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    All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event]


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    All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event] Empty All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event]

    Post by Lilith 18th December 2019, 9:18 am

    I can be your sugar when you're fiendin' for that sweet spot
    Put me in your mouth, baby, and eat it 'til your teeth rot
    Lilith Kadokawa

    There was a bittersweet feel to the day ahead, on one hand Lili was excited to be out of the office. To be out and about, actually doing something, and on the other hand, what it was she was charged with doing, was patrolling. Patrolling didn't seem like an especially fun task, if your luck was out, it was little more than an uneventful stroll. But with some hope, something exciting would happen, and that's what Lili was gunning for. Excitement. On the plus side, even if the job was dull, she had the joy of working with some new colleagues today, her captain and superior in the Spec Ops, and another recently recruited private. She hoped they were interesting people, the last thing she needed was to be walking around the Winter Solstice Festival with a Sharon from payroll.

    She wandered over to the meet up point, having just purchased a hot chocolate from one of the stalls. It seemed like at least something she would be allowed to do, and the stall had a bunch of different flavours, for several minutes Lili debated the crème liquer hot chocolate but she hadn't met this Captain yet and wasn't quite sure how 'chill' he was. She lingered around at the meet-point at the outskirts of the festival, her raven black hair down for once instead of in it's usual pigtails, sporting a red winter coat and white beret. Under which she had her uniform, at present it was a little too chilly to be walking around in just her uniform. Her emerald eyes roamed the event they were playing the role of 'security' for, excitement brewing. She wondered if her captain would let them have a little fun today, you couldn't just go to a festival and not enjoy any of the stalls or games. It just wasn't right.

    WC: 311 / 1500  Tag: @David Bell , @Shane Stern Tokens: 1 / 5 (For the Hot Chocolate)


    Shane Stern
    Shane Stern

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    All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event] Empty Re: All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event]

    Post by Shane Stern 19th December 2019, 8:27 am

    As always, the people of Fiore would never pass up on the chance for a celebration despite the many unfortunate circumstances that always accompanied such events. The Midsummer Solstice had been one particularly harrowing event, followed closely by the Halloween Festival. But through all this, one could see their persistence to never let themselves be put down by their past and their determination to get over it with even more over-the-top means of celebrating the festivities. With more than enough experience dealing with the chaos and disorder of such large scale celebrations in the event of any disruptions, Shane had chosen to bring along his two coworkers for a little mixture of fun and work as they patrolled.

    He was supposed to meet the two of them at the outskirts of the festival, but instead of taking a big detour, Shane decided to cut through the festival, walking through the streets full of cheerful atmosphere, smiling as he watched the people enjoy himself.

    “Captain Stern!” somebody called out to Shane’s surprise and the Rune Knight turned around to look at a girl in her twenties minding a simply but cleverly decorated stall.

    “Hi Millie,” Shane walked over with a broad smile on his face, taking note of what she was selling today. He had saved the girl once when her stall had been robbed, and whenever he had the chance, he would go over to her stall for a cup of chocolate as a way of supporting her. Despite her airheaded appearance, the girl possessed the sharp acumens of a businessman and would never stand to make a loss.

    “Have a cup of hot chocolate! On me!” the girl said as she held out a mug with both hands towards Shane. Smiling, the Rune Knight took it with a thanks and made his way towards the meeting point. As he neared the meet point, Shane pulled a flask of whisky from his Requip dimension with his left hand and expertly twisting the cap open with the same hand, he began to add the hard liquor into his chocolate while walking. He had noticed that Millie was selling an alcoholic version and he would have preferred that, but he couldn’t reject the girl’s offer.

    He had just completed pouring in a very generous amount when he finally walked up to Lilith’s side, one of the two new Rune Knights to be working with him today. He thought about it, if he should offer Lilith a little of the alcohol when he noticed she was also drinking hot chocolate. It took him less than three seconds and he quickly made his decision with a shrug.

    “Lilith, would you like a dash of whisky in your hot chocolate?” the Rune Knight General asked casually.

