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    What's A Girl To Do? (Kaori + Flug)

    Kaori Ciguatera
    Kaori Ciguatera

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 69
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,687.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Love
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    What's A Girl To Do? (Kaori + Flug) Empty What's A Girl To Do? (Kaori + Flug)

    Post by Kaori Ciguatera 4th July 2019, 7:44 pm

    What's A Girl To Do? (Kaori + Flug) QmUKyYH

    "All is fair in love and war."

    It wasn't every day that Kaori lowered her standards and did things for others. Though she knew that doing jobs was important, she was very picky about the ones she would actually embark on. This request, however, truly spoke to her. Apparently, a man had abandoned his girlfriend in her time of need and it was unacceptable. It made a lot of sense that it was the man cheating, it always was... they are disgusting polygamous creatures who can't keep their hands to themselves. If it was up to Kaori, every man who proved themselves a pig would be neutered. Luckily for the men out there, she didn't make the laws, but she was about to enforce one of her own. This man who dares cheat on his girlfriend was about to lose his manhood.

    Of course, Kaori had to wait for someone else. She didn't know but apparently, it was a job for two despite her feeling otherwise she only hoped it wasn't a man and if it was, well, he'd simply have to agree or he'd end up in the same boat like the one they are destroying. But perhaps whoever it would be had common sense and wouldn't oppose her, clearly their superior. As she waited near the supposed location of the man Kaori fixed her hair along with her dress. Beauty was always something that would come first to her, no matter how dire a situation might be and besides, it could help with this man.

    WC: 250/500


    What's A Girl To Do? (Kaori + Flug) Jirongb
    Kaori Ciguatera | Arc of Love | Theme Song | #EC7CCB

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 10
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    What's A Girl To Do? (Kaori + Flug) Empty Re: What's A Girl To Do? (Kaori + Flug)

    Post by Flug 4th July 2019, 8:48 pm

    Flug slowly walked to the meeting point he had been told for this new mission, his hands fidgeting and nervous as he slowly put one foot in front of the other. His goggles made it impossible to see his eyes and his paper bag hid his face from any to see. His white lab coat floating backwards as he walked and tried to hum gently as he slowly found the women he was suppose to do this job with. "H-hello? Miss? I believe you and I are doing a mission together right? M-my name is Flug and-" He was cut off by the women he thought was Kaori yelling at him saying she doesnt know who he is and or why he is bothering. Flug apologized and ran off in the mist of her yelling and accidentally ran into Kaori, his head knocking into her shoulder and he stumbled backwards a bit. He looked up at her and noticed her dress and he breasts and realized the description of the person he was looking for named Kaori was her. He looked down and said sheepishly "I-Im so sorry for bumping into you miss K-Kaori... My name is flug and im here to help you with this mission..." He didnt look up as he heard a voice in his head. His inner demon named black hat, it started to taught Flug and whisper things into his ear of how he will be useless in this mission and how she was going to beat him for trash bumping into her. His eyes closed shut as he waited to how this would go and his demon taunting him.


    What's A Girl To Do? (Kaori + Flug) Tumblr_p580h5MATy1qkzisro3_1280
    Kaori Ciguatera
    Kaori Ciguatera

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 69
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,687.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Love
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    Third Skill:

    What's A Girl To Do? (Kaori + Flug) Empty Re: What's A Girl To Do? (Kaori + Flug)

    Post by Kaori Ciguatera 4th July 2019, 9:15 pm

    What's A Girl To Do? (Kaori + Flug) QmUKyYH

    "All is fair in love and war."

    Seeing the man arrive it was an honest embarrassment. Perhaps the most noticeable trait was the paper bag over his head. Normally this would have set anyone off but Kaori could only assume it was because he was a man. She really appreciated him going the extra mile, to cover himself up for being a disgusting waste of space! Though this was her initial thought it became rather clear that it wasn't the case. He seemed to be nervous and walked so awkwardly, his movements just furthering his shyness. Then when he opened his mouth Kaori just couldn't help herself. This is who they had sent to help her? This is who she was supposed to depend on? She didn't think so. Barely letting him even speak before she snapped, it didn't help that he had bumped into her either. "If only that bag kept me from hearing you and looking at you, this would go smoothly. You're not to talk to me, only follow my orders, understand?" It was safe to say that Kaori literally towered over him, and not just in height. Her personality was a lot stronger and she had an air of confidence he could only dream of but Kaori wasn't done chewing him out yet.

