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    The Ties Of Friendship (Event)


    The Ties Of Friendship (Event) Empty The Ties Of Friendship (Event)

    Post by Guest 22nd February 2020, 7:12 am

    Rose Garden was a lovely place and as the witch swooped over the houses below, it was impossible to keep a small smile from crossing her features. The tingle of magic was everywhere and the angel could feel ever spark. The perfect location for what she had planned today and she could not have been in any higher spirits. Her life had taken a rather large upturn lately and Medeia felt more in touch with herself and her own feelings than she ever had before. There was no longer any miscommunication between her angelic and human sides and as far as she was concerned, she was perfectly in tune with herself. It had taken longer than she had hoped but defeating her father on the mountains of Hakabe had seemed to be the final trigger, much to her relief. With that dealt with, she could now focus on the future and forging her own path.

    Today would hopefully be another step along that particular journey and as she came into land, making all those in the area almost jump out of their skins, the always confident witch could not help but look forward to the next phase of her life. Landing gracefully, dressed rather more elegantly than usual, the purple eyed woman would take a seat on the bench behind her and begin to wait. She had heard from her loyal maid of a particular event that a company in the town were putting on, a sweet little ceremony that had peaked the angel’s interest. The mage had always tried to keep rituals like marriage at arms length up until now but as time had passed and she had begun to form friendships, the idea did not seem quite so restricting as it once might have. The thought of taking part in such a ritual was no longer as fear instilling as it had once been for her. Besides, the company was adamant that the marriages were only temporary and in truth, Medeia had already developed her own ideas about what marriage should represent, rather than what the pious church believed it to be.

    With a smile, she would briefly lean back against the bench, hoping that her friend would decide to show up. When thinking about who to ask about joining her for this, the face of Sakura had been the first to appear in her mind. Their friendship had certainly started rather strangely and they had gone from a kidnapper and captive situation to friends in one eye opening evening. Yet, that one night, they had become rather close and Medeia had become so fond of the adorable doll. Their friendship meant a great deal to the witch and the raven haired woman hoped that perhaps this little ceremony could show just how much she appreciated her silver tongued friend. No lies, no toying around, just a day that they could spend in each others company and hopefully one that they would both look upon fondly whenever they thought back on it.

    (505/4000 Words)
    Sakura Kisagami
    Sakura Kisagami

    Lineage : Eternal Winter
    Position : None
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Diana Winchester
    Experience : 878,360

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lucky Rainbow
    Second Skill: Winter Wonderland
    Third Skill:

    The Ties Of Friendship (Event) Empty Re: The Ties Of Friendship (Event)

    Post by Sakura Kisagami 1st March 2020, 2:35 pm

    If there was anyone whom could find something uncomfortable about the smallest details, it would be this doll. Trying to keep herself from being in a setting where she may be sought after by people for having that potential for being seen by those whom saw into the most recent magazine. Certainly it wouldn’t look well into the guild master for them having seen a member parading themselves so publicly, however Sakura’s case was much different, and it was much better now that she was given another way to keep herself hidden and distanced from the chances of being in any way related to the dealings of her guild. To some, it may seem excessive, however to the idol to be, she wanted to make sure she could be as opposite of the spectrum as possible.

    The discomfort she was expressing? Well, just like any new thing, the new experience of different features were harder on her. For example, moving her arms and legs were a bit harder until she got to actually moving about a little. Little things such as that, design of the hair, types of fitting attires, and so on. She was very meticulous when it came to her silver haired doll’s form for those very reason, as was every doll prior that she used to be in the vessel of. This one, this was a whole different beast of a doll to get accustomed to. So much so, that much of her money had to go into wardrobe attires to fit the dolls style and not one of them really matched into her other, so the idea of crossing the attires was slim to none. A pain in the neck indeed, but something that would also prove to be much better as well in the long run. It would just take a little time.

    But this year provided her with something fun. A company out of the town was setting up an event and taking volunteers, to which she missed out on being in school away the prior year. Without wanting to miss it, it almost felt like a strange coincidence to which she had received an invitation to go to the event. By whom one may ask? Well, the answer was both simple and complicated. A friend to whom she had gotten to a very rocky start was the one who wished to take her to this event. The witch of Errings Rising was requesting her company, and more in the capacity of friendship did Sakura take the chance to go. Her only worry was in what type of capacity they would be attending this... or rather the full details. She knew it was valentines themed, so perhaps the theme would be the same as last year.

    The doll had gotten herself into a very new dress she had bought for this new doll body. It was fitting to her comfort of not liking to publicly show the artificial parts of her body so that she could appear normal in a crowd, however being that she was still a doll, her form was smaller, almost childlike. So, often times she would be assumed to be a child lost in a crowd. Thankfully now, she didn’t care as much as she used to. With a gleeful smile once dressed up in her new outfit, Sakura got the rest of herself tidied up and presentable for this event. Sure, it sounds as though she had been pushing to be over the top, but fitting a stereotypical doll was what was comfortable to her and she was happy to indulge the ability to live inside of these bodies happily.

