Fairy Tail RP

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    Wasteland Pickings


    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 772
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : -
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,290,286

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Archive Magic
    Second Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Wasteland Pickings Empty Wasteland Pickings

    Post by Lethe 4th November 2019, 11:06 am


    The Iron Dragon Slayer

    There were strange flyers around that Adalinda honestly never expected to see. She frowns to them and glares. Morgate Town had a pumpkin patch? Shaking her head, she decided she was going to go and investigate what in the world was going on. Last she honestly heard of the place, was it was a wasteland! By an old and forgotten dark guild if she recalled. ‘Yes, it was, child.’ Veles tells his host as she nods. Of course it had been. She had never been there personally, but she still knew of this knowledge. She put the flyer on an end table and scribbled on it for Yuudai to know that she went to investigate this and she’d be back soon to take the babies trick or treating. They were nearing a year old by now, and honestly she was surprised to see them growing so fast. They looked like a great mixture of the two, and often changed between being a werewolf/kitsune and their human selves. She honestly couldn’t help but feel excited for when they got older.

    She could think more on that later. Right now, she and Tammy needed to go and investigate what this pumpkin patch thing was about. This supposed ‘Halloween Party’ at Morgate Town might actually be legit. But she honestly didn't think the town was a great place for it… maybe the look… but the actual poisoned lands from the waste deposited there? It was a hazardous land for nearly everyone who went there. Her iron would protect her from it at least. Adalinda was dressed in her casual clothes of a white tank top and black pants and matching shoes, and her refiling drinking horn on her hip. Tammy was wearing an orange dress with a white jacket over and her sword on her hip. This was casual for the two, but right now the Exceed cat was as a Neko and enjoying herself as a little girl with her sword on her hip. Her sword still seemed big, but it wasn’t as humongous on the Neko.

    “So did that flyer say anything more about this ‘party’ we’re going to?” “Nope! Just that they need to have pumpkins for the food, and that any picked would go towards it.” The two say to one another as they make their way towards the town. Adalinda had transformed into a dragon on Tolgalen and flew over towards the town, landing a decent distance away to change back to her normal self. Veles was, like usual, making comments on how terrible her flying and changing was. He couldn’t spare even a second of his pathetic life inside her mind to help her out. Ada didn’t expect him to either. He was just that kind of turd dragon anyways.

    Approaching the wasteland, the iron dragon slayer spotted a pumpkin patch that was clearly out of place compared to the greys of the ash covered wasteland that people call Morgate Town, home. She glared at the patch, honestly wondering who in the world set that up at all. ‘Go ahead, into the scary pumpkin patch. That’s what you humans do anyways in your silly horror books or whatever it is you all read anymore.’ Veles comments to her while she continued to walk on. Tammy would have probably had a snarky remark otherwise.

    Notes and Enemies:
    : @tag : 557/1500 words : notes: HP: 990 MP: 792 :
    Pumpkin Picking Gone Wrong/Page 2, Post n°31



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 772
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : -
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,290,286

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Archive Magic
    Second Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Wasteland Pickings Empty Re: Wasteland Pickings

    Post by Lethe 6th November 2019, 8:39 pm


    The Iron Dragon Slayer

    Of course the dragon slayer kept her wits about her as she walked on towards the pumpkin patch. She wasn’t sure she quite liked going to this patch on her own, but she had Tamaria and Veles with her. It wouldn’t be too bad. As soon as she stepped foot in the patch, Adalinda felt a chill. It was colder than Morgate Town itself. Creepy. ‘Told you. You’re going to die here.’ Veles was laughing a bit and trying to rattle Ada up with his ‘haunted stories’ he was now babbling on and on about. She had to ignore him, else she would probably get scared for real! Couldn’t have that happening now...

    The pumpkin patch looked quite cute actually. It wasn’t too bad compared to Morgate town at least. There were nice and plump orange pumpkins of various sizes around the patch just waiting to be picked as if the town that they were waiting right next to was nothing more than a regular town. “Can someone say ‘trap?’” Tammy had snorted as she looked around. Adalinda snorts as she nods. And to make matters worse, she started to hear the caws of crows around. Her blue eyes glanced up and noticed a flock of birds suddenly flying around the patch as if it was nothing. She glared and her skin instantly changed from it’s pale complexion to a grey color. She had called her scales up and strengthened her arms instantly. She wouldn’t be caught off guard.

