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    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)


    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard's Frostburn
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    Guild : Errings Rising - GM
    Cosmic Coins : 555
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    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Empty A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)

    Post by Saraphina 19th March 2019, 9:01 pm

    A Whole New World,
    Saraphina takes a deep breath as she sits upon her throne in her castle while wearing a white dress that completely engulfs her legs when she sits down, and has long drapey sleeves hanging off of her shoulders. Word of her newly established guild should have gotten out by now… And so far, she has a couple people she considered members already. Her favorite entertainer, and a man with an army at his beck and call, and two beautiful puppies that she adored so much. A smile broke the white haired girls face to show her sharp teeth, as she had a thought. What if they were outside? She stands up, adjusting the crown on her head, and picks up her skirt delicately as she giggles to herself. “Nadaline, lets go and see if we have any guests roaming our halls.” She giggles as she lifts the skirt of the dress higher. Her maid following behind her as she walked. Nadaline was usually quiet. Typically afraid of Saraphina, but she was still rather loyal to her since she was afraid of the girl who pronounced herself as the queen.

    The pale girl, with bright pinkish purple eyes, walks out of her throne room and starts going down the main hall, wondering where any of her court had gone. Her eyes travel around the halls. All the spots where the previous owner of the castle’s pictures had been, were removed, leaving them slightly baren. She needed new decorations to fill her castle. She looked back over her shoulder to make sure Nadaline had the basket that had the stamp for her new guild, and giggles to herself while she clears her throat, turning back around. Maybe people would come to her while she sang. “I can show you the world…” She begun softly. “Shining, shimmering, splendid… Tell me, peasant, now when did you last let your heart decide~?” Her voice gradually started to rise. Last time she had sung, she had someone trying to tell her she sucked at it, but she wasn’t letting that stop her. “A whole new world! A new fantastic point of view… No one to tell us no… Or where to go… Or say we're only dreaming~!” She giggles as she spun around one of the halls. She had nearly forgot she was looking for others around her castle, but she knew her voice was loud enough regardless to call the others to her if they were roaming her castle, or just outside the front door. She did leave it open in case people were coming to her. They had two options right now anyways, join, or die if they didn’t bow to her.
    Saraphina R. Zima
    448 WORDS

    Last edited by Saraphina on 14th July 2019, 7:50 pm; edited 1 time in total



    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Empty Re: A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)

    Post by Guest 21st March 2019, 7:39 pm

    Less than a month ago, right?

    Everything changed in such small amount of time. He was excited but confused and unsure of so many things. If anyone had told Laurence that he would be at the top of a mountain that feels cold enough to freeze someone's nipples off, the man would have laughed in their face. Now? He was no longer human anymore. Was he even still seen as an adult? Part of him said of course, that suggesting otherwise made no sense. Another part reminded the man that his life as a human was over, the life as a kelpie hadn't even been a full month yet. The seemingly unlimited kindness that was once on his person had been replaced with a jaded outlook on the world, laws, and those in control of the world at this point. The world used to kiss his skin, leaving freckled sun marks. Now? All parts of his person now looked as if it had been doused in dark waters for years, only to be recently released. The slight green hue his skin would take when the shadows met it certainly was a reminder of algae from still fresh waters. The world had revealed itself as a place where the current rules and laws make no sense. Those in charge are loathsome. Places that look too perfect and peaceful unnerve him, a reminder of Lotts own previous life of contentment without questioning. That was one of the reasons why he was here. So many things were so confusing, but something that wasn't?

    Dissatisfaction with the current world order. Maybe order itself was unnerving. Well, not if its done in honesty? Or not, it wasn't something the kelpie quite understood. He would trust honest thieves and killers over smiling faces hiding behind social rank that came with undeserving authority. How the world was? It was chaos and humanity had try to tame it, along with themselves. It didn't make sense. How much actually made sense now. Walking continued, lime colored eyes looking at the massive building that was coming closer with each step. This was the new dark guild, right? Even before it was made officially, the message it spoke in idea had been alluring. It felt like a message that whispered to the soul. It was the first castle the kelpie had ever come close to, it was something that caused him to stare briefly in awe. Was it a good idea to come here? Was he really good enough to make the cut? . . .Was that singing? The closer the kelpie got, the more confused he became. This was how he ended up opting to enter the building. Entering felt a bit confusing, but it was certainly better than being outside. Not wanting to interrupt, he bowed his head slightly to show respect before moving out of the way of the door.
    Anything he wanted to say or ask could wait.

    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Devotee of Darkness- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Villain- Player 
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    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Empty Re: A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)

    Post by Jester 23rd March 2019, 2:20 pm

    The clown was pretty gleeful today. He skipped along the snowy mountain path. Onwards to the castle where his Queenie awaited him. It was an exciting day, for all the games that they had played together had escalated into its crescendo. And from it, something spectacular was born. His queen, as destined for greatness as she was had founded a new faction amongst the society that was 'dark mages' — creating a guild that was known as Errings Rising, built specifically for the defiance of law and order. Allowing Jester to dabble in the chaos as much as he wanted, he would access to many lives to punish, without rhyme or reason he could do whatever he pleased. Caused suffering wherever he went, and it would all be in the name of The White Queen of Errings Rising.

    As he skipped along, he was dressed in his usual 'clown-like' attire: white top and trousers, pink rings cushioning his waist, biceps and wrists. However what was out of place, was that in his right hand, he was holding a bundle of fabrics, wrapped around something, and tied together rather messily. He hummed a tune as he made his way towards the castle. The castle he was so utterly fond of now. For it was now the whole of some wonderful, horrific nostalgia. The massacring of several innocent peasants, it had been so wonderfully chaotic. If he paused for thought, he could still hear the delicious screams of the men whose limbs he hacked off with his magical deck of cards. He licked his lips at the thought of it; he could wait for the next bout of fun ahead. But for now, he needed to play a quieter game. To watch his Queens ascendance, as she claimed the throne she so desired.

    As he arrived, it seemed everything was set up. He slid through the doors, entering the castle. He moved towards the room of which he knew his queen would be in. Yet as he strolled along, his golden eyes fell on her; elegant, graceful, nothing like the blood-spatter woman who had helped him carve away the lives of so many not long ago. It was a lovely facade, but Jester knew her true face, the manic eyes that sort to punish those who defied her with a wondrous lack of mercy. That was the face; he was fond of. She was singing softly, he smirked. As he approached, he fell to his knee rather dramatically.

    "My Queen," He said silkily, head bowed. He brought the package up, "An offering to you on your day of ascendance." Were the queen to open the package. She would find at first what appeared to be a severed arm. Bleed dry, rigid and blue, belonging to a wealthy woman the clown had recently encountered. However, this was not the gift; the gift was the bracelet on the wrist.  Made of pure silver, it was encrusted with an assortment of sparkling diamonds; all surrounded a pink gemstone that was a similar hue to the woman's eyes. He had passed the woman a while ago and noticed the sparkling bracelet on her wrist. She had been some sort of noble apparently, well she had been. Now she was a rotting body in a dumpster, arm haphazardly hacked off. Jester wondered idly if she had been discovered yet, maybe, maybe not. It didn't really matter to him, he'd gotten a gift for his Queenie and that was enough to satisfy him.



