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    Oh God Why

    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1426
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Oh God Why Empty Oh God Why

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 14th February 2020, 5:47 pm

    Job Details:

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    It had been quite some time since the two of them had traveled to Hosenka and met up with the members of the Lusty Titans guild. In fact, things had been so crazy since they’d made their escape from Kingdom Darkness that they’d barely had time to keep in regular contact with the guild’s master Ruzatz and his wife Agatha. Serilda did try her best, of course. After all, if it weren’t for the demon lord she never would have been able to reach Mythal to save him, and Mythal likely would have died in that horrid realm.

    Or worse.

    But they had survived, and lived on to thrive in their relationship with one another to the point where Serilda was now wearing a stunning ring on her left hand. Mythal had caught her completely by surprise and proposed to her at the recent Christmas ball in front of all the Rune Knights and their guests. Even a month or two later, she was still in a bit of shock. She caught herself staring at the ring often with a little smile on her face before realizing she was being silly and going back to whatever she’d managed to distract herself from.

    It seemed to be the season for such things, however, as Agatha had recently reached out to her to extend an invitation to a party they were having at the guild hall in Hosenka. A chocolate company had been expanding its business, it seemed, and they were asking different people in the area to test some of their new catering services for weddings. Since Agatha knew about the couple’s recent engagement, she’d invited them to attend the wedding that was being hosted in case Serilda and Mythal liked what the company had to offer. Everything was to be provided for them, even the clothing!

    “Are you sure you don’t want to come?” Serilda asked, applying the finishing touches on her makeup.

    The older woman shook her head without lifting it from the magazine she was reading. It was odd to think that Serilda and Victoria had managed to become… well, not friends but begrudging allies in the short time they’d been stuck with one another. The start to their relationship had been jarring and rocky, but for some reason the Seal of Victory had not put up a fight for dominance for as long as Serilda had expected her to. The two of them still disagreed on a number of things, particularly their approaches to solving various problems; Victoria liked to lean toward violence most of the time and thought Serilda was too soft. Still, they had somehow managed to build up a level of trust with one another big enough that the Goddess of Conviction felt comfortable letting Victoria wander or relax by herself, if the older woman so desired.

    Now appeared to be one of those times. “The union of mortals hardly interests me,” Victoria told Serilda simply, flipping a page. The comment came less from a place of arrogance and more one of plain honesty. “I’ll just as soon enjoy a bit of quiet for a time, where I can do some research to update myself on the history of this realm since I was last active. There is much to catch up on.” Even though they mostly got along now, both women needed space from one another regularly to block out the tension. And since Serilda had been practicing, they were able to stay further apart from one another for longer periods of time these days.

    “Did you finish that book I showed you?”

    “I did, thank you. Though I believe I may have exhausted your library on such materials, now.”

    Putting her makeup away, Serilda walked out of the bathroom and put her hair up in a quick, loose bun on top of her head. At the moment she wasn’t wearing anything too striking, as part of what they would be experiencing today was some magical tailors that would supposedly make outfits instantly for them. “Try the lacrimavision. There’s at least three or four channels that focus on retelling stories from history from all sorts of countries and cultures. One of the servants should be able to help you find something.”

    Victoria wasn’t exactly the greatest with technology, but the idea seemed to interest her. “I may do just that.”

    Not bothering to say goodbyes to one another, Serilda grabbed her clutch and made her way downstairs. “I’m ready when you are, babe!” Taking a bow from a mantle near the front door, she called for her hound. “Xiuh! Come here, girl!” The wolf came trotting over to Serilda from wherever she’d been lazing and sat obediently in front of her. The noblewoman knelt down and tied the bow around the canine’s neck, dressing her up just a little for the occasion. That done, she ran her fingers through the wolf’s thick fur and gave her a bit of affection. “There, now you look like a little lady..!”

    WORDS: 857/4000 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair

    Last edited by Serilda Sinclair on 14th February 2020, 6:44 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1426
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Oh God Why Empty Re: Oh God Why

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 14th February 2020, 5:48 pm

    Rolling for Serilda on outfitting...



    Posts : 23956
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    Oh God Why Empty Re: Oh God Why

    Post by NPC 14th February 2020, 5:48 pm

    The member 'Serilda Sinclair' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Oh God Why NXDHjfc
    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Oh God Why Empty Re: Oh God Why

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 23rd February 2020, 5:00 pm

    1244/4000 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    “Mythal! I have returned!”

    It was a familiar but also unfamiliar voice that called out suddenly from the downstairs of his home. The God Slayer was putting the finishing touches of his outfit, which was a practice he never thought he’d take seriously. Not that long ago, he was completely fine with dressing in the most minimal prepared get up he could muster. He had the same clothes to wear day in and day out, though he did make sure to launder them nowadays. But a wedding was an entirely different occasion and, even if it was at a guild that essentially added up to one giant whorehouse, there was still a dress code. Plus Serilda was going to dress up as well so there was no reason for him to not be as presentable as possible too.

