Fairy Tail RP

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    The Ragged One [Job, Solo]


    Lineage : Wrath of Wraith
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 1,568

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed The Ragged One [Job, Solo]

    Post by SKD1218 21st June 2020, 10:13 am

    After his first mission in Tetsukazu, Drako was sure that this one would be much easier. But he was wrong... So wrong... His objective this time was to survive,and he had completely underestimated how hard that actually was. He needed to make it through not just the envionment, but all of the obstacles that the Guildmaster had put in his ways, and after 3 days of this, Drako wanted nothing more than to return to the comforts of home. Free food, free water.... But alas, such things now seem like a distant memory to the boy, who is currently taking a meditative pose to use his magic sensory to find some food for the hunt. After picking out the slightest hint of magical energy off of something, he'd rush off eagerly in that direction, ready to kill and eat. After coming upon a Greererpeton, Drako readied his dragon arms and dashed for the neck of the beast with his posinous claws before it could react. Blood of course spalttered on the scene. Having found his meal, Drako would set up a temporary camp somewhere nearby and start roasting.
    As he was cooking his most recent kill, he heard hissing, and as he looked back, he could see multiple glowing eyes. "Oh SLAYER no, you are NOT getting in between me and my lunch." The boy didn't realize it, but he had unknowingly wandered onto a mating ground of the Greererpetons, and they were not happy about seeing a human roast one of their own species. At this moment, Drako did not care. He dawned his dragon arms once again and dashed forward, cutting at the neck of one of the beast once more. Two others charged at him and he just straight up started choking them out, delivering a dragonic roar while doing so. It was pretty terrifying, especially for the normally kind hearted boy. He realized this when the other Greererpetons started fleeing for their lives, and as he stared at the beast which he was choking out... They shocked him, which was enough to loosen his grip and allow the to flee. The Dragon Savage sighed and got back to roasting. With his belly full, theboy slept for what remined of the night.
    [WC: 375]

    Last edited by SKD1218 on 17th August 2020, 4:37 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : it's been done for a while, so i'm finally ading the completed tag)



    Lineage : Wrath of Wraith
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 1,568

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: The Ragged One [Job, Solo]

    Post by SKD1218 13th August 2020, 2:35 pm

    After waking up, the dragon souled boy would begin with meditating and honing his spiritual, magical and mental skills, as it would be very easy to let those decline if one was not careful in the wilderness. He'd push his magic sensory to the limits and focus on every little ting he could feel with it. From the shifting grains of sand, to the creatures tunneling below it. It was a serene feeling.With a few leftovers from last night,he simply consumed whatever he hadn't finished last night. After doing so, he would get up and march forward. Navigating around the forest region of the island for no particular reason aside from increasig his agility. And the desire to feel like a spider-based mage that could swing from webs and that was capable of catching theives just like flies. The dragon boy would leap from tree to tree, swinging on the vines. Unfortunately, the last vine he grabbed was a bit loose, and as a result, the boy had started free falling. Fortuntely, however, hehad landed gracefully in some water. In another stroke of bad luck, the water was inhabited by Colosteus, and they seemed fairly hungry. Knowing that he wasn't a water fighter, Drako would launch himself at the nearest beast and drake his arms around it, forcing it to move him to the land, as it was muchfasteri n the water than the dragon boy could ever hope to be. After making it to land, Drako would slam this beast onto the ground, KOing it. Not wanting to brutalize the other beast, he'd use his secret techique: Flee, not fight, AKA, RUN AWAY! After wandering around in the forest a bit more, Drako had managed to find another magical portal, one which he assumed was placed there by the guild master. Hoping that he had proved hiself, he'd walk through it and find himself in the Guildhall.

    [WC: 319]



      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:29 pm