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    Let's Drink to the Feeling ❅ Event / Aven, Percy


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Position : None
    Posts : 1129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Numb Angel ❅ Ice Devil
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Let's Drink to the Feeling ❅ Event / Aven, Percy Empty Let's Drink to the Feeling ❅ Event / Aven, Percy

    Post by Tess 17th July 2020, 8:29 am


    Tess still had mixed feelings about newly becoming a member of Fairy Tail. Part of her worried for a loss of autonomy, but the guild would help her acquire missions more readily. Therefore, as long as she preserved her goals, the outcome should be beneficial. Furthermore, there was plenty of time to consider her decision and its impact further—later. Aven had mentioned that a party would be happening later in the evening, and the time for such an event was drawing nearer and nearer. Now, back at the Fairy Tail Guild Hall, she sat down in the lobby.

    While there was not a speck of uncertainty written across her face, the white and blue haired mage truly had no idea where she was permitted to wander in this building. Being a magical owned establishment, there was no telling if alluring, deadly pixies or another threat lurked behind an inconspicuous door. Musings such as that were mere fantasy, however, as Tess doubted the guild would have any such sights easily visible. For her safety and mental sanity, though, the slayer was determined to remain here until she became more familiar with the layout. The violet eyed girl's sense of direction was not one of her proudest points.

    It was boring to sit alone, though. Aven had briefly disappeared for whatever reason, whether it was because she had simply lost track of him after they returned, or he went to work on business of some sort. The party was still not due to begin for a little bit, and it would go on til the wee hours of daylight, undoubtedly. There was plenty of time to go.

    Truly, the pale headed slayer could easily venture out by her lonesome during this in-between period. Wandering around was an easy way to pass the time. However, for fear of getting lost, and because she wanted to get to know a few of her newly fellow members, Tess made the decision to stay here for now. Speaking of the recent comrades she had gained, the orchid eyed mage decided to try to introduce herself to some. One or two, would be plenty for now.

    Slowly rising to her feet, Tess' gaze swung around the room until landing on a young man with interestingly colored hair. Much like herself, it was split into two different hues, except his was divided horizontally, with a straight line down the middle as his part. Tess', on the other hand, was more of a vertical gradient in which the undersides of her hair and bottom layers were different. "Hello, I'm Tess. I hope I'm not bothering you," she spoke at a quiet volume, giving him an option to decline conversation should he be busy.

    Words ;; 454 ❅ OOC ;; This will be her outfit, but she's not changed just yet! <3




    Let's Drink to the Feeling ❅ Event / Aven, Percy PXRL2Kd

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Limited Edition- Buddy Buddy- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Truth
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 374
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 336,993

    Let's Drink to the Feeling ❅ Event / Aven, Percy Empty Re: Let's Drink to the Feeling ❅ Event / Aven, Percy

    Post by Percy 27th July 2020, 1:43 am

    Percy had entered the lobby from somewhere in the back, presumably on his way out from the living quarters provided to members should they need them. He didn't particularly need the room, per se, but having a quaint, quiet place away from all things Dagger was actually quite nice. More and more time was spent in Magnolia amongst the Fairy Tail mages. Immersion was his latest tactic in his desperate quest to attain magic for himself, and though it had yielded zero results so far, nothing could shake his hope. Perhaps that was what was scariest, in the end-- losing hope. Without hope, he wasn't sure who he'd be anymore.

    Once in the lobby, his intent had been to pass right through and head out into town. He'd heard about the massive rave across all of Fiore's towns and cities tonight. That'd never been his scene, but Percy was always up for trying new things. That was the second aspect of this little experiment he was holding by joining a mage guild. Constantly being at his high-pressure job for the family business or in his own personal lab had decimated any semblance of a social life he might have once had, which wasn't much to start. Percy was a friendly enough young man, but he was basically a nerd. His comfort zone was amongst the nuts, bolts, and circuits rather than people. It didn't take much to fluster him and send him into a stuttering fit, which was quite unbecoming of a Dagger. There were a charm and arrogance that most Daggers possessed that had been ripped out of him from a young age due to his unfortunate circumstances. It was all very complicated, but he was trying very hard to smooth out the wrinkles and bring more balance to what he could.

    His intent ultimately failed. Before he could reach the door he stopped and lingered, hands fussing over the shoulder strap to his red sling bag he'd brought to make sure he didn't lose his money or phone in the evening's excitement. He'd dressed rather simply other than that, in a black tee with the bottom edges of the sleeves trunk striped white. Form-fitted black jeans extended to the ankle, where they stopped stylishly at the ankle over grayscale sneakers. Though simple, they were well-made and certainly expensive. Maybe he'd fit in and make some friends, but his nerve gave out. As his fingers shifted from stalling with the strap to slipping into his pockets, he turned on his heel and instead headed to the lobby's bar, plopping onto a stool. Percy had lost his nerve to go alone, unsure if he'd be able to blend with the party crowd and be anything other than pathetically out of sync.

