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    An Unconscious Visitor

    Leah Winters
    Leah Winters

    Lineage : Sand Demon
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    An Unconscious Visitor Empty An Unconscious Visitor

    Post by Leah Winters 26th June 2019, 2:10 am

    The last thing that Leah remembered was the flash of a gunfire and the accompanying report before she dropped to her knees. Warmth seemed to slowly seep from her body as she collapsed on to the cold snow, but whether it was because of the blood from the multiple wounds on her body or from the snow, she was uncertain. There were multiple shouts from around but it sounded fuzzy and distant as the eyes of the raven-haired assassin closed.

    The sounds of weapons clashing and blasts, magical and non-magical, echoed in the forest. What started as deafening clashes eventually petered out, and when the last of attacks had been thrown, silence took over the forest once more. Another female, badly injured, hobbled over to Leah’s side and checked for a pulse. There was a flash of relief in her right eye, her left eye kept closed due to the trickle of blood over it. With a grunt, the female grabbed Leah’s right arm and heaved it over her shoulders before trying to stand up.

    Adrinna failed on the first two times, pulled down by her own injuries, her faltering strength and the unconscious girl’s weight. But the third time was the charm, as she managed to stay on her feet. The girl knew that there was no more hope for her, that this had been her final battle, but it was different for Leah. She did not deserve to die here in this desolate place and Adrinna was determined to bring her to safety, somewhere where her wounds would be treated. And the only place close enough that she knew of was the headquarters of Errings Rising.

    Coming from a minor dark guild herself, Adrinna knew that it was just not possible to step into another dark guild’s territory without permission but she couldn’t care for that now. Every step sapped away what left of her strength, blood trickling behind her, dying the snow red. By the time they had arrived at the doorsteps of Errings Rising’s front door, Adrinna’s face was completely drained of color. Once she had laid Leah down, her back against the arch of the door, Adrinna took in a deep breath and slammed her fists on the door multiple times.

    When she finally heard footsteps approaching from the other side, Adrinna took one last look at Leah, mumbled something, and then made her way immediately to the nearest cliff. She would face her death squarely rather than bleeding out the last of her life in some cold, damp hole. She only hoped that dark guild would take Leah in and heal her injuries. Her last thoughts as she plunged down the cliff was of her mentee, the dark-haired assassin with a bionic arm, her body riddled with multiple slash wounds and one bullet wound lying outside Errings Rising.
    Arkadi Azarov
    Arkadi Azarov

    Alt Account- Mythical- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Working Together- Limited Edition- Buddy Buddy- Halloween job event participant - Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 106
    Guild : Errings Rising
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    Experience : 82,536

    An Unconscious Visitor Empty Re: An Unconscious Visitor

    Post by Arkadi Azarov 28th June 2019, 4:02 am

    The footsteps inside yielded a snappily dressed male, sour expression unfaltering even light of the revelation opening the castle doors provided. His wavy blond hair gusted about his face in the chilling wind, but he did not move. He simply watched as the injured woman, dropped like an unwanted baby in a basket at the threshold of an orphanage, basically fell toward him in an unconscious heap. "Excuse me, you are bleeding all over the welcome mat," his deep voice rumbled in distaste, though perhaps it was more to himself. She was clearly unable to both hear and respond. At first he had half a mind to leave her here in hopes a carnivore would make use of free dinner, but that would make an even bigger mess. It'd be easier to just bring her in and clean up what little blood had leaked out already.

    Or at least that's what he told himself.

    On a deeper level he wouldn't admit, the look of the girl was familiar. Not her personally, but her condition. Clearly she'd been in a fight. Perhaps she was some sort of soldier. The mysterious man kept all his secrets close to the vest, so no one knew he'd once been a soldier and fought in a terrible war. He'd witnessed many close to him fall just like this. Birch was no stranger to enduring battle wounds. With a heavy sigh, he stooped down and scooped her up, irritated by the idea of sullying his black tailcoat or the white button up beneath with her blood. Once she was in his arms, he realized one of her arms was prosthetic. Had she lost it in whatever war she was fighting? Before he turned, he noticed the bloody path in the snow toward the door. Judging by the heavy steps and the drag marks next to it, she hadn't brought herself here. Someone had made sure she had the chance to be saved. Lone tracks headed off from the door to the cliff. A slender fair brow quirked. Honorable, indeed.

    Turning from the blustery castle entryway, Birch made his way inside with his injured charge, taking her toward the warmth and a flat place to lay her down. Once this was done, he stood up and peered around for assistance. He was no medic. He could provide some emergency aid if he had to, but with so many different magic types, surely someone could simply heal the woman. The slashes and gunshot wounds weeped with urgency. The question was, with how chaotic this dark guild was, would anyone be willing to help her? Or would she be put our of her misery?


