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    To save the princesses and her handmaidens! [Job, solo]


    Lineage : Wrath of Wraith
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 1,568

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed To save the princesses and her handmaidens! [Job, solo]

    Post by SKD1218 14th June 2020, 10:19 pm

    Having arrived in Joya, Drako would notice the feeling in the air while walking through the street. People seemed sad and a bit on edge around him, which is abslutely nothing like what he heard through the grapevine about Joya. The fact that the act of a single group of men could bring this much pain and sadness to everyone who lived here infuriated Drako. He was determined to see the prince for any details which the poster may have left out and then beat the tar out of the men who did this. Upon reaching the palace, Drako would inform the guards as to why he is here and hurry inside to meet with the Prince.
    "Hello, your majesty! I am a mage from Fairy Tail who has answered your job request. I swear to you that the people who have done this terrible act will pay, mark my words. said Drako, with a sten, slightly off putting look "A-ah, y-you made it! declared the prince. While it was clear that the prince was clearly emotionally distraught over the scenario, he was also good at hiding the pain on his face when he needed to. If it weren't for his brief stuttering (and the details of the job flier), it would have been impossible to tell that something was up. "Well, I trust that you've read the flier and know the main details... I don't completely know what to tell you, just..." The prince looked away, a tear drop falling from his eye, and his seemingly calm composure fading quickly "Please... I'm begigng you... SAVE MY SISTER! I... I don't want to live in a world without her... I can't... So please." The prince would attempt to regain a bit of his composure before speaking.
    "I've had my finest men make you a map of Joya. On this map, you'll find the area that we believe they've taken my sister and her maidens. We also have a list of what you may be up against, which was once again compiled by my best. While I'd love nothing more than to go in there and knock a few heads myself, we don't possess the combat capabilities needed to fight such a foe, at least, not right now..."
    Drako would nod and put on a more reassuring face for the clearly distressed prince.  "Don't worry, prince. Like I said before, I swear that I'll save her. I'll save them all. I swear on my honor as a Fairy Tail wizard, I shall not rest until your sister and her maidens are safe and the men who did this are cut down." The prince would also nod and give Drako the map and potential enemy list before sending him off. Drako would then set off for the location on the map, heading there at top speed.
    [WC: 475]

    Last edited by SKD1218 on 18th June 2020, 3:18 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Lineage : Wrath of Wraith
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 1,568

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: To save the princesses and her handmaidens! [Job, solo]

    Post by SKD1218 15th June 2020, 6:57 pm

    Upon arriving at the outskirts of the enemy camp, Drako would sneak around and get into a stalking position, so that he may assess the camp a bit more before striking. It was a surprisingly nice camp. There were at least 7 white tents and a few feasting tables. In the center of the camp, there was an esepcially large tent, so it was safe to assume that such a place is where the princess and her hand maidens were kept. While listening, Drako overheard some of the knights chatting. "Why did we kidnap them again? I mean... WE can't enjoy em', so what's the point?" said one of the knights. "Oh quit your complaining. You know dragon slaying well why. The king commanded the princes of Joya be taken to the kingdom and her hand maidens be sold into slavery. Until that task is completed, we are not to harm or touch them. Now quiet down. When we're done here tonight, I believe the king will be most pleased with us, we may even skip a few ranks and become Paladins"
    After hearing that, Drako got low and waited for the enemies to pass by before grabbing the ankle of one, making him trip. When the other one was distracted, Drako would take the weapon of the guard he tripped and use some of his strength to club both of them over the head, knowing they'd be fine thanks to their helmets.