    But as he finished pulling his tie taut, the voice rang out from the belly of his house. Confused, his brow wrought in suspicion, he walked out from the door and glanced down the stairs. The first sight that greeted him was Gren, his big, bushy tail wagging from side to side excitedly. To anyone that dared to come inside, the image of the massive wolf was enough to give anyone a heart attack. Unlike his sister Xiuhco, Gren had continued to grow beyond the normal weight and height of an average Star Wolf. Indeed, he stood nearly up to Mythal’s shoulders at this point and often found himself having to squeeze through most doorways to get anywhere. It was alarming to say the least – Mythal couldn’t help but wonder if the ingestion of his God Slaying powers had mutated the poor hound. But check ups on the wolf had shown nothing dangerous and his demeanor hadn’t changed in the least. Despite the trials they had endured, he was still the lovable, excitable pup he had been since their bonding.

    But after a moment, he saw a leg and arm flail out from underneath the hound as Gren went to town on the intruder. But it wasn’t a vicious attack; in fact, it seemed the pancaked person was under the harsh scrutiny on the wolf’s tongue. “Gren, raam,” he called out the order as he walked down the stairs, now far more curious than he had been before.

    The Star Wolf responded instantly, pulling himself away and walking over to the Darkness King, his long tongue flapping out of his mouth. And there, lying on the floor in a pile of slobber, was Susano. The half-sized demigod sputtered and wiped away the slobber that had given him a sticky shower but he was chuckling as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. “Susano…?” Mythal asked, surprised.

    “Ah! Glad tidings, my friend. It seems little Gren has become big Gren,” he said as he hopped to his feet, smiling at the man and wolf pair. “I was wondering if I would come home to an empty house or not. Though it seems you are about to head out somewhere important.” The demigod looked at Mythal carefully, taking in the suit.

    “Yeah, I’m about to head to a weddin’… Man, where have you been? I ain’t seen you since… well…” Mythal had left for Kingdom Darkness in such a hurry, he’d barely had time to leave any well wishes to his loved ones. Before he departed, he’d asked Susano to take care of Gren and the house, leaving the latter to the freed thunderwizard. Shortly after returning from the tumultuous realm, Susano had stated that he needed to embark on a journey of his own, to discover his purpose after failing to protect or save Mythal himself.

    “Indeed, our last meeting was far more somber than I meant it. But after traveling through the world on my pilgrimage, my wayward feet finally brought me back here. I apologize it took longer than expected. I did hope to catch up but alas, it seems that must wait until you return. Please, do not let me hinder you any longer.”

    It was true he had to meet up with Serilda at her home and then head to Hosenka. The thought of going back to the guild created a lot of complicated emotions in the God Slayer. It wasn’t necessarily dread or disgust or anything negative – it was a feeling he couldn’t quite put a word to. He was going to be happy to see Ruzatz and Agatha and to celebrate the wedding but he also wasn’t sure to expect. Given the atmosphere of the guild, he imagined it was going to be wildly different from other weddings; not that he’d been to very many anyways.

    Mythal nodded and started to move before pausing. “Yo, Susano. Why don’t you… I dunno, come along with us? It’d give us a chance to catch up and you’ll finally be able to meet my fiancé. I know I’ve told you enough about Serilda but you two never got the chance to actually meet.”

    Susano blinked but a wry smile pulled itself over his face. “Well… I do appreciate the invitation but I’d hate to intrude.”

    “Nah, it’s fine. Though you might want to make a quick pit stop at a store or somethin’ to dress up.”

    “Oh, nonsense,” the demigod said simply before snapping his fingers. In a bright flash, his traveling outfit was gone and he, instead, stood in a full tuxedo. His long, wild hair had been pulled back into an elegant ponytail and the wild whiskers of his mustache and goatee were neatly brushed and trimmed. “Just returning home and already out on another adventure. I wouldn’t expect anything less from you, Mythal.”

    “Yeah well… better prepare yer’self. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” the God Slayer chuckled as he, too, snapped and created a portal of darkness. Gren bounced happily and dove right into the void, having moved through such portals time and time again. Susano stared at the swirly black and purple doorway in surprise, glancing over at Mythal curiously before venturing after the Star Wolf. Mythal followed after, the doorway closing as he passed through and out into Serilda’s front walkway.

    Gren was already at the door, yipping excitedly to get Serilda and his sister’s attention. Susano looked at the home studiously before he turned back to Mythal, the meaning of spoken words now finally taking effect. “Did you say… fiancé?” He asked, an impish grin on his face.

    Mythal shrugged. “You been gone a long time, bub.” With that, he walked up to the door and knocked, as was his custom by now. But instead of waiting for it to open, he took the initiative and turned the handle, allowing Gren to barge in like the ball of excitement he was. “Hey babe, we’re here. I also brought a guest.” Once Serilda would make her way out, he gestured to Susano. “Serilda, Susano; I’ve told each one of ya about the other but never got the chance to introduce ya so… here ya go.”

