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    Tome of Basilisks


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    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 306
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : ‭‭38,500

    Tome of Basilisks Empty Tome of Basilisks

    Post by Cetus 23rd June 2019, 7:06 pm

    Tome of Basilisks

    Purchase Link: Oddity Shop Purchase

    Unique Weapon


    Additional Melee Weapon Damage:
    50 HP

    300 HP

    Legends of old have hinted that there was once a nameless library situated atop its own floating island, shielded from the eyes and minds of the humans below by clouds. Should there not be any cloud coverage, the island could manufacture its own to keep itself safe. A lone mage maintained the library, only descending his throne of knowledge to obtain magical books deemed too powerful for the general populace to have control over by the prophetic crystal. He’d add those dangerous tomes to his frightening library, then continue floating around all of Earthland in studious solitude until he was dispatched again.

    One prophecy it seemed the crystal could not foresee was its own downfall. One day the library just plunged from the sky, scattering some books to the winds and destroying others as it met its demise. Ultimately it crashed into a mountainside, fading into obscurity and taking many powerful secrets with it. Time passed and slowly the surviving texts entered back into the population.

    The Tome of Basilisks is a fearsome weapon indeed. Its offensive nature and haunting power draws wicked and just hearts alike, each looking to destroy the other. The book cares not for the intents of the heart. It has only one desire, and that is to bring death. Its pages harness the threats of basilisks, venomous attacks, and paralyzing stares. While the book is harmless to the owner, simple contact with the book itself will damage foes. Imagine what horrors its pages hold!

    Tome of Basilisks EgNT4fv


    Name: Noxious Mana
    Type: Passive
    Description: When the book is in use and floating alongside the user, it seems the venomous mana can be felt by the environment. All plants die and the ground cracks underfoot within 3 meters around the user, leaving a trail of death in their wake. Infectious as the aura may be, the terrible and powerful mana contained in the book amplifies the user’s spell range by 200%, so it can maximize the destruction to as far and as many as possible.

    Name: Winged Serpent King
    Rank: User Rank Advanced (Up to H+)
    Type: Multi Target, Debuff, Drain
    Damage: User Rank Advanced Multi Target Damage
    Range: User Rank Advanced Multi Target Range
    Speed: User Rank Advanced Multi Target Speed
    Duration: User Rank Advanced Max
    Description: The user takes on some rather serpentine features. Their eyes shift to entirely orange with wicked black slits as pupils. Their tongue forks, two teeth sharpen into fangs, and scales appear sporadically over their body, though they do concentrate at the shoulder blades. From those scales sprout glorious wings of golden feathers. The user gains the ability to fly within range if they choose and starts spitting fearsome venom at their foes. Those touched by the venom will not only take difficult to heal corrosive damage, but the toxin will wrack their bodies with terrible pain as if their very veins are on fire. Opponents hit with the venom will lose 10% of their total MP and HP once per post for the duration of the ability. It’s also said that the infection will cause madness immediately upon contact. Affected foes find that their spells cost 100% more mana for the duration of the ability.

    Name: Predator’s Trap
    Rank: User Rank Advanced (Up to H+)
    Type: Burst, Immobilization, Debuff
    Damage: User Rank Advanced Burst Damage
    Range: User Rank Advanced Burst Range
    Speed: User Rank Advanced Burst Speed
    Duration: User Rank Advanced Max
    Description: In legend, it is said that the mere breath or gaze of a basilisk can cause paralysis and death. The pages of the tome prove this fact with a wicked spell. As the user brings forth the words on the page, two simultaneous actions occur. Immediately, their serpentine eyes glow red as does the ground in a circular pattern formed from snake-like markings, paralyzing all within for one turn every other turn. The user exhales a toxic purple haze at the same time to deal damage to their victims, debuffing both spell damage resistance and melee damage resistance of those hit by 50% each.


    Gabriel Bank

    Tome of Basilisks CetusSigs
    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Posts : 6990
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 145
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 26,209

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Starlight Maiden
    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Tome of Basilisks Empty Re: Tome of Basilisks

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 24th June 2019, 3:51 am

    Tome of Basilisks Pg4YHn3



    Tome of Basilisks 60582_s

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 11:18 pm