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    Death and Discovery

    Haraka Omaras
    Haraka Omaras

    Main Account- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Dragonfly Healer
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    Guild : Onyx Moon
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    Death and Discovery Empty Death and Discovery

    Post by Haraka Omaras 10th May 2019, 12:50 am


    Haraka Omaras

    The world was a strange place where everything seems to change at a rapid rate. There was a time when it felt like time had eternally stood still for himself, but the world had continued moving. It had gotten to the point where finally being able to use magic hadn’t been much of a change. It had only been a bit over a year since joining the West Fiore Trading company, so when was it during that time that the mixed blood had started moving with the world? It was strange to think how much had changed. It was only a few months ago that the very idea of going under the ocean to visit the remains of what had been his home at one point. It was unexpected to see everything looking so well recovered. There was a need in him to see what was there, what wasn’t, what was still damaged, and how many of the areas remaining had that thick demon miasma. But realistically? Visiting there for any reason would come with a risk and he knew it. The grave robbers hadn’t found that place by accident. There was certainly a chance of spotting actual people from that group waiting for the inevitable. That was why Haraka had put a message on the job board. He wasn’t sure if anyone would accept it, but that’s why he was sitting here right now. Maybe it would have been better to ask for help, but then someone might want answers on why he thought danger might pop up in an empty sunken ocean under the bottom of the cloudy sea. Well, someone could still show up and ask anyway, but it just seemed less likely this way. All his job request had been was a request to get help remapping a sunken country.

    The young looking man would help them breathe underwater if needed so they could safely reach the location. Also the note at the end of the job about there would likely be trouble waiting but he didn’t know how much. It felt a bit stupid to have put something like that up, but this was also the first time asking for help in a non emergency sort of situation. He didn’t need to figure out what remained of the country, or how much damage was there. Would there be any gain outside of the piece of mind of knowing? Eyes gazed down towards the ocean water. Haraka was currently in his dragon form, a filled white bag slung around their long neck. The mixed bloods long shrimp like tail was curled behind him. Why wait in this form? The slayer lacrima made him really hate being on a boat, along with hating that he hated being on a boat now. It would just be easier in the long run to offer himself as a ride if that was what was needed to avoid that entire motion sickness fiasco. There was a nervousness in Omaras. The half dragon could get a better look at his home country again without worrying about grave robbers, probably. If anyone met him up here, it meant showing others his home land. It would be nice sharing its beauty with someone, even if there was a strong possibility people would be trying to kill them once they reach there. Doubt briefly clouded their mind, his two front dragon paws scooting themselves closer together. The sitting dragon let out a sigh.
    "Was this a good idea? Will anyone actually answer? Why do I want to do this so much?" Life was strange. There was definitely no need to visit, but the want was strong.

    The Blood of death kept me breathing. From that fluid birthed a new rhythm.

    Words: 611


    [Harakas Bank] [Profile] [Ulhar Relgim] [Ice Dragon Slayer(2nd Gen)] [Second Heart] [Death Fae Doctor] [Characters Theme Song]
    Death and Discovery SnakeWeaver

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    First Skill: Archive Magic
    Second Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer
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    Death and Discovery Empty Re: Death and Discovery

    Post by Lethe 13th June 2019, 6:52 pm


    The Iron Dragon Slayer

    Adalinda takes a deep breath as she sits in a chair in the dream room. One of the last few things she did with her mentor was in this room mentally. He had told her to come in here, and had her fight the other vice presidents and both the CEOs. It had been a wild thing, and slightly traumatic to her. Not many people knew of the other side of the coin, and they were prepping her slightly for it too it felt. She joined willingly though. She was for this company, and all it was. A smile was on her face as she reached her hand back and rubbed her right shoulder blade. The mark of the company was there. She wasn’t mad. All the memories here in West Fiore Trading Company had been the best ones she had in her life. She only wished to make even more as time went on. How she wasn’t kicked out by now… was beyond her. Same as how she got where she was. She sits up slowly and gets out of the chair, taking a deep breath. “I guess the past will just have to stay there.” She muses to herself as she looks around. She’d have to try training in here one day. But that day wasn’t going to be today.

