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    Only as Tough as Your Spirit

    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,079,192

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    Only as Tough as Your Spirit Empty Only as Tough as Your Spirit

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 6th April 2020, 1:44 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Only as Tough as Your Spirit RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad had spotted potential and against his better judgement, he knew he had to help hone it. It wasn’t that he didn’t get fulfillment out of helping others get stronger -- in fact, it was one of his specialties when he was in the Bellum army. He was the one that got sent the recruits that were arrogant or cowardly or didn’t adapt to the system easily. The Prince was quite good at getting people to push themselves past their limitations, as well as breaking their wavering spirits into something more concrete. It was why he had excelled at teaching the children at the school; a request made by Nessa that had brought him face to face with snot-nosed, selfish brats. He’d made an example of them and from what he had heard, they were developing much more efficiently.

    But he didn’t want to show that side too often. Eventually he would train someone that had heard of him or his methods and then his cover would be blown. For the sake of keeping himself unheard of, he generally kept a distance from people that didn’t force their ways into his life -- such as Mercury. Yet he couldn’t help the notion inside, after having watched Magnus against Nessa. There was simply no chance for the fledgling member to beat a Wizard Saint and Ace of Fairy Tail… but there was a spark that Vandrad could sense. A latent power within that could be coaxed into something greater.

    And based on what he’d heard of Kaido Kemono, a literal giant rivaling his uncle’s height. Though he seemed gentle and kind, there seemed to be a raw power buried in his soul as well. Two candidates for extreme power potential -- it was like a perfect hurricane for the Prince. So he had sought them out, explaining that he wished to test their abilities during a morning training session. He advised them when to meet him in the advanced training room; seven thirty in the morning and not a minute later. He didn’t provide any warning beyond that, seeing no need in giving them advanced notice to the rigorous test they would endure.

    The morning came about, with Vandrad already prepped and ready for their entrance. He had gotten himself up earlier than usual to complete his own training regimen, so that he was limber and ready to go when they arrived. He patted his forehead with a damp towel to cool himself down, glancing down at the tablet Mercury had provided him for the time. Soon. When they did arrive, they would find the man dressed in a black tank top and black shorts, each one giving a full showing of just how built his body was from training. He cast his eyes in their direction, tossing the towel away and walking towards the center of the room.

    "I am not here to be your friend nor your emotional support,” he stated simply, as he cracked his neck on either side. "I have sensed potential in both of you but I don’t settle for half-hearted attempts and excuses. If you want to get stronger, more adept with your magic, I can help you. But my methods are not easy -- in fact, they are quite the test for anyone, even myself. I will break you and then you shall rebuild yourself stronger than before. Is that clear?”

    He didn’t wait very long for an answer before folding his arms over his chest. "Alright then. You two are going to fight each other. Do not hold back. And no matter how the situation changes, you must keep fighting. When I give the word, you two will stop fighting one another… and then focus on me. Understand?”

    Another beat for their answers before he nodded. "Go.”

    Words: 642 / 2000 | Tag: @Kaido Kemono @Supreme One Magnus | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Kaido Kemono
    Kaido Kemono

    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
    Position : None
    Posts : 53
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,037

    Only as Tough as Your Spirit Empty Re: Only as Tough as Your Spirit

    Post by Kaido Kemono 6th April 2020, 4:36 pm

    567/2,000words || @Vandrad Ragnos @Supreme One Magnus|| job info/job sign-up || short note here
    Kaido had been spotted by some mage within the higher ranks of the guild. This was kinda shocking to Kaido mostly because he did not do much, he mainly just drank and smoked at the bar. Occasionally, he would go out on some low-level missions; just to get a couple of jewels and whatnot. But, he honestly could not image that someone from the higher ranks would take him on as an apprentice. He was shocked and impressed that he had managed to attract the attention of a stronger mage. However, he was a little concerned because, that would Kaido would have to do more work and he was not about that. Kaido would rather lay down on the couch and just drink and smoke his cigarette and whatnot. Ugh this would that Kaido would have to do work outs and push ups and whatnot. 

    This mysterious mentor wanted for him to wake up early, and then meet up at this specific training room number. Ugh, this would mean that Kaido would have to wake up early in the morning, get dress, shower, clean up, on behalf of this mysterious mentor that he didn’t really know. Hopefully this guy was cute, or something so that Kaido could have a good image to look at while working out. It would be really boring and bland and kinda creepy if his mysterious mentor was a creepy old man. Ewww. That was a disturbing fact that he honestly just didn’t want to think about, a really disturbing thing to think about. 

