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    Arms dealing (INV)

    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Arms dealing (INV) Empty Arms dealing (INV)

    Post by Grim Reaper 3rd December 2019, 3:36 pm

    Post word: #677
    Self written: #677
    Total written: #677/7,000
    #666362 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    B-Rank freeform job
    @Odhran Aegisbane
    _____Alexandra was not exactly keen on what she had to do for today. Mostly as it was nothing to help herself but others yet again due to her curse and the rules she had to follow from it. Sadly for her when she had walked around the guild she sensed someone's desire for better weapons and gear and the curse decided to act on it forcing Grim to now have to go get said things for the guild. The fact she was a slave to her own magic drove her mad sometimes, but not without good notes as it allowed her to do many things more then she normally could.

    _____That however was for another time, and another place as she walked over to the guild's job board and looked for anything that fit what she was after. Hands reach to pull a job from the wall, a simple weapons trade to raid for jewels and then just kill the person who wants the weapons and take them from there to get both rewards. Humming as she moved to make sure someone higher up in the guild knew she was taking on the job before turning to look towards the door when they addressed the same issue she had just took notice of.

    _____The job required a male and a female, to pose as a couple who anonymously ordered the weapons from the dealer. Growling loudly as she crunched the paper up in her hands and scanned the area around her. She would have much rather preferred it just be a pairing, then she could have called Sanguine to help or had Shadow or Hel come along if her maid was busy. But it seemed the job was already set to be a strait couple leaving Grim to need to find a Male to make sure she held her word and finished what she chose to start.

    _____The issue however was almost every male in the guild knew Grim hated their gender, and if they even got within arm's reach would be turned into woman and dragged away into the shadows by Hel who currently was on alert for such. Looking over some of the newer faces Grim decided to simply drag one along herself, walking over to a male with white hair and from what she could sense just from a quick check the fool had a god complex. It was enough to have Grim roll her eyes a bit as she reached to grip his arm without a word and start pulling him along.

    _____The others in the guild very easy to hear, warning the male that the person who currently was trying to drag him outside was very much known as a demon to men, and never someone you wanted to go with willingly as a male. If her started to try and fight against her efforts to drag him she would let go and glare at the male, or do so when they got outside into the cold and the door was slammed shut behind them by the woman's shadow that seemed to have a will of it's own.

    "You are to come along for this job, you are not to speak, not to touch, not to even look at me unless promoted to do such, Do you understand male? Had this job not needed you a Male I would already turn you into a woman and moved on. Now follow."

    _____Grim spoke bluntly and if the man so much as tried to speak in protest she would allow her magic to flare out around her. The vile smell of death and sheer force of it the only reaction until he seemed to understand what was going on. Hand waving at the air as she cut into the area forming a blackened door she would soon open to lead to a small village overlook by a cliff they seemed to arrive at should the male follow willingly, or be tossed into it by Grim's shadow as it peeled off the ground once more.
    Nothing will cast me out, EVER AGAIN!

    Stats and spells:


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
    Charater | Magic 1 | Magic 2 | Magic 3 | Trackers | Linage
    3.5 of 6 Exp Doublers remaining
    2 of 2 Extra Exp Doublers remaining.
    In progress missions: 1,2,3|4|5|6
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 331
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Arms dealing (INV) Empty Re: Arms dealing (INV)

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 3rd December 2019, 6:39 pm

    Having suddenly been dragged forth by the woman for seemingly no reason while Odhran was enjoying a fine cup of slightly-expired apple juice was certainly annoying, as were the warnings other members of the guild tried giving to the Celestial Spirit Wizard.

    "One such as myself would always be glad to assist a fellow member of a guild alongside myself, though there are certainly some...rules I would like to set forth." He wrested himself from her control. "A simple explanation of what the job is and who I am working alongside with would be rather important, but I shall forgive you. After all, I am yet unfamiliar with how the inner workings of this guild are. Of course, I am honored that you would select me for such a task. After all, you have clearly chosen the best person for the job, that being Odhran Aegisbane, the God of the Celestial Spirit Realm, if I may have your name. Of course, such introductions can be saved for the time being. I will certainly admit that I am unaware of what the job is that we are to be undertaking, nor do I know to what ends my talents and the talents of those Celestial Spirits who oh-so-loyally have come into my court will be used. You have mentioned little to me, only that this job requires a male such as myself. I will listen to your strange instructions even yet, whether or not they make sense. After all, what is a guild if not a collection of those who bear the same goals and aspirations, regardless of their path towards completing them? I will apologize, but I will be bringing out my Celestial Spirits to follow along. If I am reading what is in that strange portal correctly, we would be going into civilization, and I would prefer myself to be ready for combat at any moment."