    An Unconscious Visitor Ih2UNXF

    An Unconscious Visitor Empty Re: An Unconscious Visitor

    Post by Guest 28th June 2019, 9:13 am

    One would more than likely be hard pressed to find a way to shock members of a guild that included so many chaotic members. Lott wasn't the most chaotic of Errings Rising, but nobody would accuse him of having a fully stable mind either. The man had been trying to figure out what to do with stolen goods when the blood soaked visitor had been carried inside the building and placed down. In thinking if he should go over, it was the smell of blood that ended up luring the dark fae over. There was no quiet steps, old worn down shoes making sound against the pristine floor of the guild while making his way over. He knew so little about Birch at this point that for all he knew the man brought the person in as food. Laurence didn't know, nor care. The kelpie didn't ask either. "There's a lot of fallen blood, so I'm going to use it." Should he ask instead of just doing something? That would be the sane route, but definitely the less interesting one. Dead people don't talk, well not usually. Maybe if you learn how to listen? In any case the undead steadied his mind long enough to use the spell seeping.

    Water gathered all the fallen blood from the general area, the fluids creating a red ball of liquid as soon as the gathering process was finished. The ball was tossed with far less care than one should with a hard to repeat healing spell, but what matters is that it hit it's target. But now he was frowning a bit, some interest starting to fade with the lack of blood now in the area. This wishy washy way of thinking annoyed him a bit, so bright green irises aimed at the one who brought the stranger in. "Where did you get her? Sorry if I ruined any fun, I can get a bit compulsive around a lot of human blood." The compulsion typically involved using it or eating it, and the blood that had been there moments ago had been too spread out to eat. Lott wasn't really invested in a stranger living all that much, but one would be hard pressed to get him to go out of their way to be empathetic towards strangers. Then again this wasn't exactly a guild that was famous for empathy and care. There was slightly more care on if he disturbed whatever the blond human was doing, though only after using the blood.

    As stated before, the fae could get compulsive around a lot of blood. The man normally tried to make more effort to be polite to people he had no reason not to be if he wasn't trying to eat them. He was pretty positive that eating guild ates was not allowed, it was harder to work with others otherwise. For those reasons, guildmates were on his small list of people to try to be polite to.

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

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    An Unconscious Visitor Empty Re: An Unconscious Visitor

    Post by Cirven 28th June 2019, 12:20 pm

    The lifeless corpse of a demon was sent flying through the air and into a wall, leaving cracks cascading across the wall. The body then slid to the ground in a slump leaving a bloodied Cirven standing across from it. "Did that one die already too? I can't get any sort of fun out of my kin folk, huh? It is almost like they are not getting stronger in fighting me..." He spoke out and then placed his blood cover right hand over his chin as he was taken over by his thoughts. He stood in a large room with brick walls and a floor matching them. Multiple bodies of demons were thrown across the room showing just what the Devil had done to his followers. The room was large enough to be something that would be found in some sort of mansion based on its size alone but the design concept was not something that those with enough jewel to own a mansion would put up with. "Cirven, those demons are not worth your time. You know they won't give you any sort of fun so why do you fight them?" Korvin spoke out from across the room from where she was watching her leader's training session of fun from. "That's it! Thank you, Korvin! I will make them stronger by putting them in situations that they will just barely survive! I obviously am a bit too much for them to handle with how things currently are but that is not stopping us from putting them in a little obstacle course that will weed out the weak and make the ones who survive it, stronger!" Korvin looked on and sighed a bit because she knew this meant she would be needed to create another pocket dimension to support this little project of Cirven's. "I know I don't have a choice in helping with this, huh?" Cirven shot her a grin and nodded to give her confirmation on just what she was fearing.

    Before the duo could continue talking, a voice spoke to them in their minds. "Everyone! I have eyes on two people heading towards the castle. They seem to be near death but they are pushing forward. Should we deal with them?" Lanis' voice spoke into their minds which caused a twisted grin to come over Cirven's face. "This sounds interesting! Keep your eyes on them. Korvin and I will be there shortly." He sent his telepathic message to Lanis and the others while he gave Korvin a nod which was quickly followed up by two dimensional door opening near both of them. They both went through them and arrived in the snow filled mountains near Lanis. They would watch as the two women mad their way to the castle and as one dropped the other and banged on the door before leaving the scene. "This is really interesting. I'm guessing this is a sort of situation where she is hoping we will help her friend? Weird that she up and left without much of a 'hello' to any of us though. Lanis, Korvin. Go and keep tabs on that one while I go and check on our seemingly unconscious visitor. Keep me updated on where they go and are doing. I will have the others keep their eyes open for any other suspicious movements nearby." As if his orders were that of a God's the two silently nodded without questioning anything and quickly darted off like the wind while he quickly made his way to where the visitor was.

