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    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 42
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Mathis Lora
    Experience : 2,625

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Palace Magic
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    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Empty Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire

    Post by Burgundy 11th May 2020, 6:24 pm

    If you can't hunt bandits, you can't solve ancient riddles and claim the prizes of lost civilizations. That was the rationale which had lead the young upstart guild mage of Silver Wolf to take up a man's offer, and become a disciple of one Mathis Lora.

    Yogi Babel, the young pink-maned mage with a tactician complex, was admittedly not a very strong wizard. How could he be? He was inexperienced and had yet to pit his magic against even the simplest of beasts. Yet with proper guidance, that kind of deficit could be remedied quickly. There is nothing quite like experiencing a real battle to help a person learn what real battle magic is, after all.

    It was a trial by fire! Yogi was indicated to prove his worth, by engaging on a mission to hunt some spellslinging pig bandits with him. The only goal was to get stronger and accomplish the mission's goals. They could even curry a bit of favor with the magic council if they could scoop the bandit leader alive and bring him in. Yogi made sure to bring plenty of rope, or rather, store plenty of rope in his Palace.

    "So, should I call you Master Lora on this job or is Mr. Lora okay? Sensei? Shishou? Teacher?" he would somewhat pester his mission partner and Mentor in the fine art of Guild Work, who was accompanying him on the job to keep him safe or something totally noble, he was sure.

    Throughout Fiore, the bandits were a big problem. Since their last hit was in Oak Town it was safe to presume that they wouldn't be terribly far away, after all, it's tough to move livestock by commercial channels and it would certainly be easier to move around without them. Where they were in particular was another story, of course. Oak Town was a big place, with no guarantee they'd be within the city walls. The first riddle was simply that, and he would ask it plainly, "Where would a Bandit looking to offload some pigs go?"

    The answer to this could be any number of things, obviously, but it was best to treat pig bandits simply: There was a very obvious answer. "A fence, right? That's how bandits make money," he would answer tentatively, as if asking for Mathis's confirmation or opinion on the matter. After all, a strong and experienced guild mage like this guy probably knows his way around a goose chase and has infinite wisdom on the matter. Man, this guy was cool.

    Words: 423
    Total: 423/10,000

    Mythical VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Bladesmaster
    Position : None
    Posts : 402
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 300
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 658,820

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blade Summoning
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    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Empty Re: Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire

    Post by SlayerMathis 11th May 2020, 7:00 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    The halls of Silver Wolf often had a feeling of dullness to them while Mathis continued his work on Poppi or Monado or even training his Driver affinity. Ella had since left for her home, thanking Mathis for the improvements to Shifty and leaving the ancient warrior alone with only needing to focus on his work and his job as an newly-christened S-Rank Mage. Of course, it was often the same routine as he always had, though with the occasional task to investigate smaller settlements around the Phoenix Mountains in between deciding to go on big jobs. That had all changed when a relatively new member of the guild by the name of Yogi had entered, boasting about a desire to find treasures and discover ancient civilizations. "You are a boy, are you not?" he had asked as Yogi spoke to some lesser researchers and hunters about his supposed exploits. "Forgive me if I am wrong, but I would wager that you have little experience with exploration. Fear not, I am not chastising you. It is always wonderful to see passion in one's eyes, Yogi-san. However, it would be unwise to venture without knowing the intricacies of combat. In my experience, ancient civilizations are wrought with dangers. I cannot deny that passion, however. If you would wish it, I shall assist you in teaching what I know." The man accepted with a passion, and Mathis set out for Oak Town, where a job he had spied was.

    Mathis had sent Poppi on ahead towards Oak Town to search for the bandits as Mathis and Yogi made their way towards the destination. Questions flew from the youth towards him about all sorts of things, and Mathis did his best to answer. "Simply Mathis is fine, Yogi-san," he responded at the question of title. Soon enough, they would reach Oak Town, however, as Mathis donned his mask. Finally, Yogi asked where the bandits would be. "A fence is a good place to check, yes. If there are no other means of discovering their locations, that would be a valid place. Of course, finding those is difficult in and of itself. Though this mission is primarily a combat exercise, there is still other learning to be done. Information is as important before as it is after." He nodded as Poppi flew down from the sky, ready for her next task. "Report?"

    Poppi bowed quickly. "Of course, Master! Poppi has determined that there is a network of fences within the town, as expected." She handed a note to Mathis. "Here are the locations, Master! On the opposite side of that paper are other potential suspicious locations. Three targets within Oak Town itself, and two on the outskirts!"

    Mathis nodded. "And your thoughts on all of them?"

    "Two of the fences are unlikely to deal in pigs, Master. One has a legitimate storefront and the other has a family to care for. Poppi has circled the last remaining one. As for the suspicious locations, the sewers seem unlikely to be accessed. An underground tunnel system has also been sighted, though the transportation of livestock seems unlikely. A warehouse has also been sighted, though that has frequent visitors that are unaffiliated with each other. None of those locations seem likely. The two on the outskirts have equal likelihood, however.  A small man-made grotto has been sighted two kilometers to the east and a cave system lies a kilometer and a half to the south."

    Mathis nodded. "Thank you, Poppi. Make your way to the caves and send an alert if there are enemies present. Me and Yogi-san shall head to the grotto." Poppi bowed and set off on her next task, fully of child-like eager excitement. "Gaining information is a key aspect to all walks of life. Knowing how an enemy ticks, where to begin looking into ancient discoveries. Information is the first key. Now, I wish for your opinion. Perhaps you are able to tell by my decision, but I believe they are likely in the grotto. I wish to know your opinion on why that is my belief." He turned to face the smaller student, curious to his own answer.

    WC: 0696 | TWC: 0696

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Rbblril


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 42
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Mathis Lora
    Experience : 2,625

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Palace Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Empty Re: Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire

    Post by Burgundy 11th May 2020, 8:22 pm

    Yogi's mentor was a very polite and professional individual though it did take some convincing for Yogi that Poppi didn't necessarily count as an individual unit in their group. Much like how a summoner counts their contracted summons among their tools, the AI companion was much like a tool in the same respect. Of course the only reason he needed this reassurance at all was because Yogi and Mathis, plus Poppi makes three, and that number is an absolute curse, a bad omen. Were there a fourth party, he wouldn't even give it a second thought, but with three being a scary number to dance around, his mindset needed to adjust.

    Since Poppi spent a large amount of time being out an analyzing the surrounds, it was very much like they were a party of two. "Just Mathis then? That's cool with me, Mathis," he would reply. Not too long after he'd affirmed what he should call his Mentor, the elder Wizard would slide a mask over his face. It was an interesting, heart shaped mask. Yogi wondered if it was special in any way as he wound up staring at it.

    Poppi eventually returned to their group forming what was totally not a trio, and began to report. A wave of dialogue poured from her on demand, complete with a visual aid that helped to visualize numerous suspicious locations in the area. Yogi followed along to the best of his abilities, studious as he was, and understood most of it.

    After analyzing the data gathered by Poppi, Mathis made some calls quite quickly without referring to the young wizard until after the walking weapon zipped away to the caves. The question came up thereafter – a matter of opinion – why did he think that Mathis believed the enemy bandits were in the Grotto. The answer took Yogi aback. Were it merely a question of what Yogi thought, he would corroborate gladly, not like a yesman, but he had a gut feeling he was right. Now he needed to deduce a reason, not simply an answer.

    "Wow, Mathis that's a great question. I guess... that'd have to be because the grotto is manmade, right? Plus soil is easier to set up a temporary pigpen in, and if it rained not too long ago, there would be mud for the pigs to occupy themselves with, I think, and who know's what kind of monsters could be waiting in a cave, letting alone the huge hole in one side that leaves them potentially in plain sight, how tough it would be to herd swine into any tunnel systems..." Yogi trailed off while he thought of good reasons that Mathis could have had, trying not to reinforce the idea that he was correct, but supporting a guess the same way a bandit might support a suggestion. His expression became highly focused, almost predatory as he concentrated on thinking. In fact, he looked like a lion gazing towards its prey, seeking an opening to pounce.

    After a few more seconds of analyzing the pros of the grotto, and the cons of every other option, he would eventually return to reality, his expression popping back to that of a youthful wizard in the earliest section of his career. "Did any of that sound right?" he asked with interest, as though probing for a right answer when only an opinion was requested.

    As they moved it would dawn upon him that he knew very little of Poppi, and yet she very clearly was beyond useful as a tool. Yogi would have a follow up question to sorta fill in the travel time, "So how'd you come into possession of Poppi? She's like, a super high level magic tool. Did you find her in some ancient ruins and polish her up good as new?"