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Experience : 1,325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Playmates & Necromancy
    Second Skill: Kanai's contract
    Third Skill: Locked

    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Empty Re: A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)

    Post by Ophelia 25th March 2019, 6:58 pm

    Words written: #603
    Total written: 603
    #E45E9D Ophelia's speech 1
    #5DE3A4 Ophelia's Speech 2
    "Why could you NOT walk this time?" "Because, it'sa very cold up hereses..."

    _____The two voices, while the same had different tones about them. The first was colder, crueler, and vile while the other was childish and playful as the small figure staggered The white lined caps of the mountain towards the castle rumored to be a guild hall the two persona's agreed to join. It was the only place they could see working for both of them. The day version could have her fun, and the night version could keep the two in the guild and have her fun killing when she got the urge to do such.

    _____But as the light from the sun hit Ophelia's eyes she growled under her breath. This side of the child enjoyed the night better, but seeing as she was a fragment of the day version she had to come out when she was called. Looking to the mirror as the reflection showed the smiling face of her counterpart despite the frown and annoyed glare of her current look. When they did reach the guild hall Ophelia grumbled to herself at the sight. She was expecting dark and dreary and yet... here it was...

    "Spin the mirror I wanna see!" "You can take over, I'm going back to sleep..."

    _____Reaching into the cloak and slowly pulling out the rest of the full body mirror as the girl set it down in the snow and stepped onto it while placing the small piece she was holding to finish it. As the creaks fused back together the girl fell into the mirror and a moment later jumped out with bright glow to her eyes and a smile as the mirror shattered and a piece flew into her hand. Stashing the mirror back as the girl's eyes widened with excitement as she ran forward.

    "SO PRETTY! So shiny... so... so COOOL!!! Ha-ha~"

    _____The tone pure excitement as the child ran forward pushing the doors open and her laughter the first sign she was there. Racing past the others with her arms reached out causing her cloak to set uneven revealing her collection of daggers and small bag of shiny rocks as well. Taking a moment to lap back around as she looked to the lady dressed in rather fancy cloths and the clown? Head tipping at the arm before she smiled and her she lifted her shard of broken glass to cover her scarred eye and half her face as a groggy face seems to show up rather then reflect the two figures or the arm.

    "WHAT NOW!" "Looky looky a severed arm... wonder how it was cut off... na na do you know this one Pheli?" "How the hell would I know! move me closer..."

    _____The loud shout was first to reveal the different tone to the group as the girl seemed to have a one sided conversation before moving the shard of glass closer as she raced around to hold it closer to the point of separation. Moving it right against it causing the second tone to take over again. "Gaa not that close!" "Oh, sorry Pheli Ha-ha." Moving the shard of glass back a bit as the face that matched the young girl's looked at the arm intently before yawning. "Who ever cut it off has no sense of class or care... such barbarianism in their work." "Ye, ye Ophelia thinks so to ha-ha... Barbarbiananaisssams!" The attempt to say the large word going astray before Ophelia laughed and rushed to run around some more. Her daggers chiming as she spun around and explored the area.
    The child Murder


    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) JALxGTw
    Character | Magic-1 | Magic-2 | Trackers | History
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    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Empty Re: A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)

    Post by Sapphire 26th March 2019, 4:34 pm

    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) M7DaaUi
    Later than most that is what the woman who walked the icy paths of Mt. Hakobe was for this meeting at the newly formed dark guild. This was for numerous reasons as it stood, both from her own preparation to move here, and from her information gathering it took to find out more on those that lead it. What she had managed to turn up was not only only very little, but was depressingly so in fact as almost no one knew any great details of value. Sadly this meant she was going into this blind, and that was dangerous for her but all the same a guild that looked to surpass and directly destroy law, that was not a chaos to be taken lightly. As she continued her journey up the mountain her skin would crawl looking at the castle in the distance, she knew this was nothing to take lightly yet here she stood having to trick yet another guild, and this time she could not rely on bloodshed as the aura of those stronger than herself echoed from the halls to the place she stood.

    Five old tattoos rested on her body, all inactive from previous dark guilds she had been in, kept as a tally of those she butchered in her time. Often she would play it as people she killed due to feeling superior or disliking their mantras but that might not fly here, she had no idea, no information, only a call to arms. She could almost feel the eerie nature from the castle, knowing what went down was bad enough but exhilarating in a way as she had never actually had a challenge taking down a guild yet here she was. Time was of the essence however, she had known only of numbers and as she watched from the distance those numbers grew so taking her time now no longer she made her way to the castles entrance.

    Upon entering her first note was the singing that took place and rang through the halls, which then turned her attention to the desolate halls themselves. Not a single painting, not a single decoration, all of it was empty and it disturbed her to witness, but what made things worse, was that she felt not one, but two powers both greater than her own, and both overwhelmingly so. Worse still was the other two feelings she had, both matched her in strength and hope was lost for a moment, she knew that this was no longer going to be easy and that this was not just another guild to crush. Thinking as she walked eyes would soon catch on the sights in front of her, a man visibly looking different than normal, green skin and a few other details, a child talking to a mirror, a clown with a severed arm one matching the description of a recently found noble and finally the one she assumed was the leader, a pale woman in regal gown and crown upon her head. Taking note of it all she knew that it was time to start the act as her entire would darken a scowl on her face looking over this, "So this is the place that butler boy told me about? Errings Rising? The guild that plans to destroy all law?" That darkened expression soon turned to a twisted smile as she offered a hand to the pale woman her dark glove glowing red as her eyes turned to the goat-like slits and her skin ignited a deep orange and horns grew from her head, "I am Malva Kasai a pleasure to join you."

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    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) 3mv2cPO
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard's Frostburn
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    Guild : Errings Rising - GM
    Cosmic Coins : 555
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    Experience : 1,361,997

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    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Empty Re: A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)

    Post by Saraphina 26th March 2019, 7:52 pm

    A Whole New World,
    One by one, people started coming into her castle. She could feel their magic as they entered. The white haired girl giggles to herself as she makes her way towards the entrance to greet her guests. The first one she sees is a light greenish looking person? She wasn’t sure what they were per say… A grin starts to form on her face as she claps her hands together. “Oh~! A guest!” She cries out excitedly just as she had a feeling another was coming that she adored to be accompanied by. A squeal escapes her lips as her eyes spy the clown that she was indeed thinking of. “Jester~!” She giggles happily to him as he fell to a knee before her. She gasps at the package for a moment before she eagerly opened it up. There, within the package, was one of the most beautiful pieces of jewelry she had ever seen. The arm was nothing to her but a holder to her new jewelry, so it mattered not to her. “Oh! Jester! You shouldn’t of!” She breathes before she removes the bracelet off of the arm.

    As soon as the bracelet was in her hands and she begun to admire it, a little figure begun running around her castle. She watched her running back away from her, and blinked widely. Who let this child in? Oh… that’s right, she left the front door open. Any pest could get in. Or that were the thoughts Saraphina begun having before she noticed the weapons on the little girl. Spying those weapons made her grin as she runs her hand through her hair, missing her crown. She tilts her head slightly as she watches her with her shard of glass, wondering what was going on, till she heard two similar voices it seemed? She watched the girl get excited over the severed arm, finally realizing it was there, and snickers. As the girl inspected the arm, Saraphina slightly crouched down and grinned to the girl. “Not everything has to be nice and clean you know!” She says to the girl, she couldn’t help but want to pinch this girls cheeks. She already liked her and wanted to find out more of this little one. She looked back to Jester with a grin before she sensed another presence coming.