    Just as his hair was two-toned, so were his eyes, and the warm gray and icy blue combo had noticed the pale-haired girl approaching him. At first, he thought it was Nessa. He'd been about to offer a friendly, semi-comfortable wave until he actually paid attention to the differences and started to doubt himself. Either Nessa had added blue to her hair, which was possible since girls were prone to stuff like that, or this was someone he'd yet to meet. He was honestly ashamed to think he couldn't be sure. Unlike the girl walking up to him, Percy's uncertainty was starting to show in the tensing of his brows.

    Good thing he didn't assume. Now that he'd been informed that this Nessa-like girl was actually named Tess, Percy's mouth pulled into a polite smile, though his cheeks flushed just the smallest amount. What a disaster that would have been, if he hadn't waited and had called out to her as Nessa! "Hello, I'm Percy," he replied in a likewise quiet tone, simultaneously rising from his stool to extend a hand to shake. "Y-you're not bothering me at all," he added hastily, sincerely hoping his stammer wouldn't make it sound weird. Looking to quickly move on and avoid awkward silences he often caused, his mind shot to the most obvious next step. "I haven't seen you around before. Are you new, Tess?"

    the look || wc: 693 || group wc: 1147/6000


    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dark Matter Ascendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 1,644,378

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Circle Magic.
    Second Skill: Dark Matter Transcendency.
    Third Skill: Dark Matter Ascendancy.

    Let's Drink to the Feeling ❅ Event / Aven, Percy Empty Re: Let's Drink to the Feeling ❅ Event / Aven, Percy

    Post by Aven Alveron 31st July 2020, 2:17 pm

    Aven was having a eventful day, to say the least. It'd been his first official recruitment for Fairy Tail, discounting Markus, who'd ended up leaving the guild for... something he wasn't sure of. Regardless, it was his first as an Ace, and his spirits were running high. Since becoming an Ace, he hadn't felt as though his efforts had paid off in any measurable fashion, especially considering the guild was no closer to the vision he held in his heart for it: however, with the addition of Tess to their ranks, a Wizard that exhibited the brand of virtuosity he was looking for, hope had begun to bloom in the young Ace.

    That said, the day was far from over. Earlier in the day, he'd offered to accompany Tess to the massive party brimming around Magnolia, and he'd found himself quite looking forward to the occasion. In fact, he'd quickly made it a priority to change out of his formal-wear, some time after they'd returned to the Guild and gotten Tess situated with her Guild Mark. His new attire was far more casual, as he'd thought appropriate: a white button-down shirt, hanging free over a black undershirt and jeans, with a white leather belt and shoes to match. With a beaming smile and an unflinching enthusiasm, he made his way back to the common area.

    It wasn't difficult to spot Tess in a room, especially given he'd been so used to picking Nessa out of a crowd in the past: the white hair was a dead giveaway. Pondering white hair, however, he quickly noticed who she was speaking to. Percy was a more recent addition, though he could hardly be called a "new member", except in the vein that he was still uninitiated. The Aces kept a tally, of sorts, of who'd been introduced to the Dark side of Fairy Tail, and those that hadn't, in order to keep their speech under wraps around those members. Thanks to his frequent absence from the Hall, up until recently, Aven was still playing catch-up on meeting all of the guild members personally, an unfortunate side effect of having to deal with Castor's machinations. With the party fast approaching, an idea sparked in his head, and after a quick pause, he continued forward toward his fellow Fairies, a new plan in mind.

    "Just today, in fact," Aven's voice would ring out jovially from beside Tess, as the Ace found his way into the conversation, "On the topic of introductions, I don't believe we've met, Percy! I'm Aven; you might have seen me around before, but it's a pleasure to speak with you." Aven took a short pause to gauge the young wizard, noticing a strange lack of magical presence around him. Was he concealing it? Above anything else, it seemed Percy was anxious about something, his body language jittery and tense. As the Ace of Human Resources, this worried Aven: it was his responsibility to address any issues around the guild, and with the guild members themselves. With a reassuring smile, Aven continued. "Are you planning on attending the party tonight? Tess and I are heading out in a little while, and I'm sure our little group has plenty room for one more," He glanced over at Tess, "If that's alright with you, of course?"