    Hearing the racket, multiple knights and even a paladin would come over, prepared to fight. "Before we do this, I'll give you guys one chance to hand over the women you've taken, and your leader. This is the best and only chance you're gonna get to walk out of here, so I sugg-" but before he could finish that sentence, Drako had to move swiftly to dodge an arrow that was shot at him. After that, Drako would just sigh and throw the mace which he had taken from one of the fallen knight's and throw it straight at his armoed gut, taking him out of commision. After this, Drako would run at the remaining standing enemies. Despite their armor, the knights were relatively easy to take out with a few well powerful blows to the head. Unfortunately, Drako had taken enough time so that the calvary could be called, and one had already taken what he assume was the princess. When he was about to run after that man on horse back and chase him through the woods, a young man jumped out of seemingly no where and gave Drako a powerful punch to the stomach
    "So... You're the wizard who's been sent to impede our progress... I hope you're prepared to lose both your mission and your life." The man said as he charged at Drako, with his sword unshead adn blazing speed! Drako just barely dodged as he felt the sword graze his naturally scaley skin. He was sure the would would have drawn blood if his skin were normal. The strange foe didn't stop at a single strike, and instead kept thrusting more and more, hoping to overwhelm the Takeover user. Instead, however, Drako activated his Dragon Takeover arms and and grabbed the sword when the main had clearly intended it to pierce Drako's throat. While between his dragon hands, Drako shattered the sword and gave the oyung paladin a headbutt followed by multiple noxious claw attacks to the stomach. Allowing poison to flow through his claws, he had intended to rip that area of the armor apart. "I have to admit, when I was first told your armor was magic resistant, I was a bit worried... But then I remembered something... No amount of armor can protect you from a dragon." he said in a chilling tone as he ripped through his armor with relative ease and landed a noxious claw strike on his stomach.
    The look on Drako's face had changed drastically, his eyes like a terrifying abyss, his face stern and serious. "You're lucky I don't have time for you.  Don't try to move, or do. My claws are laced with the poison of a dragon, if you try to fight now you'll only make it spread, and that burning you're feeling will get exponentially worse." He said as he put his arms away and started running in the direction of the man on horseback. As he ran, he could swear that he heard the young man he had just beaten attempt to get up but then fall over and scream in pain.
    After what felt like an eternal chase, through the use of his wings, Drako finally caught up with what ht thought was just a normal horse back rider. Unfortuntaely this horseback rider was any anything but normal, as he grabbed the princess and then jumped right off the horse when he realized that he was being chased down by a very persistent enemy.
    "Go home, boy. I take no pride in fighting children who call themselves wizards. I aim only to serve my king, and anyone who opposes this goal must be dealt with." the man said with a stern voice. It's clear his resolve was great.
    "No can do. You see, I made a promise that I would stop you and bring the princess and her maidens back, and until I've done that. I've already taken care of your friends. I'm a bit shocked though, the list told me a good deal of your skills, but I didn't know you could ride a steed...
    "There are many things you don't know about me, boy. And things that you never will. I am a Pergrande Holy Order Paladin. That is not just a title, but a badge of honor and pride. It represents my dedication to the kingdom, my unwavering dedication. For as long as I live, I will not fail my king. If you stand down now, I will show you mercy for standing against the kingdom I have sworn an oath to, but if not... I'll run you through here and now."
    "You're welcome to try." The man and Drako charged at each other, both being ready to fight to the bitter end.
    [WC: 1038]

    Last edited by SKD1218 on 15th June 2020, 6:59 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added the word count)



    Lineage : Wrath of Wraith
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 1,568

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: To save the princesses and her handmaidens! [Job, solo]

    Post by SKD1218 18th June 2020, 3:14 pm

    As the two men charged at each other, Drako attempted to punch the man in the face, but the Paladin was quick and was able to block with his shield. Afterwhich, he launched his own counter with his long sword. Drako was able to dodge and then umped back to get some distance between himself and the enemy. "You won't beat me, boy. I've been on countless errands for my king and have failed none of them. I have more experience than you have days of your life." The man stated, confiently. But Drko cared not, as he went in for another charge, to which the man countered by going close to the ground, picking up dirt, and throwing it in Drako's eyes. The dragonboy would reflexively stop in his tracks and cover his eyes with his hands, giving his enemy the perfect opportunity to throw his mighty shield at the boy and go in for a stomach punch which ended up knocking the wind out of the boy. "I've seen thousands of much more inspired strategies. Think on your feet or die on them. The choice is yours! The man said as he landed an upper cut on Drako, sending him flying back into a tree. The paladin would then attempt to run Drako straight through, but he'd just barely doge after getting the dirt out of his eyes. Fortuntaely, the paladin had not yet picked up his sheild, giving Drako an opportunity to land a kick on him and make a mad dash for the man's shield. After successfully grabing it, he'd activate his Dragon arm takeover  and mercissely destroy it, leaving nothing but corroding metal shards on the ground.

    "Heh... I bet no one's ever done THAT before. You ready for round 2?" The man had a look of shock and awe on his face. However, that quickly disipated into an expression of rage. "This entire set of armor that I wear is the pride of my country. This longsword, that shield, all of it. By breaking that shield, you've brought on not just my wrath, but the wrath of my entire homeland. I hope you're ready to pay for that, you demon!" He said as he dashed at Drako with even more ferrocity than before! This time, Drako wasn't even able to react in tome, as the man had already sliced his sides. The dragon boy would attempt to land a punch in, but he was too fast, and merely slashed Drako's arm, which... Was a mistake on the man's part, as some of his sword had now been broken as well. Remember kids, dragon scales, even if it's just part of a takeover, are hard. Taking the moment of the man's shock, Drako would activate his Noxious claws and ue them to peirce the man's armor, and with the grip he had on him, he'd run the man through multiple trees. As he did so, he could swear that he heard some calvary men fleeing. With business taken care of, he'd run over to the princess and explain his objective. Naturally, the princess was grateful, and after gather her and her hand maidens, he'd take her back to the castle after collecting anything that may be of value to the prince and destroying anything unimportant. He'd also carry both of the paladin's to the castle and tell the prince of their need for medical treatement due to his poison.
    The prince, extremely relived and thankful for all of this, gave Drako the agreed upon payment, and after taking some time to enJOYA himself, Drako would leave the island and return to his guild, another job well done.
    [WC: 612, total word count for all 3 post: 2125]

    Last edited by SKD1218 on 18th June 2020, 3:49 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : added WC)



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