of fresh piss and only shared the information with Aeron later, so that they could have their own laugh over the matter. Those moments were only improved by the stoic insistent comments from said-wetter that they weren’t scared at all -- hilarious.

    Halfway through the trip, Mythal’s idea had bloomed into a full plan. As they went along, he found connected darkness points and activated them with his magic, careful to look like he was simply checking into the soil for his own amusement. While his training in the Rune Knight headquarters had provided immense improvement over his rusting skills, his sense of survival seemed to pan with every passing day. He was comfortable in an office, with a fiance and a home and an existence that was exactly what he needed. He had no thoughts of leaving it or exchanging it but he also knew when his abilities were waning. By creating points that he could teleport to, he would be able to come here and put himself through truly rigorous and dangerous training. It wasn’t something he would do on a whim; he’d need to plan and, most likely, bring backup just in case. But for the opportunity to sharpen himself to his best… well, it was hard to pass up.

    The sun had risen on the last day and already the group was moving to its feet and preparing to head out. Aeron had done her diligent check of their camp before coming back to wake them all up. Food was eaten and packs were being tied to backs as Mythal did a quick check of the rear of their camp. But it was Aeron’s frightened voice that pulled his attention back quickly, the Darkness King dashing to her in an instant. She was coming out of the tent of one of the couples and in her hands were the two charms… but not the people. They had taken the trinkets off and snuck out into the wilds without any protection.

    “Son of a bitch,” Mythal said as he reached for the trinkets. He pulled them close to his face and breathed in deep, sucking in the scent that lingered on them. With the smell now fresh in his mind, he took another deep inhale to pick up on their trail. “They’re still fresh. They didn’t leave very long ago and pro’lly didn’t get far.” He looked over at the rest of the group. “A’right evr’yone, get ready to move. Two of you idiots decided to play hooky and we need to go get ‘em before somethin’ else does.” It was not up for debate -- they couldn’t take the chance of having himself or Aeron run off and encountering something bad. As dangerous as it was, they would have to bring the whole group.

    The God Slayer took the lead, following the scent over the landscape. He was right -- they hadn’t made it very far. The strewn-about clothes on the ground explained exactly what was going on, especially since the garments lacked blood or slashes. The married couple was going at it in a bush, apparently wanting to get the ultimate sexual thrill by hooking up in the wilds of Sin. “Get your damn clothes on,” Mythal barked in aggravation, refusing to show them any decency and glaring at them like a disapproving parent. He didn’t even bring them their clothes -- they were forced to stand up and dress themselves in front of the entire party.

    He sighed heavily, the weight on his chest starting to ease up. But that weight quickly piled back on when he sensed something shifting. His eyes scanned up to see an odd rocky formation, only several yards away. It had such a strange shape, with a large rounded platform of stone embedded in the ground and eight joint-like structures jutting out of the ground. To his horror, Mythal quickly realized that those joints were, in fact, the tops of legs and just as that realization hit him, the creature started to push itself out of its buried place. A monstrous, bony creature emerged from the dirt, revealing three large, worm-like heads attached to the body. The mouths opened, revealing hundreds of sharp teeth as the legs stomped into the soil to get itself fully upright.

    “Aeron!” he called back to her, even as he pulled Curse out behind his back and unfolded it into a sword. This was going to be a problem -- one that he was sure he would need some help with.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
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    Babysitting the Rich Empty Re: Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Trinity 24th November 2020, 9:15 pm

      sanity calms
    but madness is a little more interesting.  
    1600/2480 Words
    3038 Total

    @Mythal Ragnos
    This was bad. This was legitimately the worst case scenario for Aeron, the exact kind of thing she had been afraid would happen all week. The charms were meant to help her locate anyone if they went missing, but somehow this idiot couple had put together that they were also tied to the wards that Aeron put up at night to keep everyone safe. And yet they had stupidly taken them off in order to break the rules without alerting anyone. And worst of all, they had clearly had the wherewithal to keep it to themselves. These people were all gossips, so if their two guides hadn’t managed to catch wind of the plot it could only mean that none of the rest of the group had been aware of it.

    Mythal snatched the medallions from her with a growled curse, lifting them to his nose and giving them a deep sniff. In less pressing circumstances, Aeron might have been baffled by the weird behavior since she didn’t really know the ins and outs of slayer magic. At the moment, however, she was too preoccupied by the situation to give much thought to the fact that he was basically acting like a scent hound. He sniffed the air heavily until he picked up their scent, confirming that the couple hadn’t left too long ago and thus had probably not gotten too far. That was a relief, certainly, but still meant little when it came to Sin. Death lurked around every corner, and panic was swiftly rising inside the Elysium mage, who didn’t know what to do. They couldn’t very well leave the rest of these people here to fend for themselves to go search for their idiot friends, and she simply didn’t have the experience or training to make a sound decision on the most appropriate way to handle the situation.

