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    Christmas Time in Era

    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

    Moderator- Main Account- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 326
    Cosmic Coins : 200
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    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair
    Experience : 19,341

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twin Storms
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    Christmas Time in Era Empty Christmas Time in Era

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 14th December 2020, 10:19 pm

    The spirit was high in the air, and the two generals couldn't be any happier! Grappa and Jellisha would be out and about in the midst of the winter celebration, busy snacking on their second dose of vanilla ice cream. "I always love this time of year when they bring out the good stuff." Jellisha said to herself, while Grappa would be stunned by the sudden discovery of one of those studio setups they had in those fancy shmancy houses. A microphone, speakers, the whole nine yards! "Jellishaaa! They have a karaoke thingy here! We can be awesome singers like Illya Pegasus!!" The emerald eyed twin said in the high pitch voice that only a hyperactive exceed could muster. Unlike her siblings, Jellisha would continued to make a snack of her ice creams while shooting a suspicious gaze towards the stage. "I don't know...We barely had any practice, and Illya's a master at singing. We're two two tone deaf cats." They had been reminded of their latest attempt at singing by their parents, both of whom had looked as if a war crime of the hears was being performed in front of them. Still, Grappa would continued to push her sister towards the stage beyond her many complaints and insults.

    Once fully up, the two preteens would stand in front of the microphone and smile awkwardly. Jellisha's eyes darted down at the song selection device which displayed many a multitude of holiday songs to be selected. "You, uh, could have picked a song you wanted to sing BEFORE we got up here, y'know?" she muttered to her sister. "There's a billion of them, so pick one!" Grappa retorted while rushing to slap her finger against a more rock kind of song. Immediately, the speakers came to life and blared loud music through them as both sisters jumped in surprise. The screen before them would read off the lyrics to the song as both would glance at one another out of discomfort. Jellisha had that look that Grappa knew was her wanting to wrap her hands around her throat and squeeze until the stupid drizzled out, but would begin.

    "Rockin' around the Christmas tree!"
    "Rockin' around the Christmas tree!"

    WC: 368
    TWC: 368



    Christmas Time in Era YvWNyTL

    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
    Position : None
    Posts : 61
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,593

    Christmas Time in Era Empty Re: Christmas Time in Era

    Post by Wiggles 21st December 2020, 9:14 am

    Christmas is finally in the air, and what better thing to do in Christmas for Scully that to dress up as Santa Claus! Of course, it all wasn't just for show as the jolly fat man also had been giving out his own personal gifts - which of course were the doughnuts of his own making, which kind of makes it Christmas time for Scully all year-round. Truly, the jolly fat man has been emulating the... well... also jolly fat man of Christmas, albeit he was a bit muscled than Santa.

    How Scully was giving out these delicious treats was he was simply walking around and was pushing along a huge cart that had signs on its front and sides that said "Free Doughnuts". The doughnut filled cart was almost always already out by the time he'd leave the room where he had been making and storing them. Everyone was happy to see Scully, and they even know that it was him as some would call him by name. Though, in hindsight, after all the smiles and he was with his own thoughts once more, he'd realize that these were the exact same people that would give him less than accepting glances in the past. Has the world changed or are they just taking advantage of the season?

    Nevertheless, the cart was empty again. That means, Scully has to run back to where he was keeping his doughnuts. On the way back however, he stopped at the Karaoke studio he'd been seeing in the way back. This time however, two adorable twins are giving it their best and cute shot at a Christmas rendition. His glistened with delight as he watched on. Moreover, he cannot help but feel as if they are familiar. As if these are people he'd come to know for a long time due to something mutual connecting them. He couldn't place what it was but he'd wanted to find out. After their performance that is.