    [Shane's WC: 461 / 1500]
    [1 token: Hot Chocolate Tasting]


    David Bell
    David Bell

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    All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event] Empty Re: All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event]

    Post by David Bell 28th December 2019, 1:22 am

    David was no stranger to Era as a city, their festivals were always ones to be excited for no matter the season, though this will be the boy’s first time attending as a peacekeeper instead of a civilian, this change of perspective made him jittery with excitement rather than dread at first, even the cold midday air was nothing against a peppy protector in his Rune Knight uniform.

    Just so he could show off the freshly ironed and sharp looking uniform, David had to add an extra cloth layer or three underneath and when paired with his habit to wear chain mail undershirts whenever he ventured out for protection, this resulted in the boy having to buy a uniform set one size larger just for those winter seasons.

    ‘If it gets in the way though, I’ll have to take it off’ David lamented the possibility of ripping off a perfectly good set of work attire just because he couldn’t use magic most effectively, so he offered a prayer to the gods in hope the days goes uneventful, even though criminals don’t normally worship gods, only themselves.

    Strolling through packed markets, David was semi routinely stopped with offers of gifts for his fellow Knights by shop owners wanting a taste tester or a Rune Knight seal of approval to help with buyer traffic, the boy couldn’t just say no the first couple times this had happened but eventually too much hot chocolate is too much, so the mid to latter half of stalls were met with polite declines since he was already carrying an ale cup full of the stuff, these rejections were especially blunt to the few who tried to offer alcohol instead, even when in jest.

    Eventually David arrived to two colleagues from another branch, both seniors that asked the newbie to tag along so he gets to know the ropes of patrolling, or on the off chance the two just wanted a break and thought walking a puppy could help avoid any heavy responsibility for this festival, the knight solely thought the former and shooed off his bunkmate’s ideas of the latter.

    “Did someone mention hot chocolate? I have some here too!” Only arriving during the tail end of Captain Shane’s question to Lilith. “Thank you for bringing me out here! It’s a pleasure to be under the direction of two great knights!” David said with an unabashed grin and a curt bow of respect, holding the large mug of hot choco chest level to minimize spillage.

    Words: 419 / 419 / 1500
    Tokens: +1 (hot chocolate)
    Tagged: @Lilith . @Shane Stern

    Colour: 99d9ea

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    All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event] Empty Re: All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event]

    Post by Lilith 28th December 2019, 2:21 pm

    I can be your sugar when you're fiendin' for that sweet spot
    Put me in your mouth, baby, and eat it 'til your teeth rot
    Lilith Kadokawa

    The crunching of snow under feet drew her emerald gaze, at first falling upon the sight of her captain. And boy, if she could slow down time on this moment, and play some sexy strip-club jams in the background whilst watching his approach in slow motion, she certainly would of. Her Captain, was a fine specimen of a man, with his chiselled jawline and soldier-esque mannerism. It certainly uplifted the idea of working with him, at least if he was boring, she had something nice to look at. The familiar scent of alcohol hit her nose, her eyes lighting up as he addressed her, offering a most amazing suggestion.

    "Now that, Captain, would be splendid. I have to say, I was looking forward to meeting my superior, your reputation is... fascinating." She purred, offering her drink to him so that he could add the whiskey. She was immensely pleased, if he was like this now, she couldn't wait to see what it would be like to have him train her. Maybe, she could talk to him about actually taking on some decent jobs, as opposed to the mostly desk-bodying she was doing at present. Another voice drew her gaze, causing Lili to angle her head round to glance at the other recruit. He, like the Captain, seemed to also be younger than Lilith, not by much however, and in no way built like a child. My, my, I sure am being tested today. She thought as she drank in the sight of him, his honouring words causing her to arch a brow at him, a devilish grin creeping on her lips as she watched him bow. "Oh no, I can assure you, the pleasure is mine. I'm Lili, by the way, and what's you name sweetie?" She asked in a friendly tone, he was cute, really cute and immediately gave of a vibe she found herself intrigued by. Lili really liked sweet boys. She took a sip of her drink before stepping away from the men, she turned to face them, walking backwards as she addressed her co-workers simultaneously.

