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    Good stuff like this should be legal, right?


    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
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    Good stuff like this should be legal, right? Empty Good stuff like this should be legal, right?

    Post by Wiggles 3rd July 2021, 2:42 am

    It had been days since the last time Scully has had a peaceful day. The war that happened not too long ago had a lot of paperwork related to it after they got back. Not only that, numerous assignments were being handed out as a result of decreased Rune Knight manpower in Fiore. Only today was he able to get himself a break, and it was spent handing out free doughnuts at the entrance of the Rune Knights headquarters in Era. People would approach him for his free sweet treats, some would even spare him a moment and actually talk to him, asking how he was, and where he had been because he hadn't been seen handing out the doughnuts in the past few days. More than that, these same people would also go out of their way to assure the fat man that it wasn’t just the doughnuts they were after, and that they were genuinely concerned. Shocked and stunned, Scully couldn’t help but overflow with happiness. The people’s reception of him hasn’t been entirely positive due to his physical traits, but it seems his desire to not look more into a person’s deeds rather than what they look like is indeed catching on. His smile towards them radiated more confidence than before. Yes, today was going to be a fun day.

    And just like that, it was just about closing time for most people, and there were still a handful of doughnuts left that Scully didn’t know what to do with. He was honestly already full after having a few of his own creations earlier that were perfectly paired with the concerns and good wishes of the people that came by. He started to wonder if there was something he could do to improve the recipe as he stared at the basket that contained his delicious but plain treats. Perhaps herbs, and other nutritional content that could provide health benefits? That way, the people would truly know that Scully only has the best of intentions for the people eating his creations. That soon, they won’t only be sweet, but healthy.

    Instantly, he thought of the first friends he had ever made in the Rune Knights, the very petite with Wren was not only a Rune Knight but also worked for an apothecary, perhaps she would know which herbs would go great with his doughnuts. He nodded as he continued to look upon the treats inspiring this idea and consecutively decided to visit his little friend to consult her on this venture, closing the lid on it and walking back inside with such hope and excitement.

    Once he had found the little witch, Scully waved out to her, a doughnut being held in the hand that did. Offering it to her first before getting down to business “Hey Wren! Here, have a doughnut. How have you been? Listen, I was actually thinking that maybe we could add a bit of your herbs to my doughnuts? Make them a bit healthier?” he asked politely and cheerfully.

    WC: 506
    Scully: 506
    @Wren @Vera Walden


    Good stuff like this should be legal, right? Vk27K5C

    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Otherworldly Witch
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 290
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    First Skill: Witches Bonds
    Second Skill: Enchantress of Woe
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    Good stuff like this should be legal, right? Empty Re: Good stuff like this should be legal, right?

    Post by Wren 14th August 2021, 8:52 pm

    Good stuff like this should be legal, right? ASLww8b
    Black Hats, Black Cats, Double Bubbles, Toils, and Troubles.

    This was one of the few days the little mage would get time off. She was in her room with the door wide open. Various smells were coming from the room as she was throwing things together in a pot on a portable ranged top. She sometimes left the window open instead so the smells wouldn’t attack her too much, but this was stronger, so she had both. Nanny was sitting on the bed quietly, curled up in a ball as she watched her master make her new potion. She was trying to create a potion that would allow her to teleport, much like her teacher's magic could. Wren wasn’t going to be giving up on that till she made one as black as night and teleported with ease.

    As Scully came to the door, Wren looked up and pushed her round glasses up, giggling some. “Hey Scully! Give me just a moment.” She says as she turns off the ranged top and quickly went to wash her hands in a little bowl of water she had off to the side. She wiped them off on her herb ridden apron and approached the bigger Knight to take the doughnut he offered her. “Thanks! You said you want to make your doughnuts healthier with my herbs? Well it depends on what you want to put into it. To calm people, you can put in lavender and/or chamomile, lavender can also help them get sleepy. Green tea has antioxidants that are really good for your health…” She takes a bite of the doughnut, and hums to herself at how delicious it tastes. After finishing the bite, she shrugged her shoulders while she closed her eyes. “Really, you can put nearly every herb in there.”

    Her eyes then snapped open. “Could also help people clear their minds too with a special herb I was barely able to find back home in Sailkia… but I have been able to find an abundance of here~” She points over towards a couple little plants that were in the corner in their own little private ‘greenhouse’ she created. There was excitement as she looked up to Scully, wondering what he’d think of her suggestions, or if they were even worth it. She raised an eyebrow as she smelled something putrid and gasped. “My potion!” She quickly turns around, having to toss the doughnut onto the bed, and grabs a lid to throw it on top of the pot that was now shaking on the ranged top. As soon as that lid was placed on it, and she held it tight on it, there was a muffled explosion that came from it.

