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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 559
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Igneel (Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Sukiro 8th August 2013, 2:29 pm

    Job Sheet:


    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] 1075957MagicThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] 1075957Pet/Exceed

    Missions in Progress: 2 B rank | 2 A rank | 1 S rank
    EXP: 4313/337500

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 559
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Igneel (Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Sukiro 8th August 2013, 3:05 pm


    Walking through a deserted and rocky path upward into the rocky mountains she was heading toward a well known village that had settled themselves within the mountains, for reasons of their own, be it the advantage of being able to see far across the land or the extra protection given by the tall mountains that formed upward into the sky as if drawn into the sky's freedom of always moving. Mari herself was headed toward this same village for the sake of helping a poor tavern owner who's been driven crazy by these hooligans that continue to pester him and his tavern. Trying to steal his beer along with his very own creation of the brew that caught to their liking and try again and again to steal it. Though with all their failed attempts they seem to be getting closer to their goal and today might be the day they do it, that is without their help anyway.

    Mari had decided to take the job and help out the poor tavern owner along with the aid of one of her fellow guild members within Fairy Tail. The renowned Fairy Tail mage along with a fellow Dragon Slayer Heero had agreed to help her with this little job. Though they had decided that they'd head their own ways into the village itself as such Mari had decided to take the long road and walk toward the village, but she did wonder how he would arrive there and hopefully they'd be able to regroup easily when they did. The path she was taking was suddenly taking a steep toll making it a bit hard her to climb before she took a quick dash trying to rush the rest of the way up before pushing herself forward and grabbing the top of the path with her hand and thrusted herself upward onto the flat top of the path. Dusting off her hands she looked forward to find herself in a position above the village itself, and was given the ability to look over the whole village.

    "Hmpf, this is one great view. I should head down and start finding this tavern."

    She said before throwing herself forward and dashing toward the entrance of the mountain village, throwing small pebbles and dust behind her with every step that crushed the sand and stone beneath her feet. Her hair flew against the wind along with her over coat that flapped against the wind as she ran. Not before long was she at the large entrance of the village with pedestrians walking into and out of the village one after the other. As she took two steps into the village, she placed her hands on her hips thinking about what to do next, either find the tavern or find or wait for Heero.

    Mari Windsor




    Made by AERON of BTN!



    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] 1075957MagicThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] 1075957Pet/Exceed

    Missions in Progress: 2 B rank | 2 A rank | 1 S rank
    EXP: 4313/337500

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Haru-senpai 9th August 2013, 3:45 pm

    The wind roared and whipped around Heero; who would go flying past the camera from a sideways point of view; carried by a familiar orange cat; with white wings expanded wide. A wind like vortex would 'swoosh', past the camera; as it would readjust to a view in front of the two.

    "It's been awhile since we've been up here, Heero! Last time these was that crazy flood!" Garfield quipped; looking down at Heero as he flew, with a nod; Heero recalled that Job, it had been awhile ago like Garfield had said. Heero looked down as he held the job sheet in his hands, looking over it; as a stupid expression built slowly on his face.

    "Hahahahaha, someone actually got addicted to beer? That's too good! Garfield have you read this?!" He recited the Job to his cat as they flew at break neck speeds; a Mountain Range becoming visible up ahead of them.

    "Aye! That's not so different from you and your food addiction!" Garfield quipped as they flew. Heero immediately got a sweatdrop over the back of his head; as comical anime lines appeared over his face.

    "B-beer is different, cat! You know nothing of it!" Heero barked back at him. They flew, and argued for about ten minutes; as the mountain range up ahead was now beneath them; as mountains seemed to pass and chop through their view quickly below them as they flew. Eventually; a large canyon would split apart the Mountain Range; and there would sit Mountain Village. Surrounded by a gigantic white, dam; with a wooden bridge leading into the town.

    Heero and Garfield pulled a circle, lap, through the skies over the village, looking downward amongst the people. A few pointed up and looked; others who remembered Heero waved upwards at him as he waved downward back to them whilst doing the lap. There were people sleeping in hammocks tied to trees; people socializing in the market place, and just about everything you'd expect. Some even fished off of the dam into the waters surrounding the village, leading up to Peace River.

    "There's Mari-chan!" Garfield quipped excitedly in his usual high pitched tone of voice. Heero looked down with a "!" spotting her easily with her blonde locks swooping down around her face and back; as well as her usual jacket and attire.

    Heero would swoop down through the skies as Garfield carried him, a loud 'thwwwip' of wind would be heard behind Mari as she stood with her hands on her hips; she'd beaten them there! A vortex of wind kicked up for a split second as Garfield stopped, and set Heero down.

    "Yo! Mari-chan!" he called out with a bright white smile, and closed eyes. Garfield flew over to Mari, and plopped down on top of her head. The orange Exceed swished it's tail back and forth as he looked down at her; orange paws resting on her blonde locks.

    "Aye! Mari-chan! You're too cute to be out on jobs like this!" Garfield quipped, sparkles flying off of him a bit as he flirted.

    "Yeah well, Mari's not so cute when she fights!" Heero crossed his arms, dignified comically as he walked up next to Mari; with Garfield on her head. "Anyway, let's mix in and mingle quickly, no need to stand at the front of town like we're unwelcome; they know me here." with a nod, they would set off into town, mixing with the townsfolk nicely; no one except the people who'd met Heero before would even know they were Wizards, although the Exceed riding on Mari's head could possibly be a dead giveaway. "Well, let's find the Tavern in question and hear what this Client has to tell us. *Growl*, also; I'm going to need some Tacos and possibly French Fries as well." Heero ended as he pat his refined six pack of abs underneath his blue wife beater. His stomach had just growled; which meant it was angry at him for not supplying it with what it wanted in his mind.


    × Bio
    × Magic

    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Rose


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 559
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Igneel (Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Sukiro 9th August 2013, 4:22 pm


    Mari with her hands placed upon her hips looking within every direction through the village but of course she wouldn't think of looking up like many of the villager had began to do. Turning and pointing toward the sky, was a silhouette of a large humanoid bird circling the village though as it turned the sun hit it more directly showing that it was no more the Heero flying around with his Exceed partner tugging onto his back allowing him to show the ability of flight if none knew. Coming down toward her, Heero shouted toward her direction and smiled that they finally had caught up with her. She waved in returned as his Exceed flew over toward her and landed onto her head.

    "Aye! Mari-chan! You're too cute to be out on jobs like this!"

    Mari let out a small smile as her pink lips glistened within the suns rays as she looked upwards toward Garfield raising her hand in the process. Patting his head, she ruffled his fur as Heero began to walk toward the two more closely.

    "Why thank you."