    Tammy had a hand on her sword and was ready to pull it out of its sheath. The birds were circling around one another, and were seeming to be dive bombing down at the two a moment later. Adalinda held her arms up and blocked herself, feeling the pecks and scrapes of claws on her skin over the metal. It also didn’t sound too great either. All the screeching of their beaks and claws on the metal. She glares up to the wretched creatures and was ready to just drop kick these blasted birds to oblivion. She quickly puts her fingers into guns and shoots steel bullets at the birds as they flew. Tamaria had unsheathed her sword and was cutting the birds in half as Ada was simply shooting them.

    As soon as the birds had came at the duo, they seemed to stop. That was mainly due to the fact that the two had shot at them and sliced them up rather fast together. Now there was just a big mess around them of bird pieces and guts. Feathers were fluttering about and working their way to the ground. ‘Wow… a murder.’ Veles snorts and the iron dragon slayer tries to not laugh as well. “What?” Tammy questions as she tilted her head some, ears bobbing. “A murder.” She replies to the cat while motioning to the crows lying dead on the ground. A moment later the two were both cracking up laughing as well about the scene around them. That was, until the bird bodies started to shake and zip together to mush into a singular being again.

    Ada grits her teeth as she shakes her head. “I’m going to hate crows after this… aren’t I?” She grumbles as she prepares her hands into guns again. Tammy held up her sword as they watch the bodies fuse together to make a brute of a mutation out of them. “Jeez… he’s ugly… I’d be mad too if I looked like that.” The slayer snorts aloud and takes a couple steps back before the thing realized the two were there. The creature let out a ghastly scream from… its mouth? Beak? The trio honestly weren’t sure what it was it had. She instantly begun shooting at it as it came at her, then she quickly threw out her hands and grabbed the creature in a pair of chains before it tried to reach out and slice at her with its claws. “Careful Tammy!” Ada calls out as she yanks on the chain and throws the mutated bird man thing to the other side of her at the ground into a bunch of pumpkins. There was some blood from where the spikes ripped into the creature, and she viciously yanked the chains back to cause more damage to it.

    Tammy had quickly flown over to the creature and shoved her sword in its back before she yanked it out on the side, blinking at the little pumpkin at the end of it. “Guess we can take this one!” The exceed neko said with a giggle, till she blinked and pointed behind Ada to a scarecrow holding a scythe coming to life. “A-Ada!” Adalinda quickly lashed her chains out and got them caught on the scarecrows scythe before she pulled it close. The creature was laughing like a madman and seeming to be having the time of his life as he yanked his scythe back from the iron dragon slayer. So this one would be a bit of a fight. Ada quickly summoned forth her steel war fans and instantly held it up the moment she saw the scythe coming back at her. This wasn’t going to be too fun for her. In fact, she went on defense instantly as this creature came barreling down attacks on her like it was nothing, and quite like a mad man while it maniacally laughed at her. She could barely get any hits, but it sure could clip her shoulders at least with the scythe. Tammy had to fly around the thing a few times. They had a plan they were going for. Ada whips her chains and* wraps them around the scythe once again and yanks the scarecrow to her, throwing out her arm and letting her fan cut at the head. Tammy had also come from behind and also cut the sword through the middle of the scarecrow to sever it from its legs. Ada then kicked the scarecrow from the scythe, grabbing a death grip on it.

    Now she was with a scythe, a pair of chains, and a pair of steel war fans in her hands. She was ready for any wars it seemed. ‘All you need is some sort of plant to come after you and you’re winning the war!’ Veles was snickering at her again as he chilled within her mind. He saw no reason to come out as his host was fully capable of helping herself. ‘Hey child.’ He says as he chills around in her head. ‘Don’t you think this is going a little too easy for you? Why not amp up the challenge and fight with just your fists?’ ‘Yeah right! These things have basically eaten my back so far!’ She shakes her head as she notices a fog rolling around them… It had been silent for a bit. Tammy skips back towards Adalinda and holds up the sword. “Ada…” “I know Tammy…” She says as she holds up her own arsenal of weapons. A chuckle was heard through the heavy fog and Ada hangs her head. ‘Hey looks! You’re in a horror movie!’ Veles was chuckling along with the cold chuckle around them. Ada sees a lantern coming from within the fog, and sighs. This wasn’t going to be enjoyable for her… She could sense this.

