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    Dreamin' of a White Christmas

    Maebh Holt
    Maebh Holt

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    Dreamin' of a White Christmas Empty Dreamin' of a White Christmas

    Post by Maebh Holt 6th December 2020, 7:35 pm

    Dreamin' of a White Christmas Snowmaebh

    The faux cottage was filled with the warmth of the crackling fireplace, heating up the shivering bottoms of all that came, greeting visitors with the smell of complimentary chocolate chip cookies and milk. To complete the pristine picture of the holidays there was a towering, freshly cut tree, smelling of pine; primly dressed in ornaments from top to bottom, and in its great shadow was a plentiful batch of Christmas presents for the good little boys and girls.

    From the corner of the homey room of very few plush seats; one of which she was sitting on, legs humbly crossed and demeanor admirably polite, per the usual, her ponytail was as high up on her head as her spirits, Maebh Aoife Holt could just bite the cheeks of the swarming children and eat up the excitement they brought her, for their happiness seemed to match hers ever so perfectly.

    Now and then her eyes would widen quite clearly and she would bounce up and down in her chair just a bit when she thought anyone touched certain, very specific presents because a lot of the gifts that they saw were actually from her. To clarify further on that small factor, she had used whatever tips she had accumulated for this year to contribute to the festivities and ensure a full tree for strangers she would never truly get to know. But she was more than happy to remain anonymous and did not crave the attention or the credit, not when the gratitude was already evident and more than enough.

    “What’d you get from dear ol’ Santy, now?” she could not keep herself from asking one of the more talkative bunch as she slid from the chair to the floor just so she could sit beside the tiny girl with pigtails. In light conversation came a carefully wrapped present that was covered in yellow and red, given to her by the young stranger, and making her think as to how she really shouldn’t, that she was the provider, not the receiver, and many silent objections more came along.

    There was a light-hearted sigh of defeat when she realized denying any person a chance at giving was a lot ruder than accepting and so she did the right thing, secretly curious as to what the contents of it were. She hadn’t wrapped this one herself so it really was a surprise of a treat for the stout woman! And as cheerfully as she took it into her arms, she started to feel a scintilla of guilt for being just as excited as the little girl that handed it over. She could feel eyes on her and she slowly averted her gaze to the floor, abashed, before readying the box for a light shake. It was part of the game, after all.

    “No matter what it is,” she assured sweetly, “I kno’ I’ll be sure to like it.

    WC: 485

    Last edited by Maebh Holt on 6th December 2020, 7:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Maebh Holt
    Maebh Holt

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    Dreamin' of a White Christmas Empty Re: Dreamin' of a White Christmas

    Post by Maebh Holt 6th December 2020, 7:39 pm


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    Dreamin' of a White Christmas Empty Re: Dreamin' of a White Christmas

    Post by NPC 6th December 2020, 7:39 pm

    The member 'Maebh Holt' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Dreamin' of a White Christmas Empty Re: Dreamin' of a White Christmas

    Post by Eli 7th December 2020, 9:50 am

    Dreamin' of a White Christmas VTIU17J
    She was here.

    Arthur Benjamin Kingsley Holt was usually a composed man, lively and friendly but able to contain himself nonetheless. He rarely found himself flustered these days, little was able to surprise or unnerve. But today, today was a day that the man would feel a pressing anxiousness in his veins. Because finally, after what had been many months, he would be reunited with one of his children. He could barely contain his anticipation. His master wasn't prone to random acts of cruelty towards his slave, his punishments were often relatively justified. But still, Benji would do his best not to show how jovially he felt, not wanting to antagonise the man to the point of causing him to change his mind. If Benji knew anything about his sire, it was that matters of the family were something he was quite sensitive to. However much to the ex-pirate's fortune, for whatever reason, his master had permitted him to attend the Christmas Festival and spend time with his daughter. A surprise that had yet to be unveiled to Maebh, who was somewhere in this place - yet to be found.

    The trio that was Benji, Aries and Elijah would walk through the streets of Crocus - Aries disguised in his human form. It was almost otherworldly to be in such a place with the three of them, surrounded by a Christmas based festival. As far as Benji knew, his master hated any human traditions of celebration: Christmas, Halloween, even Easter. He couldn't stand it and rarely ventured out of the Castle during such times. However, for some reason, he had permitted them this year to visit this festival and for Benji to see his daughter Maebh. There had to be an ulterior motive, Benji was sure of that, and yet he didn't ask. Because frankly if the sailing was smooth, then there was no need to rock the boat.