    The next morning Kaido woke up early, really early, earlier than what he wanted. He woke up so that he had enough time to wash his hair, and dress comfortable for whatever this mentor had in mind for him. Knowing that it would be physical exercise or having a good feeling that it would be. Kadio decided to dress in a white ‘a’ neck and some black sweats, he did not bother to wear his big over coat. However, he did bring himself a wooden staff that would be used as a fake naginata; at least he could tell his mentor that he wanted to learn how to use the weapon, who knows this mysterious man could help him learn how to use it. Hopefully this guy wasn’t a creep or something.

    Kaido arrived at the room he was supposed to be in only to find a man with a big forehead and spikey hair, he was a lot shorter than Kaido and for a moment he just starred at the man. The man immediate went on about how he wasn’t there friend and whatnot, but Kaido just starred at his forehead. "Well I have a feeling that after this I am going to need therapy or something." he would mutter under his breath and rub the headache out of his head. Kaido pauses for a moment and titled his head at the man, he wanted him to fight Magnus. Something told him that he shouldn't argue therefore with a sigh he agreed. "Fine. Fine. Fine." 

    He would turn his attention to Magnus and allow a groan to escape his lips. “Thunder Armor x 3, Lightning Armor x 3,000, step of the wind- activate.” As he spoke those words an blue aura writhing with lightning formed across his body, and hummed around him. “Are you ready Magnus?” he questioned.

    HP: 400
    MP: 400 
    Spells Used: Thunder Armor x 100, Thunder Armor x 200, Lightning Armor x 1,000 Lightning Armor x 2,000
    Abilities Active: 
    Thunder Armor x 100 - 180 Shielding & 105% to magic damage x 5 post
    Thunder Armor x 200 - 240 Shielding & 110% to magic damage x 6 post
    Lightning Armor x 1,000 - 180 Shielding & 105% to physical damage x 5 post
    Lightning Armor x 2,000 - 240 Shielding & 110% to physical damage x 6 post
    Step of the Wind- Teleportation & 60% to speed
    Weapons Equipped: Wooden Staff
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: Kaido activates five auras. Notable passives: Divine Mana Reservoirs (50% decrease in mana cost) & draconic resiliences (debuffs, drains, and burns are halved + immobilization only decrease his speed) 

    Last edited by Kaido Kemono on 6th April 2020, 5:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Supreme One Magnus
    Supreme One Magnus

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 145
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,625

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Chaotic Body Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Only as Tough as Your Spirit Empty Re: Only as Tough as Your Spirit

    Post by Supreme One Magnus 6th April 2020, 5:05 pm

    Magnus was up early this morning as per the norm - every morning he'd wake up at the crack of dawn and begin his training; the standard warm-ups, the weight lifting, push-ups, sit-ups, the works, then onto practicing his magic. But today would be a little bit different. The night before, the Chaos mage had come face-to-face with a man he'd barely seen around the guild up to this point; jet black hair, jet black eyes, a man considerably shorter than Magnus himself and yet with so much power in his body that, even with the height difference, Magnus could not refer to him as 'small'. He'd seen Magnus' fight with Nessa and seemed interested in training the Chaos mage. The chance of working with a man of such power was far too great to pass up, and so Magnus had immediately agreed to the man's offer; the training was to start at one of the training halls first thing in the morning.

    Both Kaido and the mentor were in the room when Magnus arrived, perfectly on time but apparently not early enough to be first - he'd curse himself for that later. He nodded in acknowledgement to his teammate before the mentor began talking. The words were nothing unlike what the man had said the night before - that he was not there to be their friend, that he would push them harder than they'd ever been pushed before. Everything he said sounded exactly how Magnus wanted it to be. Afterall, he knew better than most how difficult it was to become strong, to stay strong, and to keep getting stronger. But at the same time this was different. This man, his new mentor, was stronger than almost anyone Magnus had faced before - with Nessa being the sole exception - and so to learn from him would surely be difficult, but well worthwhile.