    Before he could go and meet the beaten and bloodied visitor someone managed to scoop her up and go inside of the castle with her which prompted him to make his way in and follow them. "Compulsive with human blood around? I wonder how you would get with demon blood then..?" He spoke out and flashed a grin as he showed off his body which was covered in demon blood from his training session. He did not know many of the members of the guild he was in with how he was usually out of the castle doing his own thing but this seemed like an opportune time to show just exactly who he was to some of those he could call his allies. "I don't think we have been introduced yet. I am the Devil King of this sector, Cirven Mizune. Any idea on who she is? Has any healing been done on her? Is anyone else hoping she wakes up and tries to attack us just so we can have some fun?" A grin was glued on his face as he spoke and his eyes did not leave the unconscious woman as he spoke as if he was trying to speak her next actions into reality.


    An Unconscious Visitor LxcTBIi
    Character Info:
    Leah Winters
    Leah Winters

    Lineage : Sand Demon
    Position : None
    Posts : 88
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    Experience : 2,700

    An Unconscious Visitor Empty Re: An Unconscious Visitor

    Post by Leah Winters 2nd July 2019, 3:26 am

    The racket that was the voices of the people speaking hurt her, as if metal spikes were being stabbed into her brain. With an annoyed expression, Leah began to regain consciousness. While moments ago, she felt as though she was just floating around, she began to feel more grounded, as if her soul was returning to her physical body. Her eyes fluttering open was the first indication of her coming back to her senses, next being the solid surface beneath her back.

    And then the memory, the only memory that she had left slammed into her like a hammer.
    The last she remembered was being shot down, a bullet through her waist before she went down. Try as she might, the other details in her memory were nothing but a blurry haze. Everything that was supposed to be distinctive lacked features. Even the faces of her allies, she knew she was fighting alongside someone, and her enemies, were obscured. And the splitting headache that came with her attempts to recall even more wasn’t helping.

    And then she realized her situation. If she had been shot, then where the hell was she now? The black-haired girl instantly sat up from whatever surface she had been lying on, her right hand instinctually going towards a pistol holstered to her thigh. She knew the gun to be Raven, but how and where she got it, she had no idea at all. Her rising up from the flat surface happened in tandem with her raising her hands, her right holding the pistol while the left supporting the base of the gun as she aimed to the front, at the malevolent pale man with long white hair standing in front of her. A long scar sat on his face, adding another touch of intimidation to his appearance.

    Her eyes darted to the right and left, taking in the other two people present. One of them was equally slim, with a rather feminine figure, his hair a hue that alternated between dark green and black, almost like how seaweed changes color as they float in the water and finally elf-ish ears. Leah was slightly thrown off by their appearance, with the third one being the only one that resembled a normal human being. She noticed the large amount of blood on his clothes, her mind whirring fast enough to deduce that he was probably the one who had carried her here.

    “Where is this place?” she asked calmly. They were probably not hostile, or they wouldn’t have healed her wounds. But it wouldn’t hurt to be armed in the face of strangers, especially all of them leaked danger.

    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Devotee of Darkness- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : The Malevolent Magician
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    An Unconscious Visitor Empty Re: An Unconscious Visitor

    Post by Jester 5th July 2019, 6:05 am

    Why Jester had decided to hang himself from the chandelier was anyone's guess. The clown had his long legs draped over the bars of the light decor, his body hanging down in an upside-down fashion. Perhaps he'd wanted to keep an eye on things, maybe he was bored and wanted to see what if he could somehow make his way up onto the chandelier using only acrobatics, or maybe he even wanted somewhere to take a nap. Still, he hung there casually as the exciting events went down, Oakey, that grumpy blonde fellow he'd attended a job with aside to his Queen would enter the guild with a bloody woman in the toe. Jester golden eyes widened in intrigue as he set her down and seemed to search for aid. He was then joined by another, someone he recalled from the opening day of the guild. He would manipulate the blood and use it to heal the woman, for whatever reason. And finally, they were joined by another, a stranger to Jester, but not unheard of.

    The clown observed the situation for a moment, for some reason, his Queenie had decided to bestow some power on the clown. Making him a so-called Ace of Errings Rising, a strange choice indeed. As the clown had no need for such a title or promotion, he was quite happy to skirt by and enjoy himself. However, there was some exciting prospect that came with it, the opportunity to manipulate things to his liking, to orchestrate more fun and chaos in the name of his Queen. The girl would wake, eying those around her, she would move in such a way that suggested she might go for her weapon. Jester's eyes lit up excitedly, was she going to attack?