    Susano stepped forward and bowed, as was the custom of his people. He then stepped forward and took her hand in his (which required him to reach up a bit), cradling it carefully but respectfully. “A pleasure to finally meet you, Lady Serilda. I am Susano, Champion of Thunder and Storms. And may I say, congratulations to you and Mythal’s engagement. My only regret is I was not around to meet you sooner.”

     HP: x/y
     MP: x/y
     Spells Used: list them here
     Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
     Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
     Monsters Killed: list here
     Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Last edited by Mythal Ragnos on 23rd February 2020, 5:01 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    Oh God Why Empty Re: Oh God Why

    Post by NPC 23rd February 2020, 5:00 pm

    The member 'Mythal Ragnos' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Oh God Why OdAaNwh
    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1426
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Oh God Why Empty Re: Oh God Why

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 23rd February 2020, 7:50 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    They came and went so easily with one another between their homes and work that it was second nature to sense the other there. She’d only just put the bow on Xiuhcoatl’s neck when Gren came bounding in. The once tiny pup was now a behemoth among Star Wolves, towering over his older sister by several hands. The hound’s size intimidated nearly anyone who didn’t already know him, and even some who did. Serilda had never seen a wolf grow to that size and agreed that it probably had something to do with the method in which Mythal had been forced to save Gren in Kingdom Darkness. Still, he seemed perfectly healthy otherwise, and Xiuh was just as excited as ever to see him every time. The worst part was just how much they had to feed the beast these days.

    She grinned at the giant wolf now, reaching out to rub him on either side of his face with both her hands. “Hello to you, handsome boy,” Serilda told Gren before she finally noticed that Xiuh wasn’t jumping all over her brother as usual. Instead, she was looking in the direction that Mythal was coming in and behaving how she typically did in the company of strangers. There would be little time for confusion over the matter, however, as Mythal quickly announced that he’d brought a guest.

    He gestured down to a man of extremely small stature standing beside him, a man who she was long overdue to meet. And luckily, since Mythal had prepared her for it long ago, she did not appear to be at all surprised or taken back by his diminutive size. Instead, she smiled at him with genuine warmth as she learned who he was. “Susano! Welcome back home.” She was aware he had been on a trip of some kind which was why she hadn’t gotten the chance to meet him yet. Honestly it was for the better, as the one time Susano had seen her, she’d been black out drunk in an embarrassing display of depression. Time had done much to heal that wound, and now she could be face to face with him without turning beet red.

    Serilda respectfully returned his bow and allowed him to take her hand, leaning over enough to make the gesture easier on him but not so much that he might feel like she was mocking his height. “Thank you so much,” she told him as he congratulated them on their engagement. “It was quite the surprise. I’m glad you’re coming with us. I’ve been looking forward to spending some time with you. Though I do hope Mythal prepared you for the company we’re about to be joining.”

    She gave him a smirk that was a mixture of both amused and nervous. The noblewoman truly enjoyed Agatha and Ruzatz, and certainly had nothing against any of the members of their guild, but they were a wild bunch to say the least. And this was an instance where Serilda was fairly certain they weren’t going to be at all reserved from their natural behaviors. “This is my hound, Xiuhcoatl.” She gestured to the wolf that Susano was an ally and gave the go ahead to greet him. Xiuh wasted no time stepping over to sniff the man all over, her bushy tail wagging with enthusiasm as it always did when she got to meet new people.

    While they got acquainted, Serilda went over to Mythal to give him a quick kiss and a small smile. “You look nice,” she told him, taking a moment to look over his outfit. “I’m surprised you’re dressed up already. Or did you decide not to try the tailor?” It didn’t take long for them to realize that he’d forgotten about the tailor mage, and she grinned at him. “Well, you don’t have to use them, I suppose. Though I’ll be surprised if this is a suit and tie affair… or a clothing affair.” Her biggest fear was that they were going to show up and the dress code was going to be nudity, though she felt like Agatha would have told her that ahead of time and given them the chance to back out.

    “You guys ready?” Once they indicated they were set, she created a portal much like Mythal had, though hers was less darkness and appeared more like a ripple in the air. Xiuh trotted through it, nipping playfully at Gren, and the rest of them followed. They appeared in the entry foyer of the Lusty Titan’s guildhall. Already there was a slew of boisterous voices reaching out to them from the main hall where the ceremony and reception were to be, and mixed in was the sound of a band playing instruments.

    Agatha was speaking to a couple people when she noticed them, her amber eyes brightening up. “Serilda! Mythal!” The young woman rushed over to them with a wide smile, throwing her arms around Mythal in a hug before doing the same to Serilda. Her hug for the field marshal lasted a little longer, with the noblewoman chuckling softly. “Oh, I’m so excited for you both! Let me see the ring!” Agatha held up Serilda’s hand and exclaimed her excitement all over again.

