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    [Dungeon!] A Perfect Storm (Doppo/Tor)


    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
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    Guild : Rune Knights
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    In Progress [Dungeon!] A Perfect Storm (Doppo/Tor)

    Post by DOPPO 11th December 2020, 8:27 pm

    [Dungeon!] A Perfect Storm (Doppo/Tor) VQ8qD7O

    The fears we refuse to face become our limits.

    On the rocky beaches of Morgate Town, a provisional harbor was created for the Morgate Refugee Sanctuary, where swarms of displaced families, injured persons, and brokenhearted individuals idled around in wait of some sort of relief. With them were a little over one hundred Rune Knights, consisting mostly of Combat Corps judging by their distinct uniforms, but were joined by Knights of other branches as well. One dozen Rune Knight ships waited at the shore as men and women began to load it with cargo, their voyage across the Fishy Fish Sea to Shadow Island beginning soon.

    It had been years since the bombings of Morgate Town, but the devastating aftermath was still a problem to this day. Basilisk Fang had left a once vibrant town a nuclear wasteland, saturated with radiation, dangerous monsters, and death. The people who managed to survive the attacks lived in camps on the very edge of the city where the radiation was harmless and the monsters were few, but their lives had only ever looked like quarantine and loss after those bombings. Because their complicated health situation was still in the air about whether or not they were a hazard to others, so many towns and villages rejected Morgate Refugees. What's worse, many of them may have only experienced mild injuries by some miracle, but their spirits had broken knowing that their loved ones had either perished in the attacks or lost themselves in the chaos, documenting them as missing persons to this day. It really was a tragic situation, a problem that hadn't really been dealt with for the longest time. The bombing of Morgate Town was like an ugly smear on the country's history, a smear that they didn't show to others. But today was different.

    After the recent monster hunting expedition on Shadow Island, the island was now safe of the creatures that ran rampant through it for a long time, and while most towns and villages couldn't support the sheer number of refugees from Morgate Town, the island could. The Rune Knights were tasked with escorting these refugees on a voyage across the Fishy Fish Sea, which was about a single-day trip. Leading the voyage was Major General Suzuki of the Combat Corps, a man well known for his stunning red hair and extreme moodiness.

    Sitting somewhere by the harbor, the Major General—or Doppo, as many called him—was mindlessly eating a spread of food. Using the plate the Field Marshall gifted him, he was quietly eating a variety of foods: oysters, peppermint bark, potato chips, beef burgers, turkey burgers, calamari, red delicious apples, ice cream, and more. For people who weren't aware of the conditions of his magic, not only did it look extremely unprofessional but completely out of place. In reality, he was just preparing for the voyage ahead and the potential danger that could arise from it. Despite being in his muscular form, there was a look of calm over his face as everyone finished preparations.

    An officer walked over to his table, reporting to him on everything that was going on. The cargo had been loaded and the ships were in supreme condition. It was early in the morning, and the weather was predicted to be calm and perfect for a voyage out at sea. It seemed like everything was lining up, and as he swallowed his final bite, Doppo nodded and rose from his seat. "Alright... we'll go ahead with it all, then."

    A whistle was blown, loud enough for it to be noticed across all of the idle chatter and white noise. Rune Knights lined up by the ships, all of them wearing gas masks or some sort of equipment to protect them against radiation or contagious health hazards, unless their magic mitigated it, including the Major General as he walked into the center with a small megaphone.

    "Ahem... your attention, PLEASE!" he started, his amplified voice washing over the crowd in a booming crescendo, "We will now proceed with the voyage to Shadow Island. Please form two single-form lines at every ship and follow the Rune Knights' directions when you prepare to board. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask a Knight for assistance, but be mindful to try and maintain a safe distance from one another. Thank you!"