    Before waiting for her to give an answer, Odhran had already spread his arms to summon his spirits. When they emerged from the Celestial Spirit Realm, Scorpio was lying on his side atop Lupa's back, resting his chin on one of his claws. Lupa was wagging her tail and panting as Arnaluuk stood a fair distance away from them, glaring at them in confusion.

    "Wh-what are you doing, Scorpio?"

    "First impressions are always needed, baby. Thought I would do what I can to look nice and available for this beautiful gal here, right?" He rolled off of Lupa's back, approaching the girl that had dragged him along. "Heard you need a guy for this mission. Well, I'm a guy, and I got two claws to hold your hands with and one tail to hug you up tightly, baby, so what say you that we head out on this mission together? Of course, Odhran would need to still come with and stay at a fairly close distance, being that he's my Keybearer and all, but I can be your man for the mission, right, baby?"

    Lupa barked, wagging her tail. "I won't lie. I don't know what the job is about, but I think that whole 'you have a tail' thing would be an issue. Claw hands certainly don't help either."

    "It's nothing! All that's truly needed is your approval, baby, and we can get rockin' and rollin'."

    Odhran laughed. "I do not wish to doubt your abilities, Scorpio, but if she were looking for a Celestial Spirit, she could have asked that other Celestial Spirit Wizard that our guild has. She has a few male spirits, if I remember. It seems as if she need a male that resides within the mortal realm for this mysterious mission." Lupa barked once more, licking the hand of the mystery woman. "Lupa! You know how I do not like scolding you on such matters, but I would not have you saying such vulgar things about a new guildmate! Such words are unflattering for a good girl such as yourself."

    "What'd you call me here for, boss?"

    "I suppose it all depends on what our task is, Scorpio. Well, we'd best find out. Come now! Lupa! Arnaluuk! Scorpio! For the glory of Errings Rising!"

    Odhran turned on his heel, marching off towards the portal that the mysterious woman had opened. He had not realized that he still had not figured out what the name of his coworker was, simply continuing to talk over any situation she would have to respond, nor did he know what his job and role in said job was. He was ready to get working on this new mission, Scorpio and Lupa following with, while Arnaluuk stood, dumbfounded at the sheer stupidity of her comrades.

    "I apologize about those two dunces. I've...honestly tried just about everything. At the very least, it would be nice to get to learn names around here. He might go around strutting like a peacock, but he barely knows anyone here. I...honestly kinda feel bad for you."

    WC: 828


    Arms dealing (INV) XBivwWT
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Arms dealing (INV) Empty Re: Arms dealing (INV)

    Post by Grim Reaper 3rd December 2019, 9:40 pm

    Post word: #490
    Self written: #1,167
    Total written: #1,995/7,000
    #666362 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    B-Rank freeform job
    @Odhran Aegisbane
    _____Had Shadow not acted before Grim it was highly likely these summons would have all but one been blown back to where they had came. Not only did the male speak as she told him not to, he spoke excessively, and decided to summon is group of talkers with him. Black lightning sparked in Grim's hand ready to turn both the summons that got closer to her into ashes before Shadow peeled herself from the ground and stood at Grim's personal space limit. Her Apperance peeling out of the shadows as she coughed to get their attention.

    "Master grim does not like those getting close to her, much less dogs and men. She also asked you not to speak and told you all you need to know about this job already. You are simply here to take the role of the male that this dealer needs to meet to hand over the items in a more peaceful fashion to avoid trouble for master Grim. Anything beyond or less then such is not allowed unless you wish to be left a pile of ashes in the wind..."

    _____Shadow would bow after she finished speaking and returned back into the shadows. Grim's hand still sparking with black magic as she dared any one of the summons to test her patience that was already burnt out from having to deal with a man. Grim would resume walking once everything was quiet again, she very much hated every aspect of this and would honestly prefer to slaughter anyone in the area of the weapons just to avoid this male. Of all she could have picked it was a talker... she hated men who never shut up.

    "Men greatly vex me and test my limited patience... why did the guild-master have to even allow them to ruin such a paradise..."