    She managed to give Seri another excited hug before turning to Susano. “I’m sorry, please don’t think me rude. I haven’t seen them in a while.” While Agatha was taller than the man, she was much shorter than the other two humans, making it less of a strain for the two of them to introduce themselves to one another. She held her hand out to him. “My name is Agatha de la Cavallería. My husband is Ruzatz, the guildmaster here. Welcome to our home. If you need anything at all, just ask.”

    Giving Susano sufficient time to reply, she turned back to the group. “Did any of you wish to try the tailor? He is phenomenal.” As if to emphasize, she gestured to her own outfit, which was a very tight fitting, but classy, dress that hugged her curves in all the right places.

    “I was hoping to give it a try. Mythal probably wants to get out of the suit he put on, I imagine.” Serilda shot her man a teasing smirk as Agatha showed them which room to go to before excusing herself to help other arriving guests.

    The tailor made quick work of her attire when it was her turn. She had opted for a look that was equally dressy and casual: A high waisted pair of pleated grey pants, with a white collared shirt that was sheer on the shoulders. Covering most of the shirt was a navy blue midriff coat. With a few follow up touches of jewelry and a pair of strappy sandals, the finished ensemble looked quite chic. She was very pleased with it. Thanking the man, she stepped aside and let Mythal or Susano step up, if they desired.

    WORDS: 2070/4000 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Objectives completed: Outfitting
    Serilda Sinclair



    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Oh God Why Empty Re: Oh God Why

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 29th February 2020, 6:34 pm

    2405/4000 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    Gren was more than pleased to received the loving attention from Serilda, bounding right up to her and staring at almost eye level with her, his tongue lolling out of his mouth. He panted happily as she rubbed his face, lapping at the air in some kind of means of greeting. He turned to Xiuhco, who was standing alert and focused on the way back, to where Mythal and Susano were starting to enter. The large wolf walked idly around Serilda and planted himself just behind her, as if he wanted to watch the showcase of everyone meeting one another.

    As a man who was clearly used to being short, he had developed a thick skin in terms of comments, remarks or unspoken glances about his height. Indeed, during his trip over Earthland, he had received several of the aforementioned from the citizens as he went from town to town. But someone such as Serilda, it was not surprising that she found the perfect medium between accommodating and showing respect. The interaction was all pleasant though there was the surprising bit about the company that they were going to join. “His words told me of a wedding but the ominous tone led me to believe it was something slightly… different, than normal,” the demi-god remarked, glancing over at Mythal.

    “I figured it’d be funnier to just… go and see how he reacts. Seemed to work out well fer the both of us,” Mythal said with a wry smirk.

    Before Susano could remark further, Serilda directed his attention to Xiuhcoatl. “Ah! Gren’s older sister, I believe,” he observed as he allowed himself to be inspected by the wolf. “It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Xiuhcoatl.” Once she had finished her sniff check, he reached out and gave her a few friendly pats and scratches, much like he knew Gren was accustomed to.

    Mythal was quick to wrap his arm around Serilda’s side as she came over to embrace him, smiling warmly as he looked down at her. He glanced down at his outfit as she observed him and then quickly reminded him that part of the event included a tailor. “Riiight I uh… definitely didn’t forget about that or nothin’,” he said, mentally giving himself a smack. That was right on the invitation! At the mention of the affair perhaps lacking clothing, he winced slightly. “I ain’t exactly hoppin’ up and down for excitement over the idea… but as long as it isn’t a nudist weddin’, we should be alright.”

    “Did you say nudist wedding?” Susano spoke up, his face wrought with confusion and intrigue.

    “Don’t worry about it, buddy,” Mythal brushed that aside quickly. “How ‘bout we just go and see what’s waitin’ for us?” He gave Serilda a quick nod to indicate he was ready and Susano simply shrugged, clearly deciding to just go along with whatever the Darkness King said. As Serilda formed another portal, the demi-god paused at it, studying it for a quick moment and then glanced back at the two wizards, a smirk on his face. Then he passed through it.

    The immediate warmth and energy from the Lusty Titan’s guildhall filled the senses as they walked through, appearing right in the foyer of the building. They had practically just found their footing when a voice called out to them. The company turned to see Agatha, the vibrant and beautiful wife of Ruzatz, rushing towards them. “Hey there, Ag—omph,” the Darkness Slayer’s words were cut off in and instant as the woman practically threw herself onto him in a hug. He wasn’t given much of a choice in the gesture and before he could comprehend it, she was off of him and wrapping her arms around Serilda.

    After a short burst of vocal excitement at the ring on Serilda’s finger, the woman turned her attention to Susano, offering her hand and introducing herself to him. “Anata no shiriai o tsukuru koto wa watashi no zettai-tekina yorokobidesu,” the demi-god spoke in his native language, taking her hand and placing a soft kiss upon the top of it. “I’ll have to be sure to think of something to ask, if only to get a chance to speak with you further.”