    The little witch makes an uneasy face as she looks down at the lid that she was barely able to keep down on the pot. She didn’t want to take that lid off as that was a failed potion now. Slowly, she looked up to Scully, and giggled ever so nervously. “Maybe this would be better at the apothecary…? Or in the lab… or in a field far away from here…” She was more talking to herself, but she quickly shakes her head and slowly releases her grip on the lid and goes to grab another pot from under her bed, placing it on top of it before she grabs the doughnut again to finish eating it. It was so dang delicious.

    || Words: 566 || Thread Total: 1072 || Job || Job Approval ||
    || Wren - #ff6600 || Nelson Haggery - #6699cc ||
    Tag: @Wiggles @Vera Walden
    Enemies: ???



    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
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    Posts : 61
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    Good stuff like this should be legal, right? Empty Re: Good stuff like this should be legal, right?

    Post by Wiggles 11th November 2021, 3:29 am

    A myriad of unique smells wafted through the air the closer he got Wren's room. They were all interesting smells, and some he even discerned to be edible, making him even more confident that he had chosen the right partner for this venture. Her determination to make incredible potions and medicines have made her experienced in such matters so much so that Scully thinks she should be a chemist? Pharmacist? Alchemist? Any of those would fit, right? Seeing as far as Scully can tell those professions are experts in making useful items.

    And soon as he got in her room, carrying his box of treats, and greeting the little witch Wren. She had happily and responsibly gone through the box of treats, turning her off first before indulging herself. Scully simply stared in delight for he was always happy to see people enjoy his doughnuts.

    As the little one was munching away at the circular sweets, she had explained that it was indeed possible for herbs to be incorporated in doughnuts. Listening intently, he made a mental list of the herbs he wanted to try while he nodded along. Chamomile and Green Tea were the one he was most interested in and greatly considering. Their effects to moods and health was just exactly what he wanted his new doughnuts to accomplish.

    But it would seem that Wren was so on board with the idea as well, so much so that she was more than happy to subject her home's plants that she has been growing in her own room. Mesmerized, Scully slowly approached the plants to have a closer look. He placed his hands behind his back so as to resist the temptation of touching it so as to respect Wren, her place and her plants.

    As he got closer, he noticed that the smell coming from the plant was not part of the smells he had smelled coming in. It was different, relaxing even though he did not recognize it to be chamomile or lavender. It was truly rare to this country. And perhaps that is what will sell the doughnuts: that they are rare and exotic.

    As he was deep in though, a different, strong, putrid stench  can be smell just behind him, pulling him away from his mind and into the physical world where the small Wren was hurrying to stem the disaster of her potion. It appeared to have posed quite a serious danger too. So much so that Wren had to throw her doughnut towards her bed. Time slowed for the fat man as he saw the treat be potentially wasted. Not that he could blame Wren for it, there was a danger after all though it would not reduce the heartache he felt seeing the doughnut in mid-air.

    With a rush of adrenaline, he hurried with all his skill and power to save the pastry. Demonstrating incredible speed and magical flexibility as his arm stretched out far longer than humanly possible, catching the doughnut with it being more than a few inches from the bed. A sigh of relief was released from Scully's mouth from that moment, not only for the doughnut but from what Scully could tell as he looked over at Wren's range hers too. Minus the small explosion Wren had to contain from her pot. They had a small giggle and comments about the whole thing. After all, in Scully's mind, there was no harm done.

    He saw Wren shake her head for a bit. He went over slowly, approaching with gentleness and kindness to pat her on her head. "Sorry for disturbing your work, Wren." he said softly, just enough for the little witch to hear him without having to come closer. "I'm sure that would have been a wonderful potion." he continued, smiling at the end of his comforting words before he handed her back her doughnut.

    Once Wren had accepted the treat, he looked back slowly at her plant truly intrigued by the potential it might possess. "But tell me more about this plant. It smelled good when I got close. I think this one might work." he said excitedly, walking over to it a few paces.

    WC: 699
    Scully: 1,205
    Thread: 1,771


    Good stuff like this should be legal, right? Vk27K5C

    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Otherworldly Witch
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 290
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    Experience : 27,782

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Witches Bonds
    Second Skill: Enchantress of Woe
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    Good stuff like this should be legal, right? Empty Re: Good stuff like this should be legal, right?

    Post by Wren 17th November 2021, 7:04 pm

    Good stuff like this should be legal, right? ASLww8b
    Black Hats, Black Cats, Double Bubbles, Toils, and Troubles.