    Word Count: 638
    Total Word Count: 1,757/10,000

    Mythical VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Bladesmaster
    Position : None
    Posts : 402
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 300
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 658,820

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blade Summoning
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    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Empty Re: Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire

    Post by SlayerMathis 11th May 2020, 9:15 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    At the very least, it seemed as if Yogi was a smart student. When asked for his thoughts on the reason, he listed off a number of valid options. "Your initial thoughts were mine as well, Yogi-san. The man-made grotto was, indeed, something of note. The mission noted that this band has been active for some time. While there were not specifics, it is reasonable to assume that they have been around long enough to work a small hideout in the forest. I would suspect that they, as you say, have been using the grotto as somewhat of a pen. Likely the grotto has been their holding place for their spoils and they have established some buildings within the forest itself, out of sight. It would be my assumption that Poppi thought of this as well, so why mention the cave? Ah, I suppose you have already answered, in a sense. Monsters are likely in the cave, at least deeper in. Poppi likely knew the cave's mouth harbored a group of bandits even still. Not our pig thieves, but a band that still remains and plagues this area. Poppi is more than capable of eliminating them herself." Though it was obscured by his mask, he smiled. "You have plenty of knowledge for one so young."

    He and his new student set off for the grotto, making their way through the forest, Mathis weaving through the trees unhindered by the trees in his path, each step carefully planned to avoid being slowed as his armored feet did not even break the leaves. As he kept up, Yogi asked a question about Poppi. "Poppi is my own creation. Well, all but the AI core, at least. I obtained her AI core as a gift from a merchant in my homeland. Avaricious Nopon merchant named Bana. I knew the AI would have impressive functionality, though Bana seemed to not mention what her personality would be like. But the rest of Poppi was hand-built by myself. I suppose you may not exactly be wrong when you say 'in an ancient ruin,' however. Several parts have been implemented into her system from ancient - or at least seemingly ancient - ruins. Mostly functionality chips and a few minor things, however. Her core chassis was hand-woven. Ah, I suppose it may sound weird to 'weave' metals. It is a practice from my homeland. Perhaps I will teach you about it sometime, if you have an interest in weapon and armor creation."

    He finished his explanation just as he neared the edge of the grotto. Just as expected, within the grotto was a group of pigs happily living their lives. An alert from Poppi came in, which Mathis noted and told Poppi to continue her own mission, keeping them alive if possible. "Now, I want your observation of the area. Tell me what you see."

    WC: 0478 | TWC: 1174

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Rbblril


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 42
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Mathis Lora
    Experience : 2,625

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Palace Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Empty Re: Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire

    Post by Burgundy 11th May 2020, 9:58 pm

    It would appear that Yogi hit the nail on the head. Perhaps a few more times than was necessary, maybe bent it a little, but the point stood that he earned his gold star for the day by paying clear attention to the information-bot — or sword, or whatever he was supposed to think of Poppi as. He was gifted with a compliment from a powerful wizard, "Heh, thanks~!" He tried not to gloat because his dad's coworkers were always going on about how smart they were, which was one of the major turn-offs from being a Scholar in the first place.

    It was also mentioned that Poppi was off taking care of some unrelated cave bandits instead, which seemed like a total detour from the job at hand. Yogi tried to grasp for a moment why Mathis might bother doing work that wasn't part of the job. Unlike the original question he was asked directly Yogi had no facts to go on other than, 'that happened' and 'Mathis has invited him to combat training', so he had to presume it had something to do with that reason. Clearly having Poppi along would detract from the training. Yogi had also considered that maybe it would be best to not tempt fate by skewing the definition of 'three' anyways. Mathis had the right idea, gee, what a guy!

    Of course this though lead to him asking about Poppi, and that sparked a fairly length albeit detailed explanation of her origins. Homemade, with a core purchased from a greedy merchant, a few chips plucked from ancient ruins, all 'woven' together as though she were some kind of basket, it sounded like.

    "Metal-Weaving? That sounds like an interesting premise already. Do you spin the metal and weave it from wire or perhaps..." Yogi had almost trailed off once more with his curious analysis, as though trying to gain info from standing info, but since they had started trekking towards the grotto and hadn't stopped since then... The walk was over and the job was on. The young mage's voice cut off immediately and his face contorted back into his 'bloodthirsty' concentrated look.

    Mathis asked him what he could see, after whispering something into some manner of communication device. Yogi would stare hard at the pigs that were just wandering about the grotto. They were pigs so it was unlikely they understood the illegal circumstances of their change of ownership. "I count around 13 pigs and 5 piglets roaming around... but I can't see any guards or caretakers, but the pigs seem to be avoiding the borders, so I guess they're behind the treeline, like us..." he would analyze slowly, making presumptions as he did so. It wasn't a perfect breakdown, but then again he didn't have any super senses or special eyes to see through any magic that might be concealing anything else.

    "The job is to take out the bandits and capture the leader, so the swine are technically of no consequence, right? We can ignore them and move in deeper. Then again, I'm worried that there might be some form of misdirection in play. Can you see anything else?" he would ask quietly, not looking away as he did so. There was reports of some illusionists among the pig bandits, and as long as they were around Yogi was wary of what he could see with his eyes.

    Word Count: 567
    Total Word Count: 2,802/10,000

    Mythical VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Bladesmaster
    Position : None
    Posts : 402
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 300
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 658,820

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blade Summoning
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    Third Skill:

    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Empty Re: Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire

    Post by SlayerMathis 12th May 2020, 9:25 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Mathis listened as Yogi went on his own explanation, musing on the thoughts of the bandits locations and possible misdirections. "At the very least, you have not neglected on reading up on the capabilities of the enemies. The pigs are real, and the grotto itself is bearing no illusory magics. The treeline, however, does. Walking in directly is a foolish notion. They have the area trapped, and I suspect they have knowledge of our intentions since we entered the forest. They have set up a wall of illusion at the edge of the treeline. There are a few ways to detect this, but they are by no means high level mages, so simply looking closely at the treeline should be able to reveal the truth. They have not masked their presences, rather they have simply placed an image, so to speak, of the treeline over the treeline. It is a cheat to get the same effect. I suspect many mages of Fiore are capable of more, but several of the lands I have been to would consider this mastery of magic." He nodded, taking Monado out of its sheath on his back as it transformed in a light shine of purple light into a bow. "Yet even then, there are other factors in mind. We are in a forest, so looking not only through the brush is important. In the trees, there are others yet. They have knowledge of these woods more than we do, and they have prepared as such." He pulled back on the string of the bow, a purple arrow of energy forming as it pulled further. "Archers and wizards hide in the trees above while melee experts hide below. Depending on your circumstances, the decision must be made which to take out first."

    Unblinking as he nocked the arrow, pulling back on the light purple string of light, he took his aim. "I wish to see your prowess in action, Yogi-san. I shall not ask you to take on a majority of them, however. I will deal with much of the rabble, but I would see your own work." As he finished saying this, he fired the arrow, the dart of purple energy dashing a mile into the air within seconds as a body tumbled down. Mathis stood up as Monado transformed into a spear and he walked into the grotto, sending the pigs scrambling. Mathis knew that once he stepped foot past a certain point, he could no longer leave. They had made the grotto into an arena. He was not trapped with them, however.

    They were trapped with him.

    "Bring out the leader of your band and I shall deliver you all unharmed to the Rune Knights."

    A murmur rose as the illusion dropped. "Gah! Daft git, ain't'cha? Ya realize yer boned with so many a' us lads out 'ere? We've gotcha outnumbered! It's one man 'gainst an entire team! We can take ya, easy!"

    Despite the confidence in their words, their action to enter the grotto was more hesitant. Just as enough entered, the walls finally rose. One way walls, only allowing people to enter, and not those already in with the active spell to leave. "I am prepared to fight you. Yogi-san, take your pick of the lot. I shall ensure that you are not outnumbered." He smirked under the mask as he twirled the spear in his hand around, ready to see how the enemies would engage him.

    WC: 0577 | TWC: 1751

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Rbblril


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 42
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Mathis Lora
    Experience : 2,625

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Palace Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Empty Re: Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire

    Post by Burgundy 12th May 2020, 11:09 pm

    Mathis was nothing if not an informative mentor. Yogi's suspicions regarding the use of illusory magics was affirmed, not in the pigs carrying on, but the treeline. He would slide his goggles down over his eyes, to get a better look, even though they didn't do anything. Indeed it appeared that the trees were a faux image. There were theses... difficult to explain overlaps with the natural brush and leaves of the natural forest, as though the illusionists couldn't account for the ebb and flow of the winds.

