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    Rekkas Hell Slayer Magic[Done]

    Rekka Hecate
    Rekka Hecate

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    Completed Rekkas Hell Slayer Magic[Done]

    Post by Rekka Hecate 20th June 2014, 4:05 pm


    Primary Magic: Hell Demon Slayer
    Secondary Magic: N/A
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Her magic is known as Hell Demon slayer and it is a very powerful darkness magic. Not only is it darkness it has the ability to manipulate the shadows around her being able to form shadows among many other things. This magic is reliant on their being some way to have a shadow form if someone uses light magic it makes it very difficult to use her magic and reduces its effects by fifty percent.

    An example of what her magic can do is she can form a shadow clone of herself sending into areas to gather intelligence or to talk to people she feels she cant trust. It can also be used to form shadow tentacles which can be used to attack or grab people. Another example it can conceal an entrance off by making the area appear dark and no path through the said area.

    • It can be used just about anywhere due to the fact shadows can be made in almost all areas.
    • Can be used offensive and defensively quite well.
    • It is two times as effective against demons, spirits and undead


    • Due to its nature it isn't overly offensive or overly defensively making it not as strong offensively or defensively as other magic.
    • Weak vrs light mages as well as those that can remove the ability to create darkness
    • Is hard to conceal when using in the open due to the fact she will have a strong black aura emanating from her body.
    • It is significantly weaker in the daytime as a lot less shadows are available to use the darkness magic off of.


    Speed:Due to being able to move around in shadows she has a innate ability to move 10 percent faster.

    Like a Shadow: She is able to turn her body into a shadow form and travel around in it able to blend into the darkness or hop from shadow to shadow to remain unseen. She however cannot attack after being in this form for one post as she reforms her figure and becomes normal again.

    Demon Force: She has the ability to activate this great gift allowing her to become greatly stronger tougher and increase her magic powers 150 percent. This lasts for seven posts and after use she would lose all her magic power except for five percent.

    Paranoia:This is a unique feature of her magic that strikes at the primal fears of her opponents. It will at first have minor effects on them but as her spells hit them it will slowly begin to instill fear into their minds and begin to cause them to become paranoid, is there something in that darkness what is beyond this shadow and begin to effect their body as well as their minds.

    5 Stacks Opponent loses 10 percent of speed and strength for 2 posts can be reapplied every 5 stacks.
    10 Stacks: This will further effect the opponent as it will make them lose 10 percent of agility and make them unable to use a defensive technique for 2 posts. Can only be applied once every 8 posts.
    15 stacks: Due to the paranoia being so strong they will lose 20 percent of speed and strength and be unable to perform a offensive technique for 2 posts. This can only be applied once a battle
    20 Stacks if this many stacks are made the opponent will be to afraid to fight and will attempt to flee at all costs refusing to fight any further and forfeiting the battle. This can only be made to cause npcs to forfeit the battle PC will just attempt to run from her for two posts and this can only be used once a battle.
    These effects cannot stack so if you chose to lower speed and strength 10 percent you cannot use the others until it has faded off only one effect can be on the opponent at a time.

    Demon Force appearance:

    Spell Template

    Name: Dark Sabre
    Rank: D
    Type: Darkness, Holy
    Cooldown: 3 posts
    Duration: 2 posts
    Description: She will build power in her hand and dash toward her target as the darkness charges up it will fire a blade like shape of darkness out of her hand five feet stabbing the person she targets she is also able to form the blade for two total posts before it will disappear, this blade is weak to real weapons as it will shatter to a weapon of C rank or higher. This spell if successfully damages the opponent it counts as one charge of paranoia.