    [Word Count: 553.]
    [Group Word Count: 1700/6000.]


    Let's Drink to the Feeling ❅ Event / Aven, Percy Aven_Sig

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Position : None
    Posts : 1129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Numb Angel ❅ Ice Devil
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Let's Drink to the Feeling ❅ Event / Aven, Percy Empty Re: Let's Drink to the Feeling ❅ Event / Aven, Percy

    Post by Tess 3rd August 2020, 1:02 pm


    Unfortunately, the stranger appeared to be uncomfortable in her presence. Tess breathed out slowly, hoping that by putting herself at ease, she might reinforce a friendly atmosphere. Offering up a light smile, she waited to see his response. Much to her relief, the young man reacted well, quietly providing his name and extending a hand. Tess shook it rather gently, but as firmly as she could, not desiring to come off as a waif of an individual. "I'm so glad that you don't mind," the pale haired slayer laughed, "I thought it might be a bit strange to approach you like this." Pausing to create a comfortable silence—at least, she attempted to do so—Tess left room for him to speak. His nervousness shone through; it was either that or some other tic which left him with a slight stutter. However, it was charming, and the violet eyed mage was hardly in a position to judge others.

    Thankfully, Percy appeared to be a proactive individual, already moving the conversation at hand to more substantial topics than introductions. Perhaps he was a rather seasoned member; regardless, it was quite clear he had been a part of Fairy Tail for longer than she. "I am," Tess replied simply, flashing the dual chrome haired mage a beatific smile. Struggling to keep an iciness out of her tone, the young woman attempted to be as cordial—but not formal—as possible.

    Abruptly, a certain presence in the room caught her attention, and she turned ever so slightly as Aven approached. He detailed that she had become a member of Fairy Tail just today, not even hours ago. Her initial instincts were likely incorrect—judging by the other white haired wizard's words, he had not yet become acquainted with Percy. Thus, the vibrant haired young man was probably a newer addition to their little office family here. Briefly, Tess realized that all three members of their teensy trio had pale hair in some form or another, and she covered her mouth with a hand as she laughed silently. Coughing slightly with a smile pulling at the corners of her lips, she brought her palm back down. "Yes, Percy, please do come to the party with us! It's sure to be quite fun, at least, Aven has expressed that sentiment," the white and blue headed maiden told her newest connection. While he did appear to be an introverted type of person, she was sure he could manage to have fun if they all tagged along together.

    Regardless of his response, Tess would quickly coat herself in a miniature flurry of snowflakes, obscuring her view from onlookers. Magic flowed freely, adapting her outfit to something more appropriate for a casual party. With comfortable clothing now adorning her body, she felt prepared to take on this new excursion. The icy slayer did not typically attend such events, but today, she was excited to make an exception—even if the anticipation was not revealed in her expression. 'I'm not sure where the festivities will be taking place, so it seems apt to be flexible and simply follow Aven's lead, for now,' Tess mused, a brilliant smile on her face as she waited for the other two to act. If Percy already knew about the party in advance, why, she could probably take cues from him as well.

    Words ;; 553 ❅ Thread ;; 2253 ❅ OOC ;; Her Outfit <3




    Let's Drink to the Feeling ❅ Event / Aven, Percy PXRL2Kd

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Limited Edition- Buddy Buddy- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Truth
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 374
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 336,993

    Let's Drink to the Feeling ❅ Event / Aven, Percy Empty Re: Let's Drink to the Feeling ❅ Event / Aven, Percy

    Post by Percy 9th August 2020, 2:40 am

    Yet another new face joined them, someone he'd caught glimpses of but had never formally met. Percy wracked his brain for a name but didn't come up for one for the white-haired man. Thankfully it was promptly provided to keep poor Percy from fumbling around. "Nice to m-meet you, Aven," the scientist replied, offering to shake his hand just as he had Tess.

    Much to his imperceptible relief, Aven invited him to the party he'd been intending to attend earlier. The offer hung in the air, awaiting Tess's confirmation. His eyes moved between them, the moment dragging on despite being only a second or two at the most. Once he had her answer as well, a shy smile spread onto his lips and he almost seemed sheepish. "I was actually intending to go out earlier to check it out, but..." Percy trailed, trying to find a better wording than "I chickened out" or something like that. It sounded really lame in his head. "It felt weird to go alone, so t-tagging along would be nice," he smiled, his nervousness already starting to ease. It might be a little bit before his awkward stutter took its leave, but it'd be gone in no time.