    His mentor finished talking upon the declaration that Magnus and Kaido would fight. This was surprising albeit not entirely unexpected; it was an inevitability when two men were in the same training area that they would fight eventually. Kaido immediately began preparing, blue aura writhing around his body before asking if Magnus was ready. Magnus simply smiled as he knew full well that Kaido knew the answer - Magnus was always ready for a fight. No sooner had his teammate asked than a black and white aura began to flow around the Chaos mage's body, with the aura getting particularly thick around his hands and feet, and three black and white orbs began flying around his body. He then rushed forward towards his friend and foe, going for an uppercut directly to the gut with his right hand whilst pooling magical energy in his left, immediately firing off a blast of black and white magic just moments before his fist was due to land.

    WC: 479


    Last edited by Supreme One Magnus on 7th April 2020, 3:06 am; edited 1 time in total


    Only as Tough as Your Spirit 1SfQ9dA
    Magnus - Chaotic Body Magic
    Golden Lacrima - Valid until 6th April 2021
    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,079,192

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    Only as Tough as Your Spirit Empty Re: Only as Tough as Your Spirit

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 6th April 2020, 8:08 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Only as Tough as Your Spirit RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad knew very little about this Kaido Kemono, besides the fact that he was extremely tall and didn’t do a lot around the guild. He was known to go on certain jobs but overall, he seemed more interested in drinking and smoking. The Prince wasn’t sure if it was laziness or perhaps something deeper that kept him from staying active. But based on what he had heard, there was potential there for a strong wizard. And if there was something that Vandrad could do to water that seed, then he’d do his best to do just that.

    It was the giant Kaido that arrived first, looking about as pleased as most people would be at seven in the morning. As he came in, the taller man’s focus seemed quite intent on Vandrad and not necessarily out of admiration either. It wasn’t an unfamiliar look -- in fact, the Prince knew it quite well. Most people had this fascination with the steep widow’s peak that crowned his head and the forehead that held it up. He had been getting remarks about it since he was young so at this point, he was so numb to the stares that he simply shrugged them off. Magnus arrived shortly after, looking far more spry than his sparring partner. Vandrad had seen the wild man in action against Nessa, and had gotten the opportunity to sense his magic and the chaotic, powerful nature to it. It was dangerous no doubt but truthfully, what magic wasn’t if it wasn’t mastered?

    Kaido seemed… less pleased with the instructions to fight his fellow guildmate, looking about as excited as a child being told to do his chores. He agreed to the battle, if only because he lacked the reason to say no. He turned to Magnus and muttered a few incantations to start up his magic, cloaking himself in a crackling, frightening azure aura. Even from this distance, Vandrad could tell the energy dispersal was thick in its energy, granting him enhanced defenses.

    Magnus didn’t answer verbally, choosing to grin as his approval for his preparation. An aura of black and white wrapped around the wild man, his chaotic energy brimming to the surface in an open energy flame. It seemed to primarily focus around his limbs, perhaps giving him enhanced strength for his physical attacks. It was Magnus that started the fight, launching himself at his guildmate and throwing a mixture of attacks. But Vandrad was half-watching the fight -- instead, he walked back over to the tablet and pulled it up. Flicking through a few screens, he connected to the training room’s system and engaged a few utilities. Instantly the room faded away and sent them onto a grassy hillside, overlooking a sea that stretched out to the horizon. Another engaged event brought forth a roll of thunder and a flash of lightning as rain began to fall all around them. He turned up another setting, bringing forth a heavy wind that seemed to blow against their bodies from all directions.

    With the chaotic world set, Vandrad set the tablet down behind an illusory rock and stepped back to position, now fully attentive to the fight at hand.

    Words: 530/1172 / 2000 | Tag: @Kaido Kemono @Supreme One Magnus | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Kaido Kemono
    Kaido Kemono

    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
    Position : None
    Posts : 53
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,037

    Only as Tough as Your Spirit Empty Re: Only as Tough as Your Spirit

    Post by Kaido Kemono 6th April 2020, 8:52 pm

    1,078/2,000words || @Vandrad Ragnos @Supreme One Magnus|| job info/job sign-up || short note here
    It did not surprise Kaido that Magnus would mindlessly charge forward. He should have launched a blast of air to knock the stubborn fool back, but he was curious as to what Magnus had planned. Kaido wanted to get a taste of Magnus, to see what he was to deal with if they teamed up. A black and white aura swirled around his colleague, and black robs started to rotate around him. I beat you its shielding A voice would whisper in his head, it was Ao Gaung, the beast had final woken up. Noted Kaido thought. The azure aura flared with anger as Magnus attempted to burrow his fist into Kaido’s stomach. But Magnus would find that hitting the aura was like hitting an invisible shield or a wall. “Nice one but protected.” Kaido would remark, he looked over to see that Magnus was doing something with his hands. 

