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    A Gift is not always a Gift.

    Emory Aldwyn

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Player 
    Lineage : Amos' Conciliator
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 134
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
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    A Gift is not always a Gift. Empty A Gift is not always a Gift.

    Post by Emory Aldwyn 11th May 2020, 1:09 pm

    Word Count: 1,000 / 3,500


    ... Hok... zii... kriid...

    Praad... hokzii...kriid...


    Nohres awoke with a start, sitting up amidst the pile of straw that had served as his bed. Breathing came in quick, ragged gasps for several seconds before his heart rate began to slow and a practiced calm descended over him. The sun had only begun to wash away the twilight, the dimmest of pinks and oranges spreading across the horizon in the east. Across the sky, the moon still shone brilliantly, even as the stars began to dim.

    'Just a dream. It was just a dream,' he mentally reassured himself for the dozenth time that month; it had not been the first time he had awoken in such a manner, nor would he have been so fortunate to have it have been his last. They were not so frequent as to be properly unfortunate and distracting a large majority of the time, but they were not so infrequent as to be a distant memory between episodes.

    Flopping back onto the straw, Nohres sighed and pressed the back of one hand against his forehead. It was a futile gesture, attempting to banish an already fading nightmare with such a small, physical motion. Nevertheless, it brought some small comfort to the man as he focused on his breathing, ignoring the pinpricking of straw against his skin. A cool morning breeze swept through the barn, stirring the myriad of animals within it, giving the space a growing sense of life.

    Eventually, Nohres' sense of propriety won out his sense of indolence and he rose from the straw to meet the day. A splash of cold water banished the vestiges of sleep from his mind, and a fresh shirt and trousers gave him a comfortable sense of readiness to begin tending to the morning chores that needed doing. As he stepped free of the roof and onto the property, already he could see where the livestock had begun to graze and settle in for their morning routine.

    The animals largely tended to themselves, but enclosures needed opening. Hens and chicks, eager to be freed from their nightly housing, flooded out into the grassy land to begin hunting for all manner of critter to sate their appetites. Further afield, colts ran along the edges of their fenced fields, each racing against each other and legends known only to themselves. Troughs were filled with feed and freshwater by the bucket, the soft pouring of grains acting as a dinner bell for the various animals to assemble for their meal.

    With the livestock tended to, Nohres turned his attention to the farmlands. By now, other hands had roused from their slumber and were taking to the fields to inspect and water the various crops while others were beginning to pluck vegetables ready from their earthy homes. But that was not the job he had in store for the day. Now that the sun had properly risen and was bathing the land in that warm spring glow, Nohres shrugged himself out of his shirt and began to strap himself into a large plow.

    A few of the newer farmhands looked on with mixtures of curiosity and incredulity seeing a man work himself into such a large contraption. Those that had been around longer already knew what was coming and continued working on their task with amused grins. Shrugging his shoulders to settle the leather comfortably across his frame, Nohres walked across the land to where an untilled field stood. Throwing a lever to lower the blades into the ground, Nohres tested the straps a few times before he first dug in his heel. The iron blades began to churn the dirt, spilling it along the length of the blade as he began to pull the weighty machine across the field.

    By the time he slowed to a stop, bathed in sweat, the sun had risen almost to its peak. Nohres unfastened the straps and let the leather straps fall to the ground while he staggered over to a tree stump and sat heavily upon it. The warm, pleasant burn of heavy exertion sang through his muscles while he observed his handiwork. Already a few others were beginning to walk up and down the rows of freshly tilled dirt and began planting seeds. One of the workers brought him over a waterskin before moving on with their duties.

    "Still comin' 'round 'ere?" Nohres looked up at the grizzled face of the man who owned the farm. He wore a pair of old coveralls that had seen many, many harvests and the expression of a man who had seen far more than a simple farmer's life would bring. "Thought you'd've moved on from this kinda work."

    "I enjoy it," Nohres replied with casual comfort as he ran a hand through his hair. "You'd be surprised how valuable it is being able to come out here and do an honest day's work like this. It's not often I get a chance to get my hands dirty like this."