    His outer shell, albeit nervous and awkward, held no candle to his inward emotions. He was actually very pleased to be invited along, even though he knew neither of them beyond their first names. This was one of two reasons he'd joined this guild. Lately, he'd been feeling rather poorly, since his first attempt at making a reliable group of friends had initially gone well, only for those two muscle-bound men to disappear without a word. His team had essentially disintegrated immediately after it had formed. All he had to show for it was one memorable morning drinking contest, then he was alone once more. Maybe a more jaded person would have pulled back, trying to avoid those types of scenarios again, but Percy was nothing if not persistent when he wanted something. The youngest Dagger son had yet to come up against a single thing that could make him give up hope, be it on attaining magic or proving his worth to his family. Bonding with his guildmates would surely be easier than either of those other two monumental undertakings.

    The excitement that had previously been hidden manifested in bright and interested eyes when Tess did something he didn't expect. She coated herself in, what was that? Snowflakes? So she had ice magic or something of the sort. Her form disappeared from view and he wondered what she was doing, but all would soon be revealed. She'd been changing clothes. What a cool application of her magical powers! The magic fanboy had absorbed every detail he could, filing it away in his mental file cabinet. "That was cool," he told her, his brain whizzing away with theories and questions, though he knew better than bombard her with them at this time. He desperately wanted to know if the snowflakes had magically formed her clothing, or if they were just a dressing room of sorts and she used different magic to manifest her clothing. Percy thought he'd burst, but maybe if they became friends, he could gain the right to ask at a later date. Actually, he'd better go ahead and head out, or else he wouldn't be able to contain himself. His tenacity with science and technology definitely extended to all things magical, and once his mind went too far down that analytical rabbit hole, he'd never pull out of that tailspin.

    "If you guys are ready, l-let's head out, okay?" he prompted, soft footfalls taking him toward the office building's doors. "If we wait until it gets too c-crowded, we may have a hard time staying together," Percy added, recalling one of the few times he'd been convinced to go party with his brother. It was so easy to be separated in dense and pulsing gatherings that he almost always ended up alone and glued into a corner by himself until he could find an opening to escape. It was decidedly no fun that way.

    wc: 690 || group wc: 2943/6000


    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dark Matter Ascendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 1,644,378

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Circle Magic.
    Second Skill: Dark Matter Transcendency.
    Third Skill: Dark Matter Ascendancy.

    Let's Drink to the Feeling ❅ Event / Aven, Percy Empty Re: Let's Drink to the Feeling ❅ Event / Aven, Percy

    Post by Aven Alveron 14th August 2020, 2:34 pm

    Aven lit up like a streetlamp, and clapped his hands together. "It's settled, then, and there's no time like the pre-" Before he could finish his idiom, the booming of an overpowering bass resounded through the Guild Hall, the residual noise from a blast of sound outside. What followed was the near deafening pulse of a kind of music Aven had only heard once before, in the Nightclub that Lilith had taken him to. It was blaring and uncomfortable, sending vibrations through Aven's body that seemed to shake him to the core.

    More pressingly than a slight annoyance, Aven's eyes caught a shift in the doors as the bass hit, narrowing his eyes. That was magic. There was no mistaking the ebb of magic energy that had begun to permeate the inside of the hall, and with how explosive the initial burst had been, Aven had only an inkling of what could've transpired outside. Glancing back toward Tess and Percy, Aven once against wore a smile, albeit a bit strained. "If you'll excuse me, I'll meet the two of you outside." With that, a small burst of dark energy radiated from the spot Aven had been standing, as he disappeared, having activated his Vantablink.

    Aven appeared outside, his form shimmering with a thin veil of dark energy, with scattered black particles floating lazily around him. His eyes drank in the scene, and what a scene it was: the street was lit aflame in a bright neon glow, panicked party-goers scrambling for cover as various stalls met the same fate. The culprits- or, at least, the only ones who weren't panicking- were a trio of similarly neon individuals: a sword wielder, a young girl, and a skull-faced individual, clad in absurdly high-tech armaments. From the reverberations echoing around the last of the three, and the flames wreathed around the Samurai's still burning blade, Aven had more than enough information to act. Party or not, this was blatant terrorism, and as far as Aven was concerned, the sooner they were in custody, the sooner he and his friends could enjoy the festivities.