    The gentle giant’s eyes widen and suddenly a wave of unseen force was sent out. Magnus would suddenly feel like he would be hit with a pack of bricks, as a powerful wind consumed the room. Kaido was honestly curious to see if Magnus would succumb to his conqueror's presence technique. But whatever the case, Kaido’s will power negated whatever chaotic blast that Magnus would attempt to send his way. Magnus should have retreated back a little so that he wouldn’t have been in point blank range. Whatever the case, Kaido would disappear and reappear about 10 meters above Magnus. It was his turn to go on the offensive.

    Kaido would raise his hand downward towards Magnus. A halo of bright blue energy started to spread from his finger and encircle his hand, several beams of lightning suddenly were released from his hands. They would flow through the air like water and attempt to piece Magnus, shielding and all. If Magnus was immobilized, well then, good luck dodging. The scene changed momentarily distracting Kaido; they were now in a plains biome with a raging storm. It was kinda fitting, seeing that Kaido was a storm mage, and Ao Gaung was stirring in excitement….
    For a moment, Kaido started to wonder what exactly Vandrad was thinking. Why did he choose the two of them, and why was he making them fight? Was this some sort of contest to see who would be this man’s apprentice? If so Kaido would stop fighting right, then and there. He didn’t need this man approval or anything from Vandrad, especially if it involved senseless violence against a friend. There better be a good explanation to this, or else Vandrad would be his next target.

    Let me go Kaido, I can teach that man a lesson Ao Gaung stirred inside of him. Momentarily causing Kaido to falter and land down on the ground ten meters away from Magnus. Let me come out to play. Damn it. He had left himself open to attack, if Magnus was smart, he’d take advantage of his momentary distraction, after a few seconds of rubbing his tempers Kaido managed to regain composure. 

    HP: 400
    MP: 400 
    Durability: 780/840
    Spells Used: Conquerer's Presence, Lethal Lightning Stream, Negation
    Abilities Active: 
    Thunder Armor x 100 - 180 Shielding & 105% to magic damage x 4 post
    Thunder Armor x 200 - 240 Shielding & 110% to magic damage x 5 post
    Lightning Armor x 1,000 - 180 Shielding & 105% to physical damage x 4 post
    Lightning Armor x 2,000 - 240 Shielding & 110% to physical damage x 5 post
    Step of the Wind- Teleportation & 60% to speed x 5 post
    Lethal Lightning Stream- piercing & damage x 1 post (MULTI)
    Conquer's Presence- immobilization (1 post)| Debuff | Negation | Burn x 6 post (AOE)
    Weapons Equipped: Wooden Staff
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: Kaido use his aura to block the melee attack. While in point blank range he would use Conquer's presences to attempt to immobilize, debuff, and drain Magnus. Chaos blast is negated. Then, Kaido would use step of the wind to teleport 10 meters above Magnus, and then use Lethal Lightning stream. Distracted he would land 10 meters away from Magnus, where he will leave himself completely open due to a headache caused by Ao Gaung.

    Supreme One Magnus
    Supreme One Magnus

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 145
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,625

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Chaotic Body Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Only as Tough as Your Spirit Empty Re: Only as Tough as Your Spirit

    Post by Supreme One Magnus 7th April 2020, 3:44 pm

    Kaido's response was quick, just as Magnus had expected. His fist slammed against a firm surface but it wasn't the flesh of his opponent; it was some kind of a barrier that was directly in front of his friend's body. Magnus hadn't seen him use this before so he hadn't anticipated that. Kaido then used some kind of a magic to push Magnus back, along with completely dispersing the spell he had prepared in his hand. The chaos mage had no reason to keep up the offensive at this range and in these circumstances so, as Kaido's magic pushed him backwards, he embraced it and jumped, backflipping away from Kaido and landing on his feet, but only barely. He remained kneeled, unable to pull himself any higher up as if an invisible force were pressed heavily upon him. He'd never felt this way before and, for a moment, he was unsure how to deal with this scenario.