    "So patrolling huh... Are we seriously going to just spend the whole time walking around? I mean like..." She glanced around, looking for something to use as an example. As she spotted the sled racing, she grinned, raising her hand to indicate towards it. "We obviously have to inspect such events thoroughly, make sure they are up to code. Take those sleds, are they sturdy? We should test them." She suggested, trying to surpress the playful grin that was threatening to expose her true intentions.

    WC: 435 Lili's WC: 746 / 1500  Tag: @David Bell , @Shane Stern Tokens: 1 / 5 (For the Hot Chocolate)


    Shane Stern
    Shane Stern

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    All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event] Empty Re: All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event]

    Post by Shane Stern 6th January 2020, 6:30 pm

    Shane had initially been surprised when he saw Lilith for the first time. He had seen her dossier when she had joined the Spec Ops division, as was the custom for him to do to know his colleagues better. Parts of her appearance reminded him of a certain someone, but that thought lingered on his expression for less than a second. Looking at Lilith again, he could see sharp intelligence staring back through her clear eyes. Another gem had joined the ranks of the Spec Ops and he couldn’t be more thankful.

    “My reputation? I hope it’s positive,” Shane lightly chuckled as he angled the flask of whisky in his right hand and poured a generous amount into Lilith’s cup. “You seem like you could hold your liquor.”

    Just as he pulled back his hand with the flask, another voice piped up from the side and Shane glanced in the direction. In comparison to Lilith’s more calculated and cool appearance, the new Knight that had just walked up on them seemed like he was more of a jovial person. He remembered something about this fellow as well. Atop from going through the documents of the personnel joining the Spec Ops, he would often keep an eye out on the other divisions as well.

    “Great to meet you too, David,”
    Shane returned the greeting with a warm smile, and he looked at the flask in his hand, a moment of indecision creeping up on him. But it was barely more than a second when he wiped the notion away and just straight up offered. “Do you need something extra in your chocolate to keep you extra warm?”

    As he did so, Shane suddenly thought of how Gisen would react if she knew that Shane was offering alcohol to her division members on the job. Remembering her powerful punches, the male Rune Knight’s movements froze slightly before adding awkwardly. “Don’t tell your General about it though. Let’s keep it between us three.”

    When the introductions were done, Shane looked about as well at Lilith’s question. The meaning of her question couldn’t have been clearer and the Rune Knight General merely grinned slyly.

    “Lilith makes a very good point. As the peacekeepers around here, we should make sure that the risk of accidents are reduced. Come on, kids, the Rune Knights are gonna have to man up and try out the sleds before the civilians hurt themselves,” Shane said with authority, and then winked at them with a playful grin on his face.

    Like a conquering general, the blonde soldier held up his right hand and then pointed it forward as he marched towards the snow sleds.

    “I’ll be needing three sleds please,” Shane declared to the young man manning the registration counter. Numerous sleds of various sizes were piled up by the side of the counter, with another three young men working to organize them despite the continuous in and out flow of sleds. Shane turned around to look at the two younger Rune Knights following behind him.

    “Go on, choose yours,” Shane said with, jabbing his right thumb backwards at the sleds while he swallowed his chocolate in one big gulp before tossing the empty cup in the nearest trash bin.

    [540 words]
    [Shane's WC: 1001 / 1500]


    David Bell
    David Bell

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    All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event] Empty Re: All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event]

    Post by David Bell 9th January 2020, 11:32 am

    "Oh! My apologise, I'm Private David of house Bell! It's an honour once again!", Straightening his back after the greeting, David started to marvel at the sight of his superiors, studying them from head to toe for a moment showed the difference between their confident postures, Miss Lili’s lax front spoke as if she was in her element, perhaps she works better in the cold? A shiver ran down his spine, feigning the sensation for the cold catching up to him, David forgot his brief cursory stare into pretty her eyes, the sensation was better masked then miss Onida’s blatant predatory gaze.

    About to drink from his ale cup, David’s attention flew to Captain Shane’s question for a warmer drink. “I don’t know what General Gisen has to do with this but sure! The cold’s getting to me more than I thought” Which shouldn’t be possible, the boy internally qualmed, graciously accepting the unknown liquid from the flask into his cup before mixing it with his pinky, the taste that met his tongue was sweeter than expected, the bitter chocolate had a spicier aftertaste sure, but that first sting of the tongue was very pleasant.