    Thankfully, Mythal did. The director demanded that everyone hustle to leave, his demeanor so sternly commanding that even Aeron felt the need to get her act together, despite the fact that she hadn’t done anything wrong. But if he was willing to step up and take charge in the moment of danger and chaos then she was more than happy to follow the lead of his greater experience. She quickly collapsed the couple’s tent with their belongings inside, the entire setup condensing into something lightweight and easy to carry. Then, she practically threw herself to her own tent to do the same before harrowing the rest of the group to hurry their own asses up. The group was very annoyed at their missing companions, and seemed intent on doing more grumbling than packing.

    Once everyone was ready to go, they marched out with Mythal at the lead, following the scent. The trail didn’t lead them too far away, though it was certainly removed enough from the camp to be of concern, and when they finally found the couple Aeron’s already boiling anger and anxiety spiked. “Really?!” she practically roared at them, keeping her voice low without sacrificing the intensity of her ire while the couple scrambled to put their clothes on after Mythal chastised them. True to her word, she was not as adept as Mythal was at keeping her emotions in check, practically red in the face with fury. “You put all of our lives in danger just to sneak out for a quick fuck? Unbelievable! Tell me: were the two of you born this stupid, or did you just decide at some point that all that money meant you no longer had to use your fucking brains?”

    She’d had just about enough of these people after this week. This entire trip had already been ill conceived enough without anyone running off like teenagers at the behest of their genitals rather than their heads. Aeron had never had sex before, but she couldn’t imagine it was so good as to risk her life over, so this entire situation was just beyond baffling to her. It didn’t get more idiotic than this, and paying clients or no she had no qualms with insulting their obvious lack of intelligence. Given that Mythal didn’t seem inclined to stop her or calm her down, he clearly felt the same way.

    Just when she thought the situation was handled, however, everything took a turn for the worst. The ground rolled beneath her feet, causing everyone to stumble and try to keep their balance. “What the hell?” she asked, barely finding her footing and looking up to watch as what had appeared to be a large, weird rock formation was actually a monster with eight massive legs. Dread washed over her and her jaw dropped as the behemoth lurched to its feet, causing Aeron to take an involuntary step back at the sight of how terrifying and massive the creature was. It had three heads filled with razor sharp teeth, it’s body covered in thick bone like plates, and it stood several stories taller than anything she’d ever come across in Sin in the past. Her knees were openly shaking as she stared at the thing in complete and utter horror, so struck with terror that she couldn’t even find the strength to scream.

    Somehow, some way, Mythal calling her name managed to shake her from her paralysis. Every instinct in her body told her to run and leave these idiots to defend themselves, and perhaps in another life she might have done so. As far as she was concerned, this fell under the grounds of not putting her life on the line to protect these people from their own death wish. However, she knew that Mythal was going to fight and do his duty, and weirdly enough… the thought of leaving him to fight for his own life alone left a bitter taste in her mouth. The rest of these people she didn’t care about, but this Rune Knight had shown himself to be a decent person over the course of the week and had treated her far better than… well, most people ever had. She couldn’t bring herself to just abandon him, no matter how deeply ingrained she was with survival and self interest.

    Letting out a sound that was half a growl, half a whimper, Aeron put motion to her feet and raced forward. “I’ll distract it! Make sure these idiots can’t get in the way!” Whatever this thing was, it was most certainly going to need both of them to take it down, and truthfully Aeron wasn’t even sure the two of them could beat it. However, she did know that if they were going to stand a chance, they had to ensure that they could focus on fighting it without also having to worry about the tourists. So, she would let Mythal figure that out while she dealt with the monstrosity, knowing at the very least that she could fend the thing off long enough for him to deal with their charges and return to help her.

    As she ran, her body began to grow exponentially until she was just as tall as the behemoth herself, her boots shaking the landscape as she charged the creature. A monster of its size surely had a difficult time pinpointing creatures far smaller than it was, but another life form similar to it in size was rather difficult to miss. They launched themselves at one another, an ear shattering screech roaring from the monster’s three mouths. Without putting much thought into the stupidity and boldness of what she was doing, Aeron reached out and grabbed hold of the jaw of the central face, gripping it tightly by the protrusions in its mandible that weren’t lined with teeth and using her strength to wrestle with the thing. Luckily the way its body was designed, the other two heads did not have the flexibility to try and take bites out of her. They continued to shriek their fury as she strong armed the creature into a temporary stalemate.

    Unfortunately, eight legs were better than two, and it was slowly, if surely, pushing her back little by little. Its head thrashed wildly in her hands as it tried to shake her off and whip her around enough to land a bite on her. Aeron did her best to keep her stance, but its extra legs gave it a much wider and stable base than she currently had. Refusing to be overpowered, she tapped into her magic and slipped into the takeover form of the dryder. Before their eyes, her entire enlarged body morphed into a form that Mythal would instantly recognize, as Thana had used it during their own battle months before. Her lower body swelled to take on the thick, bulbous shape of a black spider with eight thin but powerful legs. Her upper torso maintained the physique of a woman, but her skin turned a dark ashen grey and her hair became black as night.