    She said in a happy yet confident tone as she began to turn her attention toward Heero who had arrived beside her only to cross his arms walking closer beside her.

    "Yeah well, Mari's not so cute when she fights!"

    She puffed her cheeks at what had come through his mouth, before turning her face away from him and toward deeper parts of the village. Not really taking offense to the words of which he spoke but more around the lines of what she can actually release that was withheld within her own body which is the real ugly part of her especially within a fight. Though without noticed Heero decided not to waste anymore time where they stood and actually find the tavern.

    "Alright then. Well we can ask around, for a disturbed tavern and from there we'll find it. Though I'd assumed that its more near the center of the village."

    Mari said making an educated guess of the situation as she wondered within the village walking beside Heero as others stared them down probably because they were mages and not many would cross through here on a day to day basis. After coming across a large group of villagers talking among one another Mari decided to walk up toward them and ask if they knew of anything. As she tried to speak with the villagers, Garfield's tail continued to swish back and forth before it began to tap Mari's head over and over. She grabbed the fur of the back of his neck and pulled him over her head and into her arms, to remove the continuous tapping. She bowed slightly toward the group before returning toward Heero's side with her new found information.

    "Alright so it seems that the tavern is more toward the east side of the village from the entrance."

    She said looking toward the east.

    Mari Windsor




    Made by AERON of BTN!



    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] 1075957MagicThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] 1075957Pet/Exceed

    Missions in Progress: 2 B rank | 2 A rank | 1 S rank
    EXP: 4313/337500

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Haru-senpai 12th August 2013, 8:54 am

    Heero yawned and stretched as he waited for Mari to come back. He placed his hands behind his head and looked up at the skies; beginning to daydream about Zeuslogia; his Dragon and how many days he and Heero had spent together in mountain regions such as this. At simple satisfied smile crossed Heero's face as he breathed in the mountain air through his nose.

    As Mari came back towards him holding Garfield in her arms; Heero smiled at them with a nod. Before he could ask, Mari told him the direction of their Bar in question. He wondered if they had any good food. Garfield sparkled at he sat himself inside of Mari's chest as Heero rolled his eyes and facepalmed.

    "Alright, let's go." Heero put his hands in his pockets and walked through town; he knew the way around here quite well actually from Jobs when he was a rookie at Fairy Tail himself. He crossed little drawbridges and passed through ways; a few houses with residents outfront cooking dinner for the night waived at him as he passed by. As a Wizard Saint; he had fame in a lot of populated areas. But Heero loved having a bit of love from the folks in areas such as this away from mainstream Fiore.

    As they began approaching the establishment in question; a group of Young Guys stepped in front of Heero and Mari, still holding Garfield.

    "Uh oh, trouble!" Garfield commented from her arms. Heero raised an eyebrow at the guys.

    "Haha, oh no way! We wouldn't dream of messing with, Heero or anyone who's buddies with him; we're from Mountain Village." the group smiled at them with a nod. "We're just here to tell ya to stay away from that place. These guys keep on attacking it; and they're wizards like you guys to boot! The owner is holed up in there; but he's only got a couple of people in there helping him keep it safe; but they're just traveling warriors and some bouncers!"

    "Best not to cause too much of a ruckus..." they got a sweatdrop over their heads, knowing Heero and Mari were going to go and join the fray anyway.


    × Bio
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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Rose


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 559
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Igneel (Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Sukiro 14th August 2013, 3:35 pm


    Returning back toward Heero it seemed he was ready to get up and going into the direction of the tavern along with Garfield in hand, scrunching up closer to Mari with every step with Heero smacking himself for some reason. Though she had to guess Garfield was more softer then he looked, as she caressed Garfield's head, it reminded her of her own little cat companion. Max is also from the Exceed race and has been with Mari for as long as she can remember though he is more serious then Garfield is. Her face slowly became more and more saddened remembering what happened even before the mission had begun.

    ~Few hours earlier~

    Within the town of magnolia closest to the exiting gate toward the eastern forest both Mari and Max were standing before one another with stern looks on their faces. From the looks of their surroundings it seemed that the pedestrians that walked before them tried to keep their distance probably because they saw them arguing or lashing out at one another. Max sudden;y crossed his arms before turning away from Mari's face, along with Mari looking down onto him with her hands upon her hips and her cheeks puffed in anger.

    "Come on Max. Its just one job!"

    Max just shrugged and huffed away with his eyes slowly looking away but still be able to see Mari and keep notice of where she stood, just in case she tried grabbing him.

    "Why must you pester me. I said no once and that should suffice for you to understand that I don't want to. You haven't grown up at all master."

    He said with a huff placing his hands down.

    "Its just one job though, it's up within the Mountain village and if things get tough I could really use your help."

    Mari continued to plea before Max began to walk away outward of the town without looking back as Mari just silently watched him walk away. She didn't want to force him into something he didn't want to do and she just decided to allow him to walk away, not wanting to ruin anything between them.


    Mari let out a large sigh before shaking her face's sadness away before placing a smile once again. Noticing that she was lacking in her pace with Heero she began to speed up and with the gang coming toward them, she just ignored them.

    "Lets continue onward Heero. We've taken it upon the job ourselves...As members of Fairy Tail."

    She said with a large grin on her face with her lips glistening within the suns rays. Placing an arm forward she along with Heero entered the tavern to notice that the whole place was empty, not a soul in site other then a large chubby man behind the counter, running in circles in worry and disappointment. She assumed that this was the man in charge of the tavern and from the looks of things the gang of thieves haven't arrived yet, which means they still have time to get something out of him before they arrive, maybe he has some info on what they are and what are their numbers, anything to turn the tied and make the job any easier would be helpful.

    Mari Windsor




    Made by AERON of BTN!



    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] 1075957MagicThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] 1075957Pet/Exceed

    Missions in Progress: 2 B rank | 2 A rank | 1 S rank
    EXP: 4313/337500

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Haru-senpai 15th August 2013, 9:59 am

    Heero walked behind Mari with his hands in his pockets; looking around the familiar village. It really was massive; taking up a gigantic valley between two pockets of Mountains; the village had an oriental theme styled feel too it, as the Buildings stretched everywhere in all directions.

    The villagers continued to look their way; whispering a few times as they made their way up to the Bar in question. As Mari pushed the door open; Heero didn't see....anyone, it was very quiet in side. One noise was all it took for the blue haired Slayer to fix his gaze on an older man; moving about the bar from behind it's counter with such frantic worry, that Heero had to say something.

    "....Hello?!" Heero quipped; as he hadn't noticed them. Comically, the man leaped up and hit some bottles behind him; they tumbled down with a crash as he wheeled around towards Mari and Heero; pointing a gun at the both of them.