    The young wizard would slide his goggles off and up into his hair once again, "Yeah, they aren't very good wizards. It would have been more effective put up a magic wall with an image projected onto it, wouldn't it?" Yogi really overestimated the idea of what would be considered 'more effective' because he didn't really have a sense of scale when it came to magic use. To him, big magic was the same as small magic. He wasn't very good at his particular form of magic, but there wasn't any real doubt that it was big.

    With that round of analysis, Mathis fired an energy arrow into the illusion-clad forest and struck down a bandit in a single blast. Yogi was awed by the power of that blast, he hadn't seen genuine battle magic before, so a blast with the power to knock trained soldier out cold so casually launched was definitely a sight to behold. Especially since lasers, arrow shaped or otherwise, are cool.

    The apprentice mage would tail somewhat meekly behind Mathis, as he strode into the grotto. The pigs scrambled out with their various squeals, and the enemy bandit attack force seemed to come out of the woodwork as the paltry illusionwork was dismissed. Mathis made them an off they shouldn't refuse. After all a prison sentence was a lot easier to deal with if you didn't have any broken ribs or concussions to nurse, and the Rune Knights claimed to go easier on criminals who cooperate.

    Of course, what kind of bandit even would take mathis up on that offer? Certainly no dirty, no-good, pig-stealing sort, that's for sure. The bandits practically spit on his offer, claiming that they had him outnumbered, as if they didn't just watch one of their men get dropped immediately. "You miscounted, there's two people on this side," Yogi would correct, with a smile.

    The young man sized up the enemy group, maybe eight or nine men total. Mathis even gave him his pick of the lot. That was certainly a problem, considering each one of them looked to be quite strong or wise in their own way. "Tch, shaddup, kid! Ya ain't worth a count!" one of the more vocal bandits would yell belligerently. A dumb one who discounted even a weak foe, would certainly make for an interesting first fight.

    Maybe Yogi would prove him right, maybe the big strong bandit would get destroyed by a fourteen year old newbie. "That so? Then I pick you, old man!" the upstart wizard would challenge.

    As if on cue, the shit talker revealed himself, abount 7 feet tall and some inches, fatter than a pig, and uglier and with poorer dental hygiene. His shirtless, massive pot belly with an outie belly button was betrayed by the clearly muscular tone of his arms, wearing a black pair of pants decked out with belts and satchels, even with a bandolier as a belt. Very imposing, since that weapon he was holding looked kind of like an old fashioned navel cannon.

    "Yer choosin' me, are ya? How romantic, hehehe~!" the giant bandit laughed as he started coming closer. Yogi's face went a bit pale, as he saw who — or maybe what — he had challenged. He swallowed nervously and tried to collect himself. Maybe he should have opted for sparring with Mathis instead of going on a mission to hunt down a bunch of killers?

    He didn't have time to really think about that as the big man would level his cannon like it was a rifle in his direction. Yogi dove out of the way just as the man triggered the cannon somehow, and an iron ball the size of Mathis's fist would be flung out the similarly sized barrel. It took but a split second to pass through where Yogi just was before he dove, and a beat later, an explosion was somewhat visible but certainly audible in the forest behind them.

    The man laughed as he began reloading, the cannon slurped mana into the barrel, and appeared to be using the mana to materialize explosive iron lumps. Yogi was worried that this guy might not even be the bandit boss...

    Oh well... with a snap of his fingers, a large puff of smoke erupted behind the young mage clearing to reveal a rather sizeable stone chess piece, a giant rook to be specific. So large that a person could easily live inside of it, this was Yogi's Palace, a potent magical tool just the same as a place to call home. It was, thankfully, a good deal bigger than the cannon-brandishing bandit he had opted to face off against. "Alright big man, I've seen all I'm going to look at of what you can do," Yogi declared, hiding his fear.

    Word Count: 890
    Total Word Count: 4269 (nice!)



    Mythical VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Bladesmaster
    Position : None
    Posts : 402
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 300
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 658,820

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blade Summoning
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Empty Re: Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire

    Post by SlayerMathis 14th May 2020, 11:26 am

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Yogi's choice of opponent was certainly an interesting one. A man who towered over even Mathis, yet Yogi decided that would be his foe. Mathis did not know if it was foolish confidence, a desire to prove his worth, or simple underestimation, but he shrugged it off nonetheless.

    "Oi! Pay attention to yer surroundin's, ya git!" a voice roared.

    Mathis, without even looking, sidestepped away from the incoming club, twirling the spear to deflect the incoming two sword strikes. He stepped back slightly as a bolt of magic flew his way, easily being slapped down with an unarmed hand. An explosion roared from the cannon of Yogi's opponent, shortly followed by a large tower forming behind the bandit. That was what Yogi was capable of? Someone as inexperienced as him was able to summon something so large and imposing. Fiore truly was a wonderful place. He half-heartedly swung the spear around, deflecting every attempted strike on him as if batting down a fly. He knew he was toying with them. With hope, this perceived confidence could lure out their boss.

    He disengaged from the combat, twirling the spear quickly enough to cause a shockwave, sending the bandits flying back. "I suppose I ought to try some magic of my own. Pyra!" he called.

    He extended his arm as a light blue light manifested in his hand. The three incoming soldiers had approached him quickly, Mathis dodging out of the way as the Aegis formed into the world, standing at the ready to engage in combat.

    "What do we got, Mathis?" she asked, looking serious.

    "Just a bunch of bandits. Shake off some of the rust and clear them out."

    Pyra smiled. "On it!"

    Mathis tossed Monado into the air, letting it soar as the form shifted into a red sword, which Pyra grabbed. As soon as she had grabbed it, she swung the sword out towards the two swordsmen, who barely managed to dodge out of the way before she turned her attention to the one with the club. Monado clashed against the poor fellow's wooden club, slowly setting it alight before Pyra delivered a kick to his gut. A white-yellow shine glowed as Pyra transformed into Mythra and continued the assault on the club-wielding bandit, cutting him across the chest as he tumbled. "I left him unconscious to be turned in," she said, slightly scoffing.

    "Not necessary, but I appreciate it. As long as the boss is captured, we will be fine."

    Mythra smiled, raising the sword into the air. A red beam of light shone over a group of mages that had been firing bolts of magic at her and Mathis, before a massive pillar of light erupted, bathing them in light and taking them out of the battle. "Mind if I head into the third form, Mathis?"


    Mythra gave a smug smile, the light enveloping her once more as the blond-haired beauty morphed into the more futuristic-looking mint-green haired Aegis. "Right. Let's go for it!" Pneuma called, the sword in her hand changing appearance once more. She was upon the two swordsmen within a matter of seconds, battering them down with a flurry of quick sword strikes and sending them weakly tumbling to the ground. Eight men had been defeated in a matter of moments from the still-out-of-practice Aegis, causing Pneuma to look rather proud.

    "Good work. You are clear to return, Pneuma."

    Pneuma pouted. "But I was just getting started!"

    "Save your sparring for Zenobia. She will not mind, I am sure."

    She pouted, fading away into a puff of light blue fragments as Mathis watched how his new student would perform.

    WC: 0607 | TWC: 2358

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Rbblril


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
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    Posts : 42
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Mathis Lora
    Experience : 2,625

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    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Empty Re: Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire

    Post by Burgundy 14th May 2020, 4:11 pm

    Yogi was nervous. A total lack of observation prior to choice, causing him to underestimate his opponent, was the source of his current predicament. His towering foe was presumed earlier to be full of bark with minimal bite, but it seemed the big man's confidence was well-placed. After all that cannon definitely put a spin on the situation that he wasn't anticipating. Most of the bandits were either mages or melee combatants, so a magic gun of this variety was not one he saw coming by a long shot.

    Nonetheless, it was his duty to perservere, and prove himself. A man who declares a challenge only to back down when the foe they challenged was twice their size and three times as muscular, was certainly no man at all. At least, that was the thing he was repeating in his head to push himself to act despite his presently crippled morale. The point of putting the palace behind himself was not just to 'bark back' as it were, but also to hold himself back from fleeing. The idea that he was outmatched was not acceptable. This was a winnable fight.

    Yogi couldn't even pay attention to the spectacle of Mathis's display of magic powers. His face was falling into full concentration, looking for a weakness. The big man's legs looked a little undertrained compared to the rest of his physique, he didn't seem too smart, his aim failed him once, so it seemed like dodging the barrel would suffice. The whole time, his eyebrows furrowed and eyes sharpened, the expression of a stone cold predator. A totally incidental quirk of his, he had no real control over it, though it seemed like a totally purposeful intimidating glare.

