Fairy Tail RP

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    Run For Murdered Trees


    Run For Murdered Trees Empty Run For Murdered Trees

    Post by Guest 23rd August 2018, 4:09 am


    How had she be drawn in to this again? One minute, she had been standing outside a local betting shop and the next, she was playing delivery girl for the owner of the place. It had all happened so fast but Sarisha had simply gone along with it. He was offering a lot jewels for such a simple task and she could never say no to that. So, she found herself sprinting through the streets of Crocus towards a nightclub named Boomslang. Not a place she had visited before but its reputation spoke for itself. Apparently, it was a bit of madhouse which did not bother her in the slightest. It had only been a week or so since she had last hung around a nightclub, resulting in her knocking out an arrogant idiot who had dared her to ride a mechanical bull. He had certainly regretted that decision and she was pretty sure that she had broken his jaw as well, judging from the sound her punch had made. Well, he had deserved it and had no doubt learned a lesson from it.

    Reaching the place, Sarisha entered without a second thought and soon was having to battle her way through the drunken yobs in order to reach the bar. It was a busy night indeed and more than once did she feel a foreign hand trying to either get a grip on her or her money, however, she was in no mood tonight and after the first couple of tries, she started to get a little more aggressive with her reactions. One poor fool pushed her a little too far and not only did she catch his hand but she sharply forced it back on itself, resulting in a snap and a howl of pain from the drunk. God, men could be absolute pigs sometimes and the purple haired mage was sorely tempted just to blast the place to pieces. She managed to reign in this feeling for now though and simply carried on with her job although she made a mental note to return to the place later and put the drunks in their place.

    By the time she reached the bar, she was was more than a tad annoyed and the barkeep wasted no time in hurrying to the back and giving her the documents that she wanted. With that, she turned away and made her way back out, the drunks having learned their lesson and moving out of her way. She was briefly stopped though by a girl, obviously drunk and clearly out of it. her clothes showing the signs of a rowdy night. Sarisha paused and then led her back towards the bar, sitting her on one of the stools and telling the barkeep to keep an eye on her, promising to return for her later. The Goddess cared little for men but she felt rather more sympathy for females and could see what would happen to the girl if she remained in the nightclub. Sarisha had her magic to fend the idiots off but what did this girl have? Nothing.

    Once that was settled, Sarisha then made her way back out of the bar and sprinted back to the betting shop in order to deliver the documents. The owner of the betting shop was pleased with her effort and gladly paid her what he owed. The job was done but her work for the night was not quite over and without another word, she left the shop and disappeared in to the night.

    (591 Words)

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 9:17 pm