    She wanted to do a job, earn some extra jewels for her family again. Training could be done afterwards. She made her way over to the job board, and blinks as she sees a message from one of the members on their. “Why didn’t he just ask someone in general?” She questions aloud. “I dunno, but at least it gives others the ability to earn some jewel with it put up as a job.” The little purple exceed rests herself on her slayers shoulders with a smile. Ada shrugs and tells Alisha that she was going to be taking the job before she starts to walk off to where it seemed Haraka was wanting to do this. Near Cloud Sea… fun. “What are we going to do, Ada?” “Remap a sunken country it seems.” “Are you sure you’re able to?” “Hah! Nope… But maybe Veles will help me or something. I dunno. Or there will be a thing to help me breath underwater if anything. Regardless, there will be trouble though more than likely, so lets go out and do what we do best, be security.” She chuckles as she shrugged her shoulders. Tammy snorts to her slayer. Trouble seemed to follow Ada around, mainly because she starts it.

    When she made it the docks, she spotted the dragon near immediately. She was curious what it was that he was wearing on his neck though… a bag? “Haraka.” She calls out to the dragon with her arms crossed over her chest. She wore her white and blue trimmed jacket over her shoulders, showing she was wearing a white tank top under it like usual with her white slacks and black boots on her feet. Tammy was in a matching outfit, but her jacket was on her fully, and she wore a pencil skirt instead. “Should we change to something more… suitable for the water?” Ada snorts at Tammys question. She didn’t give a damn. She could jump in the water right then if she wanted to. “Better question. Where exactly is this country you’re wanting to map out?” She raised an eyebrow. “And anyone else joining us?” Tammy fluttered down off of Adalinda’s shoulders and stood on the dock next to her slayer. Her purple tail flicked from side to side as she looked towards the water. She honestly was curious about what it was they’d find in this supposed sunken country.

    “To answer your question though, others usually say finding a sunken country or whatever is always a great find. I don’t know anything about this country, so if it’s someplace you know… then you’re probably doing it for some weird thing like making sure it’s still cool or whatever.” Adalinda shrugged her shoulders. She had let herself get curious about her origins and wasn’t too fond of them, but if she were to help others uncover theirs, she hoped that it’d be a better experience than she had. “Whatever your reasoning for wanting to go out and map this country is though, it’ll be fine.” She shoved her hands into her pockets of her slacks and snickered slightly as she honestly was feeling cocky about this situation. She felt she was strong enough to help out in doing whatever it was he needed. Tammy giggled as she raised a paw. “Yeah! We’ll both help out! You won’t be alone in doing this!” She excitedly fluttered her wings to raise herself up again, hovering above the ground to be about eye level with her dragon slayer at least.

    : @Haraka Omaras @Yona : 811 (1422 total) words : notes :



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- S-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
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    Posts : 631
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 960,162

    Death and Discovery Empty Re: Death and Discovery

    Post by Zincarla 21st June 2019, 6:42 am

    Yona Hisamori had found herself staring at her reflection in the mirror for far too long. What had been a quick attire check had turned into a literal inward self-reflection. She had put on an old outfit.  It had been more than a year ago now, maybe closer to two years, when she had boarded the WFTC trading ship and stowed away beneath the deck. Her goal had been to grab a handful of "free" items and accept a "free" ride to some other shoreline. Travel was expensive and looking for the man who had killed her family had worn her down to desperate measures. As a woman instead of a girl, she adorned short brown shorts, a cropped black halter top, and the large brown coat with many pockets. She moved slightly in her old knee-high boots, feeling her toes press against the thin material, threatening to burst through. Her hands were stuffed into the pocket and she could smell the salt upon the coat still from all those days ago. Forced to face her past and Cirven himself had been an ordeal, and somehow she had gone from a stowaway thief to a VP of Onyx Moon. Yona blinked, unable to quite come to terms with the woman in the mirror and the memory in her heart. "Keep staring at the mirror and you'll invite me to pluck your eyes out," Ketsueki teased with a short set of disturbing giggles. Yona looked away with a shake of her head. It wasn't that she thought he could do it, but more so that she didn't feel like debating it.