    "There!" Yogi finally announced, having observed more than enough. He lurched forward and began running directly at the man, still super concentrated. The big man was still a good distance away, so the cannon finished it's loading sequence. Fat man leveled the cannon once again, but Yogi juked deftly. After all, there wasn't a lot of time to dodge and all that it would take was a single shot to determine the outcome. "Not a very quick shot are you? If that's the case, I'll take you out before you can shoot," the young mage declared.

    "Oh is ye? And 'ow's that? Ye gonna kick me shin's, small fry? Gahahah!" the big man laughed. Just then, Mathis's fight would come to an explosive finish, with some mint-colored maiden ripping several bandits apart, figuratively, while glowing brightly like a shooting star, literally. The fat man got distracted by the glowy light, and in that split second Yogi was right up in his face. As in, the young mage had jumped and was eye level with his opponent.

    Yogi's hand jutted forward in a brief flash of motion just big man's head pivoted back towards him, and impacted against the man's jawline, causing his head turn back, his brain slightly rattled. The young mage gritted his teeth and landed low, before he swept at the man's calves with the front of his leg. The kick collided, though the man didn't stumble any, just let out an audible, "Yeowch!" before kicking Yogi like a soccer ball back in the direction of his Palace. The impact was audible, and even though it was a simple reflexive melee kick, the young man was sent hurtling through the air.

    The apprentice mage would land directly on top of of palace, as though it were a stone-hard safety net. "Alright ye runt, I'll be blastin' you, and yer ugly clubhouse, right on outta this world, y'hear!" the bandit exclaimed ferociously, clearly pissed. He leveled the cannon in Yogi's direction, laughing madly. The young mage would look in his direction and snap his fingers, "King's Guard!"

    Suddenly a cloud of smoke surrounded him and the entire palace, as well as the fat man, just as he fired his cannon. The sound of an explosion went off, but neither cloud cleared in that time frame. After the sound echoed away into the distance, the smoke cleared away. In their wake, Yogi was standing himself up, as though he just fell to the ground, and was proving that he was alright. The other cloud, on the other hand, revealed that he had teleported his Palace that way, encapsulating the big man, and if the trails of smoke coming from under the door frame, the explosion.

    To clarify, Yogi used his Palace to contain the man's cannonball and explosion, causing him to blow himself up with his considerable weapon. There was silence for a moment, and Yogi would approach slowly, a little worse for wear. "Evict," he commanded. The front door of his palace opened up, and the fat man's unconscious body was flung unceremoniously outside, eyes rolled back into his head, and skin charred from the explosion at such a close range. Yogi walked past the body as it bounced once or twice and entered the Palace and began inspecting everything.

    "Oh thank goodness..." the young mage would say after a few beats, "All I need to replace is the blanket, everything else made it out alright." As he exited the building he would look around at the pile of KO'd bodies which Mathis left in his wake. "Oh wow Mathis, you really are super tough. I could barely handle one of those guys..." he commented somewhat dejectedly, totally sweating.

    Word Count: 906
    Total Word Count: 5782



    Mythical VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Bladesmaster
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    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Empty Re: Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire

    Post by SlayerMathis 17th May 2020, 12:19 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Mathis watched as Yogi finished his own work towards defeating his one opponent, seeing the large tower structure seemingly swallow and spit out the foe before he tiredly went over to the elder warrior. "Observation is an important first step in all aspects. You wished to become an adventurer, no? If it provides any assistance, consider your foes as if they are traps to be overcome during an exploration. See your foe first before taking them on, just as one would assess a trap before advancing."

    Just as he finished his lesson, another cannonball fired off towards Mathis, who casually raised his hand, catching the metallic orb in one hand, only being pushed back the slightest bit from the force. "There are many things you have yet to learn. I cannot assist you in how to improve your magic. That is far beyond my means. I am no wizard, merely a fighter. However, I can teach you other lessons. Strategies. The way of fighting. I cannot provide everything for you, you have to learn of your own volition." He casually crushed the cannonball in his hand before turning once more towards the four remaining bandits. All of them looked rather tough, though it was nothing that Mathis could not handle. "If you are capable of it, I leave the last cannon to you. I shall eliminate the last three."

    Mathis smirked beneath his mask as the spear in his right hand slowly morphed into nunchucks, ready to initiate combat against the proud-looking bandits. The two weaker-looking ones slammed their hands on the ground, firing pillars of earth upwards, trying to attack the white-haired Blade. He leaped in the air, darting between the pillars of earth, slowly rising upwards before coming above the three opponents, darting downwards and slamming the nunchucks on the ground. As expected, they all dodged out of the way. This was perfectly as expected as the nunchucks morphed into a pair of segmented whip-swords. He stabbed each one towards each of the earth wizards, the left one piercing his chest and the right grazing against his ribs. Mathis returned the right sword before dashing towards the left. He came upon the man in an instant, slashing both swords across his chest before kicking him down into the earth. The twin blades transformed into a cannon, firing a large beam of purple light, enveloping the attempted attack of rocks and bathing the last soldier in the light, knocking him unconscious. As soon as he landed, Monado transformed into a battleaxe, parrying away the dual sword strikes from the bandit leader as easy as if Mathis were swinging around a dagger. The bandit pointed one of his swords at the ground, causing shadows to wrap around the leg. He once more dashed at Mathis, who pointed the axe at the bandit. "Monado Buster!" he roared as a beam of light fired out from it, once more enveloping the man. He burst through, only for Mathis to himself break free from the shadows as Monado shifted into a bow. "Monado Jail!" once more he roared, firing an arrow. It burst into a small explosion, chains of purple light wrapping around the bandit's body. Mathis landed, aiming the bow at the man. "I will give you a chance to surrender of your own will." The bandit responded by spitting, causing Mathis to fire out an arrow into the back of the man and causing him to collapse. Satisfied, Mathis turned to see how his new student was faring, and if he would need to get involved.

    WC: 0595 | TWC: 2953

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Rbblril


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 42
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Mathis Lora
    Experience : 2,625

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Palace Magic
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    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Empty Re: Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire

    Post by Burgundy 17th May 2020, 2:50 pm

    Yogi would shuffle over towards his mentor, and receive a bit of education. He needed to think of his foes as traps he needed to overcome, to observe and analyze them before dealing with or avoiding them. Obviously a sentient trap would be impossible to avoid, so a person would need to be dealt with just in the same way, either disarming them or destroying them. Of course, disarming a trap would require a fundamental understanding of the trap, to know where to poke and prod in order to disengage the various mechanisms. Perhaps even to cold fire it into running out of ammo.

    It was good advice, Yogi considered it deeply. Mathis continued on that he wasn't a magic specialist like he was, and only really knew how to fight. "Oh there's no need to worry about helping me improve my magic, that much is quite intuitive. That one fight alone has given me many ideas on how to reinforce and expand my Palace," the apprentice would say, pretending not to be perturbed by how his teacher just one-handed an iron cannon ball and crushed it. This one was firing non-explosives, so the metal alone was the source of damage, which was arguably harder for Yogi to counter. Having said that, what was the PSI on the grip needed to crush an already compact lump of iron? Yogi couldn't even begin to fathom the logistics, the finger exercises, needed to calculate and execute that.

    That said, Mathis proceeded to have him deal with the cannoneer again. What was he, an anti-cannon specialist? Yogi's Palace couldn't sustain another shot from one of these cannons, so he needed to analyze the situation again. Sure if they knocked it down, it would just reassemble itself thanks to the enchantments placed on the stonework, by and large the hardest part of building one, but it would take so long he couldn't use the Palace for the remainder of the fight if they did.

    His eyes returned to a focused look, "Got it, Mathis. I'll handle him." That earned him the immediate and unconditional attention of the last cannon-brandishing bandit. An iron cannonball flung in his direction, causing him to reflexively jump. It passed underneath him, though the angle at which he jumped put him rather close to his Palace. The fat man lay nearby still unconscious. Yogi would look over the man, and see that he'd dropped his cannon.

    "That's... Yeah, okay," the young mage would momentarily analyze and affirm thereafter. He had a plan. He would scoop the fat man's cannon up and get a feel for its heft. It was obviously far too heavy for a kid like him to try and brandish, so he needed to find a way to use it.

    The enemy cannoneer would wave his hand, causing water to seep out of the ground extracting from the grass in the grotto, and fired like a reverse hailstorm of bullets directly towards him. Yogi interposed the fat man's cannon and managed to shrug off any stray drops that hit him, gritting his teeth. As he did so, he noticed a pair of switches one marked with an inwards arrow towards the back of the cannon, and one marked with an outwards arrow. "How intuitive..." he commented, flipping the 'in switch'. Magical energy was slurped into the barrel of the cannon just like before.