    • Can be used to fight someone with a sword or other form of weapon.
    • Able to be cast at a extremely fast rate
    • Able to pierce though defensive barriers its rank


    • Weak against Light magic
    • Can be broken by a spell D rank or higher
    • Is a very close range spell
    • Is weak against real blades as they can shatter it if C rank or higher

    Name: Dark Barrier
    Rank: What rank is your spell D
    Type: Hell Demon
    Cooldown: 3 posts
    Duration: 2 posts
    She will put a five foot tall barrier directly in front of her it is also 3 feet wide it is used for defensive purposes and can block other forms of magic. It can withstand one c rank attack or two d rank attacks before it crumbles or two posts. This is purely a defensive spell and has no offensive aspects about it.

    • It is very tough to break requiring a spell of higher rank to one shot the shield
    • It is two times as effective when fighting demons, Spirits, and undead.
    • It can block for more than one person if they are close enough to her


    • Weak against Light magic
    • Only can be placed in set location unable to move it
    • Does not completely surround her only blocks from the front
    • Only defensive with no offensive capabilities

    Name: Dark Tentacle
    Rank: C
    Type: Offensive, Holy, Darkness
    Cooldown: 3 posts
    Description: She will focus for a moment as her hands will raise into the air a large black tentacle will rise into the air aiming to attack or grapple her target. This is about six feet in length and around a four inches thick. It will attempt to grapple first but if not possible it will aim to slam down on her target. This can only be used within ten meters of herself but it can appear at any given location where a shadow is located. This can be broken by a C rank or higher spell. This spell if successful counts as two charges of paranoia.

    • It can appear very rapidly and out of seemingly no where.
    • It can hold her target while she attempts other spells or her allies can use spells.
    • It is holy darkness so it is two times as strong against demons, Spirits, and undead.


    • Limited range of at max six feet from where it appears
    • Weak against Light magic
    • Can be cut by a weapon of equal strength
    • Limited in its functions do to how fat it can travel

    Name: Dark Sphere
    Rank: C
    Type: Offensive, Holy, Darkness
    Cooldown: 3 posts
    Duration: Instant
    She will focus for a moment as a dark sphere of darkness magic will begin to gather in front of her. She will gather the nearby shadows before it finally makes it to the wanted size of three feet in diameter. She will than launch the attack at her target however this attack is a bit deceptive as it get closer it will increase in size to five meters in size and strike the area, it will then begin to pull the shadows in as it will explode out making it able to also hit others in the area while inside the shadows it will make the person inside feel completely loneliness and darkness possibly making them become scared. This spell if successful counts as two charges of paranoia. It moves at 20 meters s second and only hits the targets once for c ranked damage.

    • Able to attack a small area good at distracting enemies and dealing damage over a small area
    • Deals two times the damage to Demons, Spirits, and undead
    • a decent amount of damage


    • Weak to light magic
    • Only goes in a a straight path making it able to be side stepped if moving fast enough
    • Does not travel at the fastest speeds so can be avoided all together

    Last edited by Rekka Lawless on 21st November 2015, 12:41 pm; edited 7 times in total


    Rekkas Hell Slayer Magic[Done] Rekka2_by_gramcrackers-da9cjq9_zpsii1hnevm

    Completed Re: Rekkas Hell Slayer Magic[Done]

    Post by Guest 20th June 2014, 4:19 pm

    As D-Rank spells- and not to burst your bubble- your spells should have a maximum duration of 2 posts, and minimum cooldown of 3 posts. Also, at a D-Rank level, magic should not be capable of growing stronger in addition to adding more posts to a spell, under any circumstance.

    Other than this, love the idea, and everything else seems fine.
    Rekka Hecate
    Rekka Hecate

    Coming Storms- Player 
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    Completed Re: Rekkas Hell Slayer Magic[Done]

    Post by Rekka Hecate 21st June 2014, 7:18 am



    Rekkas Hell Slayer Magic[Done] Rekka2_by_gramcrackers-da9cjq9_zpsii1hnevm

    Completed Re: Rekkas Hell Slayer Magic[Done]

    Post by Guest 21st June 2014, 3:18 pm

    Approved! Have fun!
    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

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    Completed Re: Rekkas Hell Slayer Magic[Done]

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 15th September 2015, 12:44 am

    Rekka Lawless wrote:Magic

    Primary Magic: Hell Demon Slayer
    Secondary Magic: N/A
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Her magic is known as Hell Demon slayer and it is a very powerful darkness magic. Not only is it darkness it has the ability to manipulate the shadows around her being able to form shadows among many other things. This magic is reliant on their being some way to have a shadow form if someone uses light magic it makes it very difficult to use her magic and reduces its effects by fifty percent.

