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    Clan Wars

    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

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    Clan Wars Empty Clan Wars

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 28th March 2019, 4:33 pm

    page 1, post 4

    A fang by your side

    Yokohama Port---

    The busy streets of this bustling port town was not a surprise to Indra. The Real surprise was that he dared to return after he had turned his back on his homeland-- and now things turned out to bring him here. Naturally, he didn't go easily recognizable. He wore his Vestments of the Storm armor and 'coat' to keep his idenity, along with a eastern style straw hat to hide his face. More importantly, the sleeveless coat he wore hid his chest where a claw-marked logo now resided. His new mark of loyalty that also branded him a criminal to the rest of the modern world.

    The sun was still high in the sky and they he had time to kill. It was now his official job as guild master to carry out guild matters and also guide new members. It was much like his old friend RYo had done in the past. He did miss Sabertooth but he couldn't bare to be a stooge to the Magic COuncil any more. And he couldn't condone Sabertooth agreeing to serve them as well. So now, he had founded his own guild... with the help of others and a certain semi-malevolent trickster demon. Compared to him, Tailong and Kage were tame.

    Indra drank from his cup of ale to sooth his impulses to go into battle, but this was both a mission of statement, destruction and stealth-- not in that order. And to help him, he had agreed to take on one person who was eager to prove he could be a worthy aid to Rakshasa.

    He had sent Kage ahead-- the little Exceed looking at the target to gather intelligence on their target. As an Exceed and one who could pass as a small cat, it probably was the best, despite the Exceed ninja didn't like it due to his size. Still it was valuable.

    The only thing left was to find his would-be partner in crime. Zel was an unusual kid, a good few years younger than Indra was. He was clever and ambitious. Part of Indra felt sorry that the kid joined Rakshasa, seeming young-- but the guild existed to give those with no where else to go, freedom. He couldn't say no especially since they were eager to prove their worth.

    As he saw several Midian men drink and make merry with the bartenders and their fellows, he noticed the swords of samurai around. He just hope none would get too smart to ID him and that Zel would show up as he promised he would.

    WC: 457


    Zel Amara
    Zel Amara

    Lineage : Chaos Eye
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    Clan Wars Empty Re: Clan Wars

    Post by Zel Amara 29th March 2019, 5:47 am

    Zel stood out in the crowd. He doesn't have any problem with disguises since his reputation wasn't know throughout Midi. Once he saw the well disguised man from a good distance, Zel walked up to him. The boy felt "attracted" (no homo) to his presence like a magnet. "Heyo-" Zel greeted his guild leader. Everyone just looked at him weirdly due to the fact a young man was hugging a random stranger. Which is quite unusual.

    He hopped onto Indra's back and attempted to pggy back ride on him. The guild leader is Zel's weapon and the shield. There's no supportive roles that Zel himself played in this mission other than getting tips frlm the guild master himself. The boy's body that's attached to the man's back was stuck like glue, there is no escape from his grasp.

    "Onwards my lord!" Zel said in a loyal, devoted tone. He pointed up at the sky where the Exceed is gaining intel on the target. Afterwards, the boy smacked Indra's buns to f0rce him to continue on with the mission. He was treating the guild master like some sort of humanoid carrier.

    The boy was definitely clingy. He was willing to stick by Indra's side no matter what. Definitely, Zel is extremely devoted to serve the guild master with his life one day. After he mastered the use of magic from his mentor.
    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Betrayer of the Kamigawa
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    Clan Wars Empty Re: Clan Wars

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 29th March 2019, 10:29 am

    (Indra is in a pub. you need to adjust in the future and Kage is not around yet. )

    Indra was in the pub about to finish his drink-- till he felt an annoying little presence on his back. The shout of the howling monkey on his back literally made him cringe and freeze in place. He glanced back but heard him clearly. It was Zel, and now treating him like some mule. As a guy who valued his space, and only wanted to be closer to women this way-- this was not the kind of attachment he hoped to have with this kid. Even worse, he did the foolish thing to slap his backside.

    ... If this kid wasn't in his guild, he would of deep-fried him in an instant.

    "Unless you don't want to get electrocuted I suggest you get off my back, kid," Indra growled, disliking how this kid just thought it was okay to just jump on him. Electricity sparked off his shoulders, showing it was dangerous to be on him like that.

    Once Zel would let go-- Indra turned to the kid. Perhaps this was a bad idea that he was so eager to do this. This was a stealthy operation, and to have someone so eager and impulsive might blow their cover too soon. As much as he would have him follow and learn from him, there were boundaries this kid had to follow if he expected to get out of this mission alive and in one piece.