    Though he walked closer and closer to the booth to watch, and surprisingly, people are being polite to him about it and letting him pass without a second thought about who the big man was. The two girls who were twins were just getting in on their performance and from what he can tell, they are having a great start. So much so that he had begun singing along with them "At the Christmas party hop." Of course, he didn't belt it out and overpower the performers, just to his jolly self and possibly anyone who heard him nearby as he swayed to the somewhat rock and roll music of the song. The reason why he kept it to himself is because he knows deep in his soul that he is not a good singer, despite there being some accounts to the contrary. Scully thought they were just being modest about it, though his disbelief could very much be a part of his own humility. Nevertheless, Scully didn't try. And he surely wouldn't want to be next after the dual performance of the twins. Who really looks familiar now that he had gotten a better look at them as he continued to sway his body side to side with the music.

    WC: 540
    Scully: 540
    Total: 908
    @"Grappa & Jellisha" @Wren


    Christmas Time in Era Vk27K5C

    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Otherworldly Witch
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 290
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 27,782

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Witches Bonds
    Second Skill: Enchantress of Woe
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    Christmas Time in Era Empty Re: Christmas Time in Era

    Post by Wren 23rd December 2020, 11:07 pm

    Christmas Time in Era ASLww8b
    Black Hats, Black Cats. That Is Where The Witch Is At.

    Winter once again! What had the little witch done last year? That was right, she had gone to the event with Thane! Before he had disappeared to do something else. A frown formed on her lips as she remembered that event. It had been fun meeting the giant there and having a good time. A meow came from a little black cat that had been walking next to the little witch, successfully distracting her from her thoughts of the past. She wore a green long sleeved shirt, a brown scarf, and a pair of blue jeans over some black boots. She wasn’t used to winters still, but here she was, still out enjoying the winter festivities.

    With her hand gripped a bit, she held her hand up in the air. “Let's make this holiday season just as good as last years’, Nanny!” She calls her cat before she starts skipping ahead. She left her broom behind, not thinking she’d need it as she happily ran about and enjoyed herself. Soon, she had stopped running in front of a booth with sweaters. She felt herself shivering a bit as she approached the table. “Those sweaters look warmer than my shirt…” She mumbles to herself. “Oh? Hey there little cutie! Care to make an ugly sweater?!” A person with a clipboard asked the little witch. Her brown eyes glared a bit as she was utterly confused. “Uh… sure?” “Great! Pick one of the sweaters we got, I’m assuming extra small for your size… and those are in… oh! This box!” The woman crouched and pulled a box out for Wren to pick a sweater out of. “You can choose any of the other tables to be able to decorate your sweater with, make sure it looks absolutely hideous and Christmas themed!” She giggles as she walks away.

    Wren had picked up one green sweater, and slumped her shoulders. How the hell was she supposed to do this? Shaking her head, she put the sweater on the table. The sweater looked like it might be big on the little witch regardless of if it was an ‘extra small’ or not. She doubted it was really extra small as well. Well… whatever, she would decorate it regardless. She wasn’t sure what ‘ugly christmas sweaters’ really was, but she’d just have fun with it. Looking around, she saw a tree, and then down to her shirt. Her eyes lit up as she picked up the scissors and cut up the fabric before she was glueing. Nanny was sitting on the edge of the table, watching her witch work.

    It took a bit of time, a lot of fabric, a lot of cutting, and a lot of glue, but the witch eventually got her sweater done and smiled with delight at the completed sweater. She snapped her fingers, and the fabric lights lit up a bit here and there, making her own eyes twinkled with delight. “Just look at it, Nanny!” She coos before she snapped her fingers again. That time, nothing seemed to happen to the visible eye, but she quickly moved to put the shirt on her body. She giggled as the sweater was too big for her still, but it covered her hands and she felt warmer already.