    Thanking Captain Shane once again for his generosity, David studied him more thoroughly while drinking with fervor, the good Captain always looked like he had an ear or eye out to the surroundings, indicating some greater level of combat experience or just general higher awareness, very different to how Major Doppo conducted himself normally, the thought made David want to go out with the Major some time for lunch, curious if the Major is as distant even in outdoors.

    By the time the topic of Sled racing popped up, David had already gave his now empty mug to a nearby stall. “Hm, so it’s a bit like horse riding?” The country bumpkin spent most winters in the mountains with his father training or at home learning something with his Grandfather, the concept of sliding down a steep incline with a board on skates sparked a curious glow for the boy, causing to nod his head rapidly when miss Lili and later Captain went along with the idea.

    “Sounds like fun! This’ll be my first time doing something like this but how hard can it be?” David smiled happily as he asked for the most sturdiest sled the keeper had, which turned out to be almost 5 feet high, seemed to be one of those double ones, “Anyone want to join me? I’d appreciate someone teaching me from behind” he posed his question before trotting over to the starting line with or without a partner.

    David was concerned if the sled could ever take his weight but all the sled elected out was a slight stiff creek of the metal supported wood. Cross legged, the boy sat in anticipation atop the starting hill, digging in his hands into the ground beside him to halt the sled’s movement. “Ready? Set!” The boy reared slightly forward with a look of concentration, hoping his weight doesn’t veer this ship into an iceberg, “And Go!” the announcer for the race shouted. David’s arms pull the sled cleanly through the starting line above him and now almost bullets down the mountain!

    Words: 540 / 959 / 1500
    Tokens: +2 (Sled Racing!)
    Tagged: @Lilith . @Shane Stern

    Colour: 99d9ea

    Last edited by David Bell on 9th January 2020, 11:44 am; edited 1 time in total
    David Bell
    David Bell

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    All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event] Empty Re: All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event]

    Post by David Bell 9th January 2020, 11:36 am

    (Reply for monster dice, I forgot to do that after finishing my post! Sorry bout this!)

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    All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event] Empty Re: All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event]

    Post by NPC 9th January 2020, 11:36 am

    The member 'David Bell' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event] OdAaNwh

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event] Empty Re: All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event]

    Post by Lilith 9th January 2020, 12:51 pm

    I can be your sugar when you're fiendin' for that sweet spot
    Put me in your mouth, baby, and eat it 'til your teeth rot
    Lilith Kadokawa

    "Oh you have no idea Captain," She purred in response to her superior, pleasant memories flitting to her mind of many an inebriated 'good times' as it were. the woman had embraced the youthful stereotype of 'rebellion' with full force with little care as to what consequences it came with. Thus have accumulated quite the tolerance for alcohol in her years, and she was certainly still going strong in her progression, even at the age of twenty-four. She was by no means done with the 'party-scene' and it's intoxicating perks.

    As David arrived and introduced himself to her, she found her biting her bottom lip, but decided against further comment. Instead she offered him a nod, before glancing back to the Captain, who advised them not to inform the general about their little 'beverage' situation, she giggled amused by both Shane's cheekiness and David's innocent response. "My lips are sealed," she replied adding a playful wink for good measure. As they began their so called 'patrol', she would sip her drink casually, enjoying the subtle underlayer of whiskey that now paralleled the drink sweet flavours.

    Fortunately for the raven-haired girl, her little sled inspection idea was met with quick agreement from the others. With an excited squeal she followed after the men, she snickered at David's comment assuming that sledding was like horse riding, "If you mean in the sense of holding on for dear life as you ride at uncontrollable speed, then sure, it's just like horse-riding. She teased, before mimicking the others and draining the remainder of her Hot-Choc Cocktail.

    As the Captain ordered up three sleds, Lili had just picked up her own, before hearing David's request, throwing it back over her shoulder haphazardly she strode over to the new guy. Seeing an opportunity too good to miss, "Sure, I'll join you."  She commented, sliding down behind him, she wrapped her arms around his waist. "I'll try not to squeeze too tight," She whispered in his ear, her emerald eyes watching his expression as she leaned herself against his back. Her excitement rising as the announcer called for the start of the race, and then in a swift moment, they were off.