    He would finally get an idea, the stonework of his palace may not have been able to sustain the business end of a cannon's shot, but the recoil should have been nothing at all to it! Now to goad the enemy's aim away from the palace... he would chuck the still-reloading cannon like a sack of potatos up to the top of the palace's rook shape, like a battlement of sorts, and began to approach the cannoneer bandit, who fired another shot he needed to juke. As he turned his body so as to let the iron lump pass, he would snap his fingers, causing the palace to disappear altogether, allowing the cannonball to pass harmlessly through the grotto and into the forest behind them.

    This plan was two-pronged, either option would suffice to finish this fight off in his favor, and if both failed Yogi would probably be dispatched. A shadow loomed over the battlefield now, everyone was sure to have noticed it. The bandit looked up aghast, now too afraid to move. "Behold! The Hammer Of Law!" Yogi would announce, as his Palace descended from the sky to land firmly on top of the bandit crushing him underneath just as he could finally try to cry for help. That was the first part of the plan. Part two would have been to jump on top of the Palace to seize the now-loaded cannon and fire it at a reeling bandit had he managed to escape Yogi's truly most ultimate move, but it turned out that would not be necessary.

    Word Count: 826
    Total Word Count: 7203/10,000



    Mythical VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Bladesmaster
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    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Empty Re: Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire

    Post by SlayerMathis 19th May 2020, 11:40 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Yogi certainly made a commotion in finishing off his bandit, though perhaps that was just the nature of his ward's magic. Mathis had signaled for Poppi to return, and she already had, clapping at Yogi's work. "Yogi is impressive with his magic skills! Poppi is very impressed! Though, there's still much work to be done! For example-"

    "Do not mind Poppi, Yogi-san. She was not even present for the majority of the fight. Her end of the bandits have been cleared and the Rune Knights have been sent to apprehend both groups of bandits. Ours and hers. Now, I suspect you were prepared for this, but I suppose it is what I am best at: lessons. You wished for a teacher, no? At the very least, you were eager enough to call me teacher. So, I shall teach. This is a job I could have handled by myself. I could just as easily have sent Poppi on this mission and done just fine on her own. However, you wished for a learning experience. I will pose several questions to you, answer them as much as you believe you can. First, the matter of the foe I had you take on second. He, like your first foe, used a cannon. Why do you suspect I had you clear him out? I will give you a hint in that the matter of power was of little impact on my decision. He was the weakest, yes, but that was not a primary reason. Second, why I had Poppi bother with the second group of bandits. They were irrelevant to the job, yet I had sent her out. I am curious as to your thoughts on that. Third, I wish to know what you think their motivation is. Why did they feel as if they needed to steal these pigs? Off of that, if you were in their position, what would you have done? There are two scenarios to this, I suppose. You are under no obligation to answer both. First, if you already were a bandit. How would you have gone about it? Second, if you were in their position, how would you have done this without being a bandit? Finally, I want your opinion once more. Why do you think I volunteered to help you? There are no wrong answers, I merely wish to know what you think of me." Mathis smiled, removing his mask as a slow drip off rain began to fall.

    WC: 0413 | TWC: 3366

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Rbblril


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 42
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Mathis Lora
    Experience : 2,625

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Palace Magic
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    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Empty Re: Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire

    Post by Burgundy 20th May 2020, 1:01 pm

    Yogi, after having narrowly finished dealing with his second cannoneer of the day, would hear the metallic applause of a memorable automaton. Poppi appeared to have some degree of advice to offer, but she was quickly shot down by Mathis in favor of an analysis of the job's happenings in the form of a subjective quiz.

    Yogi, though a bit worse for wear, was still eager to learn. After all, the whole reason he accepted the offer Mathis put forward was to become a great treasure hunter like he was. The way Mathis dispatched bandits without issue was nothing short of awe-inspiring, but with this experience, he already knew that he was a bound and a half closer to reaching that same level.

    The questions began, and just as he would start to ponder them more would arise. Yogi would swiftly pull out a notebook and pen from his totally-always-present satchel that I totally didn't add for the convenience of having a notebook to explain away how he remembered all the questions, and began writing down all the questions as they came, in the form of fairly sloppy notes and shorthand.

    After Mathis finished going through his variety pack of questions, the apprentice would look into the page of letters he wrote. His face was thoughtful as he considered all the answers. "Well..." he would say distantly, humming slightly. There were no wrong answers, but it was likely there was an intention to get a grasp on Yogi's analysis skills nonetheless. A metaphorical litmus test for how he could be taught.

    "On the matter of the second cannoneer, my presumption was that you meant to solidify the tactical mindset I had acquired when dealing with the first one. He was weak, but more importantly, he was kind of like a confirmation that my first victory wasn't a fluke..." Yogi admitted, "On the matter of Poppi and the second band of bandits, I was actually pretty confused about that myself. I have a few theories but they all suppose things I can't prove... They didn't matter to us, but you still let Poppi take care of them. Was there an outstanding bounty on that other group's head? Or maybe you were worried that Poppi was too characteristically scrappy to leave my enemy alone while I was trying to fight so you sent her on a chore."

    Yogi displayed no real attention to a concept like 'the right thing to do', because he was clearly too goal-oriented. Perhaps if he'd have encountered those cave bandits on accident he'd have tried to take care of it, but even then only out of self defense. And of course, if there was some extra money in it for him, it would have piqued his interest.

    Then came the interesting questions, regarding why they 'needed' to steal pigs and what he would have done in their positions. "I mean, I can't really see the point in stealing pigs, but my guess is that somebody gave them a reason, a business deal; or it could have been a cover-up to hide what they were actually stealing. Bandits love money first and foremost because 'money buys freedom and booze', according to my dad, so I'd presume the former. After all, why steal something if you don't have a way to get rid of it quickly?"

    Then came the real question that stumped him. What would he have done in their position. Empathy was something he largely lacked in, thusly putting himself in somebody else's shoes even for a hypothetical was like trying to imagine what an apple might look like in another universe without the benefit of mental imaging. "Were I already a bandit I'd probably consider myself a failure, and drink myself into a stupor until I was foolish enough to steal pigs while blacked out. Without being one, for a Job or something? I would probably corral them into my palace and then hide it in a forest nearby while making my escape by train to another city where my buyer would be and then move my palace there. If I locked my doors, that would present a minimal chance of failure, I think..."

    Finally the matter of thoughts. Why had Mathis volunteered his time and effort to train an up and coming Treasure Hunter of the Silver Wolf guild. "Hm... You seem to have a great talent for teaching, so I think you're just spreading your wings and I happened to be under them at the time," Yogi would admit. Indeed, he could think of no real reason why Mathis would choose to take a student under his wing other than to test the waters of teaching.

    "So, how'd I do?"

    Word Count: 787
    Total Word Count: 8403



    Mythical VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Bladesmaster
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    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Empty Re: Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire

    Post by SlayerMathis 24th May 2020, 12:10 am

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Mathis took all of his new ward's words to heart, mulling over his answers in a contemplative silence. "Intriguing. So that is how you have decided to answer. I suppose I ought to provide some answers. I shall not reprimand your for your answers. Evaluating your own thoughts is a part of learning as well, and there are few questions where the answer is just as black - and - white as there could possibly be. Indeed, setting aside a confirmation of your methods was certainly a factor. Knowing your capabilities is a smart decision, and you are yet youthful in the ways of combat. A familiar foe assists in such a matter. However, the real reason I sent you to take on that one was to see your adaptability. Those two were similar in their methods of fighting, of course. However, the specifics were different. The first focused on explosive shells. The second specialized in elemental bolts. The first was a large, mountain of a man. The second, a younger, smaller cannoneer. They fought the same on the surface, yet there were distinctions. Again, taking the mindset of traps in a ruin, there are often times traps look similar, yet function differently. No two things are alike."

    "Your answer was not wrong, yet it was not the full answer. Everything is full of half-truths and incomplete answers. You must seek the full truths yourself. Again, you are not fully wrong with your assessment on the matter of the cave bandits. Poppi certainly is a scrappy Artificial Blade, and there was indeed a bounty. However, the reason was much more base. The people needed assistance. Consider if those bandits took the life of an innocent when they could have been easily stopped. Death no longer weighs on my conscience, yet I feel that, if possible, I ought to protect humans if it is not an inconvenience. They were able to be stopped, and I stopped them. Poppi had no difficulties handling them, so she was fine to send on such a thing. Not all answers require deep thinking. Sometimes, the answers you seek are the simplest ones, Yogi-san."