    "Well, ya came out on a good day! Just finished slaughterin' some hogs 'n chickens. Been smokin' the meat to make some jerky. Figure the boys back in the garrison will love ya fer that." Providence came in the form of a shift in the wind, changing from coming down from the north to coming up from the south. With it came the smokey smell of mesquite wood and the fragrant smell of spices and meat. It was a wonderful aroma, and on any other day would have been a most welcome one. However...

    With the ghosts of that unknown voice still lingering in his mind, those scents came at Nohres so much sharper than he was used to. Instead of gentle wafting of thyme, parsley, and mesquite to stir his appetite, Nohres' nose was assaulted by the stench of bubbling fat, seared marrow, and boiled blood; that abrupt pleasant-turned-putrid odor filled his mind and stirred up painful memories.

    It reminded him of death.
    What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us;
    what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal


    Emory Aldwyn

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Player 
    Lineage : Amos' Conciliator
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 134
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    Cosmic Coins : 25
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    A Gift is not always a Gift. Empty Re: A Gift is not always a Gift.

    Post by Emory Aldwyn 13th May 2020, 7:30 pm

    Word Count: 1,818 / 3,500

    Two Years Previously


    Even after the winds had cleared away the smoke, and the fires long since extinguished, there was a palpable air of terror within the city of Era. And amidst the displaced, terror-stricken people, Nohres moved with equal parts conviction and ambivalence. Everywhere his eyes fell there were those consumed with grief and apprehension, yet even as he felt the desire to go to them, to do something, he kept marching forward. The fighting had ceased days ago, and thus the primary threat to the safety of the people had disappeared.

    As much as he stared ahead, it was hard to push past the groups of people huddled together and not look at them with sympathy, some still in the soot and flame-kissed clothes they had been wearing during the attack. It was a city in crisis. Normally the Rune Knights would have been deployed to help the people and restore, but if rumors were to be believed... Nohres set the thought aside with a brisk shake of his head. What was done was done. If only a single Rune Knight was left, it was enough.

    From the base of the Phoenix Mountains, leagues south of the city, it had taken many a hard day's ride to get to Era. The poor horse he had purchased was near complete exhaustion when he left it in the stables at the edge of the city, along with a sizable jewel purse to leave it in comfort for years. Now that he had reached the city, Nohres privately admitted to himself that the scale of the damage was worse than the initial reports had given.

    Magic had many benefits and improved the lives of people far more than it devastated them. However, the sheer scale of the Dark Guild's attack on the city was beyond any ability to repair overnight. Already scaffolding was being erected around buildings as masons and carpenters went to work with a grim determination while wizards could be seen here and there applying their magical talents in every way they could to help. For every house and store being repaired, another three stood with tarps and haphazard boards put up.

    Perhaps the most disturbing part of moving through the city, however, was just how few Rune Knights Nohres saw. Those he did spot almost universally were sporting injuries of varying degrees, and more than one was wearing armor and dress that showed the telltale signs of damage. 'Just how badly were the Rune Knights hit by this attack' the man wondered to himself as he neared the main plaza of the city.

    Providence came when Nohres was forced to take a step back as a wagon rushed by, the driver hollering for people to clear the way. Doing so and turning to see where it was headed affording the man a chance sighting of someone who had to have been one of the leaders within the Rune Knights; a flurry of activity seemed to follow him and more than once his path was blocked by the gathering of people who were beside themselves with gratitude and praise. Here and there, Nohres heard people talk about the man at the center of it all; how he had saved the city, the people. How he rallied the Rune Knights and had been selected to lead them.

    Working his way through the people as gently as he could, the lean man finally found his way to the front of the crowd where he got his first good look at the man in the center of all that attention. The first thing that struck him was just how much the man very obviously wanted to be anywhere but in front of all those people. It was like each volley of praise heaped at his feet was just another knife dug into his back. But more than that, Nohres couldn't escape the feeling that there was something... oddly right with the man as a leader.