    She stands up and claps her hands a bit. Nadaline was standing behind her once again as Tyr was calmly walking around the castle. He was allowed to roam free. Saraphina wasn’t going to tell him he couldn’t go anywhere, or tie him up. He even had his own room in the castle that was just his. That room, he could be the one to tell anyone else no in… Tyr had wanted his masters affection, but saw she was busy with the other two legged people, so he simply laid down while he waited on her. The pink eyed girl looked over to the two newcomers, and grins to them. “What brought-” She paused as she looked over to the new person walking in. This woman with a scowl made the girl raise an eyebrow to her. A smile split her face a bit as she tilted her head some, till the woman mentioned ‘butler boy’. A gasp then had escaped her lips before she skipped over to her and grabs her hand she offered her.

    “Oh~! That’s music to my ears! Nadaline! Your brother is doing exactly what I told him to do! Aren’t you excited?!” She squeals while she looks to her maid. The woman looked pale a bit, but she nervously smiles before she nods to Saraphina. The girl looks back to the one she was holding the hand of, and her eyes shone with excitement. “I’m so glad to have another joining us! You’ll love it here! Did you two also find out about my beautiful guild from Nadaline’s brother, Bertrand?!” She had let go of the girls hand and was clapping her hands rather excitedly as she spun around rather quickly. She paused as she looked to the woman once more. She had gotten a bit too excited over hearing about how the woman found out about her guild, that she hadn’t paid any attention to the woman’s looks. “Oh! Your horns are so pretty! Malva… such a pretty name~! Ooooh! I’m so excited for you to join!” She looks back to everyone else within the room. She pauses for a moment, tapping her chin as she looks to Nadaline. The girl takes a deep breath and holds up the little stamp she had created for her master. Saraphina squealed once more. “Yes! Guild Stamps!” She actually had some of her hair covering her own guild mark as it was between her breasts, right on her sternum. She moved her hair back and out of the way to finally fully expose her purple, swirled asterisk, guild mark, right where everyone could see on her chest. Of course no one could miss her mark. She takes the stamp from her maid, and glances around to everyone. “Care to have a volunteer?” She giggles to them all, wondering whom else she gets to mark after herself.
    Saraphina R. Zima
    (868) 1316 WORDS

    Last edited by Saraphina on 14th July 2019, 8:05 pm; edited 1 time in total



    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Empty Re: A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)

    Post by Guest 27th March 2019, 2:24 pm

    The young adult watched the clown enter the building. Was this really the right place? Green eyes watched as each person entering seemed to be their own brand of unique. There was a time in his life where it would have made him feel uncomfortable and out of place. That was before death, now? It was a bit impressive with a dash of curiosity. There was a warm feeling in his boggy pitch heart that this was where he might belong for now. But... what the Jester did was a reminder of an offering the kelpie had brought for everyone. The woman had seemed to stop singing. It seemed whoever either the woman or the man was, they were more than likely pretty strong. They seemed too confident for him to imagine otherwise. The corpse like skinned person couldn't help but to eye the arm with a bit of hunger. Most of his meat had been used on some dogs, what little had been left from that job had long since been eaten on the way there. The jewelry it briefly held, how it was cut off, none of that mattered to a hungry malicious faes stomach that hungered for human flesh. A guest? Yes, that was what he was. The man didn't see any tables nearby, there was no law of plates needing to be on a table so... he bowled his head to the lady a bit before pulling small shimmering silver plates from his pockets, then proceeded to fill each one with sweets until there were no more to fill the small plates with. The sweets included candied apples, chocolate covered fruit, different kinds of fudge, chocolate truffles, bars, brownie bites, cake balls, cheesecake balls, chocolate turtles, and other goodies.

    There was of course white, milk, dark, even extra dark when it came to the chocolates ranges. The marshmallows in some of the sweets were made using honey, making them just as fluffy but not as sweet as normal marshmallows. There was light caramel in some sweets and dark in some others. Some goodies even included English toffee. "Was borne and died once as a human, born again a few weeks ago as a new kelpie. Stole some things along the way here as a gift. The old fae that made me told me about Errings Rising, don't know where he heard about it. My name is Laurence Lott, I would like to serve as a member." At this point he finally approached, though certainly not yet with much elegance. There wasn't any clumsiness or anything, he just had a quiet and upfront way of walking. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't classy. The man stopped once close enough. One hand was used to part his hair, the other to move down the long neck of his shirt. As those were being done, he bowed his upper have deep. Why? He wanted the guild mark on the back of his neck. It was a vital life spot, important, but not a place most would think to look at. Did it make it less important? No. "I'm not much yet, but I'll work to be."

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Second Skill: Kanai's contract
    Third Skill: Locked

    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Empty Re: A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)

    Post by Ophelia 29th March 2019, 8:46 pm

    Words written: #376
    Total written: 979
    #e45e9d Ophelia's speech 1
    #5de3a4 pheli's speech
    _____While Ophelia did hear the woman address her rude comment she did not seem very bothered or agree with such things. cutting was a fine art, magic was what you used to for being sloppy but seeing as she was distracted by roaming around the chance she started to argue with the woman was left untouched as she explored. What drew her back in a few minutes was the smell of sweets. The small frame rushing back and taking a plate without even asking or caring much if it was someones focus before her.

    _____Rushing to a corner nearby as she jumped to fall down cross legged facing everyone while nibbling happily on  a candy apple and listening. Her daggers exposed at her waist along with seemingly endless more that would be odd considering they did not clatter as much as someone might expect. All along her boots seemed to be throwing knives also that looked to just be anything she could get her hands on seeing as she was roaming and homeless almost all her short life. Hearing the topic and how it was partly directed to her she stopped mid mouthful of candy to speak.

    "mag weuq wigh ja..." Taking a moment to cough as she chocked on a bit of food before swallowing and trying again. "Ophelia heard from Pheli... She did not say where she heards it from though... Would have to ask her... But right now she is sleeping and Ophelia can't wake her again or Pheli won't read me a bedtime story later... She will be up at night thoughs if you wants to ask her... But make sure she is not grinchy... She gets that way sometimes for some reason... Ophelia does not... OH CANDY!!!"

    _____As if she did not recall the fact she already had a plate that was now empty the small girl rose again to rush over and grab more candy to take back to her corner. If anyone tried to approuch her or take from her towering plate of sweets she would very quickly turn hostile throwing a dagger at the outreached hands aiming for her sweets as she growled. Otherwise she seemed entirely focused on her sweet tooth for the time being once more.
    The child Murder


    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) JALxGTw
    Character | Magic-1 | Magic-2 | Trackers | History
    4.5 of 6 Exp Doubler remaining
    Golden Lacrimas Until 4/4/2020
    Current missions: 4/5
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    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
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    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Empty Re: A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)

    Post by Elyon 31st March 2019, 2:22 am

    434 words ▸ @ a hunk of people ▸Guild Intro
    This was exactly why he avoided long treks, especially up perilous mountains. His joints ached, his cane helping him through the rough terrain to the best of its ability. The ever so lowering temperature didn't bother him. Why was he even subjecting himself to this task, though? It was simple. A little birdie told him that there was a new Guild forming in a castle atop the mountain. A Guild that sought to get rid of laws and rules. While the man didn't feel exactly like that, his personal ultimate goal was something similar. And if he had to be honest, he could use all the help he could get.

