Fairy Tail RP

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    Reunited At Last


    Reunited At Last Empty Reunited At Last

    Post by Guest 29th January 2020, 1:07 pm

    She’d heard so much about this port town. About they’d hunter her mother and dragged her to the local prison. How they’d used drugs to knock her out and tie her up like a turkey and how they’d robbed her of her dignity. Yes, her mother had eventually escaped and killed many of the law men but that was not enough for the pink haired girl. No, she sought more than that. The entire city needed to be eradicated, with the walls of every building being spilt with the blood of the people living there. It didn’t matter who fell to her and whether they were innocent or not. There was little of the maniacal joy that could usually be found in the eyes of the pink haired girl, just a cold look that was enough to wilt the fighting spirits of anyone who dared get in her way. It was the look that she’d inherited directly from her mother and her mannerisms that day could almost be a mirror of Sarisha’s

    Having walked rather than flew, the girl was fully prepared to get started with her task and the moment that they saw the first sign of movement, Cierra had released her blood claws and sprinted towards her targets. The male didn’t even have a chance to react before he found himself being impaled by the pinkette, blood bursting forth from his chest. She’d viciously swipe twice more at him, swiftly ending his miserable life, with the momentum allowing her to spin around and lunge at a second figure. The slayer didn’t even get a look at who they were, with the body just collapsing to the ground like a sack of spuds. Shrieking with rage, she’d then burst again into a sprint, using her natural as well magically enhanced speed to quickly move into the town itself.

    No one was safe and the bodies soon began to pile up as Cierra gave in completely to her lust for vengeance. There was no mercy, no childish giggling, just raw hatred and there was a  viciousness to her combat style that she’d never shown before. The girl didn’t even use her spells and just relied on pure physical might, slashing through skin, bones and organs with wild abandon and littering the ground with her hopelessly outmatched opponents. She made everyone suffer and she soon lost count of just how many fell to her blades. Off duty guards, traders, businessmen, locals, it didn’t matter, they all end up the same way. She moved like a wild animal and fought just as savagely. The screams of her victims only drew more people towards her which naturally only ended up with more death. Those who managed to survive would not forget this day in a hurry.

    A member of the local law would charge down the street towards her, wielding a heavy lance and surrounded with magical energy. The sight of his uniform simply caused her anger to increase and as the two came together, Cierra would leap up and over him, while slashing upwards with her trailing hand, causing his face to pour with blood as he was caught by the attack. Landing behind, she’d then spin around and finally start to properly use her magic, catching with a lightning kick to his back, before stabbing him in the same area with her claws. Screaming, he’d drop to his knees, allowing Cierra to deliver a horrific punt to the back of his head, sending him tumbling onto his front, before bringing her foot down on his cranium, causing the screaming to suddenly stop.

    Anyone with any sense was now running in the opposite direction and as the hate spewing teenager headed for the jail, her true destination, she could see that a lot of people seemed to be heading there too. No doubt they thought that the guards would be able to save them but there was little chance of that. No guard, law man or mage would get in her way today, not that they ever could on any given day. Her strength was increasing by the day and she was more than ready to take out a few minions. She’d beaten everything from giants to dragons and everything in between, what were a few foolish humans going to do.

    Charging up the hill towards her location, the slayer suddenly picked up the sounds of fighting coming from the peak. For a moment, her eyes furrowed in confusion but as a familiar magical aura reached her, a massive smile suddenly emerged on her anger filled face and her immense rage turned to delight. There was only one person who she knew who could cause so much death and screaming besides her and as the girl climbed over the top of the hill and looked onwards, she clapped her hands in happiness.

    Battering opponents left and right was a tall woman with pink hair, who was wielding water as easily as Cierra wielded blood. She tore through the idiots like a hot knife through butter and in a matter of moments, the woman was the only one left, her gaze hard and as rage filled as Cierra’s had just been. She didn’t move a muscle and just drank in the carnage for a moment, before her ears twitched and she turned around to face the girl. There was a brief look of surprise in the tall woman’s eyes as she viewed the girl, before her expression became neutral again.

    As for Cierra, she simply squealed with happiness and sprinted up to her mother, wrapping her arms around her kin and hugging her for all she was worth, suddenly uncaring as to what was happening around them. For a few seconds, Sarisha just stood awkwardly as her daughter hugged her but after taking a breath or two, gently embraced her overjoyed daughter although her expression remained as stoic as ever. It’d been so long since they’d last been in each other’s company and even the emotionally stunted water slayer was moved for just a moment.