    Out of the mist appears a ghostly figure with a pumpkin head on his shoulders while he held onto a lantern in his hand. She sighs rather deeply. “I am the Pumpkin Patch King! You have intruded on my land! Begone you tho-” Ada threw out her chain and smacked the pumpkins face with it. “Yeah? I don’t give a shit. Shut up you stupid plant. You’re going into a pumpkin pie if it’s the last thing I do.” She snorts as she readies herself once again. For now, she dropped the scythe, letting Tammy pick it up and use it. Holding up his lantern, a bust of dark energy blasted at her, and Ada was barely able to jump out of the way. Well, her foot got caught, and it hurt now. She hissed at the pain, and glares darkly to the pumpkin king guy. This was war now. He started to come at her at a rather rapid pace, but Ada was faster. She quickly shoved herself forward and brought forth her fans once again, letting the nails of the pumpkin king stab her fan. It started to turn black. So his nails have poison… great. This wasn’t going to be fun anymore.

    ‘Oh! What fun! Much harder now! Don’t get poisoned.’ Veles was chuckling to her. Ada growls a bit as she jumped back a couple steps. This thing was following in suit, wanting to claw at her and smash his lantern of dark energy at her. Like hell would she let him do so! She flicked out her chains as Tammy flew behind the pumpkin king and swung the scythe at him. Ada had grabbed the lantern and the neko exceed had gotten a nice gash on his back. Surprisingly, it bleed. “Aim to chop off his head! He’ll make a nice pie!” Ada laughs to her companion. Tammy couldn’t help but giggle a little with her. So that was the goal. Eat its head. She better be careful not to squish it. Ada should, not Tammy. Tammy knew better. The trio were all locked in battle now. The pumpkin king went after Tammy, and Ada would attack it’s back. He’d then go after Ada, Tammy would attack it’s back. Slowly the creature was getting slower and slower, barely able to keep up between the two. Ada finally kicked the lantern away from him as Tammy threw her sword down at the other hand of the pumpkin king. Ada’s fan was near completely black from all the times she used it to block the poisoned claw from hitting her. No way in hell would she let that thing touch her.

    This was not Ada’s day apparently now with this stupid thing. It was a plant! It talked! AND IT WAS TRYING TO KILL HER! All the combinations of her fear for plants. This wasn’t going to end well. And she wasn’t going to let it end well for her at least. She begun channeling her energy into her arms a bit, or more, it was her anger. She started hitting harder with her fan and lashing out a bit more with her chains. He was without his lantern, and without his poisoned claws. He had nothing. She raised her fan up and let it slice his neck, lopping off the pumpkin head. She stood there a moment, looking at the pumpkin laying on the ground. It was silent. The pumpkin was crashed and mushed. Completely unable to be used in a pie now. A frown formed on the slayers lips as she was unsure if it was still alive or not. Taking her fan, she stabbed it back into the pumpkin head a few more times to make sure the Pumpkin Patch King stayed dead.

    Veles then coughed in her mind, making Adalinda snap out of her attempt to murder the already dead pumpkin head. ‘You got it. You killed it. You saved the world. Now pick another pumpkin to make that into a nice and delicious pumpkin pie.’ Veles honestly had no idea what a pumpkin pie was, but he knew Ada apparently wanted to make one. She wasn’t too good of a cook though… Would she really cook? He honestly hoped not. It would probably be Tammy who cooked if she really did want something to eat like that. Yeah, the neko was a better choice for that. Adalinda looked around, and slowly moved herself away from the remains of the Pumpkin Patch King to grab herself a pumpkin, making sure that it wouldn’t come alive. All the cold and eerie feeling of this pumpkin patch, was now gone. “What do you think of this one, Tammy?” The blue eyed slayer questions with a nervous smile. “It’ll be great, now lets go.” The exceed wanted away from this place. Ada was clearly unsettled by the fact she was attacked by a plant, and it’s sinking in she just murdered it, but she was also unsettled about being attacked suddenly here too, by nearly everything here in this stinking patch.**

    Notes and Enemies:
    : @tag : (2066) ((943*)1500/1500 \\ 1123 extra** words : notes: HP: 990 MP: 792 :
    Job Link/Job Approval


      Current date/time is 18th September 2024, 6:53 pm