    With a good feeling of positivity to her step and smile, the blonde figurine stepped through the streets of Rose Garden to the meeting place which Medeia wished to gather before they headed to this place. Frankly, she couldn’t wait to see her. Sure, they were the furthest thing from friends at first, but she felt a close bond brought on by the pairs own past struggles. Just knowing someone could relate to her feelings felt the most relieving ever.

    And there she sat. An angel relaxed in a public setting that one would assume could so easily just destroy, but this wasn’t about that at all. A relaxing day together was what made her so eager to go, and for her to be the first to see this new appearance as well. She made her way to the back of the bench and then while back behind her, formed a couple of small bubbles in a form of a makeshift staircase to climb up, finally lightly placing her porcelain hands over the witches eyes. ”Guess who?~” She cooed in a playful, teasing tone. Then, a playful giggle left her mouth after knowing it would be a dead giveaway, but if she were suddenly flipped over, there’d be a very fun hope of having pulled a fast one on her friend, even if just for a moment.

    It must be a blonde thing~

    844 words
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    The Ties Of Friendship (Event) Empty Re: The Ties Of Friendship (Event)

    Post by Guest 2nd March 2020, 5:39 am

    “Someone who has been practising her stealth skills,” the witch replied, her tone containing a hint of amusement and a smile crossing her features. Had it been almost anyone else, her reaction would have been very different but her friend had given herself away so easily that Medeia had not even raised a finger. Alright, she should have sensed the girl coming but she was in such a good mood that her shields had come down a bit and the appearance that she was giving off was far more light hearted than usual. There was no need to play the role of the devious and unpleasant angel today. No, she could just let her hair down for a change. That was what today was all about, after all. “However, I think that you have made a slight mistake…”

    Chuckling, the angel would have a little fun of her own by having a tentacle gently form up from below the ladder that her friend had made, pushing both it and the doll herself up. The reason for this? Oh, it was quite simple, it would raise the girl just enough to allow the witch to place her hands up and flip the doll into her lap. The whole event would not have taken more than a few seconds and the witch started to laugh, however, it did not last all that long as she noticed the long blonde locks. Her eyebrows rose slightly and she would say with a wry smile, “Oh, so is this another secret that you were keeping from me? A hidden body that you keep for special occasions?” She spoke in a playful tone and it was obvious that it was simply the witch’s usual brand of humour. “How many of these bodies do you have, my dear?”

    In a way, having her friend sitting in a lap was rather ironic, given how their first meeting had started. “You do have lovely taste as always, Sakura,” she complimented after a few moments, finding the doll’s choice of body to be quite adorable. It must have been quite a useful ability to have and Medeia could easily see the uses of having such a skill. To be able to transfer one’s essence from one body to another was intriguing to the witch and she pondered if perhaps in a way, it was a form of immortality. A body may eventually age but the spirit never did, remaining whole and alive forever. When she thought about it, her own situation was kind of the same although rather than go from body to the next, Medeia had simply fused her spirit with another.

    The atmosphere of the place was starting to become a little more lively which Medeia took as a sign that perhaps the festivities would soon be kicking off. The locals seemed to be ready for it anyway, with bright smiles on the majority of their faces although there was an occasional look in the eye of one two that the mage would quite happily enjoy slapping off. Yet, today was one of fun and whimsy, rather than one of torment.

    (524 Words)
    (1029/4000 Total WC)
    Sakura Kisagami
    Sakura Kisagami

    Lineage : Eternal Winter
    Position : None
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Diana Winchester
    Experience : 878,360

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lucky Rainbow
    Second Skill: Winter Wonderland
    Third Skill:

    The Ties Of Friendship (Event) Empty Re: The Ties Of Friendship (Event)

    Post by Sakura Kisagami 6th March 2020, 5:53 pm

    Not as though she was trying to find the act of hers to be so deceptive that she would be that of a different person when she approached, but her own downfall of her porcelain touch was probably the biggest giveaway for her attempt at a “guess who?” type of game she was playing, but Medeia was most likely aware of her before she even got close. Simply letting Sakura to let her guard down in order to play a joke of her own on the doll. Something that frankly she would find to be even more entertaining than what was currently going on. Their friendship was something of a confusing thing to understand for most, but what fun she could have with this is something she would come to cherish as if it could be their last. For a lot of friends she used to have... it was just that.