    The extra legs gave her a more solid foundation and made it easier for her to keep herself from being knocked over. Aeron grit her teeth and growled from the effort it took to keep the thing from turning her into a chew toy. She wouldn’t be able to maintain this position for long. It was keeping it at bay at best, but there was nothing that would be won from this position. All she could do was hope to buy Mythal enough time to get the idiots settled and safe so he could start making use of the advantage she was giving him and dealing some damage.

     template by punki


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Babysitting the Rich Empty Re: Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 27th November 2020, 7:23 pm

    1314/2752 words || @Trinity  || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    Never had a moment to run away and have a quickie caused so much concern and drama before, at least not in Mythal’s life.

    They’d managed to wrangle the rest of the group without causing too much alarm, though the party looked a bit shaken and concerned. Obviously the anger brimming off of the two leads was enough to cow them for the moment, keeping them from making any snide or sly comments that might have come on a normal day. Once they were packed up they all began to move, with the Rune Knight leading the pack so that his senses could track their lost members. It didn’t take them very long to find them, having jumped into a bush to score some kind of sick bingo cross off of dangerous places to screw. He had very little pity for the two of them; so much so that when Aeron unleashed her anger at them, he simply let it happen. Frankly, this kind of endangerment deserved being chastised for.

    The two then quickly dressed, turning every sheet of red in embarrassment and anger. No doubt they would attempt to have words over the way they’d been scolded by both Aeron and Mythal but frankly, they didn’t have a prayer. The Darkness King was ready to deliver a true report of how the two of them had felt having sex was a higher priority than the party’s safety. And how he wished that would be the only thing he’d have to add into his report for the last day but as his senses rang out loudly to alert him, he knew it wouldn’t be. The formation of rocks revealed itself to be a monstrous, terrifying bone creature.

    Aeron had been anchored to the ground in fear before Mythal spoke up, calling her name. That was enough to rouse her. There wasn’t even a moment that Mythal considered that Aeron would run away. It didn’t matter what her relation to Thana was or her affiliation; he’d gotten to know the woman fairly well over that week and something told him to trust that she’d do the right thing. His faith was rewarded when, instead of fleeing, she rushed forward and told him that she’d serve as a distraction while he guaranteed the party’s safety. He didn’t like the idea of leaving her to fend off the creature alone but even he understood that they needed to get the tourists out of the fray. They would only get in the way and cause further issues.

    “Let’s go!” he roared as he took off in a different direction than they had been headed. One of his focal points was nearby and if he got close enough, he could draw from it to open a portal. At this point, getting to the docks and waiting for a boat was an equally dangerous idea as simply letting them stand around. He needed them somewhere safe, their lives completely out of danger. The group ran behind him, several of them screaming as they looked back over their shoulders. Behind them Aeron had grown to an immense size, reaching the titan-like height as the creature and crashing into it. They wrestled with one another, battling for supremacy, as the much smaller beings made their escape.

    But there was worse news. The emergence of the creature had shaken the ground and the attention had drawn a pack of Duskbroods. Mythal spotted them walking along a hillside not far to the side and their focus immediately shifted to the smaller group of humans. Snarls and snaps came from the creatures as they turned and raced down, now intending to pursue Mythal and the crew. “This is gonna have to be close enough,” the Darkness King growled as he slammed his foot into the ground. Throwing out his hand, he formed a connection with the dark point and summoned the energy from it, filtering it through the air and triangulating it to the spot before him. A globe of darkness materialized into the air in front of him and expanded outwards, creating a stable-ish portal. “Everyone get in now!” the Director roared, his eyes flitting between the tourists and the Duskhounds.

    And the bastards froze! The group of rich idiots froze up, staring between the giant battle behind them and the Duskhounds charging in at them. “Move!” Mythal roared once more, to no avail. Terror had overtaken them completely, their faces pale and their energies depleted. They’d all but given up on escaping, even though their means of escape was right in front of them. If that was how they wanted to play it, then he was done playing gentle. Mythal released more magic and summoned his Dark Guardian, the shadow creature materializing and then rushing forward. It grabbed the tourists up in its arms and then, spinning around, it sent them flying through the portal and to the safety of Era beyond. With that done, the Darkness King shut the portal, transformed his sword into a scythe and then shot through the air just as the Duskhounds were coming upon him. He held the blade out, turning himself into a deadly slicer as he carved through the entire group of grotesque creatures, reducing them to chunks.

    His attention turned back to the other battle, magic flowing over his body and lifting him into the air. He soared back into it, the Dark Guardian hovering close to his back as he returned to Aeron and the bone monster. By now the Elysium mage had transformed into a figure all-too-familiar, causing the Darkness King’s eyes to widen slightly once more. Though she claimed to only know Thana, and Mythal’s senses had confirmed her words as true, this was an exact replica of the psychopath’s magic. He had seen this horrendous form, fought it in Era and now it was there, being used to fight the bone creature. It was a similarity he couldn’t waste pondering about at the moment though. He flipped Curse into the air and then twisted his body, spinning around until his foot slammed into the butt of his sword and sent it flying towards the creature’s torso. The blade broke through the bone… but only by a little, barely making a scratch in the thick bone that made up the monster’s form.