    The megaphone made an audible click as it was shut off, Doppo replacing his face mask with a fully equipped gas mask engineered by the Engineering Corps. It was really handy for missions like this. Passengers began boarding the ships, as did Rune Knights, and the voyage was about to begin. Doppo looked up, staring at the calm sky overlooking the nuclear wasteland they were departing from.

    Hmm... what a nice day...

    || Word Count: 792 || Thread WC: 792 || WC Needed 1500 || Job Approval ||
    Enemies: ???


    Yoruen Jinryu
    Yoruen Jinryu

    Lineage : Kirin's Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 275
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 25,112

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    First Skill: Yoruen's Wind Blade Style
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    In Progress Re: [Dungeon!] A Perfect Storm (Doppo/Tor)

    Post by Yoruen Jinryu 28th December 2020, 1:05 am

    Tor was one of the many Rune Knights that had been sent to assist with the Combat Corps’ mission to escort the survivors of the Morgate bombing towards their new home. Breathing heavily through the gas mask prepared for each and everyone of them, as well as wearing a protective suit to protect against the residual radiation that might or might not be coming from the Morgate survivors, Tor could feel his sweat running down his entire body as he participated in loading the cargo onto one of the many ships that would transport them to Shadow Island. The cargo contained all the items that the survivors would require to build up a decent civilization on Shadow Island, coming from various sources of donations and government support.

    As he worked, he would occasionally throw a glance at the Major General, red-headed Rune Knight that was called Major General Suzuki. Tor knew that those close to him called him Doppo, but Tor wasn’t one of them. What he knew of the man was what he heard from Shane. Sometimes, he wondered if the former Rune Knight General had spilled too much info or trusted Tor way too much. Yes, after a few months in the Rune Knights, Tor had finally found out that Shane had resigned from the Rune Knights. The news released had said of him being involved in a high-profile member of a Magic Council member and Shane had resigned from the Rune Knights before escaping capture. At the moment, a bounty had already been placed on his head, wanted dead or alive

    Which had explained why Shane had single-handedly taken down the Red Eagle organization. It wasn’t that he didn’t request for backup. Rather he had nothing as backup. Even having been identified as a murderer and no longer associated with the Rune Knights, the man had seen it fit to still fulfill his responsibilities as one and had undertaken a huge risk for the destruction of Red Eagle. This fact combined with the bits and pieces of rumors that he had heard regarding Shane’s case, making it out to be a conspiracy that aimed to remove the people around the Field Marshall and Director, Tor decided to keep believing in Shane.

    When he had finally loaded the last of the crates on to the ship, Tor straightened up and stretched his back slightly while waiting for the supervisors to meet up and report to the Major General. A few minutes later, the booming voice of the Major General, magnified through the megaphone grabbed all of the attention and began laying down instructions. The supervisors returned to the ship in the middle of the announcement and gathered up the Rune Knights onboard, giving out orders for them to assemble.

    Without wasting much time, the Rune Knights quickly moved into place, standing at attention and ready to direct the survivors into their quarters. A path was formed as they lined up on both sides, a meter apart between each Knight. The Morgate survivors boarded the ships without apprehension and were then meekly shepherded to their rooms. A couple of Rune Knights were stationed at the entry point, ticking down names and informing them of their respective rooms where they were to stay inside and wait until they reached the island. While it may seem like inhuman to contain them as such, it was nevertheless necessary.

    When everything was prepared and they prepared to set sail, Tor noted that the weather was perfect for their voyage. Calm seas coupled with a strong breeze that pushed them along their journey.

    But that only lasted one hour. As the ships moved in a tight-looking formation that could also be flexibly changed to cope with any situation, the storm hit them so suddenly that everyone was caught unaware. Dark clouds brewed over the ships, covering the entire sea as far as their eyes could see, as though the storm was limitless. Thunder rumbled threateningly above them, deafeningly loud and with a frequency so close that Tor could barely hear the shouts of the ship crew as the experienced commander of each ships tried to call out instructions, only to find them helplessly drowned out by the thunder. Not even the megaphone that Major General Suzuki held would help.