    At first, the blonde doll had not noticed her body jostle from the foreign ambush of her friends tentacle, that was until she felt herself being lifted up some and then swiftly pulled over the back of the bench with a single, fluid motion. Placed suddenly on the witches lap, she looked up to the laughing dark mage. It put a smile on her face to see someone like her to enjoy something so carefree as this. Something that couldn’t peg either of them for whom they truly were aside from two mages playing small, harmless pranks on one another. At this point, that’s mainly what it had been. ”Huh? Oh no no! I’d never hide this from you, Medeia.” She replied quickly, hearing the next question to follow up and tapping her cheek, making a light ticking sound. ”Since I’ve ever had them? I believe 4. All of them have been either white haired or blonde, funny enough.” She chuckled a little bit, enjoying the reply a bit.

    If her cheeks could flush colors, they would easily turn a light pink, but the expression in her smile and averting eyes would tell stories. Much like the witch, fronts and shields that kept the two as they were to the rest of the public were kept away and at arms length. Being able to express them while not waving ones arms around and singing songs to thousands of fans like some peppy teenage sensation was a bit of a relief. ”You do too, you know. But you know, it feels weird to be a blonde again.” She joked, her porcelain tips combing through a couple misplaced sections from her being pulled around to the Witches lap. ”But this body is actually really new. My old one went missing while I was away at this university, but some friends of mine, a whole society of mermaids had wanted to thank me for something I did for them a while ago. Especially since the first one was their gift to me. On the upside, this one has much less hair. Almost felt like I was dragging it half the time if it wasn’t up.”

    I the midst of her rambling on, she had finally realized that she was sitting in her friends lap. She took a small notice to it at first, but her priority fell to the need to explain the new appearance to the witch over anything. Now that she had come to the realization, she had felt a bit embarrassed, but simply slid off the witches lap if able to and stood on her own two feet. ”It’s really good to ddd you again though, Ms. Medeia. I hope this little event here is going to be a ball!” A bit of a childish giggle left the mouth of the doll, pure excitement driving her at this point. ”The building isn’t too far from here either, so we can head over if you want to!” She pointed down a partially busy street, a bubbly tone in her voice as she had been a little more childish in her antics of moving forward. It would almost seem like a mother and daughter or a pair of siblings conversing with one another.

    692 words
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    The Ties Of Friendship (Event) Empty Re: The Ties Of Friendship (Event)

    Post by Guest 7th March 2020, 4:53 am

    Listening with interest as Sakura spoke, Medeia had to smile at just how peppy and cheerful her friend was. A totally different side to the girl that she had flown off with on that night, not too long ago. It was pleasing to see and the witch was glad that Sakura had found that spark, one that she had seemed to be missing back then. In a way, the same thing could probably be said about the angel herself. When she had joined Errings Rising, Medeia had simply been a self centred and manipulative witch who cared for little else besides her own desires. All those around her were simply to be exploited and toyed with as she saw fit, like pawns but as time had passed and she had started to develop bonds with others, that had changed a little. Yes, she still treated the majority of those she met with disdain but she had begun to appreciate the smaller things and she did feel fondly for those few who she had gotten to know. Sakura was one of those very few and the purple eyed mage could not have been happier about that fact.

    “Sounds like a story that you will have to tell me sometime,” she answered in reply to Sakura’s explanation of her new body, “I admit that I have never met a mermaid before, something that I hope to remedy someday. They do have such a pleasant reputation, after all.” Her tone remained steady but there was a twinkle in her eye although it lasted for only a moment before disappearing. “They certainly gave you a lovely gift my dear as you look absolutely adorable in that body. Then again, I am sure that you are beautiful in any body.” The compliment rolled off of her tongue with ease and the witch meant every she said. It did, however, bring Sakura’s tale to the forefront of her mind and she briefly recalled her friend’s sad tale in her mind. Medeia had lived through a similar experience and knew better than most of the panic and frustration that such a harrowing way of life could bring.

    Smiling again, the mage would stand up once her friend had hopped off of her lap, “It is a pleasure to see you, Sakura and I thank you for taking the time to meet me here. I admit that I do not know all that much about ceremonies like this but I am sure that we will be able to have some fun. To be honest, whenever someone has mentioned the word marriage to me, I would usually be gone by the end of the sentence.” She chuckled slightly, all too aware of her own views on such things although when she thought about it now, it did not quite seem like the prison sentence that it might have once been. Was agreeing to be with someone for the rest of your life truly that? It was a difficult question for her to answer and more complicated than most. It would never be for the rest of her life due to the simple fact that she would no doubt out live any partner that she would ever wish to get that close too. Immortality could sometimes be more of a curse than it seemed.