    An example of what her magic can do is she can form a shadow clone of herself sending into areas to gather intelligence or to talk to people she feels she cant trust. It can also be used to form shadow tentacles which can be used to attack or grab people. Another example it can conceal an entrance off by making the area appear dark and no path through the said area.

    • It can be used just about anywhere due to the fact shadows can be made in almost all areas.
    • Can be used offensive and defensively quite well.
    • It is two times as effective against demons, spirits and undead


    • Due to its nature it isn't overly offensive or overly defensively making it not as strong offensively or defensively as other magic.
    • Weak vrs light mages as well as those that can remove the ability to create darkness
    • Is hard to conceal when using in the open due to the fact she will have a strong black aura emanating from her body.
    • It is significantly weaker in the daytime as a lot less shadows are available to use the darkness magic off of.

    Demon Force: She has the ability to activate this great gift allowing her to become greatly stronger tougher and increase her magic powers two fold. This lasts for seven posts and after use she would lose all her magic power except for five percent.

    Demon Force appearance:

    Spell Template

    Name: Dark Sabre
    Rank: D
    Type: Darkness, Holy
    Cooldown: 3 posts
    Duration: 2 posts
    Description: She will build power in her hand and dash toward her target as the darkness charges up it will fire a blade like shape of darkness out of her hand five feet stabbing the person she targets she is also able to form the blade for two total posts before it will disappear, this blade is weak to real weapons as it will shatter to a weapon of C rank or higher.

    • Can be used to fight someone with a sword or other form of weapon.
    • Able to be cast at a extremely fast rate
    • Able to pierce though defensive barriers its rank


    • Weak against Light magic
    • Can be broken by a spell D rank or higher
    • Is a very close range spell
    • Is weak against real blades as they can shatter it if C rank or higher

    Name: Dark Barrier
    Rank: What rank is your spell D
    Type: Hell Demon
    Cooldown: 3 posts
    Duration: 2 posts
    She will put a five foot tall barrier directly in front of her it is also 3 feet wide it is used for defensive purposes and can block other forms of magic. It can withstand one c rank attack or two d rank attacks before it crumbles or two posts. This is purely a defensive spell and has no offensive aspects about it.

    • It is very tough to break requiring a spell of higher rank to one shot the shield
    • It is two times as effective when fighting demons, Spirits, and undead.
    • It can block for more than one person if they are close enough to her


    • Weak against Light magic
    • Only can be placed in set location unable to move it
    • Does not completely surround her only blocks from the front
    • Only defensive with no offensive capabilities

    Name: Dark Tentacle
    Rank: C
    Type: Offensive, Holy, Darkness
    Cooldown: 3 posts
    Description: She will focus for a moment as her hands will raise into the air a large black tentacle will rise into the air aiming to attack or grapple her target. This is about six feet in length and around a four inches thick. It will attempt to grapple first but if not possible it will aim to slam down on her target. This can only be used within ten meters of herself but it can appear at any given location where a shadow is located. This can be broken by a C rank or higher spell.

    • It can appear very rapidly and out of seemingly no where.
    • It can hold her target while she attempts other spells or her allies can use spells.
    • It is holy darkness so it is two times as strong against demons, Spirits, and undead.