    As they ventured further into town, Elijah would stop suddenly.  "I will take my leave of you now, when I am ready to go I will return to you both. You have two hours, don't waste them." He instructed firmly, before turning and leaving the pair of them alone. There was the briefest merging of crowds and like a ghost, as they parted, he was gone. Benji exhaled in relief, the tension already leaving his shoulders. His excitement in seeing Maebh had been dampened by the possibility of her having to deal with his master, Benji was well aware of his daughter's feelings toward the cold man. To avoid such an encounter was almost a gift in itself.

    Aries turned his gaze away from where his master had left them to Benji,  "Are you ready Arthur?" He would ask, to which Benji would look at him, an excited smirk peeking out from under his moustache, the warm of his smile reaching his eyes. "Aye, I believe I am." He answered, before setting off once more in search for his daughter.

    Elijah St Clough

    As I make my way inside of the jail, he smiles at me ever so sweetly,
    & sends to me on route to my cell, welcome to hell

    WC: 500 Event WC: 985 / 4000
    Tag: @Maebh Holt

    "Elijah" | "Benji" | "Aries"


    Maebh Holt
    Maebh Holt

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    Dreamin' of a White Christmas Empty Re: Dreamin' of a White Christmas

    Post by Maebh Holt 8th December 2020, 9:20 pm

    Dreamin' of a White Christmas Snowmaebh

    "It is on the light side, soft to the touch, I would suppose, the best things always come in wee packages," said Maebh thoughtfully. "You could even say it’s fluffy! Could it be a scarf?”

    Wearing a beige sweater and some cozy snow pants of the same color, the box she tore apart revealed a matching scarf of a more faded red. After a pause, she stretched it out gently before her and wrapped it about her neck. “What a gem of a gift. That’s proper mint, that is! I’ve been wanting a little something extra to warm myself with all day! I do believe he and the little people granted my wish just right. Oh, I can’t thank you enough, Santy. I’ll love it forever.” Maebh, not wanting to ruin it for the kids that believed in the jolly man in red, thought it wise to address the giver by another name, a more magical name so as to keep the Christmas spirit alive.

    The wind brought in some snow from the skies, and the nippy cold bit her nose, what with the door wide open for her to see, inspired her to move away from the fireplace for some fun elsewhere like that one tree-decorating contest.

    Speaking of, a few trees started to glow up thanks to the string of lights and elaborate Christmas ornaments, and like an aimless wanderer she almost floated past them with silent admiration. She felt as if he could hear the bells clinking from the branches, the voices of the choir folk filling her heart with song and wondered if she was just being corny.

    She could not help herself to touching the prickly ends, the scent of pine overwhelmingly glorious to her nose. Maebh knew she couldn’t linger too long, not wanting to distract the hardworking artists from their very important tasks, so she decided it was best to make like a hummingbird and find the next flower to interest her.

    She flitted over to the carolers and just watched them, purely awed by the sight. They looked rather stunning with their puffy earmuffs and fuzzy apparel, that she wished she could have had the time to be part of something so wonderful. Then again, she hardly knew if she could sing or not. She never really tried it out for herself, to be honest.

    "I’ll be home for Christmas," sounded the angelic crooners; "you can count on me. Please have snow and mistletoe and presents by the tree.”

    She silenced her thoughts, and becoming quieter, fiddled with the tail of the scarf that settled between her thick mittens and smiled with tears in her eyes. She most definitely wore her heart on her sleeve and didn’t bother to stop the embarrassing redness that consumed her face like a wildfire, not daring to move or speak until she could at least swallow the terrible knot forming in her throat. "I am quite proud of my pa’ and my brothers," she said to no one, gazing intently at their heart-felt performance, a tune both sad and true, "and no Christmas ditty can make me bawl quite so much like this one.”

    “Christmas Eve will find me; where the love light gleams. I’ll be home for Christmas if only in my dreams!” Sang the choir, sounding less and less human by the minute and seeming almost spiritual and too perfect for words.

    “Especially that last part,” she almost wailed, her blubbering caused a person more to cringe or two, and even one moved away to give her some space. “It’s as though there is no guarantee they’ll be comin’ home to the missus! They can only dream about it. Innit just awful?”