    He gestured to the Dark Guardian, who raced forward, tucking its arms in on its chest. It slammed into the hilt of the sword, its body weight causing the sword to sink in a bit deeper and seemingly hit a nerve. The creature roared in pain even as the Guardian ripped Curse from the injury and threw it back to Mythal before teleporting back into position behind him. The sword flew in towards the Darkness King and then twisted, caught up in the invisible field that the Rune Knight could manipulate. He flew forward and the closest leg and slammed his fist into the bony limb, a resounding crack echoing through the immediate area as the natural armor splintered from Mythal’s might. He launched another punch and that was enough to break through the protective covering, revealing flesh beneath. Curse swung in of its own accord and ripped through the flesh, cutting off the top half of the leg from the bottom.

    The creature screeched and lost its footing, giving Aeron an advantage to hit it while it was off balance. Mythal swung up into the air as a pair of jaws snapped at him, barely dodging it in time as he removed himself from the danger. He funneled darkness into his palm and sent it out in a quick, hard beam directed at the previous wound in its torso, dissolving more bone fragments and knocking the creature back further. He looked over at Aeron, ensuring she was still good to go before he went back on the offensive.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 318
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 2,761,571

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    First Skill: Physio Manipulation
    Second Skill: Mania
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    Babysitting the Rich Empty Re: Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Trinity 11th May 2021, 3:32 pm


    “What the hell is taking him so long?” Aeron growled under her breath, though her tone had less to do with being upset and more to do with the strain and focus she was currently putting into keeping the creature at bay.

    Hold on a little longer. A pack of Duskbroods found them, and your charges are too frightened to move.

    “Gee I wonder why.” Stupid fucking tourists. Stupid fucking monsters. She wasn’t getting paid enough for this shit. True to Darius’s words, however, it wasn’t much longer before Mythal finally rejoined the fray with some kind of darkness servant assisting him in the fight. The two of them tag teamed the monster from the sides while Aeron kept it restrained, her thin spidery legs digging into the ground but more or less holding her steady. She couldn’t see her partner enough to know what he did, but there was no mistaking the sickening crack that echoed through the air as he clearly found a way to break through some portion of its armoring. Mere seconds after that Aeron’s ear drums practically burst from the point blank screech of howling pain that the beast loosed right into her face, leaving her feeling like her brain was rattling inside her skull.

    But more importantly, she could feel the creature’s weight give. Whatever he had done, it had caused the monster’s stance to falter, giving her an opening. Taking the opportunity without hesitation, she pressed her advantage, throwing all of her weight into pushing the best away, torquing her body so she could snap its head -- or at least, the head she was holding -- violently to the side and causing it to stumble and scramble to keep its balance. Not hard for a creature with as many legs as it had, but it was enough to put some distance between them. Rearing up on her hind legs, Aeron tucked her belly forward and pointed her spinnerette at the creature, loosing a thick rope of webbing that seemed to glow a sickly green color. It stuck mercilessly to the beast, and while it did little to restrain it necessarily, there was another, possibly more important side effect. The acid in the webbing started to sizzle audibly as it began to bubble and eat away at the protective exoskeleton, and soon enough it would corrode the bone like exterior enough to start eating away at the more sensitive, fleshy bits beneath.

    Aeron wasn’t done there. Reaching deep into her arsenal of spells, The entire area within a two hundred meter radius began to fill with a sudden, and extremely thick crimson colored fog. While she and Mythal would be able to move and breathe just fine, the beast would shriek and lash out violently in pain and anger as it inhaled the fumes, which were just as poisonous as the webbing dangling from its body like tinsel on a christmas tree. The poison took effect quickly, causing its movements to become erratic, ensure, and a bit sluggish, almost like it was drunk.

    With that out of the way, she maintained her dryder belly but shifted her torso back to her normal form. Pumping energy into her arms to beef up her damage output, Aeron roared and started wailing furiously on the beast with her fists, knocking it back and causing it to stumble with each hit. She fought with all the grace of a warrior who clearly had never received any formal training, but what she lacked in finesse and coordination she made up for with sheer might and determination. By now the webbing had eaten away enough at the exoskeleton that it started to crack and shatter under the weight of her fists, the hardened case breaking away pieces at a time and leaving more and more of the inside exposed.
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 640/3120 | TAGS: @Mythal Ragnos


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Babysitting the Rich Empty Re: Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 20th June 2021, 6:04 pm

    504/3256 words || @Trinity  || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    The creature was surely armored and naturally prepared for a lot of dangers, there was little doubt about that. But the sheer force between Mythal and Aeron, buffeted by their anger from the build up to the surprising confrontation, was going to be a challenge. The dark mage had transformed herself into a giant strider and was grappling with the creature when Mythal returned from aggressively evacuating the tourists. His first goal was to cause damage and distract it, perhaps even wound it enough to give Aeron the edge. His efforts proved fruitful, as he managed to pierce the top of its natural armoring and then cut off a leg. With that opening swung forth, Aeron pushed forward against it, causing it to thrash and teeter about in an attempt to stay on its feet. They parted for a mere moment before Aeron pulled back and unleashed a haphazard netting of sickly webbing, the oddly colored residue draping over the monster’s bony mass. The loud sizzling as the acid ate through flesh and bone was loud enough that even Mythal could hear it in the air above.

