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    Kaja Jelen Alias: Bianca Kazmarek & Daemon

    Kaja Jelen
    Kaja Jelen

    Dragon VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curiosity of a Strange World
    Position : None
    Posts : 556
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Experience : 7,993

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arma Machinis
    Second Skill: Archive - Nemo
    Third Skill:

    Kaja Jelen Alias: Bianca Kazmarek & Daemon Empty Kaja Jelen Alias: Bianca Kazmarek & Daemon

    Post by Kaja Jelen 23rd June 2021, 8:14 am

    Kaja Jelen Alias: Bianca Kazmarek & Daemon NjhIJpk
    I think there is a flaw in my code 01101011 01100001 01101001

    Name: Kaja Jelen

    Alias: Bianca Kazmarek & Daemon
    Gender: Female
    Age: 25
    Birthday: 06/24
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Alignment: Lawfully Evil
    Special Characteristics: Kaja is a cyborg made from nano-particles, however, she looks and feels normal as the nano-particles can mimic biological matter. The body is pliable, meaning that she can alter her appearance to suit her needs. Useful for missions and for quick changes of outfit


    Kaja Jelen changed her name to Bianca Kazmarek after her life as Kaja ended. A life that ended when she had to destroy her android body and her biological brain because the Baniastal-technology found her. Kaja had been prepared for this, certain facilities spread around the continent would ensure that she would be rebuild. Thought even less human as she had been. She did hope that the Demon Kai would disappear now that her last biological part had been destroyed but she was wrong. Kai was still there, lurking in the shadows and the binary digits of her artificial brain.

    Kaja was born in a poor family. Her parents were always fighting, their frustration with each other be unleashed on her more than once. The people in the world a child should trust the most should receive love from, were far removed from that idealised picture. To prevent being in the crossfire of her parent's fights, Kaja would stroll around in the neighbourhood. The neighbourhood was in the slums but still yielded some crafting materials and electronics in garbage bins. She was quickly adept at electronics and computers. She once created a robotic cat but once she showed her proudest achievement, her father snatched it from her and smashed it at the wall.

    After that, Kaja started to hear a voice in her mind. A voice that later called itself Kai. A year or three passed and the voice began to grow stronger and influence her behaviour. When her parents had once more a big fight, Kaja left in tears. She fled to her secret spot in an abandoned building but once she was there she found a dead body. He had been shot, and managed to flee his attackers but bled to death. In his hands was a gun and Kai told Kaja that her problems would be solved. She had to shoot her parents. She complied.

    But it did not take away the anger or fear she had for her parents. It did not take away the pain. She felt nothing, but that nothingness was quickly filled with dread and regret. She killed her parents for nothing. She was now an orphan. Roaming the streets, salvaging materials to sell for food, and later drugs. The drugs liberated her from Kai, who became stronger and stronger. He began to manifest outside of her mind. First in the shadows and then in the open. To escape from Kai forever, she overdosed. But forever was shorter than expected.

    One moment her body felt brushed, her mind cloudy with sadness and anger. Then it became dark, followed by bright light, the aches were gone and she could think clearer as she had ever done. But Kai remained. Baniastal-technology had made her into an android, the first of her kind. Her brain that was infected by the demon made her suitable for the metal body. They then tried to slave her mind, which succeeded and she was sold to Bosco as an elite soldier. Kai did not like losing power over Kaja and he pried her mind loose. Kaja regained her agency and began plotting her escape. For that, she invented nano-particles and created a new body.

    Perfectionist: - Kaja almost compulsive in her perfectionism. Everything needs to be right, and if it is not she will set it right or worry about it for hours or even days.
    Neurotic: - Kaja’s mood can switch drastically from severe sadness to happiness. Externally she might seem fine in the face of stress but internally things can break down as she tries to deal with it. She often worries, particularly about what happened that fateful day she killed her parents and the demon within her mind.
    Daredevil: - Kaja hardly scared of anything, the pro side of immortality. Even if she could die, she would hardly shy away from the certainty of death as long as Kai haunts her mind.
    Independent: - Kaja is an independent person, she does not like to rely on others. In recent times she did learn to delegate tasks, certainly a necessity as the owner of a large hotel.
    Disagreeable: - Kaja does not do things she does not want to do. Kai fortified this trait in her. She had gone through enough as a result of being too agreeable.
    Inventive: - Kaja is a creative person. A genius one might add, considering she invented magical technology called nano-particles. That invention transformed her life, literally. Kaja can quickly come up with solutions to problems with the way her brain used to work and the computing power of her artificial brain.
    Proud: - Kaja takes pride in her achievements, despite her failures and the omnipresent suffering. She marches through the halls of the Black Lotus with a general. Even conjuring her perpetual sorrow expression into a small smile.
    Introverted: - Kaja is introverted and likes to be alone, thoughts she does long for the company of people. She simply does not deal well with large groups, and for her, more than three people is a crowd. However, she does not have stage freight and can easily put on a performance or a speech. A stark contrast with social settings.

    Technology - Kaja adores technology, truly a tech-geek who is up to date to the latest developments; may they be public or secret. She loves to create machines and programs.
    Firearms - Kaja loves a good knife or sword, but better yet are firearms. Small arms, assault rifles, sniper rifles or grenade launchers.
    Speed - Kaja loves speed or rather acceleration. She loves to ride her bike, it keeps her mind off her worries.

    Incompetence - Kaja strives for the best, always diligent for perfection, so if someone is incompetent in tasks, if they fail to do it right then Kaja gets frustrated.
    Abuse - Kaja has seen more than enough abuse in her life. She will help the abused and punish the abusers. This is also the reason that she refuses to use torture as a means in her pursuits, there is more than enough suffering in the world already.
    Loneliness - Kaja dislikes being alone, even thoughts she longs for companionship, she finds it hard to trust others; especially her heart and mind.

    Fulfilment - Kaja is tormented by a hollow feeling that needs to be filled. But whenever it is companionship, wealth or safety that will fill the hole remains to be seen.
    Affluence - Kaja has lived most of her life in poverty and wishes to never live like that again.
    Liberation - Kaja seeks a way to rid herself of Kai, who tries to stop this from happening whenever he can.

    Her Parents - Kaja's parents were hateful to each other, and abusive to Kaja which left a mark on her. Even though she killed them, they still haunt her mind.
    Loss of control - Kaja is afraid that Kai or her emotions get the better of her and bent her to their will. And there is also still Baniastal-technology and the Bosco government after her.
    Kai - Kai, the demon that flays her mind. The oil on the fire of her problems or the oil on the fire that warmed her, either way, Kai burned her and burned her good. And those wounds keep on burning, especially when Kai gets angry and Kai does that often.

    General Appearance

    Height: 1.64m
    Weight: 69kg
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Blue
    Skin Tone: Light
    Guild: Guildless
    Tattoo: On the sole of her right foot.
    Tattoo colour: Black

    Template by ivyleaf33


    Kaja Jelen Alias: Bianca Kazmarek & Daemon 0WKR6kK


    Kaja Jelen Alias: Bianca Kazmarek & Daemon Empty Re: Kaja Jelen Alias: Bianca Kazmarek & Daemon

    Post by Guest 7th July 2021, 8:38 am


    Kaja Jelen Alias: Bianca Kazmarek & Daemon QlhAT3Z

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