    _____Grim mumbled to herself as she slowly made her way down the mountain. Should Scorpio try to hit on her again, or Odhran tried to talk with her more she would react to each in a simple hand motion. Swiping the air before her as black smoke would rush and slam into either who annoyed her. Scorpio, would be coated and turned into a woman should he try anything, and Odhran's mouth would seem to vanish along with his vocal cords. This only happening if they took actions that displeased Grim as mentioned above as she kept walking forward.

    "When we arrive at the town you are to have those summons put away. This group is expecting one male and one female, not a dog, a annoyance, a lady, a male, and a woman. If they are not I have no issue removing them by force myself." Cold and once more to the point as she kept walking, her heels clicking against the stone path that led down the high ground she opened the door to leading down to the meeting spot inside the town.
    Nothing will cast me out, EVER AGAIN!

    Stats and spells:


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
    Charater | Magic 1 | Magic 2 | Magic 3 | Trackers | Linage
    3.5 of 6 Exp Doublers remaining
    2 of 2 Extra Exp Doublers remaining.
    In progress missions: 1,2,3|4|5|6
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 331
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Arms dealing (INV) Empty Re: Arms dealing (INV)

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 4th December 2019, 2:47 pm

    "Aw, c'mon, baby, you don't have to act like that!"

    Grim waved a hand, and Scorpio's body and appearance suddenly shifted,. Suddenly the normally-masculine Scorpio had shifted in that of a woman, and she seemed rather confused at the situation. "I-I wasn't expecting this, for sure! I kinda forgot that I could, like, switch my form between that of a man and a woman so easily. Just one of the perks of being a Celestial Spirit, I guess!" Scorpio coyly stuck her tongue out before waving her own hand, her appearance changing once more to that of a man. He laughed before switching back and forth between the two forms, as if it were a game. "Don't worry, Odhran. I'll usually be a guy, since that's what I'm most comfortable with, but hey, if you need a girl for anything, I can be of help! That said, I'm really liking this look, so I think I'll keep it. Tail and claws were getting to be a bit much, plus didn't seem like the whole shirtless vibe was working too well. Maybe they'll like a man in a suit?" He exchanged a knowing glance to Grim.

    Odhran, for once in his life, was speechless. Even he was unaware of this power that Scorpio had, nor was he expecting yet another two shifts in his appearance since he had obtained his own Spirit. He knew that Scorpio could change his look, he already experienced that, but the gender-swapping was new. "Dearest Arnaluuk, do all the Celestial Spirits have this power?"

    "No. I didn't think anyone other than Gemini could have that kind of transformative power, but it might be something with all the Zodiacs."

    Lupa barked. "It surprised me as well, Lupa. Nonetheless, perhaps this is for the best, am I correct, Grim?"

    The words had barely escaped his mouth when once more Grim used her magic, cutting the last of his airflow dead in his tracks. He attempted to make what certainly would have been a witty comeback, something so clever that it would have made the world a much better place, but he found himself incapable of talking. His mouth was gone, and his vocal cords were no longer attached. Odhran panicked for a second before sighing and bidding his Spirits return to the Celestial Spirit realm. Lupa whined as she flew into the rift in space to which the summons would be brought forth. Odhran attempted to speak once more, failing to do so. He did what he could to draw attention to Grim that he would be unable to speak, only for his pleas to fall on deaf ears, or perhaps more aptly in this case it would be blind eyes. A sudden wave of depression fell over him as he craned his back to look directly at his feet, the small welling of a tear in his eye from the loss of the greatest gift to bring to others the good news of his presence and greatness. Remembering that he had an entirely separate magic from his Celestial Spirit Magic, he conjured forth letters to appear in front of Grim's face: "VOICE?" When it was ignored, he sunk once more into sadness, reluctantly dragging himself along in the hopes that travelling along with Grim and fulfilling this task would bring back to him his pride. He was still not fully certain as to the full extents of the plan, but he figured it would be best to simply follow Grim's lead, and perhaps if he showed off his own capabilities in combat with his Ark of Embodiment, she would return his voice to him. He slapped himself in the face, accidentally going a bit too hard, sending him crashing to the ground. He quickly got up, brushing himself off before realizing something he could do.

    She had mentioned that the goal was to look like a couple, and though she evidently was not a fan of him, nor he of her, he at least figured he could look presentable. He closed his eyes, covering his face with a lower-face mask to hide his now-missing mouth and switching his clothes to a well-pressed suit. The Ark of Embodiment left him with the ability to create anything, and he could use it to hopefully impress Grim to get her to perhaps regard him as competent, if nothing else. If he had a mouth, he would have smiled, but instead he would be left with a smug sense of satisfaction as he followed his companion's lead.