    (1013 Words)

    Reunited At Last Empty Re: Reunited At Last

    Post by Guest 29th January 2020, 2:24 pm

    “I must say that this is a surprise, Cierra,” Sarisha said after a minute or so, “I had come here hoping to let off some steam and getting a little revenge and it seems that you had the same idea. I am not sure if it is fate or just coincidence that has brought us here but I am glad that you have managed to hold your own while we have been apart. Your magical aura has become strong my daughter and with it, you are becoming a force of nature, as I raised you to be. I have heard tales of your adventures while on the road but I thought you were still abroad.”

    “I did go over the sea for a while,”
    Cierra giggled, finally pulling herself away from her mother, a beaming grin on her face, “I went over to Desierto for a while and had some fun with the people there. They don’t like our kind much over there but I beat some respect into them and they know the name “Huxx” now. It got a bit boring though so I came back over here. I’ve been travelling all over the place, spreading chaos and mayhem wherever I go, just like you wanted me to and that’s what brought me here. I remembered what you said about what these people did to you and I wanted to get revenge for you. You’ve spoilt the surprise, mum!”

    “How was I supposed to know?” the water slayer snapped irritably, “Besides, from what I can see and hear, you have done a decent job in taking a few lives. I do appreciate the thought, my daughter and perhaps we can share a little quality time by killing the rest of this scum. I am curious to see just how far you have come and it has been a while since we last on a rampage as mother and daughter. As much as I would like to sit here and chat all day, I think we had better finish our task, before these idiots all run away.”

    Flashing a grin, the thunder slayer quipped with a shake of the head, “Where are they gonna go, mum? We’ve killed everyone outside and everyone else is hiding inside the jail there. I say we make ‘em wait a bit and leave them to stew in their fear until they go mad. Besides, it’s been ages since we were last together and I have something to show you.” With that, the girl would pull a coin purse out of what seemed to be thin air and tossed it over her mother, who caught it with one hand, “I collected one of these from every job I completed in order to show you how strong I’ve gotten and even kept the purse that you gave me to keep them in. I remembered mum.”

    Raising an eyebrow, Sarisha would briefly test the weight of the purse, before nodding her head and passing it back over, “I can detect the magical power from within and can tell that you have indeed become strong, enough to perhaps finally join with a goddess as I…”

    “I already have, mum!” Cierra interrupted excitedly, “I joined with Elysia, the goddess of thunder. She’s a part of me now, like Valara is a part of you, isn’t it great?”

    “What?!” her mother barked, taking a step forward and cupping the girl’s chin, forcing Cierra’s head upwards sharply, looking her in the eyes. Sarisha’s eyes would briefly take on a dark hue, as though she was examining the girl like an x ray machine, to her very core. As this process went on, a scowl would form across the tall woman’s face and she would roughly let her daughter go after a couple of minutes. “It is true. You have fused with her and in doing so, bound your life force to hers. I have no idea what you were thinking in binding with such a goddess. She is an animal, in all respects, thriving on carnage and lust. I had already found a goddess that could have joined with you, one whose powers were similar to mine.”

    “I am not you, mother and Elysia is perfect for me,” Cierra retorted angrily, clenching her fists, “I beat her in combat and I damn well earned the powers that I gained by beating her. You told me when I left home that my life was to be lived in whatever way I wish. Stand by your own words…”

    Cierra was cut off in mid sentence as Sarisha suddenly lashed out with an open handed slap across the girl’s face, “You do not talk to me like that, Cierra. I raised you to join with the goddess of my choosing and you have ruined that plan by joining with Elysia. A rival of Valara. Surely you must know of the connection between water and lightning? Every fiber in my being is telling me to strike you right now! I will correct your mistake and remove this pest from your body. Now, hold…”

    A blast of lightning would appear from the girl’s hands, forcing Sarisha to back away from her daughter. The look in the girl’s face would darken, a look that was soon matched in her mother’s.

    “I won’t let you tear us apart, mother!” Cierra shrieked, “Stay the fuck away from me or I’ll fry you! I’m not your pawn and you don’t control me!”

    There was no response from her mother, who raised a hand and became enveloped in a dome of water, taking on her takeover form. Oh, Cierra knew this magic well and with a similar raising of her own hand, a bolt of lightning would strike the girl and turn her dress yellow, her ears turning to that of a cat’s. It would be needed if she was to fight her mother. There was no holding back, whether it be sparring as a child or now in anger. Fights between them ended in only one way. Carnage.

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    Reunited At Last Empty Re: Reunited At Last

    Post by Guest 29th January 2020, 5:09 pm

    The anger was radiating off of the pair of them and as they tore towards each other and let loose, a massive burst of magical energy would erupt from them, flattening the area around them, leaving nothing but a dark crater. The screams of those inside the jail would come to a sudden halt, as the building that they had been in would collapse on top of them, ending their lives. The thought of killing them was no longer the main goal for either female and as mother and daughter completed their various form changes, they only had eyes for each other, seething for hatred. A mother desperate to keep her state of control and her daughter, who so deeply wished to follow her own path. All of Sarisha’s words about her child being free had all been a lie and it was only now that it was dawning on Cierra. She’d been raised to be a soldier for her mother against the gods, a fuck you to the heavens. The thought turned her stomach and filled her with palpable anger and despair.