    She pulled off her old coat and boots, sliding on her WFTC coat and boots. She looked better in white, which amused her to no end after her recollection of how she had hated the idea of wearing white so often when she had first joined. Nothing would make her feel more like herself than taking up a job. There was no reason why the title of VP had to make her feel so unworthy, so strange. Yona would just continue to do all she had been doing, only she would see it as a challenge and do it better. The plant mage had come to this decision the day before and had signed up for Haraka's job. She enjoyed the ocean, despite how terrifyingly deep and unknown it remained to the woman with strictly earthly talents. If he was going to help her to breathe, then she could help him. Yona still didn't care much for him, but her meager accusations and distaste for Haraka were made by an older version of her. She was more mature, more experienced, and as a VP she would not let anything get in her way of helping the members of the guild. So what if he talked like an old man and his long-winded stories reminded her of child's fairy tales? Yona could find it in her to be helpful and knew also that further interaction might solidify a new judgment of Haraka's character, seeing him through unjaded eyes.

    She buttoned the black buttons of her pearly white coat, leaving the lofted collar with black lining to frame her delicate neck. She didn't need to bring anything with her on missions or jobs anymore, finding security that her own power was indeed enough in most situations. Yona left the guild, locking her room on the way out and stepping out to the docks. She saw Adalinda and Tammy there, and an odd looking dragon creature with a long white neck. Yona paused at her distance and then continued onward. It was likely Haraka, but she had never seen him look like that before. Knowing Haraka would be less than thrilled to see her in particular, she made an effort to be congenial. She gave a wave and walked up to the small group. "So," She started to say, looking around to see that there were no boats closeby preparing to set sail, "Are we not taking a boat? Is it so close that we could swim there?" The demon inside her mind grinned, his face stretching over his fangs until it reached a full 180 degrees of his head. "I was so good last time. You'll have to let me play again. You just have to!" Yona waved a hand dismissively as if swatting a gnat away and continued addressing the others. "Hi Ada, Hi Tammy! It's been a while. With the three of us, this job should be very easy indeed. Have no worries Haraka," Yona said catching the expression on his face, "We are unstoppable." She gestured with her thumb at Ada and herself, chuckling as she reminisced about SwollenMan.

    WC: 803

    Last edited by Yona on 5th July 2019, 9:34 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Death and Discovery Imageedit-3-2741721522

    Zin's Color: color = #ff66cc
    Haraka Omaras
    Haraka Omaras

    Main Account- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Dragonfly Healer
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    Death and Discovery Empty Re: Death and Discovery

    Post by Haraka Omaras 22nd June 2019, 2:19 am


    Haraka Omaras

    Harakas 'whiskers' perked a bit at the sound of his name being called. The mixed blood knew who that voice belonged to, turning to look only confirmed as much. It was Tammys comment that made the the thick skinned creature realize a very vital bit of information had been left out of the job listing, one that the draconian hadn't realized until that moment. Well, that was fine anyway. It wasn't too late to tell them the information now so they could be ready to leave. "The country of ice is as close to a name as it ever got. It sunk around 6795 years ago due to an attack from a group that wiped out the majority of its population. I had to go down there a bit ago to stop some grave robbers and found out that the holy ice had fully recovered the region I was in and saw. The flora and fauna were in tact, the unique holy ice and snow of the country had recovered so much that it had create a tall oxygenated sky above the land. The buildings I did see looked as in tact as they were after the attack, but the demon miasma the attackers left caused the city I saw to be totally unreachable to all natural life in the region. You'll only need to get wet during the we travel to the bottom of the ocean towards that location. Trying to figure out what to do about the miasma will definitely be a different job. I have maps and other supplies in my bag." His reasons for wanting to go there? His reasons... It wasn't anything heroic or honorable, nor one that Omaras fully understood himself. There was no need to return, for no people lived there. The town that had been home burned down, nothing of it remained but him and two books.

    So why did he want to see it again? To find out how much is left? Why was even considering trying to find out how to remove the deadly miasma. Was it actually still considering it if it felt like the natural next step after mapping?
    "The maps I have are from before it sunk, so what we map out today will be unlikely to be nearly as big. We will land in the central area of the country, next to the old capital city and near the castle. Try not to look at the city, the deadly miasma has caused the bodies of victims to remain looking... fresh." There was no nice way to put that, but that was as close as the mixed blood got. The reason why he wanted to go had been avoided in a direct sense for now, but he had unintentionally answered it in a subtle way. It was the doctors home country, the place where he existed as an innocent child and where that innocence was shattered in a very not so nice way. Sometimes he could still see the fires, hear the screams, and the sights that one might expect to belong in hell. Yonas presence was strange. It wasn't unexpected to see her, only to hear her act so well behaved. Had she grown out of being a trouble maker? Was this a trick? Well there was no harm in giving her the benefit of the doubt. "A boat would be slower than riding me, and would also draw attention to the location of the crack in the ocean floor that leads to the country. I would prefer that only myself, those I trust, and the group that wants me dead know it exists. If too many find out it was a real location, treasure hunters might rob the location and harm the wild life in the process.