    Mythal did his best not to snort too hard. After all, Agatha had just mentioned that her husband was the guild master here and yet Susano was still laying the charm on thick. Of course, that didn’t seem to matter much in these parts, did they? A quick mental reminder of where he was. “Yeah, getting’ out of the suit would be nice change. Maybe.” It seemed that the tailor made up his own choices in terms of fashion, though he did take the opinions of the dressed into account. As they were led into the room to meet the man, Mythal shot a wary glance at Susano, who seemed far more excited to be here than he was before.

    When Mythal’s turn came up, he told the man he wasn’t a suit guy but he didn’t exactly want to look like a homebody either. By some miraculous fashion, the man managed to concoct a look that wasn’t all that far from his normal, casual outfit. He put him in a nice, flourished gray shirt, with a nice thick collar that flipped over on top of a dark purple vest which was also covered by a pale deep gray-green vest. The pants were practically the same, along with his shoes. He strode out feeling fairly good about himself and the choice he had made. He looked up to see Serilda and smiled at her elegant but collected look. “Late for a meetin’, good lookin’?” he teased her.

    Susano stepped up next. When prompted to what design he was thinking, the demi-god tapped his chin in thought. “Something… adventurous. And that can change with size.” The tailor grinned, excited at the prospect of really letting loose on the demi-god. In a flash, Susano had been transformed into… well, a pirate. An open brown jacket covered his chest, showing the barrel chest he had beneath. Loose, gray pants hung about his legs, covered by chocolate leather boots with gold/gray adornments. A double looped belt with a skull belt buckle clung to his hips and the literal top of the pretentious look was the gray and gold hat upon his head. Susano looked in the mirror, turning here and there before grinning. “You are truly a master of your craft. And to compliment your ingenious design…” Yet another flash of light and Susano reappeared… now standing at the full height of a normal man. His face was covered in a thick but well-kept beard and his hair was tied into tight braids that hung by his shoulders.

    Mythal simply stared in wonder as the demi-god stepped down. “Uh… wow… Susano,”

    “I know. That man is an artist,” Susano said simply, patting his jacket. “Now then, shall we?”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
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    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

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    Oh God Why Empty Re: Oh God Why

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 29th February 2020, 7:06 pm

    Rolling for Cake Activity!



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    Oh God Why Empty Re: Oh God Why

    Post by NPC 29th February 2020, 7:06 pm

    The member 'Serilda Sinclair' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Oh God Why Die_01_42158_sm
    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Oh God Why Empty Re: Oh God Why

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 29th February 2020, 8:49 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Agatha looked quite captivated by Susano. From the moment he started speaking to her in another language and kissing the back of her hand, her amber eyes were looking over him with a newfound appreciation that one might not typically expect to receive from a woman that had just mentioned she was married. “Yorokobi wa subete watashi no mono, hansamudesu,” she told him with a flirty grin. Then her tone lowered to something a bit more suggestive as she added, “If you can’t think of any questions, come find me anyway. I’m sure we’ll find something to pass the time with.” Giving him a wink and another once over glance, she waved them off to the tailor and then went back about her business as hostess.

    When Mythal finished with the tailor and he came over to flirt with her a bit, she took another moment to check him out and slip her arms around him with a grin. “Don’t get me wrong, I love you in anything you dress up in, but this is much more suited to you..” Her voice was low, her hands rubbing his sides a bit. Now that Lux had checked out, so to speak, they had finally managed to break their dry spell recently. It had been impossible for them to have any privacy with one another to be affectionate, let alone sexual, ever since the Seals had come into their lives. Victoria, at least, was accommodating. Lux had not been. However, the Lightbringer’s strange disappearance, while concerning, was also a blessing. And on Serilda’s part, she’d been held off for so long that she’d been rather randy as of late trying to make up for lost time while they still had the opportunity.

    She was getting ready to lean in and give him a bit more lingered of a kiss when Susano finished up with the tailor, shocking both of them by shifting into the size of a normal man, causing Seri to stop right before her lips would have fallen on Mythal’s. They both stared at the other man, who looked very much like a swashbuckling rogue. And frankly, the look more than suited him. Even Serilda would be hard pressed to ignore that. When Mythal tried to collect himself and comment on the change, it seemed Susano didn’t quite get what the Darkness King was trying to get at. He merely complimented the tailor’s skill and indicated he was ready to go.

    Well, Serilda certainly wasn’t going to be the one to clarify their confusion, so she simply took the cue and ran with it. “Absolutely!” The three of them made their way into the main hall, which had been set up with rows of chairs and breathtaking decorations for the wedding. Lusty Titans had spared no expense for the affair, and Serilda was hardly surprised by that. They sat and chatted for a bit, with Serilda taking the time to learn a bit more about Susano until the ceremony finally started, and thankfully it was about as normal as anyone could ask for, though the bride’s gown was so slinky that it left little to the imagination.