    She would point her gun towards the pale fellow, but not shoot. Rather she would address them with a question, asking where she was. Jester couldn't help but chuckle, his malevolent laughter growing louder and louder until he was cackling with a manic delight, loud enough to draw the attention of the group. He would look at the girl with his bright golden eyes, his spiked redhead pointed to the ground in a haphazard manner. He would let his legs relax, slowly sliding over of the chandelier, falling towards the ground swiftly. He would spin as he fell, despite the height of the fall, he would land with a sense of grace and poise. As though he had merely fallen from a short step. He would approach the group, his black brogues gently tapping the floor as he closed the distance between them. He was sporting a white short, and purple waistcoat today, black suit trousers and brogues. A wildly elaborate black and red bow decorated with various card suits. And on each of his cheeks; a symbol painted decoratively, a blue star on one cheek and a yellow teardrop on the other. He would reach out to his blonde guildmate, stroking a playful finger against his cheek, "Looks like Oakey brought in a stray pup~" He purred teasingly, before returning his gaze the girl. He would kneel down in front of his, tilting his head and he examined her a little more closely. He would stare at her intensely for a moment, before jumping up suddenly, twirling in elaborately.

    "Welcome puppy! It appears fate has brought you to our humble abode." He said in an over the top manner, almost as though he were introducing a show. He would stop twirling, crossing one leg over the other, he spread his palms outwards to gesture the inside of the castle. "This is Errings Rising; home of the anarchists, sinners, and very, very bad people." He would tell her, his tone growing huskier toward the end of the sentence. His eyes fell on the gun, he would move around the girl. Kneeling down next to the girl, he would lean in, to almost a whisper. "Is this why fate brought you here? To shoot him?" He would ask with a snicker, before turning his chaotic gaze from the gun to the woman. "Or perhaps Puppy, as luck would have it. You were brought here for a much more exciting reason."

    WC: 705


    Arkadi Azarov
    Arkadi Azarov

    Alt Account- Mythical- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Working Together- Limited Edition- Buddy Buddy- Halloween job event participant - Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 106
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 82,536

    An Unconscious Visitor Empty Re: An Unconscious Visitor

    Post by Arkadi Azarov 8th July 2019, 3:46 am

    "She was placed bleeding to death at our front door, presumably by an ally that hoped to save her life," he answered the murky green fellow. "There was no fun to be had. I just didn't want her completely ruining the entryway."

    As calloused as his words were, he felt apprehensive about moving on and leaving her to whatever her fate was. The blood that had soaked into his clothes from the woman irked the tall blond, though. He found the thick, sticky quality and the way blood gets stiff when it dries utterly disgusting and desired nothing more than to head to his room and change clothes. Birch would just have to suffer for now, since the rest of the daft circus was slowly trickling in to harass the fresh meat. While he didn't necessarily care about the woman and what happened to her, he couldn't deny that he felt the need to stick around out of what little sense of duty and honor he retained from his more respectable days.

    Speaking of circus, the voice coming from above immediately grated on what little patience he had. Of course Jester was here lurking. Birch's brow began to twitch irritably. He abhorred the nickname the clown had given him. Oakey. How tacky. The finger that caressed his face he had half a mind to chomp off, but instead, he restrained himself with the utmost dignity. Well, other than the rogue vein pulsing away on his forehead.

    Since he was the only one that seemed remotely sane, Birch stepped forward and placed a hand on the gun the girl pulled on one of his less familiar guildmates. If Jester had his way, he'd invite her to try to shoot them all. Yes, he identified with the soldier instincts, but there was a higher instinct rapidly taking over. "Please, do not shoot them," he said in a tired voice, looking over his shoulder accusatorily upon the nutjobs that were bound to ignore it. "As much as they deserve it and you probably should for your own sake, I would personally rather not have to clean up the mess."