    After the awkward pause, Indra let the other patrons of the bar return to their business and glared at the kid. "The mission is stealth. That means trying not to make a scene for starters. NOt till I say so anyway... And bare in mind I am your master, not your babysitter." He explained sternly. "Understood? So don't go jumping on my back again unless you want to get zapped."

    A muffled laugh came from the rafters of the tavern as they would talk. Indra looked up to find the familiar face of Kage, now back from his recon. He just saw as the black tiger Exceed retracted his little grey wings with a glow and hid in a knealt. "Sorry, Kid. That back is my place to hang out." Kage growled playfully.

    "Mind telling me if you did your job before I make your fur even blacker and crispier." Indra replied.

    Kage stopped laughting after a second and cleared his throat. "The Ember Clan's location is along the cliffs of the south-west, its a pretty big estate that has several towers. The guards change every 3 hours or so. We might be able to get in without trouble but its gonna take time to search it. I could see some of the upper floors but I couldn't get in too easily without being seen. They have... *GULP*.. dogs."

    Indra frowned as he glanced up at his partner. "You are a tiger Exceed who wants to be a ninja and you're afraid of dogs? "

    Kage's tail swished bitterly, sensing the sarcasm in his master's voice. "Anyway, they do a shift change by when dusk comes. That would be our way in. " He replied.

    Indra gave this some silent thought. The goal of the mission was to attack the Ember clan who showed support for Hydra-- a finansial trade power in Midi and Fiore. As Rakshasa, their goal was to disrupt this little arrangement to prove their point. It was a small step, but one forward. If they complete it , their presence as Rakshasa would cement his betrayl of Midi-- and allow them to form a new path to make them known and infamous.

    Or that was the hope, presuming this younger member could follow his lead and not do something that would ruint he mission too soon.

    WC: 673


    Zel Amara
    Zel Amara

    Lineage : Chaos Eye
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    Clan Wars Empty Re: Clan Wars

    Post by Zel Amara 25th April 2019, 5:54 am

    When Zel clinged onto Indra's back he experienced his hands being shocked as they tried clenching his shoulders in order to be hooked onto the guy from behind. “Yikes!” He fell to the floor. Some of the electricity he touched pretty much made his fingers feel numb-ish, zapped, and weak. Shrugging after experiencing the guild master's sudden aggressiveness in response to being jumper on. Maybe this guy is homophobic? Eh, what are the odds in that? Well, might as well respect his wishes.

    “Aight then. Note to self next time.” The boy stood up on his own two feet and glared back at Indra. His hands hurt and have this stinging feelings on the palms because well...they were electrocuted! So they're useless for the time being. The kid was more distracted by the man's awesome looks than anything. Indra's speech came out as “Blah Blah Blah” as he wondered what mission did Indra called him for? Eh...probably some stealth mission or something. Heh, well he isn't dumb anyways so most likely he'll just use Indra as a shield 100% of the time during any mission.

    After Indra finished his explanation it is SO important to follow the rules during this mission. He glared back at Indra and nodded. His fingers were still stung by the spark of electricity that mistakenly shocked him. “Roger that, master. That is some harmful electricity you produced. You should also warn me about your homophobia.”

    Zel wondered if they can stop for a little drink…..wait...maybe not. He isn't even old enough to even consume alcohol. He frowned after realizing how strict Indra was. It was upsetting after all. He thought they would be a great pair, but better. Friends, a duo? Or even maybe partners in crime for eternity! But who knows? Maybe it's not the time to commit to a bonding relationship with a random guy who’s literally a master of a guild. “I guess we can get going?” He said, looking at the exit of the pub. The boy decided to head out and wait for his partner to leave as well.
    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    Clan Wars Empty Re: Clan Wars

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 27th April 2019, 2:35 pm

    This guy was talking himself into an early grave the way he spoke to Indra. He might hurl some lightning at him later for his lack of attention and importance in this mission. It was probably why he would rather be alone on these things... Not too far, Kage snickered in the background, amused by Indra's irritation.

    The kid seemed like a liability, but as long as he followed his orders-- they should be okay. If not he would use him as a decoy. He made enough noise as one. "Let's get going..." Indra grumbled and marched out of the establishment with his hands in his pockets.

    Kage quickly faded into the dark to follow-- as he loved to be like a ninja.


    It took them a long time to hide out among the trees that overlooked the compound of the estate. The sky had grown dark as they would remain hidden by the shadows. Indra looked out in silence, keeping his calm as he kent along with the trees. From there, it wouldn't be hard for him to scale up the walls that led into the compound. Even Kage couldn't have any trouble since he could fly and be small...