    "Coming here unarmed?! Your bosses must have lost it!" Heero could tell it was a Magical Pistol; so he raised his hands and nodded towards the old plump bald man.

    "No---we're Fairy Tail Wizards, the one's who've written back to you about helping you with your problem; we're just here to do our Jobs!" Heero exclaimed. As he spoke, the old man lowered the pistol and put a hand to his face.

    "Apologies; the name is Arthur." he said as he pulled his hand away from his face. "I apologize; the Moonshiner Gang has been terrorizing me so much lately---I don't know when it's going to come next." by it Heero assumed he meant the attacks on his bar.

    Several other Bodyguards and Bouncers made their way out from the shadows, hiding one place or another, and filled the bar. Surrounding Mari, and Heero. They were however friendly, and had heard the entire conversation. After some introductions, one of them spoke up.

    "The Moonshiner Gang; they're a bunch of Drunken Gun Wizards, who are nicely skilled with Darkness Magics as well. Their leader...Gragas....he's a Juggernaut of a man."

    They went on to begin describing a man; who was about TEN feet tall; with huge muscles like a body builder. He wore a pair of farmer blue overalls, and always had a Cigar in his mouth; and higs gigantic Magical Shotgun onhand with him.

    "Aye, he's ten feet tall?!" Garfield asked in a perplexed manner from Mari's arms.


    × Bio
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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Rose


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 559
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Igneel (Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Sukiro 18th August 2013, 10:24 am


    Walking into the tavern along with heero and Garfield in hand, they began to walk toward the chubby man behind the counter. As he spun toward them quickly and hesitantly with a pistol within his grasp, Mari quickly placed an arm over Garfields face and placed her side more forward in case that he would attack. With Heero quickly came forward on the situation calming the taverns owner who began to lower his gun, putting Mari at ease and returning to a normal pose standing beside Heero. Arthur introduced himself along with his position which is the excuse for his high paranoia and hesitant nature from the Moonshiner gang that continuously strikes his tavern.

    "Hello Arthur, don't worry we're here to help. My name is Mari Windsor and this is Heero Reyold...Oh and this is Garfield."

    Mari began introducing her along with Heero and Garfield within her hands. With the sudden appearance of some armed men, both large and small those built as if a one man army while others took the more stealth approach keeping slim and fit only showing parts of their bodies through the shadows. Though after introducing themselves the guards found that they aren't really threats and seemed more.

    One of the guardsmen spoke up over the rest explaining that the Moonshiners were practitioners of darkness magic along with the users of guns. Along with their leader Gargas describing him as a juggernaut of a man, meaning very large and built, strong using his physical strength to his advantage but that doesn't mean he doesn't use magic. Mari sighed at the thought if Gargas were to appear he would make things a bit more difficult along with the risk of damaging the tavern, though knowing that Heero is well known for his combat ability's he might be the one taking him on.

    "Aye, he's ten feet tall?!"

    Garfield asked in a confused manner throwing his arms forward, making Mari's face perk up. She thought of when the gang would come into the fray, knowing that they'd know how much time they had before they would come again and get themselves ready for anything that were to occur. Mari looked toward arthur with a curious face.

    "When do they usually come and start bothering you? It doesn't seem they bother you during the day."

    She asked.

    "Hrm..Ummm...They usually come in waves during the sunset and after dusk. That's when they usually do at least."

    He said hesitantly rubbing the sweat off his face with a rag.

    Mari Windsor




    Made by AERON of BTN!



    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] 1075957MagicThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] 1075957Pet/Exceed

    Missions in Progress: 2 B rank | 2 A rank | 1 S rank
    EXP: 4313/337500

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Haru-senpai 19th August 2013, 9:02 pm

    "So they like ta' try to kick the door in at night huh?" Heero glanced towards the door with his arms crossed. "We'll be ready for em' tonight, they won't expect wizards ta' come bustin' outta this joint when they start trying ta' place their way in."

    Garfield nodded twice in Mari's arms.

    "Yes, that probably will be a nice little shock for em' if you guys can get em on the ropes enough....we might be able to get rid of em for good!" one of the bodgyguards armed with what looked like an assault rifle barked happily.

    "I'll send for the Rune Knights in advance; but we have to wait until they attack so we've got signs of damage for evidence---that way those guys'll be locked up for a long while!" a female bouncer quipped; armed with twin pistols.

    Heero noticed that Arthur was the only one of the seven or eight bouncers with a Magical Weapon. Too make it shoot magical bullets; his pistol needed a Wizard to fire it. Heero then realized that Arthur was an old Wizard himself, just trying to live a peaceful life. The other individuals here weren't wizards. Heero locked eyes with Arthur once; and nodded to him fiercely. At first, Arthur looked surprised. But then, he closed his eyes and beamed heavily.

    Just at that moment---a hail of gunfire lit up the environment with noise. Wood and glass flew everywhere; as camera shots of the Moonshiner Gang of wizards opened up with Magical Assault Rifles.

    "Come on out Arthur! We know yer' in there!" a rash voice called as the hail of gunfire stopped. People outside in mountain village began to run and clear the streets. "We're takin' all yer booze; and the Recipe for it! Get it! Just come out peacefully, give us your recipe and we'll settle our differences!"

    Everything was quiet on the inside, although there were bullet holes in the walls, letting in little streaks of sunlight here and there. Heero had managed to duck behind a flipped table in the commotion, and noticed everyone else was alright as well.

    "We've still got the element of surprise---they don't know we're here Mari...I'll follow your lead, you guys cover us with those weapons of yours!"

    "O-OK, I'm coming out you guys win, I'm tired of this---just hold on a sec!" Arthur called out, lying to them convincingly and shrugging as he looked at Mari and Heero; crouched and scare from the hail of gunfire. Heero nodded to Mari, and would follow her lead outside.


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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Rose


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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by NPC 19th August 2013, 9:02 pm

    The member 'Heero-sama' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] NormalMonster The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] WeakMonster The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] NormalMonster The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] NormalMonster The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] NormalMonster

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    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Sukiro 19th August 2013, 10:26 pm


    Mari within sync with Garfield nodding their heads at the same time as Heero acknowledged them as the the tool to help out this little predicament Aurthur has been in for a while. Mari turned toward one of the armed bodyguards agreeing with Heero quickly shifting into a more armed state as he pulled out an assault rifle and throwing it over his shoulder. With one of the other bodyguards arrived into the middle of the discussion pronouncing that they would go outward to retrieve the rune knights before heading outside through the back entrance.