    As if that wasn’t enough, Aeron continued by bringing forth a haze of red mist, the dense smog settling in the battlefield. Though it didn’t seem to affect him, the monster began to panic and screech in agony, the poisonous cloud burning at its lungs from the inside out. Now it was completely off its guard and Aeron acted once more, now bashing the creature with her newly reformed arms like a wild woman. Her strikes lacked poison or training, her intent to pummel rather than dismantle tactically. Luckily the creature was so focused on trying to regain some sense of a defensive stance that Mythal was able to act upon its rear opening. Reaching down, the Darkness Slayer would rip the shadows from both Aeron and the bone monster, pulling them away from their composites and melding them together. Then an immense wall of black miasma rose from the land behind the creature, blocking off any attempt to escape.

    But that wasn’t enough. Growths of darkness burst out from the fabricated wall, dozens of cylinders that hollowed out at the end and shifted just enough to target the creature. Purple light began to grow in brightness from deep within the cannons before unleashing their loaded ammunition. Streaks of darkstarlight slammed into the creature’s rear and legs, causing it to further screech and roar in agony as its bony armor continued to break away under the might of both wizards. Despite it’s escape route being blocked, its legs still tried to find some means of fleeing but it would find no ground to gain. Mythal had twisted the dark wall out under the creature and brought forth tendrils of darkness that now wrapped around the monster’s legs, keeping it locked in place.

    “Finish it!” he bellowed to Aeron, his voice barely managing to get above the roar of the cannonfire and her own barbaric screams of violence.

    HP: x/y
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    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Babysitting the Rich Empty Re: Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Trinity 20th June 2021, 7:44 pm


    Aeron was laser focused on her target, grunting with the exertion of each strike as she pummeled the monster for all it was worth in what may as well have been a blind rage. Considering all the frustration and annoyance she’d been keeping pent up over the last week, it was hardly surprising, though she wasn’t actively aware of that at the moment. She was so blinded by her need to survive that she was barely paying any attention at all to Mythal, though she was vaguely aware of him moving around and handling things in the background. The easiest thing to notice was the dark wall that suddenly erected itself behind the beast as it tried to pull back from her to either retreat or regroup itself. It likely had never found a creature that could stand up to it before, confused and thrown off by the damage it was taking.

    Rays of dark purple light shot viciously at the monster from the barrier the Rune Knight had put up, resulting in another agonized scream from all three heads. It buckled in pain and tried to get away but its legs were being restrained by the shadows under Mythal’s command. If the man hadn’t taken the time to yell out for her to finish the thing off, she may not have realized that he had given her the perfect opportunity to deal what would hopefully be a killing blow, provided she was strong enough to do that. Aeron didn’t have much confidence in herself at the best of times, and she had never in her life fought something to this scale.

    The book, Aeron.


    The Apocrypha. My tome. There is enough power in its pages to turn this creature to dust.

    The brunette had honestly forgotten about the Apocrypha. Thana had used it before and had taken great delight in it, which frankly just made Aeron want nothing to do with it. Even now the thought of drawing on its abilities made her wary. What if she didn’t do it right? What if it wasn’t enough? Not to mention, she could hurt Mythal. If Aeron could even control the magic in the cursed tome, she wouldn’t be able to do so enough to spare him its effects if he got hit by it. Maybe Thana was that strong and had taken the time to practice with it, but Aeron was not and had not. Still, she had little options. They had made a dent in this creature, but only a dent. This fight could still go on for some time and she had a feeling they would tire out before it did.

    Growling, Aeron disengaged from the beast and launched herself up into the air. As she did, her body reverted back to her human form and shrank back to her normal size. From her back, a pair of pixie wings sprouted to keep her air born. The thin membranes were delicate and filled with vibrant colors and almost seemed to trail glittery dust from them. All in all, the wings did not seem to match Aeron’s darker, cynical personality, and almost hilariously ironic contrast to what one might expect her to have. Flapping madly, she practically screeched to a halt in the air high above the beast. A flick of her hand was all it took to summon the tome before her, a thick leather bound book laden with an iron spine and spikes of iron protruding along the edges of the cover. Once glance, one brush of magical senses against the book would be more than enough to confirm that it was laced with pure, nearly palpable evil the likes of which few had ever felt before.

    It floated before her of its own volition, snapping open at the subtle direction of her hands. The pages began to flick rapidly, covered in runes that glowed with a a sickening light as darkness unlike anything Mythal would have ever sensed before began to shroud the book. “GET OUT OF THE WAY!” Aeron screamed out to him, the only warning he would get that the spell she was about to unleash was indiscriminate about who it would affect, and it would behoove him to get up into the air away from where she was aiming. Sweat poured down her grimacing face as she struggled to control the tome, the book shifting in the air until its pages were facing the monster below. Then, once Mythal was hoping out of the blast zone, Aeron waited as long as she could stand to let it build up power before the darkness finally released.

    A black beam shot from the pages like a laser and hit the monster directly. To call the result an explosion did not do the attack justice. The strike atomized the beast in an instant, but neither of them would really understand that until after the dust settled. The entire countryside rocked as the power ripped through the land, throwing everything into chaos for hundreds and hundreds of meters in every direction, flatting the land completely. The sound of the detonation alone was like they had been standing at the heart of a nuclear explosion, Aeron’s ears going temporarily deaf as an intense ringing noise drowned out every other sound around her.

