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    An Unlikely Encounter

    Shane Stern
    Shane Stern

    Lineage : Super Soldier
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 623,530

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plus Ultra
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    An Unlikely Encounter Empty An Unlikely Encounter

    Post by Shane Stern 25th June 2020, 5:34 pm

    Having looked at his iLac for five minutes while sipping from a beige mug containing mocha, Shane sighed slightly before turning it off and slipping it into his pants pocket. He had been stuck in Lavanitir Port City for the past few weeks, originally here for an interception mission. He had thought he would be able to leave the place and return to Era where he would be able to relax but the message that he had just received from one of his informants needed him to stay in Lavanitir for a few more days.

    The word had already been put out in the streets actually. Two days before, Shane had already got wind of the rumors that a particularly bloodthirsty gang that called themselves Stygian was going to enter the port city. While Lavanitir’s key selling point as a city was that anyone would be welcome to stay here as long as they followed the laws of the city, Lavanitir also disregarded any of your prior statuses the moment you walk through the gates of the city. A Rune Knight would receive treatment no different from a criminal as long as they keep themselves clean here. As a former Rune Knight and a fugitive wanted by the Magic Council, Lavanitir was supposed to be a great hiding place for him but Shane loathed the place and its principles.

    Criminals were criminals. Second chances may be given but there was no way he could just disregard their past actions just because they were currently Lavanitir-law abiding citizens.

    Shane stood on the alcove of a roof of a tall building, making himself appear as inconspicuous as possible. He had a pair of binoculars in his right hand, holding it up in front of his eyes as he swept through the compound of the large mansion that had just recently been purchased. His left arm was perched on the railing, holding his body’s weight as he leaned forward. The mansion had been on the market for quite some time, garnering little interest from potential buyers due to the militaristic design.

    Tall walls surrounded the entire compound, complete with rooms at each corner of the walls for guards to man. Within, the buildings were all rectangular, the designer going all out in making the buildings looked as boxy as possible. The buildings were separated into the main house, with a smaller building on each side. The roofs were almost flat, made of completely black panels with a slight angle just enough for the rain to roll off.

    Shane continued watching patiently, taking note of the guards that were walking around the perimeter of the mansion and their behavior. His intel had told him that the Stygian gang was currently holed up in this place, and if he wanted to drag the leader of the gang back to Era to pay for his crimes, the former Rune Knight was going to have to infiltrate the place.

    [492 words]
    [Total WC: 492 / ???]


    Gilderoy D. Portgas
    Gilderoy D. Portgas

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
    Position : None
    Faction : Rune Knights
    Posts : 161
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,599

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Chronos
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    An Unlikely Encounter Empty Re: An Unlikely Encounter

    Post by Gilderoy D. Portgas 25th June 2020, 9:04 pm


    One the famous figures that Tetsuo had heard about during his unfortunate travels was the famous symbol of peace, Shane Stern. Tetsuo heard various rumors and stories about how insanely strong and noble that this legendary man was, and well, Shane honestly inspired Tetsuo to join the Rune-Knights and he had hoped to meet the man in person at the Knight’s headquarters. He was disappointed to discover that Shane was now a wanted criminal, and well, Tetsuo wanted to know why? He was no idiot, after all, heroes don’t just become easily corrupt, and judging from the stories this man was nearly incapable of being corrupted into becoming a villain. And so for that reason, Tetsuo decided to track down this man and get Shane’s side of the story.

     After all, you had to be an idiot to always believe what you have been told, and Tetsuo was curious as to what the truth actually was, and what this man was actually capable of, and maybe, ask if Shane could teach him a thing or two. Honestly, that would be so bloody cool if he could learn a little from the master himself! Without a doubt, hands down, the only reason why he got off his lazy arse to do this little personal mission was so that he could get to meet the great Shane Stern and talk with him and whatnot. However, now that he actually left the barracks and was doing the investigation work and whatnot, Tetsuo was kind of regretting his decision. There were numerous dead ends and what not, and honestly, this was a lot more work than what he had expected. Granted, Tetsuo knew he should have expected that this would not be easy, form the stories that he heard Shane was a professional. But still, he kind of wish he knew that before he traveled all about Fiorie tracking various sources and leads that gave him even a whisper of Shane. 

    This was a little too much work for just one man, ugh, why did he have to do this! If it wasn’t for the fact that he was nowhere near the guild and he had already placed this much work into the small personal mission, then he would’ve simply quit. Tetsuo was practically beating his head against the wall of the hotel that he was staying in as another lead led to a dead end. He was fixing to quit the mission all together and simply return to the barracks and eat his defeat away with sugars, but then while he was getting coffee he noticed something a little odd, and he could have swore that Shane, the man he so desired to speak with was there at the restaurant. He knew that coming here was a good idea!!! That someone convicted like Shane would be able to waltz around with some semibalance of freedom in this gods forsaken town! Tetsuo plotted to follow the man the rest of the day, and he did so until well he got lost. Fortunately he heard about a gang coming into the town, and well deciding that, that was where he’d catch Shane. Tetsuo decided to take the job for himself. Tetsuo would land on the ceiling that the Shane was on, and approached the man a ghost of a smile on his face.