    Lili shrieked in playful delight as they zoomed off down the hill, snow flying past them as they whizzed forward with impressive speed. Holding on to the man in front of her with more zeal than she had initially intended. As they slid through the track, Lili's eyes widened as the sight of a large bush appeared in the distance, one they were heading right for. "David! Look out!!" She called to him her tone now hinting at a slight panic, the female Rune Knight hopeful that he would be able to steer them out of the way in time.

    WC: 467 Lili's WC: 1213 / 1500  Tag: @David Bell , @Shane Stern
    Tokens: 3 / 5 (Hot Chocolate, Sledding)


    Shane Stern
    Shane Stern

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    All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event] Empty Re: All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event]

    Post by Shane Stern 10th January 2020, 12:30 pm

    Shane smirked as he watched his two coworkers got acquainted with each other. Lilith had betrayed a little of her emotion earlier when David walked up to the two of them, and Shane knew that the young man was now tightly in the clutches of the female Spec Ops operative. He shook his head as he chuckled at their antics as he placed his sled down on the snow, one foot stepping down on the sled to keep it from sliding ahead.

    “Play safe, you two,” he called out to the two of them just as the start of the race was announced, accompanied by a shrill whistle. With both hands dug deep into the snow to the sides of his sled, Shane pushed off with all his might, propelling himself and his sled into the air before dropping back to the ground after covering a short distance and speeding off. Hands grabbing the front of his sled tightly, the Rune Knight maneuvered his ‘vehicle’ with ease as he kept up with the speed of his two coworkers.

    A panicked call from Lilith to the side accompanied an impending crash with a bush but the Rune Knight General had his own way of dealing with it. With a flick of his wrist, a combat knife appeared from thin air. An effortless swing sent three blades of compressed air cutting through the bush, decimating it just in time for Shane to blast through it.

    “Damn it!”
    Shane shouted, along with a string of other profanities as the next obstacle came into sight. “I was joking when I said we needed to check for dangers!”

    Barely ten meters from the bush, a large barren tree was blocking their way. Rolling his eyes, the Rune Knight General used his left hand to grab the side of his sled and heaved himself and the sled into the air, pulling off a double side flip in the air. He barely completed the second flip in time, the bottom of his sled scratching noisily across the tree trunk, barely avoiding a collision with the large tree.

    Fortunately, the rest of the course was peril-free and within five minutes, the blonde Rune Knight allowed his sled to drift to the right across the snow, eventually coming to a stop as it bumped gently into the raised snow bank.

    “You either cut down that tree, or you change the course,” Shane growled to the young man at the booth when he walked over to the return the sled.

    [420 words]
    [Shane's WC: 1421 / 1500]


    David Bell
    David Bell

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    All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event] Empty Re: All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event]

    Post by David Bell 11th January 2020, 12:36 pm

    The sled rocketed down the hill much faster then the boy initially anticipated, this was likely due to the combined weight of both Lilith and himself, the speeds reached were almost too hard to control by shifting his bodyweight alone even when alerted by his companion of the impending snow covered bush that came into view.

    Cursing his lack of perception, David had seconds to react to this crisis, seconds used to instinctively cast Amplify into his body and sword beside his waist while covering Lilith’s body with Reinforcement at the same time, the boy prepared to take the full brunt of the high speed foliage if he failed to cut most of it apart. The plan was a rushed attempt that could land easily land the boy into the infirmary but he wouldn’t regret it whatsoever by the look of resolve shown on his face.

    This stoic frown soon turned to shock as when the boy was about to let go from holding Lilith’s arms to draw his sword, the shrub was literally scattered to the winds by some kind of blade as the leftovers peppered David’s right side, the snow quickly flew past the pair to reveal another, much slimmer obstacle in their way; a white hollow tree.

    With more time to act for this, David shifted some of his bodyweight to the left and dragged that side’s arm into the snowy ground for stabilization, forcing the sled to shift around the tree instead of going right through it. Thankfully that was the end to the obstacles and all the boy had to accomplish was reaching the end.