    "You ignorant SWINE!" She yelled, clearly frustrated at his clumsiness. Those idiotic goggles and that hideous bag! Could he possibly be so ugly that he had to cover his face? Why of all people did she get stuck with him? It didn't matter. If he proved to be any more of a hassle he would join the man they were supposed to ruin. Kaori collected herself in an attempt to calm down only to slap Flug moments later. "I don't care what your name is. You are a man which makes you trash. Now, let's get this over with." It was amazing how even with all this anger Kaori still remained as beautiful as ever. It seemed that nothing in this world was ever going to stop that aspect of hers.

    WC: 592/500


    What's A Girl To Do? (Kaori + Flug) Jirongb
    Kaori Ciguatera | Arc of Love | Theme Song | #EC7CCB

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 10
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    What's A Girl To Do? (Kaori + Flug) Empty Re: What's A Girl To Do? (Kaori + Flug)

    Post by Flug 4th July 2019, 9:32 pm

    Flug was expecting the slap so he didnt flinch and he stopped talking when she yelled at him. Thankfully for Flug he as dealt with worse then her over his life and he wasnt that worried of future events with her yet. But he said quickly to let her know of why he was so late. "K-kaori the reason why I was late was I have caught the man in question we needed and sedated him. He is knocked out but in about 32 minuets he will wake up, and we- you can do what ever you want with him." He looked up at her and put his hands behind his back as his goggles looked at her eyes. Hoping the woman appreciated his hard work even a little. He showed up in the city many hours ago and started a head of time so when his partner came they could have it easy. And thankfully Flug is not stranger to how drugs work and how to mix them to get the effects he wanted, truthfully she would have slowed him down since she seemed more interested in herself then in others. As he was about to speak again 5.0.5 slowly crept out of his pocket and jumped on Flugs head. His small white fur looking very unnaturally soft and his cute tongue sticking out of its mouth making it look silly but adorable. He created this creature and he cared for it deeply. "5.0.5! Youre not suppose to come out when we are on a mission you know that. W-what if someone tried to take you away or you get injured!" The small creature only purred and got comfy on his paper bag and started to sleep on his head.


    What's A Girl To Do? (Kaori + Flug) Tumblr_p580h5MATy1qkzisro3_1280
    Kaori Ciguatera
    Kaori Ciguatera

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 69
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,687.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Love
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    What's A Girl To Do? (Kaori + Flug) Empty Re: What's A Girl To Do? (Kaori + Flug)

    Post by Kaori Ciguatera 4th July 2019, 10:13 pm

    What's A Girl To Do? (Kaori + Flug) QmUKyYH

    "All is fair in love and war."

    In all honestly, Kaori didn't care why he was late and if he was expecting praise, he wasn't going to get it. "Very well. Let's go." She said as she headed down the street, she walked like a supermodel. Always with elegance and femininity, many of the people stopped just to stare at her, asking themselves how someone so beautiful could even exist. If the paper bag boy was following her so be it, but she wasn't paying attention. He was hardly an asset. When she finally arrived at the location which seemed to be a less populated part of Hargeon she easily slipped into his home, due to him being sedated.

    "If you want to indulge, I'll make sure you can never enjoy." Kaori said and with one snip of a pair of scissors, his manhood vanished! It was a good thing, now he wouldn't be able to abandon any more helpless women. Men. Filthy animals. Kaori only scoffed as she threw the scissors behind her, not even caring to say goodbye Flug and instead walking away. Another crime committed for the greater good and of course, the world would forgive her as it always did, because of her beauty!

    WC: 795/500


    What's A Girl To Do? (Kaori + Flug) Jirongb
    Kaori Ciguatera | Arc of Love | Theme Song | #EC7CCB

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 10
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    What's A Girl To Do? (Kaori + Flug) Empty Re: What's A Girl To Do? (Kaori + Flug)

    Post by Flug 12th July 2019, 7:03 am

    Flug watched the lady... unman the man. He was a bit conflicted on how he felt but he wasnt going to stop her. He watched he leave, he assumed she was trying to be elegant as she left and all he did was shrug. He then looked at the man, himself bleed as he slowly pulled out a syringe and started at the man, his goggles glowing from the light as he slowly held the syringe, its substance glowing an unnatural green. The man was already scared and in pain, but he stared at flug as he shook. Yelling at flug to stop and squirmed around. "Dont worry, this wont kill you, but I will be honest, this will hurt a lot." Flug chuckled and slowly walked out of the room a couple hours later, the man untied and free to leave the room when he wakes up, the bleeding stopping and healed strangely enough as flug took out a notebook and started to write things in it.

    (twc 735


    What's A Girl To Do? (Kaori + Flug) Tumblr_p580h5MATy1qkzisro3_1280

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