    An Unconscious Visitor Ih2UNXF

    An Unconscious Visitor Empty Re: An Unconscious Visitor

    Post by Guest 9th July 2019, 7:18 am

    Bright lime irises went out of focus, the feeling of blood lust that laced his day to day being briefly woven with violent urges. His eyes refocused at the sound of an unfamiliar voice, the kelp like black and deep green hair becoming a long pale metallic silver color. It was the sort of control that fluctuated in uncomfortable ways that happened when something new stirred up the still very new and fresh instincts. His mind had been too gone during the brief time where the stranger had said what kind of blood he was covered in, but it was still pretty clear it wasn't normal. Human blood didn't get that sort of reaction. Cirven, the devil king? He certainly felt strong in a sort of terrifying and unusual degree. The horse probably would have been afraid if he was sure that reality was real, but the person was not on both accounts. Why be afraid of who can kill you when one isn't even sure anything's real? The only thing that bothered him at this time was the temporary lack of control. "I'm just Laurence Lott, a young kelpie and a looter for the guild. I healed her using blood she spilled around the area. Changed to my lure form to regain some self control, can't attack in it." Someone near the bottom won't pretend to be anything but that, then again he wasn't the type to lie anyway. It would be glorious to get strong, but today was not that day nor the time. Still, he did do a slight wave to the long haired man named Cirven, probably eying the blood more than he should have before focus went back to the current situation. Even if it was only a few seconds, ogling blood was not appropriate. Well, he was mostly sure it wasn't.

    Was it good or bad to see the woman awake? Bright light blue eyes looked at her with a sort of curiosity of indecision. Lott visible shrugged, mentally deciding that no matter what option the stranger picked it would probably have interesting results. Fighting would be a bit more brief in interest than other things would be. Of course it was a surprise to see yet another powerful person pop up. Actually, had he seen Cirven pop up? No, after the brief blurr of the mind he was sort of there already. Okay, it was the second powerful person to arrive on the scene in a short period of time, there. What the red head said about the members Laurence really couldn't argue against. He'd eaten too many people to be anything but bad. Is there a certain amount of people you need to eat before being labeled bad? One was probably enough, human flesh munching was frowned upon by most civilized people. For some reason he had to flush a bit at how they jester like higher up handled the blond guildmate. Why? He wasn't sure, but there was something about face touching and the way of talking. This color on his face was brief though. "Don't worry about messes, I can clean up any spilled blood with another healing spell. That's why there's no more blood trail... Does our guild have allies?" He had no idea, he hadn't heard of any alliances. Was it a good or bad thing that Laurence still had some sanity left? It was laced far too well with the insanity.

    What normal person would try to reassure someone by telling them blood would be easy to remove? "Whoever left her must have been desperate." But at least it allowed him to be pretty aware of situations most of the time. It was pretty easy to come to the conclusion of desperation. The blue eyes went back to looking at the girl. Even in this lively looking form with its beauty, he still definitely didn't look human.
    Leah Winters
    Leah Winters

    Lineage : Sand Demon
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    Posts : 88
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    An Unconscious Visitor Empty Re: An Unconscious Visitor

    Post by Leah Winters 10th July 2019, 8:59 pm

    The presence of another person, if that term was used very loosely, was made known as he spoke, hanging from the chandelier right above Leah’s head. Leah had thrown a quick glance upwards, before pulling up her legs beneath her on to the table, getting into a half kneeling position. Her hand was still holding the gun, aimed at the one directly in front of her, her face unchanging. However, she was now more prepared, her body coiled and ready move at the slightest sign of an attack. She knew not how strong these people were exactly, but she could feel the suffocating pressure of magic in the room, barely concealed by their owners.

    The clown hanging from above the chandelier laughed with utmost craze as he dropped down from above as fluidly as a cat. And then the clown approached, walking up until the distance between them was less than an arm’s length. Leah was very tempted to move the gun and press on the triggers multiple times in the clown’s face, his very presence the most unnerving of them all. Even the one who had claimed to have heal her, looked much more normal in comparison to the clown’s theatrics, despite a sudden change in his appearance which didn’t go unnoticed to Leah.

    Errings Rising, the clown had said. A dark guild, Leah’s mind had mentally replied. A new dark guild that had rose to sudden fame and power within a short period of time. It was a peculiar sensation, to remember such facts that were not related to her in any way and yet drawing nothing when she tried to recall anything about herself. Only the barest of information would appear, such as her name. But this wasn’t the time now. Leah knew that if she pushed it further, she would only incapacitate herself. Right now, doing that in the middle of this group of crazies wasn’t the best of ideas.

    Before she could reply to the clown’s question, the one she had deemed slightly more normal than the rest of them, walked over to her side, and placed his hand on the gun. Leah eyed him suspiciously. Here was her benefactor, but was he to be trusted? He then spoke his mind, his words a warning to her, for her own safety.

    Leah looked at the man for a few seconds, taking note of his exhausted demeanor. Then she nodded. The girl lowered her firearm, but had yet to put it back in its holster. But the impulsiveness within her wasn’t that easily appeased. Black lightning consumed her entire body lesser than even a second and she zapped to another corner of the room, directly behind the one who had changed his or her appearance, and had so conveniently announced that he or she couldn’t attack in this form. The gun was once again raised, this time at the back of the person’s head. She shifted her head to the left, so that she could speak to the rest.