    The host of the little activity looked at the little woman's delighted face, and chuckled. “Oh! Children make the cutest things!” She says as she hands Wren a couple peppermints. Wren paused and hung her head. “Hi, I’m an adult, and I’m with the Rune Knights. Thanks for the game.” She leans her head back and groans as she grabs the peppermints and walks off. A pair of slightly familiar voices rang into her and Nanny’s ears as they walked off. She blinked and then Nanny was off bounding towards the singing girls and another familiar face. She followed after Nanny as she opened a peppermint and stuck it in her mouth, stuffing her hands in her pants pockets as she walked, even with the sweater sleeves popping out of her pockets now. She looked up and saw the girls singing, smiling as Nanny jumped up on stage to be near the girls. Of course the cat felt close to them, they were felines like her.

    || Words: 711 || Thread Total: 711/2000 || Job || Job Approval ||
    Wren - #ff6600
    Tag: @"Grappa & Jellisha" @Wiggles
    Events: 3/5 Peppermints
    Karaoke - 1 (G&J)
    Ugly Sweater Crafting - 2 (Wren)


    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

    Moderator- Main Account- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 326
    Cosmic Coins : 200
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    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair
    Experience : 19,341

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twin Storms
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    Christmas Time in Era Empty Re: Christmas Time in Era

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 5th January 2021, 1:13 am

    Well, that went better than expected! The girls would have the song come to a conclusion in perfect harmony.

    "In the new old-fashioned way!~"
    "In the new old-fashioned way!~"

    The instrumental trailed off as both twins would huff and puff. Their cheeks red and blinking back years as the small group of onlookers would cheer for them. The teens took a now and would breath a sigh of relief as they stepped off of the stage for the next person to replace them. "Thank you so much! Look out for us, Illya Pegasus! We're the newest superstars of the magic world!~" She mimicked a signature pose that the superstar pink head did while being dragged off by Jellisha. She walked forward a couple of feet before finally breaking that mature and serious facade with a shaking, "Oh my God, oh my God, oh shit. We actually just did that, wow. My heart's racing so fast now." She jumped and pulled her sister into a hug, squeezing her tight enough to burst her little cat bones had she not been human sized at the moment. Grappa would match her enthusiasm by swinging her around, laughing up a storm as their nerves were so fried. "You were so cool! I was like, making a pose and you swing around me and..."  The two went on and on as they both shared a tender moment with one another. Sure, both girls had their differences and fought, but they loved each other dearly enough to enjoy one another's company. Plus, Jellisha totally wouldn't miss out on using Grappa as her pillow when they slept. It took all but ten minutes for them to get everything out of their system before then spinning around to gaze upon the other stations at the festival. The kids plopped along in the snow until they came across a station with other kids...Well, much younger kids. In fact, there was one with glasses, and orange hair that smelled of catnip and-

    Hey, wait a minute! That wasn't a little kid, it was Wren! The girls fondly recalled their time spent trying to get into her room for all things cat related, but most notably being that prestigious catnip plant that they so adored. The first time their paws got into it, the girls were high for the rest of the day and were prone to rapid fire emotional instability. After that episode, they were told never to go near her office, but they couldn't resist sneaking in every now and again!

    "Hiiiii, Wren!" Grappa called out, waving excitedly towards the smaller girl as they neared the ugly sweater booth. The staff member running the booth turned to come face to face with two preteens, a relieved expression on her face from that incident with Wren that likely had gone south. Jellisha had to bit her lip to keep from snickering too loudly. She felt a little bad for their fellow officer, but most people just sort of assumed that small things and people were just kids. And if anybody should know that pain, it was definitely these two flying cats. "Oh, sorry darlings! I was just, uhh... Anyway, care to try your hand at making a sweater for Christmas?" The girls noises in unison, hopping in a free space with the sweater and materials all laid out before then. ""This should be easy. Knitting a sweater is like...I don't know what it's like. Jellisha admitted, staring at the needles and string while the staff member spoke up again, showing them the technique. "Just like this! Let me know if you need any help!" The girls looked back down to their own needles while Grappa would get a grand idea. Her magic poured into the needles while copying the woman's technique. Strains of red and green fabric flowed from the needles while Jellisha watched on. "Not bad, but it needs some decorations!" While the sweater was still being made, the other twin would begin placing the accessories for the ugliest sweater imaginable. A fake ass tree, some reindeer horns, that ugly and weird thing that people hung above the doors for some reason. All of it flowered together to be melded onto cotton depictions of every bad the holidays could offer