    She was almost instantly sapped of energy. Aeron had never controlled so much power before, and it had taken its toll on her. As the darkness faded and the book snapped shut, her shoulders drooped, her arms going limp as her eyes fluttered shut. The wings keeping her aloft burst into a small puff of golden glitter and she fell down into the cloud of smoke and dust toward the ground below, the now inert Apocrypha falling after her as gravity took hold of it, as well.
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 972/4092 | TAGS: @Mythal Ragnos


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Babysitting the Rich Empty Re: Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 21st June 2021, 9:57 am

    691/3947 words || @Trinity  || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    It was only a matter of time before the bone creature fell before their combined might but it was also a matter of stamina. At this point, Aeron was headfirst into the thick of it and there was no telling how long her anger and adrenaline would carry her before she started to slow. Mythal could move in to try and finish the job but there was also no telling if the creature would make a last, desperate attempt to attack and throw them both in a bad situation. It bothered him but all he could hope was that Aeron was capable of destroying the monster before it came to that.

    Luckily it seemed she had a plan. After several minutes of bashing her fists against the bony mass, she leapt into the air and suddenly shrunk down to her normal size as well as her previous form. But she wasn’t without her oddity -- matching pixie wings burst from her back and heaved quickly and heavily behind her, keeping the woman airborne. In a less stressful, serious situation, Mythal may have laughed at the ridiculous look of her dark, angry personage highlighted by bright, glittering wings. But considering the circumstances, he held off and watched as she brought forth a book from her hand. Immediately upon its materialization into the world, Mythal could feel the immense power from it. It felt wrong, as evil as anything could possibly be and it made his stomach twist into knots at just the mere sight.

    His eyes were glued to the unholy tome with such focus that he very nearly missed her warning. But it was quite hard to miss the demand that he make a quick escape and, without another moment wasted, Mythal’s magic surged out of him and sent him skyrocketing upwards. He could feel the magic building up, swelling to a nefariously dangerous point he wanted no part in being near. He’d soared so high towards the world’s ceiling that he wasn’t sure how much higher he could climb but just as he turned about, the world beneath was utterly obliterated. Whatever spell she had cast had not only vaporized the monster but it atomized the land all around it as well. For miles beyond the impact point, whatever was living or standing was either incinerated, sent flying or flattened altogether. Mythal threw up a coating of magic over his body and the Dark Guardian swung around in front of him, making itself a barrier between him and the shockwave. The air ripped violently around him as he braced for several long moments, riding out the tidal wave of magical destruction.

    Once the air started to settle, the Dark Guardian moved out of the way. Mythal’s eyes scanned the sky and land below him, zeroing in with range and accuracy many couldn’t. He just had time to see Aeron’s body slump and begin to fall before he was throwing himself down in the air. There was no way he was going to reach her in time just by flying downwards. But as he rapidly tried to think of an alternative before she crashlanded, he noticed that the monster’s shadow had been permanently scorched into the land below. Quickly he swung around and dove headfirst into the Dark Guardian’s chest, instantly linking it with the stained shadow. Out from the earth Mythal emerged, slowing his sudden ascent so that as Aeron’s body passed him, he was in line with her. He grabbed her with both arms, pulling her into an unintentional princess carry and then activated his magic at the last moment to keep himself from hitting the ground too hard.

    As the dust settled around them, Mythal landed on the soil, dropping down slowly and gently so that he could lay half of Aeron’s body down. She still had a pulse; he could feel the blood pumping through her veins and her heart throbbing away inside her chest. It just seemed that the book had drained her of all her remaining magic. “Aeron?” he asked quietly as he looked down at her. “Come on. Ya gotta let me know yer alright…”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
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    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Babysitting the Rich Empty Re: Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Trinity 21st June 2021, 6:02 pm


    She wasn’t unconscious, but given how delirious with exhaustions she was she might as well have been. In most circumstances Aeron would have been panicking up a storm at the knowledge that she was likely about to die, but weirdly there was almost a sense of peace that washed over her. Aeron had fought to survive for her entire life, so a long rest honestly sounded pretty damn good…

    But it wasn’t to be.

    The brunette was vaguely aware of being caught before she could actually hit the ground and only a moment later she found herself being gently laid down, her upper torso being propped up by Mythal as he talked to her and checked her pulse. The Elysium ace groaned pitifully, her head swimming for a solid minute or so before her vision started to clear. The smoke and dust was thick in the air, causing her to choke and cough. Eventually, she was alert enough to speak up in a wearied and gravelly voice. “Don’t… ever… let me do that… again…” It would be hard to tell if she was joking or being serious, though at this point it was probably a little bit of both.

    Do what? The explosion or the cuddling?

    Aeron frowned. “Cudd-” she started to ask out loud, still not quite coherent enough to remember that Mythal wasn’t aware of Darius’ existence. But before she could get the question out, it dawned on her: The Rune Knight was holding her in a sort of half cradle, which was by far the most touching that Aeron had ever done in her entire life. She shot upright like someone had just set fire to her ass, her cheeks turning a deep crimson. “Uhh…” the brunette stammered awkwardly, scrambling for some way to brush the social discomfort aside, not really realizing that her panicked reaction was the only thing creating tension when there hadn’t been any before. “T-thanks..”