    Shaking her head, she would smile down at her friend and offer her hand, her tone of voice light “My, my, you are certainly in a cheerful mood today.” In truth, after spending so much time with Jennifer, she should not have been all that surprised. “Come on then, let us head for the chapel before you explode with excitement.” The amusement was clear on her face and it was refreshing to see Sakura’s cheeriness. There was so much misery and lunacy in her guild and to spend some time with someone as friendly as Sakura was always a breath of fresh age for the old witch. It was difficult for her not to play the role of an older sister or mother here, which was rather odd for Medeia but she was in far too good a mood to let that bother her and just went with it.

    The street was fairly busy indeed and as they walked, the mage could not help but notice that many of the people seemed to be heading in the same direction as they were. Perhaps this event was bigger than she had first thought and although it did not bother her all that much, it gave her a moment of pause. “You know, if you are in the mood for dancing, you may find yourself with quite the audience today.” It did seem that way and as the building came into view, the witch started to chuckle again as her eyes were drawn to a small crowd, “Yes, quite the audience indeed.”

    (815 Words)
    (1844/4000 Total WC)
    Sakura Kisagami
    Sakura Kisagami

    Lineage : Eternal Winter
    Position : None
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Diana Winchester
    Experience : 878,360

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lucky Rainbow
    Second Skill: Winter Wonderland
    Third Skill:

    The Ties Of Friendship (Event) Empty Re: The Ties Of Friendship (Event)

    Post by Sakura Kisagami 7th March 2020, 5:06 pm

    She found the idea of telling the story to be something that wasn’t really out of bounds to tell. Though she allowed the idea to linger in whether she would or not long enough for Medeia to have continued to talk to her about wanting to meet them one day, she had to think that one over for sure, but thinking it over, it may not be so bad of an idea to let that happen... with their blessing of course. ”Well.. one story leads into another, so telling it isn’t a problem for me.” she replied, wondering if now was the right time to do so, however she was quickly caught off guard by the compliment that she was given by Medeia. She began to fumble over syllables as if trying to say something, but ultimately just gave up trying and let it be that way.

    ”Are you kidding? I’ve been psyched up so much for this event for the last couple of months that when you asked, I couldn’t resist saying yes!” In other contexts, that may not have been right choice of words, but she just brushed it off and laughed a bit at the little bit of a fear of commitment that Medeia shared. ”I’m too young honestly to think about the topic of marriage... but I have as any girl may. Even some guys I would assume. But whomever I could trust to love me for every fault and weakness I have as much as they would my strengths, I wouldn’t hesitate to Dawn a wedding gown and settle down wit them for the rest of my life... whether I age or not anymore though... that would be something to find out.” With a small sigh, the doll shrugged and gave her thought a chuckle before dismissing it. Future endeavors would have to wait until the time would come. There wasn’t a need to fret over it now.

    Given that they were about to push into a crowd of people to go down to their destination, Sakura felt the best choice of action was to go about things the way she was being offered. To others, she’d look like a small child for easy pickings, so this was the best course of action honestly. Taking the offer of the hand for her, she felt a little more like a child each passing second that she held Medeia’s hand. Not so much that she was worried about it, but the thought in it of itself was a little of a worry to her in some ways more than others. But, in other senses, it only built onto the public eye that she wanted others to see. If anything, an act like this helped her more than it hindered and if it wasn’t something that could be seen by the chairman or other higher ups, than she wouldn’t worry much. A rational conversation was all that could be done to sort things out and as far as she knew, they were reasonable individuals.

    As the two approached the cathedral for their beginning of the events, a small crowd seemed to be hanging out around it and the comment made by the witch caused the small blonde to look up at her in a bit of confusion. ”Are you nervous at all, Ms. Medeia?” She wasn’t so sure that her friend was in much distress by the whole thing, but one could never tell with a pair like these two. Their pasts helping to mask the present of the fears and worries that they may or may not have to be seen without the knowledge to look for the signs. Even then, it could be hard to tell with a good accuracy. ”If you are, we can go inside and take a few minutes to do something that’ll help you relax. I do recall you being very calm when we were in your room of the castle and you were playing around with my hair and all.” She was trying to be supportive whether it was needed or not, just in case the angel entering the church would be any issues of hers at all.

    697 words
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    The Ties Of Friendship (Event) Empty Re: The Ties Of Friendship (Event)

    Post by Guest 8th March 2020, 5:15 am

    The witch had to try incredibly hard not to chuckle at Sakura’s reactions to her comments. She was just bursting with enthusiasm and energy which did the world of good to Medeia’s own mood. It was rather infectious and although it was unlikely that the angel would ever be quite so carefree as her friend, it was nice nonetheless. “I am glad that our little get together has made you feel such happiness, my dear. I can honestly say that if I did not know better than you were a completely different girl from the last time we met.” It was a compliment of course and the angel meant precisely what she said. Alright, the situation was completely different but still, the almost cold and shy traits of her currently blonde haired friend had seemed to disappear.