    'Poppi feels insulted that Yogi thinks Poppi was sent as chore!" the artificial Blade said with a harrumph and placing her hands on her hips. "Poppi is highly advanced marvel of modern technology, not simple robot servant!"

    Mathis sighed, trying his best to ignore Poppi's outburst. "You could do with some lessons of your own, Poppi. You would do best to listen as well."

    Poppi smiled, taking a cross-legged seat on the ground. "Roger! Poppi will listen to Master's word with great attentiveness!"

    Again, Mathis sighed. "Please, ignore Poppi. She gets like this sometimes."

    "Poppi does not get like this sometimes!"

    Mathis raised an eyebrow before continuing his lesson to Yogi. "I do not doubt their seeking of money, yet I feel as if there is a reason yet. I doubt that all of these men and women wished to be bandits. There are certainly some who see this is just another job, such as one that you or I do. Perhaps they, like you, consider themselves failures for dipping into banditry, yet it was where they were brought to. Some have little love for it, yet they persist as it is the only way to protect those that they love. Of course, I am merely guessing. I myself have little fondness for banditry, yet I acknowledge that for some it is necessary. Whether it be for the sake of keeping those they love fed or if it is for a cause they see to be just, there are times when banditry is, while not acceptable, justifiable. It is not as black - and - white as you presume. As for your solution to the pig herding... well, it certainly is a method. It is a good demonstration of magic utility, I suppose. I have little to comment on the matter."

    "Master is just jealous he cannot use magic."

    "I believe you could call my ability to summon Blades a magic."


    Mathis ignored his creation, who slightly gave a tantrum in her seated position before pouting and continuing to listen to the lesson. "As for why I offered my services... I am glad you think of me as a good teacher. I am not to careless as to spread my wings haphazardly, however. Had some other people acted in a similar manner to you, I may have denied. No, rather, I must admit sentimentality. You merely remind me of someone I knew." His voice grew somber for a moment. "She was someone I knew all too well. You remind me of her, with her enthusiasm and her naivete, yet her distinct way of thinking of her own way for everything." His voice returned to its normal, stoic state. "But that is little that you could have known about. If you desire it, I would be glad to be of more assistance in teaching you."

    WC: 0834 | TWC: 0834

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis

    Resetting WC for another job

    Last edited by SlayerMathis_ on 30th May 2020, 11:01 am; edited 2 times in total


    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Rbblril


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
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    Posts : 42
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Mathis Lora
    Experience : 2,625

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Palace Magic
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    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Empty Re: Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire

    Post by Burgundy 24th May 2020, 1:58 am

    Yogi would have a seat on the ground, and listened to his mentor's analysis of his answers. His mind was open to instruction, though he couldn't help but feel a bit of apprehension. The young mage always considered himself a tactical sort, and so finding his answers to only glance the truth at most times was strenuous. He felt half-baked: Not a good enough fighter, not a good enough thinker. Of course, this was instructional, it was okay to falter in a situation like this. Mathis wanted to put these thoughts in his mind so that he could improve. That's what Yogi was really enjoying about this veritable tutoring he found himself operating under: Mathis didn't seem afraid to only give half-credit. After all, if you only learn half the truth, you've learned nothing.

    Yogi strained himself mentally to accept his faltering acumen in the subject of adventuring and psychology. His discomfort showed on his face as beads of sweat would form yet still, albeit he could have still been cooling down from two separate cannoneer encounters. Some of his answers happened to proc the attention of a certain sentient blade robot, and Poppi's chimings were characteristically huffy. "Ah, sorry Poppi, I didn't mean to imply you needed busywork in a negative context," Yogi would apologize, "Simply that cleaning up bandits in the caves was busywork for you as opposed to the sort of challenge it is for me."

    Yogi's belief that Poppi was a tool was coming dangerously close to being undone, but since the job at hand was done he didn't have to worry about the cosmic repercussions of being in a group of three affecting the job itself, and by extension his very first paycheck. Mathis redirected his robot sidekick into joining the lessons, causing her to take a seat right next to Yogi. Apparently, Poppi gets like this sometimes.

    Yogi also heard him mention 'humans' used specifically, but brushed it off as Mathis not caring much about livestock or animals that incidentally get killed because he ignored a native monster deep in the wilds. Much like Yogi wouldn't think about the young beasts left behind when he one day kills a behemoth. That was totally an aspiration he had, though more of a pipe dream in a pipe dream.

    Then came the lessons regarding the various moral options that bandits may have taken to get into their positions. Mathis seemed to waver between what is right and what is justifiable in his explanation, but that was the sort of thing Yogi struggled with the most. The perspective of an artist or a craftsman was far more readable to him than a simple bandit. He never even considered, prior to what Mathis explained, that a bandit might have a family or loved ones they needed to care for. It always seemed to obvious that the law came before comfort, but what if starvation were on the line? Or death? Yogi meditated on this for a moment, though it wasn't lost on him that Mathis didn't seem to expect a magically-inclusive answer to the idea of how he would have kidnapped pigs for a job.

    Poppi's timely chiming revealed that his mentor actually had a fairly loose grasp if any on magic. Which struck him as odd because that lightshow of warping steel and laserbeams not even 15 minutes ago sure seemed pretty magic to him. And so did Poppi for that matter. "You summon Blades? You mean like Requip? Is that what was happening with your sword?" Yogi prodded with a question.

    It was then revealed to him the true reason why Mathis took him into his tutelage: Yogi reminded him of somebody he used to know. Of course when it was revealed that person was a girl, it was much like several arrows striking him directly in his masculinity with every female pronoun used to explain this friend. Yogi collapsed from the totally metaphorical damage damage to his fragile psyche, crying just a little in a comical sense. "I remind you of a girl, huh? Was she at least pretty?" he asked somewhat rhetorically in a deadpan tone.

    Given a moment to recuperate from the serial earth-shattering blows to his manliness, Yogi would sit back up and finally answer his mentor's offer. "Well I mean, I find myself in a unique situation, don't I? How can I turn down your tutelage after such a great lesson paired with you making me feel so... special? (I guess?)" Yogi was earnest in his desire to learn, but he might have been the slightest bit salty about being compared to a lady so fondly. He was a man, dammit!

    Word Count: 780
    Total Word Count: 10,017



    Mythical VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
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    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Empty Re: Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire

    Post by SlayerMathis 24th May 2020, 10:13 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Poppi seemed content enough with Yogi's explanation, though not without blowing a playful raspberry towards the younger mage. Mathis did not remember making Poppi in such a way that blowing raspberries would be possible. Perhaps he knew less about his creation than he thought.

    Then Yogi flew into a question regarding Mathis's mention of Blades. "Ah, Blades. They are a... remnant of my homeland, I suppose." To help his explanation, stretched his hand out, his palm facing upwards to show the green cross shape of the Aegis Crystal. It glowed in his hand as Mythra was called forth, the blond-haired female Blade looking down at Yogi.

    "You don't even have anything for me to fight, Mathis?" Mythra asked, not removing her eyes off of Yogi.

    "I would have thought such a desire for fighting would be reserved for Zenobia. You certainly have been learning."

    Mythra crossed her arms and looked away, the faintest hint of a blush on her face. "Z-Zenobia learns from me!"

    Mathis gave the faintest of smiles. "Yes, yes, of course. You are an Aegis, after all." He turned his attention once more to his student. "Blades are... I suppose there are not many ways to truly parse what they are in ways that are comparable to natives of Fiore. Blades are immortal, so long as their Driver, the one who resonates with their Crystal, lives. One Driver may have many Blades, but a Blade may only have one Driver. Blades serve primarily as tools to assist in combat, but they all have their own personalities. I perhaps would wish to see in time if you have an affinity for becoming Driver, but that is not for now. I do not have any extra Core Crystals."

    Mythra nodded before becoming wreathed in a golden light and immediately transforming into her red-haired form, Pyra. "So you're Yogi? Well, I hope we can get along!" Pyra smiled.

    "Pyra and Mythra are a unique case among Blades. They are an Aegis, though getting into the true significance of that is a story for another time. Most Blades do not have the power of Pyra and Mythra nor do they have the ability to switch between two forms. You can tell a Blade from the resonance of their Core Crystal. Look between Pyra's collarbone. You see her Crystal there. Blades cannot hide their Cores." Mathis opted to disengage the Aegis as he once more held out his hand to show a wing-shaped Crystal. "I suppose I ought to give a more common example."