    • Limited range of at max six feet from where it appears
    • Weak against Light magic
    • Can be cut by a weapon of equal strength
    • Limited in its functions do to how fat it can travel

    Name: Dark Sphere
    Rank: C
    Type: Offensive, Holy, Darkness
    Cooldown: 3 posts
    Duration: Instant
    She will focus for a moment as a dark sphere of darkness magic will begin to gather in front of her. She will gather the nearby shadows before it finally makes it to the wanted size of three feet in diameter. She will than launch the attack at her target however this attack is a bit deceptive as it get closer it will shatter into smaller balls hitting a small area. The speed of these balls is around ten meters a second and each ball will do D rank damage getting hit by two balls or more will equal C rank damage. It can travel a distance of thirty meters.

    • Able to attack a small area good at distracting enemies and dealing damage over a small area
    • Deals two times the damage to Demons, Spirits, and undead
    • a decent amount of damage


    • Weak to light magic
    • Only goes in a a straight path and the smaller orbs are only 5 inches in diameter with ten total.
    • Does not travel at the fastest speeds so can be avoided all together

    Pulling for edits at request of member


    Rekkas Hell Slayer Magic[Done] Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    Rekkas Hell Slayer Magic[Done] Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    Rekkas Hell Slayer Magic[Done] Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
    Current missions(4/6):  get the squid A, King of Fighters(S), Village Protection(A), Repair the House(D)
    Rekka Hecate
    Rekka Hecate

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    Completed Re: Rekkas Hell Slayer Magic[Done]

    Post by Rekka Hecate 18th November 2015, 9:45 am

    Ready to be checked


    Rekkas Hell Slayer Magic[Done] Rekka2_by_gramcrackers-da9cjq9_zpsii1hnevm

    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

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    Completed Re: Rekkas Hell Slayer Magic[Done]

    Post by Decayuss 20th November 2015, 6:16 pm

    Heya, Rekkers! This is Deca on the mic, and my edits are in this color.


    Rekkas Hell Slayer Magic[Done] Deacy2
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    Rekka Hecate
    Rekka Hecate

    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Queen of Darkness
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    Completed Re: Rekkas Hell Slayer Magic[Done]

    Post by Rekka Hecate 21st November 2015, 12:42 pm

    Edited added stuff for clarity for dark sphere and fixed demon force.


    Rekkas Hell Slayer Magic[Done] Rekka2_by_gramcrackers-da9cjq9_zpsii1hnevm

    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

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    Completed Re: Rekkas Hell Slayer Magic[Done]

    Post by Decayuss 21st November 2015, 12:46 pm



    Rekkas Hell Slayer Magic[Done] Deacy2
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    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

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    Completed Re: Rekkas Hell Slayer Magic[Done]

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 17th March 2020, 11:54 am

    Moved and unlocked at the user's request



    Rekka Hecate
    Rekka Hecate

    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Queen of Darkness
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    Completed Re: Rekkas Hell Slayer Magic[Done]

    Post by Rekka Hecate 17th March 2020, 5:39 pm

    Magic Name: Hell Demon Slayer
    Magic Type: Caster
    Her magic is known as Hell Demon slayer and it is a very powerful darkness magic. Not only is it darkness it has the ability to manipulate the shadows around her being able to form shadows among many other things. This magic is reliant on their being some way to have a shadow form if someone uses light magic it makes it very difficult to use her magic and reduces its effects by fifty percent.

    An example of what her magic can do is she can form a shadow clone of herself sending into areas to gather intelligence or to talk to people she feels she cant trust. It can also be used to form shadow tentacles which can be used to attack or grab people. Another example it can conceal an entrance off by making the area appear dark and no path through the said area.

    Unique Abilities: (List the abilities it provides, make sure to separate each ability! Abilities are like passive traits, or a hidden power that can be activated for a very limited amount of time. These abilities are Unique to your characters specific use of the magic! As a starting D rank character, you can have 1 unique ability.