    He had to take a number of short breaks to catch his breath. Not only that, but to also just to alleviate some of the mental and physical stress, if only just for a fleeting moment, before he stood up again. Eventually, his feet and determination brought him to the castle, his destination. The heavy doors were already swung open and he was secretly glad for that fact. Slowly and cautiously, he walked inside. Not that he could will himself to walk faster, anyway.

    There was already a number of people present within the castle, if his magic sensory was of any indication. The strengths varied, but he was far too exhausted to try and indentify the sources better, before reaching them. His dimmed senses brought him to the throne room. Where once perhaps hung paintings or trophies of achievements, he saw barren walls. His steps were muffled by the softness of his sandals, but his cane quietly tinked with his every other step. Five people were present in the grand room he entered. A visibly armed girl with copious amounts of sweets, a man with an unhealthy colour of skin, a woman with horns that were reminiscing of his old mentor, a clown-looking man and finally, woman clad in white with a crown perched atop her head. It was rather easy to guess as to who could possibly be the Guildmaster of a newly formed Guild.

    Besides the people themselves, he noticed a few more things. A severed arm and the source of sweets were the most prominent. He was unsure as to what exactly was going on in the moment he walked in. His feet would bring him a little bit closer to the others. "I trust the information about there being a new Guild forming was correct?" The man would half ask and half state. It felt both strange and exciting, being there, right at the birth of a new Guild.
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) 9AtWbCr

    Character: Elyon Lamalet ⭐ Primary Magic: Gunbreaker (Coming Soon) ⭐ Elyon's Inventory & Info: Closed for refurbishing ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

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    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Empty Re: A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)

    Post by Jester 1st April 2019, 12:15 pm

    Her reaction to the severed arm accompanied by the extravagant jewellery was as he anticipated. She disregarding the rotting limb to immediately admire the bracelet. She certainly enjoyed pretty things, her lack of care over the way he had presented to her was exactly why Jester had decided to follow her. His chaotic queen indeed. He was excited to see all the fun and devatation she would manifest as she took rulership upon herself. The clown would climb to his feet, satisfied that this part was done. He heard a sound that pierced through him like a nails scratched along a chalkboard, the sound of none other than a child. His golden eyes fell upon the little girl, his expression blank as she awed over the severed arm, muttering away to herself. Jester's fist would clenched as the sound of her incessant giggling. His body would emit a malicious dark energy and his face would contort into one of pure hate. His fingers trembled, ready to rip the little girl limb from limb. However, the sound of his Queenie's voice caught his attention. Causing him to freeze, he listened as she commented to the girl that not everything needed to be done in a 'neat manner'. As she turned to look at him, the malevolent energy instantly dissipated and his expression became blank once more. It seemed his queen was accepting on this girl, which for a moment seemed to be enough to suppress his urge to murder everyone and everything in the room... for now.

    A few more would join the fray, which seem to please her. It seemed that this 'faction' had gotten quite a bit of attention in the short time that it had passed since their last visit here. Enough to lure in a curious mixture of individuals. A woman with red hair, an odd looking fellow who looked a little on the green side who was placing sweets-tears out for everyone. Jester watched with a 'hawk-like' gaze at the small girl rushed over to help herself to some treats. Then there was another man who entered with dark hair and a cane. His queen would ask about Guild stamps, to which the greenish man would approach. After he was done, Jester swept forward, bowing. He would over her the back of his hand, which had long been bare of the guild symbol that was there before. Nightmare, a fun place for a time, but not fun enough to hold his attention. Whispers on corners told him that place didn't exist anymore, no matter. He had found somewhere...much more fun.



    The White Queen

    The White Queen

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    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Empty Re: A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)

    Post by Saraphina 6th April 2019, 1:25 pm

    A Whole New World,
    The white haired girl giggles as she looks over to the man with the chocolates and other sweets on a plate he had produced. She wondered how they tasted. She looked to the little girl taking away the plate of candies from the man. It wasn’t fully her issue, as he seemed to be offering them to everyone anyways. She looked over to the girl as she sat herself in a corner to eat the treats, giggling to herself slightly at the sight. She had never been able to do that when she was younger, she also wasn’t going to tell her no either. Saraphina was completely oblivious to Jesters reaction to Ophelia, her focus half distracted by her new pretty bracelet, and the members of her newly forming guild. After she asked everyone else where they had heard of her wonderful new guild, she learned that the man, or kelpie really, with the sweets had heard from another about her guild, and that the little girl wasn’t aware of where Pheli heard the information, just that she was told about it. She was curious about who Pheli was, and was wondering if it was the person in the mirror that she showed. Maybe she would have to ask her where she heard of Errings Rising from. For now, she’d leave the girl be to eat her treats without issues.

    When she asked about guild symbols, the man who brought the sweets stepped forth and offered his neck. She was excited as she reaches her hand over and places her stamp on the back of his neck, removing it to reveal the beautiful swirled asterisk that is her guilds symbol. It would change to the color that he prefered, and she’d admire her work all the more. “I hope you’ll be wonderful to my precious guild, and goal.” She giggles before she spies Jester offering his hand to her. A grin splits on her face as she gingerly grabs his hand and stamps the back of his hand. She heard the clinking of a cane approaching, and glances over to the mage that was approaching the throne room, and her eyes grow wide for a moment. His question of being informed correctly of a new guild forming made her lips part to a delicious grin. “Why, yes! This is the guild hall of Errings Rising!” She clapped her hands as she skips over to him a bit. “Are you wishing to join my sweet slice of heaven?” She beams to him before looking to the two girls once again. “Care to have your stamps?” She giggles while holding up her stamp once again. Her purple-ish pink eyes glance over to the man who just entered her throne room, wondering whom he was, and if he’d be joining and where he’d like her stamp too. By now, she had all but forgotten about her song and how it had originally went, it had been thought up on the spot anyways.
    Saraphina R. Zima
    (499) 1815 WORDS

    Last edited by Saraphina on 14th July 2019, 8:06 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Empty Re: A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)

    Post by Ophelia 14th April 2019, 12:49 pm

    Words written: #417
    Total written: 1,386
    #e45e9d Ophelia's speech 1
    #5de3a4 pheli's speech
    _____Ophelia listened to the group chatting more as she nibbled on what was left of her gathered sweets, her eyes watching the cane, and more particularly the shiny part of it sure she also took time to look over to the bracelet but she figured it would not fit her and the cane she could have more fun playing around with if she got her hands on.  Rising and taking a few moments to adjust her cloak and the weapons within to get them back in place as she skipped over to Saraphina with a smile and a light giggle.