    “Oh, so you are a romantic, hmm?”
    she commented as the girl spoke about her feelings on marriage. The concept was somewhat sweet to Medeia but it was more of what it stood for that she did not like. It almost felt like another form of imprisonment to the angel, a role that she certainly did not wish to play. Yes, it was rather ironic, given how she tended to meet people but it was what it was. Her views on relationships were rather more open minded than most and after millenia of experiencing such entanglements, she had come to feel as though she was meant to remain unattached. She was a being a lust and that hardly went hand in hand with being tied down, on the contrary, it was just the opposite.

    As they approached the cathedral and Sakura mentioned any possible doubts, Medeia turned her gaze towards her blonde friend, a look of confusion briefly forming, “Nervous? About what? I admit that the idea of spending so much time surrounded by a bunch of rowdy fools is not ideally how I would wish to spend my time but I am willing to tolerate it.” It might have sounded rather harsh on those who simply wished to make the most of the day but it was difficult for the angel not to look down on those who walked the earth. “Forgive me if I sounded as though I was hesitant, my dear, I am just unused to being around those that I do not have any real interest in and I did not expect quite such a large crowd.”

    After a moment or two, she smiled and added, “Anyway, that is not what today is about, is it? Today is about us having a little fun together. I do appreciate the kind offer though and I assure you that if I do feel any nerves or have any problems, I will let you know.” It seemed like that would be all that she had to say on the topic but with a twinkle in her eye, her mouth would open again, “Of course, if you would like for us to have a few private moments before things start then I will not say no.” It might have sounded as if she was returning back to her usual dirty minded self but that was honestly not the intent. She truly did appreciate Sakura’s offer.

    (543 Words)
    (2387/4000 Total WC)
    Sakura Kisagami
    Sakura Kisagami

    Lineage : Eternal Winter
    Position : None
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Diana Winchester
    Experience : 878,360

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lucky Rainbow
    Second Skill: Winter Wonderland
    Third Skill:

    The Ties Of Friendship (Event) Empty Re: The Ties Of Friendship (Event)

    Post by Sakura Kisagami 17th March 2020, 12:30 pm

    Mediea’s words were only half right in her assumption of Sakura’s whole demeanor. True, she did have a bit of a different outlook recently, some of which was due to being a normal person... or even partly a normal person considering her magical capabilities, but it was fun none the less to have these types of things either. ”Well, I can’t say anything right now, considering I don’t want to give anything away about myself. But let’s just say there’s a new idol who’s nailed herself a concert gig next week here in town!” As much as she wanted to try and keep her voice down, it was hard in her excitement to hold back all of it for sure. ”So between that and this event here, I feel like a giddy school girl right now... which.. feels extremely weird to say considering I’m a full graduate. But I digress.”

    The doll continued on to hum gleefully from her expressive surprise. Knowing Medeia was fully aware of her aspirations from the day they’d spent together, this wasn’t going to hopefully be much of a confusing surprise. Aside from her mother, she felt that the woman was going to be delighted to hear the news for sure. At least, that’s what Sakura had hoped for. But when she brought up the idea of her thoughts on marriage and thinking herself as a bit of a romantic, the giddy look turned to a bit of shy embarrassment, but still, a smile clung to the shy face. ”I-I-I guess you can say that. You’ve been alive for so long, Miss Medeia. Haven’t you ever been in love with someone and thought of the opportunity or dreamed about how life together with them would be like?” She asked, a bit curious of the witches own thoughts on the matter, trying to tread a bit lightly around the rocky subject of her past. ”Like, for another example I can picture us together. It would be a lot like this. Holding hands while going places, sleeping together in the same bed with you wrapped around my arms like our first night, though I did spend that in my doll body. Still, it sounds in my mind like a very cute and happy one. But, I also don’t know what happens a lot behind those dark, closed doors, so I couldn’t say anything on the reality of it. But it’s always nice to think about, isn’t it?” She asked, looking up with a close eyed smile.

    The witch did make a good point... there was quite a large crowd around and it was beginning to make even Sakura a bit uneasy. If there was one sure fire thing she tried to avoid, it was large crowds. Her grip on Medeia’s hand would tighten, though it wouldn’t be much consider she had no real strength in this body. Even the look on her face had been harder to mask. An overly focused gaze off into the crowd as they went through and inside of the building let her finally breathe a sigh of relief. ”I-I thought I had gotten over that...” She muttered in a whispered tone through her breath. Inside was nearly a 180 from the other side of the doors. Despite the loud noise, it was still near silent and leftover was this sound of music playing in the distance, probably closer to the festivities of the event.