    WC: 758
    TWC: 1586


    Arms dealing (INV) XBivwWT
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Arms dealing (INV) Empty Re: Arms dealing (INV)

    Post by Grim Reaper 4th December 2019, 6:32 pm

    Post word: #418
    Self written: #1,585
    Total written: #3,171/7,000
    #666362 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    B-Rank freeform job
    @Odhran Aegisbane
    _____Alexandra did not like the spirit, the fact he swapped back and forth truly angered her as she focused on walking to avoid making a scene as she was already sure would be made later. His choice to wear a suit made Grim sigh out of annoyance. Had the man never once dealt with shady traders? The more you look rich, the more they will try to milk from you, that was just basic underground trade logic.

    _____They have what YOU need, and if you going to the underground to get it, you clearly need it already so getting you to pour more into it is already going to happen. Grumbling some as they reached the shady part of the town and two figures moved to block the way beyond glaring at them. Grim glaring back as she rolled her eyes and raised her hands as one of the two males started to approach. Grim could easily just gut them, but she was stuck playing nice for the time being as there was not say they had the weapons on site.

    "Arms up, legs spread to be checked for weapons or Tracking slash recording Lacs. And the mask needs to come off also." - "The mask stays on him, without it he can't breath the air around her with his allergies. Besides, it keeps his mouth shut."

    _____Grim spoke towards the guard who had spoken up, growling at the other who spent an extra moment trying to check her waist for weapons or things that even she could tell was just his horny mind taking advantage of his job. Moving to reach and slap his ass as she smiled and moved past when he was done, making sure the magic circle matched his clothing as it soaked past it and she entered the building. Odhran would have more trouble as his keys would be considered an issue and unless her handed them over he would be stuck outside.

    _____If he tried to fight to keep them Grim would shoot dagger glare to him and jerk her head to just get his ass over and forgot about the keys for a few moments so they could get this done and move on. Not exactly feeling the need to tell him she already planned for that and part of her plan was keen on those keys being taken from him right now and the longer he took to catch up the more at risk Grim's plan was of falling apart.
    Nothing will cast me out, EVER AGAIN!

    Stats and spells:


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
    Charater | Magic 1 | Magic 2 | Magic 3 | Trackers | Linage
    3.5 of 6 Exp Doublers remaining
    2 of 2 Extra Exp Doublers remaining.
    In progress missions: 1,2,3|4|5|6
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 331
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Arms dealing (INV) Empty Re: Arms dealing (INV)

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 4th December 2019, 7:27 pm

    The frisking proposition was annoying for Odhran, but at least Grim had made a fine enough excuse for him to keep the mask on. The mask was suspicious for sure, but the lack of a mouth would certainly be more suspicious. What was more irritating would be that Odhran would have to give up his keys. He thought for a moment about attempting to fight the guards, but the glare given by Grim told him otherwise. He was not a fan of the woman who dragged him along to this job, but she was now the only solution to Odhran getting his voice back. He was feeling weak at the removal of all that he had prided himself with for such a long time, but he had no choice but to follow through. Grim was at a higher status than he was, so even if he could speak, it would be unwise to do so, lest she report to the Queen. He was truly in a bind.

    Odhran sighed, reaching into every pocket that he had a key in. The first three to go were the ones he instinctually always relied on: the keys of Arnaluuk, Lupa, and Scorpio. The look on the guard's face at the sight of the Golden Key was something Odhran made a mental note of. Unlike a certain someone, this man at least seemed to respect Odhran's status and power. Next to go were the bronze keys that he relied on out of combat. Readr, Syloria, Ailin, and Halation all went into the hands of the guard, who called for a bucket to store the keys in. Reaching into yet another pocket, he grabbed out more of his bronze keys. Boaris, Dennis, Leaf Dragon, Armored Beetle, all his many keys went into the bucket the guard brought out. He felt lonely without his keys. He knew he could not die, so the Spirits would still be bound to him, and Scorpio at least had shown an ability to emerge from the Celestial Spirit Realm without being summoned. Perhaps it was yet another perk of the Zodiacs, but the mere fact that it would be an option was enough to soothe Odhran even slightly.  