    _____Stopping a bit away as she removed the cloak and very carefully began to fold and straiten it to set it down on the ground before resuming her approach. Under her cloak was her assassin attire, the black fabric covering most her body and where it did not was left coated in bandages or under black matching boots. Bending down to carefully pull her left pant leg away from the sock and boot to reveal just a small amount of her skin. The pale flesh soon moving once again as Ophelia started to preform a very hap hazard hand stand mostly due to the fact she was not happy to reveal skin.

    "Guess... I'll get it next... But... can i not go around showing it off...? Ophelia does not like to show skin..."

    _____Ophelia's tone had gone from playful to bashful, and the more time she had her skin exposed the harder it would be to keep her still long enough to get her ankle marked. The moment it was over she would quickly roll away from the guild master and recover her skin without even bothering to check the mark out some. Rushing to her cloak and unfolding it slowly and re-warping herself an extra layer before she exhaled and smiled again as she ran back to the area with sweets to see if there was anything else she could munch on while planning on ways to steal the cane from the man.

    _____Most of her plans relied heavily on him getting distracted first, others simply thought maybe she could talk him out of his cane unsure if he even truly needed it. All she knew was that it was shiny and she wanted it, and that sadly was enough for the child to consider just what ways had the best chances of getting her hands on another unique thing for her collection of shiny objects.
    The child Murder


    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) JALxGTw
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    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Empty Re: A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)

    Post by Guest 18th April 2019, 4:45 pm

    Why was it that he felt more alive now long after death than ever before? Perhaps this was a point towards the theory that this reality was something his corpse mind had ebbed together, that an eternal rest wasn't that of non existence. If this was a dream or real, it didn't matter in the end. A smile crept through his corpse like lips before standing himself back up. The man took a step back, a hand reaching under the shirt fabric. He touched the spot where the stamp had touched, perhaps to confirm that it had happened? Or had it? Deep lime green eyes looked about, the color looking brightened against the black sclera. What was her name? He supposed it didn't matter until it was needed. "I'll try to do the best I can." He really wanted to ask about the arm, but also didn't want to? It was a new sort of hunger he was and wasn't accepting of. Both hands slid back to his sides, one of the long and slightly lip ears giving a bit of a twitch before he looked back at the sweets. The fudge, one of the candied apples, and things that involved mostly sweet caramel were all gone. Dark chocolates, dark caramel, and other less sweet things were left among those treats. Well, along with the rest of the candied apples. It was strange to look at sweets and feel no need or want for any of it in the slightest. Could he do his best? Well, might as well be honest. This was the guild he had pledged to, that held a want for chaos in the world as he did. Everyone here so far was different, so different. "I haven't been sure if reality is even real since waking from my watery grave." It definitely gave him a different viewpoint. "But I know that the order I heard of so often never existed." That's right, where was this 'order' people claimed so strongly? Was it in the laws? But those were made and enforced by people supporting something that they had stopped questioning long ago. Did many even question it? Perhaps they were under the same illusion he had been under for so long. So long as rules were put there with a reason that made sense, he had no issues in obeying.
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
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    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Empty Re: A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)

    Post by Godlike Frederik 19th April 2019, 12:03 pm

    The wind was harsh and cold, as it sheered around Dahau and his men. They followed a barely visible and steep trail along the Hakobe Mountains, snow and ice made sure every step they took was a dangerous one. Yet the enigmatic party pressed on, surprisingly unencumbered by the hostile environment. For they had a goal to reach. Their Queen had summoned them, and they were ready to answer her call.
    Time passed and eventually they reached their destination. A foreboding fortress that hid between the ridges of the mountain. As a titan it stood out against its icy surrounding, intimidating to say the least. For a moment he and his men stopped and looked at their new home, wondering who else would be residing inside those walls, and what future they may hold.

    The doors to the guild flew open once more and with it, a cold gust of wind sheered through the hall. In its opening a group of men, clad in black armor and skull masks. In the front Dahau, obviously their leader, with his cloak fluttering in the wind. For a second he looked around the hall and he saw that several mages had already gathered. A curious bunch, to say the least, some would even be considered oddballs. However, looks could be deceiving and since they as well have faced and survived the cold steps of Mt. Hakobe they must be capable enough.
    In their midst he saw her majesty, standing in the crowd as a glorious beacon, gathering the wayward souls around her. Their eyes met and for a brief moment, a smug smile appeared on his face, knowing that she was pleased with his arrival.
    Ignoring everyone else, he marched into the guild. The heel of his boot clacked loudly against the cold pavement and echoed through the entire hall with each step. He walked passed the mages and took a halt right before the queen. For a mere moment, there was nothing but silence as he towered above her, right before he placed his right hand against his chest and took a deep bow.

    ‘Rejoice oh white Queen!’ he said as he regained his previous posture again, his voice dripping with pride and arrogance. ‘You can cast aside this common rabble for I am the true answer to your call, I have come to swear my allegiance.'


    Arkadi Azarov
    Arkadi Azarov

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    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Empty Re: A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)

    Post by Arkadi Azarov 22nd April 2019, 4:08 pm

    Rebuilding. Rebuilding was the worst part of all of this.

    Since he had to start over from the ground up, might as well do so from a guild doing the same. It was easier to accomplish his goals if he started out on even footing with everyone and didn't have to play catch up. There wouldn't be countless others above him in positions to tell him what to do. It was bad enough having a guild master. Perhaps in some ways he was better suited for guildlessness, but he was a smart man. It was far easier to step on others on the way back to the top. People had their uses, especially a like-minded collective bent on the downfall of society's laws and expectations. He may not be from here, but he could definitely appreciate causing a little governmental breakdown regardless of location. Just as he was learning now, even creatures as powerful as phoenixes were birthed from breakdown and ashes to rise again, precisely as he planned to do.

    A man known simply as Birch came to the base of the mountain he'd heard the new guild was seated upon. Upon his arrival, a large group of men had just begun their ascent. He might not have had their matching armor and masks, but his long, black cloak was the right color for him to follow along not too far behind the last man in the party, traveling with them as they followed the treacherous and nigh-invisible path up. Their bodies also shielded him from much of the biting wind that threatened them from higher altitudes.

    Once the trek was complete, Birch followed the army inside, but hung much further back along the barren stone walls to watch. The leader of this army was a spirited one and just the type of person he held no fondness for. He held the air of a king with the pride and arrogance to match. No doubt he had a penchant for demanding authority, conclusions he drew from the army that followed him as well as his vocal tone. Beneath the shadow of his cloak, his mouth turned downward.

    Even though he debated leaving before he could even be stamped, the man wasn't one to make a habit of hasty decisions. The action of one new recruit could hardly reflect the general population he'd share his time with. Stormy eyes glanced around at others who had apparently already earned their markings. A sickly skinned undead, a too-colorful clown, a wild-eyed child, and a man with a cane seemed to make up the rest of the lot...not exactly a shining endorsement for the fledgling group of peers. He wasn't sure what he'd been expecting, but this certainly wasn't it. But he was already here, and he was sure he could get all the use out of this motley crew that he needed.