    Magnus was expecting another hit of something, anything to knock him down and onto his back but, by some miracle, it never came. He looked up to see his friend and could see a momentary lapse of concentration written upon his face. Where Kaido should have landed on Magnus and delivered another powerful blow, the larger man instead overshot his target by quite some margin and landed a distance away behind the Chaos Mage. Given his current position, Magnus could do very little in terms of taking advantage of the moment, but he would do what he could. He started to create magical power in his hands even as he kneeled, mustering as much magical energy as he possibly could. Then just as he felt the power had reached a sufficient amount, he allowed the pressure to take him - he twisted his body and the pressure flipped him onto his back, the magic he'd accumulated shot out of his hands and into the air, gathering at about 50 meters above Kaido's head and increasing in mass for a moment before it began plummeting down on the man. Magnus wouldn't be able to tell right now if it actually hit as he couldn't even raise his head, although he would take this opportunity to fight the pressure and try to get back into this matchup.

    WC: 382
    Total: 861



    Only as Tough as Your Spirit 1SfQ9dA
    Magnus - Chaotic Body Magic
    Golden Lacrima - Valid until 6th April 2021
    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,079,192

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    Only as Tough as Your Spirit Empty Re: Only as Tough as Your Spirit

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 7th April 2020, 8:56 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Only as Tough as Your Spirit RJtajUnz_o

    It seemed Kaido had a bit more strategy than he first let on. The muttered spells he had activated created a shield about him, as Magnus’ fist met an invisible wall before connecting with his fist. The wild man was already crafting another attack when the giant unleashed another invisible spell, the energy in the room flaring up as he sent the black-white blast into wisps of forgotten magic. With the advantage on his side for the moment, Kaido quickly sped above Magnus, thrusting a hand out to unleash a blast of lightning down upon his friend, as if he was harnessing the very weather that raged around them.

    Magnus had moved away, giving the two of them space. Vandrad’s eyes flicked between the wildman crafting another attack and the giant that was… paused. He fell from the sky and landed on the ground, stunned by some unseen force. Based on the way his face was etched in stress and effort, it seemed that he was facing some kind of internal debate. Was he questioning the reason for this battle? Or was he simply allowing himself to be distracted? Whatever the answer, it was unacceptable.

    Magnus was knocked about by Kaido’s magic but he still managed to unleash his attack, sending a ball of energy soaring into the sky. From there it grew into a sizable blast before falling down towards the ground, aiming to take full advantage of the unaware Kaido. But before it could get too much further, a wave of blue magic erupted from Vandrad, cutting the blast in half and causing it to break apart into nothing but glittering particles.

    "Becoming distracted in battle often leads to death,” Vandrad said, now looking completely different from before. Gone was the black hair and dark eyes, replaced with a deep crimson color that seemed to glow with unearthly energy. His gaze flickered between the two before coming to rest on Kaido, narrowing slightly. "I put you two against one another so that you could test your abilities. But I can see that isn’t enough. Fine then. You need something to press you beyond your limits, then both of you come at me.” His arms unfolded themselves, falling to his side as he stood his ground. The world around them shifted, taking them away from the rain storm and onto a platform within the heart of a volcano. Lava bubbled all around the rounded island of stone where they stood, the heat pressing against them from all sides.

    But it was nothing in comparison to the magical pressure that Vandrad was exuding, now fully untethering his limiters and giving them a feel for just how bulky his strength was by just standing there.

    Words: 460/1632 / 2000 | Tag: @Kaido Kemono @Supreme One Magnus | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Kaido Kemono
    Kaido Kemono

    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
    Position : None
    Posts : 53
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,037

    Only as Tough as Your Spirit Empty Re: Only as Tough as Your Spirit

    Post by Kaido Kemono 10th April 2020, 2:40 pm

    1,451/2,000words || @Vandrad Ragnos @Supreme One Magnus|| job info/job sign-up || short note here
    ‘COME ON, YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO LET ME LOOSE’ Ao Gaung would ever so slightly whisper in his ear, his psyhic voice laced with deceptive venom. It would seem that Magnus was smarter than Kaido gave him credit, and he wasn’t some simple tactless fool that Kaido made him out to be. Even with being weighed down by his conquer’s presences, Magnus managed to execute a counterattack. As Kaido managed to tone down his headache and gain control of the dragon king sealed within him, he noticed some sort of black sphere fixing to fall above him, Kaido raised a hand to counter it, but before he could do anything a wave of blue energy collided with it cutting the blast in half and forcing it to break apart into glittering particles. A little confused Kaido would turn to see that the blast came from his ‘mentor’ who had undergone some sort of change. Vandrad’s hair and eyes had become crimson color that glowed with an unnatural power, Kaido’s eyed the man for a moment and took a step back; preparing himself for whatever was to come.