    ... their new associate, on the other hand, didn't seem that one designed for stealth. Indra knew he was a member of his guild, but he knew nothing of his new companion's skills. Or for that matter if he would be a liability or not. For now, he just tried to be vigilant and wait for the next shift change.

    Kage was just as smooth and quiet. In his smaller Exceed form now-- he was perched on a branch and curled up like a cat-- probably easy prey if Zel wanted to try and pet him. It may not end well.

    Indra used his Rairyu Tengan to see at a further distance and saw inside the wall of the outer gardens. His eyes easily saw through solid objects, allowing him to see things others couldn't. From behind the walls, he saw other men in position along the wall, so it was guarded on both sides, even though often spread out. If they made it in during the cover of dark, they would be fine but it depended where they scaled the wall and not be seen. They also would have to make sure they got there before they lit the lanterns.

    "So how we get in, Raijin Sensei?" Kage asked in a lighter tone.

    "We wait for darkness to settle. Right when the shift changes, we move in. Our goal is inside the tower and make our way up. It probably be best if we could scale up the tower if we can-- but i prefer not to be seen airborne." Indra thought aloud, over recent training he gained the ability to fly and even walk on walls.

    "This might be a bad time to ask, but you ... Zel. What exactly is your magic? I hope you are somewhat useful. Can you use your power to at least not be seen?" he asked.

    Time was short, and he needed to be sure this guy would not slow them down. "If need be, you can either follow my lead. Or you can accompany Kage to cause enough of a diversion."

    "Wait-- What?! You're leaving the noob with me?" Kage meowed, his fur up on end suddenly. "I'm a ninja! Not a baby sitter!"

    Darkness soon swept in. Whatever they choose to do, they would need to do it in the next few moments...

    (WC: 622)


    Zel Amara
    Zel Amara

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    Clan Wars Empty Re: Clan Wars

    Post by Zel Amara 4th May 2019, 1:27 pm

    Why is Indra so irritated? Zel thought to himself as he followed the angry guild leader out of the pub. Distracted by the ticklish feeling in his ears he stuck his index finger inside and digged in it while staring off like an immature, an idiot per se.

    Hiding amongst the trees, he crouched behind Indra and looked over his shoulder. Zel tried to be silent and isolated himself from the master’s body to avoid being punished. The boy barrel rolled passed Indra and looked around, raising his hands like a karate maniac. His eye pupils shifted left and right in the corners of his eyes. Checking to see if there's any enemies nearby. Clearly there wasn't any in the first place.

    “Ninjaaaa!” He said in a whispered tone. Being a dick, he just mimicked how dumb a ninja could be. On purposely trying to make fun of Kage without realising it.

    The amateur of the guild, Zel wasn't setting a good example for himself in front of Indra at all. He was neither stealthy or silent. However, he did kept a low profile and took the mission quite seriously. Although he was acting quite idiotic and clowney in the first place.

    Zel was curious, questioning Indra as he spied on the guard's positioning around the wall. The boy didn't really know what he's doing at all. Honestly, he couldn't think that he's useful in this situation. Heck, Zel didn't even take the time to practice magic yet. But that's a secret he kept to himself. In response to Indra’s question about his usefulness his voice stuttered in embarrassment. “Y-Yeah...uh..Yeah, I could do magic….I’d wait for the right moment for me to shine.”

    .... “And probably reach to the Gods..a-and steal immortality for myself...heh..HEH!” Zel said in a greedy expression, rubbing his hands sinisterly. His mind snapped out of it and Zel coughed to avoid suspicion. “Right, uh….might as well stay with this cat thing to avoid getting injured. I don't want to be in the way and get zapped y'know.”

    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

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    Clan Wars Empty Re: Clan Wars

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 17th May 2019, 11:17 am

    Kage let out a soft growl and looked to Zel with a grumpy-cat look. If he was in his full grown form, he would of thrown the kid into an arm lock. He wondered how he even wound up in Rakshasa to begin with, but Kage knew his master despite his tough demeanor and bad ass behavior, had a soft spot too to help those with nowhere to go. "I heard that, noob!" Kage growled and made a mock swipe of his paw.

    Indra just shook his head, his black hair hanging over his face from the motion. Darkness soon was setting as the sun already casted a long shadow over them. If they acted, they could make it just before they illuminated the lanturns and they could move in.

    "Fine then... you follow my lead. If i tell you to guard a station, stay and defend the point of entry. We will go over the east wall. You can climb, right?" INdra asked, a simple question laced with a possibly obvious answer for the kid. "Otherwise, follow my lead and... "

    That was when he started spouting about stealing immortality from god himself, as if to challenge him. Both Kage and Indra looked at him as if he had gone crazy. However, Indra didn't have the energy to really say anything. THe sheer lunacy of his statement made him want to bury his head in the ground.