    Soon enough, the ceremony was over and everyone was being ushered down a hall to a large outdoor patio that had been set up for the reception. There were dozens of tables, a dance floor, and a live band playing music. Since Serilda and Mythal were known by everyone with the guild at this point, as well as their canine companions, she felt perfectly fine letting Xiuh run around the outdoor grounds at her own leisure with her brother and other present animal companions. Dinner was absolutely delicious, and soon enough it was time for the married couple to cut their cake.

    Slices were handed out by a wait staff, and there were a couple different flavors. Since part of the reason Mythal and Serilda had come was to test the services and see if they wanted to use this company for their own wedding, she made sure to take a different flavor of cake from what Mythal selected. Taking a couple bites, she hummed a bit to herself. “Wow, this is delicious. What is this, red velvet? Here, try this, honey.” Picking up a piece of it with her fingers, she gave him a teasing little grin as she silently offered to feed the piece to him.

    Just as she was about to put the morsel in his mouth, something caught her attention from the corner of her eye. The whole reception had been so loud from the music and the sheer number of people present that Serilda really hadn’t been paying too much attention to them. Being as properly raised as she had been, she was shocked to her core to glance over and see a couple fucking each other without reservation right on top of one of the tables only a few feet away. She gasped so hard that her hand twitched, and instead of the bite of cake going into Mythal’s mouth she instead accidentally smashed it on his cheek, causing a bit of the frosting to go right into his eye.

    Red in the face, the typically composed noblewoman went straight into a state of panic. “Oh my god, babe, I’m so sorry!” she exclaimed, frantically grabbing a napkin to help him clean off.

    WORDS: 2986/4000 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Oh God Why Empty Re: Oh God Why

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 29th February 2020, 9:58 pm

    3592/4000 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    To say that Susano was a bit taken with Agatha was, clearly, an understatement. Though Mythal didn’t speak the native Midi that the demi-god did, it was clear between the conversation that they had exchanged charming – and charmed – pleasantries. He shook his head softly as Agatha openly invited Susano to find her later so they could get to know one another better. While it could have very well been an innocent invite, he highly doubted that it was. Whatever the case, it wasn’t his business and if Susano was going to have a good time that way, it was entirely up to him. The Darkness King simply wanted to be left out of it.
    But he absolutely had no desire to exit or escape from the revived passion between himself and Serilda. They’d had a very short time to reconnect physically after all the events that took place between Christmas and their venture into Kingdom Darkness. He’d obviously wanted more but with the emergence of Victoria and Lux, it had made it nearly impossible. After some time, the Seal of Conquest had developed a lack of interest in their actions and generally sought out her own curiosity. But Lux was always constantly watching and frankly, Mythal never felt comfortable about engaging in anything. There was no telling if the Lightbringer would find a way to interrupt and, if he did, it would be rude, inappropriate and completely capable of killing any physical intimacy moving forward.

    But Lux had disappeared or, at the very least, he was refusing to show himself again. After everything had happened with the battle with that ill-begotten woman, the Seal hadn’t reappeared. For awhile, it had been nice to have his own thoughts and his own time to himself. After he had been slightly concerned – afraid that Lux had somehow broken their bond and escaped into the real world. With no evidence of that, Mythal had finally reached a point of uncaring comfortability. And in that, he had found the confidence to take Serilda back to bed… or really anywhere he could find the time and privacy.

    But the momentary flirtation was halted by the sudden change from Susano. Where a comely and gentle short man had once stood, there was now a fully grown pirate. And boy if the look didn’t just suit him well. Susano was oblivious to the shock factor of the whole matter, far more interested in paying respect to the tailor and clearly wishing to go and explore the event further. It was left up to Serilda to take the initiative and speak up – Mythal was still too shocked to form full sentences. So in they went, heading into the main hall that had been dressed exquisitely for the occasion. Clearly Ruzatz and Agatha had spared absolutely no expense on the intricate designs for the wedding itself. Soon the music would start, signaling the start, so it was easier to let the wolves go out and play amongst themselves and the other pets while the guests took part in the ceremony which, thankfully, was relatively normal by wedding standards.

    Soon enough they were outside on a large patio, which had been set up with several tables, seating, a fully realized dance floor and the live band playing upon a stage. Mythal ate and chatted with his fiancé and their guest, catching up with demi-god and learning more about his adventures throughout the world. Time sped by quickly and before he knew it, the cake was being passed out. They’d opted to go with different flavors for each slice, which worked in Mythal and Serilda’s benefit. One of the advantages to coming to the wedding was the fact that the engaged pair had been curious about the company supplying the cake for their own coming nuptials. A perfect opportunity had arose and here they were. Mythal had just barely lifted his fork to take in his own cake slice when Serilda mused aloud over her own cake. She picked up a piece to have him try… but not before some commotion from the other table caught her attention. She missed his mouth by a good four inches, smushing the cake against his cheek and the frosting pressing right into his eye. “Ah!” he exclaimed, his eye instinctively closing at the rude intruder. As she fumbled to find a napkin to help him out, that’s when the burning sensation start to build up. Why the hell was cake frosting burning?!