    The fight itself was vicious and the two engaged in a brutal close range scrap, both using claws made of their various elements and lashing out with powerful strikes. Sarisha was far taller and sturdier but she lacked the speed and mobility of her daughter, which balanced everything out. They would strike against each other, again and again, mirroring each others style and resorting on physical force rather than magical power. It was a battle to prove one thing, who was the dominant of the two and whether Cierra was strong enough to surpass her idol and closest family member. Yet, despite the physical she felt as she was struck again and again by her mother, it was the psychological pain that did the most damage. If her mother had lied to her about her freedom then what else had she lied about? Had everything she’d been taught been wrong? She’d never doubted Sarisha’s words but that was no longer the case.

    The damage would soon add up with both mother and daughter getting caught with strikes, causing both to start to bleed rather heavily. Yet, this only encouraged them further, given the blood lust that they both possessed and their vigour only increased as the war continued on. Cierra had never taken so much damage in a fight and as a vicious knee from her mother sent her head shooting upwards, she briefly lost consciousness, before a follow up strike sent her crashing to the ground. Shaking her head, she just about managed to evade a barrage of water hurling in her direction, before unleashing a barrage of lightning that electrified the liquid, causing it to travel all the way to the source and electrocute Sarisha. The water slayer roared with pain, as Cierra would then summon a javelin of lightning and hurl it at her mother, catching her while she was staggered. It hit like a truck and gave the thunder goddess the time to get back up.

    “Was everything a lie?” she screamed, blood running down her face, “Were all of your wise words just bullshit mum? A ploy to get me on your side. Was any of it true?”

    Vanishing into water, Sarisha would briefly disappear and reappear behind her daughter, “You have been able to survive, have you not? Have you not been free to explore the world as you wish, without the law or rules to hold your back? I never lied to you, Cierra, I just did not tell you everything. My lessons have made you what you are today. A powerful mage with the strength to do whatever she wants, I want. You have reached a level now where you need to do what is best for our family and in order to do that, the animal inside you must be removed, whether you agree or not. This is one choice that is not yours to make.”

    Coming down hard in order to deliver a water claw attack, Sarisha’s hand was met by her daughter’s fist, crackling with lightning. Cierra’s eyes burned with a fire that she’d never felt before, “You taught me that freedom was the most important thing in this life or any other, mum. You gave Valara her freedom when you took her into yourself and I’ve done the same thing for Elysia. You know better than anyone how close the bond between us is, given how close you and Valara are. I’ll not give her up and that’s my final word on it.”

    Slapping her mother’s attack aside, Cierra would launch a counter attack of ferocious lightning fused punches and kicks, striking her mother again and again, breaking through her water defences. Cierra began to understand why her mother had been so upset now, as clearly her magic was superior to her mum’s. She’d become a rival to her own kin and knowing Sarisha as she did, that would only make her hostile. Their relationship had always been more of a master and apprentice rather than mother and daughter or as she realised now, puppeteer and puppet.

    Leaping away before unleashing a mighty roar of lightning, Cierra would catch her mother with the enormous attack, before Sarisha fell backwards, crashing to the ground in defeat. Her takeover form would vanish, leaving her blood mother behind.

    Breathing heavily, Cierra slowly walked over to her mother’s side and kneeled down beside her, her own lightning form vanishing into nothing. “Mum?” she asked, shaking Sarisha’s body slightly.

    Stirring, her mother would wake up and look her daughter in the eyes, a rare smile forming across her face, her voice rather wry in tone, “I think you have made your point, Cierra. It has been a long time since I last tasted defeat and it pisses me off but there is nothing else for me to do other than admit it. You are stronger than I am and although the thought of you being bonded with Elysia sickens me, I cannot deny that you make a great team. You will do great things together and I could not be more proud of you. I know that I have been an absolute ass hole of a mother but I hope you understand why. Everything I did was to make you stronger and you have surpassed all my expectations...”

    Sarisha would have continued but a sudden tear drop came down towards her causing her to pause as her daughter started to cry. Not out of sadness but out of joy. To finally be praised for all of her hard work made the entire affair worthwhile and in one of the most motherly actions she’d have done in her life, the pink haired water slayer would pull her daughter down into a hug.

    ‘Sigh, after all that, you start crying like a baby. You will always be a child at heart Cierra but I could not be more proud of you being mine then I am today.’

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    (Thread Completed.)

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