    Archeologists there just to try to help could make the same mistake, all they have to do is ignore warnings not to do something and chalk it up to superstition. If they do avoid hurting the land, they would still definitely try to preserve the bodies, which goes against the beliefs of everyone that ever lived there before it sunk." There were some people that meant well, but could do damage regardless. It was easy for those in the age where science has grown to dismiss old things as superstition, but that's not always the case. Some warnings were very important to abide by, which was also why one couldn't just grab every item they see anywhere in that ice country and just not expect consequences for that. That's not how it worked at all. "Anyway... The three of you get ready to leave, then climb on my back. I'll fly us there, though low enough that I'll blend well with the surrounding water. After we get to the location, I'll use a breathing spell then swim everyone down to the country at the bottom of the ocean, then try not to fly into any birds or anything and land. Does that sound good? Are there more questions?"  

    The Blood of death kept me breathing. From that fluid birthed a new rhythm.

    Words: 840
    My Total: 1451


    [Harakas Bank] [Profile] [Ulhar Relgim] [Ice Dragon Slayer(2nd Gen)] [Second Heart] [Death Fae Doctor] [Characters Theme Song]
    Death and Discovery SnakeWeaver

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior Dragon
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    Guild : Meliora Vitae
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    Experience : 2,290,286

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Archive Magic
    Second Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer
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    Death and Discovery Empty Re: Death and Discovery

    Post by Lethe 4th August 2019, 8:18 pm


    The Iron Dragon Slayer

    The black haired slayer blinks as she tilts her head some towards the blue dragon. He seemed to have babbled quite a bit there. She had to make sure she understood, and pulled her hands out of her pocket as she was 'tapping' the air as markers for her memory. "So… we're going to a country under the water, that we are able to breath in, cause some holy flame crystal or whatever thing created like a dome for it?" She questions, but then instantly holds her hand out to stop any replies. "But we can't look at the city or we'll freeze like Gorgons do to men? How are we supposed to map a country we can't look at some cities for?!" She threw her hands up as she rubs her face with her hands. Great. Of course mapping a sunken country wouldn't be easy as pie. Deadly cities they couldn't even risk looking at. Easy peace of cake to do this! She was groaning as she hung her head. "Vacation. Vacation." She mumbles to herself while hanging her head and shoulders low as she swayed from side to side.

    She then smelled someone familiar. She gasped as she stood up and turned around to see Yona! "Hey!" She cries out and holds her fist towards the other girl. It had been some time since she chatted with the woman. Let alone see her. "Congrats on becoming a vice president!" She laughs as she grins. The slayer had held her fist out for the other girl to bump with her own, and was cheeky once again. Till the girl made note of no boats being there. She hoped they wouldn't be taking a boat, she'd of said screw that! Boats were her enemy. She sighed though. "Not too easy, Yona… Gorgon cities." She snorts as she runs a hand through her hair. "Maybe Veles can help?" 'Not on your life, child. I've never heard of something like this before.' The dragon in her mind didn't quite seem like he liked being volunteered like that. Ada didn't fully care if she were to be honest. He was a prick anyways majority of the time. 'And you can't turn into a dragon and swim yourself if it's too far down. You can barely turn into a dragon, holding it while whiling your breath would take more energy than you're used to.' He scolds her before she even got to ask that. The disadvantage of having someone in your mind with you.

    "We can see about having the country being protected by the West Fiore Trading Company and the rest of Tolgalen as a reserve or something like that so you wouldn't have to worry about others getting to it." She nods. As she honestly felt like that was a good idea. Tammy smiles to Ada as she also nods. Not too bad if she thought so herself for her slayer. They would have to get the CEOs permission first though. "Since looking at cities keeps one looking at it forever or whatever… what else should we be weary of? Exploding fish? Poisonous plants? Yada yada?" She crossed her arms over her chest as she snickered too. "Also, pretty sure we're ready as well, just waiting on your call really. Though, technically I could follow you on my own, with either Shellton or as a dragon myself…" The water part after getting around the location they needed to, that was another story. Then again, less work on her part to just travel there. She raised a hand and waved it a bit. “Ready to jet when you both are.” She snickers as Tammy nods in agreement.