    The Samurai, meanwhile, had noticed the presence of their new arrivals, glowing eyes fixing on the Fairy Tail wizards who had barged out of their Hall. His voice was stoic and mechanical, reverberating around the area, seemingly amplified by some kind of device. "It seems we have some lively guests at our little party." His eyes narrowed, and he gestured to the armored figure beside him. "DJ, why don't you play them something... special?" The armored figured responded with mechanistic tones, and began to pulse out a shockwave of energy towards Aven, which, while striking incredibly quickly, seemed to dissipate against his skin without effect. Aven responded in kind, manifesting three black orbs, and sending them hurtling toward the trio: the first two were avoided deftly by the Samurai and "DJ" as they leapt to the sides, while the third plowed straight into the young punk rocker behind them, who'd seemed uninterested in the whole ordeal until now. Unfortunately, that was about it for her, as the orb carried her into a fruit stall, painting her clothes with a wide variety of juices as she passed out, immediately unconscious.

    The Samurai wasted no time as he dodged, slicing the air with his blade, and summoning forth five fiery elementals, oozing a near molten neon heat from their bodies as they struck forth at blazing speed: the middle elemental attempted to tackle Aven, while the other four split up to try and incinerate Tess and Percy, two barreling toward each of them.


    [Word Count: 602.]
    [Thread Count Total: 3545/6000.]


    Let's Drink to the Feeling ❅ Event / Aven, Percy Aven_Sig

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Limited Edition- Buddy Buddy- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Truth
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 374
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 336,993

    Let's Drink to the Feeling ❅ Event / Aven, Percy Empty Re: Let's Drink to the Feeling ❅ Event / Aven, Percy

    Post by Percy 15th August 2020, 5:11 am

    A bit of air escaped Percy's sails when he noticed the alertness in Aven after the bass note hit. Percy was strong physically and would never shy away from a fight, but he'd just gotten used to the idea of attending a party with new friends and having a nice time. Fighting wasn't on his agenda. He also was wearing one of his favorite shirts and really didn't want to ruin this outfit despite the fact he could easily replace it no matter the cost, but it was the principle of the matter. Anyway, since Percy couldn't just magically disappear out of sight and basically teleport, he had to run toward Fairy Tail's front doors the old fashioned way.

    Percy couldn't sense magic in the least, but he did notice that his skin started tingling before he even got through the doors. It was an uncomfortable, pins and needles type of tingle, but he thought little about it. It did this often when he got nervous about either fighting or observing mages, and there seemed to be plenty waiting outside. As he stood there beside Aven and his particles to take in the scene, the two-toned man started to cough and tug a little at his collar. It was chaos bathed in blacklight and neon. Party attendees that had gathered for a night of blowing off steam were now running and screaming. People always had to ruin everything. His hands clenched instinctively, ready to fight and refusing to let his lack of magic hold him back from being helpful.

    However, Percy was aware of his ultimate disadvantage and the fact that there was no way he'd be able to dodge the soundwave that was just released on them. The feeling that washed over him was curious. There was fear of death and dying a failure, of course, as well as wondering how bad it'd hurt. There was also a thrill since even though the situation was tense, he couldn't help but be analytical about all the magics around him and rushing forth to hit him. There was just so much magic going on here, and how he wished there was no real threat so he could just watch and learn like the wistful fanboy he was. Bracing for impact, his eyes squeezed shut and he awaited the onset of pain. None came. He felt a little pressure and an increase in the tingling feeling, but the wave blasted by and disappeared, leaving him standing there unharmed. Incredulous that he'd taken no damage and assuming himself dead for a moment, he looked down and expected to see ghost arms, translucent and spiritual. Instead, he saw a thin shimmering film of magic on his skin exactly like Aven's. "Thanks," he said in awe, though it might have been lost in the battle in progress. It seemed Aven had shared what had to be a high-potency defensive spell, judging by the lack of damage the three took. While Percy wanted nothing more than to really look closely at the veil of dark energy on his skin and quiz the ace about it, he knew this wasn't the time. He couldn't blast orbs of darkness like Aven, but with this shield, he could be a bit less careful and hope no one in the group was as adept at martial arts as he was.

    Percy's portion of the neon samurai's summoned elementals was on him in the blink of an eye, but the youngest Dagger was no scrub. What he didn't have in magical power he'd done everything he could to make up in physical ability. He'd had the best training money could buy. Backhand springing out of the way as the two converged on him, he landed in a crouched position, and that's when he realized something was wrong. He could normally do acrobatics with no problem, yet now his heart was pounding as if he'd been running for hours at top speed. His head was swimming, but he sucked it up and planned his attack. It was a delicate dance, but he was able to keep track of them both despite their speed, dodge most of their acid attacks (the shield seemed to do the trick), and managed to land a couple of heavy blows on each. Despite being magical, after about three solid punches or kicks each, they splattered to the pavement as puddles of acid, which he suddenly moved away from. He actually took a few steps back to get away from ally and enemy alike, grasping at his throat and trying to figure out what was happening to himself.