    The small few that heard her ramble on about it were thankful to find a change of tune. The musical folk had decided to move onto something a little less dreary, which was the pick-me-up she was hoping for. But she wouldn’t stick around to hear the rest of the ever popular ‘White Christmas’, for she really wanted to take part in the ugly Christmas sweater contest.

    Speaking of ugly sweaters, she overheard the competitors tell their rivals that they wanted to give their creations away to a loved one and then surprise them with the fact it was homemade. It seemed to her that the idea was truly brilliant as she found herself wanting to make two for the twins to wear as well.

    She smiled at the mental image of the boys. She imagined they would wear it to appease her and then frown with noticeable discomfort whenever she turned away to do something other than dote on their brand new style. She used pure imagination to assume their reaction, so it might have not been the most accurate. She stopped mulling over it for a second, and was suddenly aware of one small troubling factor. They would only allow a sweater per person, not two. But now she also wanted to make three because of Ma’ too. What a pickle of a situation!

    As she left the warm haven, where the event took place, Maebh weaved through the snow and looked round the night and the blankets of white. Her eye fell on a pair in the distance, two fairly tall men heavily bordering somewhere on familiar, a reason to cease all activity. Yes, that would be enough to do away with her on-the-move attitude. Their figures had perhaps served as a fair resemblance to something or someone pleasant from her past. Now it was too hard to tell what it was that triggered that stillness for her, made worse by the distance itself—something told her to come closer and yet she feared being disappointed.

    What the fire was to the moth, she walked in their same direction. Her eyes would adjust to their forms and the clearer they were to her; the faster and longer her strides became. The duo would find a ball of warmth hurtling towards them with no signs of stopping. And yet her faint cries would still get louder and louder. It was like witnessing the calm before the storm, only under these circumstances it might have been more welcomed.

    Once she was within close proximity of a hug she jumped, and for a moment lost most of her sanity as she sprinted away from them at full speed screaming her head off, the true vision of shock and surprise all over her face. Accidentally running into a snowman was all it took to get her to see, to really understand that what she was envisioning was very real. They weren’t phantoms, they were the genuine article. She didn’t know whether to apologize to the fine family that built it, or indulge in the source of all her happiness tonight.

    “Pa’! Mr. Aries! I hadn’t the foggiest idea I’d be running into you like this, or the poor snowman for that matter.” After a bit of flailing she was rushing back to them with eyes of glass. She bit down on her bottom lip to repress all the ugly-sounding sobs that threatened to pour from her lips, not unlike projectile vomit. She tackled her father like a football player on steroids, the strength of her hug quite gruesome. “I’m so very happy; I could cry you and Mr. Aries a grand ocean to swim in.”

    As for the other treasure of her heart, the respectable Sir Aries, she wasn’t forgetful of his presence as she was sorely convinced she could hug them both at the same time. And so she tried, stretching out her one pitiful arm to try to reel him into her rather full embrace.

    She just had to release her father first. But what if she wanted to hug them both at the same time?

    WC: 1304


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
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    Dreamin' of a White Christmas Empty Re: Dreamin' of a White Christmas

    Post by Eli 16th December 2020, 9:37 pm

    Dreamin' of a White Christmas VTIU17J

    The pair would wander the festival, eyes darting from face to face in search for one in particular; Her sweet features, those Bambi eyes and brown locks. Somewhere in this crowd, she was here, all throughout their search Benji could feel his anxiousness growing. The longer it took to find her, the less time he would get to spend with his daughter. His face was growing sourer by the minute, frustrated and desperate until finally...

    "Arthur." Aries said simply, it was just his name but it was enough, enough to tell Benji he'd found her. He spun toward his comrade, following his gaze to where she was, across the crowd looking at them. His chest felt tight, his stomach would flutter would relief and nerves as he took sight of her - his babygirl.

    His feet moved before he could even register that they were, pacing the snowy earth beneath him, speeding up quickly, until he was sprinting with her. Laughing at the sight of his screaming daughter as she plowed until a nearby snowman, it took everything in him not to shed a tear of joy. It had been what... four months, perhaps five? But suddenly the wait felt barely worth it, just for this moment. As her small frame smashed in his with monstrous force, he caught her with ease, fully prepared for the hit. He scooped her into a bear hug, squeezing her as he briefly lifted her off the ground. Still chuckling, at this moment, he could imagine no better feeling. To hold his daughter one again, the precious thing that she was. No amount of words could explain the love he had for this child, how he would move mountains to protect her, upturn cities to make her smile, burn down worlds to destroy anything that made her sad. It didn't matter the consequence, she was his daughter and that was reason enough. "Ahh, my darling girl, how I've missed you." He cooed warmly, not wanting to let go just yet.