    Nohres stepped out from the crowd, immediately drawing attention to himself. He looked at the man with a fixed stare for a moment. "I've heard about what happened to the city. How the Crimson Fang attacked, destroyed homes and killed innocent people. How you saved them, saved the city." His eyes never wavered as he slowly took a knee and put one fist on the ground as he kneeled. "I do not yet know if I have what it takes to become a hero such as yourself, but if you will permit it I seek to join the Rune Knights, to protect the people of Era and Fiore, with my life if need be." Dimly, Nohres was aware of several figures stepping out from the crowd who soon mimicked his stance. After a moment's pause, he brought his head up to look up at the man who had saved Era. "Will you permit this?"
    What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us;
    what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    A Gift is not always a Gift. Empty Re: A Gift is not always a Gift.

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 13th May 2020, 9:02 pm

    1164/1164 words || @Nohres Xaclamir || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    Era was the closest thing to Hell on Earth. And Mythal was still reeling from the events of the attack.

    What had started as a relatively normal day had quickly transformed into a disaster. Dark wizards had launched an attack on the whole of Era, targeting its citizens, the Rune Knights and the Magic Council. Mythal and Serilda had simply been in town to drop off other brigands that they had come across when the attack had started, each of them splitting off to cover more ground. The ensuing chaos had kept them apart for nearly the entire attack, with each of them having to deal with separate groups of dark mages. By the end, Mythal had incapacitated several higher ranking members of the guild while Serilda had fought and defeated the guild’s leader.

    They weren’t alone, of course. Others had jumped in to help out, fighting against the waves of dark wizards. The Rune Knights had acted as quickly as they could but more then ninety percent of their standing forces had been wiped out. Branwen and several of his men had managed to survive but the entirety of the Knights had been reduced to dozens at best. The standing Field Marshall had been assassinated during the attack as well, leaving them with no leader. But the actions of the other wizards had caught the attention of the Magic Council, namely that of Mythal and Serilda. The Voidwalker had been asked to step in and take on the role of the new Field Marshall, with the hope that under her tutelage, a new force would rise to protect the lands of Fiore. Mythal had been asked to come on as a General, quickly fashioned as the leader of the Special Operations division.

    But there was so much to do. And even worse was the fact that the Darkness King had no way of getting around without being swarmed. The atmosphere of panic and fear had settled and hero worship had taken over in its insufferable stead. The God Slayer found himself surrounded by men and women constantly, thanking him for his efforts and asking him to help them further in locating survivors. Of course he was not only entitled to seek out possible survivors of the attack but he wanted to -- but he could do so without being worshipped. That’s why he had agreed to the Special Operations branch in the first place; it meant he didn’t need to wear a uniform all the time and he would, hopefully, go more unnoticed as time went on.

    Not yet though -- there was still a decent chunk of time before they reached that point. Mythal had resorted to trying to get to the headquarters earlier than normal, thinking that perhaps doing so would allow him avoidance of people. He had thought like an idiot and soon enough, he had a following of clamoring people scrambling behind him as he went. Worse was the fact that the crowd drew more people, causing his path to be continually cut off as he went along.

    As angry as he wanted to be about it, he knew lashing out was the worst possible outcome. These people were looking to him with hope, their barely repressed fears hiding just beneath the surface. Demanding privacy would be an insult and would cause the faith they had to flutter away into the wind along with the remaining embers from burning buildings. He simply grumbled internally and did his best to find a suitable way to the headquarters. He had just about reached the Rune Knight training grounds when a sizable crowd had gathered in front of him, blocking off all access. “Ah jeez…” he grumbled, reaching up and scratching the back of his head. Words from all around him echoed in one ear and reverberated out the other.  It wasn’t his intent to ignore them but there was so much noise coming from each and every one of them that it was reduced to simple, unintelligible sound.