    Huge bolts of lightning, so thick you could actually call them pillars instead, struck at them from above, in the beginning, the lightning struck awfully close to the ships, always avoiding them by a hair’s breadth, but as the storm raged on, a few ships began to be struck by the lightning bolts. The struck ships could still hold on, but the Knights and sailors caught were heavily injured. Flags were quickly used by the commander from the flagship, which was also the one that Major General Suzuki and Tor was on, to give out instructions to the other ships in the fleet,. Being the central ship, the flagship wasn’t carrying any survivors and only the Rune Knights as well as the sailing crew, allowing them more room to cope with the situation.

    A pale orange defensive barrier appeared around each ship, one by one, proving effective against the lightning bolts that began to hit their ships with even more vehemence and frequency as time went on. Every time the orange barrier on one of the ships were hit, their luminescence would fade slightly, an indication of the barrier’s waning strength. These barriers were to protect against storms, normal storms to be clearer and the storm they were caught in was anything but normal.

    One of the lightning bolts hit the barrier of the flagship, causing the barrier to light up before fading slightly. Tor could tell that this particular bolt was much more powerful than the ones the other ships had taken. Without any hesitation, a dark purple shield appeared behind his back, a dark purple aura flooding out from both sides of the shield to form a pair of draconic wings, and with a single flap, propelled Tor straight up into the sky. Tor passed the orange barrier effortlessly on his way out and immediately felt the ferocity of the storm as he was drenched by the heavy rain and beaten by the strong winds.

    However, his eyes were fixed on the dark clouds above, every so often lighting up before throwing down lightning. Aside from the dark purple wings behind him, a layer of scarlet lightning had merged into it, giving it a scarlet frame with lightning crackling around the edges. Waiting quietly amidst the howling winds and torrential downpour alone in the sky as his wings kept him afloat, Tor would act every time a lightning bolt was sent down on to the flagship. Every single time, he would disappear in a flash of lightning from his original position, and with his right arm wrapped in lightning, throw out a spear of scarlet lightning at the descending bolt, using his own spell to redirect the bolts. His success rate wasn’t 100% but through this, he managed to keep the orange barrier from fading away too quickly before they could get out of the storm.

    Around him, the protective barrier of the other ships were taking a beating and some had already been completely dispelled, leaving their occupants to the mercy of the lightning, but thankfully the Rune Knights onboard were doing everything they can to mitigate the damage.

    [1237 words]
    [Total WC: 2029 / 1500]



    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
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    Posts : 1035
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    Experience : 2,243,068

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    First Skill: [Second Generation] Ice Dragon Slayer Magic
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    In Progress Re: [Dungeon!] A Perfect Storm (Doppo/Tor)

    Post by DOPPO 24th January 2021, 3:50 pm

    [Dungeon!] A Perfect Storm (Doppo/Tor) VQ8qD7O

    The fears we refuse to face become our limits.

    If there was a chance that Doppo didn't believe in jinxes before this voyage, he sure believed in them now. When they first boarded the ships, the weather was optimal. The skies were clear, the sun was bright and warm, and the gentle gusts of wind aided the Knights in pushing the ships along. By all means, it was the perfect day to set out on sea. But just an hour after that thought, everything spiralled into chaos.

    An overcast of storm clouds covered the horizon as a relentless downpour rained down upon the small fleet of ships with raindrops the size of bullets. The wind violently rocked their ships from side to side, the rainfall was so heavy that you couldn't see or hear anyone well unless you were right against them, and bolts of lightning struck alarmingly close, briefly illuminating the world around them in their perilous flashes. It was the most violent storm the Major General had ever seen, and if not for state-of-the-art ships and competent Rune Knights, any other vessel would've been swallowed by the sea by now. But even with their skills, fighting against a storm of this magnitude would be difficult even for professionals.