    After the seven minutes of removing various keys from various pockets across his jacket, Odhran was finally cleared to follow the woman. An irritated look was on her face, perhaps not accounting for him to take so long to be frisked. How was it his fault that he had so many allies? he thought. Quickly firing a glare at Grim, he figured that she must not have any allies and that is why she was so against Odhran. It had to be the reason! Jealousy! She was lonely with just her weird shadow creatures while Odhran had such powerful Celestial Spirits at his beck and call that could comfort him. Those shadows were just pawns, not allies, like Lupa or Scorpio or Arnaluuk. Once again, if he had a mouth, he would have smiled at this epiphany. He believed he had come to a conclusion about this mysterious cohort of his, and that could be used as something to bond over. It would take him time to forgive her for removing his mouth and voice, as well as sending him on a job that would require his Spirits be taken away from him, but he knew he was capable of it. He was a gracious God, after all. Grim was an ally, and thus he would deign to forgive her. It was what a God would do, he thought.

    Nonetheless, even Gods must humble themselves at times, and so he continued on, letting Grim lead with her plan, and Odhran as just a spectator. After all, seeing new things merely powered Odhran's imagination more, and he knew that imagination was a weapon to be feared.

    WC: 643
    TWC: 2229


    Arms dealing (INV) XBivwWT
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Arms dealing (INV) Empty Re: Arms dealing (INV)

    Post by Grim Reaper 7th December 2019, 7:57 pm

    Post word: #412
    Self written: #1,997
    Total written: #4,226/7,000
    #666362 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    B-Rank freeform job
    @Odhran Aegisbane
    _____The time it took Odhran to finished being checked was now all time the reaper could not get back. Not to mention the summoner mage would be able to start noticing what Grim had planned as with every key the figure who checked Grim saw the more they would start to change in appearance. Slowly turning more and more into a woman and without much time to waste Grim would grab Odhran and rush him into the building before he could catch a glimpse of the now woman throwing herself at the other gaurd.

    "Why do you mages always carry so many damn summon keys?! The plan was to have that gaurd switch to a woman AFTER we left and spread the curse to all those here and now we have to rush to deal with this before someone draws a connection to us..."

    _____Grim's pace was a brisk run as she moved down the stairwell into the next room where a party roared to life when the doors opened. The reaper grumbling as she did not account for this either and now had even less time to waste. The curse spread like wildfire if there was a lot of people and seeing woman here also meant the curse would soon infect them once the two guards outside finished and started to head this way.

    _____Part of Grim wanted to just go offensive here and now, attack anyone and everyone to simply steal the weapons from the corpses and head home. But she also had to think of the larger picture, If the guild truly planned to remove the laws, they would need the manpower and weapons to do it. If Grim's curse took these people over, she could keep the operation running a sole supplier to the guild. Growling how she was thinking more for the guild's sake then her own due to the last desire her magic dragged her to enact.

    _____Moving to the VIP area as Grim moved from dragging the male along, to hooking an arm with his and smiling at the guards present. "Hi, me and my 'bodyguard' have a meeting with mister winters." Grim's tone was almost entirely different, not to mention her look was almost human. Her skin had changed color, much like her hair and the attire she wore showed off what little this new form could flaunt modestly as she hugged Odhran's arm closer when they had to get past the two guards.
    Nothing will cast me out, EVER AGAIN!

    Stats and spells:


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
    Charater | Magic 1 | Magic 2 | Magic 3 | Trackers | Linage
    3.5 of 6 Exp Doublers remaining
    2 of 2 Extra Exp Doublers remaining.
    In progress missions: 1,2,3|4|5|6
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 331
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Arms dealing (INV) Empty Re: Arms dealing (INV)

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 8th December 2019, 1:39 pm

    Odhran felt slightly miffed at the comment about having so many summoning keys, but he had no place to argue, nor the means to argue. He was, after all, without a mouth. The party that he was travelling through was certainly hectic, but he still had a question that he would have asked Grim should he have had the means of speaking once more. How will he get his keys back? He had placed them into a basket as they entered, and the guards certainly were in no fit position to place the keys in a safe location for storage. They, like Scorpio, had shifted into girls shortly after he had left. He figured that that man simply had a sort of shapeshifting magic that allowed him to switch between genders at will, much like what Scorpio had done. He looked over to Grim, who herself was shapeshifting her form. Not as severe as the case with Scorpio, but still noticeable nonetheless. Her referring to him as her bodyguard was also something that was strange to Odhran, who could not quite resist. In fact, it must have been a true affirmation of her appreciation of his sheer talent and skills. She wished to hug tighter to him in order for some of his godly powers to transfer to her. It was obvious. She was clearly enamored by the presence of a godly being such as himself. It was the only option. When the guards gave the duo a concerned look, Odhran merely waved his hand. He had to pull off the appearance as a hard-nosed bodyguard now. It was vastly different from his usual role of the commander of an army of loyal allies, but it was something he could do nonetheless.

