Fairy Tail RP

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    Run For Murdered Trees


    Run For Murdered Trees Empty Run For Murdered Trees

    Post by Guest 13th April 2019, 4:47 am

    Leliana had been in Capital Crocus for about five minutes when she had quickly been sought out for a job, much to her unease. She had made it known to most of those that she worked for to keep her name out of the public domain, preferring to remain in anonymity, however, the gentleman was kind enough and talked to her respectfully. It was a simple job and one that she agreed too quickly enough. All that the mage needed to do was travel to a place named Boomslang and pick up some documents although she was given a time limit in order to do it, which meant that she would need to rely on a spirit to make sure she made it in time. So, she summoned her most reliable monster, the fire chicken and clambered up on his back, careful not to pull out any of his feathers. He was still in a good mood after defeating the frog during her last job and was more than happy to show off his skills again here. He waited for her to get comfortable and then took off, tearing down the road, while his summoner did her best to hang on.

    Unfortunately, what the man had not told her was that Boomslang was a club and as the streets became more congested and busy, Leliana began to feel anxious. Her grip tightened on her spirit but he did not complain, understanding all too well about his mistresses's issues with crowds. However, he did pick up the pace and went around the back of the club rather than the front, in order to help sooth Leliana's nerves and banged on the back door. A guard soon appeared and nearly jumped out of his skin when he locked eyes on the six foot bird but after a brief explanation, the documents were handed over and Blaziken started on the journey back. The mage, however, had barely spoken a word the whole time and having to run through the crowds again on the way back was rather frightening for her. The sounds, the lights, even the smell of alcohol stirred up unwanted memories within her and ended up burying her head in to Blaziken's feathers to try and block it out.

    By the time the pair had returned to the man and handed over the documents, Leliana was visibly shaking and almost had to be pulled off of Blaziken, not wanting to let go. Worried, her employer offered her a bed for the night to recover but the mage waved him off and simply accepted her payment, before taking her leave. The important thing was that the job had been completed and although it had caused her more pain than it should have, she had just about managed to do it. She thanked her spirit for his word and he soon disappeared although he showed concern that his mistress should be left alone in the state she was in. Leliana managed to convince him otherwise but he hardly looked convinced as he left and in all honesty, neither was she.

    (518 Words)

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