    Doppo was at the head of the flagship, squinting up into the stormy sky as the rain hit his face. As expected, the Rune Knights were quick to act when faced with their enemies. Magical barriers engulfed the vessels in the fleet, while he could see another Knight redirect lightning away from the ships through every illuminating flash. The wind and water mages did their best to keep the boats from capsizing, while all other personnel tended to the ship's damages and protecting the passengers they had promised a safe voyage to. But they wouldn't cross the Fishy Fish Sea by just avoiding capsizing—they had to proceed through the storm if they ever wanted to touch land again.

    "Major General, sir!" shouted out a Lieutenant Colonel, their arm held up to shield their faces from the violent winds and heavy rainfall. Doppo turned around to face them when he realized that they were close, his lips sealed into a frown, and his baby blues ignited with a spark of determination.

    "Status report!" Doppo shouted back so that he could be heard, his red hair whipping in the gusts of wind.

    "Yes, sir! Two of our etherano barriers have been temporarily disabled, and the remaining ten cannot hold out for much longer! There are no casualties to report, but our two vulnerable vessels have suffered damages to the ship, sir!"

    "Disabled? But that would mean..." Doppo looked up at the sky again and the flashes of lightning being redirected away from them. Whoever was responsible for the redirections wasn't the ultimate shield, however. Lightning bolts still struck the barriers or missed them by a hair, and it was lazy of them to leave it all to the fellow in the sky. But more importantly, the redheaded Major General had a realization. He continued to look up at the sky as his baby blue eyes began to glow this faint, magical light. Suddenly, a pair of goose's wings stretched out from his back in all of the colors natural to the animal, except large enough to support his human body. "Disable this vessel's barrier for a moment, Lieutenant."

    "Yes, sir!" the Lieutenant Colonel obliged without a lick of hesitation before disappearing into the darkness of the downpour. A few moments later, the magical barrier that shielded the flagship from the unsettling lightning strikes dissipated, leaving the entire vessel at the mercy of the storm.

    Surely enough, it wasn't long before they were laid to pay the price for such a questionable decision as a light flashed throughout the storm clouds. Doppo ascended into the air with his face heavenward, his wings flapping as the water bounced off of them, and his arm transforming into the flesh of yet another animal he's consumed—an electric eel. Just as expected, lightning came striking down at the Major General in an attempt to send him to an early death and then the Knights on the ship below him. Poomb! The lightning struck him like a dart on a bullseye, but Doppo remained in the sky as it did. On closer inspection, the lightning hit the palm of his modified arm and was absorbed by it's electrified, slimy skin until the lightning was no more.

    Doppo calmly dropped back down to the deck of the flagship, with the Lieutenant Colonel standing there, waiting for him. He stared at his arm, sparking with electricity from its recent absorption. The Major General could take on exaggerated and enhanced properties of the plants and animals he's eaten, like the wings of a goose or the electrical elements of an electric eel, and create an arsenal of versatile weapons and abilities to aid him in a variety of unique situations. In addition to his Y-class label, he didn't fidget when accepting the brunt of nature's natural power, but when he did, he confirmed his suspicions.

    I knew something was off when it kept targeting our ships like this... the lightning's magical. With a spell this massive, it's no wonder that our shields are breaking. Someone or something is casting this... but who, and where?  He thought to himself as he stared at his arm, feeling the additional mana run through it and disappear. This entire storm was likely the product of someone's or something's magic. But for a spell this massive and destructive, who or what was powerful enough to cast it? The blinding downpour made it impossible for the majority of the Knights to detect its source so easily, and if that wasn't enough, they had civilians they had to worry about protecting. Understanding the new circumstances, Doppo turned to face his subordinate once again. "Lieutenant Colonel, I want every etherano barrier back up and running and damages repaired as soon as possible. Inform all of our scouting mages to look for casters outside of our fleet! Our number one priority is safely evading this storm, understood? Infuse your own mana into those barriers if you have to!"

