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    Silver Wolf Exclusive Tour! [Not Clickbait!!]

    Tsubasa Kageyama
    Tsubasa Kageyama

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Demon Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Adventurer’s Spirit
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 264
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 273,376

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hodgepodge
    Second Skill: XVI Battle Suit
    Third Skill:

    Silver Wolf Exclusive Tour! [Not Clickbait!!] Empty Silver Wolf Exclusive Tour! [Not Clickbait!!]

    Post by Tsubasa Kageyama 23rd April 2020, 1:38 pm

    Job Info:

    Another video has popped into your subscription box. This one features a preview image of the back of a young boy’s hand with a glowing lightning blue tattoo on it. Curious, and perhaps aware of what it means, you click on it and it loads up quickly.

    The video starts a little bit different this time, with an empty chair, not the gaming chair as before. Instead of falling off the side, the young boy’s head pops into frame from below, just the top of his head to the eyes visible and he says, “I joined a guild yo!” Now the guitar riff starts, bombarding you with the same logo that welcomes you to TsuKo’s Hoodie.

    Now he falls into the chair just as he had before, this time overshooting the force into it and causing the chair to fall over, the young man tumbling along with it. After a moment he sends a thumbs up into frame. The scene cuts like a blooper reel and he’s sitting at the chair without jumping into it. “Heyyy it’s your boy TsuKo and you might be wondering, ‘Hey TsuKo, what is up with the change of scenery, my man? Have your adventures landed you in a strange place, with strange new sceneries and strange people?’ And the answer to that is straight up, yes.” The camera switches angles like a modern TV broadcast. From here it’s easy to see that the young man has a microphone into which he speaks. “Now, I got a few new things for you witches, wizards and straight up necromancers today. I think you’re really gonna enjoy this, I’m giving you a backstage look at the guild hall just for my subscribers. You can’t get this kind of access anywhere else!” The excitement in his voice is palpable, and he fumbles around for some items under his desk.

    As he speaks he pulls out a small black box, roughly the size of a pocket book. “Alright, so let’s get the business out of the way first. I need to thank my sponsors for this week, DragonTooth shaving kits. If you’re like so many of the busy busy mages I know, you’re always on the go and you have no time to shave. Well, DragonTooth has you covered—“

    You skip ahead in the video.

    The scene you see now is the young man using the product himself. The mirror is set up just above the camera, so you can see he has, perhaps, the thinnest little bit of scruff you have ever seen. “— don’t even need shaving cream, it’s their patented ToothTech folks, they got— ow—“

    You skip forward in the video again.

    Now TsuKo is back in his chair, and there is a small dot of a bandage on his chin. “— send you a free month’s supply if you use the promo code TsuKo’s Hoodie. A free month! Can you imagine the shavings?”

    The camera is once again moved and he swings around to it, “Boom, bills paid. Thank you DragonTooth! Now, you are probably still wondering about the change of venue. As I teased in the opening. I have joined a guild.” He reveals the mark again on the dorsal of his hand. “And not just any guild, yours truly is a —say it loud and proud — Silver Wolf!! Whaaaaaat!” He spins around in his chair and the scene cuts one more time to him being a little more serious, “Alright as some of you know, Silver Wolf is an independent guild that focuses on magical studies. I say independent but we’re not on the bad side of the MC, you guys. You know like I do that research has gotta happen independently though. That’s what we’re talkin’ about here. If you’ve ever wondered what the guild headquarters is like, want to visit the famous hot springs but you don’t know if you’ll like the atmo, I am here to give you a tour from TsuKo’s point of view! Here is a TsuKo triiiiip!” The opening guitar riff plays again as he grabs the camera off of its pod. This is a transition to the pre-taped portion of the video.

    “Okay so we’ll start with what you see when you come in, what I saw, which is the lobby here.” There is a shot of the lobby beautifully lit from the interior and decorated to perfection. There are few guildies chatting with each other who don’t seem to notice TsuKo. “Like how nice is this, am I right? Whoever does the cleaning is great. And if you go here to the left,” He does, “You can get to what is my favorite room,” He turns the camera back to his face, Obviously then turns it back so that you can see the cafeteria. A large restaurant-type area that seems to mix intimate dining, family style, tavern and mess hall all together. He walks around showing the place off, and there are a few more guildies and guests alike enjoying meals. He turns the camera back to himself and explains, “If you’re not a member, you can absolutely still come here and get some food, they got a lot of homemade stuff and they even said that I could do some cooking here on the side! The ovens are new and they have—“

    As he’s speaking, he stops suddenly, the camera falls to the ground. A couple of plates of gelatin are seen rolling to a stop across the screen and he repeats, “Ah sorry sorry sorry! Are you okay??” A young man and a young woman both seem to assist each other in picking up the ruined dessert and on more than one occasion, you see TsuKo pick up gelatin with his bare hand.

    As the screen cuts you wonder why he decided to leave that in. The camera is now pointed outwards rather than pointed at his face. “Okay sorry. I’ll have to watch where I’m going a little better. So across from the cafeteria, here we’ve got the—“ movement stops, “no wait…” then resumes, ”yeah over here are the rooms. Guest rooms up that way and guild member rooms over there. I’ve got my own room of course.” He walks tentatively up the stairs, showing a few decorations as he does, then gets a long shot of the hallway, “All guildies get their own rooms, so there’s no weird bunking situations. I remember one time I went to this camp where I— Oh hey” His little story is interrupted by another guild member stepping out of his room, giving TsuKo a once over and walking away. TsuKo waits until the man is gone and says, “I have no idea who that guys is.”

    The camera cuts to a shot of the door leading to the baths, “And here is the main reason to come to visit the Silver Wolf guild. We got natural baths that are super nice. Boys baths, girls baths, mixed baths which I am not allowed to visit, and then private ones for people who just do not wanna talk to anyone. Of course we are not going inside for a tour because this is a LacTube channel and I don’t wanna get demonetized. Let’s do quick shots!” Following this are snapshots of various parts of the guild hall, TsuKo eating, unpacking, hanging around with what you recognize as his recurring pet. It seems he has met a few guild members and had a few opportunities for growth since the last video, and the amount of energy in this montage reflects the energy he pours out in the rest of the video. Despite what he had mentioned in the beginning of the video, there doesn’t seem to be anything ‘backstage’ about the tour. It’s all officially sanctioned imagery, nothing that would be considered exclusive to guild members or those in the know. Still, it is an impressive little montage that goes by with exciting music in the background.

    The final shot is of him and a woman just a few years older than him, a rather beautiful lady with pale skin, green eyes and purple hair. She is dressed fashionably as far as you can see, but you can’t quite see much. The zoom is extreme on TsuKo and his new friend. Their faces seem to fill up the shot and they make a well known hand gesture at the camera before the scene cuts back to TsuKo in his chair.

    “I will explain who that is later. I gotta keep my secrets so you’ll watch the next vid! But let me tell you, I am already loving my time here. We are all about magic and science and science magic and it is awesome, the stuff I have learned so far. I gotta get all the right permission but hopefully in coming weeks and months I will show you some things I am working with. They are letting me make things can you believe it?”

    There is a knock at the door to which the young man jumps and says, “I’m ready!” Then starts to get up and finishes the video, “Alright it’s time for me to go to my day job. Don’t forget to remember to recall to give me a thumbs up for Silver Wolf and their wonderful hot springs, a comment for DragonTooth and their awesome shaving kits and a subscription here for TsuKo’s Hoodie! Until next time, TsuKo’s gone!” Just like the previous video, in a burst of vapors, the young man is gone, replaced with the subscription video and the comments page.



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