Fairy Tail RP

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    Festival of Chaos

    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Festival of Chaos Empty Festival of Chaos

    Post by Kit Kerrington 1st July 2019, 2:24 am

    Janet would be on her way to a job that she had been sent on a mission from the guild with her teammate Menka.  Chaos have broken out in one of the nearby pounds to the Jungle, Elementals have been roaming around and causing mischief and chaos said they don't participate in their games. Normally Janet wouldn't care but it was close to the jungle. Close enough that the guild didn't want them wandering this direction… plus nature needed to be balanced out again, so they were of to solve it.  Janet would already be in her Dragon form as she flew over the town seeing the chaos down below. She was just there for a moment and watch and see how they were doing kind of spread out but mostly in a group causing a bit of mischief and trouble. People were doing what they could to calm down and keep them at Bay however they were not amused by it so they when I'm starting to cause some chaos. N she would look back at Menka. "Prepare yourself I about to take us in Menka" she would say activating her Nightshade Dragon Claws as a Green Sheen went over them.  After giving her partner a moment to prepare she would double check before diving down ready to end some elementals.

    As she landed in the center of the chaos she would look at all the elementals roaming around two of them however immediately locked onto the large black dragon that had landed, well they all noticed but they acted first.  They linked hands holding them in the air before holding out there arms shooting out two rays of light towards them.. Janet seeing them flying towards them would let out a roar activating her Nightshade Fortitude making a shield around her as she flew towards them. As the light bounced off the energy shells he would flap there wings flying towards them and the rest of the elementals getting her and her partner Menka closer to them all. Though she could feel the magic around her getting weaker so she couldn't rely on her magic, but that was found she would use her raw strength this time.  As she got to the two elements her shell would shatter and before anything else could happen she took her larte dragon claws and did a powerful swipe with her poisonous claws, though the poison wouldn't be the thing to kill them, it would be her raw strength. The Elementals return to a dust as they were ripped apart by her claws and then more creatures would start to surround them. And they were getting surrounded by these Elemental creatures she would let out a roar and try to instill fear in them and someone with a place to give her teammate tome to strike
    Cannabis and garden ready to defend your teammate in case anything wasn't fearful over at the moment looking around getting her surroundings waiting for her teammate to strike.

    Two normal monsters killed

    Festival of Chaos Empty Re: Festival of Chaos

    Post by Guest 1st July 2019, 3:26 am

    It was a complete mess to be honest and what she assumed was supposed to have been a fun and entertaining festival for the locals had instead become a nightmare for them. The people were now running all over the place, trying to get out of the way of the damage that the elemental creatures were causing. The metal slayer did not truly understand the purpose of the chaos but then again, she found the idea of fun to be rather confusing as well. There did not seem to be any true purpose to it. There was no job to complete or jewels to be earned doing it so what was the point? It baffled her no end and she might have asked Janet about it, had it not been for the seriousness of the situation.

    After her team mate had managed to activate her stun, Menka would briefly take the lead of the situation, jumping down off of Janet's back and saying, "Claws Of The Metal Dragon," causing a powerful pair of razor sharp claws to burst from her hands. The purple haired woman would then lunge forward and strike out at the first fire fairy that she came across, striking it firmly with a horizontal slash, causing it to explode in to a small fire ball. It was so simple, given the effectiveness of Janet's attack and Menka was little more than a clean up crew in truth, sprinting across her large friend and striking out twice at another paralysed fairy, causing the same result as it swiftly exploded too. The other two faeries, however, seemed to be unaffected and would quickly fly out of her range, before unleashing a barrage of fire balls at her, which the metal slayer had to quickly try and dodge.

    Taken by surprise, one of the balls of flame would actually make contact with her, causing a burn mark to appear across her right arm. Her sense of pain was somewhat dulled anyway but it did cause her to raise an eyebrow none the less, while the fairy who had hit her would giggle with glee. The pair of them would take off and start hurling fire in all directions, while the slayer would quickly follow after them, wanting to finish the pipsqueaks off before they did too much damage. They were fast and given her lack of flight, the best she could do was sprint after them and eventually she was close enough to say, "Hookblade Of The Metal Dragon," allowing her to create a large blade to appear from her left foot. Jumping up using her other foot, she would then spin around and deliver a spinning heel kick, catching one of the faeries with its blade and causing it to burn up.

    "That was rude, you know? Killing my friends like that!" The last fairy would say, her voice filled with rage and glaring down at the slayer, "Good luck doing that to me though, I'm just too fast for you." With a laugh, the fairy would turn around and fly off, with Menka cancelling her blade spell and following close behind.