    Yet somehow a silence settled when a young man stepped out of the crowd. He was a wiry fellow, filled out but certainly not the most intimidating man that ever existed. But there was no denying the determined fire in his eyes as he met the rubies of Mythal’s gaze. He spoke about the news of the attack, talking about Crimson Fang and the nefarious deeds they had done. He then mentioned that he’d heard of Mythal and how he had saved the city. “Kid, I wasn’t the only one that put my life on the line. A whole lotta people died tryin’ to keep those bastards from doin’ more damage,” he said, trying to sound as polite as possible. But still that didn’t keep the kid from dropping to a knee and putting his fist on the ground, practically kneeling in worship before the Darkness King.

    This really couldn’t be happening, right? This was almost worse than the incessant crowds. The man proclaimed that he didn’t know if he had the strength to be heroic like Mythal but on his blessing, he wished to join the Rune Knights, so that he could become one of the stalwart protectors of the realm. Mythal glanced around, noticing that all of the crowd had fallen silent at the display. Then others followed suit, falling to their knees and planting themselves before him, pledging themselves to joining the Knights in their hour of need.

    Well there was no denying that they needed members. And putting aside the outrageous display of worship that Mythal did not need, they all seemed determined to enroll and become something more than themselves. Mythal looked over each kneeling, bowed head and sighed softly. It wasn’t going to be just as easy as telling them to go to the headquarters to sign up, was it? No, he highly doubted that. “Listen…” he started, craning his neck to look around quickly before he stepped towards the group. “Y’all want to join the Rune Knights? That’s fine by me. Hell knows we need people willin’ to help out now. I’m more than happy to have ya but we gotta take this to the headquarters to make it all official-like.”

    “He’s accepted them!” One of the crowd called out, the lead of what became a raucous and vibrant cheer of excitement. Mythal groaned softly, rolling his eyes even as the audience around them chanted and praised the sight. “Stand up, will ya?” he asked the group, gesturing to them. Once they were on their feet, Mythal waved them to follow him, pushing through the crowd and finally breaking past them to head towards the training grounds.  Then he singled the kid out, the one that had started the whole charade. He jabbed a finger at him and summoned him up to walk beside him. “You, what’s your name?

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    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Emory Aldwyn

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Player 
    Lineage : Amos' Conciliator
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 134
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
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    A Gift is not always a Gift. Empty Re: A Gift is not always a Gift.

    Post by Emory Aldwyn 14th May 2020, 11:02 pm

    Word Count: 2,324 / 3,500

    "You, what's your name?"


    Hinzaal nukaas.

    'My name?'

    Do rahlo hi dreh ni mindok.

    'Yes... I have a name...'

    Zahraan girvoh lost nid nuft. .. vortii draat wah kos kod.

    'Don't I?'

    Nohres blinked at the question, taken aback by its abruptness. His brows furrowed for a moment in thought. There was an extended length of silence before finally he found his voice and spoke up. "Nohres, sir. Nohres Xaclamir." He kept his voice from wavering as he spoke, despite a deep uncertainty that had welled up from within him at such a simple question. It was an oddity, that such a simple question could give him such anxiety, yet there was something to it that never failed to deeply unsettle him.

    With the prospect of joining the Rune Knights now very real, Nohres looked around briefly; both at those who elected to join him in this endeavor as well as just looking at the people around them. Of the handful that stepped forward, most were like him, young and lean, though they all had that same fiery determination in their eyes. He turned and looked back at the man that was at the center of the crowd and gave him a thorough once-over. If he ignored the screaming in his mind, telling him that this was a very dangerous man, he might not have been too impressed without knowing the man's deeds and reputation.  

    Sensing that the moment had passed, the crowd began to part as knights moved forward, and all too soon they were moving forward. It felt odd, being in a group of people that were revered by the people like they were. When he had thoughts of joining the Rune Knights, protecting people and meting out justice, Nohres had never considered the possibility of being put on a pedestal in such a fashion; being highly regarded by merit of the uniform, perhaps, but not elevated specifically as a hero like the raven-haired man next to him.