    The woman stared at the children simply casting magic before her and kept that smile going, though was internally screaming. We're they Rune Knights as well? Was the guild running some kind of recruitment drive for children? The two would finish in record time, showing her probably one of the most horrific sweaters she had ever seen. It was like somebody had thrown up on a Christmas cake and then decided to salvage what they could and drop it on the ground. What even were those horns? And the red...Still, she smiled and would clap for the two. "Ooooh! W-We have some modern day artists here! Good job girls, yours prizes!~" She spoke, handing the two one peppermint each.

    "Oh, a-and please take your affront to Christmas with you. You're scaring the other children."

    WC: 845
    TWC: 1556
    Peppermint: 5/5

    @Wren @Wiggles


    Christmas Time in Era YvWNyTL

    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
    Position : None
    Posts : 61
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,593

    Christmas Time in Era Empty Re: Christmas Time in Era

    Post by Wiggles 5th January 2021, 4:52 am

    Rolling for tree decorating


    Christmas Time in Era Vk27K5C

    Posts : 23954
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    Christmas Time in Era Empty Re: Christmas Time in Era

    Post by NPC 5th January 2021, 4:52 am

    The member 'Wiggles' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Christmas Time in Era OdAaNwh

    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
    Position : None
    Posts : 61
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 6,593

    Christmas Time in Era Empty Re: Christmas Time in Era

    Post by Wiggles 5th January 2021, 11:40 am

    The performance of the two girls ended rather spectacularly, applauding along with the rest of the crowd which they more than deserved. In fact, he believed they should be given gifts or hell, even a record deal. They indeed had the talent for both the theatrical dancing and the core vocals that could rival that of their idol, Illya Pegasus who, even Scully has heard of, to be very famous and talented indeed. Their youth, accompanied by the apparent maturity of one of the very cheerful duo was refreshing to see, spreading more warmth than there already was that was provided by the cheer, generosity, sincerity and love of other people he had seen be about in the lovely winter season. It served as a reminder to Scully that despite his looks that are really not one people would give a second look, dismiss, and judge him lies an innocent soul that if nurtured through love and guidance could rise above their mistakes and problems in order to become a model citizen and Scully would do all he can to nurture that ever-growing soul. He would see it all around as well, even during the children’s performance. Some of the people watching and being happy were actually people he had already arrested before but are proving to have already turned over a new leaf. This made Scully feel good not only about himself but for the future, as this truly was Christmas time in Era.

    Now, aside from these two familiar faces, Scully would then catch a glimpse of yet another cheerful and young lady and this time, it was not because of mere passing by every now and again in the place where he usual was due to his occupation, but because of a single moment they share which, he believes, would be more than enough to elevate such relationship as to that called friendship. Of course, this was Scully’s personal opinion as he was very easy to give his trust to just about anyone, provided they were well within the right side of the law, and being a Rune Knight is one of the more absolute ways to ensure the accomplishment of this requirement. He wanted to come over to say hi as he turned his whole body around towards this person’s personal direction who had a very amusing sweater, though others would call it ugly. The sweater in question was also a bit big for her small stature which definitely increased the amount of cuteness and adorableness of the person, but  she was adorable already for him. The name of the person he had just seen and described was of course, none other than Wren for she possessed a physique that is unique and easily distinguishable from his current circle of friends. In fact, every single one of them was distinguishable as he considered each and every one of them special.

    He wanted to approach her and perhaps say a few words of greetings and hope, you know, the special Scully niceties that he gives to everyone, and this was on a regular basis. What more on a season such as this? However, as he took his step forward, his mouth eager to shout and call upon his friend, which would have been accompanied by a wave, the two girls from earlier would beat Scully to it. Quickly rushing towards his friend as if confirming that Scully has indeed seen her before in the Rune Knight’s headquarters and not because she keeps running into trouble. Well, Scully guess she does but in the normal sense of the phrase, Scully thought as he would tilt his head slightly to his right as he would seemingly look up, as if he had given it so much though like his life depended on it.

