Fairy Tail RP

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    A Meeting With The Water Bearer


    A Meeting With The Water Bearer Empty A Meeting With The Water Bearer

    Post by Guest 6th April 2020, 12:05 pm

    (This was my slayer sample. Posting it here as I'd like for it to be a part of Miranda's canon story.)

    Of the places that she’d travelled to so far, Miranda would probably say that Lavanitir was the one that made her feel most at home. A port where she could spend as long as she wanted just sitting beside the sea, without having to concern herself without the issues of those who were also wandering the area. No one bothered her and so she made no effort to cause trouble for them. Sure, she received a few odd looks from time to time but the bunny girl was used to that. It was only natural and as long as the sailors didn’t take it any further than that, she’d take no further action against them. So, she simply sat at the edge of the docks, looking over at the lovely water, in a world of her own.

    Unfortunately, it wasn’t to last as a massive wave of water would suddenly approach and drench half of the docs, resulting in panicked screams and shouts as the sailors dived for cover from the sudden change in the tide. It was clearly unnatural and not even the bunny girl could fully escape its wrath, receiving a blast of water to the face, resulting in her falling backwards and onto the hard wooden dock. Stunned for a few moments and simply looking up at the sky, the blue haired bunny girl would then shake her head, as she regained her senses. The sounds of further screaming and panic could still be heard, followed by the sounds of magical weapons. Sitting up, Miranda would turn her gaze around and raise an eyebrow at what she saw.

    Standing in the midst of a group of sailors was a beautiful looking creature, her scantily covered body spinning in all directions as she launched a barrage of razor sharp blades of water at the sailors. They were effective too and the sailors were tripping over themselves trying to get to safety, blood oozing from their limbs and bodies. Their weapons did little to the creature and all she did was laugh, continuing her assault with reckless abandon. She didn’t seem to show any restraint and lashed out towards anyone in range. For a few moments, Miranda just sat and watched, before the cogs started to whirl within her mind, seeing an opportunity for herself.

    Standing up, the bunny girl would briefly channel her powers of emotion, changing her hair and ear colour from their natural blue to a bright pink, amplifying her powers. She’d then cause a whip to appear in her hand, strengthening her even further, before making her way across the dock and lashing out with her weapon towards the creature. Her whip struck the water creature with a loud hiss and after a few moments, Miranda’s foe would start to slow, the power of the whip starting to take effect, resulting in an angered cry from the beautiful creatures, its blue gaze turning towards the bunny girl.

    “Release me from this spell or I’ll turn you into rabbit steaks,” the creature spat with rage, “I’m a spirit of the Zodiac and I’ll not be treated like this by a half breed. Release me! Now!” The creature’s eyes were filled with venom but she was unable to attack the bunny girl, despite her desires. The effect of Miranda’s whip, which only enraged the supposed spirit further.

    “I’ll treat you as I please, spirit,” the bunny girl answered with a slight smile, “You’re under my control now and I’ll decide what you can and can’t do. Until my spell breaks, you’re putty in my hand whether you wish it or not. Now, you’re going to listen to me and do as I wish. I’m curious to know why you’re attacking this place so tell me why.”

    “I did what I desired and my will was to teach these fools a lesson. They’ve destroyed these waters with their overfishing and mistreatment of the seas and I am ratifying that mistake. I’ve spent too long having to watch such things, forced to obey the whims of foolish humans who let it occur and now that I’m free, I’ll make them regret it. I don’t attack for no reason, half breed, I’m simply repaying them for their selfishness. Now, release me!” The spirit exploded, her words filled with hatred.

    “I see,” the bunny girl answered, feeling a sense of understanding to what she was hearing, “Humanity is rather cruel at times and I confess that a part of me would like to see nothing more than for you to tear this place apart. So, I’ll release you from this spell but there’s a catch. You’ll make a contract with me first and become my spirit. Once that is done, we’ll have our fun with this place together. Do we have a deal?”

    The spirit seemed to have a mental debate with herself for a few moments, toing and froing as she thought. Eventually, she sighed bitterly and nodded her head, “Alright, rabbit. I’ll form a contract with you but I trust you to keep your side of the bargain. Take my hand and let us form a bond through magic. Once our task here is done, I’ll consider aiding you in your endeavours but I expect for you to only summon me when it’s necessary and not just for the sake of it.”

    “Very well, my name is Miranda Ceostra and I agree,” the bunny girl responded, extending her hand.

    “As do I, Aquarius of the Zodiac,” the spirit answered, doing likewise.

    When their hands touched, a large dome of water would briefly cover the pair as the magical effects of the bond took hold. Once it faded away, he pair would be standing side by side, prepared for battle against those of the town. With an angry roar, the spirit would dive into action, her new summoner not far behind. The deal had been struck and now was the time for them to complete the spirit’s task.

    Teaching those of the city a lesson in respect for nature.

    (1010 Words)

      Current date/time is 18th September 2024, 6:18 pm