    Devastation had come to the city of Era, and the headquarters of the Rune Knights had not been spared. In fact, a great deal of the damage and chaos had been centered on the building. Whole swaths of the great building were in ruins; more of it was destroyed than was left standing. And yet, in spite of that ruin, the building did not give an air of despair or hopelessness. Rather, seeing people work on sifting through the rubble and already beginning repairs was an uplifting, inspiring sight. This was the center of what had saved Era.

    "So what goes into this? There some kind of formal ceremony?" Nohres asked as they grew closer to the headquarters. "I assume there's more to it than just handing us a cape and a badge and telling us to go fight the good fight." Now that the crowd was gone, he was finding himself with somewhat more confident and sure of himself. Though that dangerous feeling had not left the entire time he had marched beside the man.
    What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us;
    what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    A Gift is not always a Gift. Empty Re: A Gift is not always a Gift.

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 15th May 2020, 8:47 pm

    662/1826 words || @Nohres Xaclamir || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    Well this was turning into a far more complicated day than Mythal had anticipated. It was bad enough that he had to deal with the crowd but now these groups of men and women had decided to take a step forward and offer themselves to the Rune Knights in perhaps the most public way possible. If it had been Serilda in this setting, it would have been fine -- she was far better at dealing with these kinds of things. But no, it had been him and now it was also on him to not look like an asshole and accept them. After a wary glance at the cheering crowds, the Rune Knight General summoned the group to follow him towards the headquarters.

    Well this would be fun to explain. He wasn’t even in work yet and he already had somehow amassed a group of recruits. Speaking of, he jabbed a finger at the one that had started the whole charade and demanded his name. A quick answer came out; Nohres Xaclamir, because wasn’t that a mouthful? “Quite the show there, Nohres. It might’a been easier to just come to the headquarters and ask to join up but hey, we all gotta do what we gotta do, I guess.” Just because the God Slayer was a more private person who didn’t like showmanship didn’t mean others weren’t.

    They rounded a few streets before they came upon the Rune Knight HQ, as ramshackled as it was. Like the rest of the city, the main base of the Knights had suffered heavy damage from the attack and repairs were minimal in comparison to other structures. One of Serilda’s first orders had been getting Era back in place before they took the time to make repairs on anything for the Rune Knights besides the fundamentals. Rebuilding their defenses and looking like they had recovered was far more important than actually being fully replenished after such an attack.

    The showman spoke up again, asking what the next step was. He assumed aloud that they couldn’t just be handed an outfit and told to go and find dark wizards on their own. “If only it were that simple,” Mythal grumbled softly. “Unfortunately, we don’t have the resources to be spendin’ jewel on formal ceremonies. And yer not gonna be full fledged Rune Knights right off’the bat either. We’re desperate for people but we still gotta check and make sure yer capable of holdin’ your own should shit hit the fan… again.” Mythal nodded to the gate guard, who opened the way through. The guard gave the General an odd look, as his eyes flicked between the Darkness King and the group following him. “New recruits.”

    The courtyard was a mess but it was still in working condition. There were several men and women training with wooden swords and shields nearby, obviously newly recruited to the Knights as well. “Yer gonna be tested on your abilities -- magic use, weapon use, the whole nine yards. We ain’t just lookin’ for people that can swing a sword; we need people that can improvise and master multiple areas. Right now, there’s only two remainin’ groups within the Rune Knights; the Combat Corp and the Special Operations. Combat is more suited for grunt work; security for the Magic Council, guards for the perimeter of Era, soldiers in full blown conflicts, that kinda shit. Spec Ops, which I’m in charge of, is more focused on gathering intelligence, infiltratin’ behind enemy lines and doin’ the secret, shady shit that the rest of the Rune Knights shouldn’t be involved with.” After that brief intro he stopped near the center of the courtyard and turned to face the group. “Go over to the armory and grab a weapon suited for ya. Then pair off and practice hittin’ one another -- ‘cept you, Xaclamir. I’m gonna be your partner.”