    S rank Neutral Freeform
    : @Yona @Haraka Omaras : (614) 1425/5333 (‭3679‬/16000 total) words : notes: HP: 990 MP: 792 :



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- S-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
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    Posts : 631
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 960,162

    Death and Discovery Empty Re: Death and Discovery

    Post by Zincarla 16th August 2019, 3:14 pm

    Yona listened to Haraka's long-winded description of the place and tried hard to pay attention. It was like he was an old man and she noted that although it had been some time since she had seen him, Haraka had not really changed. Other than the physical, and strange-looking, dragon shape. That, Yona could say, was new. She heard him say something about holy ice, a wildland with a sky somehow sustained underneath the ocean, and an ancient attack that had left behind demonic miasma. Yona looked to Ketsueki, but her demon gave a nonchalant shrug as if to say that because she had ignored him before that he was now going to choose the if-and-when to help her with this miasma thing. At the thought of needing to get wet to get to the location, Yona pursed her lips. She supposed if they were going underwater then there was no way around that, and to her fortune, she had learned to make use of the plants micro and macroscopic as they were, to her advantage with spells.

    Yona was already planning the steps out, coming up with ideas and solutions, and of course, Yona had plenty of questions. When Adalinda turned to acknowledge her, it took her a second to face Ada and respond. The plant mage smiled slowly, a grin that broader and broader with Adalinda's excitement and support. She reciprocated the fist bump as was customary between friends and looked up at the dragon lady and down to Tammy, speaking quickly with the thrill of being promoted compounded by Adalinda's evident own support for the decision, "Well thanks! I.. I got to say I never expected it. It's been a great and welcome surprise!" She relaxed her body, taking in all that joy and encouragement with a hearty breath. Yona had to stay focused on the job for Haraka's sake. As a VP, the people in the company and guild now mattered more to her, as she had a role and a duty to protect them unlike before.

    Keeping the location of the place would be easy for Yona, as she had doubted its existence to start when Haraka had brought it up before. Yona wouldn't be about long-winded stories or ancient complicated histories if they weren't even her own to tell. She had no desire to come off as an old lady the way that Haraka came off as an old man to her. At the comment of Gorgon cities by Adalinda, her eyes widened and her eyebrows raised. She looked at Haraka, "Looking at the city won't harm us physically, will it? From my understanding, you only meant to protect us... psychologically from the trauma of witnessing the deceased?" Yona wasn't sure how she had heard something so different than Adalinda, but the truth was that she wasn't paying as much attention as she should have been. Then again, Yona had to admit that the warning to not look at the cities might be as Ada had concluded, due to some harmful magic. Ketsueki sprawled out on his stomach and leaned forward, feet and claws bent into the air like a child; he was eagerly listening to the stories of the dead and the description of this miasma.

    As the suggestion to protect this hidden country came about, Yona thought about for a moment and then nodded her head in agreement. She flicked her green hair and gestured an open palm towards Ada, "That is a very good idea. I don't think Ruvel or Sol would disagree, but of course, we should ask them. If the idea doesn't go against the whole 'secret country' thing, Haraka." Yona waited for his reply with Adalinda, supporting her idea with a hands-on-her-hips stance. "You can think about it first if you want, I am ready to leave." She threw a look at Adalinda as if to say, 'if I have to ride Haraka as a dragon thing down to the bottom of the ocean, you're riding with me'. Without any further prompting, at the end of the conversation, Yona would awkwardly attempt to find a seat on Haraka, feeling quite uncomfortable with riding him and with a speedy soaking trip to his country.