    Three weak monsters killed
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Festival of Chaos Empty Re: Festival of Chaos

    Post by Kit Kerrington 1st July 2019, 6:06 am

    Janet watched Menka run off after killing three of the weaker enemies pursuing the other fairies, however Janet could pursue as she ran into another problem. As she went to pursue she heard the sounds of screaming behind her. People would be running up to Janet with weapons In their hands going to attack the black dragon that I just landed assuming it's with these creatures. Janet didn't have time for there squabbles She had to do it to fire Mages so she can reunite with her teammate however she could Not do this if people were going to consistently getting her way along with these two fireman she had to deal with who were the real threats though with enough numbers the villagers could easily hurt her as well. Focusing our energy has a dragon what turn towards the fire Mages getting ready to strike not starting to pay any mind to these peasants. As the villagers got close to her with anything they could find, or whatever ones had the gall to attack her she would Flickher head up and from behind all of them. They would form a almost spear like shape and then stab through all off the attacking villagers liike a knife through warm butter.I see Shadows with Pierce all the people around her the rest of them drop their weapons and vents scared and she then with flap of her wings took off towards if you fire Mages flying towards him a grade speed. She would open her Jaws you flew towards them and prepare an attack good night Slayer Lance as green and black energy formed by her mouth shoot shoot it out towards her Target though it moves faster than the average spell of someone of her caliber so catching one of them off guard it would impale them so I made them back into a tree has everyone looked back at its companion threw up a wall of fire to try to stop Janet from going through. should activate her Nightshade Dragon fortitude to create a shield and just Barrel through the firewall though having the shield shatter there she would tackle Into the Fire Mage and start clawing at it killing immediately looking towards the one that was so barely alive at the tree. so its arms forward and throw a wall of fire towards Janet. In order to catch the fire Mage off guard Janet would just start barreling through the fire that was being thrown at her aggravating her Nightshade Dragon adrenaline rush to heal her as she ran to the fire and slam them fire Mage straight into the tree causing a large spray of crimson all around her as she head-butted him into the tree knocking the tree over. then I will take a moment to look around at her handiwork at all the dead villagers but had not been smart enough to run away but instead try to attack her and then that's a to fire Mages she just slaughtered. but then she remembered her teammate was still out there somewhere so with that in mind mowing what direction she took off and she flapper Wings insert floating up before flying straight forward it through the woods trying to catch up knowing that she had fallen a little behind but she was confident her team mate could handle herself for the time being.

    2 strong enemies down and the villagers >.>
    WC: 1071/1500

    Festival of Chaos Empty Re: Festival of Chaos

    Post by Guest 1st July 2019, 7:00 am

    The fairy had an annoying habit of staying out of the metal slayer's range and seemed to enjoy leading her on, firing an occasional fire bolt that Menka had to dodge out of the way of. She could hear Janet roaring and battling from behind her but for the moment, her attention was on the pixie, knowing full well that her partner was more than capable of dealing with any problems that came her way. After jumping up and missing with an acrobatic attack, the purple haired woman decided to take on a slightly different approach and said, her tone as mechanical as always, "Chain Of The Metal Dragon," creating a long coil of metal which she would then hurl towards the fairy. The creature would try to dodge but the chain managed to quickly wrap about its tiny frame, before Menka would then smash it against the ground. With a shriek, the fairy would struggle and flail around but the slayer would simply sprint up towards it and bring her foot down, silencing and killing the little creature, resulting in another small ball of flame to appear as it died.

    It was only when she had killed the the little pest that she realised just how far she had come and as it turned out, Menka had completely traversed through the festival and was now on the other side of it, still hearing the occasional cry from those behind her. It was only then that she considered just what might be happening behind her, as she remembered the events of their first mission and how the locals had responded due to her draconian form. What if the locals wrongly assumed that Janet was the enemy too? That thought was enough for the slayer to turn and begin to walk back, however, before she could do, a foul smell would enter her nostrils, enhanced by her slayer sense and the blue eyed woman found herself turning back around once again.

    Standing in front of her was a massive goat like creature, standing on two legs and at about 12 feet tall. It was a monstrous looking creature and Menka logically assumed that this was probably the main cause of all of the problems. It did not say a word and simply charged towards her, forcing her to quickly move out of the way, catching it with a solid punch to the side as it went past her. It did not seem to do much damage though and the beast seemed to just move its shoulders, almost in a shrug like action. The slayer knew that her physical strength was more than considerable and it was not often that those she faced were able to take a strike from her without being wounded. Perhaps this would be more of a challenge and the thought of that did make her slightly curious. Just what was this thing anyway and why would it possibly want to ruin the festivities? Questions that would fill her mind as she charged forwards, ducked under the goat man's punch and slammed her own fist in to his stomach. The fight was on.