    By the point the two arrived, Captain Shane was already hounding the booth worker. But before that, “Are you okay Lili?!”, A flustered David finally let go of Lilith’s arms around his waist and turned his body around, hastily investigating any potential injury she might of obtained. While completely ignoring his cut cheek and all the bits of wood sticking out from the right side of his chest.

    The youth who managed collecting the sleds replied to Shane with a stuttering “y-yes sir!” as he rushed to alert his superior of the accident and debris along the track, and to temporarily close off the game to “clear out unwanted debris”.

    Words: 380 / 1325 / 1500
    Tokens: +2 (Sled Racing!)
    Tagged: @Lilith . @Shane Stern

    Colour: 99d9ea

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    All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event] Empty Re: All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event]

    Post by Lilith 13th January 2020, 2:22 pm

    I can be your sugar when you're fiendin' for that sweet spot
    Put me in your mouth, baby, and eat it 'til your teeth rot
    Lilith Kadokawa

    Inspite of her cry, Lili was rather thrilled by the reckless layout of the sledding event, the danger added an element of excitement she hadn't expected. Fortunately for her, her Captain and David handled the situation perfectly, meaning she didn't have to engage in any of her magic. Not that she would have minded, but it allowed her to fully enjoy the experience as the 'victim' in this case, an act she quickly put on as they came to a stop. Her emerald eyes twinkling as though butter wouldn't melt as she looked up at into David's concerned ones. "I am, thanks to you." She said in a breathy tone, her lips curling into an pleased smile. Her eyes slid to the cut on his cheek, "Oh you're hurt!" She commented, reaching up to touch his cheek with her fingers, her magic would flow. Shadows would begin to dance around the two of them, the wind picking up as Lili's magic would work at healing his wounds. Despite their ominous appearance, the magic itself would have a pleasant feel, as though it was the work of one with an affinity for the divine. After a moment the shadows would disperse and the winds would settled back down, she would lower her hand tilting her head before checking with him,"How's that?"

    Once he released his grip on her arm, she slid off of the sled, before climbing to her feet.  Turning on her feet, she strode over to the desk, where her Captain was berating the event host. Her demeanour quickly changed, her sweet, flirtatious gaze glinting with lethality for just a moment as she crossed her arms over her check. "I'd listen to him if I were you," She stared for a moment, for the briefest of moments, a sadistic grin would flicker open her lips before quickly morphing in the perky facade she'd been wearing moments before. Turning she would strut away, hands casually brushing down her uniform which was now slightly messy with snow. "I'd say that was quite the successful inspection wouldn't you? We should see what else there is to check out, who knows what other dangers we might find?" She said to the others in an amused tone, her eyes already in search of more fun things to do with the men.

    As she spotted that very event, a squeal would escape her lips. "That, we have to do that!" She said pointing excitedly at the frozen t-shirt contest, her mind whirring for a moment quickly coming up with ways to justify it. "Think about it, also those frozen shirts could give someone an ice burn and what if they crack, they could cut someone. We should test it out just in case," She knew she was talking rubbish, that this event if anything was most likely entirely risk free. But that didn't mean she wasn't going to partake. She fully intended on doing so regardless, she just wanted to offer them the oppurtunity to play along.

    WC: 503 Lili's WC: 1716 / 1500  Tag: @David Bell , @Shane Stern
    Tokens: 3 / 5 (Hot Chocolate, Sledding)



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    All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event] Empty Re: All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event]

    Post by NPC 13th January 2020, 2:22 pm

    The member 'Lilith' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event] R2fEWNz All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event] OdAaNwh All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event] OdAaNwh
    Shane Stern
    Shane Stern

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    All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event] Empty Re: All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event]

    Post by Shane Stern 17th January 2020, 11:11 am

    With Shane’s warning, the young man tending to the snow sled racing instantly sprung into action, grabbing an axe and hurrying away with two other men to attack the tree that was serving as a rather dangerous obstacle on the course. Shane merely shook his head as he watched the group of men rush off, but the smile came back to his face when Lilith had joined in on the conversation. He knew very well that the girl wasn’t even in the mood to do anything as a Rune Knight but since it was the holiday season, Shane had no reason not to cut her any slack. Since he was already in a festive mood, the Rune Knight General was in a playful mood as well.