    WC: 803+726= 1529


    Death and Discovery Imageedit-3-2741721522

    Zin's Color: color = #ff66cc
    Haraka Omaras
    Haraka Omaras

    Main Account- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Dragonfly Healer
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    Experience : 494,070

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    Death and Discovery Empty Re: Death and Discovery

    Post by Haraka Omaras 29th August 2019, 11:21 pm


    Haraka Omaras

    He managed to pull off a confused and blank expression even in the sea dragon form. Crystals? Dome? Would the air be considered a dome? It wasn't really the right shape? He wasn't sure where freezing or gorgons came from in the iron dragon slayers mind. Was he that horrible at describing things? There was a lot of confusion clouding their mind, causing his long mantis shrimp like tail to start curling a bit at the end. Who was Veles? The talk of the country being protected made him a little uncomfortable. If people tried that, they might try to go into the miasma. People might walk into dangerous things without thinking than throw the countries nature out of wack because of their own mistake. "Only me and one organization knows the country is there. It's become so remote and hard to find that I doubt others could even find it on purpose with directions." He didn't like how Alalinda was speaking of the nature. The thought of her taking down foxes, or eagles bothered him. It was a unique country with unique creatures, as many countries with their own land mass was. Harakas tail curled a bit more from these thoughts and feelings, disliking the idea of anyone just rushing in even more. "Don't threaten the wildlife and it wont attack you. I'll tell you if we run across any of the animals or plants that require special respect. It is a holy country of ice and snow, it wont act neutral." Of course that made the miasma all the more concerning. It was something that stuck around for so long on holy land. How it remained dangerous and present after thousands of years was a little mind boggling.

    But it was the exact reason he didn't want them to go in it. Yona talking calmed his nerves a bit, tail starting to slowly unwind.
    "That's correct Yona. The miasma is deadly enough where none of us should attempt to go in, the fact that it's sustained itself on holy grounds for thousands of years says something. You would only get physical hurt from going in it, not looking at it. Also, all the victims are those who tried to save me or were unable to try to evacuate." His tail unraveled itself completely, his nerves feeling far less bunched up now. It was strange to have Yona as a voice of reason, she really had changed a lot. It was a welcome surprise though, especially when it came to trying to get another to understand what he was talking about."Looking at it wont harm you physically, though it might mentally. None of the victims bodies have changed since their time of death thousands of years ago, and it was a slaughter. I also want to show the victims what little respect that I can. Also, the holy ice and snow creates the sky, nothing else. I was just surprised it could do that even under the ocean." This was strange. Was it up to him if the company did anything to that country? It was technically his if anyone still counted royalty as mattering, but why would it matter without any people left? This was definitely a topic he hadn't deeply considered. He was used to trying not to think of the calming endless white, not thinking up tactics for it's recovery before there was even a map of how much was left. There was a mental note from himself to calm down and think things through one step at a time.

    How Yona presented others coming wasn't as worrisome as how Adalinda had. At the same time? Omaras still didn't like the thought of it. Sol and Ruvel were both very capable and intelligent people, but he also wasn't sure how much either of them knew about this country. This was both of them being considerate, right? That was probably it, though it didn't make the fears ebb away.
    "It's not the West Fiore Trading Company I worry about when thinking about it's location becoming public, but everyone else. To strangers it's a mysterious lost ancient civilization needing to be explored, but it's my homeland. Every corpse frozen by the miasma was someone I watched die." Maybe that was too much information? In any case he started to move from the sitting position and into a laying position. This would make getting on him easier, right? Did he say too much? Maybe not this time, but that's why they would avoid the castle. Avoid the castle and try not to mention how the country sunk too much. The castle was more than likely the only location that didn't need to be explored for people to know it's in tact. Also, it cleared away it's own miasma. The restoration spell system must have been obscenely expensive to create. No, don't think on that! Focus on the now. Not the corpses, nor the reason behind them. He needed to finish answering Yona. Thinking of possible solutions... The only one that seemed efficient that didn't involve Sol probably wouldn't involve Ada either. He didn't want to purposely exclude her, but the mixed blood knew how she was about plants. The one that might be able to deal with the Miasma wasn't even remotely 'Adalinda friendly'.

    "Sorry Ada, but Yonas idea on trying to deal with the miasma sounds better than just going there to explore. There is something that could help with the miasma, but as far as I can recall most of the trees were put in a poor state by the ones that sunk the country. I'm talking about a very holy type of tree in guardian. At the height of their age and energy they could even force demons from those they possessed without harming the individual. If any are still alive then we could try to repair them... but they eat corpses and enemies, meaning none of them that might be alive have eaten in thousands of years." Yeah Ada was definitely not coming at this point. She didn't need to say anything, he was just that sure at this point. "...They would be in a sleep state to save energy, which would make them look white and blend in with the snow. In their awake state they have red leafs, golden bark, and blood red vines with teeth on one side. Their trunks have a mouth in it. They are intelligent, so we can ask them if they could clear the miasma if they are healed enough if we get one to wake up." That was multiple uncertainties spoken, but he wasn't going to lie. He had no idea if any of those trees were even still alive. If they were alive than it was safe to say they would need to be fed. There wasn't exactly going to be an immediate fix to the miasma, but the trees were the best bet without having to gather a lot more people and a lot more research. There was just one issue with that. "It would be better to confirm what land masses are still left in the country before planning anything larger scale."