    The situation was clear. Not everything could be beaten and put into cuffs. The storm was a force beyond their control, despite the efforts Doppo knew they were going to make. If the scouts couldn't locate the caster, or if they did and the caster wound up being of a class that outmatched their fleet, evasion was their only choice. Perhaps if they didn't have civilians on board, the Rune Knights could focus on counter-attacking the enemy, but security was their number one priority. It was never an easy job, was it? If that wasn't enough, another problem stirred beneath the waters amidst the chaos.

    "Yes, sir—?!!" the Lieutenant Colonel shouted in a surprising panic as the silhouette of a creature burst out from the sea below, and only when it was right upon the man did Doppo and others see it clearly. It was a giant fish, and almost like a dolphin, it jumped out the waters and over the deck, taking the Lieutenant Colonel within its mouth before its inevitable dive back into the sea.

    "Lieutenant! Shit!" Doppo exclaimed, his feathered goose wings dissipating into mana and new features manifesting on his neck. The gills of fish he's eaten suddenly developed, and as soon as they did, the redheaded Major General followed the giant fish into the sea without hesitation.

    The underwater battle was brief, the flashes of lightning illuminating the dark sea beneath the vessels in an intermittent rhythm. Doppo's eyes glowed with its magical light, enabling him to use most sea creatures' night vision as he maneuvered the violent riptides below. He saw the enormous fish continue to pull the struggling Lieutenant Colonel deeper into the sea, and before his breath gave way, Doppo dove down. His other arm manifested into the bill of a swordfish, piercing the eye of the fish and forcing it to release his subordinate in its agony, swimming away into the darkness.

    The Lieutenant Colonel, recognizing his freedom, propelled himself back onto the flagship with his own magic after that, leaving the Major General underwater to assess their new situation. With the light of the lighting flashes in addition to his night vision, the underwater circumstances were more hectic than he thought. All of the local Fishy Fish fauna thrashed about in the water, agitated as they hopped out of the sea and over the vulnerable ships in the fleet like before. Some of them returned back into the sea in bloody pieces, likely from the other Rune Knights' fending them off with the power and precision expected of the Combat Corps. The vessels that still had their barrier up prevented the fauna from penetrating them at all, though at the rate the lightning struck and the fish threw themselves at it, it wouldn't be for long. That was that, but then the Major General caught glimpse of something horrifying in the waters just nearby. He squinted as if he wasn't seeing things right, but then baby blues widened when he realized what he was looking at.

    With every flash of lightning, the silhouette of something massive appeared in the water. Its skin was covered in barnacles, and its several legs floated around aimlessly. It's tiny eyes glowed with a dangerous, magical light, and its voice gurgled as if it were growling. The mana it was radiating was greater than Doppo's, and it was likely the caster of this storm.

    It was a Kraken.

    || Word Count: 1602 || Thread WC: 2,394 (personal) || WC Needed 1500 || Job Approval ||
    Enemies: Giant Fish, Kraken


    Yoruen Jinryu
    Yoruen Jinryu

    Lineage : Kirin's Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 275
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25,112

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Yoruen's Wind Blade Style
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    In Progress Re: [Dungeon!] A Perfect Storm (Doppo/Tor)

    Post by Yoruen Jinryu 9th February 2021, 1:39 am

    The wings on Tor’s back began to dim slightly as he zipped through here and there in the air. He held a blade in his right hand, strands of lightning coursing through the blade. If one looked clearly, there were two different colors to the lightning along the blade, one being Tor’s own golden lightning while the other was the natural lightning. His hand was shaking slightly despite the strong grip on his sword. Even as a user of lightning magic, Tor was beginning to feel the aftereffects of frequently pitting himself against the lightning strikes. Originally, he had been using his spells and bare hands to intercept the falling bolts of lightning, but he had overestimated himself, thus relying on his sword.