    Doing her best not to look like some kind of cornered doe -- and failing -- Aeron gulped and frantically looked away in an effort to find something, anything, to draw attention elsewhere. Luckily that was easily found in the landscape around them. Her embarrassment from only moments ago was very quickly replaced with a visible sense of confusion and trepidation. It was obvious she had not expected to do so much damage, to annihilate the monster so completely that it had left a very permanent mark on Sin, with everything for miles around them on every side having been reduced to a flat wasteland.

    She wanted to say something, but found herself at a loss for words. Her mouth opened several times to speak, but sound never found her lips. And while many dark mages likely would be exhilarated to learn they were capable of such colossal carnage, as Aeron’s gaze panned around it slowly settled from shock into something more akin to displeasure or even resignation. With a sigh, she carefully got herself back on her feet, her stance a little wobbly but surprisingly she was able to hold her own for the time being. Probably residual energy from being mortified only a few seconds ago, a brief second wind that she imagined wouldn’t take long to fade.

    Shuffling gingerly over to the Apocrypha, Aeron picked it up. Her cerulean eyes lingered on it’s cover briefly for a moment before a look of disgust crossed her face. Flicking her wrist, the tome disappeared back into the aether where Darius had taught her and Thana to store it. After that, she scratched her head a bit awkwardly. “Well, that was… uh.. Awful. S-sorry about… all of this.” Aeron gestured lightly to their surroundings. “So uh… what now?”
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 620/4712 | TAGS: @Mythal Ragnos


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Babysitting the Rich Empty Re: Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 12th July 2021, 5:30 pm

    897/4844 words || @Trinity  || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    ‘What now’ had definitely been an apt question. Aeron had managed to utilize an intensely powerful spell that had nuked the wasteland of Sin into nothing but ash and soot. Mythal had managed to escape the blast, as well as swoop down and grab her before she hit the ground. The poor girl had awakened not long after that and turned all shades of red, though the Darkness Slayer wasn’t quite sure why. She was kind of stand-offish, like he was, so it was entirely possible that she just wasn’t the type to show gratitude. It never occurred to the Rune Knight that she was overwhelmed a bit by being in such close, physical proximity to him. For a long while, they simply surveyed the damage done to the earth before he finally let her go, the woman finding strength enough to hold herself up.

    After that, there wasn’t much else to do but part ways. And for his part, Mythal felt a bit of sadness to be leaving her company. Yes, she was a dark mage and there was no telling what plans she would be involved in with Elysium. But having spoken to her over the course of their treacherous safari had shown that she wasn’t simply a villain just because of her involvement. It was far more complicated than that, as most things usually were. As a person, he liked Aeron but professionally, it would be difficult to keep any kind of friendship with her. So while he had no personal grudge against her, he felt that they were both better off saying their goodbyes and moving on, save for any run-ins they had in the future that may have been less than ideal.

    That had been months ago, long before so much tragedy, heartbreak and miraculous revelations had come to the surface. Elysium was gone; broken apart by inner turmoil or perhaps destroyed by Fairy Tail. The dark guild’s attack on Magnolia and his former guild had been infuriating to the Director and, based on the few details he’d discovered, Thana had been at the heart of the destruction. No sign of Aeron though and now that Elysium was gone, there was no way of tracking her down -- not without a hint of her whereabouts. It was a very sad reality that she was most likely on the run or killed after the fall of Elysium. Vandrad stated that he had nothing to do with Elysium disappearing but that didn’t mean he wasn’t keeping secrets about the rest of Fairy Tail. There was a vengeance to be had and no doubt many of the independent guild’s members had the fortitude and capacity to rend the dark guild from existence.

    Strange how his thoughts drifted back to Aeron, now that he had returned to Sin of his own accord. A completely topless Mythal stood upon a hillside, sweat running down his torso and face as he stared out at the wasteland. In his hand was the hilt of Curse, a glittering magical blade birthed from the tip to replace the broken sword. Below him, lying at the bottom of the hill, were several carcasses of Sin-dwellers; scorched remnants of the monsters that had attacked him on sight.

    An inkling of an idea had formed back during the safari. While Sin was dangerous for truly anyone, it also presented a constant trial. It would push anyone to go beyond their limits and harness their abilities, just for the sake of surviving. At the time, Mythal had been hoping to reaffirm his martial abilities that had fallen to the wayside, since he’d come to rely more on his magical output. But now that he’d been gifted a new, different lacrima with a whole new magic, he had to cultivate an entirely different power base. What better way to put it through the ringer than through the violence and animosity of Sin?

    He heard a snarl behind him, his attention seeking his rear as three canine creatures rushed at him. Magic energy surged up inside of him and, without even turning, glittering particles appeared over the curvature of his back. From his body emerged a cloud of twinkling light that swooped down towards the canines and crashed into them, exploding in a shower of ultra-bright light. All three of the monsters found their visions plagued with shadows and movement, each one of them turning and slashing and biting around them. They mauled one another, thinking that their prey had moved in on them.