    The crux of the issue, they had no idea how much of the country was there.

    The Blood of death kept me breathing. From that fluid birthed a new rhythm.

    Words: 1,214
    Total: 2,665


    [Harakas Bank] [Profile] [Ulhar Relgim] [Ice Dragon Slayer(2nd Gen)] [Second Heart] [Death Fae Doctor] [Characters Theme Song]
    Death and Discovery SnakeWeaver

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    First Skill: Archive Magic
    Second Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer
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    Death and Discovery Empty Re: Death and Discovery

    Post by Lethe 11th March 2020, 10:55 pm


    The Iron Dragon Slayer

    A rather cheeky grin had formed on Adalinda’s lips towards the plant mage when she congratulated her on her promotion and the other responded to her. She was glad the other enjoyed her promotion and liked it so far. “It’ll only get a bit worse from here with all that paperwork you will have to do eventually… Or you can just push it onto someone else to do for you instead.” That last part she leaned in to the other female and whispered, though Tamaria still heard it and became visibly upset about that. The exceed knew the dragon slayer was talking about how she pushed the paperwork onto the little cat.

    After the explanation of the city, and Yona inquired about what Haraka meant, Ada blinked. She realized she had heard wrong, kind of. ‘That’s what you get for letting your mind travel elsewhere, host… You hear random things that aren’t true.’ Veles snorted to the slayer. She waved her hand up in the air by her head slightly, as if waving a bug away, to brush off Veles and his comments, but paused though as she heard Haraka mention something about the wildlife. She was about to speak when she distracted herself with her comment about the company treating it like a reserve, and Yona agreeing with her. She, despite slightly, listened to Haraka’s worries over the place being revealed publicly and outsiders desecrating the area in some form or another.

    It only took Haraka a short time to continue on with how the flora was there, and she absolutely froze. Her lips had curled up in a way that clearly stated she was one-hundred percent off board with this now. “You had started losing me at ‘Wildlife attacking' or whatever… but now you’re saying these tree guardians, or whatever holy things, eat people?” She put her hands together like she was praying, bringing her hands to her lips as she lightly shook her head. ‘You’re backing out… now of all times?! You are absolutely pathetic.’ ‘If you had to deal with what I did… You wouldn’t be judging right now… dragon.’ ‘But I did, your mind is just utterly moronic to get over yourself.’ Ada’s eyes closed for a moment, eyebrow twitching as she tried to not let her anger show too much. She removed her hands from her face and opened her eyes once again, letting them look right at the mage before her. “So! Haraka! Amigo! Compadre! I just remembered I have some paperwork that I really need to do before the end of the day. At least that is some plants that won’t attack me.” She started to point a couple of finger guns at Haraka as she gave a nervous smile. “So I’ll have to have a raincheck on helping this go round! See you next time, Yona!” She gave the plant mage a finger salute before she backed away rather fast and started jogging back to the head quarters.

    Tamaria takes a deep breath while hanging her head. “Should have included something about the eating holy tree guardians first... Sorry to have wasted your time… Ada is pretty much terrified of plants that are enchanted… She would end up destroying them over trying to protect them…” The purple exceed covered her face and let her wings pop out to hover for a bit. Slowly she looked between the two remaining mages, and nervously smiles. “Hopefully I’ll be able to work with you guys again another time. I should go and see what ‘paperwork’ Ada is claiming she has to do.” She snorts. Of course the exceed didn’t buy that bullcrap lie, and she hoped the other two didn’t either.

    Notes and Enemies:
    : @Haraka Omaras @Yona : (617) 2042 words :
    : notes - 1500 for C rank, 500 for D rank :
    : HP: 1155 MP: 924 :
    Neutral C\Neutral D/Page 28, Post n°695


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