    In any case, it was joyous and glorious to see two friends meet in seasons like these. Scully thought it was best he let them be as he looked on happily with crossed arms. He didn’t think it would be right to disturb intimate friends bonding over a fun activity. Especially since the twins already started doing the sweater making thing Wren had just done prior. And from Scully’s limited view and perspective of the situation, it looked like Wren was going to do it again with them? He wasn’t sure, he can’t see much from the distance and density of the crowd, the only thing he was certain of was the twins were with Wren and the twins have started making their own sweaters.

    Scully sighed and happily looked around. Perhaps the group bonding can wait. He wanted to do something to pass the wait, to do something meaningful as he waited. He looked around for a bit. Turning his head slowly to look at both ends of the entirety of his vision that his ability to turn his neck would allow, and had seen two signs that would have been the perfect way for anyone to come and relax after they had a fun filled time of activities with friends.

    He decided to approach the sign on his left first, politely saying excuse me to the dispersing crowd as there would be no one else to take the stage, as they were none that would be brave enough to follow a rather explosive, adorable and perfect performance from the two girls. The station he came to, which he had no trouble getting to, was the station for decorating one’s own tree. Scully would be reminded of the time he spent at home with his family as a kid, all huddled between the tree and the fire as they would relax, tell stories, and of course, open gifts. He had asked to participate in the activity and the attendant was more than happy to oblige.

    The attendant asked Scully to pick a numbered box and after eyeing the boxes - which despite being identical, had a few distinct marks such as moisture, snow on it, and the like - very carefully. He took a few seconds to decide as he stroked his beard with two fingers slowly, until finally responding with a point from the same hand that did the stroking just seconds ago, and he would say “That one, please Number Six.” happily.

    The box handed to him was a bit light and would jingle as he walked over to the tree he was assigned to decorate by the administrator by pointing at it after having handed Scully the box of decorations. The fat man then slowly and carefully opened the box he was handed and found an assortment of very nice and well maintained ornaments. Though they weren’t that many or glistening, it could have been worse as he took a glimpse at the other trees being decorated by other people. It seems there was the concept of the luck of the draw involved in getting through the activity and Scully ended up with a rather mediocre selection. Still, he’d take it over a pickle hollowed out to act as a star top ornament. He actually smiled at it because while their own tree that he vividly remembered from his childhood was more glamorous, glorious, and humongous, what actually made their Christmas was the people they were spending it with. The things they would say and give each other, it was the thought that counted in things like this for Scully. The simplicity of it, the spirit of it. No matter what tree you had, it would still have the same effect. Perhaps even more. Scully proceeded to put on the Christmas balls on the side of the tree first, starting on the bottom half of the tree, alternating between the colors he had been given: red, green, white and blue. Scully then would other ornaments that weren’t balls on top of it. These ornaments were things such as candy canes, Santa hats, and snowflakes. Scully would repeat this pattern until he reached the top where the most humble of star toppers he had ever seen in his life was placed. Finally, it was time for the lights and just like that, Scully was done. It didn’t look like much compared to some of the trees, but it would certainly get the job done. The attendant then came over to marvel at the tree and could somehow relate to it, feelings of nostalgia would rush over her, and saying that it was indeed beautiful as she handed Scully her prize of three peppermints which he happily accepted.

    With the tree done, Scully moved on to collect the other thing he had decided to get in order to emulate the feeling of home and simple Christmas, cups of hot choco. With his big hands, he was able to carry all 4 hot cups at the same time, after which he would make it a point to be seen by the three girls when they get back, which would be more than easy to do for a man his size, and then he would greet them “Merry Christmas!” when they were close enough offering them hot cocoa and a place near the tree had just decorated to relax and just talk if they so wanted.