    (WC: 1050/1500)

    One weak monster killed
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Festival of Chaos Empty Re: Festival of Chaos

    Post by Kit Kerrington 1st July 2019, 7:42 am

    as Janet flew through the force using her Superior such as she could easily hear the battle and what direction was going on so she will fly that way keeping just above the Treeline. taking a sniff through the air recognizing the scent of her teammate she fly at a faster Pace doing some of the combat happening more now. After a moment to flying overhead she would see in a small little clearing her partner fighting this giant goat man looking thing that was easily taller than her partner and much bigger stronger was a questionable face knowing her partner strength however she would still have to go in And when some support. Janet would fly down towards them seen that they were walked in she can't use any of her area of a suspected tax which were a good chunk of our so what you make this more interesting as you would fly in the sun being blocked out by her shadowy figure she would stop with a quick dust of her wings trading dust on the ground using her claws on switch promotion to scrape against the large goat man figure and throw him backwards easily avoiding Menka since you are so much bigger than her. as she hovered there over Menka she would look towards were the Goatman in flown towards in with a flap of her wings send out black and green Dart like spikes towards him slamming has you blocked them with his arms thinking he could take it. tell me what he didn't know was The Poison would soon seep into his body make him more susceptible to Magic again and he would slowly be drained of his life. The Goatman will begin the stumble about as Janet would quote they're making sure that the poison would take effect on her prey however two of them looked down at her partner for a brief moment hovering over her still and I'm look back at the Goatman before releasing a Roar from her mouth to keep him busy and occupied. she would hope that her partner would realize the opening she had created for her and that her tax be more effective now so then again she wasn't really conveying much just a series of loud roaring. it's not that she couldn't talk in this moment she just chose not to the adrenaline rushing through her system at the current moment more focus on making sure this goat man died and that her partner lived then communicating a plan something she has to get better out in the future. I see what all the Roar and it would eventually cease the Goatman Woods start wobbling all about as it started to try to recover leaving a perfect opening for her partner to strike and take him down once and for all the poison starting to take more of an effect now.


    Festival of Chaos Empty Re: Festival of Chaos

    Post by Guest 1st July 2019, 8:46 am

    While the goat man was wobbling, Menka would strike from behind unleashing a powerful blow to his liver, causing him to howl and drop to one knee, before she would strike him again with a powerful punch to the skull, causing blood to shed. Janet had done a fantastic job of weakening him and she was thankful that her partner had caught up with her when she did, as she had not been quite sure if she would have been able to beat the creature solo. He was definitely tough and could certainly punch. Starting to spin in a circle, she would say, "Spines Of The Metal Dragon," which would pepper the goat like creature with a savage barrage of shards, causing blood to splatter from all parts of his body. He had little in the way of defence, as Janet's poison and attacks had dealt so much damage and it was simply left to her to finish him, it would seem. He would try to roll away from the attack but the metal slayer would be after him quickly, catching him with a vicious kick to the skull which would send him to the floor. To finish the job, she would then utter, "Blade Of The Metal Dragon," creating a chainsaw blade of metal, which she would then plunge in to his body to complete the task, killing him and ending the trouble.

    Once it was done, she would simply stand over the dead goat man and stare down at the body, not having the slightest clue as to why he would have started all of this but it was just another question to add to the thousand that she usually had filtering through her mind. It made little sense to her but the important thing was that the fight was over and the people could get back to making the most of the day, assuming any of them were still around and in the mood to celebrate. However, she somehow had the feeling that perhaps hanging around would not be the most prudent decision and so she would simply turn around and clamber up on top of her partner, before the pair of them would rise in to the sky and begin the journey back to the guild. The job had turned out to be rather simple in the end and Menka was rather so so about what had taken place. However, it had completed and she and Janet had managed to continue to build on their first successful job. She did briefly ponder about what had happened while she had been chasing the fairy though. How had her partner handled the situation of being surrounded by so so many fearful and possibly angry people? It was slightly troublesome but a question for another day. A satisfactory ending to a satisfactory job.

    (WC 1525/1500)

    One boss killed.

    Word count reached and all enemies killed.

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 8:47 pm