    “My name is Leah Winters. Where is your guild master? I would to have a word or two with him, to discuss about my… situation.”



    An Unconscious Visitor Empty Re: An Unconscious Visitor

    Post by Guest 10th July 2019, 9:35 pm

    The kelpie was more surprised over how attractive so many of the guild members were. This teleporting and gun to the head? It just made him laugh so hard that one might have thought a hilarious joke was just told, his body shaking and head moving down a bit from the force of it. "Nobody will care about your pointless threat to my life. The last time i cared about getting hurt was when my best friend stabbed me to death and took everything away." He gave a small clap, his laughter dying down a bit, though an amused smile was still plastered across their pale and lively colored face. Why should he care? Even if it was damage to the head, it could still be healed. Laurence was a blunt and honest person, but that didn't mean what came out was sweet words of nothingness. Lott wasn't exactly a bag of politeness, nor someone who would squirm in the face of danger. What was the point in being afraid when you've already lost everything before? Why be afraid when you aren't even even sure that the reality you exist in is truly there? The answer was that you wouldn't, no matter how much danger was present. "The more blood you spill, the more I can heal. It might be good practice!" It was then that the rest of high laughter fully died down, though his expression didn't change. The fae did turn himself around to face the woman, though lacked any interest in touching her weapon.

    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Devotee of Darkness- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : The Malevolent Magician
    Position : Warlord of Devastation
    Posts : 274
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    Experience : 2,745,750

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    An Unconscious Visitor Empty Re: An Unconscious Visitor

    Post by Jester 18th July 2019, 11:02 am

    Golden eyes watched the woman's expression curiously, his face carrying a look of amusement as he wondered what she intended to do. Would she shoot the complete stranger putting herself in a situation of utmost danger? Would chaos ensue? There was so many delicious possibilities. It seemed as though Oakey had decided to be the voice of reason in this scenario, approaching the girl, and imploring her not to attack. Jester watched the exchange in an almost fascinated manner, his eyes widening a fraction as the girl lowered her gun. Had she really been so easily tamed?

    It seemed not.

    She would disappear in a crackle of black lightning, reappearing behind the kelpie. She would aim her gun at the back of his head, before making her own demands. the clowns face lit up, he straightened up, giggling ecstatically and clapping his hands in delight. He placed his hands on his hips and began to do a little jig, circling Birch at least twice, before stopping next to the blond. His hips still swaying side to side as he did so. The Kelpie had gone ahead and informed her that killing him would be pointless as no one was likely to care. As far as he could tell, the kelpie was right. Perhaps Oakey might find it a little troublesome, what with the mess it would make. This wasn't the place to look for cute little sentiments like heroism or familial loyalty. This was a house of greed, where those with selfish desires came to fester.

    "I'm afraid, little puppy, that our beloved Queenie is away at present. Should you care to discuss your little situation..." He would lean back as though to sit down, stopping mid-air, before crossing one leg over the over. He would sit in mid-air, using nothing but muscle and skill to appear as such. "Then you get to talk to lil ol' Jester here!"

    WC: 319 Jester's Total: 1024

    Last edited by Jester on 29th July 2019, 8:00 am; edited 1 time in total


    Arkadi Azarov
    Arkadi Azarov

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    An Unconscious Visitor Empty Re: An Unconscious Visitor

    Post by Arkadi Azarov 19th July 2019, 8:47 pm

    The blond butler sighed heavily, all the actions of the group gathered in the room serving to only deepen both his exhaustion about the craziness and his resignation that there would be a mess for him to clean up one way or another. Long fingers shielded by an ivory glove rose to pinch the bridge of his nose, as if such an action would curb his irritation.

    It did not.

    If anything, his irritation was mounting the longer he remained present with Laurence the kelpie, Jester the infuriating, and Leah the trigger-happy. The fae's laughter at Leah's threat was basically a bagpipe in the hands of a toddler to his ears, yet here Jester was dancing around him as if this was just another parade to perform in. A slender brow twitched on his forehead and his teeth grated a bit, but he still remained quiet. Not calm, but certainly quiet, unless someone had hearing so sensitive that it could pick up the whoosh of blood throbbing in a forehead vein or his pearly whites grinding away. One of these days he was gonna snap on one of these asylum patients and blow the whole guild and everyone in it all the way to kingdom come.

    Removing himself from the clown pretending to sit in an invisible chair, Birch retreated toward the hall as if to make an escape or continue his cleaning tasks. Despite wanting to remove himself, he did have mild curiosity as to what would happen to this Leah Winters. Did she really intend to join this nuthouse? He'd come here seeking growth and power in a guild he could grow with and dominate, but his intentions had obviously gone sideways. Out of all the dark guilds, would she make his mistake and join this one? Birch was tempted to tell her to run while she could. "If you do wish to join," he began, his tone dripping in condemnation, "then you will have to speak to this...to Jester. Otherwise your best chance is back out in the snow of the mountain."