    WC: 1,538
    Scully: 2,078

    Activities Completed:
    Sweater Making
    Tree Decorating
    @"Grappa & Jellisha" @Wren


    Christmas Time in Era Vk27K5C

    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Otherworldly Witch
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 290
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 27,782

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Witches Bonds
    Second Skill: Enchantress of Woe
    Third Skill:

    Christmas Time in Era Empty Re: Christmas Time in Era

    Post by Wren 6th January 2021, 11:06 pm

    Christmas Time in Era ASLww8b
    Black Hats, Black Cats. That Is Where The Witch Is At.

    Nanny seemed to realize with how the twin cats were acting just then, that they were going to be excited about the song they just sung after how they had ended their performance. She had made her way back to Wren and purred against her legs. Wren smiled sweetly down to the black cat and rubbed her fur after crouching down near her. She wasn't sure who the 'Illya Pegasus' was that they mentioned on stage, for you see, Wren wasn't one to care about actors and actresses and singers and the like. They made music and entertainment for people, that's all she had to know about the things she hears and sees around her. They were people who typically sung for the enjoyment of others and entertained for their pleasure as well. They didn’t bother or influence her life at all.

    A voice called out to her and the little witch smiled as she looked up, standing up at the same time. “Grappa! Jellisha!” She smiles at the two as she picks up Nanny and holds her happily in her arms. The Yule where she really met the two girls was just a year ago, but she enjoyed the twos company regardless. Even if they try to constantly break into her room because of the extra plants she grows in there. She was severely debating on moving back in at Nelson’s Apothecary some weeks due to these two. She wouldn’t do that though… That would be really rude. It was a moment later after the two joined her, that she realised she was being put on babysitting duty with them without any warning. Her stare seemed a bit far away for a moment before she blinked and turned to see the two starting to make their own sweater, making Wren giggle at the effort they were putting in. She was just going to watch the two, rather than join in this time around. Instead of the two just picking a premade sweater to decorate, they physically knitted one together. That honestly was not what she expected the girls to do one bit. But she couldn’t deny that their sweater looked rather great in her opinion!

    As they showed off their shirt, Wren bursted out laughing to the point that she was almost toppling over. She continued to hold onto her cat, who was honestly confused about what was going on. The little redheaded witch eventually calmed down and stood up while wiping a tear away from the edge of her eyeball. “I think you two really embraced the meaning of ‘ugly’ sweater!” She complimented with a huge grin on her face. Regardless of how the employee reacted, Wren at least appreciated the sweater and the gaudiness of the decorations on it. They went all out. And for that, she accepted that her sweater wasn’t that ugly. “I bet Serilda and Mythal would love your sweater! Lets show them when this is all done and over with, what do you two say?” She muses happily to the two girls.

    It didn’t take her too terribly long to convince the girls to leave the ugly sweater activity area, and to walk around with them around the festival. She continued to hold Nanny as she let her brown eyes trail around. She eventually saw a familiar man over by the tree decorating activity, and started steering her feet towards him. Nanny looked up to her master and let up a meow. Hopefully no one here was at the rave event. The cat actually didn’t want others to know about her being able to change to a humanoid person. At least the group Wren had been with, she did ask them to keep it a secret for now. Now wasn’t the time for Wren to hear about her abilities.

    Wren stared up at the tree that Scully was decorating and found herself mesmerized by the decorations on it. She actually hadn’t realized that Scully had since moved away from the tree at first, and looked around the area. She didn’t feel like decorating a tree if she were honest. She actually never had done so back home. Or at least, she hadn’t in a long while. Her family didn’t have the money to decorate a yule tree, but always managed to harvest a yule log at the very least and pray to the deities during the Winter Solstice. Wren would have to find time to do that here too in Fiore. It had been a while since she did a proper sabbat. Now she could do one with little issues, especially since she could pay for the things she needed. Her feet traveled away from the tree decorating activity, and out around the festival. She noticed that there was a present guessing game, and a mistletoe game? She had no idea what that was about, till some poor soul had stepped under it and had an employee ‘happily’ exclaimed that they were under the mistletoe and needed to kiss someone. That someone the person had to kiss was a complete stranger. Wren would have to be sure to steer clear of that game completely. Especially if she still had the twins following her.