    “You… are right. David, get it together. We will be inspecting another event. I seriously, honestly can’t believe that these people could organize a competition as dangerous as the frozen T-shirt contest. Lilith is correct. We can’t have people cutting themselves with the dangerous and sharp ice while attempting to defrost those shirts. Come on, it’s time we put ourselves on the line again for the safety of the civilians we are protecting,” Shane spoke, once again with an authoritative tone, contradicted only by the mischievous glint in his eyes and the wide grin on his face. “Let’s move out.”

    Arriving at the booth, Shane quickly made the arrangements for the three of them to participate in the contest. The lady tending to the contest pulled out three T-shirt, completely frozen, from a large barrel filled to the brim with water and ice. Shane took the one meant for him, and ignoring the crowd that was gathering around them to watch the contest, the Rune Knight first shed his Rune Knight coat. As he removed it with a flick of his fingers, easily storing the upper portion of his uniform into his Requip dimension, revealing his amazingly chiseled muscles.

    With a magic that amplified his metabolism beyond the limits of normal humans, Shane’s body was constantly burning fat, leaving only sculpted muscles from the constantly harsh training that he put himself through on a daily basis. Oblivious to the stares of the crowd, the Rune Knight began to rub the frozen T-shirt against his wide chest and his washboard abs, moving it up and down as he tried to use his body heat to thaw the ice.

    Blundering through without thinking of capitalizing on his Flame God Slayer magic, he fortunately managed to thaw out the frozen T-shirt rather quickly compared to the other contestants. Water from the melted ice began dripping down his torso, painting an even more toned figure, which dripped further down his pants. When the T-shirt was finally flexible enough, Shane quickly struggled with putting on the wet T-shirt.

    The end result was the Rune Knight General wearing a white T-shirt that was rather transparent from all the water in it, hugging his figure tightly while his trained muscles looked like they were trying to burst from beneath the fabric.

    He turned around to the lady who was judging the contest with a nonchalant smile, hoping that he had completed it quickly enough.

    [532 words]
    [Shane's WC: 1953 / 1500]


    David Bell
    David Bell

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    All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event] Empty Re: All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event]

    Post by David Bell 17th January 2020, 1:02 pm

    David’s panic quickly faded, a subtle blank stare gave way once Lilith applied her own magic to wash away the small cut, the boy said thanks while following his seniors to the next game with a smile on his face as he agreed the ‘inspection’ should go on after such a minor incident. Once Lilith posed the next event to attend however, David’s expression stiffened and once reading the signboard to said contest, his mood turned sour.

    Gazing at the previous players of the contest, David noticed all of the men who participated were bare chested or were the near equivalent. “Unless you achieve ascension, these scars will stay with you for the rest of your life” remembering his own Father’s words regarding his scars, “I know you think these are a badge of honour, to show you lived another day through this brutal training, but others may not understand”I know, David muttered a reply as his dark expression shone a smile once again, as he rushed to catch up to Captain and Lili.

    Once palmed the block of ice and lined up just like the other participants, all the men tore off their shirts, doublets and coats ahead of time to help put on their ice cold shirt. David consciously looked away from Lilith just in case if she wanted some privacy, amidst the onlooking crowd. After giving the good Captain a cursory glance, the boy noticed how many of the peanut gallery stared at his fit body, if looks could kill, David was somewhat jealous of the seemingly perfect physique right beside him.

    Although David was apprehensive at first, after seeing Captain’s lack care regarding disrobing, courage worked into the boy. Quickly unbuttoning the Rune Knights garb, the layer of chain shirt as well as the pairs of simple shirts for warmth and setting them aside neatly atop the snow-covered grass, David’s chest and arms were out in full display, a set of muscles that weren’t too inferior to his Captains, just add the fact that scars of varying methods littered the boy’s body, from old small stab marks to long straight sword cuts, some of the audience were wide eyed, but David didn’t pay attention as he realised the race had already begun.