    A shattering sound caused the doll to jump suddenly. Followed up my inaudible screaming. Curious, the blonde made her way to what she found to be a catering room filled with different assortments of foods and drinks, as well as a wedding cake for the event. ”My little angel will NOT eat this.. this FILTH!” The shrieking of the Karenpithicus carried on, making Sakura’s heightened sense of hearing cause her to wince from the decibels coming from one mouth. ”Is everything ok?” She asked, standing pheasably by herself at this point if Medeia hadn’t come by yet. This woman turned to the entryway to see the smaller blonde child and scoffed. ”Go away, you ugly little welp. This doesn’t involve a little brat like you.” She snapped, turning back to the caterer. ”Now you listen here, you spineless nitwit! This cake tastes like ass if a monkey!” The caterer tried to but in explaining the cake was not for this woman but instead for the event held today, but she instead cut him off once more, slapping him in the face. ”Don’t you lie to me! You were planning on ruining my angel’s perfect day! I demand to speak to your manager RIGHT NOW!”

    It was at that point the blonde had heard enough. But, she also had to be creative. That’s when the idea hit. What else was fun about February aside from Valentine’s Day? That’s right~ SNOW! Forming into the palm of her hand was snowflakes that quickly molded into a sphere. With a sny grin, the doll chucked the snowball right into the back of the roaring beasts head. She paused and turned around, spotting the small one still standing there with her grin. ”How DARE you!” The beast then turned around, charging at Sakura like a bull goring a matador. As she would lay her hands on the body of the slayer, the part making contact would turn into water and separate, showing the split in her body as the momentum of the ancient fossilized bull woman crashed into a wall. ”Olay!~” She cheered as the water reformed her whole body, laughing a little as she tried to get up.

    Now however, she’d face Medeia’s wrath for her comments while Sakura stepped inside to tend to the verbal lashing wounds the caterer had gotten. ”I hope she didn’t hurt you, mister.” She spoke up innocently and cheerfully. ”My friend and I were here for the event and honestly, I wanna try the cake if you don’t mind! I hope that’s ok.” The blonde looked over, seeing the caterer smile and nod gleefully from her sunny attitude and cut two pieces, plating them up and handing them to Sakura, wishing her and Medeia both a great time enjoying the event. Thanking him, she turned back to walk out of the room and check on the witch, chilling her cake to a nice, ice cold temperature as well as the plate itself, to which she really couldn’t control. ”Wanna try the cake, Medeia?”

    1077 words
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    Sakura Kisagami
    Sakura Kisagami

    Lineage : Eternal Winter
    Position : None
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Diana Winchester
    Experience : 878,360

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lucky Rainbow
    Second Skill: Winter Wonderland
    Third Skill:

    The Ties Of Friendship (Event) Empty Re: The Ties Of Friendship (Event)

    Post by Sakura Kisagami 17th March 2020, 12:39 pm

    Cake eating roll~



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    The Ties Of Friendship (Event) Empty Re: The Ties Of Friendship (Event)

    Post by NPC 17th March 2020, 12:39 pm

    The member 'Sakura Kisagami' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    The Ties Of Friendship (Event) Empty Re: The Ties Of Friendship (Event)

    Post by Guest 17th March 2020, 2:20 pm

    The witch smiled as her blonde haired friend revealed the reason behind just why she was in such a good mood. She remembered Sakura's aspirations and also the promise that she had made herself, “Congratulations are in order then, my dear. You will have to remember to give me all of the details so that I can come along and see you in action.” Normally, the idea of sitting amongst a group of humans was not the angel’s favourite pastime but she deeply did wish to see the beautiful doll perform and so she would put up with it, for the sake of her friend. For a moment, she thought wryly about whether she was getting soft or not but she simply shrugged it off. Medeia had reached the point where she did not care all that much about the impression she gave of. If anyone wanted to try and insult or mock her, then they would quickly realise just how foolish a decision that was.

    She had to think rather carefully as Sakura turned a little shy and spoke about marriage, briefly pondering over what was said. Medeia had to admire the blonde’s imagination as she spoke about the possibilities of what marriage could entail and the witch hid a small smile at the notion of the pair of them being wed. “It is a nice thought, I suppose although I admit that it is not one that I have honestly considered. Bonding with one person has always seemed against my nature and even before I walked the earth, it was the same. I have never been with just one woman and cannot honestly say how I feel on the subject. I suppose it is a nice dream but I am uncertain if it is one that I could ever be involved in. After millennia of polygamy, I honestly do not know if I am capable of it.” She spoke candidly and made no effort to hide or deceive. It went against what she stood for, her role in the world. After a brief pause, she would add, “I can imagine myself finding happiness with you though.” Again, the thought was interrupted by that one word. Immortality.