    An Unconscious Visitor Ih2UNXF

    Devil's Advocate

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    An Unconscious Visitor Empty Re: An Unconscious Visitor

    Post by Cirven 20th July 2019, 10:48 pm

    Cirven found himself watching silently, which was not like him, as all of the scenes played out around him. First it seemed like the woman who had just been helped by some of his guild mates would wake up without much of a resistance to them. He had expected her to be more of the type to be happy about being saved but was given the complete opposite reaction as a gun was pointed his way which he replied to silently by smiling and welcoming what her intentions could be. Before she could fire or he could speak out though, another scent of someone else came to his nose while the sound of laughter came from above all of them.

    A person who seemed to have a similar way of carrying themself to his own, came down from the chandelier that was above them and made their presence known in ways that Cirven himself could compare to. It made him think of how easy it was to get into people's heads and move them around like some sort if puppet with your words alone.

    Things did not end there as one of the blonde man attempted to get the recently healed woman to lower her weapon and dispel the situation but that did not go how it was intended as she quickly used that as an opportunity to zap herself from one point to another in the form of black electricity to the Kelpie man and point her gun at him, basing everything on how he had said he was vulnerable in his current form. This seemed to be a sort of threat to them which Cirven burst out into laughter about. "Go ahead and fire that thing off. It will be interesting to see how many more times you get the chance to do it again and I'd like a bit of entertainment any ways. I do think that-" He spoke but suddenly stopped as two figures formed out of Leah's shadow that took up the form of Cirven. Each of them moved to an ear and spoke at the same time. "-You will need more guns than just one." The dopplegangers said into both her ears and then moved to stand on each side of her while Cirven slowly walked towards her with a twisted grin. "Does me moving towards you make you feel threatened? Do you think this is how you can join us? I wonder..."
    He stood in front of the Kelpie and stared at Leah before his eye widened quickly with a reddish flash going over it causing the wall behind her to be violently destroyed by a sudden burst of red magical energy. The wall did not fall into debris but was simply destroyed to the point of being dust in that instant. Cirven watched Leah to see exactly how she would react from what he had just done. He was having his fun with her and did not care what the others thought at all about it as she interested him with using black lightning similar to that of his own at present and in the past.


    An Unconscious Visitor LxcTBIi
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    Leah Winters
    Leah Winters

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    An Unconscious Visitor Empty Re: An Unconscious Visitor

    Post by Leah Winters 21st July 2019, 12:55 am

    The laughter of the kelpie was grating on her nerves and her ears as a vein on her neck pulsed with blood. Her index finger within the trigger guard twitched dangerously, the assassin restraining her impulse to just pull the trigger, to hell with the consequences. Any other person who had said the very same words in her face would have received a bullet in their own face and she wouldn’t even bat an eyelid. However, right now, her instincts told her that she was nothing but a lamb in a wolves’ den. And they were all crazy.

    She remained silent, with her gun still pointed at the kelpie’s face. He was the one who had healed her after all. Her expression was indifferent, until the clown from earlier approached her again. She snarled slightly at the clown’s words, watching his miming act which involved him sitting down on a non-existent chair. She had to admit that the very act required powerful muscles and firm control over them, especially with the ease that he had exuded.

    Leah mulled over the statement from the clown until the man who had been continuously called Oakey, gave his advice. The way he had said those words were already raising plenty of red flags, but the moment she had woken up, every single thing that had happened in the short span of few minutes had not only been red flags but red sirens blaring crazily in her head. She herself contemplated if she should really take the other option, to leave this place.

    It had been a split second decision for her, to completely cut herself away from her past life, one that she had no way of remembering right now. She knew for a fact that she had always lived in the moment, and at this current moment, the prospect of joining a guild of insane characters seemed… interesting.

    But before she could voice out her response to Jester’s question after Oakey’s prodding, From her own shadows, two replicas of the white-haired man she had first pointed her gun at, rose out it. Leah didn’t even recoil, choosing to roll her eyes instead at the amount of theatrics that just kept coming on and on. This place was an asylum, a madhouse. The warning from the two replicas coupled with the sudden burst of energy meant as a display of strength made the female assassin sneer. If it had been meant to scare her into submission, then he was extremely wrong about Leah’s personality.