    “Hey you two!” A familiar voice came from behind. Mythal turned his head slightly to look towards the approaching Ruzatz, all smile and glamour. A bright pink kimono didn’t work on a lot of people but damn if it didn’t suit the Prime Sin. He paused as he noticed Mythal staring at him one-eyed and Serilda dabbing at him with a napkin. “Oh boy, looks like someone got a little excited with the cake.” He chuckled, his gaze listing slightly away and towards the table wit the humping couple. “Whoa hey now. Tom and Jared, look at you two go…” His words drifted away, his gaze narrowing slightly as he glanced back at Serilda and Mythal and then at the couple and then back once more with finality. “Right. I think I understand.”

    The Prime Sin sauntered over to the table and put a hand on the top-most man. “Hey guys, I appreciate the energy but how about we move it to one of the bedrooms inside, huh? We want to be respectful to all our guests.” A quick nod was all the answer he got before the duo disappeared in a puff of bright yellow smoke. “Thanks, you both are a treat.” With that, he came back and sat down across from the pair. “Sorry about that guys, you know how it can get here.”

    “Yeah, just a bit…” Mythal said, blinking slowly as the frosting started to clear from his gaze. “Nice shindig. I was expecting more… uh…”

    “More of what just caused cake to invade your eye?” Ruzatz said, flashing a playful grin. “I admit I can’t help what all of my guests do – this is a place of debauchery after all. But I wanted a modest ceremony at the very least. I’m glad you guys came though. It’s really nice to see you two. Together. Happy. All of that jazz.”

    In spite of himself and the still slightly burning sensation, Mythal smiled and took hold of Serilda’s hand. “Feels good.”

    “I also wanted to ask you about that strapping young demi-god you brought as your plus one because…” Ruzatz purred and noticeably shivered. “What a charmer that one is. He was at the bar talking with Agatha and a few of the bridesmaids and I’m pretty sure I’ve lost my wife for the night.”

    “Wait… He…?”

    “Oh yeah, he said one exceptionally poetical thing too much and the group of them dragged him off to the bedroom to, ahem, ‘hear more of his stories’. I highly doubt his mouth will be the one doing most of the work,” the Prime Sin gave them an impish grin.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
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    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

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    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Oh God Why Empty Re: Oh God Why

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 29th February 2020, 10:41 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    It was everything Serilda could do to keep her entire body from shaking head to toe. Ruzatz was usually very good at making sure the members were more modest whenever the two of them came to visit, for which Serilda was eternally grateful. The Prime Sin had learned the hard way that his lifestyle and deviances were polar opposite of her own, and that the kind of things that he and his guild members enjoyed made her exceptionally uncomfortable. However, she also recognized from the start that this was his home, their home, not her own, and that if she continued to visit the guild eventually she would run into things she’d rather not see.

    Of course, knowing this and actually being prepared for it were to completely different things, and the timing of this particular incident was just bad. She was wiping cake off Mythal’s face, continuing to whisper apologies to him as embarrassment consumed her. Once he realized why she had jumped he probably would understand, but that didn’t stop her from feeling awful about it. Nor from being absolutely shook by what she’d just seen. By what was continuing to transpire little more than a few feet away.

    Luckily, Ruzatz showed up in the nick of time. He looked absolutely resplendent in a pink kimono that caused even Mythal to stare at the demon… albeit through one eye. The guildmaster commented cheekily about the cake situation before he noticed what was going on at the other table. Two and two equaled four, and the redheaded man casually slipped over to ask the men to take it to a more private area. They obliged without question, disappearing in a cloud of dust. By then, Serilda had managed to finish mopping up Mythal’s face and had her own in her hands, trying to cover the redness of her cheeks and refusing to look at anyone before she could get herself under control.

    Serilda was still trembling a little while the two men talked. However, she managed to reign her trauma in enough that by the time Mythal reached up to take her hand, she was ready to let him. Her face was still a shade of pink as bright as Ruzatz’s outfit, but there was an almost rueful smile on her face that showed even she could appreciate the humor of what had just happened. The noblewoman gave Mythal’s hand a squeeze. “It’s nice to finally embrace what we have,” she said, agreeing with her fiance. “To run with it, even.”

    Ruzatz asked about Susano, and proceeded to tell them the reason for his interest. It seemed that their friend had been charismatic enough to earn himself an entourage of interested ladies, and by the time the Prime Sin finished telling the story, Serilda’s jaw was fully dropped. “The whole group of bridesmaids? And Agatha?” she asked him incredulously. The entire concept of having more than two people involved in a sexual exchange, let alone a full gaggle of women, was an idea that the prim and properly bred woman just could not wrap her mind around.