    She stopped walking a bit as she noticed Scully again, noticing he had four cups of hot cocoa and was in view of them. “C’mon, Nans.” She murmurs as she begins jogging over towards the man with a grin on her face. “Hey! Happy Holidays!” She giggles as she grabs the cocoa after letting Nanny down, taking a nice sip of her drink as she did so. She looked up to notice that they were by the tree decorating contest again, and smiled. “The tree looks really nice! Would it be okay if I added some more decorations to it?”

    If he allowed it, the little witch would hold out her hand. Her brown eyes would shimmer before they turned blue from her using magic. In her hand, a wand would form with an intricately designed star at the end of it. She would grip the wand and lightly wave it in a small circle towards the tree before a nice cluster of small stars started to swim around the wand. They slowly began floating towards the tree and set themselves along the branches and the ornaments, making them all glitter in the glow of the stars.

    Regardless if she was allowed to decorate the tree with her stars or not, the little witch would smile at the magnificence of the tree. She sipped her cocoa and looked over towards Grappa and Jellisha and grinned towards the two of them. “Did you two have fun?” She couldn’t help but ask. Normally she was terrible with kids, but these two were cats as well, so they had a way to worm into her heart unintentionally already. If the Field Marshal and Director both didn’t adopt the two already, Wren would have probably tried to do so already herself!

    While in the middle of her thoughts, the little witch heard Nanny start to growl at something in the distance. She blinked and looked towards Scully, then glanced to the girls. “I’ll be right back.” She murmurs as she put the cocoa down and started to go after Nanny, who was running off towards something at the edge of the festival. The little witch was just a couple jogging steps behind the cat, and looked around the forest that was on the edge of the festival. Something flittered behind a few trees, and Wren cautiously took a step forward. That would be a bad idea though. Before the little witch could do anything else, her vision went black for a moment before the voices of her past came back to her.

    “You should know your place…” The pain was all too real again. Here it was raining. Above her was Rowena. The best witch in all of her school. A short distance away was Nanny, laying on the ground and gasping for breath. “You’re nothing more than the dirt under my foot. Under everyone’s foot. Even the ugliest witch is better than an ant like you… if you knew any better… you would scram from my sight, and from this whole school and sell yourself to earn money or status. Though you’d probably barely get money.” Rowena giggled before she delivered a nice, hard, kick at Wren's abdomen. The pain was wrong though. It was cold as ice. That was what had dragged her out of the visions of her past, one of the many times she failed to keep someone safe due to her terrible magic abilities.

    The little girl before her looked surprised then was angry. “Who are you? How can you easily break free of Christmas’ Past?!” The little witch blinked before she held up her wand and smiled. “I’m a witch. A powerful witch now.” She points the wand at the ghost, and stars as big as Wrens head form around the ghost before they explode with her scream at the center of it, making the ghost disappear for good for now. Wren frowns at herself and then looks to her stomach. There was a nice ice chunk stabbing into her abdomen where that kick of Rowena had supposedly been going for. That hurt like hell. She needed to remove this ice chunk and heal herself. As soon as she yanked it out of her side, Nanny came up and purred at her, effectively healing her side of the injury she had obtained.

    The cats attention was instantly torn from her master as soon as it healed. Behind them, was an older version of the ghost of Christmas Past, riding along on a skeletal reindeer. “Hello. You harmed my Past. But the Present won’t be as easy for you to run from.” She says in a sweet voice. She pulls out a bow and arrow from her chest and instantly shoots it at Wren. The little witch was just barely able to jump out of the way of the arrow, but her shoulder did get nicked by it. That was enough for her to be sent into another vision. This time she was seeing her mother, Glenda. She was sitting in their run down home at the outskirts of Sailkia’s capital. She was sobbing as she looked at a sketch of her daughter. Wren felt her heart being completely wrenched from her chest. She left her. Whatever spell the little witch used to get here completely tore her up, same as her siblings it seemed too. They didn’t have as much food in the house as she last recalled.