    The crystal shined as the white-haired warrior of tempests shone into existence. "So this is the pipsqueak that you're training, Mathis?" Zenobia asked, a fire in her voice. "Tell me, kid, how many monsters have you beaten?"

    Mathis sighed as Zenobia pressed for an answer. "Once more, look at her collar. The blue wing is her Crystal. All Blades have Crystals, though some try to hide them. If you are curious, I would be fully willing to answer your questions.

    As for Monado, it merely has the ability to shift its form based off of my desires. I do not admittedly know how it works, yet it does not cost any sort of magic. Once more, if you wish to ask more specifics, I would be glad to oblige. As for the girl you reminded me of... well, I suppose one could say she was attractive. Your personality just reminded me of her. It has been many years since I have last seen her, but I still remember her fondly. Now, if you have any more questions, ask away."

    WC: 0602 | TWC: 1436

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    Edited by SlayerMathis

    Last edited by SlayerMathis_ on 30th May 2020, 11:02 am; edited 2 times in total


    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Rbblril


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
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    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Empty Re: Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire

    Post by Burgundy 26th May 2020, 11:21 pm

    As Yogi sat and listened, his mentor would begin to (sorta) explain his magic. He didn't seem very sure how to make it understandable outside its own school of thought, even trying to squeeze in some vocabulary lessons. Meanwhile the so-called 'Blade' he summoned as an example looked nothing like a sword, and in fact more closely resembled Poppi than a sword. Wait, wasn't Poppi also supposed to be a sword? Yogi rubbed his head to stave off the mounting headache.

    "So the... Driver resonates with a crystal and makes scrappy, well-armed ladies called Blades?" he summarized, or at least tried to. There wasn't really much else to understand, since the prospect of summoning spells was a bit lost on him. While it didn't seem like Mathis was exactly strapped for combat experience, Yogi felt like summons would be depriving him of perfectly good practice. Then again, he could theoretically spar with a summon, right?

    Then Mythra would flash golden and emerge as a wholly different individual, most notably that she was red instead of yellow as she was moments ago. That and her demeanor changed entirely to be more friendly, it seemed. Yogi would meet her regard with his own, "Ah, likewise! I'll try not to get in Mathis's way."

    As it turned out Mythra and Pyra being one unit was a special case among the blades, which sort of made her a poor example in Yogi's eyes, but he wasn't about to complain. Especially since she was dismissed and Mathis popped out a wing-shaped crystal from wherever he kept them (Yogi hadn't been paying any attention to that).

    With another flourish of light, yet another, angrier maiden was formed, and immediately called Yogi a pipsqueak. Yogi's face reacted to the insult in a manner that unfortunately complemented it, puffing up his cheeks childishly and furrowing his eyebrows angrily. "I'm not a pipsqueak!" he would respond, though he didn't have much of an answer to her question regarding how many monsters he's slain. Still, not looking to be defeated on this matter he would doctor up his story a bit and lie to her face, "I'll have you know I just got done beating up an ogre three times as big as Mathis! And he had a ship cannon that shot huuuuuge explosions!"

    Alright technically the only lie here was that the 'ogre' in question was just an ugly man, but it was still almost stupidly difficult to believe.

    All this time, Mathis had been trying to point out the crippling weak spot of all his Blades or whatever, but Yogi had somehow been distracted for each instance of it. While he was an attentive student, he wanted to act like his teacher was invincible for the time being, so ignoring such things as 'glowing weakspots' felt to be in his best interests.

    Mathis then confirmed that his ladyfriend that Yogi reminded him of was indeed conventionally attractive, perhaps not catching that inflection by which Yogi didn't want an answer. His sword was interesting too, since it didn't need magic to work, it seemed. Still, the young mage would stand up and stretch a bit, "Well, maybe one question. You've got a lot of skills under your belt, from weaving artificial life out of metal, to combat skill that makes hardened veterans look like children, to this strange form of crystal-based summoning. Was this all standard-issue for your homeland? Why'd you leave and join Silver Wolf?" He realized after the fact that this was two questions, but refused to correct himself in favor of getting some answers.

    Word Count: 598
    Total Word Count: 11,217



    Mythical VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
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    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Empty Re: Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire

    Post by SlayerMathis 27th May 2020, 9:21 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    For the most part, Yogi had either understood the matters Mathis was talking of or at least pretending to. It mattered little. A faint confidence welled in Mathis's mind that his new student would learn in time. There was much to be learned for his efforts, and Mathis had much to teach.

    "Oooh already an ogre, huh?" Zenobia laughed, playfully patting Yogi atop his head, either unaware or uncaring of her own strength as she pressed his head down. "You're a strong pipsqueak. Hey, wanna train and try to fight against me? I'm sure that if you can beat an ogre, you can at least be a bit of a warm-up for me! I'm going to beat Mathis or Mythra one of these days, and maybe warming up against a little kid like you'll help!"

    "Ah, I do suppose many Blades are female, yes," Mathis said, sighing as he tried to change the topic. "Not all are, but a vast majority hold a female form." He held a hand up as another core crystal flickered into existence, the same shape as Mythra's, only a deep purple rather than a stunning green. "Some of these practices are common in my homeland, yes. Blades are a core feature of life for many. Wars are often decided by the best or the most Blades. The ones I have...acquired are unique in their strength. Mythra is one of the Aegises." The crystal in his hand shone, slowly drifting from his hand as the form around it manifested, Zenobia's own form disappearing as the new one appeared. "Malos is the other."

    Malos raised an eyebrow at the kid in front of him. "So this is the brat?" Malos asked, investigating the student closer. "Can't say I understand your logic, but hey you're the boss, I guess."

    Mathis gave a small smirk. "I would prefer you see me more cordially, Malos. Now, we may continue our discussion on the move. The Rune Knights are nearly here." Mathis said as he began making his way out of the grotto, speaking under the impression Yogi was following. "The metal-weaving was less common, though it was a practice the people of my homeland followed. Alrest is strained for resources, so to make the most of the materials we have to dig into the fabric of the metals themselves, weaving them to become stronger. It is a delicate process, but one that is immensely impactful. As for the reasons to why I left Alrest...there were things I needed to do elsewhere, and I could not bring myself to follow what had happened. So I have travelled the world in the past millennia, seeing many sights and learning many things. Now I am here in Fiore, which is a land more unique than any I have seen outside of my home. People who can summon towers out of the nothingness? Ones that can eat elements? It certainly is somewhere I would like to learn more about. Perhaps you could teach me about this land, Yogi-san. I have merely been here for a matter of months. Consider it an exchange. I teach of you my homeland and of how to fight, and you teach me of the ways of Fiore."

    Malos laughed. "You're learning from a kid?"

    "He knows more matters of here than I, Malos."

    Malos merely shrugged. "I guess, but you could probably ask someone like Adenine about that."

    "It is best to learn from a native."

    Malos clicked his tongue, raising a hand to obliterate a section of overgrowth, it merely vanishing in a fractal purple light. "Can't argue with that. Try not to make Mathis disappointed in you, kid."

    WC: 0611 | TWC: 2047

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    Edited by SlayerMathis

    Last edited by SlayerMathis_ on 30th May 2020, 11:03 am; edited 1 time in total


    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Rbblril


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
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    Mentor : Mathis Lora
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    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Empty Re: Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire

    Post by Burgundy 28th May 2020, 12:07 am

    Yogi appeared to have made friends with the white-haired 'aegis' fairly quickly, or perhaps she was just bullying him. It was difficult to gauge that sort of thing, because brutish folk tended to speak the same way to friends and foes. The fact that Zenobia didn't really control the strength of her head patting, and pretty much shoved Yogi to his knees, was not helping him decipher the matter. She also called him strong and challenged him to spar sometime to help her warm up, which cleared up the matter somewhat. "M-maybe another day, I'm kinda beat," he'd reply to her plainly, not wanting to engage right this instant if it could be helped.

    Mathis stepped in and changed the subject, to start explaining his 'Blades' again. They were mostly female, though some exceptions existed. Further, in his homeland, there were plenty of these core crystals, they were a typical part of warfare. He mentioned that the ones he possessed were particularly powerful.

    Another flash of light, this one purple, revealed a similarly-colored male Blade, tall and broad like a wall of steel. Yogi was entertained by the diversity of faces he'd been shown, though the fact that they were swapped in and out one at a time in fairly rapid succession was making it tough to remember their faces. "So 'Aegis' is like a rank designation?" he asked, sensing the overwhelming power of the man before him.