    Mythal blinked out of existence and reappeared behind the snarling, vicious trio. His free hand came up, his fingers extended into long claws made of twinkling light, blood and darkness. With one swift stab, he pierced the heart of one and then magically enhanced the claws, extending them through the bodies of the other three. The monsters were dead in an instant, the Director finding it in his heart to end them quickly rather than drawing out their agony. He withdrew his claws, the massive finger-blades stretching out and away from his hand before dispelling into flickering dust.

    He felt the heartbeat of something else approaching but the beat was different. There was no rush of bloodthirsty adrenaline. The heart was also bigger… belonging to a human. The Rune Knight turned to look towards the one approaching and his eyes widened in surprise. “Aeron?”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
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    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Babysitting the Rich Empty Re: Babysitting the Rich

    Post by Trinity 12th July 2021, 7:58 pm


    It had been a bit of an awkward parting, though neither of them could say as much. Aeron had been all too relieved to get back on her feet and out of his arms, doing her best to ignore how weirdly cold she felt after breaking away from him. She hadn’t liked that feeling, but she disliked the fact that she had felt that way all the more, frustrated by the weird sensation that she didn’t fully understand -- particularly when it was time to finally say goodbye. She was almost disappointed to see him go, though it would be like pulling teeth to get her to ever admit to herself, let alone to anyone else. Aeron had always been alone, Thana aside, but once Mythal had disappeared to return to Fiore and she was left on her own to trudge back to Elysium, she would for the first actually feel a little… lonely.

    As time went on, she did her best to push all that to the back of her mind and ignore it, though that was easier said than done. Not only had Darius teased her quite a bit over her involuntary crush, but somehow Thana had managed to find out, and it was all downhill from there. The psychopath nettled her constantly over it, all too eager to watch Aeron squirm as she always did. And while Aeron had always been vocal and honest about not liking Thana, as the months dragged on and Aeron did her best to settle back into her life after that insufferable mission, she found her resentment for her murderous companion growing more and more with each passing day.

    It was crazy to think about how much her life had changed once again in the span of just a few short months. Just when she was starting to feel truly comfortable, like she had a life and a home, everything had been violently upended in the swift disbandment of Elysium. Every member of the guild had scattered, including Janet, and Aeron once more found herself without any source of stability outside of Thana -- who hardly qualified as such. With nowhere else to go, no one to turn to, and the fear of paranoia once more settling in at what might befall her should she venture back out into society, Aeron was left by herself in the hidden, empty halls of what had once been the Elysium headquarters. Sin was hardly an ideal place to live, and she was always terrified at what sort of creatures she might find topside of the underground guildhall, but she had adjusted to life there well enough to survive. No one would ever be crazy enough to come looking for anyone in Sin, and the hall was still hidden well enough that she still felt relatively safe and protected within its walls.

    Granted, that did nothing to stave off her boredom. There had once been a time where Aeron was perfectly content to be in her own company, but she had grown more used to having people around than she had realized. She worried about Janet, surprisingly enough. Aeron hadn’t always agreed with the warlord or her methods or goals, but the woman had accepted and taken her in when no one else would, and treated her with genuine care. Aeron was sure Janet could take care of herself, of course, but it bothered her that the woman -- and the rest of the guild -- had just up and disappeared practically overnight without a word. The brunette wasn’t completely alone, of course. Thana was always coming and going in her usual fashion, though Aeron would have taken solitude over that witch’s presence any day of the week. Darius was also a constant, and he was at least decent for conversation when he wasn’t busy being an infuriating know-it-all. Still, she was starting to get restless.

    By the time there was a break in the monotony, Aeron had been more or less on her own for quite some time. Aeron, I think you will want to go outside.

    She blinked and looked up from the book she had been reading, her eyes snapping to attention on full alert as a mild sense of panic took root within her. “Why? What’s happening?”


    “You can’t just tell me to relax, not in a place like this.”

    You’re not in danger, Aeron. Just go outside. Trust me.

    “Yeah, trust. Cause I have so much of that for you,” the brunette growled. Closing the book, she set it down and carefully made her way out to the surface, cautiously making sure no one was around before stepping out. It took her a moment to sense the use of magic nearby, and to hear the sounds of fighting in the distance. After another brief argument with Darius and his intentions at drawing her toward a battle, Aeron begrudgingly made her way toward the noise as carefully as possible, keeping herself invisible so she hopefully wouldn’t be noticed when she got close.

    That invisibility dropped the moment she saw who was there. Her jaw had dropped a bit, too. There stood Mythal, the Rune Knight surrounded by bodies of all sorts of monsters that he had slain, fighting to finish off the last few that were still throwing themselves at him in futility. Aeron was so stunned to see him there that all she could do was stand there and watch like an idiot as he unleashed all sorts of magical attacks using energy that was completely different from what he had used before. Almost in disbelief, she moved closer to get a better look and that was when he noticed her, just as shocked by her presence as she was by his.

    “M-Mythal?” she mimicked in response, not really sure what to say. “What are you doing here..?”
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 978/5690 | TAGS: @Mythal Ragnos


      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:15 pm