High humidity and salt present in the air. Normally very unfavorable conditions for any piece of technology. However, MAI was quite a bit different in that aspect. Her parts were made out of extremely high-quality materials that were resistant to such conditions, even over very long exposure times. And so the unit had to trouble to move through the city in search of a specific building. Or perhaps search was not the right word to use here. After all, she was guided by her internal navigation system, freshly updated after the latest maintenance at Sabertooth’s headquarters. Though, unfortunately, maintenance was not where she could be done.
Apparently, she needed something else if the unit was to operate effectively in this new and interesting world. A passport that would ensure her passage beyond the borders of Fiore. An interesting fact that created some direct links in MAI’s conscious memory unit, leading her to create data that portrayed this specific kingdom as one that kept its citizens in check, not allowing them to leave without proper documentation. This was pretty consistent with the records about Fiore being a monarchy, ruled by a single family that went unchallenged for ages. Thankfully obtaining these documents was quite easy for members of mage guilds.
The unit herself now apparently counted in that now, given that Sabertooth had taken her into their care. Obviously, she was still just a tool to be used rather an actual member, but allegedly that should pose no issues. Still, the unit was somewhat unhappy with the fact that she had to obtain these documents by herself, as having a fellow guild member by her side would have increased the success rate of this mission by a considerable margin. Alas, no one was available. And so, disguised with her parka that boasted rabbit ears, the unit stopped in front of the building. There seemed to be a line forming.