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    Our Future ; Our Menu! (Boomslang)


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    In Progress Our Future ; Our Menu! (Boomslang)

    Post by Ahote 3rd July 2020, 11:16 am

    "What you have before you is the very future of our establishment. It is up to you all to determine the fate of it all. Do you understand? My livelihood is dependent..." Abruptly, a white cloth was lifted off of a large portion of the Boomslang bar counter, revealing row upon row of coffee, alcoholic drinks, and small platters of food. They were all varied in color, size, and temperature, and all looked equally delicious. Behind the counter was none other than the stoic and brooding owner, Ahote, who was practically glaring at his employees who would be sitting across from him. "...on your taste testing."

    Ahote was sporting his usual charming attire: a traditional bartender uniform, black gloves, and a pretty face to compliment it all. As usual, he wore his silver hair in a lazy ponytail, and in between his lips was a lit cigarette, smoking despite his strict no-smoking policy. However, the club was closed today, and he had summoned his employees just for this experimental occasion, so he made an exception for himself this time.

    "Do you all understand?" asked Ahote, looking serious, "If I find out that any of you are lying—I'll kill you." Ahote glared at them, looking as intense as ever. Of course, he didn't actually mean it. If he had killed them, it would be difficult to cover his tracks—and he needed employees.

    Post Word Count: 231 | Total Word Count: 231 | Needed Word Count: ???
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    Lineage : Kingdom of the Dead
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    In Progress Re: Our Future ; Our Menu! (Boomslang)

    Post by Ran 3rd July 2020, 11:28 am

    Seika clapped and clapped in response to Mister Laspor's announcement. "Yay! Livelihood! What does that mean?" She glanced at Aphelia, who stared back, unamused. Waiting for a response, Seika finally scrunched up her nose in annoyance before sticking out her tongue petulantly.

    "Fine! Don't tell me! Meanie cat!" The mage returned her attention to her manager. He seemed to be smoking- wait, didn't they have like, a no smoking policy or something? Seika raised her hand tentatively. "Um, Mister, smoking isn't allowed in the club. There's like, a rule. I don't know where it is, though! BUT you could check with my boss, he knows all the rules!" Beaming at the man, she waited for a response, still eyeing the cigarette with a dubious expression across her face.

    Seika wouldn't dream of lying to Mister Laspor! After all, if his um, lively hands were dependent on it, they couldn't let anything bad happen! His hands were really nice, and they had given her a cup of coffee in the past. Therefore, they needed to be protected! "Let's do a good job, everyone, so we don't kill anything!" What were they even going to be talking about, though? Maybe he had said it earlier, but the girl couldn't remember. Oh well, it probably was something that could be figured out along the way! Deciding to just sit down and go along with it for now, the mage was about to do just that when she realized the table was now covered in a ton of food and different drinks.

    "Ehh? Wait, since when did those get there?" Seika dashed forwards, sticking her nose right in front of a platter until it was barely half a centimetre off of touching.

    Seika: 288 | Total: 519



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    In Progress Re: Our Future ; Our Menu! (Boomslang)

    Post by Eireen 14th July 2020, 12:57 am

    Eireen has always fancied herself a food guru.  Do you know how many episodes of Rordan Gramsey she’s watched?  That was more than enough to elevate her to the level of a true professional.  So when her moody manager unveiled a table of food, she couldn’t help but be excited.  Despite his threats, Eireen was already thinking about what kind of unsavory comments she could make about the food.  But screaming “it’s raw” while upheaving a table of food would probably get her fired.  Being loud and unpleasant wasn’t all that enjoyable in the first place.  Eireen was trashy, but she prided herself in having some form of pride in her “practice”.

    However, her intense plotting was disrupted by the youngest employee present.  “Wait, isn’t he-”  She struggled to grasp where her understanding of the situation and Seika’s failed to overlap.  Ahote was the person in charge of Boomslang, so he was allowed to smoke wherever he wanted.  Anyways, rules didn’t apply when no one enforced them, and who was around to tell the guy he couldn’t smoke?  “Are all kids these days like you?  Because dayum, if so we should get some brain-boosting shakes on our menu or something.”  Eireen was mostly joking, but as she watched her coworker stick her face into platters… maybe some more hands-on treatment was needed?  She really hoped that customers weren’t as brain-damaged as Seika.

    word count: 232
    total word count: 751
    yeah, u guys don't get a discord ping.  check ur notifs for once, leah



    Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    In Progress Re: Our Future ; Our Menu! (Boomslang)

    Post by Ahote 12th October 2020, 4:04 pm

    Our Future ; Our Menu! (Boomslang) 7uvyAYO

    You're a weapon ; and weapons don't weep

    "..." Ahote stared at Seika with narrowed eyes, like a four-eyed kid squinting at a bulletin board to see things better. Not only did she seem hyperactive and persistent, but she also seemed vehemently clumsy of the mind. Never had anyone who had known him to be the owner of this club ever questioned his authority, let alone reprimand him for breaking rules he created. So, this was a first for him. But at the same time, if this was how she was gonna act with everyone, then maybe with a little direction, she could ensure that a rule is never broken ever again. It was still confusing and a little shocking, though. Awkwardly, Ahote plucked the cigarette from his lips and smothered it into an ashtray on the edge of the counter. "...No, you're right. Thanks for the reminder, kid."