    With that Mari suddenly heard from her born enhanced hearing ability could hear the sudden clicks and clanks from the outside before turning her head toward the front entrance. Tightening her grip on Garfield she heard that finally large click and the shower of steel bullets was released into the tavern. Mari dropped herself toward a empty table roundhouse kicking the legs breaking them completely and having the table topple over protecting both Mari and Garfield who was pressed into her chest.

    As the loud gun fire started to die down Mari began to release some tension from her body, lifting her head and looked around hoping that everyone was alright as well. The Moonshiners shouted their way asking for Arthurs recipe or else things are going to go down hard, and it didn't seem they were playing around. Heero looked toward Mari's direction telling that he'd follow her lead outward into battle with her nodding back at him in agreement. Though before that behind the counter Aurthur shouted outward telling them to wait just a few seconds.


    He shouted on the top of his lungs before throwing himself outward from beneath the counter along with a gigantic three barreled cannon, that he threw onto the counter. He rapped a rope that appeared from the side on his hand and his face covered in sweat and as red as a cherry. Mari's face was surprised of how fast his personality changed so quickly when being pressed into action.

    "Lets go! Bom Bom Bombardier!"

    He shouted once again and three magic crests appeared within the front of each barrel of the cannon. An extremely large boom came from the counter even shattering the counter itself, as it released the cannon balls forward toward the entrance of the tavern shattering the doors completely. With the speed of the cannons coming out of the tavern so fast along with the walls and doors covering the cannons the gang members wasn't able to pin point where the cannon balls where coming out from they couldn't properly dodge them. One of the cannon balls skid across the ground shattering and throwing gravel and dirt into the sky before stopping in the dirt. Another shot upward striking through a near by village house. Though the only one that struck was one of the hired thugs welding two pistols in each hand, one of his nearby partners watched the hired thug get instantly swept away by the cannon fire only to leave his pistols spinning in the air for a few seconds before dropping down onto the ground.

    Mari Windsor




    Made by AERON of BTN!


    Last edited by Sukiro on 19th August 2013, 10:32 pm; edited 1 time in total


    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] 1075957MagicThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] 1075957Pet/Exceed

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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by NPC 19th August 2013, 10:26 pm

    The member 'Sukiro' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Damage Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Miss The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Attack The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Miss

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Experience : 11,106.25

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    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Haru-senpai 20th August 2013, 1:51 pm

    Heero nodded back to Mari; and a few moments before they could make their move, Arthur popped up comically from behind the bar; wielding what Heero could only make out as some kind of gigantic cannon. As he screamed that he'd help as well---Heero's expression looked hilarious with a "?!" popping up over his head as he held his ears.

    Three gigantic cannon shots rung out; as the doors were blasted apart and two more giant holes emerged; showing outside. There was what looked like four alcoholics outside; probably all wizards, and one pair of pistols spinning in the air that hit the ground. Arthur had clobbered one of em.

    "Alright well, there goes the plan!" Heero said as he looked up as crazy old balding Arthur wielding a cannon. Almost immediately; Heero leaped over the table he'd been hiding behind, and ran towards a hole. With a parkour frontflip; he landed outside. The group of assorted young guys in the Moonshiner Gang immediately looked surprised as they noticed the blue haired guy around their age.

    "W-what the? Hey, t-that guys a wizard like us, I can sense it! Waste em before he gets the chance ta do anything!" with that; all four of them pointed a finger into the sky; and summoned four creatures of darkness that whizzed towards Heero. They zigged and zagged as they approached; but Heero smirked as he stood up, spotting a path he could leap through. At the last moment; they all converged on him for an explosion of darkness in front of the bar; but Heero had leaped through at a sideways spin, coming sliding towards the group.

    He zigged and zagged again, dodging four more explosive creatures of Darkness from the group as he stepped off of a buildings wall and back down to the street, dashing at them now. With a clap of his hands; and fist behind him, a Sky Blue Magic circle spun around his hands. He'd stop and slap the ground of the street; as a huge amount of river water, appeared from nowhere and slushed and splashed heavily into the street.

    Boxes, crates, and everything else was hammered heavily; but the Alcoholic Wizards jumped high into the sky, as Heero smirked upward at all four of them.

    "You fell for it-----Lightning Dragon's----ROAR~!" as Heero inhaled a huge a mount of pressure vacuumed towards his mouth; vibrating the air like a jet. Then, with a noise like a screaming Dragon, the entire village put their hands over their ears. A gigantic mega bolt of thunder that could be seen for a mile outside of Mountain in the village soared up and coated over the four aerial alcoholics. They screamed and hollered for mercy as they sat in the middle of the gigantic yellow roar from Heero's mouth; sparkling with blue lightning on it's edges.

    The environment shook for a long moment, as houses began to rumble. Garfield barked comically from a hole in the wall of the bar; holding himself up to the hole with his paws.

    "Heero that's enough!!!" he called over the sound of everything rumbling; and the gigantic thunder roar taking up nearly half of the skies as Heero roared. Almost all at once; Heero would close his mouth, and the sound would vacuum out. Lamps rocked once more as all of the shaking outside stopped. Comically; all four of them fell to the ground, clothes baked to a crisp, and eyes swirling anime style.

    "That outta teach you~!" Heero posed and flexed, sparkling a few times as he heard a series of Footsteps behind him.

    "So, I see you took out a few of mi' boys." as Heero turned around, he spotted a gigantic----gigantic man. He looked up, up, up comically as he was much shorter than him. This guy literally blocked out the sun a bit; as his blue overalls, and bulging muscles; complete with a HUGE red beard and red spikey hair looked down at Heero. He had a simply enourmous, Gunblade strapped to his back.

    It looked like a gigantic curved greatsword; with a Canon Revolver Built into it.

    This definitely was Gargas; as Heero took a step back, he'd backflip back near the front door of the restaurant. Around Gargas, were four people. One looked like a hired street thug; wielding a shotgun. The two others, looked around Heero's age, more Alcoholic Darkness Wizards.

    But one who stood next to Gargas; he had a cowboy theme; with his face covered. His outfit quite stylish. His face covered mostly by a western style hat; but he was blonde. His gloved hands hovered over two gigantic twin revolver pistols. This guy must've been Gargas' direct apprentice.

    "Heheheheheheheheh! OOOOIIII ARTHUR~! Bring your ass out here RIGHT NOW~!" Gargas shouted as he picked up a nearby barrel and chucked it at the front door overhead style, it flew past Heero and slammed into the front door, sending water everywhere as Gargas and his crew laughed; the Alcoholic Wizards among them guzzling flasks of Alcohol. The moment Gargas spotted Mari, the giant red-haired bearded man comically got hearts in his eyes. "OI~! CUTIE~! You're looking rather plump today~!" Gargas eyed Mari's curves and then spoke again. "After we get done here whattya say we go for a drink or three?!" Gargas turned towards his men. "Nobody go for the girl, she's mine~! You guys get that other kid!" as Gargas pointed towards Heero; the rest of his gang bumrushed towards him.