    Honestly, Medeia did not fully expect Sakura to suddenly tighten her grip on her hand as they approached the crowd but she did not comment on it and simply held on. The doll suddenly seemed to lose a little of her enthusiasm and so the witch briefly took the lead, moving through the crowd rather swiftly, to avoid Sakura from suffering too much. Had she been on her own, Medeia might have just used magic to clear them out but as it was, she simply kept cool and did things the old fashioned way. They were soon on the other side though and thankfully everything seemed fine...until a loud crashing sound caused Sakura to jump and head in the direction of it, leaving the slightly miffed angel behind.

    Using her own keen slayer senses, Medeia would swiftly head towards the sound of the commotion, her good mood beginning to sour at the inconvenience. Today was supposed to be about having a fun time, not playing housemaid for every Tom, Dick and Harry who decided to make a mess. As she approached, the sounds of arguing could soon be heard and Sakura’s tone could easily be picked out, followed by the sound of flesh on flesh. That was enough to cause the witch to seethe and as she barged the door open, she found a crazed woman attacking her date. It might have been amusing to see the woman just almost slide through Sakura and crash into the wall but Medeia did not see it that way at all.

    Without a word to anyone for the moment, the witch would leave Sakura to talk to a male who seemed to be a chef of some kind and instead walked towards the woman on the ground. Angry and embarrassed, the arrogant fool would stand up, “What are you looking at? Have you come to ruin my girl’s special day too? Get the hell out of here! The manager will hear about this!" Her face was as red as a tomato and if steam could be coming from her ears, it would be. Yet, Medeia did not even flinch in the slightest and simply replied colder, “You will close your mouth and listen to me. You have done a spectacular job of ruining my good mood, woman and if I hear one more word out of you then I will send you somewhere where angels are in short supply. Am I understood?” Her words thrummed with magical power and a purple aura would briefly cause fear to flood through the woman’s body. “The only reason that I do not end you now is because it will ruin this lovely dress of mine but I expect you to act like a woman and less like a stuck up piece of human garbage.”

    The woman trembled as the slayer’s power radiated around her, before Medeia paused and spoke again, “Thinking about it, I believe that you need a lesson in humility, my dear. So, you are going to remove your clothing and run through the streets of this town, singing like a bird at everyone you see.” Her eyes would blaze as she took control of the woman’s mind, forcing her to follow her commands. The woman was soon in her underwear and without a care in the world, would sprint out of the room and straight through the startled crowd outside, singing the crudest song imaginable. It was a rather cruel punishment but one that Medeia thought would keep the woman’s ego in check from now on.

    She had just finished her bit of fun when Sakura handed her a piece of cake, which she gratefully accepted, “Thank you, my dear,” she answered gratefully, before taking a bite. After a few moments of chewing, she would then swiftly start to choke, causing her to cough rather loudly in order to clear her airways. Putting the plate to one side, her eyes almost watering, she would look up towards the doll and say, “I must admit that the old dragon had a point, this cake tastes like it is older than I am. I would not advise you to take a bite out of it. I am afraid that I will have to take a few points off for the catering.”

    The whole affair had left her with a rather sour taste in the mouth, literally.

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    Sakura Kisagami
    Sakura Kisagami

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    The Ties Of Friendship (Event) Empty Re: The Ties Of Friendship (Event)

    Post by Sakura Kisagami 28th March 2020, 11:27 am

    Taking rolls for outfitting activity!



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    The Ties Of Friendship (Event) Empty Re: The Ties Of Friendship (Event)

    Post by NPC 28th March 2020, 11:27 am

    The member 'Sakura Kisagami' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    The Ties Of Friendship (Event) OdAaNwh The Ties Of Friendship (Event) R2fEWNz
    Sakura Kisagami
    Sakura Kisagami

    Lineage : Eternal Winter
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    Posts : 212
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    Mentor : Diana Winchester
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    The Ties Of Friendship (Event) Empty Re: The Ties Of Friendship (Event)

    Post by Sakura Kisagami 30th March 2020, 12:34 pm

    Well, the cake eating seemed to flounder for the witch, to say the least. In her best attempts to be a little cute about the whole thing in fetching the piece for her friend, she watched the look on her face when she got to the taste of it and her smiling complexion sunk. It seemed like a real shame that such a good looking cake had become something of an equivalent of an eyesore to say the least, but to be fair, she had not tried it herself either. Scooping up a small part of the attire herself, Sakura bit in and her eyes widened up. She could be seen visibly trying to choke down the cake and then laughing half heartedly. ”I-I should have taken your word for it, Medeia... but I had hoped for better, I guess.” With a small sigh, the doll simply placed her plate down on the nearest surface and just stepped away from it.