    Pulling his cloak off, a tall, fit man was revealed. Wavy blond locks bounced against the shoulders of his suit jacket and a shorter fringe covered one eye. White-gloved hands reached up to straighten the black ribbon tied at his collar, making sure the bow loops were even. The rest of the black suit was well-tailored and free of wrinkles, but otherwise mundane and undeserving of further description. Birch was a man of many uniforms, most much nicer than the butler's garb he'd fled in, but he still looked very presentable and held his body in a regal way.

    As the army cleared out, the blond would approach the "white queen", though at this moment he had little intention of viewing her as such, nor did he plan to call her such a thing. He pulled off the glove of his right hand, turning said hand over to reveal his wrist. "I'll take my mark here," he said simply, voice low and matching his stature and vibe quite well.


    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Ih2UNXF

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

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    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Empty Re: A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)

    Post by Saraphina 5th May 2019, 10:20 pm

    A Whole New World,
    Saraphina gives a rather huge smile after Jester got his guild stamp, and was also glad that the kelpie promised to do her justice with her guild symbol on him as well. That's all she hoped for from the people within her guild. Justice for those who were wronged by the law! And to fix the 'order' that these laws tried to keep together too. It was nothing more than a mere illusion. She looked to the guy who had entered with the cane, before the little girl came up to her again. She watched as she removed her cloak and showed them that she wore nothing but black on her and didn't even shed some skin either. It was quite a curious thing as she wore nothing but white and was willing to show her skin to the world. At the handstand, Saraphina blinked curiously. Was she putting on an acrobatic show for her? Then she said she'd go next and asked to now show it off. "Well you don't have to I guess." She shrugged her shoulders. She honestly didn't care where anyone had their guild mark, she just heard people were to have them to mark that they were in a certain guild. She quickly grabbed the pants part of Ophelia's leg, and stamped the skin quickly and instantly let go of her leg. The girl seemed like she might fall, and she wanted to see what she was going to do next. Was she going to actually do some acrobatics? Walk on her hands? It seemed like neither as she had just rolled away and got her stuff back on her. The child was curious to Saraphina, but she found her to be rather delightful regardless as she went back to the corner with her sweets.

    She looked back again as the doors to her castle were opened again… She could have sworn they were already opened… Whatever was the case, the sight that was now before her, made her gasp rather excitedly at the group of men entering her home. She clapped her hands as she was excited all over again. "Today's such a happy day! So many people coming to join~!" She squeals as she spun around once, till she noticed the man coming right up to her. She covered her mouth a bit as he stopped in front of her. His height and aura he gave off was rather much, but she kind of liked it. She was blushing a bit before he bowed to her, though his words made her let out a giggle. "I dare say! The common rabble before you are your fellow men and women in arms in my domain." She holds her hands behind her back, but was rather excited still that he was out right saying he was there to swear allegiance to her. "If you swear allegiance, then bear my mark, and wear it with pride!" She says as she holds up her stamp. The excitement was clear in her eyes as she was loving every moment of this and eating it up.

    She looked over as one of the men that had come in with Dahau had pulled his cloak off, and blinked to him. All these people seemed to be so beautiful here… Now she really felt good about opening this guild, especially since today seemed like a grand day for near literally everyone to join. A grin formed on her lips as this new guy, who was dressed in a suit, came up and offered her his wrist while telling her that was where he wanted her mark to be at. She gingerly grabbed his hand to keep his arm steady, and stamped the wrist like he requested. She was rather impressed with how he carried himself too. "There. I hope the mark is good." She giggles as she lets her purplish pink eyes trail across to the other faces within her castle.

    These faces around here seemed much more entertaining than the ones who occupied the castle before. Much more lively. She let up another excited squeal as she skipped away from the guy. She stopped by Nadaline and squeezed the servant girls shoulders. "Isn't it just beautiful Nadaline?! Everyone here to join the guild! Here to help demolish the law! Oooh! It's so wonderful~!" She was rather peppy as she squeezed her servants shoulders while hugging her with one arm. Nadaline seemed to lose her composure for a moment. She wasn't sure what to make of Saraphina hugging her like so. The girl didn't stop her though, mainly out of fear she may get hurt.
    Saraphina R. Zima
    (774) 2589 WORDS

    Last edited by Saraphina on 14th July 2019, 8:07 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Arkadi Azarov
    Arkadi Azarov

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    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Empty Re: A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)

    Post by Arkadi Azarov 31st May 2019, 3:22 am

    "The mark is fine, m'lady," the suited man replied politely, resisting a cringe as he realized he'd unintentionally added in the respectful honorific out of habit. He stepped back, replacing the white glove on his hand and striding off promptly. He could be quite charming when he wanted to be, especially when he wanted something. But as of now, he had what he came here for, so he saw no merit in playing the honeyed subordinate. Authority didn't sit well with Birch in the slightest, especially not after what he'd been through. The less he could be bossed around, the better. He didn't want to seem open to it.

    He wasn't a chatty person to begin with, though something about him drew people to him whether he liked it or not. None of these people seemed the type he could have a calm conversation with. Oddballs, the lot of them. He lingered on the outskirts of the crowd for a few moments, foregoing the sweets nearby in favor of exploring his new dwelling place. Now that he had his mark and he was a proper member, it was within his rights to wander the castle halls and find his own place, right? Yeah, perhaps he'd just wander off and see what else this place had to offer.


    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Ih2UNXF

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    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Empty Re: A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)

    Post by Elyon 31st May 2019, 9:29 am

    458/892 WORDS
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    Items Used: Item 1, Item 2
    Monsters Killed: x/x
    It seemed that V was indeed correct, according to the lady handing out the stamps, now most definitely confirmed as the Guildmaster. Though he wasn't sure about the 'slice of heaven'. His motives were crystal clear, but only partial, if he were to reference the information that was being spread. Some of the people who were present in the room offered bits of their bodies to the Guildmaster of the new Guild to be properly marked. V was prepared to call this place home and offer himself aswell, but his intention was interrupted by a few more arrivals.

    One of the arrivals was a rather arrogant sounding, the leader of a whole group that had arrived, in fact. While V was subjected to similar behaviour from others for many years, he still had to grit his teeth. It had been a while since he was addressed in such a way and it only showed him that he wasn't as ice cold as he thought he was. Perhaps such remarks will bounce off of him as soon as he became even more powerful than he already was. He would see the whole country in shambles, even if it was the last thing he did. He was sure that some of those who were in the same predicament as him would cheer him on.

    From behind the large group an another man emerged, asking for a mark. One could tell that he probably prefered to be acting and talking straight to the point, but that was just V's personal first impression. The Guildmaster seemed to be quite excited about the amount of people who showed up. Understandably so, as she was intending to create a group that would be working towards a common goal. She marked some of the people who already had asked for it and it was high time that V joined the fray himself.