    Gargas himself moved towards Mari, yanking out his gigantic Gunblade; which was bigger than he was; meaning it was over ten feet. He let it slam lazily into the ground; creating a crater that he didn't care about.

    "Well? Bring it on hot stuff, you can't be my wife if ya can't hold your own dammit!" the ten foot behemoth in blue overalls, with a gigantic twelve foot Gunblade awaited Mari's move.

    ~25% Magic Power Used

    Last edited by Heero-sama on 20th August 2013, 2:14 pm; edited 3 times in total


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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Rose


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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by NPC 20th August 2013, 1:51 pm

    The member 'Heero-sama' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Block Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Block


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Block


    #3 'Damage Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Miss


    #4 'Damage Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Attack


    #5 'Monster Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] NormalMonster The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] NormalMonster The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Boss The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] WeakMonster The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] StrongMonster

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Age : 29
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    Second Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Lacrima
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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Sukiro 20th August 2013, 7:33 pm


    Mari watched as the thunderous roars from his cannon fire striking through the front entrance of the tavern. With his unexpected protective personality striking his heart and unleashing his rage into his own attack that was engraved into the cannon balls that flew into one of the gang member's that hung outside. After the smoke began to clear Heero took this chance to head outside and fight off the rest of the gang members. All that could be heard was the sound of explosions, did they have heavy artillery weapons? Or was it something different, something stronger?

    After the explosions came to an end, quietness covered the battle ground with Mari lifting herself from the ground with Garfield in hand before a scream of a dragon rumbled the ground beneath their feet. Garfield acted funny though, struggling for freedom, Mari released him onto the ground before he ventured forward toward one of the holes in the walls and shouting outward and with that the thunderous roar suddenly calming down the place went quiet.

    "Aurthur, I think you should stay inside and protect your Beer and Beer recipe. We'll try to hold off as many as we can."

    Mari said toward Aurthur wiping the sweat from his face releasing the cannon and leaving it within the wooden rubble beneath it. Mari slowly began to walk toward the entrance with a sudden crash coming from a flying barrel that crashed onto the floor and showered Mari with water and soaked her and her clothing, her sudden face turned from worry to annoyance within a quick second and slowly progressed outside. The extremely large man who she assumed Gargas from their explanation of the Gigantic man being the boss of the gang. The large man began to what she assumed was flirting but it was more aggressive and distrusting it actually displeased her to hear that from his voice. He ordered his men to face toward Heero while he handled Mari alone.

    "Hmpf.....Heero lets go along with what he says......I want a chance at him....."

    She said in a more serious tone not just removing her removable over coat but ripped it from its latches and tossed it toward the ground. She removed her gauntlets from their shackles and placed them upon her hands before cracking each finger one by one. Mari stared into the eyes of the beast as he removed his own weapon from behind him and struck it into the ground creating a crater within the earth. It seemed that was something that Mari was going to have to get rid of before anything else or else she'd be at a huge disadvantage.

    "Well? Bring it on hot stuff, you can't be my wife if ya can't hold your own dammit!"

    Mari struck her fists together creating small magic crests upon the top of both her hands before small flames appeared upon the top of her fists before erupting into large tempest flames that circled around her forearms before consuming them whole in fire.

    "Flaming Torrent - Arms of Ash!"

    She knew that his power was greater then her own but that wasn't going to hold her back, but actually lets her know that she can go all out on this guy. Without the fear of going over the top but even then she thinks she should just from the way she speaks to her. Punching her fists together large ball's of flames engulfed her fists completely.

    With a flame on the right hand...
    and a flame on the left hand...
    When you combine the flames together...
    Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame!

    She shouted jumping forward toward Gargas, placing her fists together, she creates a even larger mass of the balls of fire together and along with her recent spell the ball increased a bit in size and power. Launching the brilliant flame onto Gargas's chest he quickly launched his blade toward the ball of fire, as the connected they caused a large explosion that caused Mari to fly backwards into the tavern itself crashing through the front wall, while Gargas being thrown a few feet back before thrusting his blade into the ground to catch himself.

    "Darn Bitch!"

    He shouted before lifting his blade from the ground and threw it forward into the tavern as well. Spinning through the air toward Mari's position and continues to cut the ground as the sharp end continues to cut into the ground and throwing gravel and dirt into the air.


    A voice suddenly appeared from no where that seemed to be coming from above seemed to be getting closer as it made a swan dive directly above Mari's physical position. Her eyes widened at the surprise of her fellow companion Max had arrived without notifying her, but it seemed he wanted to arrive with a large entrance. Mari sat up, watched the blade come toward her before rolling to the side. What looked like a few seconds Mari having her back toward the ceiling, Max dived through the hole she created and grabbed the back of her sweater and tugged her out of the blade's way as it literally cut through the entire tavern and making it to the other side of the tavern before boomeranging around back toward Gargas.

    "MAX! You came!"

    She shouted flailing her arms in excitement.

    "Hmpf.....I only came to make sure you weren't in to much trouble.......though of course.....my assumption was correct and your in over your head."

    Max began to speak without looking toward Mari's face, seeing as he actually cared about her well being but didn't want to show it.

    "Well at least this even's the odds! Lets go after the big guy!"

    Mari said toward Max giving him the thumbs up with a flaming hand.

    "Aye Sire!"

    Max agreed before striking through the window of the tavern and into the skys.

    Mari Windsor




    Made by AERON of BTN!


    Last edited by Sukiro on 23rd August 2013, 7:59 pm; edited 2 times in total


    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] 1075957MagicThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] 1075957Pet/Exceed

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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by NPC 20th August 2013, 7:33 pm

    The member 'Sukiro' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Block


    #3 'Damage Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Attack


    #4 'Block Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Block

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

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    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Haru-senpai 20th August 2013, 10:20 pm

    Heero didn't move as all of them converged on him at a run from different angles; the first one too approach was the Hired Thug with his Shotgun, as he got close to Heero he cocked it up once and aimed, however he ran too fast and had gotten too close.

    Heero grabbed the barrel of the Shotgun, moving it to the side of his face as it shot loudly just next to him. With his grip firm on the gun, he pulled the Hired Thug into a shattering headbutt, that sent him bouncing off of the ground once like a rock skipped across a lake and into a nearby stand of fruit; KOed.