    Eventually, after the well-needed hug had ran enough course of time, Benji let go of her. Composing himself enough so that the tears wouldn't fall as they threatened to. "Aye try not to, mind if yas cry I might not be able to stop meself. Don't reckon the festival-goers fancy a flood ya know," He told her with a soft laugh, taking in the sight of her, was it possible that she had grown more beautiful? "So bonnie, everytime I see ya you seem less like me babs and more like a woman." He huffed proudly, during which Aries would smile politely to the side of them.

    "Good to see you Maebh, you are looking well,"

    Meanwhile, in another location of the festival...

    Elijah would stand amidst the snowy grounds of the Christmas Event, bodies bustling around him casually, ignorant to him. He would only be noticed if he wanted to be noticed. Blending in despite his curious kimono was easy with abilities such as his. He was hyper-aware of the humanity around him, the life that flood through them - through their veins. Walking bottles of liquid gold they were, and deep down he could feel the beast within, itching for a sip. He could not, however, quench such thirst, not here at least. He had more important issues and losing thousands of years of well-practised self-restraint wasn't something to be thrown away for a Christmas binge - Even if it was especially tempting just to shut up these jovial insects.

    He reached into his red robe, pulling out what would appear to be a magical scroll. His 'pathfinder' item, bringing it up he would peel it open. "Show me the path I seek," He called out to it, the lines of the map will glow with teal-blue light, and it would trace a picture before him. The once blank parchment showing him the Capital city that was Crocus, a little dot on the map seemed to be glowing particularly bright, moving in his direction. It seemed that the target was seeking him, how ideal not to have to chase it down.

    "Come, Matar'Zuk the Afflicted, Come Xanusia." He commanded, and so the air would begin to churn around him. As pulled from the private chambers of his home on Tìr Nan Dubhar, his  servants would manifest beside him. Matar'zuk was a strange creature indeed, with its body made entirely of wings, a large singular eye in its centre with blue ethereal flame coming off to it. Terrifying to look upon, yet no one could see them right now. A simple concealment spell made it so, the humans would, however, pick up on strange energy. They would feel unease as they walked past the group and an inkling of fear that they could not explain. Not utterly surprisingly, when strolling past a vampire, a gorgon and a creature of old. Xanusia would wrap her arms around herself, her babies clinging to her scalp hissing sadly at the sudden cold that had been thrust upon them. Aside from the snakelings that protruded from her crown, Xanisua took the form of a beautiful woman. At present her eyes were covered with a bandage, protecting the world from her hypnotic deadly eyes.

    "How can I serve you, M-my lord." She said, trying not to stutter from the chill that was clearly affecting her. Elijah eyed her for a moment, silently considering this. Perhaps it would have been better to call upon the Nagl'yig, but he would have preferred not to if he could help it. That parasite around so many humans would be more difficult to control, Xanusia was a more obedient pet and thus easier to command. Making a decision, Elijah would wave his fingers, taking away the cold air around her and replacing it was a more comfortable heat. She visibly relaxed, as did her snakes, uncurling happily and bouncing around their hostess with relief. "Thank you, master, you are most benevolent." She told him gratefully, bowing her head. Elijah said nothing to this, instead choosing to return his attention back to the map, the creature was getting closer now. In fact, they would be arriving at any moment...

    "Elijah St Clough..."

    It was presented in the voice of a young female, calling out to him. He knew it would come, these spirits would flock to an undead such as himself. Like flies to honey. He tucked away the scroll he was holding, looking up at the youthful-looking ghost that floated before him. This wasn't the one he wanted to speak to, one of the troublesome underlings. Calling out to his pet, with a single ultimate demand.

    "Get rid of her."

    Elijah St Clough

    As I make my way inside of the jail, he smiles at me ever so sweetly,
    & sends to me on route to my cell, welcome to hell

    WC: 1118 Event WC: 3407 / 4000
    Tag: @Maebh Holt

    "Elijah" | "Benji" | "Aries"


    Maebh Holt
    Maebh Holt

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    Dreamin' of a White Christmas Empty Re: Dreamin' of a White Christmas

    Post by Maebh Holt 1st January 2021, 1:19 pm

    Dreamin' of a White Christmas Snowmaebh

    `It would be most unfair to them,' said his clingy adult-child. `for us to ruin the party that way.”  