    There was no break for Tor to take as the next bolt descended. With a sigh, Tor flashed forward with his wings of lightning. His own lightning poured into the blade, and Tor swung it but he miscalculated. Or had the bolt moved? Either way, instead of dispersing the lightning bolt, Tor found himself struck squarely in the chest by the bolt of lightning. The sudden strike stunned him and short-circuited him as his wings of lightning suddenly disappeared, the source of magic power disrupted. Vertigo caught Tor as he descended in a free fall for a few minutes before he regained his senses and forcefully activated his wings once more. However, this time, the wings that appeared was dark purple and resembled a dragon’s, opening wide to catch the air beneath it before finally stabilizing.

    Exhaustion swept over him as quickly as the rain. Tor had to admit that he had overestimated himself and overexerted himself in doing so. He had never thought he would be able to take on the storm by itself, but he expected himself to last longer. With a heavy sigh of disappointed, he began flying downwards, pulling in his wings a little closer to his body as he dropped in a slow and controlled dive downwards.

    Midway, another figure flew past him towards the clouds. A quick glance showed him that it was the Major General. He had probably emerged from his cabin after Tor had gone off. He was curious to see what the Major General would do and how he would handle the storm, but he was wary. He needed to rest, or else another unlucky shot with the lightning would straight up send him plummeting back down the to ship.

    The ascent and descent of Major General Suzuki was abrupt. When Tor finally touched the deck, the Major General had also dropped back down. The firmness in his voice as he commanded for everyone to reinforce the ethernano barriers was heard through the storm of growling thunder and roaring waves and every single Rune Knight heeded it, Tor included.

    But their situation changed with every passing second. Everything happened in a flash. A giant fish burst out of the sea, over the ship, grabbed the Lieutenant Colonel in his mouth and dove back into the sea. The Major General dove right after it into the sea, to everyone’s shock, rooting them to the spot. The giant fish was merely the vanguard and catching the Lieutenant General had been luck because after this first one, it was the others’ turn. Aside from having to cope with the lightning, every single ship had to cope with the second wave of attacks. Fishes of various sizes and shapes were propelling themselves out of the choppy waters.

    There were not many that could match the giant fish that had leapt out the water to attack the Lieutenant General earlier, but they still posed a threat. The ones larger in size would try and knock the Rune Knights off the ship with their size and weight, their efforts made even easier by the wet floorboards beneath them that were already failing to provide a proper foothold for them. The smaller ones would lunge around beneath the waves, ready to attack anyone of them that were unlucky enough to be swept off board. Every once in awhile a small one would fly out of the water like a crazed demon and try to bite off a chunk of flesh before dropping to the deck.

    After he had rested enough, Tor began to rush out onto the deck to assist his fellow colleagues against the attacks. However, the moment he stepped out into the open, all he got was a mouthful of sea water and an entire face of slimy scales before being thrown off his feet and sent flying towards the deck and only stopping when he hit the rails on the side. His sword slid across the floor after him, while the large serpentine fish that had knocked into had bounced off the deck and back into the ocean with a large and ungraceful splash.

    “Damn fish,” Tor grumbled as pulled himself off the ground, sheathing the sword into the scabbard strapped across his back. Holding onto the side of the ship until he could stabilize himself, the Rune Knight raised his hands high above his head. Massive amounts of lightning was gathering around his arms, forming two separate currents that gradually combined with a loud roar to take on the shape of a gigantic serpentine dragon. Another roar later, Tor controlled the lightning dragon to charge into the water.

    His plan?

    To send enough lightning into the water to electrocute the fishes, big and small, that were plaguing their ship. He doubted his lightning would be conducted all the way to the other ships, but as long as he could help with the flagship, he was confident that the top brass would have the respite that they need to plan for the current crisis.

    The only problem?

    Tor had no idea that the Major General was in the water. Although it probably wouldn’t hurt him that much.

    [985 words]
    [Personal WC: 2222]


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