    As the two Alcoholic Wizards saw this; they stopped running. Heero looked at the gun in his hand that he'd sent the guy flying off of with his headbutt and dropped it; stamping on it and shattering it into a thousand pieces under his foot. As he did this, he noticed Gargas' Apprentice standing behind the two wizards, his face somewhat hidden by his bandana. He seemed to be studying Heero a bit while the others tried their hand.

    "Fine, do your worst then---I'm willing to bet your friend back there is a thousand times better than either of you~!" Heero barked at the two guys around his age in front of him, shrugging and shaking his head. Immediately, they roared in anger and attempted to blast him as two magic circles spun into existence; with two gigantic snakes of Darkness each; glowing with red eyes, they slithered towards Heero.

    He easily ignited Lightning Dragon's Flashing Step; he would burst into lightning and splash to the side once; and then in another burst of yellow lightning, he'd splash to the side again, reappearing with his arms crossed; yellow lightning flaring all about him. The two snakes of Darkness hit a house, covered it in darkness and sizzled down into acid. That would've been nasty--but he was too quick for them. He also noticed them standing rather close to one another, a good tactic but he'd use it against em'.

    "Aw, not bad; but here I come, you guys ready?!" with a final Flashing Step; Heero blazed inbetween the two wizards as a yellow thunderbolt; reappearing with a double clothesline into both of their necks; their feet lifted off of the ground in slow-motion; as Heero hit the brakes, sending them flying backward past Gargas' apprentice, who reached up and grabbed the tilt of his hat to keep it from flying off.

    They flew past him and slammed into a house; KOed. Heero thought he heard some Mountain Village folks scream inside of the house, but fortunately he was making progress. However as he turned towards the last opponent before him, he got a little bit more serious.

    "So, you're Gargas' apprentice eh? That means you're probably a B-Class Wizard, and good ol' Gargas is A-Class eh?" Heero pounded a hand into his fist once and smirked at the blonde cowboy style wizard with his face hidden. He had twin, magical revolvers at his side.

    "Yea; I've been learnin' the way of the Moonshine...pretty soon I'll even be stronger than the Boss!" the Apprentice barked confidently. "I've heard of you; you're Heero of Fairy Tail, a Dragon Slayer? It's going to be a lot of fun to test myself against you." he immediately reached for one of his twin revolvers, and twirled it.

    Suddenly; flames filled the environment, and whirled everywhere. The apprentice and Heero were far enough away that they were harmless; but still hot. Mari had sent what looked like a mountain of flames down on Gargas; but had been sent flying backward through the air into the bar where Garfield was, while Gargas slid back what looked like ten feet on the ground from impact. Heero thought he noticed something go flying by in the air, but his attention was taken aback when he was grabbed by a gigantic hand of darkness from behind, sticking up out of the ground.

    "?!" it tossed him into the air, as the Apprentice stopped spinning his magical revolver and aimed at Heero who'd been thrown into the air. A single shot rang out as the gun shot out a huge burst of magical energy exploded upon Heero mid-air, hitting him in the shoulder and sending him spiraling to the ground. "Damm, those guns pack a punch!" he barked on the way down, flipping and landing on his feet sliding backward as he grabbed his arm and flexed it. "Alright, alright not bad; how about I shoot back a bit though!"

    Heero suddenly crouched his knees, and held both of his fingers forward like Guns.

    Lightning Dragon's Finger Guns; began as Heero began playfully capping with his fingers, streaks of yellow lightning burst forth; whirling towards the Apprentice, who's eyed widened. In a split second; he turned into darkness, and zigged and zapped; twisting and slipping through little bursts of lightning shot from Heero's fingertips with sounds like a short circuit impressively. As the last tiny yellow Dragon's magic circle popped up and Heero took a final shot; the apprentice as a shadow whirled once more along the ground and dodged; shifting back into himself at a walk; the ground smoking in different spots from all of Heero's missed shots behind him.

    He stepped towards Heero with his gun drawn on him.

    "Heh, Gargas is gonna make that chic you came with one of his consorts, hope you don't mind." he taunted as he stepped towards Heero, one of his huge twin revolvers pointed at him.

    "Heh, Gargas doesn't know about Mari---is about to come back to burn him." Heero commented with a smirk. Inside of the bar; Garfield leaped back on one leg; surprised to see another Exceed randomly showing up, before he could say anything though, the Exceed leaped into battle alongside Mari.

    "H-hey what the?!" Garfield said, popping his paws and head out of one of the holes in the bar again; just as it was sliced apart comically by Gargas' gigantic blade. Garfield, and Arthur, would be seen comically flailing trying to grab onto something as the building split apart.

    ~0% Magic Power Used

    Last edited by Heero-sama on 20th August 2013, 10:55 pm; edited 2 times in total


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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Rose


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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by NPC 20th August 2013, 10:20 pm

    The member 'Heero-sama' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Block Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] FailedBlock


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Block


    #3 'Block Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Block


    #4 'Damage Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Miss


    #5 'Damage Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Attack


    #6 'Damage Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Attack

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Second Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Lacrima
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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Sukiro 21st August 2013, 10:51 am


    Gargas sneered toward the tavern before watching both Mari and Max crashing out of the tavern through one of he many windows and taking off into the skys. He gave a large smirk before reaching to his left side, holding a shotgun clipped to his overalls. Grabbing it and spinning it a couple of times within his hand before holding it tightly and pointed it toward them before launching three shots of dark matter toward them with one eye closed for better aim.

    "Ya ain't getting away from me!"

    The bullets of dark matter swerved toward them, with their eyes widening in sync watching the dark matter getting closer and closer within the seconds to come.

    "Max toss me at them!"

    She shouted swinging her self in their direction.

    "Master! We mus......!"


    She shouted much louder trying to make Max understand that this wasn't time to play around, with Max nodding. Max tilted their direction toward the Bullets them, with Mari clutching her fist. He dropped her forward falling through the wind her body began to be engulfed in flames before she clapped her hands together and a large red magic crest appeared before her.

    "Lets go! Fire Dragon's Scorched Earth!"

    She shouted before the flames on her body grew even larger and as she threw her arms forward the flames on her body looked as if they themselves had minds of their own and threw themselves toward the bullets as projectiles. Within seconds the flaming projectiles collided with one of the dark matter bullets causing a large explosion but the others had missed the second and third bullets which collided with Mari with a massive explosion.


    Max clicked his teeth before diving within the large smoke of the explosion and retrieving Mari who was covered in bruises and deteriorated clothing. Every part of her felt like it was it was being torn apart but she chuckled at the thought from the past when she and Max was placed in a similar position such as this.

    "Master we must get you to safety."

    Mari chuckled.

    "Max remember the vulcan we fought when I was younger outside of the village."