    She had never cowered in the face of absolute power. Instead she craved it, the feeling of having the odds stacked against her, giving her an adrenaline rush and thrill far more exquisite than any form of extreme activities she could participate in. She lowered the gun that had been pointed in Laurence’s face, and then holstered the weapon to her hip. Her left arm, a bionic arm, moved upwards and rested a palm on one of Cirven’s replica’s face, pulling his ear close.

    “I think you’ve got it backwards. This is exactly what I crave,” she hissed into the replica’s ears, knowing that the message would be fully transmitted to the original. “That amount of power? I’ll be catching up to you soon.”

    The female assassin then proceed to push the replica away before walking up to Jester. With a lopsided smirk on her face, the female assassin put her intentions into a very simple sentence.

    “I want to join this nuthouse of a guild.”



    An Unconscious Visitor Empty Re: An Unconscious Visitor

    Post by Guest 22nd July 2019, 10:13 am

    Some lucidity started to come into the kelpies expression, the surprise being enough to push off his lure form. At least for now, there would be no issues resisting blood. When his mind was stable, it was one not quite as willing to give into temptations and instincts. One thing Laurence wasn't expecting? Someone to do something that seemed almost protective. Was it to get the girl under control? That or some other explanation that had nothing to do with him. Thanks to being back in a true state, Lotts own sinful nature was now something easy to feel. The kelp like dark green and black hair sat just as wild as ever, bright green eyes briefly looking at Cirven with surprise before looking back to the stranger. Was that it then? "Well... I'm going to go do other stuff now. It was nice meeting you." This stable state of mind was temporary, soon enough he would be back to openly declaring his want to murder and feast on human flesh. Until then? The dark fae gave a wave to everyone still left there before starting to walk off.

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    An Unconscious Visitor Empty Re: An Unconscious Visitor

    Post by Jester 29th July 2019, 8:17 am

    Such a fun little moment this was, with the little puppy threatening the kelpie, the kelpie showing a little reaction, followed the white-haired fellow making his toward her. Appearing before her through her shadow with what appeared to be doppelgangers. Jester tilted his head as he watched the wall behind the girl destroyed. "Oh mee, oh my! What a messy poo, Queenie shall be cross!" He commented with a light giggle, as though the destruction wasn't really all that bothersome. Because in truth he cared less about the destruction, the display of power but more so how the girl would handle it. So far, she had been guarded, on edge. Would she attack? Perhaps flee in terror and try her luck down the mountain now that she was healed? He would not fault her for such a decision, it was human nature to seek the best means of survival. Although it would be the most disappointing reaction, maybe he could have a little fun, hunting her down the mountain.

    However, it would seem this wasn't in the cards for Jester, because instead, she would holster her weapon. Approaching the replica and whispering to it. Jester's face split into a devilish smirk, his eyes widening in delight as she made her approach. Uttering her wish to the clown, his smile split across his face. He threw his head back and laughed maniacally, before doing an exciting spin on the spot. "C'est Magnifique!" He called out in euphoric glee. It seemed this lost little puppy was more entertaining than he had expected her to be. He would stop spinning and face the girl once more, stepping in to close the distance between them. He leaned down slightly, "Well then my little puppy, offer yourself to us, and relish in the wonderful chaos that is Errings Rising." He purred, holding out his palm, his hand would begin to simmer with pure magic energy, it had sinister aura emanating from it, having been manifested from the core of the clown himself. "First things first, to show your devotion to our little 'nuthouse', we'll need to brand you. Don't worry puppy, it won't hurt... but it might be a little... intense." He said with a deep chuckle.

    WC: 367 Jester's Total: 1391



    Devil's Advocate

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    An Unconscious Visitor Empty Re: An Unconscious Visitor

    Post by Cirven 6th August 2019, 12:25 pm

    Cirven stared at the Leah intensely even after Jester and Laurence had spoke but then burst into laughter at the girl. The scene would have looked surprising to those around them if they were normal people but they were all far from it, it seemed. "She has my recommendation to join with having some fire like that to bark at a monster like me. Maybe one day you will catch up to me by being in this 'nuthouse guild' like you said and I look forward to seeing just how you grow here." With that Cirven turned away from the group and started to make his exit. "Try not to die. Well at least dying out of my sight. It will be too interesting to see just how you end up after all." A chuckle escaped him as he left the room and made his way through the castle. He spoke to the others who he had sent to follow Leah's friend. "Let the target go. Things have gotten a bit more interesting with this new comer and any surprises for her will only make things more fun so allowing the target to escape will attribute to just that." His orders went out to them as he walked out of the castle with a grin plastered over his face. Leah had unknowingly become a sort of pet project for him. She would not be a priority but watching how she developed would be something he was interested in.


    An Unconscious Visitor LxcTBIi
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