    With a seamless sob she burrowed deeper into his arms, and, rubbing her cheek against his chest, listened to the low rumbling of his voice, and pressed kisses wherever she could, for she was blinded by the big fat tears rolling down her red cheeks.  After an embarrassing hiccup, she blamed it on her excitement and squeezed a few extra droplets from her eyes without meaning to. A sniffle here and a sniffle there, she found words to use again, “Just brilliant!” Was all she could manage before she contrived to recollect herself again, maintaining that watery smile and general warmth. “Who put you up to this? Was it Ma? The boys? How did you know I would be here? You must fill me in, Pa.”

    A laugh broke from her lips, and her gloved fingers began to play with a lock of hair as she averted her gaze to another friendly face. She smiled and admired the blonde just for a second longer more. He was always so handsome and cordial that she couldn’t help but eat up the unintentional flattery. He said she looked well! Oh, huh, gorsh, golly. “Do you really think so now? You’re looking rather well yourself, Mr. Aries. You haven’t aged a bit. In fact, neither of you have.” Then an excellent idea smacked her in the face before she could linger too long on that oddity. “It’s brass monkeys outside, we should go somewhere warmer. Yes, I know! Forget the ugly sweater contest! We should all go home together.”

    She gasped and looked to her father for attention when she sought to inform him of something she thought wonderful and her excitement became very clear. “I’ve been accepted into Melora Vitae. It’s more than I imagined it would be. I’m still getting to know everyone there and so far they’re the nicest lot I’ve ever met. I’m still learning the ropes so stay tuned for more on that. Oh, yes. I came across two fish, right? And they’re absolutely massi-” she continued on and on and on until a face flashed into her mind and brought her back to earth - crashing and exploding in a heap of chills and shivers.

    “Say, why haven’t I seen your other,” she struggled to mention this amicably, “c-charming friend?” If they knew her well, then they would have noted her overall unease as she took a bag of traveling powder out from the pocket of her sweater. She was ready to vanish with them and leave the scary man behind if she had to. Maebh was an utter coward when it came to the stone-faced grump. Her teeth chattered visibly; not for reasons of the cold but for the fear she felt just thinking of him.

    WC: 478/2267


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
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    Posts : 63
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    Dreamin' of a White Christmas Empty Re: Dreamin' of a White Christmas

    Post by Eli 5th January 2021, 9:05 pm

    Dreamin' of a White Christmas VTIU17J
    Despite his attempt at trying not to cry, a few droplets would manage to break free from his tear ducts -  brushed away as quickly as they escaped. He just couldn't help it, it was his baby girl, he felt almost overwhelmed with emotion. It was harder now, knowing that he couldn't see her of his own accord, before he could at least visit when he deemed it. But now it was so much more difficult, knowing that his relationship with his own children was completely monopolized by someone else. A broody fucker with more familial skeletons than a cemetery no less. There was also that strange mystical effect having kids had on you, that despite how much of a tough, soldier you were, somehow they softened you up.

    "Aye, I spoke to your Ma and she told me you'd be here," He confirmed, after learning that they would be attending the event. He had conveniently spoken to his ex-wife to ensure that their dates someone ended up lining up. It was just a shame that the boys weren't here also, he missed his sons dearly. "So how the bloody hell are ya? How are the twins? Up to the same trouble I'm sure," He said with a chuckle, thinking about the deviant manner in which Finnlei and Rory went about themselves. Always getting in trouble, a chaotic pair, despite Finn's maturity. They definitely took after him in his younger days of manhood, that was for sure.

    Aries would smile politely at the exchange, unlike the pair before him, his emotions remained mostly the same. Yet he did feel a semblance of pleasantness at the sight of Arthur's joy, the pirate captain was an interesting vessel of how fatherhood influences the stigmas of masculinity. It was fascinating the bond of family, how desperately it drove humans, how it moulded them. And admittedly, not that he would call them subjects, but he had two interesting variants that he spent his time with. Ones he could observe and analyse freely, you have Arthur here. A strong warrior, capable leader, fearsome fighter, and yet the disposition he displayed around his family was so doting. Unafraid to show his children affection, to 'wear his heart on his sleeve' as the humans put it. He did not consider this love to be a weakness but a strength and he invested in it proudly with the care and patience. And then there was his master, also a father but much more complicated. Aries had never witnessed Elijah's interaction with his own children, but to think of them did not bring the same warmth as he witnessed in Arthur, but rather sadness and longing. Pain hidden under layers and layers of rage and anger. Those were deep wounds carved by betrayal and abandonment.