    "If time permits, you can make your grand entrance on our escape. For now, you better not bring your own death upon you...present company included," INdra replied. "Let's go."

    In a flash of speed, Indra moved in-- and Kage was not far behind as he took flight with his little wings-- but before he turned to Zel. "Don't get too comfy, but you need me to fly you over? Guess I am stuck being your babysitter. But get mouthy and I'll drop you." he said grumpily.

    INdra choose his time right and swept right in as darkness settled. With lightning speed, his movements only leaving a small flash, he easily sprinted across space to the wall and scaled up it fast. As he swept over the wall, he leaned it to not be noticed, now hidden in the shadow of the palace tower. Spying a single guard below, he jumped down-- landing a swift kick to his back.

    The man crashed into the ground without barely a cry and Indra quickly made sure he was out cold. Once he wad done, he made his way to the tower walll, keeping to the shadows as he did.

    So far, so good...

    (WC: 462)


    Zel Amara
    Zel Amara

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    Clan Wars Empty Re: Clan Wars

    Post by Zel Amara 1st June 2019, 4:39 pm

    Zel smiled when he heard Indra spoke about “presents” He clapped his hands and held in a squeal
    “Oh goody! Presents?!” He wondered deep inside his consciousness. For a moment Zel had no clue why he chose this job from the job board anyways. The confused boy looked up at the wall and gulped.

    “I don’t think I have the physical strength to climb a wall.” Zel said as he looked up at the exceed. His face was a lot focused now since he can't let his guild master down during this mission since it was their top priority. "Hey, can you fly me over that wall please?"  He asked the exceed in a polite tone. This time Zel was more into getting the jewels than anything.

    "Right, might as well let you take care of these dudes."  Zel suggested and gave Indra a thumbs up. He then waited for the assistance from Kage. " Sorry of we're can't get along well….but I want to prove worthy as Indra's royal member." He said with extreme amounts of devotion. The boy was concerned if he can be useful in this job. Might as well give a try, he thought to himself.
    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    Clan Wars Empty Re: Clan Wars

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 4th June 2019, 10:28 am

    Kage sighed and shook his head, realizing he was right to assume Zel would need the extra help. He wondered what his magic was, if he had any at all. But that was something he just would have to deal with. He did promise to help and knew Indra was counting on him to see this kid was covered. Useful or not, he was a member of Rakshasa and needed the added help to grow. Reluctant, Kage flew behind Zel and grabbed him around his shirt. Lifting as gently as possible, he flapped his wings and carried him up and over the wall.

    Kage moved swiftly with Indra's movements, hoping to catch up and not be seen. Quick to act, Kage swooped down and made it into the shadows where Indra was. Despite it, Kage still clung to Zel's back like a fuzzy backpack, not intending to let the kid go wild. "Remember... be very , very, quiet..." Kage growled.

    To Indra, the whisper was loud to him, but only cause of his hearing. Now was the moment to get up. As he looked up, he found a balcony three stories above the wall where they stood. He merely gave a point upward, signaling Kage to move upward. As he gave one last turn behind his shoulder to see no guards where nearby... Indra soon shot up as a bolt of lightning. Combining that with his static movement, clinging to the walls with ease, he jumped, hopped and flew up the wall with impressive speed. He cut his lightning short, to not draw attention and reached up.

    With a grab, he caught on to the ledge of the balcony. He soon swung himself over effortlessly and landed in a crouch on the ledge. He listened carefully and besides the wind, he heard no sound from the interior of the room beside him. While he felt their luck to sneak in was probably not going to last forever, at least they got inside... so long as Zel didn't do anything stupid to blow their cover.

    Kage helped the boy fly up now, following his master and keeping his claws tight on Zel-- the occasional pinch of the claws like a cat on its owner was felt by Zel but nothing that would incise any real pain.

    Indra slowly opened the interior doors of the room, sliding doors as many of Midian had. The inside was a well decorated orient design. Likely a dining room, meant for special guests or meetings. The paper walls and smell of sandalwood were clear in the room, marked by the elaborate paintings on the wall that brightened up the room. There were no lamps lit, so the room still was dark, despite the afternoon light that still illuminated the castle.

    If their target was at the top, they probably wouldn't be able to easily avoid guards any more. Indra waited to see where his companions would appear. He couldn't risk going further till he knew they were right behind him.

    WC: 512



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    Clan Wars Empty Re: Clan Wars

    Post by NPC 4th June 2019, 10:28 am

    The member 'Zabertooth' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Clan Wars R2fEWNz

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