    She looked at Mythal and simply stared at him, dumbfounded.

    WORDS: 3533/4000 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Oh God Why Empty Re: Oh God Why

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 29th February 2020, 11:07 pm

    4072/4000 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    It wasn’t until Ruzatz actually walked over to the other table that Mythal finally noticed what had shocked Serilda to her core. While the Darkness King didn’t exactly claim to have a penchant in the deviant like the members of Lusty Titans, the sight didn’t quite shake him to his core like it had the Voidwalker. Still, his one good eye widened in realization and then he couldn’t help the small, knowing smile that came across his face. Even if they had told themselves a thousand times to be prepared for such a sight, there was nothing that could prepare them for when they finally laid eyes on it.

    As if that wasn’t enough of a culture shock, Ruzatz revealed that Susano had apparently charmed Agatha and a group of bridesmaids enough that they had hurriedly whisked him somewhere more private. Back a day and the demi-god had already managed to win himself the attention of multiple women at a wedding he wasn’t even invited to. Ruzatz’ impish grin simply showed just how proud he was that a man had managed to charm his wife and several other women within the first few hours of the wedding. Serilda, on the other hand, looked like she didn’t even understand the concept. The very idea of more than two people being involved in sex was so alien to her that all she could do was look at Mythal and stare.

    “Don’t worry, Serilda. Just know that Susano will be thanking you both for inviting him as a guest tomorrow morning. Maybe. Agatha tends to… ride out her partners’ energies for a few days,” the Prime Sin stated, chuckling to himself. “But by the looks of things, I’ve already said too much. You guys enjoy the cake; I’m going to go check on a few guests and then I’ll swing back later,” he gave the two of them a nod and then he was up and moving, already calling out to another familiar face.

    Mythal watched him go before he looked at Serilda, laughing softly. “Can you believe we’re even here? When that guy first came up to me in Magnolia, I woulda just as easily tossed him through a window as talked to him. And you – you got a much worse experience. Yet here we are, sittin’ at his whorehouse of a guildhall, getting cake thrust in our eyes,” he said with a teasing smirk. “And to think, someday soon, this entire shebang is gonna happen to us. The ceremony, the reception – hopefully not the people fuckin’ on the tables – but everythin’ else. As weird as it is to say, I’m… kinda excited to get there. I never once thought I’d even consider getting’ married, let alone bein’ with anyone period. But then you came along and…”

    “Well, let’s just say I’m lookin’ forward to much more cake gettin’ in my eyes.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Oh God Why Empty Re: Oh God Why

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 1st March 2020, 4:52 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    The more Ruzatz spoke about Susano’s predicament, the more distressed Serilda appeared. It was like she had been told she’d been an unwitting aid in a homicide, and being held responsible for her actions despite her best intentions. By the time the guildmaster left, she was sitting in a numb heap of confusion and mild dismay.

    Thankfully, Mythal was there to pull her out of her own head. He commented on how strange it still was to even be here, what with how there was no realistic reason that the two of them should ever have become friends with the likes of a demon lord and his human wife. And yet, here they were. He teased her about the cake in his eye, earning a wry smirk from her, before going into something a bit more sentimental about how soon they’d be face to face at their own wedding.

    She smiled and reached up one of her hands to run her nails through his scalp. “I think it’s safe to say that neither of us saw this coming,” Serilda told him quietly. “In fact, at the beginning there I’m pretty sure if someone had told us we were going to become what we are now, we both might have reacted with a fair bit of repulsion.” Her expression widened to a grin. It was always a treat to think about how bizarre their relationship had been from the start.

    Squeezing his hand and holding it tight, she told him, “I am grateful every day for you showing up in my life. You make me a better person, and reminded me that I still had a life to live and enjoy. We’ll just have to make sure we practice plenty beforehand so I don’t get cake in your eyes at our own ceremony.”

    Serilda grinned at him again, before leaning over and giving him a lingering kiss. When that was done, she pulled away just enough to look him in the eyes as she whispered, “As traumatizing as that… experience... was for me to witness, I do think those gentlemen, Susano, and all those ladies had the right idea. What do you think about playing hookie and finding a dark, clean corner somewhere? We can relive some memories from Minstrel.” Her eyes twinkled suggestively. Lusty Titans was a big enough building that even if everyone else present was of the same mindset, they still could have found a private spot to rustle some skirt, so to speak.

    Giggling a bit, she stood and pulled him to his feet, dragging him off like a school girl in search of a suitably secure spot to act like irresponsible teenagers. It wasn’t like Ruzatz and Agatha were going to mind, after all. In fact they would probably be pretty honored if their rather prude friends partook in the debauchery of their home, if in their own, secluded way. And why should Susano get to have all the fun? It was time for them to let loose a bit, too.

    They had certainly earned it.

    WORDS: 4057/4000 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


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