    “I was not distracted. Just had a little migraine that is all. Combat is not for me.” Kaido would mutter bitterly and point his staff towards Vandrad in a defensive stance. He could sense that Vandrad was going to do something to ‘discipline’ them or teach them something. “Well, you have pitted us against one another, and we tested our abilities, what more do you want?” he would question. It would seem that Vandrad wanted to test their abilities more, and therefore, their next opponent would be them. Honestly, Kaido didn’t think he could handle his limits being pushed; he feared that he couldn’t control Ao Gaung. Even now the great dragon god king slithered in excitement and glee at the taste of combat. 'LET ME LOOSE KAIDO, LET ME SHOW THIS MORTAL WHAT TRUE POWER IS, COME NOW.'

    Kaido shook his head a little as another headache came on as Ao Gaung danced in his head. “Damn.” He would mutter under his breath, as Vandrad’s power magical pressure consumed the air. “Perhaps we should take a break, yes?” he would suggest a little nervously. 

    HP: 400
    MP: 400 
    Durability: 780/840
    Spells Used: Conquerer's Presence, Lethal Lightning Stream, Negation
    Abilities Active: 
    Thunder Armor x 100 - 180 Shielding & 105% to magic damage x 3 post
    Thunder Armor x 200 - 240 Shielding & 110% to magic damage x 4 post
    Lightning Armor x 1,000 - 180 Shielding & 105% to physical damage x 3 post
    Lightning Armor x 2,000 - 240 Shielding & 110% to physical damage x 4 post
    Step of the Wind- Teleportation & 60% to speed x 4 post
    Conquer's Presence- immobilization (1 post)| Debuff | Negation | Burn x 5 post (AOE)
    Weapons Equipped: Wooden Staff
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: 


    Only as Tough as Your Spirit U8fOk9o
    Supreme One Magnus
    Supreme One Magnus

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 145
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,625

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Chaotic Body Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Only as Tough as Your Spirit Empty Re: Only as Tough as Your Spirit

    Post by Supreme One Magnus 11th April 2020, 4:53 pm



    Word Count: Post: 472 / Total: 1,333
    Tagged: @Vandrad Ragnos@Kaido Kemono
    Job Information: Link here~
    Notes: -

    Magnus watched his orb as it started to descend, a moment of pride with himself for finding a way through that pressure that had been pushing him down. But then his orb was gone, seemingly dispelled by a wave of blue magic that had come not from Kaido, but from someone else. His head turned to face the source of the magic and saw Vandrad...yet not the Vandrad that had been stood there moments earlier. The man's jet-black hair was now crimson, and the magical aura engulfing his body was, while not as strong as the magic Nessa gave off, still considerably stronger than his own. The wild man also noted that the oppressive force from before was now gone, and he pulled himself to his feet as Vandrad spoke.

    Judging by the man's tone their miniature duel had, thus far, not impressed. A change of pace was clearly needed as Vandrad had now decided they needed to test themselves further; the two of them were to take him on. Magnus rolled a shoulder, loosening it back up after the pressure from before as his opponent-turned-partner spoke up, clearly not feeling the need to continue fighting right now. Was this related to that hesitation from before? The chaos mage looked at his friend, concern written in his eyes. "Rest Kaido. I will face him alone until you are ready." he said in a friendly tone before turning his attention to Vandrad once more.

    My usual power won't be enough...I'm going to need that again... he thought to himself as he prepared himself for combat. "Let's go." He closed his eyes and the tattoos on his body all glowed white in unison, beginning to warp and stretch to coat his entire body. Bursts of white magic coated his chest, arms and legs for a moment before silver armour appeared in its place. A white light burst from his left arm, creating a round white blob for a moment that flashed and changed into a silver round shield, whilst a long white beam of light formed in his right hand that, in turn, morphed into a silver sword. Light burst from his back and shoulders, reaching out before flashing and transforming into pearly-white wings. Finally the magic coated his face, painting his skin white. When he opened his eyes again they were completely black save for the white irises.