    Shaking her head, Wren screamed. “No!” She pointed her wand to the ghost on the animal while her blue eyes glared at the her. “Mummy was stronger than that!” “But you failed her by not being there…” The girl smiled ever so sweetly as she aimed her arrow at Wren again. “Please help us… He has us under his spell.” The stars seemed to form once again around the ghost before they exploded after she said that, making the remaining legs of the skeletal reindeer slowly fall down to the ground. Nanny hissed again before she raced towards the festival again. Wren was only able to turn to come to face to face with a black cloaked ghost now. Wren felt herself shivering at the sight of the cloaked ghost. It was Future. She didn’t even need to speak as Wren was instantly assaulted with visions of her future.

    Nanny was nowhere to be seen, but she knew she was back home in Sailkia. Rowena was older, and grinning at the little witch with her arms crossed over her chest. “You’re still so pathetic. You should die, like that feline had when it attacked me. You’re worthless as a witch. Honestly, you shouldn’t even call yourself that. Parasite. Magicless. Talentless. Waste of space.” Her words hit Wren like a drum. No! She would have gotten herself killed before she let Nanny die! This was a future vision. “Your family also was no match… it was such a shame trying to not hurt them so much. But they just couldn’t help themselves and kept on coming up… at least they had enough magic to be buried under the witches tree… which won’t be the same for you.” She giggles at the redhead. Her head was smacked with a foot as she was somehow being restrained where she was, unable to get out of the way. That kick was what knocked her out of her vision as it felt icy like before. She held her wand up and instantly blew up stars around the ghost of Christmas Future.

    No more messing around. She needed to find out who caused these ghosts to do this. Nanny must have caught the scent of something. In the middle of the square of the festival, she looked around till she heard a yowl and spotted her black cat on the back of an old man. Then he threw her. “Nanny!”

    The man looked over at the little witch and glared. “You take your blasted cat and your stupid holiday cheer and get the hell away from me child!”

    Wren looked at the man and glared. “Pardon me? I’m an adult…”

    “I don’t give a flying fuck what you are! You and everyone else here are going to perish when I re-summon the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future!!” She felt his magic drop before Wren pointed the wand to the ground and let the stars blow up around the snow to instantly throw snow up in the air. With the man distracted, she quickly grabbed an arm and yanked back with the other to cuff him with anti-magic cuffs. “Let go of me! Do you know who I am! I am the Duke Scrooge of Humbug!”

    “I’m Wren Hayden! A Rune Knight! You’re under arrest for attempting to disturb the peace here. I was wondering why one of the ghosts said what they did. You were the reasoning why they were attacking me.” She grumbles as she half shoves the man towards some guards. She was shaking now that that was over. Slowly, she got to her knees and let herself fall to the side to lay in the snow. Nanny had ran over to her and was purring to heal the wounds she had acquired from the ghosts, but Wren only moved to hug the cat to her. She needed all the hugs right now. Those visions were something she didn’t need to see. She was trying to forget about them. She had a life here in Fiore… this was home. She was stronger here… She was stronger. She slowly moved to sit herself up, tears in her eyes as she thought of the pain Nanny had gone through, and her mother, and what pain she could get others into in the future. Those ghosts were a big deal… more than Wren initially realized. They instilled a fear into her she was suppressing for a while.

    || Words: 2522 || Thread Total: 6526 || Job || Job Approval ||
    Wren - #ff6600
    Tag: @"Grappa & Jellisha" @Wiggles
    Enemies: 6/5 peppermints
    Karaoke - 1 peppermint
    Ugly Sweater - 2 Peppermints
    Tree Decorating - 3 Peppermints
    Christmas Past, Present, and Future defeated and Scrooge captured.


      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:46 pm