    Max's eyes widened of what she was recalling and even casted a smile upon his own face before looking back at gargas that stared at them from the ground. He also looked toward Heero and how he continued to face the other gang members with slight ease, in their case of not holding back at such a strong member of Fairy Tail. Max patted her back with his paw to notify of his decision of going along with the plan.

    "Max Speed!"

    He said before targeting Gargas himself and shooting toward him like an hyper active missile, leaving a sonic boom in his wake. Thrusting through the wind as if there was nothing holding back his increasing speed. Max suddenly released his grip of Mari and took flight in another direction hoping for somewhere to land safely leaving Mari still with the same speed as before directed toward Gargas who snickered.

    "Haha! COME ONE THEN!"

    He shouted awaiting Mari's soon arrival, before she punched her fists together awakening a large aura of fire that was visible to the naked eye a large translucent ball of fire that surrounded Mari completely.

    "Fire Dragon's Rage!"

    She shouted feeling the coursing energy throughout her body before a known dark power soon rises from within herself and taking sudden control over her body, making the flaming aura somewhat darkened to the color of blood rather then the color of fire. Mari grinned toward Gargas before punching her fists together once again with a sudden enlargement of her right fist engulfed in fire.

    "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"

    She shouted thrusting it forward in sync with Gargas as he thrusted his own right fist toward Mari. Their fists collided her's obviously much much smaller then his own, but with the sudden increase power was able to even the odds in power within the both of them. With a large explosion as they touched knuckles Gargas's fist was thrown backward, with a large force and even left a scorched area on his fist that burned his fist and Mari crashed onto the ground leaving Gargas heavily surprised.

    "You've changed Girly!"

    He said in a confused and somewhat encouraged tone, seeing how he liked his women rowdy.


    She said in a dark voice.

    Mari Windsor




    Made by AERON of BTN!


    Last edited by Sukiro on 21st August 2013, 11:27 am; edited 1 time in total


    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] 1075957MagicThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] 1075957Pet/Exceed

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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by NPC 21st August 2013, 10:51 am

    The member 'Sukiro' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Attack The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Attack The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Block The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] FailedBlock The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] FailedBlock


    #3 'Damage Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Attack


    #4 'Block Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Block

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Experience : 11,106.25

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    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Haru-senpai 21st August 2013, 1:52 pm

    As Gargas' apprentice walked towards him; the blonde smirked under his bandana covering his mouth. Quickly; he whirled one of his twin revolvers around; before it gathered a purple magic circle around itself. It spun as he stopped and took dead aim at Heero; who grinned in response.

    However the blonde would spray four shots all around Heero's feet, that exploded in bursts of darkness. Heero was taken aback for a moment; and was too late attempting to blaze out of the way.

    From the four bursts of darkness around him, four gigantic clawed hands reached up and grabbed Heero, slamming him into the ground once harshly, and then flinging him backward into a brick chimnee. Heero hit it, as brick's shattered and fell back down to the street. Gargas' apprentice looked up at Heero stuck in the chimnee on the roof of a house as bricks tumbled.

    "Is that the best Fairy Tail has to offer? I'd heard rumours you had worldbreaking power; more like you couldn't open a jar of peanut butter on your own--" Gargas' apprentice taunted with a tilt of his hat. He threw his other pistol in the holster and whirled out his other one, taking dead aim at Heero again in the chimnee. "I suppose I should end this---"

    "Yes, stop your blabbering, end it please. I don't know how much more I can take of you--" Heero looked up from the chimee, his arms spread out into the bricks. All at once, yellow Lightning surrounded him, and shattered the chimnee all around him. "We both know, you're no match for any Fairy Tail wizard--"

    With that, Heero would blaze forward as a bolt of Lightning; appearing above Gargas' apprentice with his arms crossed at an "X" in front of him. "Lightning Dragon's Wing Slash~!" before the wide eyed apprentice could react; Heero slung his arms apart as two crescent wings of lightning and thunder struck down from both directions upon the apprentice.

    A huge explosion of Lightning built up in an "X" on the street and exploded upon him, rattling the windows of every house within half a mile of the battle. As the cowboy's hat flew off, his blonde hair and eyes filled with rage, as he was badly disoriented; with broken bones as he flipped mid-air. He pulled out both of his pistols as he tumbled; and began spraying wildly at Heero.

    Trails of darkness, whips, hands and creatures all blazed towards Heero; on the ground standing in the center of his scorched "X" on the street as the shots came. He'd look up at the array of darkness headed down for him; he'd rub his blue hair and smirk once, looking up at the Apprentice.

    "Sorry, but I won't hold back anymore---I've got a battle to watch just down the street see?" Heero would all of a sudden increase his magical pressure way beyond the limit.

    The entire town would begin to rumble; as his blue hair flared up and whirled in the energy. Everything would go silent as his voice would seem to echo endlessly from everywhere. "Metsu Ryū Ōgi; Golden Lotus----Lightning Dragon's Fist~!" a huge burst of a noise, causing people to scream inside of their houses as windows rattled and yellow light filled them.

    Outside, Heero would burst forward from the ground, shattering everything around him on the way up. He'd burst through all of the darkness shot at him in a single instant; appearing with a fist coated in lightning; sizzling into the Apprentices, gut mid-air. His face screamed in slow-mo; as the sound of Lightning surrounded him; and spit flew from his mouth.

    Heero then absolutely pummeled him, with over nine hundred strikes of his arms coated in lightning, Haymakers blazing at the speed of lightning with the sound of thunder. Rumbling began to come from the sky as the blazing lightning fist technique rolled on; then, a huge vacuum of energy came into Heero's fist towards the end of the spell. A shattering uppercut that released a brilliant halo fan of lightning over the town from the Apprentice's chin.

    The cowboy clothed young blonde man, went flipping; sailing into the air, bloodied from his nose, and mouth, his body crumpled. He fell, sailing down into the street a smoking husk. He sailed down into the ground; next to Gargas, landing wit a splash and causing a crater next to his Gargantuan boss.

    On a nearby rooftop, Gargas and Mari would see a splash of Yellow Lightning, like a thunderbolt. It would then fade; and sizzle away, as Heero stood with his arms crossed on the rooftop, blue hair blowing in the wind as he nodded towards Mari fiercely; deciding at this point he'd stay out of her way and spectate, something was different about her fire at this moment; he dared not get too close.

    Gargas would notice the rest of his crew littered across the street; against walls in crates, and one; next to him in a crater, smoking. Heero's handywork.