    In the event of a fight, he began to scan the room around him. What sort of defenses the area had, how many soldiers there would be to terminate, how easy it would be in order to get to his keys once more. He was far from hopeless in a fight without his keys, but they were his most tried-and-true method of combat, and he wished to ensure that his allies were unharmed. He felt a finger dig into his arm. He must have squirmed unintentionally. He was beginning to get restless without his keys. Scorpio would perhaps be able to summon himself regardless of the keys, but what of Arnaluuk? What of Lupa? How would they fare? Or all his Bronze Keys, what of them? He was worried immensely. His eyes darted around the area. What sort of methods could he use to destroy those that stood between him and his allies? In the far side of the room, a wall began to crack slightly. The keys were not in here, after all. They had to be elsewhere. He needed to get his keys back.

    Despite his attempts to break free to save his keys, he knew that he had to stay alongside with his fellow guildmate. It was his task to assist Grim with her task, and far be it from him to abandon an ally. It was only what a God should do. He had a mission. His mission was to follow along with Grim's orders. She was his superior, so he had to listen. In addition, he had his mouth to regain alongside his keys. He attempted to sigh, unable to from his lack of mouth, but nonetheless followed alongside his companion further yet.

    WC: 580
    TWC: 2909


    Arms dealing (INV) XBivwWT
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Arms dealing (INV) Empty Re: Arms dealing (INV)

    Post by Grim Reaper 14th December 2019, 2:28 am

    Post word: #633
    Self written: #2,600
    Total written: #5,539/7,000
    #666362 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    B-Rank freeform job
    @Odhran Aegisbane
    _____When they got waved past for the second time Grim lightly tapped one of the guard's shoulders and moved on with the task. Her shadow breaking in two and rushing back the way they had come to keep things moving as Grim had planned for. Humming lightly as the first sounds of her plan falling together crossed her ears as the faint confusion rose from the far side of the area.

    "You might want to either hide, or use some magic that hides you.~"

    _____Grim calmly chimed as she leaned closer to whisper her message to Odhran and gave him back his vocals and mouth encase it was needed for the spell if he had it. Moving away from him as she entered the next room and if he tried to follow she would shoo him away, though if he followed she would just do the same thing anyways. Humming happily as she looked at the weapons and magic items scattered around the room with countless guards. The foolish thing was to keep the two goals in the same spot as the group seemed to move to reveal the leader.

    "So, seems odd someone like you wants all these weapons." - "Oh it is for my guild, though the person who hired me to come get these does not know that, and I thank you for giving them to me for free.~" - "Ha that's a good joke, but even if you let us have our..."

    _____The group had started to laugh and seeming to nod in agreement to where the leader was leading the conversation. Up until he lost his voice and started to choke while falling to the ground. The guards all aiming a weapon at Grim who just rolled her eyes and snapped her finger to send the weapons away and disarm the few spells they had started. Tapping her foot down as the males in the room began to suffer the same fate as the leader coughing and falling over as Shadows covered them.

    "Men are such vulgar things. I prefer woman.~"

    _____Grim chimed as the shadows would peel away revealing each male not only now was female but clad in maid outfits and moving to kneel before Grim who just looked over the weapons casually. The leader being the first to rise and walk over to Grim and looking the weapon she held over also before it was swung to sever the female's head as Grim tested it and decided to get pay back for trying to speak the words they had prior.

    _____As the body fell down the other area of the cover to arms dealing would erupt in panic and oddly sounds of lust and desire as Grim moved the corpse away so she could walk to go admire her work. Two figures would be looking for Odhran, and when they found him, or possible her if the male chose to follow Grim, they would return his keys with a taunting giggle before rushing to Grim who would calmly kiss their cheeks and spank their asses as they ran to go join the chaos.