    Still now wasn't the time for such thoughts, now was the time for accompanying Arthur and his daughter around this festive event. Upon receiving the reciprocation of her compliment, Aries would place his hand over his chest and bow his head slightly in thanks, before glancing over at Arthur thoughtfully. Would it be too noticeable to add a few frown lines to his own human façade when she wasn't looking? Perhaps, he would have to make a note to make his human appearance look aged as time went by. This would however only resolve himself, for a fake human skin was one thing to manipulate. But a human bound in a contract of slavery to a vampire... now that was a little more complex. Some grey hair dye perhaps? Humans were often fond of changing their hair to various colours, it shouldn't be too difficult to figure out such a process. It was a matter to be had during a later discussion to with his master, although he doubted his sire would care very much. "Why thank you Maebh, it is good to know that I do not look as old as I feel," He replied smoothly, using a typical phrase that an aged human might reply with.

    Her suggestion to go home caused Benji's smile to falter slightly, he glanced away briefly, unable to hide the tension in his features. He wanted nothing more than to head home, to sit by the fire in their family room, to gather round each other with some warm mulled wine as he listened to the wild and wonderful tales of his family. But he couldn't, he knew this and it caused a deep ache to know that he would have to let her down so soon in their reunion. Aries was watching his face carefully during this, and so would speak up. "Forgive me Maebh, but we cannot today. I'm afraid, I need your father's assistance with some business later, in face we only have around two hours to spare." He told her, his tone apologetic, and although Benji's face remained the same. Inside he was grateful that the Leshen had chosen to be the bearer of bad news, sparing him the pain of disappointing her himself.

    It was at this point Benji spoke up, wanting to quickly lighten the mood once more. "So let's make the most of it eh?! I wouldn't mind a jumper meself, granted that you made it. What ya reckon Doc? Fancy some craftin'?" He said, wrapping his arm around his daughter and steering her toward the stall. He would sit down at the bench, much to his pleasure they had heaters under the seats to warm you up at bit. Making the experience of making jumpers in the cold and little more cosy. He listened to her babble on, ever keen to hear the tales she had to share. When she stopped, only to ask where Elijah was, Benji was reminded of her discomfort. His master made her uncomfortable, not just her, but all his children. It was no surprise, he didn't really try to come across as anything less than aloof and sinister. "He's about, got a meeting with a client though so we won't see him until we have to leave," Benji tried to brush over it in a casual manner, hoping this might ease her. There was no point lying to her, it was very likely she would see him today. But it would be brief and knowing that it would be quick would hopefully relieve her anxiousness.

    "Melora Vitay eh? That's grande that, glad ye making friends." He commented, pulling back his sleeve, he would turn his wrist to the sky, showing her the wolf emblem marking his skin. "We've not long joined a faction ourselves, need their help with some of our work. Nice lot there an' all, I gotta tell ya bout this one lad. Theo, his name was, funny fella. We walked in't place and he was dancing around in a bloody pink belly dancers dress, never seen nothing like it! Coulda given' im a pole and earned a pretty penny, the way he was wiggling ye shoulda seen!" He told her with a chortle, grabbing some red wool and trying to look at the instructions. Glancing over at Aries, he was surprised to see that he was already well on his way, several stitches in, since when did the Leshen know how to knit? It wasn't long before he was already finished with his, a nice green jumper with snowflake patterned onto it. Arthur however was trying to balance learning to make a jumper with catching up with his daughter, not an easy task it would seem, but he found himself enjoying it regardless.

    Meanwhile, in another location of the festival...

    Elijah looked on as his servants had set about tackling the little girl ghost, it seemed she was attempt to manifest some kind of disturbing past for him. However, dligient as they were, she would not be permitted the chance. Xanusia had taken off the covering over her eyes, and was now looking upon the girl with her lethal gaze. Unlike most Gorgons, turning one to stone was particularly difficult for Xanusia, and even harder to use on a ghost. But magic was still magic, and despite not being able to petrify him, the sinister beams of dark magic that shot forth from her gaze was still enough to wound the ghost girl. Giving Matar'Zuk ample opportunity to come forth and finish the girl off. Moving close enough into the girls space, the Old one would emit a terrifying shriek. An inhuman sound that would release a dark wave of madness around itself. The fog spreading outward until it engulfed the little ghost girl, who was unable to manifest any illusions of ice to fend them off. When the fog faded, the ghost was gone, bested by its cosmic power.