    That's when it really hit him. His footing staggered and the world tipped and swayed. Percy's brows knitted in confusion, trying to figure out if he'd been hit by a spell or taken damage in some way that he hadn't noticed. From what he could tell he was physically fine, except the tingling had escalated to burning and the air itself seemed to be fire for his throat and lungs. He began to cough harder and more frequently, but more alarming was the blood dripping from his nose into the crease of his lips. Tasting the iron flavor, the scientist spat it out and tried to use his extensive medical knowledge to diagnose himself, but it was no use. His mind was foggy and he felt quite strange and very, very horrible. This was a terrible time to have a medical emergency. His friends, guild, and town needed him. Shaky steps attempted to take him back to the fight in his growing confusion, but it was no use. His body gave out and gravity did its job by slamming him onto the hard ground.

    Unknown to everyone as well as himself, Percy was highly allergic to magic. Such a thing had never been heard of before. The damage it was wreaking on his body as he laid there was catastrophic, mostly from the power, proximity, and prolonged exposure to the dark energy defensive spell that was form-fitted to his whole body. No matter how healthy and strong he was, the intensity that his body rejected magic was devastating for the poor man. He writhed on the ground toward the guildhall as his health rapidly failed, doing his best to keep quiet so not to draw the attention of his guildmates that were doing good work. Now that he thought about it, given how his throat was tight and he could barely breathe through the inflammation and blood, this reminded him of that time in the cursed lands when he'd tried to make a deal with a demon for magic. He'd done nothing like that now, yet he felt even worse than then as if every cell in his body was dying one by one.


    Prior to Percy and company joining the party and the 'incident', a man in a snappy black suit and slicked-back hair had been wandering the festivities. He looked absolutely out of place, what with his aviator sunglasses on despite it being night time. Dagger Corp had way more advanced technology for communication devices these days than the clear curly cords that were supposed to be discreet but screamed BODYGUARD, but that's the only item that could have made it any more obvious that this man was on some sort of protection detail. The murmurs in the crowd hypothesized that a celebrity was in attendance somewhere, or maybe a member of the Magic Council. Maybe even the royal family or a dignitary from a foreign land! In a way, the Dagger family were celebrities, but not the ones everyone hoped for. Either way, Vincent expected to have it easy once more on his favorite shift.

    Keeping an eye on Perseus Dagger was easy. Though he was the youngest, he had a good head on his shoulders and spent most of his time in the lab working alone in a secured environment. Initially, he'd been worried when Percy decided to join a mage guild and started hanging out here more often, but even with the change in routine, he and the rest of the detail had yet to ever mobilize. Basically, they just dressed snazzy and hung out somewhere nearby while taking shifts watching for danger, stalkers, paparazzi, etc. All six of them were too trained and well-paid to slack, but it was unnecessary for all of them to have eyes on the poor guy all the time, and Percy didn't appreciate it when he could see or hear them. They just needed to stay out of his sight and keep him safe. This provided unique opportunities to enjoy life while on the job, which was exactly what Vincent was doing right now, though he resisted the drinks and getting caught up in the dancing.

    Of the small cell of bodyguards, Vincent was the youngest and certainly rowdier. Aside the one currently watching Master Percy, four of the other guards just stood against walls a few blocks away with their feet tapping to the infectious EDM beats. Vincent, however, had somehow ended up behind a large drum with the top full of neon paint. He banged away on it to the rhythm of the song playing, splashing his dark suit and the crowd below with glowing splatters. They seemed to eat it up, which made his usually stern face break into a smirk. It did look ridiculous, a bodyguard banging on paint drums in such a way. But man was it fun. Even if it got him scowled at and scolded by the others, it was an experience he wouldn't regret. It was a shame he didn't get to finish.

    For the first time since he'd been on this job, Robert's voice crackled in his ear with an alarming urgency. "Dagger 6 down!" he called, and he didn't have to repeat it. Adrenaline rushed through his veins. Vincent dropped the sticks and even though the crowd cheered for him, he wasted no time vaulting off the stage and over the crowd, running to catch up to the others. By the locator, Percy was still basically at the guildhall. What could possibly have happened? There weren't many details other than he was down, bleeding, and starting to shake. Robert had reached Percy first, sitting him up so he wouldn't choke on his own blood while he called for an ambulance. Once Vincent and the rest arrived, they formed a protective circle around him as they waited for the medical professionals, intent to keep him safe from the mages fighting nearby and trying to figure out which of them, including the Fairy Tail mages, was responsible for their charge's condition.