    He gave little time for Vandrad to make a move - Magnus was a warrior even in this forme, and he was determined to show what he could do. In a movement that would put his usual self to shame, Magnus shot across the room at his opponent at surprising speed, his shield held out in front of his charge and his blade held behind, preparing for a devastating swing at his opponent.
    Full Takeover Appearance:


    Only as Tough as Your Spirit 1SfQ9dA
    Magnus - Chaotic Body Magic
    Golden Lacrima - Valid until 6th April 2021
    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,079,192

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    Only as Tough as Your Spirit Empty Re: Only as Tough as Your Spirit

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 12th April 2020, 8:01 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Only as Tough as Your Spirit RJtajUnz_o

    A migraine? In the middle of a fight? That was peculiar -- enough so that Vandrad’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. Perhaps this Kaido was lacking the potential that the Prince had given him credit for. The giant even said that combat was not something that appealed to him; a true shock considering his size and build. As Kaido set himself defensively, with staff in hand, he remarked about the ‘training’ thus far, curious to what the Prince could possibly want beyond what he’d seen already. "Tsk,” Vandrad scoffed. "It isn’t what I want. I brought you here to test your abilities for yourselves -- an attempt to help you discover more power within yourselves than you knew of prior. I didn’t ‘pit you against one another’ for my own amusement or for some malarky attempt to decide who was more worthy than the other. I fully intended on taking you both on as mentees, as per the Fairy Tail guild laws. But I will not suffer people that have no desire to grow and would rather lay back and simply exist. So you have to ask yourself, Kaido Kemono; if battle is not for you, then what is exactly?”

    Yet Kaido still seemed little interested in fighting, even suggesting they take a break. They had truly barely gotten started -- the giant had come out swinging but had lost a step or two since then. Magnus though… his power was starting to simmer on a new plane. He spoke to his ally, telling him to rest and insisting he would face Vandrad alone until then. An honorable stance, one that the Prince could honestly respect. As he faced off against the wild man, his opponent stated it was time to begin and, as he said so, his tattoos started to glow. This was entirely different from the magic that he had been using against Nessa on the roof. Ethernano surged over his form, crafting several layers of shielding over his body in preparation as the magical pressure in the room started to shift to something… different.

    White energy was running over the man’s body, hiding his form from sight. As his opponent started to transform, something started to… happen to Vandrad. He winced as a burning pain shot to the front of his forehead. Was it the light that was coming from Magnus that was causing such agony? No, it was something else… something within him. Anger and hatred rose out of nowhere, filling his veins as the wild man continued his transformation and, unbeknownst to him, the Prince was going through his own change. Blood burst from the flesh of his head and swept over his forehead, etching into a bloody ‘M’ that glowed with a light most evil.

    Magnus did not wait even a beat once his change was complete, racing the distance between them with his new shield and sword wielded in each hand. The shield led the charge, aiming to slam into Vandrad and knock him silly, while the sword rushed down to swing at his body. The aegis would hit a hard source; Vandrad’s outstretched hand, with an energy most foul simmering over the limb as a protective barrier. The sword swing could come down and hit Vandrad square in the side but it too was stopped before it could cut into his form. The Prince’s stoic face had morphed into something wicked, a malevolent smirk on his face as he looked up at the transformed Magnus."A human that borrows from Heaven?” he asked with an inhuman chuckle.

    A sickening magic erupted from Vandrad’s form, black ash and crimson electricity filling the entirety of the space around them and even as far back as where Kaido stood. The choking essence would seek to soak into the body, infecting the bloodstream and robbing them of their ability to move, their ability to think straight -- even their ability to breathe. It would also drain them of their magic, should they not find a means to get out of range quick enough, sapping their strength from them.

    All the while, one of Vandrad’s armors was extending outwards slowly. A bright pink energy erupted from his palm and stretched both up and down, coalescing into a staff that then extended with a blade at the top. The Prince’s fingers wrapped around the shaft as he took hold of the scythe, as if he had wielded the weapon prior to this. The look in his eyes beckoned the challenge from Magnus, though it didn’t seem to be quite Vandrad anymore. No, it almost seemed as if something far more evil had overtaken him and had wicked intent for the two men.

    Words: 794/2426 / 2000 | Tag: @Kaido Kemono @Supreme One Magnus | © marzia at shine & gs.




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