    "Such a nice place, Whoever was once second in command is now the leader. You are to get weapons and give them only to Erring rising, for each you bring I will allow you a minute of time with me back at Helheim." Grim mused lightly as she watched the area slowly go from a mix and men and woman into only woman as they played and toyed with each other and resumed the party. Grim looking over to Odhran and waving to return him to male, or towards the weapons, and or both. "You can brong those back to the guild, I have to go deal with the other loose end.~"
    Nothing will cast me out, EVER AGAIN!

    Stats and spells:


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
    Charater | Magic 1 | Magic 2 | Magic 3 | Trackers | Linage
    3.5 of 6 Exp Doublers remaining
    2 of 2 Extra Exp Doublers remaining.
    In progress missions: 1,2,3|4|5|6
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 331
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Arms dealing (INV) Empty Re: Arms dealing (INV)

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 15th December 2019, 7:15 pm

    Grim had moved into the final room by herself, leaving Odhran with his voice once more. He thought it would be best to keep listening to his superior's words, figuring she could remove his voice once more. She had told him to hide, but such a thing would be far too foreign for the God. Someone of his stature, caliber, and pride should not be relegated to having to hide in fear from whatever machinations someone else would be planning. He stubbornly agreed verbally before proceeding to immediately ignore the suggestion to hide. Sounds of chaos began to erupt from within the room that Odhran was not in, and he was strangely curious, but decided not to follow up on it. After a few minutes of this chaos, it faded away as two women handed over the basket containing Odhran's keys before the women ran into the room after Grim. Ecstatic, Odhran immediately summoned forth Scorpio, Arnaluuk, and Lupa.

    "Ah! My dearest Spirits! I am greatly sorry that this job came with the requirement that I hand over your keys to such foul, unworthy hands! I pray that you will forgive me for such insolence."

    Scorpio, presently a woman herself, gave Odhran a pat on the back. "Hey, don't worry about it, Odhran! Sometimes the job calls for crappy things like this, but as long as we're back together, we should be all safe and sound! I'm not mad at you, but then again I at least could've summoned myself forth even if you didn't have your key, and I'm sure I coulda found some loophole to let Arnaluuk and Lupa come in in case there was any trouble. So hey, don't worry about it. Now, if you don't mind, I'm kinda curious what this whole business is with Grim."

    Scorpio entered the room proper as Grim ordered him to return the weapons over to the guild. There were certainly a lot of weapons present in this room, and Odhran smiled at the chance to be of assistance in such a way. At this moment, he was too focused on his task ahead to recognize any of what else was happening in the room. Doing his best to avoid incurring the wrath of Grim once more and having his mouth stolen, he called forth the pocket dimension within Perpetuus Sama, having Arnaluuk and Lupa assist him in his task. After loading many of the weapons up into the dimension, he closed it off, conjuring up a number of ornate bags and crates to carry the remaining ordinance. He hastily stuffed the remaining weapons into the bags and boxes, strapping them onto Lupa, who merely wagged her tail in acceptance. The trio walked out of the entire building, Scorpio ensuring Odhran that she would remain in the human realm under her own power to continue her time with the remaining people.

    The entire building had turned entirely strange, leaving Odhran utterly confused as he made his exit. Few of the women that were there paid him any mind. So, the trio had exited the site and began to make their way once more to Errings Rising.

    "This guild is certainly filled with a strange bunch, isn't it?"

    "Indeed. I myself am not entirely certain how to comprehend the depravity and disrespect of that 'Grim' character. Daring to assign me to a task in which I am to hand over my Keys? Removing the mouth of a God? All of this is sacrilege! Blasphemy! Such actions are unforgivable!"

    "You say that, but even you know that she can wipe the floor with you in a
    battle. There's not really much you can do about all of it."

    Odhran was saddened by this, but he nonetheless accepted the wise words of his longest-tenured Celestial Spirit. "You indeed are correct, but such happenings are simply unfathomable for my wonderful visage! I am certainly glad to be of assistance to the guild of Errings Rising, but I am uncertain as to how such a wonderful and perfect ally such as myself can be dragged through into the dregs of disrespect! It is simply unfathomable! Irritating! This level of blasphemy is unacceptable for a being such as myself!"

    Lupa landed at the outside of Errings Rising's hall, the equipment firmly in hand. He once again asked for the assistance of Lupa and Arnaluuk to continue to remove the weapons from their storage. Scorpio had suddenly returned, in his male form, and also continued to assist, all the while Odhran complained about the disrespect given to him throughout the course of this job.

    WC: 766
    TWC: 3675


    Arms dealing (INV) XBivwWT

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 8:50 pm