    wc: 1782 || group wc: 5327/6000



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    Let's Drink to the Feeling ❅ Event / Aven, Percy Empty Re: Let's Drink to the Feeling ❅ Event / Aven, Percy

    Post by Tess 15th August 2020, 1:01 pm


    Much to the pale haired slayer's delight, Percy and Aven were getting along just well. The young man with dual colored hair had an air of awkwardness that Tess suspected did not disperse in the company of others unless he was extremely well acquainted with them. In response to the conversation about the party, Percy admitted he had been considering attending. Regardless of the unsaid reasons he had decided not to venture out, the violet eyed mage smiled at him as encouragingly as possible. "I'm thrilled we can be of service. You'll be more than a tag a long," she said to him easily, attempting to reassure the stuttering mage. Aven was rather hesitant in his demeanor at the moment, but after a lull in the conversation—during which, she supposed, each one of them was stuck in their own head—Percy spoke up, stammering that they might as well be off. The icy wizard gave him a sweet smile. "Let's." Tess let her voice echo his phrase before she followed his delicate steps to the doorway, where Aven was waiting. For today, her attire was devastatingly out of the protocol for what she ordinarily donned. Specifically chosen for the event, the white headed female could only hope her magic did not melt away, leaving her in the fanciful day wear she normally sported. In regards to sticking together, Tess gave each of the others another glance over. Percy wore striking blue sports shoes over a nearly all black outfit, slimming and altogether a very modern take. On the other hand, the first Fairy Tail mage she had met was still dressed in the same clothes. Both appearances were easy to commit to memory, and the frost slayer could nod in determination at Percy's words. "Even if the event is crowded, we will be able to reconnect. I won't lose track of you," Tess attempted to comfort them one last time.

    Aven had no qualms whatsoever—at least, he did not show them—about charging like a madman into the horde of rave attendees. In fact, he was even clapping, and the enthusiasm clear on his face was endearing. Unfortunately, before he could finish off the incredibly cliched phrase spilling from his lips, a strong bass beat vibrated through the air, rumbling through the ground under their very feet. Tess restrained herself from smiling. Undoubtedly, this night was going to be interesting. She began to make her way outside when Aven's expression changed—much to her confusion, his delighted expression faltered before reforming into a much less genuine countenance. "Very well," the purple eyed girl agreed, casting Percy a short glance before the other pale haired mage disappeared in a miniature burst of the same dark energy he had exhibited for herself and Althea earlier that morning. 'I wonder what has him so riled up,' the female brushed her hair away from her eyes as she caught sight of the red and white haired mage sprinting towards the doorway. 'It must be interesting,' Tess shrugged as she followed at a more leisurely pace. While she was loathe to miss out on the fun, the pale slayer could not be rushed. As soon as she neared the entryway, her aura detected an unsettling amount of magic in the area. Most likely, Aven had picked up on the disturbance from farther away. The individuals responsible for the catastrophe awaiting her eyes outside were rather clear at the first glance as the only people not fleeing for their lives, screaming, or struggling haplessly.

    Taking a brief moment to check in on Percy, Tess could only assume from his clenched fists that he felt unnerved or intimidated. Personally, she was already bored of this terrorism, but it was quite the show. The moment the Samurai began speaking, the white headed slayer lost all her respect for this nonsense preventing her from enjoying a nice night out with two new acquaintances. 'Guests at his party? How predictably tiresome,' her thoughts swirled with dull impatience, but on the outside, her expression was mildly concerned. As two of the strangely neon creatures shot towards her, the orchid eyed mage blinked twice as she stepped neatly away from their first pass. Regardless of whether it took her out of range or not, she simply could not be bothered to move any more than was necessary. Typically, her magic demanded a large amount of energy; it required her to dash around and do the heavy lifting through her own strikes. On this lovely—formerly peaceful, at least—night, Tess was unwilling to compromise on her desire to fight. Or lack, thereof. As it turned out, she had not escaped the range of the molten plasma flickering on the edges of the elementals' silhouettes, and it lapped at her skin. The willowy girl felt nothing, which was unsurprising. Her pain tolerance prevented her from feeling any damage, but this scenario was more than a lack of feeling. Instead, it seemed as though she had been protected unknowingly. Upon closer examination, the iris eyed maiden's skin was covered by a slightly cracked coating of dark energy. To her fascination, it slowly repaired itself, merging seamlessly into a solid, filmy layer. Aven's doing, no doubt.