    As the latest arrival got stamped and strode off, V would speak up. "I would like to request a mark myself." He would say, but he forgot about something. He was probably supposed to choose a place on his body aswell, correct? V would glance at his left arm, covered in black, intricate tattoos. He kind of forgot that a large portion of his body was already covered by them ever since he could remember. But there was one free space that he could think of. The mage would slightly tilt his head to the right, exposing his neck. Some bits of the tattoos reached up there, but for the most part, it was clear. For the time being. "There is a bit of free space up here." He would point at his neck, awaiting his official enrollment into this whole Guild idea.
    @alotofpeeps || Guild Intro


    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) 9AtWbCr

    Character: Elyon Lamalet ⭐ Primary Magic: Gunbreaker (Coming Soon) ⭐ Elyon's Inventory & Info: Closed for refurbishing ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans
    Godlike Frederik
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    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Empty Re: A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)

    Post by Godlike Frederik 5th June 2019, 9:48 am

    One by one the mages in the guild hall were either getting their stamp or requested to get one. While Dahau had taken a step back from the scene, he had been getting some looks from some of the other mages in the guild. After all his introduction surely had a lasting impression on what kind of person he was. A man who because of his might blindly believed that he had to right to tower above others. That he considered himself the pinnacle of magic, the apex mage. And he didn't mind wearing that very attitude on his sleeve.

    As he had taken a step back from the scene, he got the chance to see a few of the mages that had stepped forth to claim their mark. One of which appeared all the way into the back from behind his men. Curiosity got the better of Dahau this time, that definitely wasn't one of the soldiers he brought with him. For starters, he didn't wear the same armor as Dahau's men. But it was mostly the very atmosphere around him that was very different. To a point he seemed to be invisible, to take to the back and disappear. Calculated even, which was a stark contrast to the bloodthirsty soldiers clad in armor.
    There were others who got their stamp following him, but among those, there was one who caught Dahau's attention as well. A young 'pretty boy' covered almost entirely in tattoos. Or so Dahau would assume, the parts of his skin he did showed were covered enough that he could assume his entire body was as well. This one was strong, stronger than most at least.

    With a smug smile Dahau watched as the young man would get this guild stamp as well, trying to asses what type of person he was dealing with here. Until now he hadn't shown a lot of himself, well besides his skin that is, and his power which Dahau could sense. But not knowing who he was, made him a possible threat to ensure his own authority over the other members in the guild.
    The moment the young man pulled back his collar a bit to reveal one of the few spots on his body that wasn’t covered in marking, Dahau thought to himself that maybe he should just put this guy to the test. He slowly approached the two and waited until their queen marked the lad. 
’Judging by your markings I’d take you for the more rebellious type of guy’ he said with a taunting tone in his voice ‘But just like a small pup you submit easily I see.’



    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Empty Re: A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)

    Post by Guest 21st June 2019, 6:24 am

    It was interesting to watch the new people come and interact. There were many people who came, the guild really was filling at it's first day. It was really amazing how many wanted to destroy laws. The strong person that boasted seemed insecure? How else would one describe someone that feels a need to assure people that he's the only one needed, the strongest and best? The kelpie started laughing a bit when that person started talking down to the stranger with tattoos. "It's sort of funny hearing someone so strong sound so insecure." It really did remind Lott of those bullies that one runs into when they're a kid, the ones that talk high and mighty so much. It was how you found out the bully lacked something. As an adult, boasters in his small village had been people who were trying to get themselves and others to believe they were amazing. False confidence tended to be louder. He was sure it was probably real confidence, but not that sure? The man was powerful, could certainly crush the kelpie to pulp if they desired. "Sorry for being impolite." Probably a bit weird to hear an apology from anm undead that had given a severed hand so many looks not too long ago. Laurence practically smelled of sin, if such a thing had scent to begin with. Then again he wasn't there to be accused of making sense or being normal. Life could be real, or it might be a dream or a weird illusion or game. Because of these beliefs, it was hard for him to take killing all that seriously, along with almost everything. Of course this wasn't something everyone in the building knew about him, since it was shared before some had entered.

    What were some of the few things that did matter in that jumbled and broken mind? Power, getting stronger, and causing enough chaos to not feel uncomfortable? The last one was questionable, a solid that Lott didn't fully understand yet. Was it a need to eat people? A want to kill people like 'that person' that wouldn't go away? The more he mulled it in his mind to try to find, the closer to a truth about himself the kelpie felt. But now wasn't the time to be lost in wondering about if things existed or not! Something more important had to be done, if it was possible to do. If there was anyone that impressed him the most, it was the person dressed as a jester, and the strange pale woman with white hair. Out of the two, it was the woman who seemed more approachable, and talkative. He wanted to figure out how to make himself worth it. How would he convince a powerful person that seemed so wild and confident to teach him anything? It was his want to be alluring in some way that brought about his first magical skill, shapeshifting. It was a basic lure form that all kepies got sooner or later, each form unique to the fae. His was male as it was his own gender. The hair was pale and shimmered like threads of pale sterling silver that wildly clumped and hung around his head. It was the last trace that a pure white heart once existed in him, skin now looking pale and lively. The sclera was now white, each iris a pale blue with hints of darker hues. Appearance now seemed to be that of a young man with a lithe form and clothing that felt light and soft.

    He felt temporarily dumbfounded by what happened. He knew what the form was as soon as his mind came back, it was just a surprise. What was stranger, the transforming, or that it didn't feel so out of place to do? Well, gawking won't solve anything! Laurences gaze landed onto the pale woman in charge. "Miss guild leader May I ask your name? I.. would you please teach me? You just seem so amazing and I have no idea what to do to get stronger, only that I want to. I'm not even fully sure how I transformed just now."
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
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    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Empty Re: A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)

    Post by Godlike Frederik 11th July 2019, 6:02 am

    'You insolent filth!' Dahau approached the kelpie from behind as he queried the queen for a request. Casting a long shadow over him as he towered above the critter. His face no longer arrogant, but now angered by the words the kelpie had uttered earlier. He could just do it, unleash his entire wrath upon this being and beat it into an unrecognizable lifeless hump of flesh. However what he asked her majesty interested him more. It seems he was looking for someone to train him, to transform his body into a living weapon.... maybe he should take up that role. After all, he could do with some new underlings.

    'First, you insult me, and now a meager creature like yourself is asking the mistress of this place to spend her valuable time on you?! I should just erase you from the face of this earth right now...' Dahau grabbed the kelpie by his hair and pulled him up with only one hand so that he now would be on the same eye level as Dahau was. 'However, I am not without mercy. You seek strength and power you right? So how about instead of wasting her time, you serve under me for a while, until I deem you have righted this wrong.'

    He turned towards Saraphine, 'Only if that is alright with you my Queen' This boy was still young, which meant Dahau cold mold him into a being that suited him best. One that shared his vision, his ideas and served him. Not like a slave or cleaning like a maid. But as one of his soldiers in the pursue of power and might.



    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Empty Re: A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)

    Post by Guest 14th July 2019, 2:59 am

    It was only now that another figure would enter through the large doors, having finally decided that the time was right to make her appearance. The truth was that she had been listening to the conversations that had been taken place for some time, using her slayer enhanced sense of hearing in an attempt to get a read on those who had entered the castle. To say that she cared much for either the insane or arrogant was an overstatement, as she had little tolerance for either and unfortunately, it seemed that many of the group had at least either one trait or the other in spades. However, it was the philosophy of the guild that had drawn her close to begin with and in the end, it had been that which had convinced her to enter. She cared little for laws in general, believing them to be beneath her and to live in a world where they simply did not exist was somewhat inspiring to her. That did not mean that she was completely convinced that this group would be capable of doing such a thing and the goddess was sceptical but for now but she did not see the harm in joining forces, at least for the moment. If things did not pan out, then she could just simply leave.