    The effect of Amplify was still active from earlier so as the boy decided to whittle down his ice block with pure arm strength with a bear hug, though that ended up just shattering the encased shirt into a couple pieces, taking the sacrifice as is, David flapped the first half open like a summer day rug before fitting one piece’s sleeve up one arm. Doing the same to the second cost extra time, even when the boy got lucky in not finding much resistance when sliding his arm through the second sleeve.

    The shirt ended up becoming ripped from one shoulder down to the bottom of the other side, almost following one of the scars peeking out from sticky damp shirt. “Finished, I think...” David was embarrassed by his almost childish display of strength.

    Words: 512 / 1837 / 1500
    Tokens: +2 (Frozen T-Shirts!)
    Tagged: @Lilith . @Shane Stern

    Colour: 99d9ea

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    All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event] Empty Re: All work & no play makes Jack Frost a dull boy~ [Xmas Event]

    Post by Lilith 17th January 2020, 2:26 pm

    I can be your sugar when you're fiendin' for that sweet spot
    Put me in your mouth, baby, and eat it 'til your teeth rot
    Lilith Kadokawa

    Excited for the events that we're about to unfold, Lili strode forth to the frozen t-shirt counter, getting into position. She rolled her shoulders, her emerald eyes scanning the competition. There was of course her captain and fellow private, several other males and a few young girls such as herself, giggling nervously at the prospect of what they might have to do. Lili took a moment to deliberate, to go for the win or to have a little fun. Her lips curled into a smirk once more as she quickly decided on the latter. Removing her winter coat, hat, and scarves, she got into position for the games as they were about to begin. As single thought running through her mind,

    Fuck winning, it was time to be bad.

    The bell rang for the competition to start, and Lili's nimble fingers did not move to the iced shirt, but instead the base of her own top. with a swift upwards pull, she yanked it off her body revealing her lithe nimble figure. She then lowered her hands to her skirt, and with a rather sensual unbuttoning, she unhooked it and allowed it to drop to her feet. Giggling as she stepped forward from the pile of cloths, wearing nothing but her red lacy underwear, the cold hitting her freshly exposed skin. There was staring and whistles, but she paid them no mind. Because next, she would grab hold of the iced shirt and began to rub it against her skin. Using the heat of her own flesh to thaw it out, hissing through her teeth at it's bitter chill, her grin never faltering as her skin turned pink under it's icy bite. Her eyes fluttered over to the others, firstly eying her Captain, who had torn his clothes off as she had, exposing his ripped muscles. Oh shit, she thought with an arched brow, enjoying the sight of him pulling the wet shirt over his impressive muscles. She then looked at David, for a moment she would stop what she was doing. Her eyes catching the sight of not only his toned physique, but something far better.


    There was a crack between her hands, the sudden excitement that had rippled through her had caused her to squeeze the frozen shirt with such force that it snapped in her grasps. She looked down, giggling in amusement. "Oops," She said before continuing to try to thaw and pry upon the shirt. Eyes wandering over to David a little more frequently now. Those delicious looking scars filling the woman with an unexpected heat. They looked so exquisitely painful, she wished she knew the story behind them, how he must've cried as they riddled his body.

    She was so distracted by her newly instigated arousal that she took longer than the others to finish unfolded her shirt, finally pulling the fabric over herself. The base of the skirt that had been torn completely from it's counterpart, hung from her hips, almost like a skirt. The top half hanging over her like a crop top, she twirled, modelling the damp clothes playfully. "Well looks like I lost that one, but it's alright. Just participating was worth it." She stepped up to David, running a finger down his chest, "I really, really enjoyed it." She remarked softly, his eyes would meet his for a moment, holding his gaze with a look of want. Then swiftly, she would spin on her heel. "Now then boys, what next?" She asked with a laugh, eager to get into more shenanigans with her fellow Rune Knights. And so she would grab her pile of clothes and quickly hurry off to look for more fun things for them to do, not the least bit concerned about her state of dress.


    WC: 631 Lili's WC: 2329 / 1500  Tag: @David Bell , @Shane Stern
    Total Thread WC: 6119 [4500 Used for Event, 1619 Excess [Used for D Rank Freeform]
    Tokens: 5 / 5 (Hot Chocolate, Sledding, Frozen T Shirt)


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