    Since this fight was beginning to drag on, Tess admitted to herself that she ought to participate more and hurry things along. A fog emerged from her pores, miniature snowflakes all imbued with a draining magic that slowly seeped the warmth from the elementals nearby. Normally, heat claimed an advantage over ice, but the ubiquitous nature of her numbing magic could ensure that this environment was akin to battling in a snowstorm, as she leeched the surrounding air of energy until it became sluggish, freezing cold. Taking advantage of their sudden inability to move, Tess' physical form dissolved into icy flakes that whirled in a gust of frozen magic, bursting through their bodies and shattering them into tiny frozen pieces. As the mist faded away, the shards melted into small puddles, but the life force animating them was already gone. Soon enough, the remnants evaporated and left only marks on the ground. She felt a rush of energy pour into her veins, and the pale haired slayer struggled not to sway on her feet. 'This is it. The feeling that comes from helping,' she had been slowly rehabilitating herself to no longer chase after the release of satisfaction after a kill, but it still felt euphoric. 'Escaping the misery of suffering, the glory of that,' she let out a breath she hadn't known she was holding and diverted her attention to her surroundings. Now was the time to focus and not allow herself to be caught up by the obsession of battle. It was all too easy to hyper focus on demolishing every single enemy, when in reality, such antics were unnecessary. Judging by her position, the Samurai was within teleportation distance. A flash of light blue light and Tess appeared behind him, her right hand wrapped tightly around a glinting blade of ice. In one smooth movement, she stuck it through his stomach, painlessly slicing through his internal organs. Her magic flowed down and through the edge, forcing itself into his system and freezing up his metabolism until the most basic functions ceased to work.

    Snow exploded from his body as the bitter cold hijacked his own magic and used it to propel the spread of ice. As a last ditch attempt, the Samurai tried to swing his sword behind him, but he was unable to turn his body enough to use that momentum. Tess caught his arm with her other hand easily enough, directing the massive pink flame that spurted from the blade at the ground, where it caught fire. At first, the flames appeared to be harmless enough, but as the girl observed with narrowed violet orbs, she realized that they were not dying out. On the contrary, there appeared to be some sort of magic involved. The inferno slowly began to eat away at even the concrete. Finally, the icy slayer had enough of this nonsense. She put a pale, cold hand on his throat, numbing his breath and halting the conduction of organic electrical pulses, of cellular passages, of anything. In turn, the life essence flowed up her arm—Tess wrenched it out of her own system and thrust the power into a bubble of freezing rime ice, which encapsulated the fire. For now, that would hold it until a mage with abilities more suitable could properly put it out. Her ice was unmeltable in this situation, so it could hold the flames indefinitely. Stepping away from the Samurai as his body froze up, the white and blue haired maiden let out a short sigh when she noticed another enemy clothed in cybertech armor from head to toe. It was the so called DJ from before. Tiring of this battling, Tess only wanted to move on. Perhaps she would even go as far as to say that she no longer felt in the mood to participate in a nice party. It was best to finish this quickly, lest that frame of mind spoil the spirit of entertainment entirely.

    Leaving behind an icy mark on the ground, Tess teleported to the DJ. He was more prepared for her melee than the Samurai, having witnessed it moments before. However, she did not release a mist. Instead, a full on blizzard consumed the immediate area in a very small radius—it was thick enough that he was left blinded and unable to confirm her location. The young slayer had a relatively straightforward fight handed to her on a plate; she was free to send bursts of snow, and icy comets, careening towards him while he was unable to dodge. Within another beat or two, the encounter was done. It had been made only even more easy by Aven's protection; typically, Tess found herself needing to divert attention to creating and upkeeping shields. In this situation, that had been absolutely unnecessary. She allowed her eyes to scan the area in a longer, more thorough sweep, finding a sight that she had missed before. Percy was collapsed and on the ground, struggling to—Tess couldn't see now, as a darkly suited figure was blocking her view. While she was unsure of how she had missed his fight going so badly, the current situation appeared to be urgent. Now was not the time to ruminate on oversights and mistakes. The fair skinned slayer stepped towards her new guild mate, but a crew of more black clothed individuals swept in, surrounding the young man and staring at her and the other onlookers suspiciously. 'Percy must be highly valued by an individual I don't know,' the orchid eyed female attempted to slide past one of the bodyguards, only to be shoved backwards roughly. 'I can't see. It's too risky to hope he's being protected, rather than kidnapped while he is vulnerable.' Tess did not want to flat out attack the group, especially as they appeared to be professionals. However, she could not just walk away in a moment like this.

    Words ;; 1850 ❅ Thread ;; 7177 ❅ OOC ;; That should conclude combat!




    Let's Drink to the Feeling ❅ Event / Aven, Percy PXRL2Kd

      Current date/time is 22nd October 2024, 9:32 pm