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    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Emory Aldwyn

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Player 
    Lineage : Amos' Conciliator
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 134
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

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    A Gift is not always a Gift. Empty Re: A Gift is not always a Gift.

    Post by Emory Aldwyn 3rd June 2020, 5:42 pm

    Word Count: 2,704 / 2,500

    Nohres listened as they crossed the Rune Knight grounds, taking in the words of the man. It was clear that he was someone who had seen a great deal of conflict, judging from how he looked at everything, how he walked and carried himself. It would have been the height of arrogance to dismiss his words, even if as they moved into the courtyard and he began explaining how the process would work, Nohres could have guessed a fair bit of that.

    The notion that he would have to duel the leader himself was like ice against the back of his neck, and Nohres rapidly grew concerned as he stepped over to find a training weapon. The racks had a number of training weapons; short blades, long blades, maces, axes, and polearms. Those with a blade had them blunted to make them safe as training weapons while the naturally blunt weapons seemed to have been made of a lighter material to avoid leaving any lasting damage. But even with implements shaped to be safe for handling and training, Nohres didn't doubt that the man could seriously injure someone even with so blunted a weapon.

    Taking a minute to browse, Nohres hefted a rapier in one hand and an ax in another. His eyes danced over a rather impressive slab of wood modeling a truly gigantic sword, but just chuckled to himself and shook his head. He had high hopes for himself, of course, but he knew better than to try and heft something like that. Instead, he opted for a modestly sized one-headed ax and returned out to the field.

    Most of the other prospective recruits had begun their sparring, to varying degrees of competence and success. Nohres moved to square off against the Rune Knights leader and ran through a few mental notes. He didn't know what the man's magic was, his physical strength or speed, nor what his particular fighting style was. With so many unknowns, there wasn't much to go off in deciding on a particular tactic over another.

    So Nohres decided to take refuge in audacity and simply charged the man with the ax held high over his head. Depending on how the other man reacted, Nohres figured he could adjust his angle of attack then.
    What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us;
    what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    A Gift is not always a Gift. Empty Re: A Gift is not always a Gift.

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 10th June 2020, 3:32 pm

    392/2218 words || @Nohres Xaclamir || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    Mythal didn’t really know what to expect from this Nohres fellow, despite the spirit that had urged him to offer his services to the Rune Knights. He seemed on the skinnier side and there was a naivete about his look that seemed to hint that he didn’t truly know combat. While the rest of the volunteers were in slightly better or similar shape, there was something about Xaclamir that drew his attention and so when he opted to test them, the Darkness King told the recruit he would be sparring with him. If the reality of his situation had scared him, Nohres didn’t show it outwardly. He moved over to the tables set up with weapons and began searching for something he felt comfortable with.

    Mythal walked over to a clear spot of the training grounds and pulled Curse from behind his back, withdrawing the blade and pressing the button to unfold it fully into a sword. Now prepared, he waited patiently as the recruit picked up several weapons before deciding on a hand axe. Once he was armed, Nohres made his way over to the God Slayer, taking his place directly across from him. Mythal looked completely unprepared for an attack, his shoulders slightly slouched and his entire stance reading like he was off guard.

    Perhaps that was why Nohres decided to attack first, rushing forward and bringing the axe up on high. Or maybe he was trying to prove his spirit further by not pausing and waiting for Mythal to initiate the match. Whatever the case, it at least showed the kid had spunk. The God Slayer waited patiently until the edge of the weapon came down towards him, only then swinging Curse up to catch the axe right underneath its pointed blade. He held his own weapon firmly, keeping the axe pinned where it was for a moment as he studied the recruit.

    “Alright, Xaclamir. What’s your story?” the General asked as he wrenched his sword free and shuffled back a step, putting some distance between himself and Nohres. He began to slowly circle the other man, bobbing the sword back and forth for a moment before he casually swiped it at Nohres, a half-hearted strike meant to test his focus and speed. “Why’re you so hard up for joinin’ the Rune Knights?”

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    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


      Current date/time is 18th September 2024, 7:13 pm