    ~30% Magic Power Used

    Last edited by Heero-sama on 21st August 2013, 2:10 pm; edited 7 times in total


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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Rose


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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by NPC 21st August 2013, 1:52 pm

    The member 'Heero-sama' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Block Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] FailedBlock


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Block


    #3 'Block Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Block


    #4 'Damage Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Attack


    #5 'Damage Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Attack


    #6 'Damage Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Attack

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Posts : 559
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    Age : 29
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    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Lacrima
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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Sukiro 21st August 2013, 4:12 pm


    The surprised Gargas shook his hand hoping to shake the pain away from the now empowered Fire Dragon Slayer, of course this wasn't her normal doing. Upon the activation of her "Fire Dragon's Rage" her lineage activated without notice and itself consumed Mari's conscious and revealed her own mass blood craving double who wasn't seen or known by many. Probably three to four other mages have actually seen Mari's double along with Max who was stranded upon a nearby roof looking above the battle field from a distance hoping to regain energy. Gargas standing before the awakened Mary who's aura grew and raged upon the ground itself churning and scorching the ground to dust and left Gargas with a surprise face as her new aura was to different to be the same person.

    "What the Hell are you!?"

    He shouted as an order, toward Mari's body, who's face was tilted downward with her bangs hiding her face and crude smile. She lifted herself up before placing an arm on her shoulder and crack her neck seemingly not worried of the situation before placing her eyes onto Gargas. The sun glistened onto her new bloody red eyes, with intimidation brought Gargas to a stand still before tightening his grip upon his shotgun and placed it toward Mari's body's physical position. Mary's eyes swerved over to notice Heero coming toward the two before stopping in front of them and it didn't seem like he would interfere with their little struggle. Max wasn't able to do anything and if he remembers correctly Mary promised to evaporate Max where he stood if she'd ever see him again, clenching his paw he was at a stand still in his position of decision making.

    "Oi.......You going to shot? Or should I?"

    Mary asked as her eyes shot towards Gargas's. He huffed his nose before placing a large smile on his face, he resumed his thoughts on her power before hand and what she displayed was nothing more then a gimmick of using her surroundings and allies to her advantage. He wasn't going to let a change in atmosphere to change the fact that he was more superior to her within the battle field. He gave watch to Heero who suddenly appeared and smirked throwing his shotgun toward his direction.

    "Stand down or I'll shoot your buddy sky high."

    He portrayed as a chance to let her live but of course was going to take advantage of her disbelief and defeat her afterwards but Mary just shrugged as she scratched her neck.

    "Go right ahead....Lets see who's shot is faster!"

    She said with no importance of Heero's safety nor his worth as a fellow guild member and rather threw her attention more toward Gargas as his power made her curious and yet want to destroy it was utterly more then she could handle. Throwing her head back she began to inhale the air around her gathering fire within her mouth before placing her hands in front of her mouth.

    "Fire Dragon's Roar!"

    Shouting as the flames shot toward Gargas in a thin line though roared like a colossal blast of flames. Gargas's eyes widened at the sight of it and without thinking reacted by throwing his gun right toward the blast of flames. The roar flew right into the barrel of the gun with Gargas pulling the trigger creating a massive bomb of destruction that exploded in his face along with destroying his hand and arm leaving the top of his arm in ashes along with half of his body. The explosion took him off his feet as he was flown backwards 12 feet and crashed into the ground like a huge boulder. Mary struck a large laugh as she watched him fly, holding onto her stomach not being able to bare the hilarity. Gargas was getting angry suddenly rushing to get himself up before anything else could occur.

    Mari Windsor




    Made by AERON of BTN!


    Last edited by Sukiro on 21st August 2013, 4:20 pm; edited 1 time in total


    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] 1075957MagicThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] 1075957Pet/Exceed

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    Posts : 23954
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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by NPC 21st August 2013, 4:12 pm

    The member 'Sukiro' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] FailedBlock

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

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    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Haru-senpai 21st August 2013, 5:20 pm

    Heero continued to stand on the rooftop; overlooking Gargas and Mari's battle. However, as Heero noticed Mari's fire was a different color; a more intense red; he also noticed a change in the way she held her face. She looked a bit more sinister.

    The blue haired wizard remained with his arms crossed on the roof as Gargas pointed his gigantic Gunblade up at him; attempting to threaten him in an attempt to distract Mari.

    Heero let out an audible laugh from above; Gargas and Mari could both hear it clearly. Garfield would fly from nowhere and land on Heero's head, swishing his orange tail.

    "Aye, she's gonna do it on her own?! Are you sure she can handle it!" Garfield said, looking down at Mari, standing in an intense aura of burning flames. Heero nodded to him once; and shrugged, both arms out.

    "I dunno, let's just wait and see." he said plainly, "Gargas is not pushover; if she can take him down...." Heero would no doubt be impressed with her being able to accomplish something like this on her own; her opponent was definitely stronger than her; he could sense that much easily between the two Wizards. However; whatever had just happened to Mari, had put her on an even playing field as far as Magical Power goes. However, Heero knew it was only temporary. "Her personality has changed as well; the real Mari would've gotten extremely pissed that he threatened me like that---" he once again shrugged as Garfield nodded twice on top of his head.

    "H-hey who's that!" the camera would show a close up of Garfield pointing on Heero's head across the rooftop at a panting; Exceed. Dressed rather stylishly, the Exceed held himself up and looked like he was pretty tired. Heero looked up, and Garfield looked down. They nodded at one another; and with a mighty, shinobi like jump; cleared the street Mari and Gargas were fighting on, and landed on the rooftop slightly behind the dark furred Exceed. Just as a huge fountain of flames burst forth from Mari's mouth, as a thunderous roar echoed into the mountains for the second time on this day; covering Gargas and resulting in an explosion that sent him tumbling into a wall; hand badly burnt, and arm and body half covered in soot and ash.

    "H-hey!" Garfield hopped down, and walked up to him, the orange cat swished it's tail back and forth a few times. "I saw you with Mari earlier; I always wondered if she had a partner like Heero!" Garfield nodded to Max, and stood next to him watching the battle below. "I haven't seen you around too much; what could be so important that you'd leave Mari all alone?!" Garfield barked towards Max to his left. He didn't understand anything going on between them; but he knew that true friends and partners, stuck by one another no matter what went on between them.

    "Garfield...." Heero stated once under his breath as he watched Garfield question the other cat. "Max, thanks for coming back." Heero had only met Max once before, back when his hair was much shorter, and he'd worn his old aviator coat then. It had been more than a year since he'd seen him, and Garfield hadn't ever crossed paths with him before. He probably recognized Heero, although he was a bit older since they'd last seen one another.

    "All we can do is watch, let's see how she handles herself on her own." Heero spoke. "Although, something feels different about her Magic Power, if she gets too out of hand we may have to step in for the villagers sake." he nodded, he hoped she'd be able to retain some kind of control, but if not; he, Max, and Garfield would have to intervene.


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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] Rose

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