    This Malos guy seemed unimpressed with Yogi as well, which, at this point was starting to feel like part of the meet and greet process here. Since the Rune Knights would be approaching soon, their group needed to begin walking, so Yogi stood up and got moving alongside his mentor. Perhaps to meet up, perhaps to sidestep them. Mathis was honestly the more experienced one here, so the young mage was gonna leave that sort of decision to him. It would be good experience to know how to handle a Rune Knight captain in conversation, but he had a pretty good guess regardless.

    Mathis explained metal weaving a little bit before getting into why he left Alrest. History was more his style of understanding, so while the mystics of ages past were interesting, if hard to understand, the mentor would do well to notice him perk up at the mention of his homeland's name. It was further reinforced by him dropping a word like 'millenia', which began to raise some big questions.

    Yogi's pace slowed as a realization started to dawn over him, "M-millenia? Uhh Mathis? How old are you, if you don't mind my asking?" The pink-maned mage asked his question politely, with a level tone, but it felt like a super urgent thing for him to know, despite how little a difference it made.

    Whether or not he got a straight answer on that matter, there was a wholly different matter of teaching Mathis a bit about Fiore in exchange for combat lessons and such. There was certainly no better deal Yogi himself could offer, so obviously he would agree, though Malos, disassembling a bunch of undergrowth into light fractals with a wave of his hands, seemed wont to disagree with Mathis's methods, throwing more expectations on top of the pile.

    "If it's just how we do things in Fiore in general, I can manage that. I don't know if you have any aptitude for our sorts of magic though, least of all anything I can do, so I can't say I could show you the ins and outs of magic-use..." Yogi would reply. Palace Magic was a strange school to use, let alone to teach. It was suitable for people who wanted to live in peace in their own homes, but Yogi hardly fit that bill in the slightest.

    Word Count: 630
    Total Word Count: 12,458



    Mythical VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
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    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Empty Re: Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire

    Post by SlayerMathis 30th May 2020, 11:32 am

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Malos gave the slightest laugh at the questioning of the younger mage. "I really do wonder about you sometimes, Mathis. The brat hardly knows anything, and yet you're trying to teach him this stuff?"

    "It is not a concept many outside of Alrest understand, Malos."

    "Then maybe you shouldn't've even tried to teach the kid. Just a thought."

    "Perhaps that is your thought, but bringing more awareness to Blades is always a good goal."

    Malos rolled his eyes. "If you say so. Just know that I'm warning you if he gets you into danger."

    "Of course. Though I trust Yogi-san will not be so troublesome. If he is, I will drop my mentorship immediately."

    Malos smirked, not caring it is was a joke or the truth. "You hear that, kid? You better behave or you're gonna be left behind." He gave a laugh as he continued destroying a path through the forest.

    "Only Mythra and Malos are Aegises," Mathis began to later explain. "They are unique cases among the Blades in their functionality, particularly in being fed information from other

    Malos chuckled at the next question being asked, regarding Mathis's age. "Sheesh, you haven't even realized?"

    "Poppi thinks Malos is being overly hostile."

    "Oh, am I now? Poor Poppi, having to listen to me gripe. Ha!"

    Poppi pouted, pounding playfully at Malos's arm, who ignored it and continued speaking to Yogi. "Guess you're not so smart, are you? He pointed out the crystals so many times, and yet you didn't even bother to see his own Crystal? Geez, you're a bit dull. Though, maybe it's because you're a kid. I'm putting too much faith in a kid to be smart. Mathis is a Blade, though he's a bit different from me or Mythra or Zenobia."

    "Indeed. That will be a matter for another time, however. I do appreciate your offering to teach magic as well, but I have little concern for that. I already know that, aside from being a Driver, I have no aptitude for magic. I am more interesting in Fiore as a place. Customs, culture, the like. I know little of Earthland, and you are a native here. I have not gathered many of the nuances of this culture yet." Mathis nodded slightly. He appeared to attract his mentorship to many people. It was unexpected, yet perhaps it should not have been. He accepted it nonetheless, realizing his unique skillset could be used for many things outside of combat. Either way, only time would tell how this arrangement would work.

    WC: 0424 | TWC: 2471

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    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Rbblril


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
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    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Empty Re: Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire

    Post by Burgundy 1st June 2020, 8:11 am

    This Malos fellow had very little stock put into humanity. Yogi could feel his hostility with just about word he spoke regarding him, especially those ones spoken without regard to the fact that the young mage was right there. Regardless, after sifting through the parts where the purple aegis called him useless and dumb, Yogi had managed to clean that Aegises were sort of like central information gatherers and could learn from the rest of the Blades. So rather than a rank thing, it was a function thing.

    When Yogi had been so brazen as to ask Mathis how old he was, Malos decided to dump some completely unrelated information. All while calling Yogi stupid, yet at the same time, failing to actually answer his question. Mathis himself was also a Blade, which was super important information to be offering to a kid, sure, but this blatant display of disregard for his driver's private matters was cause enough for Yogi to eh, 'clap back' as it were. "While that's really quite interesting, Malos, friend, it doesn't answer the question I asked. I asked how old he was – politely, mind you. I honestly don't care what Mathis is; He's a friend and a mentor first. He could be a demon from Hell for all I care; He's Mathis, you know?" Yogi explained with the slightest bit of venom lacing his righteous words, obviously directed at the blade.

    After he'd expressed his lack of ability to teach Mathis magic or anything like that, his mask-loving mentor would express the comfort in that knowledge, since he doesn't have any aptitude for magic. "Customs and cultures, huh? Alright, I'll start drafting up a curriculum when we get back to the guild hall. I hope you don't mind field trips, cuz I'm pretty sure immersion is going to be my crutch for these lessons. It's hard to put culture into words that do it justice," Yogi declared rather professionally. His father was a scholar, after all, he knew how to learn and teach stuff as well, albeit a bit more casually.

    By this point, he felt his energy reserves coming back, and the damage dealt to his Palace had been repaired. More importantly, he was pretty sure he detected magic signatures up ahead. "Ooh, I think the Rune Knights are coming up, I'm detecting a bunch of magic up ahead," he interrupted remaining conversation with.

    Word Count: 401
    Total Word Count: 13,283



    Mythical VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
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    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Empty Re: Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire

    Post by SlayerMathis 16th June 2020, 10:49 am

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    At the very least, it seemed as if Yogi was willing to help teach Mathis on things that the latter was unfamiliar with. In fact, he almost seemed eager, though the way he talked down to Malos irked the Aegis. "Listen, brat, you're the one that's asked for our assistance, and I was simply providing you an answer. Unless that's not what you wanted? Did you want some sort of slideshow presentation on everything? Maybe I get you some cookies and milk for your little movie-watching experience? Look, kid. You gotta learn that sometimes you need to figure things out for yourself, and politeness ain't gonna get you everywhere. Hell, it probably won't get you most places. So sometimes you gotta accept that some people are gonna bite back when you try to act all 'high and mighty.' Honestly, it disgusts me how ignorant you are! Friend? Don't make me laugh! What made you ever think Mathis was your friend? I've known him longer than you ever will, brat. Don't think you can just barge in and call yourself a friend to him. Mathis doesn't make friends. You're all tools to him! I am, Poppi is, Mythra is, everyone! Mathis doesn't make friends, he has-"

    "Enough." Mathis raised a hand. There was truth to what Malos said, but Mathis wanted to hear no more. "I would be glad to accompany you on learning more of what Fiore has to offer. This is certainly a strange place, though perhaps you would consider my own home strange. No matter. I consider this all a learning experience, and I would be glad to assist in teaching you more if you would wish to teach me more as well." He nodded as they finally left the forest, seeing the squadron of Rune Knights pass by in a rush. "Perhaps your magic sensory is useful. Mine is still... lackluster, at best, but perhaps this is something to be honed. Poppi, I want you to do research into this."

    Poppi saluted and chirped back with a polite, "Got it, Master!" before rushing off towards Oak Town.

    "Malos, I want you to continue searching the area for any stragglers. If you find any more groups of bandits, eliminate them."

    A devilish smirk rose to the Aegis's face. "Gladly."

    Malos more casually walked off as he began his own task. "Meanwhile, if it is not too much to ask, could you tell me more about this area? We can begin the lesson further as we make our way back to Silver Wolf. Ah, do not worry about Poppi or Malos. Malos is more than powerful enough to handle himself, and Poppi is merely on an intelligence mission. So, if you would wish to tell me some of Fiore's history, I would be glad. Or, perhaps, if you are interested, we could perhaps talk about ourselves and our own histories. It would be beneficial to our continued teaching if we knew of each other. I leave the decision to you, Yogi-san."

    WC: 0503 | TWC: 2974

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    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Bandit Wrangling - A Trial By Fire Rbblril

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