    • Ability: Speed:Due to being able to move around in shadows she has a innate ability to move 10 percent faster.
    • Ability: Like a Shadow: She is able to turn her body into a shadow form and travel around in it able to blend into the darkness or hop from shadow to shadow to remain unseen. She however cannot attack after being in this form for one post as she reforms her figure and becomes normal again.
    • Ability: Paranoia:This is a unique feature of her magic that strikes at the primal fears of her opponents. It will at first have minor effects on them but as her spells hit them it will slowly begin to instill fear into their minds and begin to cause them to become paranoid, is there something in that darkness what is beyond this shadow and begin to effect their body as well as their minds.

      5 Stacks Opponent loses 10 percent of speed and strength for 2 posts can be reapplied every 5 stacks.
      10 Stacks: This will further affect the opponent as it will make them lose 10 percent of agility and make them unable to use a defensive technique for 2 posts. Can only be applied once every 8 posts.
      15 stacks: Due to the paranoia being so strong they will lose 20 percent of speed and strength and be unable to perform an offensive technique for 2 posts. This can only be applied once a battle
      20 Stacks if this many stacks are made the opponent will be too afraid to fight and will attempt to flee at all costs refusing to fight any further and forfeiting the battle. This can only be made to cause npcs to forfeit the battle PC will just attempt to run from her for two posts and this can only be used once a battle.
      These effects cannot stack so if you chose to lower speed and strength 10 percent you cannot use the others until it has faded off only one effect can be on the opponent at a time.


    Name: Dark Sabre
    Rank: D
    Category: Offensive
    Type: Single Target
    Damage: 40 HP
    Range: 60 Meters
    Speed: 60 Meters Per Second
    Duration: two posts or until broken
    Downside: N/A
    Description: She will build power in her hand and dash toward her target as the darkness charges up it will fire a blade like shape of darkness out of her hand five feet stabbing the person she targets she is also able to form the blade for two total posts before it will disappear, this blade is weak to real weapons as it will shatter to a weapon of C rank or higher. This spell if successfully damages the opponent it counts as one charge of paranoia.

    Name: Dark Barrier
    Rank: D
    Category: Defensive
    Type: Multiple Target
    Damage: 90 Durability
    Range: 45 meters
    Speed: 30 meters
    Duration: Until Broken
    Downside: N/A
    Description: She will create a large shield made of shadow in front of her, this will expand out five meters to either side of her and is able to cover her and allies if they are close enough. This shield is quite handy in a pinch and allows her to attack from behind cover as well.

    Name: Dark Tentacle
    Rank: C
    Category: Offensive
    Type: Single Target
    Damage: 60 HP
    Range: 120 meters
    Speed: 60 meters per second
    Duration: one post
    Downside: N/A
    Description:  She will focus for a moment as her hands will raise into the air a large black tentacle will rise into the air aiming to attack or immobilize her target. This is about six feet in length and around a four inches thick. It will attempt to grapple first but if not possible it will aim to slam down on her target. This can only be used within 120 meters of herself but it can appear at any given location where a shadow is located.

    Name: (Name of the Spell )
    Rank: (What rank is your spell? D, C, B, A, S, or H)
    Category: (Offensive, Defensive, Supportive, Auxiliary)
    Type: (Single Target, Multiple Target, Area of Effect, Burst.)
    Damage: (Put the amount of damage the spell deals here, see the magic rules for how much damage each spell type deals. Alternatively, change "Damage" to "Durability" for defensive spells and "Healing" for healing spells)
    Range: (Put the range of the spell, see tables and faq thread in the rules area for the range each spell type has)
    Speed: (Put the speed of the spell, see tables and faq thread in the rules area for the speed each spell type has)
    Duration: (How long does the spell last?)
    Downside: (An optional field, a downside applies to the spell specifically in order to attempt to increase one of its aspects for an impactful trade-off)
    Description: (How the spell is cast, what it looks like, what it does, extra info. )


    Rekkas Hell Slayer Magic[Done] Rekka2_by_gramcrackers-da9cjq9_zpsii1hnevm

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:58 pm