    Meanwhile, Ahote could tell that his other employee, Eireen, was going to be blunt and somewhat of a smartass. He's dealt with her type before, but it didn't make it any less difficult from time to time. In this case, her confusion was justified, seeing as both of them seemed to be stumped at what Seika had just corrected him on just now. Maybe her snarkiness would provide some balance for the team one way or another. After that interesting exchange, it was time to move into the meat of their meeting today. From beneath the bar counter, Ahote pulled out a tray of several sets of silverware, holding it out to Eireen and then Seika for them to take them as they needed it.

    "It doesn't matter, Seika," Ahote started bluntly, gently pushing Seika's face away from the dishes with a pair of fingers, grabbing her hand, and carefully placing a fork into her palm, "you both need to give me your honest opinions about these samples that you'll try, because they may or may not end up on our menu in the future. Don't pull your punches, alright? Okay, Eireen?"

    || Word Count: 333 || Thread WC: 1084 || WC Needed ??? || Job Approval ||
    Enemies: ???



    Lineage : Kingdom of the Dead
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    In Progress Re: Our Future ; Our Menu! (Boomslang)

    Post by Ran 5th February 2021, 2:18 pm

    Yay! Luckily, it seemed like this Mister wouldn't be a hard case when it came to following the rules. That was definitely a relief, because it meant Seika could impress her boss. It definitely wouldn't impress him if she ended up arguing a lot with a customer and having to forcibly make them follow the rules. No no, that wouldn't do at all. Wait, but did he call her a kid? She shrugged it off in favor of returning to smelling the wonderful dishes that were all laid out in her in their extremely appetizing way. Mmm, this one was really good. She could already tell by the scent. It was like, addicting. Maybe if she leaned just a little bit closer, she could get more of it to fit up her nose? No? Ah-

    "Hey!" She jumped a little bit when a couple fingers collided with her face, bumping her away from the food. Oh, that kinda felt nice though. Seika blinked up at the man, who was now holding her hand in a very friendly but rather awkward fashion. "Mister, if you're trying to hold my hand, you're supposed to wrap it like, around it. Also, you have to get rid of this fork. It's kind of in the way." she informed him, blinking at the metal utensil that was nestled in her palm. Wait, he had just said her name. Right, Seika, yes, that was her. What was he on about again?

    The girl did her best to tune back into the flow of words emerging from his lips, and immediately she felt more confused. Wait, so they may or may not end up on the menu? Wait, what may or may not end up in the menu? Regardless, wasn't it kind of weird that she was supposed to do something related to things possibly ending up somewhere? After all, if there was a chance for it to not end up on the menu, why would Seika tell him it should be on the menu? And vice versa... anyway, while she had been considering this weird confusing concept, she had missed a couple things. Focusing back in, Seika barely managed to hear the word "punches" and then "okay, Eireen," which led her to believe... uh...

    "Eireen, which one can I eat first?" If she didn't ask the girl for the okay and the go ahead, she would probably get punched, right? And getting punched hurt. Most of the time. So Seika definitely wanted to avoid that, if at all possible.

    Seika: 711 | Total: 1507



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Second Skill: Edge of Infinity
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: Our Future ; Our Menu! (Boomslang)

    Post by Eireen 23rd April 2021, 4:14 pm

    Eireen found herself slightly miffed at the fast that Ahote allowed Seika to get away with her weirdo bullshit without reproach.  I mean, how are kids ever gonna improve themselves without resorting to *cough* a belt?  Since the teen was being employed in the first place, it was debatable that her parents knew or cared enough to pursue legal action.  And if they did, Eireen wouldn’t be the one who had to get in trouble!  Too bad her boss became a little pussy around children, or maybe it was just that the reaper herself held some sort of illogical distaste for the youth?  Well, people around Seika’s age were pretty okay, but anyone under the age of 12?  Those little gremlins made Eireen desire violence.  The sight of infants made her want to punch them right in their dumb faces.  Something about the image of a child crying incessantly and a mother too indifferent to shut the thing up made her blood boil.  Perhaps she could convince her boss to have a “no children” policy?  They already had this cafe-bar thing, so they might as well start bringing the alcohol and degeneracy to daylight as well!  He’d probably say no, but perhaps if she made a point to highlight how children are just adults but ten times worse in every fathomable way, he’d listen!

    However, at the addition of an “okay, Eireen” at the end of said boss’s lecture, hopes of an anti-child establishment quickly went up in smoke.  “Hey, why single me out?”  She muttered, sounding slightly offended, “If I wasn’t gonna take this seriously, I wouldn’t have shown up.”  Well, Eireen was utterly lying when she said that.  No way in hell would she spend her leisure time doing something as boring as taste testing with no spice in it.  Additionally, seeing Seika grab Ahote’s hand like that gave her father and daughter vibes (even though he looked nowhere near old enough to be her dad, but whatever), so she needed some stress relief.

    The pink-haired woman turned to Seika, “Oh, I don’t care.  The only thing I’m planning on eating is some big, juicy a- ahem, I mean, uh, I’ll eat whatever you do.”  Nice backpedal!  She almost replied with “ass” purely on instinct, but one misstep and her career would’ve been in jeopardy.  “Boss Ahote, am I allowed to get wasted right now?  You could use some wine sampling or whatever too, right?”

    word count: 407
    total word count: 1914
    ik i didn't ping leah and it was hilarious and stuff, but i don't have notifs turned on 😔


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