    Wren honestly didn't notice Scully running to the other side of the room to catch her doughnut as she tossed it to her bed to try and save the rest of the room from the disaster potion that was being brewed there. She was solely focused on making sure that the potion wouldn't backsplash everywhere. And thankfully it didn't in her hands. Looking up, Wren blinked as she looked for Scully, seeing him on the other side of her before making her comments. Her head was patted, and she paused a moment before she snorted at the comments the fellow Rune Knight made.

    "Oh no! You didn't disturb my work really! This would have been a disaster anyways! It's an experiment I've been dabbling with in my spare time. I'm trying to make a potion that can be a portal to places I've been to. So far it just explodes though." She grinned up to the knight with a cheeky smile. She took her doughnut back and continued to munch on it. When the plant was brought up, she looked over to it. "I don't know what it's called here, but we call it Canna Abis over in Sailkia. It has two properties, one to make you feel focused and can help sooth pains medicinally. The other is a mind altering experience sometimes. Mellows you out possibly. Different per person. And both those methods uses different parts of the plant~" She coos before she takes another bite of her doughnut.

    The little witch walked over next to Scully and looked at the plant. "The buds can be used too, and it's great. Most people smoke it in Sailkia." She says and nods. "Though a lot of people like using oils too." She was idling mentioning things now.

    || Words: 297 || Thread Total: 2,068 || Job || Job Approval ||
    || Wren - #ff6600 || Nelson Haggery - #6699cc ||
    Tag: @Wiggles
    Enemies: ???



    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
    Position : None
    Posts : 61
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    Experience : 6,593

    Good stuff like this should be legal, right? Empty Re: Good stuff like this should be legal, right?

    Post by Wiggles 18th November 2021, 8:00 am

    Looking at the little witch with a gentle smile, he listened intently for Wren's explanation on the exploding pot. In an attempt to add a bit of merriment  to the whole ordeal, that doubled as a way of seeing the positive out of the situation "Well, if you need to make bombs, at least you know how now." he said, chuckling at the end of what he thought to be a hilarious statement that he had hope would give Wren hope, that this wasn't a failure.

    He thought the little comment to be appreciated and left to the back of her mind for now the little witch happily explained what the plant was and what it does. Scully's eyes glistened with interest and intrigue as Wren explained the properties of Canna Abis. Though from what he had heard from Wren, it was as if she said Cannabis. "Well this Cannabis plant really does have a lot of benefits!" he said excitedly, smiling after he said his sentiments. The plant does have some healthy benefits, though he had to admit that the mind-altering effects could be troublesome. He wanted his doughnuts to have consistent benefits and effects.

    His excitement transformed in to a far more serious demeanor as he began to express his  concerns on the plant's other properties. "I just have reservations regarding about the mind altering experiences... they don't sound... safe... and you said they have various effects. Maybe we should leave the part that does that out?" he said worriedly.

    WC: 252
    Scully: 1,457
    Thread: 2,320


    Good stuff like this should be legal, right? Vk27K5C

    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Otherworldly Witch
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 290
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 27,782

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Witches Bonds
    Second Skill: Enchantress of Woe
    Third Skill:

    Good stuff like this should be legal, right? Empty Re: Good stuff like this should be legal, right?

    Post by Wren 20th January 2022, 9:41 pm

    Good stuff like this should be legal, right? ASLww8b
    Black Hats, Black Cats, Double Bubbles, Toils, and Troubles.

    A grin was on the little witches face as other noted she knew how to make bombs now despite her failed experiment. “That I do!” She giggled to him as she shrugs her shoulders before rattling on about Canna Abis and its properties. As Scully got worried about the mind-altering bits of it, Wren tapped her chin a little. “Well, the mind altering isn’t usually too bad, it sometimes makes one feel super slow or makes one hungry. Or they get a little dizzy. But I understand. If we put that in doughnuts, they would have to be eaten slowly and the person would have to stay in one area. But that’s only if one part of the plant is used. The other part of it is the less altering and more safer effects, especially on the go.” She muses as she looks at her plant happily.

    While she stared at her plant, a smile crept on Wren’s face. “So you want to use this one? As a test for now. I need to find more seeds of these plants though. Only these few plants is really sad and wouldn’t be too great in the long run if others like it.” She says as she taps her chin. “Unless you make it… limited time only?” She shrugged her shoulders and looked to Scully finally. “What say?” She raised an eyebrow.

    || Words: 230 || Thread Total: 2550 || Job || Job Approval ||
    || Wren - #ff6600 || Nelson Haggery - #6699cc ||
    Tag: @Wiggles
    Enemies: ???
    personal total : 1093


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