    “You are Shane, right?” he would question softly. “You were admittedly hard to find.” 


    Last edited by Francis D. Teach on 26th June 2020, 9:18 am; edited 1 time in total


    Shane Stern
    Shane Stern

    Lineage : Super Soldier
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 623,530

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plus Ultra
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    An Unlikely Encounter Empty Re: An Unlikely Encounter

    Post by Shane Stern 26th June 2020, 1:51 am

    While he may have appeared to be fixated on the mansion before him, taking in as much information as he could about the location for his impending raid on the Stygian gang, Shane wasn’t completely oblivious to his surroundings. He had known that someone was tailing since he left the restaurant where he had his lunch earlier. The attention paid to him hadn’t been masked in any way, screaming at every one of his senses that he found it amusing. He had recognized the boy immediately. He had seen his profile the same day he had seen Alicia’s, and he found it funny how the recruits were seeking him out one after another.

    It was also a testament to how little Shane cared about keeping his whereabouts secret. He did nothing to eradicate his trail, while he only feebly disguised himself with a beard and a fake name. Heck, he didn’t even bother with using a cap to hide his face or anything. However, Shane hadn’t done anything to expose the new Rune Knight recruit. He acted normally, finishing his meal without any rush. There was no additional effort on his end to hide away or to drop the young recruit from his trail.

    “Tetsuo Oborozuki, Combat Corps,” Shane stated when the recruit approached him without confirming his own identity. The former Rune Knight turned around to assess the young man standing before him, who was slightly taller than himself. He had read the dossiers of all the new recruits that had joined the Rune Knights after he had been forced to go on the run, memorizing their faces and understanding their background. Kyra, Francois, Scully, Alicia, Tetsuo. Perhaps, he might be even clearer about the ins and outs of the organization than some of the Rune Knights in HQ.

    “I have never tried to hide my trail. But lacking some subtlety, aren’t you? At least Alicia tried to keep it low key that she recognized me instead of just throwing out her cards on the table,” Shane commented, smirking as he turned his attention back to the mansion through the binoculars. Every once in a while, men dressed in more casual clothing in contrast to the guards would walk around with purpose. Shane assumed they were the higher-ranking members of the gang who weren’t tasked to purely guarding the mansion.

    “So, what do you want to find me for?”
    Shane asked, turning around to look at Tetsuo with an arched eyebrow. A thought ran through his mind, and the former Rune Knight General handed the binoculars over to the recruit. “Wanna take a look?”

    [435 words]
    [Total WC: 1500 / ???]


    Gilderoy D. Portgas
    Gilderoy D. Portgas

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
    Position : None
    Faction : Rune Knights
    Posts : 161
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,599

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Chronos
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    An Unlikely Encounter Empty Re: An Unlikely Encounter

    Post by Gilderoy D. Portgas 26th June 2020, 10:13 am


    With a tilt of his head Tetsuo curiously studied the handsome warrior in front of him, he certainly was not handsome as the servant boy back home, but he was somewhat up there. Honestly, Tetsuo simply found most people in this country to be unattractive, they were a little to hairy and burly for his taste. It was however, a little flattering that the famous Shane Stern knew who he was, Tetsuo found himself going a little red in the face. “Yes, I am Tetsuo. But ah, you can call me Tetsu, without the O.” his accent became thick once again, this time out of slight nervousness that is commonly associated with flattery or embarrassment. “That was kind of obvious, ya? Seeing that ah, someone like me could find you.” Tetsuo remarked a bit smartly when Shane mentioned that he wasn’t really hiding, if someone as lazy as Tetsuo could find the man with difficulty, he wondered how hard it would be to find Shane if he was actually trying to hide?  Ngn, that certainly would not be a job for Tetsuo, someone else maybe, but not Tetsuo Oborozuki.

    Tetsuo would simply shrug at this next comment, not really caring that he did not approach shame cautiously, or that he had laid all his cards out on the table. Plus, how would Shane know that he had all of his cards out on the table? For all that Shane could know Tetsuo had some captives that he was fixing to threaten if any harm came on him, or he could be uber power or a clone! But needless to say, Tetsuo was not worried about Shane hurting him, or concern about his well-being here. If Shane did not want to be found, Tetsuo would not even be here, and if Shane wanted him dead well he’d have done it by now. “I see no reason to be sneaky-like, ah, I am confident that you will not hurt me, ya?” he questioned and gave Shane a closed eye smile. "oh ah, I simply wanted to talk, yes? I heard stories about you, I think you Fiorians would say that, ah, they were um legendary? So I wanted to meet you in person." he reached over and squeezed one of Shane's muscles with a fascinating look. "big"

    He would take the binoculars that was offered to him, and looked at the mansion that was across the street, Tetsuo paused for a moment and tilted his head. “You’re after the gang, yes?” he questioned softly and handed them back. “Ooooo, I can freeze the place yes?” he questioned a little wide eye at the other male.



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