    Her attire was hardly appropriate for the climate, wearing an outfit from her native Desierto, which gave her the appearance more fitting of an Arabian princess than anything else. She was unconcerned about either the weather or any looks that she might attract though and focused on the task at hand. However, it seemed that she had picked a difficult moment, as she ended up appearing just as there seemed to be an argument going on between two of the male members. She was hardly surprised as from what she had been hearing, the arrogant warrior who was speaking seemed to just be your typical arrogant male, with an ego the size of a continent and the IQ of a sultana. The other male was an unusual looking figure and the purple eyed woman would tilt her head as her gaze fell upon him. She was uncertain of what species he was although to say that she was not curious would be a lie. He seemed slightly more humble at least and not as much of a fool as the warrior appeared to be.

    The woman's gaze would then turn to another male, who had apparently just moved forward to receive a guild mark, from a white haired woman who seemed to be the centre of attention. There was no doubt that she was the queen of this castle and Medeia found it quite fitting that with all the arrogant males around, that it was a female who was in charge. Perhaps it was that which caused her to walk forwards, although she did at least have the patience to wait her turn.

    "My name is Medeia and I would like to request a mark also," she would say in an accented tone, placing a hand on her bare stomach, "Here, if you please."

    Her intention was for that to be all she said but after taking a gaze back at what was going on behind her, she would add dryly, turning back to the queen, "I trust that you have enough collars and leashes to keep these males in line."

    (574 Words)

    The White Queen

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    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Empty Re: A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)

    Post by Saraphina 14th July 2019, 7:48 pm

    A Whole New World,
    The white haired queen grins as she was called ‘m’lady’ but she didn’t say anything to it as she had gone off to Nadaline near immediately afterwards. What one did after she gave them their stamps, she honestly couldn’t of cared one bit. Leave? Go ahead. Travel the castle? That was fine by her, as long as they didn’t go to her room. It was already taken over by her anyways, so it should be fine anyways. If one didn’t notice it was hers, they were special. As a tattooed man approached her, Saraphina blinks, grinning as she rips herself from her servant girl to see her. “Oh?! Where do you want to be marked?” She giggles just before he moved his head and exposed his neck. She reached her arm up to press the stamp on his neck before she backed up, giggling as she admired her work. “Wonderful!” She giggles as she puts her hands on her cheeks, keeping the stamp away from her face. Dahau coming up to bother the guy, made Saraphina pout a bit. “Excuse me?! You’ve yet to tell me where you want your stamp.” She crossed her arms over her chest and glares slightly at him.

    Was she being impatient and childish right now? Sure, but she also didn’t care. She asked him a question before that he had ignored. Her attention was caught when the greenish skinned man had suddenly changed his appearance, and she grinned a little to that little ability. It seemed nifty enough. She turns to him, arms still crossed as she wondered what he did that for. That would be answered in practically no time. He questioned her name and if she would teach him to get stronger. Before she could answer, Dahau had spoke up again and grabbed hold of him. She put a finger on her cheek as she didn’t seem too amused, but she did have a grin upon her lips. He seemed to be offering himself up as a teacher instead. A giggle would come up on her lips as she bats her eyes. “Now now… no need to get rid of members so soon. Everyone here just joined my precious guild. Play a little nice.” She had said as she stepped forward. “Set him down so I can speak to him.” She waves her empty hand towards the tall man.

    When he was on the ground again, Saraphina smiled sweetly. “I am not one to make others stronger, but Dahau here would be much better.” She giggles as she puts a finger to her cheek and sticks her tongue out a little. “The gods permit you to work under this warrior~!” She giggles before she spins around. She was approached by another female, and the white haired woman grins. An actual introduction for once! She was dressed differently than the others in her opinion, finding it rather nice. A grin forms on her lips as she leans forward to stamp the womans stomach after she pointed out where she wanted her stamp, then takes a step back, smirking to herself. “Oh? Collars and leashes are there.” She lightly wiggles her stamp in the air a little as she sticks her tongue out to the woman, enjoying herself a bit. She was going to have to get Dahau later, but she at least got everyone present.

    With a grin, she took a couple steps back and clapped her hands together excitedly. “I think just about everyone has gotten my lovely mark on them now. This castle is your home now too~! You may choose any room you wish to be yours to live while here, but my room is off limits.” She tilts her head to the side as she was holding back her giggle. She excitedly looked around at the group of people around her. There was no wiping the grin off of her face as she admired the work she had done over the people within her presence. She hands Nadaline the stamp and smirks to herself as she adjusts the top of her dress. “Now… I’m assuming one way or another you all had heard of my guild and how I wish for us to take out the law and those who create them… One thing is for sure. We can’t be doing that willy nilly like a bunch of buffoons…” She holds her hands together over her chest. “To help this guild prosper… I would like some help… Those to help organize and take out the law like it’s nothing and with ease for us. Get information. Attack without mercy. And maybe get a pretty jewel or two.” She puts her hands on her knees as she giggles once again. Stretching her arms up, she snickers. “You don’t exactly have to do this though… but it can probably help a ton~!” The white haired queen lowers her arms as she puts a finger on her bottom lip, trying to think of what else she was missing. “Oh~! Your guild stamps, they’re special for here. If you could feel cold before, on our lovely Mount Hakobe you’ll feel as if you’re fine. You can also teleport from the settlements, to here too~!”

    She was actually rather pleased with this outcome. Many handsome faces on the first day she opened her doors, and she only could anticipate more. With a pause, she looks back over to Dahau and puts a fist on her hip. “Where are my puppies?” She demands of him. She didn’t care if this wasn’t a time to ask about that. She wanted to know where the beautiful hounds were that she adored so much.
    Saraphina R. Zima
    (946) 3535 WORDS
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    A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro) Empty Re: A Whole New World~! (Errings Rising Group Intro)

    Post by Guest 20th July 2019, 3:59 pm

    The kelpie hadn't expected that much outrage over laughing. He made a bit of a vaguely confused face while mulling over the details in their broken mind. Maybe he should have been concerned that the slightly taller person had grabbed him up, but that would require the young man to actually care if he lived or died. How can you honestly care when you aren't sure you're even real anymore? In any case he had already apologized for laughing. Did he have a short temper? They also seemed more insecure than ever, but Laurence had a feeling saying that might just anger them more. He found getting people angry was usually just very pointless. The man calling himself merciful seemed weird, this wasn't mercy? People don't offer training to be 'merciful'. Was this person just strange? "I don't understand you in the slightest." but of course around that time a new woman walked in. People walking in wasn't shocking with this being the opening day of the guild.

    What was a bit attention catching was her comment about males. Their leaders playful response towards Medeia was interesting. Despite how strange she acted, the woman must be smart. Or was it well placed insanity? Or maybe it was the mind making a false reality smooth out the edges. What would he do? Was there a reason to accept the mentorship? Was there a reason to deny it? He did want to get stronger, but there was something just as important. What should be spoken? The truth, there was no reason for anything else. "I'm after power, yes, but also my mind. A broken mind will always get in the way. There's no reason to not trust you when I have no reason to fully believe anything is real. I don't need to trust you, only know you are offering to help me with something that I need help on."

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 8:51 pm