    Next would come the ghost of Present, the one he really wanted to meet. She arrived on a skeletal horse, bearing an appearance that resembled an older version of past. Elijah raised his palm, indicting that he servants not attack. She rode forth, creating icicle weapons to attack him with. As they attempting to get close however, both Xanusia and  Matar'Zuk would use the magic tied their eyes to shoot them, causing them to burst into fragments of snowy dust. "Come Present, fighting me is fickle. Your here for the purpose of causing torment on Chrismas as your summoners behest. And we both not the sight of whom would cause the greatest pain to myself, so hurry up show them to me. Torment me with your dark power!" He ordered, his words causing the ghost to frown in confusion. Surely enough, she was not used to her victims wanting to witness her power, quite the opposite in fact. Still, she would begin to manifest ice statues of those who were currently suffering at his hand, and surely enough he saw them. His eyes growing wide at her looked upon their faces, a rare softness appearing around his eyes. For a moment he was lost, lost in the sight of them, before he collected himself.

    "Good. But the image of them alone is not enough, you can see them through me. Now show me their surroundings!"" He ordered firmly, he needed more information, and she could provide it. His servants moved in closer, their present a reminder of the threat. Present eyed him for a moment, realisation dawning on her face. "I see, you wish to learn of their location." She said to him, considering this for a moment. "And why should I show you?"

    "Because if you don't, my servants will destroy you. And they shall do so slowly, painfully and without mercy." He told her, his tone menacing, he could feel his anger rising. She seemed to ponder this for a moment, "Very we-" Because she could finish, she would freeze, horror forming on her own face and she began to decay. Her body turning into ash before their very eyes. "NO!"  Elijah roared, but it was too late, she was gone and behind her stood the shadowy cloaked figure of the last ghost - Future. His Servants descended on the last ghost quickly, trying to undo what it had done by killing it quickly. But even as the power of their gazes eliminated her, her goal to kill Present before she could aid him had already been met. Elijah's fists would clench, his jaw tight as his body shook. He had been so close.

    "Bah Humbug! This Christmas can't be made jolly, by giving you a present now can it." Said a nearby voice in a gruff tone. Ah there he was, Scrooge. Elijah's eyes turned to him, his dark gaze shifting into gold as he could feel the change influencing him. His emotions were really getting out of control now, "If you don't want to suffer Old Man, you will bring back Present and show me what it is I seek." He growled, turning toward the fellow. He began to approach him, in his left hand a weapon would manifest, much like a gun, except vintage in nature and fitted with all sorts of random dials. As he got close, he raised the gun toward the man. "Suffering is my game son, you don't scare me!"

    A sinister grin would stretch across Elijah's face, his teeth would begin to morph, canines elongating into sharp fangs. "Well, we'll just have to change that won't we?" And so his descended on the man, enshrouding them both in a dark shell closed off from the world. Allowing Elijah to truly be himself without concern for witness. Breaking him didn't take very long, and moments latter the air would be filled with Scrooge's horrified screams. So terrified that he couldn't get his summons to come to his aid, they had deserted him and with that he was no longer useful to Elijah. The was a single shot from Elijah's Tesla Pump gun, and as the darkness dissipated, before him lay Scrooge's body. Elijah sighed in frustration, the gun disappearing once more, he turned to his subject. His expression surprisingly calm considering he hadn't gotten the information he had hoped for, he had however learned one thing. One very important thing.

    His lost children were still alive.

    Elijah St Clough

    As I make my way inside of the jail, he smiles at me ever so sweetly,
    & sends to me on route to my cell, welcome to hell

    WC: 2200 Event WC: 6085 / 4000 [2085 Excess, 1000 Words submitted for B Rank Exam, New Total 1085]
    Tag: @Maebh Holt Event Tasks: Guess the Gift, Ugly Sweater done [5/5 Peppermints] , Ghost of Christmas Past, Present and Future & Scrooge Defeated.

    "Elijah" | "Benji" | "Aries"


      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 10:51 pm