    The whole thing had at this point left that sour taste in not just Medeia’s mouth, but now Sakura’s as well. And for that, it was just that much more unappealing to try again. No matter, she could just make it up to her again somehow, but there wasn’t any idea as to how she could do so. ”Oh. My. Gosh! I can’t believe they canceled the last minute!” A voice spoke out from the kitchen, ranting on and on, then walking into the hall where Medeia and Sakura had been. ”Oh you two would be perfect! I need a couple for an outfitting and ceremony! Please please please help me out!” His desperation had her on the ropes, looking to Medeia for a moment before turning back. ”I can’t speak for my friend, but I’ll do it.” She replied, smiling happily toward him before he seemed to clap his hands twice in such rapid succession. Two groups of women assuming the witch had agreed would pour out from other rooms and sweep the girls up into separate areas.

    It seemed to only take a few moments to refit the dress to fit her exact body, but Sakura had been completely redressed into a whole new attire. Her hair had been taken down as well, brushed and redone with a single section of either side braided and brought together at the center, tied off with a small red ribbon in equal hue to her new dress. ”Th-This is so pretty. And you said we get to keep these for helping?” The dressing room group all nodded in agreement, fawning over the way the doll had looked all dressed up. They had even debated trying a couple of other options, however the gentlemen from before had come in and rushed them along. Bringing her out, she was pulled into the actual ceremony hall and brought up to the stage where some onlookers had whispered about her showing up.

    ”Ignore them, hun. You look delicious!” He said, standing in front of her in such a way to block her view of them. Then, the music would begin to play. As he stood aside, Medeia would begin to walk down the aisle towards the center. Honestly, Sakura could not take her eyes off of the witch in how she looked in her new attire and It brought a bright smile to her face. As she would reach the other two, he would then step between them and the crowd once more. ”You both are simply stunning. Now, the priest will read the usual mumbo jumbo and then you two will have to kiss. And don’t forget to stare into the others eyes longingly. I know it’s a lot to ask, but think about it this way! You’re being given free 10’s of thousands of jewels worth of dresses here.” Guilt tripped, the slayer just nodded her head and then looked to Medeia. ”I trust you. Let’s do it.” She said, standing up straight and allowing the ceremony to begin once the witch had decided if she would go through with it.

    Once the ceremony had begun, the priest went through with his speech, leaving the pair to seal the deal. Picking herself up enough to reach the descending witch, she would lock lips together with her for a moment while the crowd would clap and cheer happily. Once it had been broken, she simply stared into Medeia’s eyes, smiling. ”I don’t care if this was my first kiss. I’m just glad someone I trusted was the one I could be happy knowing had been the one to receive it.” She spoke honestly, not speaking louder than just she and the witch could hear.

    781 words
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    The Ties Of Friendship (Event) Empty Re: The Ties Of Friendship (Event)

    Post by Guest 30th March 2020, 1:38 pm

    Things had moved rather fast, faster than the witch would have liked but she managed to maintain her decorum and simply went along with things. Having little experience with marriage ceremonies, Medeia was rather unaware of all the customs but the priest had at least given them a run-down to avoid her making a fool of herself. She had been dressed in a lovely bridal dress although having to wear white had almost sent her into a blind panic. White was the symbol of the holy, which had naturally clashed with her. Still, for the sake of keeping things civil and more importantly for her friend, she wore it without complaint and made the long walk down the aisle. Yet, all those unpleasant thoughts and complaints were quickly wiped from her mind when her eyes locked onto Sakura, her breath well and truly taken away. The doll was absolutely beautiful in her lovely new dress and the witch almost lost her footing. Fortunately, everything went fine and when the moment came for them to kiss, the angel did not even think of saying no, her lips capturing the doll’s briefly, enjoying the sweet moment.

    A smile crossed her features as Sakura spoke of it having been her first kiss and whispered in return, “It was a pleasure, my dear, to be the one to receive it and I hope that it felt as lovely for you as it did for me.” Her words were just as sincere but as her eyes locked onto the blonde’s, Medeia suddenly felt a different sensation. After their moment of bliss, she did not wish for their little ceremony to be over just yet, which caused the cogs to start turning in the angel’s mind. Her thoughts briefly returned to their first meeting which only pushed the witch into taking a rather unusual step. Sakura had pushed them into becoming the front and centre of the ceremony but Medeia decided then and there that it would be her turn to decide on the next course of action.

    The smile remained but the look in her eyes would become rather more focused, almost as if they were connected to Sakura’s in some way. Her words would have an almost magical allure to them as she spoke a second time, “How about we make the most of our little union by playing a few games back home? Have a girl’s night like the first time we met?” It would be as if she was trying to implant the thought into Sakura’s mind. Almost as if she was trying to add an exclamation point to the idea, the witch would then lean down and capture the girl’s lips with her own a second time, further increasing her influence over her friend. Feeling her suggestion take route and noticing a response from her friend, the angel would eventually break the kiss.

    The look on the blonde’s face seemed almost glazed over for a moment, before seeming to return to normal. That was all the black haired woman needed to see and with that, she would gently take her friends hand in hers and walk back down the aisle, smiling happily.

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